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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  January 4, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm AST

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the year of the destruction of your everything. international filmmakers and world class john, unless you're saying that these laws actually encourage more violence. 7 arsenal stories for a global audience. this is my, you house. this is way what these are 50 foot side of the phrase us from our culture. open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on that, i'll just say era. will the assassination of a top come off see that and they route changed the coast of one garza as well. stands accused of kenning, sound a little bit and has all a stronghold in the netherlands capital. so what will the reaction be? this is inside story. the
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hello and welcome to the program. i'm elizabeth put on him as being seen as a major blow against him off his leadership, the assassination of the deputy chief solid ludy code signal. a new approach might as well to us one, gaza. the top come on to was killed and 11 on capital in a drawing strike, raising the risk of financing well beyond the strip. israel has neither confirm nor the non its involvement, but said the strike was notion to attack against 11 on maybe 3 months into israel's warmed gaza, all the way to just killing the lucky intensify hostilities between is right and come off. so how will this affect the close of the war, and will the conflicts expand beyond the existing areas? we'll explore these issues with, i guess, to the moment, but for us this report by katia lopez, 40 on the assassination of how much the seconds most powerful commander sally alo, brewery could be a game changer. 8 is killing, and a june strike on her mazda is bureau, in the root could signal and new front stretching well beyond israel's war,
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on gauze, shortly after his death, how mas warrant. it will retaliate, who i'm alone, it'll have be your own. it's an active terrorism in every sense of the word. it's also a violation of live in a sovereignty, a violation that represents an expansion of these rails aggression against people end of nation design. hist occupation is completely responsible for any repercussions. fee is really government has not taken responsibility for the strike, but it says all from us leaders in or out of the gospel strip our targets, following the october 7th, the tax as $1.00 of the founders of how mazda is military, we re helped to build closer ties between tomas and gaza and hezbollah in lebanon. his assassination is a blow to both, and a widely seen as a warning to iran and its proxies. this is not something that is going to
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resolve any of the major issues here. if you get a full lot more between, as well as are they gonna have a lot of destruction on both sides of eventually going to have to have as far as the death of, of rover. he will likely complicate if not, and sees fire negotiations between israel and hum off along with any deals to release hostages. israel has a long history of killing top from us commanders. now the strike in the center of husband, last leadership 11 on the, appears to signal a change of military strategy across the occupied westbank. supporters of a re, quote for revenge, think has to will help strengthen their resistance against is room. as we always say one, the there is going, more leaders is coming. so this is not the end. and the if they killed one of the leaders, more leaders and more, the police, cnn will take the flag guns,
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will continue the, the fighting against disaggregation. some analysts say this try catch, shaking him off as leadership and embarrass, has the leaders and living on the focus now turns to whether they will retaliate against israel and whether that could lead to a wider conflict. katia a little bit. so again, l to 0 for insights, story that spring in august and they root is my high yeah. head director of the kind of the middle east center and said on is mohammed around a professor at the university of set on an assemble is tell me i am director of defense of islam and globe if it is at the is done the design university a very warm, welcome to all of you, miss. yeah, yeah, i'll begin with you and be rude. how could a drawer and have carried out this attack in nothing on how could it have stayed in lebanese a space long enough to have done it?
