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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 4, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm AST

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to malice the community off to the side, the cool that used to produce outstanding gentleness and integrity. in the pursuit of truth, the strike in gauze like hills, 14 people in hon. units sold in $22000.00 palestinians, now been killed since october, the 7th. the a lot of money in sight, this is allens their life from death. oh, so coming up, a funeral has been held for palestinian mon killed during. is there any raids in the old people in westbank? thousands of people have also been arrest and the leader of has bullet wounds,
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israel, that the closest of any 111 on will be very high off to the kenning of told him i asked me to in bainbridge, the iran premises of commerce respond stopped, at least 84 people are killed in explosions at a ceremony. mocking the anniversary of the assassination of the top come onto the to israel is increasing its bombardments of southern central gauze. the 14 people were killed. nissan eunice sent over night building a house where displaced people was sheltering was among the buildings hit. is there any will planes of what was say bomb the out in the gauzy camp and central garza rescue work is a searching through the rubble for survive is more than 22000 palestinians have now been killed in gaza since israel began to tax in okay, but he is hunting my food and within the past hours. so i'm going uh,
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sounds of explosions across the rough estimate, the man, the coming in from the eastern part of the city where he is the artillery as fillings targeting residential areas in the eastern, part of the also from the western side where a gun boats are firing uh the quotes, the road of rough i city, the very road where people are told to take if they're moving it from uh the uh, the central part of honeymoon is coming through has to be waiting for more updates on the locations and the exact casualties because the exact number of casualty of these explosion, but we're talking about more than 4 tv loud explosions. heard within the past in the past hour or so. but in the center of the area, just within the past hours, the more a residential homes are being targeted and more damaged causes do infrastructure. and main roads in the sense relate or starting of from the southern western side of dated. but it to the western side of the area,
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including older refuge account that as the other bridge. and the say it up as was that came on there could be a boom varden. and since last night and the early hours of this morning, but so far were talking about at least 10 people confirmed a killed in dated by the very area where people were told to avoid getting funds in the refugee comes into central area. there are tens other of injuries were rushed to a lot of hospitals, but from overnight bombings, people are still at the searching under the levels in the breeze refugee camp for more so possible survivors under, under the rebels as it was very difficult for the ambulance. paramedics and the civil crew members on the ground to operate then to, to save people, to during the night, giving the constant selling of the area over night air, striking massive air strikes. they are almo, off the area. this is an evacuation zone. at the western side of china is last week
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in terms of the geography and an area it is stretches of from western updated by all the way through it. off of the city we're talking about it's free for a sense of the total area of the gaza. strip mainly farm land under develop the area for, for people to, to, to, to reside. and so we're looking at 1000 of people have been taking this area since just beginning of the were and as they were instructed by these really military to show to are in it. but they have, they have no access to any of the basic needs. so it's merely not old. make it a shift 10, says the plastic, a 9 on a over there. yeah. the ears director that took place yesterday at the residential homes near this evacuation zone and older of those the degrees the smoke hid the nearby tents injured. many of the people who are inside many children and women, but the very house that was targeted. there were 2 families at sheltering inside
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the residential home about half of family. and the last time they were looking at the vast majority of the 14 people who were killed, our children, the oldest of these are, children is at 9 years old. the youngest is 5 years old or killed, including the parents of these. it's children's that of, of both of the, both families but they were rushed to not that has to go along with the other injuries and more of the people as we were told that within the past hour there's still people under it under the rebels. unfortunately, the people were hoping that they would see a this collection of what's going on. but on the contrary, are we seeing a source of the attacks and there's right, particularly in the central area funerals do to be held in beverly slater owns as they are for a senior. how much the official assassinated in the lebanese capital, as well as lead a house on this role as says that the killing of salary will not go alone said, said hold on, has moved from bayard, of israel's war with some us has reached the southern suburbs of baby boot
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the fight targeting la rudy. the groups mainly during the ban on the political and military stronghold of hezbollah. israel crossed a line, the lebanese armed groups leaders says the crime won't go unpunished. the n y name, the atlas just saw that this was a serious incident, a crime. they hit the root southern subject for the 1st time since 2006. this wasn't his really message, even though it said it wasn't targeting hezbollah and loving on. who believes that in howards believe that has the law is already at war with israel along live in on southern border where they have been exchanging cross border fire. the lebanese group opened the front to help relieve its ally hum us in gaza. but according to no, stella, the fighting will continue to remain calculated and confined to the border that
