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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 4, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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a say evelyn inspected fishing net and the catch the boat for bringing up some fish and we're not too happy with their presence. and we will need to know mean that a send me the on is really strong. can going as a kills 14 people in fun, eunice move in 22300 public opinions have been killed since october. the 7th. the my mother inside this is out there a knife and oh, so coming up, the lead of hezbollah warns israel, the cost of any war and $11.00 on will be high off of the killing of 12. how much later in beverage the at least one palestinian has been
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killed in urban noise? is there any raids on the pod? westbank the the role and promises the hoss respond itself to at least 84 people are killed in explosions at a ceremony? mocking the anniversary of the assassination of a total command on a race against time on japan's. if quake hit west coast, rescue is a still searching through russell as the end of the 3 day window to find survive as the we begin in golf. so where israel has been ramping up, it's months long on the strip. it's been heavily talk thing, southern am central areas. 14 people were killed near hun, eunice, an overnight foaming. the house, sweat displaced, people with sheltering was among the buildings hits. i mean,
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well is there any will play in several same phones the out and the gauzy compton. central garza rescue workers have been searching through the rubble for survivors. over $22000.00 palestinians have now been killed in gauze us since israel began its attacks in october. gauls has taught municipal official, says they are major shortages, basic necessities he's been appealing for more a to be less than 5 people. so then once it's done, what is the most most, most of what is available for the people because of what people with most of the treatment and also for addiction. one of the waste water is when you can discrete to speak now to honey mcnair. he is live in alamo wasi in southern gaza. you will in one of the last
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areas people have been pushed into rights up against the board of with egypt. and yet even now they are feeling the deputies from explosions. yes, in the done for the past, the 45 minutes, we've been seeing people the lee and the central park clean the wars on in the refugee county the uh city uh for and and do a rough ice city here. the last point that the county evacuated to it's important to point out, this is the last point in the southern part of the guster, where people can evacuate. do anything after that will means the crossing over. do de gyptian a side where in which feet a lot of people here. 3 do not hold, this is going to happen on what they are hopeful for is an end to this for. a and their ability to go back to their homes in the central part, garza and in the part of the of district but so far was seeing 1000 people entire
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families are lee and very under heavy bombardment. these 2 are within the past 2 days in doors, the intensity and the largest scale, the magnitude of artillery, southern guns, massive airs, right? counting the entire central part of from the refugee camps on my ivy on the fly out as well as the city of dillard bella in which within the past week or so were told to evacuate to, in order to avoid being bombed in those areas. but they were getting bombed and were killed in the very area that they were told it is safe for them just something that it shatters, they need a sense of safety for people and losing more. trust and beach is really a narrative. that is the best describe as james selder. they describe it as dangerous falls there at the evacuation zones. did not exist in the gods for thousands of bout. there's little really not a single safer place in the gaza strip. not, no hospital has no homes,
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not even schools or evacuation centers. kind of protects people from a deep call and uh, they only predictable fall in bonds on top of this. it lack of in a sense of the sense of the safety and security. there is also the lack of a basic necessities we're talking about a small area here so that an open largely stand area under developed part of it is farmed land, but it doesn't have any of the basic necessities that could help. it displays the people at surviving the, the terrible living conditions that live, for example, access due to food is very, very strict access to drinking water is also strict. in fact, the au number weight uh, covering good. this part, the fact that the people where we saw people the queueing in lines and were told they've been there since they're in the hours of the morning just to get one gallons of water. on top of this, there is a, a, of the sort of an installation going on in terms of a price that people are very,