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it's clear that there is some sort of a security breach uh from, from us, from, from the information we've covered so far. if that it was a drone attack, it was a company by someone on the ground pointing to where the parchment at, which understood i really was at that particular moment. please. this is the primitive information we've got. it's here. um it's, it's not that difficult. unfortunately, to breach 11, use bare space in parts because of the week, most of every of defenses in the country. so it wouldn't be that it's not the 1st time and unfortunately, i doubt it to be the last. okay, mr. merante how's this attack being viewed in ted on the killing of an ally and not just any ally but the man known as the go between 2 resistance groups linked to yvonne moss and has bala, a well, it is very significant. he was viewed and iran as
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a hero for the resistance in palestine. he's had a very difficult life as a result of the threats made by this re, the regime as well on one this right of the regime about any strikes. so uh, the assumption is that uh that there was always a fear that he would be alternately targeted lebanon is, of course they have a place where he is right. and these have infiltrated uh, the cut the country for many decades. and it's not very surprising that this is, has been carried out. but even though this was a blow, but i don't think it's going to have any impact on the way in which you run supports the resistance, whether it's in gaza or elsewhere. the,
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the structures that exist and the cooperation that exists between the running the resistance groups and in particular i'm us, is a very long term. and there are many people involved, so it was a blow. but when we look at the genocide that's taking place in gaza and the bigger picture. mm. uh there is much else also going on and especially with the bomb explosion that we saw in iran to the on the anniversary a when a general cost him suddenly money was murder and by the americans. many here are also many here. also believe that is right, the intelligence could have been working together with elements of isis to carry out the bomb attack in iran, which killed almost a 100 people. okay, mr. i'll be on an as tom who will be hearing from my other guess that this isn't and a surprise, and certainly the way that it was carried out that it was able to happen isn't
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a surprise either. but why do you think that as well as not taking responsibility for it, despite stating many times that it would do precisely this that it would target time off? lead is wherever they are. this is opinion only is really low. the operation is what it has carried out in the past has since the or so almost 3000 assessing nations, sometimes they make us destinations. people don't even know that they have been us as a nation. so i think this was just normal desk, but it was a planned, assessing nation by the highest members of the government. we gotta know that we're not dealing with a normal state. you were dealing with against or with bodies, with people who are well thing they are beyond any law dimension lower. otherwise, we're talking about people who assessing a people 4 assume the, eliminating them as being threat or as sometimes being perceived as
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a threat. so this is not surprising and let's to keep in mind that the agent governments, since day one after the the 7th operation have been threatening, that they will go after many how mostly those terms of a mist fully. they also said even before october 7th, that he was not the number one target. all right, let's try it. how do you expect hezbollah to respond to this? they have said that this cannot go without punishment. has been the leader has, has a method. all that has said in the past that any attempt to assassinate anyone 11 on would be crossing a red line. i think she's one of the we go about this quite carefully. they, today they're, if it's quotes between a real kind of hard to place. there is a need to respond, especially as this is the 1st attack in the, in southern they moved us since 2006, there's been an equation of determines where a, you know, you bump a root,
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we bumped to let the long side the we bought high for it kind of a city for city, a citizen forces as an equation, which frankly says october 7, hezbollah has actually to refrain from that and part to because they do not want to escalate matters and do not want to drag loveland on into an old off tor, i think jobs consideration continues today. so i mean, we're going to sit and listen to save customer for lot in 2 hours he will be speaking about there's my expectation is that he will exhibit all the anger, all the sorrow, a district talk that smoke forgets. i mean, kind of thing. indeed there's going to come, i see there's with kids but also, and this some companies civilians, uh who were either passing by or lives in the same building were also killed or injured. yeah, you follow between a, between a rock and a hard place. what about the lebanese government, the lebanese foreign minister has said that they have told hezbollah to not respond
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. this has to be something that comes from 11 on itself, just how difficult a position is the lebanese government. and now let me just government is also wondering if, yeah, it isn't a difficult position, but it's also already saying that it's way it's going to take this to the security council and requests some sort of an investigation of the security council of un that of needs government, it's only option is really to try and to the international uh system, whether it's via the u. n. or other systems to ask for some sort of accountability for this attack. so far has been a lot of sense. i suspect that there will be some sort of the response. they need to respond, but it will not be at a scale. thatwill risk driving 11 on into an old loud conflict. as i said earlier, they've been trying very hard to kind of balance this out. so just keeping uh, you know, the altercations along the border without uh, getting into