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could change if israel launches all outdoor menu effect river thing, civil war with us in one word, people regret it because of war with us will be costly until now we are taking into consideration the situation in love and on a national interest. but if war is launched against living on, it will be in the interest of loving on that we enter the war with our full military capabilities. how's the strategy has been a delicate balance of waiting a war without wages one that could cause lebanon, already and financial ruin to pay a high price. israel has threatened to turn big wood into another garza to say, strike was a 1st time as well. hit the 11 east capitol since its last floor was, has been locked in 2006. it was also the 1st time as well hit so deep inside the country since this latest from the seas, with the group triggered by the warrant because of the gun. 3 months ago. israel has been threatening
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a large scale operation in lebanon. if hezbollah doesn't pull back from the border, i ruiz assassination doesn't appear to be a provocation, but it violated the rules of engagement, which means hezbollah will need to restore it's the terrance center for there. i was just data bailed and is riley asked, drawing his scale for has bullet sizes in southern leather known the attack happened in the cora. 5 of the fighters from the lebanese arms group were killed and separate strikes on wednesday. it's one of the most intense 24 hour period of cost $4.00 to $0.05 a one gallon. so began in round con is in bay, which was boulevard. so you confirmed that 4 of the men were killed as an official. and then the cooler region whose son, yes, but and 3 of his colleagues were actually killed now by the attack. came just a few hours off that as well elated us on the throttle as a space for the timing is very interesting. now at least 9 people have been killed
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in 24 hours. this is the most significant period since the tensions escalated on october, the 8th of the masses attacking his rope on october, the 7th. it's a now about trying to contain this conflict with in the southern board is not letting it expand. every diplomatic effort seems to be focused on that. we've had the kind of take a problem. is that the g but kathy also speak to the french farm is that french and american envoys have been shuffling between television and they re trying to keep a lid on all of this stuff. the movies, things go on, the more a miscalculation unless that can be made. whether that's an abstract that goes to fault with the that's a miss all lawrence, that perhaps goes to fall for the is riley's. so it's all right now about diplomatic terms, keeping those diplomatic channels open. but the language coming out from both
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israel and particularly has will, late in beirut, suggest that neither side is willing to back down on with the killing as all the a rear or rory just 24 hours ago. like my colleagues any further said his bullet do have to respond to that the respond time and place of that choosing. but everybody is very concerned about what that response might look like. and what these really retaliation will do. next is they're all says it's intercepted to rockets fired from causative of the city of ask alone multiple project. charles was seen being shot down by israel's and um, ad defend systems. new casualties have been recruited. the 6 year space is heading to the middle east space on thursday, on a trip that is expected to include a stop in israel and to need lincoln's previous trip to israel was during a 7 day pause in fighting lincoln's visit comes at a period of height intention in the region of the killing of a senior,
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i must forget, 11 or or con, has moved from oki party sources. we haven't actually being told anything as to exactly where he'll be going across the middle east. and also exactly when he'll be reaching is where we do know that that has been a lot of pressure from the us on israel, of to bring the war in going back to a somewhat low intensity, especially with such a large civilian desktop. we also know that almost touch stein, it's being sent by us president j fine. he does have plenty of experience in the region to try to calm down tensions which has full us in the know. so that will be the last shuffle of diplomacy going on that out. but it does come also as the it's ready on the spokesperson. daniel had already said that they are right. a lot in milton. it's a possibility of a treat. read appointments from going up towards the border with lebanon. at least
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one person has been killed and several injured during and is really right in the ok pod. westbank one mom was shots in the city of to boss during confrontations with is really forces rates also happening in tucker. i'm in the north shines refugee camp. people have reported thousands of arrests, but it's smith has more at least 20 rates in the occupied westbank overnight. on him, one of them a 29 year old man was killed and that was an a rated to move in the northern west bank. and in the same right, another young man was arrested. as this is a very common talk to bobby's riley's, the young man was arrested to try and make his father give himself up. this is the, this is not the 1st time this young man has been arrested in the old fart. uh, these are very secure supports. he's still searching for his father, but in we have other rights of going on in nor shelves until carmen. those rates in the similar, the same sort of area of not be going on for more than 32 hours. and you talking
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about a can combine population. i'm more than 40000 palestinians essentially locked down while the israelis go house to house rating house. the house they are, as is all usually the case looking for palestinian fighters. people i want to arrest people. i want to question, but it brings life in those comes to hold for now, more than 30 hours, 250 people were detained and had it so far questioned. they've been released, but they're released outside the come so they can't go back in until that raid is over. no indication yet as to when that will happen. right. in president abraham. right. you see on the supreme lead i until the audi. how many have promised what they cooling a hoss was phones off the 2 explosions to dozens of people in the southeast of the country. health officials have revise the desk toll now for a 2nd time. the same, the number of people who died was 84. now this had happened at a cemetery in the city of command during the ceremony at the 2 must be assassinated,
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senior general cut some sort of money. michael apple reports the ambulance is rushed to reach the wounded off to 2 explosions ripped through a crowd of mon is in the city of catamount, in southeast, in your video, shows dozens of bodies with some bystanders trying to help survive, as well as rush for safety tens of thousands of people head flocked to the burial side of one of the runs most prominent military commodities custom. so the money he was killed in the us most solved striking it ok 4 years ago because he's been here for you know living on his bullet, lita praise. so the money calling him crucial to the so called excess of resistance