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remember people lift their homes without any of their belongings, but along the cash flow in their pockets that could help them survive. but the lack all of all of these things and make it very difficult in some of the items are that have been doubled in terms of price is others are tripled in with, with no payroll going on and with no cash flow, it's becoming very difficult to secure the most basic needs for them to survive these living conditions so far we're seeing patterns of not only destruction and death, but an accumulating misery and suffering for every single it displays. palestinians, honey, my names that for us in all my wasi in southern gaza. thank you. to me while i is rel, says it's intercepted to rockets fired from gaza over the city of ask alone multiple projectiles was seen being shot down by israel's, on the ad defend systems. new casualties have been recruited. the us next year of
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states will depart to the middle east slater this past day on a trip that's expected to include a storm in israel and the blankets. previous trip to israel was during a 7 day pause in fighting lincoln's present, comes at a period of heights intention in the region, also the killing of a senior. how mosque vega in 11 on let's go to a correspondent laura con, who's unoccupied east jerusalem. so as we've been reporting us up to your state thinking, arriving at a time of great escalation in the region, what are we expecting from him? well, great types of excavations, but also sites and diplomacy. he will be coming to the middle eastern countries and also to israel. it is his fault visits to the region. they have given us many details around his visit just yet. so we're still waiting to hear from that one
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present to the account for is us. and boy, i'm a touch screen. he's being sent by us president j white and as the 1st and boy to join in a different logic engagement in israel's northern pulled up with 11 on the has been pro class going on between has fuller and israel. and that is only becoming multitudes off to the death, all the talk from us official sala. i wrote a note, it is going to be a tough job. he does have experience in the region. he was here in 2022 to resolve a maritime dispute between that. but on an israel, he's been sent a get box there. awesome. very tough off. essentially from israel. they're asking his boss to hold knowles to step away to the folder and find to at the defense. i'm gonna set you up on the set, the people, the 10s of thousands of people who's being evacuated at from the northern israel were ton, unless they've pushed foot 1st to columbus of north stupid matoney river at so that
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already spelling out the kind of border that they're looking for from his bullet, it's highly unlikely that has spelled out will reach the buttons last press conference. benjamin netanyahu made it fear that if diplomacy doesn't work, then he will take minute treat that just so that will be some form of escalation itself of what? again, a very tough job for the invoice. thank you for that. laura. com, that person ok. parties, risdon funerals, used to be held in bay room slice a on thursday for a senior. how about us official assess assassinated in the lebanese capital as well as nita has in this role that says the killing of sally, or we will not go on on, said st. ahold, a report from beverage. israel's were with him, us has reached the southern suburbs of baby boot the fight targeting. so i rudy,
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the groups mainly during the ban on and the political and military stronghold of hezbollah. israel crossed a line, the lebanese armed groups. leaders says the crime won't go unpunished. the n y name, the atlas just saw that this was a serious incident, a crime. they hit the root southern suburb for the 1st time since 2006. this was in his really message, even though it said it wasn't targeting hezbollah and 11 on who believes that. and howards believe that hezbollah is already a tour with israel along loving on the southern border, where they have been exchanging cross border fire. the lebanese group open the front to help relieve its ally. hum us in garza, but according to the throttle, the fighting will continue to remain calculated and confined to the order that could change is, is well, launches all outdoor menu effect. however, thing civil war with us in one word, people regret it because of war with us will be costly until now we are taking into
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consideration the situation in loving on a national interest. but if more is launched against living on, it will be in the interest of lebanon that we enter the war with our full military capabilities. how's the boiler strategy has been a delicate balance of waiting a war without wages one that could cause lebanon? alrighty and financial ruin to pay a high price. israel has threat to turn baby boot into another garza to say strike was a 1st time as well. had the 11 east capitol since its last floor was, has been locked in 2006. there was also the 1st time as well hit so deep inside the country since as late as from the hospitality with the group triggered by the warrant because of the gun. 3 months ago. israel has been threatening a large scale operation in lebanon. if hezbollah doesn't pull back from the border, i ruiz assassination doesn't appear to be a provocation, but it violated the rules of engagement,