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a regional. and when i was confident to it should have regional, as well as international repercussions. okay, mr. mirandi, israel assassinated a top, come on to an ron's revolution regard. in the suburbs of the syrian capital damascus recently side, the guy's name was avi. he was also reported to have been a case of, you know, in what's known as the axis of resistance, which includes a moss and has bella. all these kennings pushing pressure on iran to respond. what definitely they put pressure on the ron, and he was definitely involved in supporting from us and hezbollah, another resistance groups. but i think the more important issue in eyes of you, ronnie and says that this is just another reason why the writings believe that there's right, the regime is completely legitimate. it's not only carrying out a, a genocide and gaza. it's not only counting on mass killings in the west
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bank, but it's also constantly bombing syria during that dirty warren, syria was supporting isis and outside the alongside the goal on heights. it is, it's constantly violated slapping is the air space. it's carried out terrorist attacks and 11 on and it, and as you point out, it murder that in the running general. and it carries out a terrorist attacks and you run and write today. the many fingers have pointed to the united states and the as well because of their longstanding relationship with elements of isis. and they believe that to find this on most probably these terrace came into the country. so iranians are saying that this regime is not just a problem for the policy, and people is not just a tragic, a tragedy for the people of palestine, but as long as apartheid exists in west asia, we're not going to see stability anywhere in west asia. and therefore,
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the nature of the regime in palestine and israel has to change fundamentally. all right, mr. alada, on we've seen the outfront of grief in different parts of the occupied westbank. for example, the following, mr. louise coming, how much of the of a loss as he to him off, but also to the palestinian political saying he was known to have pushed for unity with within power study infections was for thought for example, certainly shift sort of raise been one of the leading forces for unity among 1st thing in the groups, particularly with fedex and other national groups. it's also been delayed is on, has been pointed out with other resistance groups outside that it's done, particularly feasible on your stomach. do you have there's also been a unifying figure in many instances before as he was leading thomas's effort for national communities. so he is considered one of the icons of bodies standing in
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need those, particularly in the past few years. and he has also been a spokesperson for the west bank in terms of how may i ask, who was leading, how may i swing across the west bank. and he was also coordinating among many resistance groups as well as the operations within west bank. so he's being, as i said, he's going to be great loss. but i think thomas also has been able to be a disciplined group where they can quickly replace their leaders. they have cost today didn't this over time where they can replace uh, need those who have fallen during the the this plugin where they can very quickly get other leaders to step in and continue the much thoughts resistance less. yeah. given that loss can replace is leaders, and many analysts have said since october,
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the 7th that it's as well as the objective of the facing come off illumination come on, as they say is simply not possible could as well be looking for symbolic victories with assassination. such as this st experience shows us destroying organizations of this nature, practically impossible and destiny achieve knox. and the way is where it is going about it's, i mean it's just campaign is not going to bring the end about the end of the, of the organization such as how much, uh, is there a to try this in 2006 and 11 of which was the last we saw where that ended. so i think these kinds of symbolic skills are important to, for as a way of to say it's doing something. let's not forget that until this moment. no one really has been held accountable for, for what is seen as probably the biggest security breach and in the country and decades. huh. so there's been no political accountability nor any kind of
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accountability within the security services. so there isn't needs to name some when i'm to say we're taking care of the matter. we're addressing this issue will be on bombing the hell out of gusto. right? um, i know where that is declared, that's bullet house leadership, whether in ga so or in uh, in countries around the world, are you able to just to me it targets as far as that is concerned, mister vondik. do you think that as well would go off to other mosley does elsewhere in the region and casa, for example, or to a kid even though caught her, is a, is as a close relationship with the united states, took you as a member of nato. i wouldn't put anything beyond the as riley regime, but so far turkey or talked to you hasn't done really much against this way the wishing they continue to do business. as usual. turkey exports $7000000000.00 of goods to the regime and oil flows through turkey from barcode to as well.