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against these ro and said his memory remains influential. no one has taken responsibility for the attack. meanwhile, the u. a state department is branded as ridiculous. any suggestions that either it's israel is responsible, buddy runs president abraham, right? you see is unequivocal warning, what he calls the zionist entity that it will pay a price for the cabman, bombing in speculation regarding who is responsible is right. my personal gathering is that this has been history of this has been most thought definitely for me is completely clear. considering big events in the last 10 days. the terrorist attacks they started in damascus, then they invade ruth. now in a ron, how does urge portion until investigations all complete isis have shown that it,
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it is willing to do that. israel might have wanted to, uh, move an escalate that goes to yvonne to force it to do something. uh that might escalate things and get a drag that united states against yvonne that runs government declared thursday a day of morning promising that the country's reaction will be swift and overwhelming. mike level, which is 0 on a house from now, joins us into run out a, have any more details and the just about who was behind this attack as well as the moment. it's more about speculations, however, uranian officials are linking this at the cindy, the rhetoric to a context. whereas that is a situation of regional confrontation. and there might be a regional or international players who have the intention to
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send such the love the messages through wrong. and that's why we had the supreme lead up threatening of a harsh respond in spite the soldiers off across them. so they might need just the same lots that the vice president from the most. but he used to also send threats. he was in get them on today, also the president that brought him right, you seats more on the united states and as well that there is going to be a retaliation. however, the iranian officials to the moment didn't provide any evidence with respect to any accusation. here whether it's for israel or all united states of america or any although a play and the region. but it's we have to take into consideration that you're on witness several of the docs in the past. yes, there were some ice is a tax and in utah and also there are some iranian
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a militant groups that have been launching attacks a few years ago in the hawaii. there was an attack on a ministry, but a, a fall. so in 2017, there was an attack on the iranian fall event that you had to go there was an attack and she had ours on a really just side. so there are different ways and different techniques and this. busy and this a talking and get them on the, the technique. so we have different than that we're, we are waiting for the government to provide a clear picture of what really happened and the devices use to donate and how home at how many devices is and whether it is that audits at the full, on the ground. that's where it's involved in this. these are all you have to be provided for. now what we know is that there are 84 people killed, more than 250 people in judge. and that to model that as a funeral, that's going to be organized for the, for the people who are killed in get them on. and also in all the cities for people
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who are not from the hash and the 1st thing to her on. so head on out is there a race against time on? depends as quick hit west coast rescue is a still searching through rubble as the end of a 3 day window to find the volume is tuesday around the color. the weather is generally set fast for indo china right over the next couple of days. not too much cloud sharing, not pay, but lots of showers there across the western side. south east asia, a 174 millimeters. the freight space of 24 hours. the just around the southern tip of sinatra ram, quotes of the monthly average mindful in only a day that we've seen staggering 114, but let me just
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a frightening 96 now. so it has led to some flooding. the heaviest showers will continue across these parts of the region as we go through friday. move examples just coming. it's quite a loop to southern parts of the many peninsula and a similar picture as you go on 3 sides day. still allows you drive co saying that china sunshine is house full of the philippines and the usual breakfast that was elsewhere for the region. and we have got plenty of showers into central, possible straight dry, right, which was the 8th full, the time, big little area of light pressure. now making some comfortable weather pushing either towards new zealand. but behind that we're not going to see further showers . just come back into those flood, hit pots of eastern new south wells. nothing further north was just shifting farther north is up tools. the northeast easing up to was present. as we go through the next couple of days. shells continue to drive the way across south australia and turning very wet in adelaide. the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the
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welcome back you're watching out, is there a mind if i told the story, is this our israel is intensifying, it's bombardment of central and southern gaza. 14 people have been killed. nissan eunice, an overnight strikes house where displaced people with sheltering was among the buildings hit us extra of states will head to the middle east place home to say on a trip that is expected to include a song that israel sweet lincoln's previous trip to israel. it was during the 7 day pools and slicing. now ahead of that trip, the us national security spokesman john cubby spoke about, as well as targeting of how much leaders in the region. we don't believe that military, it's actually a loaner again with a radically to 90 ology and it's not likely you're going to get rid of every single home us fighter. so in that sense, i mean, you still have to and you still have to reconcile yourself with the fact that there