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which means hezbollah will need to restore. it's the parents center for their elders ita bailed. and is really as strongly cuz killed 5 has bowler. fighters in solving 11 on the attack happened in the quarter. 5 all the sizes from the lebanese on group were killed in separate strikes on wednesday. that's one of the most intense 24 hour periods across 4 to 5 for so who on golf and began around con is in very typical and we know that there was a local come on, doesn't quite important local come onto the scale along with his associates about 5 of them in that particular strike and then in separate strikes, another 5 people killed, bring me up to 10 in the last 24 hours. now this is a dangerous moment is not quite an escalation, but it is something that is concerning the international diplomatic community. there is intense shuffled diplomacy going on. it's being led by the us and from us
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between 1030 and 11 on moving forward. trying to make sure that the conflict is actually doesn't escalate how to control. this is a very delicate political negotiation, but it was so cook overwhelmed very easily. if there was a misfire saying these right strikes, it's a i'm a senior. come on to, oh, if that is a misfire from living on or even a direct attack on a is really board a post. it's very, very difficult that we're hearing a lot of reports from that area is ready positions being increased on that side of the board. as bullets are on high alert as well. so is it incredibly 10 situations? but uh, as bullet are all very good at this, and they understand that they need to keep everything contained a because they don't want a real escalation to spill over into the lebanese territory. into the capital head, they route to, but they all and they know that the is really that needs really,
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aggression has to be responding through and that includes the killing. i saw the a rated that happened just 24 hours ago. now that's something that is very interesting because as you're heading, my colleagues as well as in this world like liter has vowed to respond. and everybody is wondering what that response is going to look like. well, how does there a senior political analyst model engine bossard is here in the studio with us a certain model and been hearing from various correspondence in the region, a lot of moving parts going on at the moment. i want to start with the killing of sol that i'll be worried because his funeral takes place in a matter of hours. a given the attention we're seeing in the region. what are you expecting from that funeral and the supporters of sol out a how do i well, clearly there is, uh there's some serious morning happening among the mouse and its
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followers because this was a blow to the organization and it's both political and made it to the way it's also a blow to his beloved because it's happened under its guys if you went under its control within its area of influence and beautiful. there was a violation of lebanese sovereignty, but there was also an undermining of hezbollah was influenced and prestige in the country so on and all this probably will lead to a rhetorical escalation in the hours to come into days to come. because we're also eventually lead, as we heard from no sir, all of the heads of hezbollah, that, that wouldn't be a good for task. moving forward with your head that said, we're going to hit you there. you expand here, we're going to expand that on so on, so forth. right? so when you say tit for tat it, you know, the concern has been very much that there will be an escalation of why the regional escalation. that's not where you're talking about what this is,
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what it gets tricky. right? so on the one hand, you looked at the uh, sphere yesterday in the region of the geo politics of its so it's a sofa moving parts. and you, you see an assassination attempt to deal with you see an explosion in this southern iran. you see that genocide continue to, i'm traveling guys, you'll see more of the same in the west bank. and you get the sense that there are guys that are in store and that there are gathering dark and clouds over the region . right? so on the one hand, there are some serious excavation happening in israel and palestine and 11 on also in the red sea. but do they come together as a pattern? why didn't the war and bring in or implicate here on of the united states? that's what it gets tricky. so one can analyze was setting what the record educated
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analysis. but one also has to do some educated guessing. right. my sense is that the way the united states pulled one over its aircraft carriers out of the eastern mediterranean. and the way the uranium had been trying to make sure to make clear that they are not interested in the original war. that there are almost like messages being transferred between one and washington. that we don't want to go to original war. but in terms of the radians, how much pressure is on them. uh, i mean, as you say that it's, it's been contained up till now, but they must be domestic pressure growing to look like they're doing something of the domestic. i'm on a recorded domestic. i would correlate within the ranks of the pollution that a guards within the ranks of the stablish monday. would it be? i think it ranges in general. my understanding is that the one for that's the last