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so i think that the is right of these would probably like to preserve that relationship with turkey. of course, the iranians have been insisting that turnkey break off that relationship. but i do think what your previous guess may have may be quite true. i don't know what the future holds, but there's really regime has lost this war. there is no doubt about it. in gaza, the resistance happened to her mouse and its allies. they've done extraordinarily well. uh and uh, yeah, i mean is blocking is riley ports has by law is forcing 200000 and to at least to, to leave the north. mm hm. it may be that the under pressure is rarely use for involved in the bomb attack and you're on an informal sources and as well could tell the public that we punish iran. we, we murdered a senior concert official and then we obliterated gaza. so that would be in victory
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and they would try to ultimately it make the public a try to make these riley public accept this as a victory. what uh, but again, it remains to be seen what happens in the near future days and weeks. you say that is around this, not winning this war. and yes, it's the palestinians who are paying the biggest prize more than $22000.00 palestinians killed. most of them, women and children. mister idea and i could see you wanting to come in earlier. let me ask you this. how do you think you saw it allergies? death might impact the negotiations if not to end the war, but at least a cease fire, especially given that he was seen as having been involved in the indirect towards k to in the end direct tools that were mediation by contra in egypt. and i think is what is going on the tree and they didn't know how to climb down. that could be the ladder by which they can clamp the $53.00 and leave. i wouldn't put the low stuck
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on this, but this one of the save is taking place right now because certainly they couldn't achieve none of the objectives they set out for themselves. they couldn't certainly devastate or enter mass. uh they couldn't uh, disarm, come as they couldn't win any significant admitted to the victory. they're still rockets going on almost from the, from cause a daily, even from the areas where they said they had occupied there. still, i'm not able to free any of their captives in the hands of the resistance, so not the or none of the objectives they set out for themselves they are able to achieve. and the word is part of the feeling of the genocide over the meaning of the destruction that they have fixed on the cuz i don't want to go through all the the that the substance of taking place. but certainly the ide stage now has lost all its model if it has any in the past and you know, so d to talk about a crate or any other topics on the ice with us. and therefore,
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they're trying to claim something in order to justify what they had done and also to go to to say that, okay, let's go to the shooting table. now the resistance has said after this destination that they broke off in investigations and existence has been adamant about saying that they will not negotiate on the fire that they need to stop. and it has to be seized, fired, and also there has to be withdrawal before any kind of negotiations over the cap is taking place. i think that would be a lot of pressure put by the night states when i'm routine. so i've been putting a lot of pressure on the resistance, but i think after this assessing nation, no such pressure with, with, with comes through because they know that they cannot trust anything that the is what it is. do i think i agree with you, your other speakers is that is what it is, is on the there's of one of the greatest strategic defeats or setbacks. i'm not saying that this is the end of occupation, but i think it has lost so much in this battle. it will be very difficult for them
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to sustain any kind of. i don't want it power that they've had enjoyed in the past or i've left them around to it. mr. alada on touch the on the issue of captives. do you think that's by kidding, rudy? that's the, is there any government has taken a gamble with the caps of lives? if this assassination means a delay or even the collapse of the negotiations to have their own people held and gaza released to us. it is quite possible that it will do a serious damage to the negotiations as your previous guess. pointed out there different theories as to why this way of these did this, but it could be that they, it stop is it that nothing yahoo for his own purse, personal interest that he carried out this attack in order to stop the negotiations . and of course, that would put, is rarely a captive got thread because is rarely regime is bonding all over the cause
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a hum us and its allies have already pointed out that a significant number of the captives have died. as a result, the was interested in a timely submission. yahoo, having stopping the negotiations well, nothing yahoo knows that if he does not have a very convincing wind and he has lost the war, there is no doubt about it. if he, if he cannot convince the public that he has had that some sort of extraordinary victory, he will, he will be removed from office and he will have to face a series of problems, legal issues. and 1st and foremost, of course, the internal issue of corruption, but also they are going to start asking questions about the defeat that he, that the country to. so it is quite possible that nothing yahoo, i mean it's, i think matthew young definitely wants to work can to continue. so this would be