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may still be some us, a around, even when your military operation is over. that said, what they, what they absolutely can do is around a keep the threat that him us poses to these rarely people. and you can do that by going after level leadership. you can do that by going after their infrastructure. a sofa and bark of doing this on assess again, is professor of public policy at home. i've been hunting for a university. i want to talk to you about those comments by john covey. that the how much audiology cannot be eradicated by minute 3 attacks? is it significant and coming from a senior us official like this? it is, and it actually is the besides in what we, everybody has been saying for a long time that you cannot to attack an ideology by force. but his comments, i find that a little bit because there's victory because on the one hand it says you can't drive, cannot go often, every need to and then it goes back to say, well is there are candidates or the sort of how much by assessing everything is
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leadership, and i think what would that be? much better is to condemn the way that the attack was conducted. this is way outside the war zone that is or has declared with the guys in other software solver and neighboring country. and it is going to open the doors in the box as to what can happen if the nation did not respect that type of 70. so i find that little bit disappointing and not going far enough in the talking to is right about the like the necessity to, to do it the way they've done it. i mean, is there another way of reading into it? could it be the us paving the way for israel to exit the war without having actually killed every how much up? oh, pretend which was the intention. i don't think they care about that they don't think they care about the image after all. what they've done with 22000 innocent people can i don't think it's about saving their face and allowing them to, to exit,
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to the war. it's a, i think the genuine confusion in the whole approach. because now allowing israel designated leaders in 11, and what guarantees does he have that they're not going to go off to new jersey and cutoff or in cherokee and deputy has already, quote un, is riley savage, 30 people. so web gardening, assassination, what stops them from going after need, as in cyprus, in greece and many other capitals. it's a, it is really a very dangerous attempt, particularly that they are still needing that political leadership to negotiate for the hostages. unable to negotiate directly with the assembly gate, and as long as they don't distinguish between these 2, and we're closer with the wish with a punch in the interrupt. and where does this leave the negotiations for hostages? is it, is this taking it further and further away?
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is taking it further further away from being resolved in a way that would spread the lives of these people. and now your country to go on the pedals track of killing the ones you want to talk to. and distributed either other leaders have been up sort of the key in facilitating the talks between up to some and as well. and i think it's going to come to the expense of these hostages. it's really interesting to get your perspective. so to invite a cat, professor of public policy at home, i've been coming for university thing. okay, let's take a look at some of the world news making headlines and drones strongly because were supposedly targets in the headquarters of an iran backed islands group in the rocky capital baghdad. this is, according to the reuters news agency. these 2 fighters have been killed and 5 of is wounded in east. in fact that it's unclear who is responsible for the attack. the now transcripts of communication between ad traffic control and 2 planes that
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collided at a tokyo airport. this week has sun only the japan airlines passenger jet was given permission to be on the runway. occurs, gone plane was preparing to take off from the same runway when the boss, a 350 landed and hit the smaller aircraft getting 5 people on board. the transcript shows that the coast gone plane have not been played for take off or the pounds probably minutes. different mucus either says emergency teams are in a race against time to save. people still trapped off the mondays at craig destroyed hundreds of buildings in the west of the country. these 81 people are known to have died off the shocks in bad weather. i have hunted rescue efforts out of there is units came, travel to a hard hit area in the north of north peninsula. us on our way to the most affected areas of know to a peninsula were met by
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a road closure. now in driving on local roads, i'm not sure how long it will take along the way. we see several homes abandoned and leveled, and long lines at petrol stations siren sound as ambulances from across the main island of when she reese to rescue people in need of me. a warning for itself . there was a 5.5 magnitude tremor in nearby. we finally arrived at north coast some 30 kilometers south of the epicenter of that point where many elderly people call home . they tell us they were simply shocked at the level of destruction with so many structures needing to be visual. it feels like how many kites, utah is one of the lucky ones, though, his barber shop, the 5 decade sustained some structural damage and the water is off. it's still standing after a massive earthquake. and so you know me warning on monday had he to with that and
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his wife raised to a shelter. they're only just coming to check on the shop. he says they'll stay and he helps other as well as well. where are you going? because i will get that means were cleaning up outside my toes and not damaged. when the water comes. i think i might work a little longer. i'm 81 and a half years old now. healthy and my hands the vic. so my kind of these nice tens of thousands of buildings were reduced to rubble and the magnitude 7.6 tremor. and it's feared many people are still waiting for rescue. in some areas are inaccessible due to demolished roads. in susie with one of the highest casualty, counts supplies are so low that this evacuating says he's only had one cup of water in 3 days. leaders have appealed for help to get here faster. elsewhere in the city,
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a man watches workers carry out his wife's body from what has been their home, a loss that cannot be undone by the line of ambulances and fire trucks. finally into the disastrous and eunice kim, alda, 0 know to japan. troops have been deployed across fund guy dash ahead of general elections on sunday. the on the says, it's that to keep the peace but it will take action. if election officials also get to the may not position policies, boy costing the vote of the problem is to shake casino rejected the demand that she should resign and how and how to a neutral authority. she's running for 4 consecutive time. ukraine and russia have exchanged hundreds of captives so which is in the largest prison the swamp for months exchange shows that even as


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