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thing when it renews. want to date, as long as not doing that, when it cannot make less speaking politically speaking, and other forms as well, and the stablish months understand that the one is not interested in the original more. i think the united states biden, despite his unconditional support, these right, does not wanna drive to the united states, especially in the election year to another regional award when he presumably committed to anything before it ever was. so my understanding is washington, not that on one to distance themselves from getting complicated in regional white war. but that does not mean that the ongoing escalation on the is a lebanese border and beyond now reaching bill and the a driving genocide in guys. and what is happening in that, i'd see when not eventually make more of a general report about regional risk writing. but for the time being,
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i would say that the macro picture looks a bit more contained while the micro picture is getting out of control. it is, it is very tricky to try and decipher the various parts here out. is there a senior political and this more one discharge? thank you. well, at least one person has been killed and several engine during and is there any rate in the occupied westbank? one mind with shots in the city of 2 baths during confrontations with is there any forces? res, also happening in took room in the north shelves of refuge account. people have reported thousands of arrests and it's smith has moved from ramallah, at least 20 rates in the occupied westbank overnight on him, one of them a 29 year old man was killed and that was an a rated to move in the northern west bank and in the same right, another young man was arrested as much as
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a very common talk to bobby's riley's. the young man was arrested to try and make his father give himself up. this is the, this is not the 1st time this young man has been arrested in the old far it's uh, these ready security policies still searching for his father, but in we have other rights of going on in nor shelves until carmen. those rates in the similar, the same sort of area of not be going on for more than 32 hours. and you talking about a can combine population. i'm more than 40000 palestinians essentially locked down while he is riley's go house to house rating house. the house they are as is all usually the case looking for palestinian fighters. people i want to arrest people. i want to question, but it brings life in. those comes to a hold for now, more than 30 hours, 250 people were detained and had it so far questioned. they've been released but they're released outside the come so they can't go back in until that raid is over
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. no indication yet as to when that will happen. right in president abraham. right . you see on the supreme, lita, i a told a highly how many have promised will they cooling a hoss respond salt this to explosions? killed dozens of people in the se. if the country health officials have revised the death toll for a 2nd time. and now saying the number of people killed is 80 full, to be attack happened at a cemetery in the city of command during the ceremony of the team of the assassinated senior general, cuz some sort of money, michael, apple reports ambulances rushed to reach the wounded off to 2 explosions ripped through a crowd of mon is in the city of catamount, in southeast, in your video, shows dozens of bodies with some bystanders trying to help survive, as well as rush for safety. tens of thousands of people head flocked to the burial side of one of the runs most prominent military commodities,
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custom sold them on that he was killed in the us most, sol striking it. ok. 4 years ago, test has been edited for living on his beloved lead to appraise. so the money calling him crucial to the so called excess of resistance against these ro and said his memory remains influential. no one has taken responsibility for the attack. meanwhile, the u. a state department is branded as ridiculous. any suggestions that either it's o israel is responsible? buddy runs president abraham, right? you see, is unequivocal warning, what he calls the zionist entity that it will pay a price for the cabman, bombing speculation regarding who is responsible is right. my personal gathering
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is that this has been history of this has been most thought definitely for me. this completely clear considering base events in the last 10 days, the terrorist attacks they started in damascus, then they can be rude. now, in a run, how does urge portion until investigations all complete isis have shown that it, it is willing to do that. israel might have wanted to, uh, move an escalate that goes to iran, to force it to do something. uh that might escalate things and get a drag van ida states against yvonne who runs government dictates thursday the day of morning promising that the country's reaction will be swift and overwhelming. mike level o d 0 must bring you some other world news now and it's right and strongly because target to the head causes or if and iran back to arms groups and they are rocky
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council baghdad. least 3 people have been killed. 2 of those can deals with members of the populace mobilization forces, which is an umbrella group of she and the dishes. 5, all the members were injured. she administrative talbot to us bases and assets in iraq. since israel's more on garza, the us has launched a number of strikes invitation. us republicans have threatened some flaw. government funding of a migration crisis sent the southern border, which they blame on president joe biden. house beacon mike johnson, on 64 republican representative visits it. officials that ego pos in texas off too, as they describe the situation as k. o. b us has seen a surge of migrants crossing from mexico with numbers breaking records every month . a transcript of communication between ad traffic control and to planes that collided at