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a valid theory within that context. but there are other forces that play. meaning, i think within the united states that knows as credibility across the blog has been destroyed as soft power has been destroyed because it supports this genocide in the united states. the elements that want to end this and, and perhaps there, that would be another scenario which we discussed earlier about killing iranians and came on assassinations and then calling it a victory and calling it quits and hoping that this right of the public will see nothing. yeah. when a pub in a, a positive way, there are different areas and we don't know, and i think the things will become clear and the days and weeks ahead. but the most important thing is that israel has definitely lost a very decisive battle in gaza. mr. olivia and i know you agree you think that as well has is also losing strategically. but what does that mean for the close of the war? and especially for the people of golfer,
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i mean the people that doesn't have been suffering tremendously. so certainly a relief for agencies, firewood to go a long way and trying to get the, the supplies needed for the people guessing. but there isn't another angle here which nathan, he has been pushing which is basically to have regional war. because i think as your previous guess is pointed out correctly, that he is, he is waiting for a corruption silence waiting to be removed from office. so one way to prolong his presence as prime minister is that he wants to have a regional. why the war particular in the northwest as well, and hopefully even with him, because he thinks when that happens, the united states would be on his science in which he can get rid of it. oh, it is pacific ronnie and straight. and these are the, the nuclear plants and also he wants to and the fact that his belong has been a very formidable full to the noise. and he wants to make sure that he can bring
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back all these set to the car to leave. and they have found, they will never go back until he takes care of the of both. well, so he's, we, we say a lot of people think actually a lot of experts think that part of this part of the uh, what division for this operation against natalie is to direct as well. yeah. and to a i the war and i think that's one of the scenarios. i would give 3 scenarios pretty quickly. 10 percent for a loss or why the war and about 30 percent for a strategic hit by christmas, a lot to a strategic target within it. in which it wouldn't be perceived as proper response, while the such a nation or 60 percent would be more image or one in which they would be a retaliation. but none of the, of the options would be to do an all that has to be solved any prostate in this order personality. and thank you very much for those productions. we will of course, be watching very closely to see how has bella, how, how mos, how iran retaliates that we had that is that sammy audi on an is done. bull
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mohammad went on the input on and earlier my, yahoo! yahoo was joining us from day vote, and thank you for watching. you can see the program again any time by visiting our website. elder 0. com. and so sort of the discussion to go to a facebook page that's facebook dot com, forward slash a inside story. you can also join the conversation on x a handle as at a j inside story for me, elizabeth put on them and the whole team here by send out the the latest news as it breaks echo is, is not only concerned about the possibility of bulk holes in the region as well right? it could proximate with detail coverage less than 2 weeks. central office being criticized, behaving more like and then 3rd of precedent from around the world since the start
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of the war, a vast number of small a voluntary groups have sprung, get to big, big stones, have the result of big organization, the rejecting decades of internal conflict the farmers of columbia is peace communities, remain neutral on, on, but refusing to leave their villages a set them on a collision course with a right wing perimeter trip in an active defiance. they embark on a journey to honor that the enemy's territory. a witness documentary on a jersey to what constitutes exemption. we generally talk here, see i want you to start with just the facts rather as to what happened as independent . we want fees we want i want to we don't have to leave them in the policy. i'm going to get 50 percent representation and even
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accountability benefits. no $1000.00 service at this point and you're saying you're reports for that. i should just trust that unity often is the cool that used to produce outstanding jen. this them out as the integrity in the pursuit of frank assessments to the problem is that, is it or is allowed to be outside that? and so it's international law. and one of the reasons that's a bit is the, is the fact that is and has declared war on no coupons, people informed us and the medical infrastructure of an entire society has been completely destroy the people who will feel that destruction 1st and most will be the women and children inside story on al jazeera, the
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knowledge is here. with the whole is rainy strikes, pound gauls, the areas where the palestinians had sold refuge. targeted within 22300 people have been killed since october. the 7th. the kind of them are a kyle, this is and is there a life.


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