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a tokyo airport. this week has shown only that japan airlines passenger jet was given permission to be on the runway. okay. is gone, plane was preparing to take off on the same runway when the apple, a boss, a $350.00 landed and hit the smaller across, killing 5 people on board. the transcript shows that the coast guard plain had not been cleared for take off japan's prime minister says emergency teams in a race against time to save people still trumps off to mondays of quake destroyed, conference of buildings in the west of the country. it's 82 people and known to have died. you guys can travel to notate peninsula on our way to the most affected areas of know to a peninsula, were met by a road closure. now in driving on local roads, i'm not sure how long it will take along the way. we see several homes abandoned
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and leveled and lun lines at petrol. stations, sirens, sound as ambulances from across the main island of when she reese to rescue people in need of me. a warning for itself. there is a $5.00 magnitude tremor nearby. we finally arrive at no tow some 30 kilometers south of the epicenter of that point where many elderly people call home. they tell us they were simply shocked at the level of destruction with so many structures needing to be 0. it feels like how many kite utica is one of the lucky ones, though his barber shop, the 5 decade sustained some structural damage and the water is off. it's still standing after a massive earthquake. and so you know me warning on monday had heated with that and his wife raised to a shelter. they're only just coming to check on the shop. he says they'll stay and
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he helps others will as well. are you going because i will get that means we're cleaning up outside my toes and not damaged when the water comes. i think i might work a little longer. i'm 81 and a half years old. now. healthy a my hands though, they still are kind of these and that's tens of thousands of buildings were reduced to rubble and the magnitude 7.6 tremor and it's feared many people are still waiting for rescue. in some areas are inaccessible due to demolished roads. in susie with one of the highest casualty, counts, supplies are so low that this evacuate says he's only had one cup of water in 3 days. leaders have appealed for help to get here faster. elsewhere in the city, a man watches workers carry out his wife's body from what has been their home, a loss that cannot be undone by the line of ambulances and fire trucks. highly in
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to the disaster, them. unit skim, alda 0, know to japan. right. that's it to me, molly, inside weather coming up next and inside story off of the killing of the top. how much lead in beverage will change the cost of the gospel, december the the hello. but they still have a little bit of unsettled weather across the western positive honda to i to quite executive cost. but i think it's just a bit of drivers to go through the next couple of days this area of low pressure. but we'll just continue to ease outs into the open motors of the north west pacific and this next one will eventually push some right statements. now, of course, the final phase to china. i think that was northern parts of japan, cekada 6. and she has a steep one or 2 shares. you can see there for western areas of homes yourself. is
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that a base generally try drive that fully cramped into that. why not too bad? the full body tank on the mouth side. shank, calling west to weather, just pushing it across the southwest southern parts of china as we go through the next couple of days. and it'll just step a little further east was by that stage. as you can see, cooling off summer inviting, struggling to get above freezing here. it's still pretty cool across an open places in the pushing up into a foxy style. but we have got some chevry right into the central plains and that will continue to just push a little further east with the 10s folk and the smoke seeming somewhat. but it's still going to be the habits season of coal. so that tiny established down to a southern india and also shells retarding into sal lanka. not too many sure. i was in the full costs across the raven peninsula. but we have got some rain around the live and, and snow for the caucuses. the, the examining the impact of today's headlines this year with the
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destruction of your everything, international filmmakers and world class john. unless you're saying that these laws actually encourage more violence, 7 personal stories for a global audience. this is my, you house, this is way what these are 15 foot side of the phrase us from our culture. open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on how does era will the assassination of a top come off later and they route to change the close of the one garza as well. stands accused of kenning sound a little bit and has all a stronghold in the netherlands capital. so what will the reaction be? this is inside story. the .


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