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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 4, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm AST

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the knowledge of the way the mole is rainy strikes, pound gauze, the areas where palestinians had sold refuge. targeted within 22300 people have been killed since october. the 7th. the kind of them are a kyle, this is alma 0, live from doha. also coming up, the leader of hezbollah warns as well, the cost of any will and level and will be high of the coming of a top. how must liza in very nice,
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one part of city has been killed in overnight? is there any raise on the occupied westbank? the under on from it says a host response on to at least 8 people. people are killed in explosions. at a ceremony mocking the anniversary of the assassination of a ton come on to the israel has been romping off as month long bowl and the strip and that's been heavily talked and gone to the southern and central areas. 14 people were killed near con eunice, an overnight foaming house where displaced people were sheltering was amongst the buildings. his it is very well pains, levels or bones. the alma kazi, comes in central garza rescue workers searching through russell for survivors. 22313 pallets. citizens have been killed in goza since,
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as well began it's attacks in october or correspondent, tiny muscle. it has more now from almo, was the in the southern guns. and this is one of the last areas where people have been pushed into rights up against the board with egypt. and we've arrived to out of my life evacuation zone. and since the beginning of, of the war and the starting of evacuation orders from the central part and the northern part of the guster people have been told and ordered sharply by it is really military to move to this area and to take a refuge unit. now we're talking about the area that is at a 3 percent of the total area of the gaza strip. we're talking about the area that is stretches of from a, the central part of the guster, the main, mainly the western side of the velocity, passing it through a han units and rough estimate. the ends at the border between egypt and the gaza strip works literally thousands of people have been pouring into the area since the
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beginning of the war. and since that there is a search in the air strikes campaign against civilian. as you can see, there are tents here and there are newly arrived displays palestinian of leading to the war zone in the central part. these people who are setting up this 10th or coming in from the say, right? refugee cans and other people with mid to an hour away. here coming in from dairy to bella, had an area that was designated as a safe for evacuating displays, palestinians. and they were told to go there to avoid being bombed. but anyway, they got bombs within hours of their arrivals. hundreds of 1000 of people live the central area. and on our way, we see in many of the cars, many of the cars that have already a uh, taken uh, carrying people from the central part of the, of the gaza strip of the central part of the goal is to build a way to, to rock by city to this area. now this is not totally safe and not as of over night
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. the tax and a nearby area, a residential buildings in which displays family to families. in fact, it will help the family and family work sheltering inside a residential building. that is not far away. we take the, a few kilometers are from where we are reporting right now. and, and as you saw in the frame of the camera, this kansas trenches in all directions of this area. but those who were in their tents the they were injured, critically injured as the degrees and the smoke and rebels just fell on their tents while they were sleeping inside. israel says it has intercepted to go kits hide from gauze out over the city of ash cologne. multiple projectiles are being shot down by as well as on time at defense systems. no casualties have been reported. it's actually a states will depart for the middle east laser on 1st day a trip that's expected to include
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a stop in israel as the bank is previous trip to israel was drawing a 7 day pause and fighting. then comes visit this time comes up imperative heights . and tensions in the region of the killing of a senior hum us vega and never done or con, has more from occupied east jerusalem. and he will be coming to the middle eastern countries and also to israel. it is his fault visits to the region by having given us many details around his visit just yet. so we're still waiting to hear from that to the one person to the account for is us and boy almost touch screen. he's being sent by us president jeff white and as the 1st invoice to join in a different logic engagement in israel's northern border with 11 on that has been pro slash going on between head fuller and israel. and that is only becoming multitudes also the death. all the talk from us officials, paula, i wrote a note, it is going to be a tough job. he does have experience in the region. he was here in 2022 to resolve
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a maritime dispute between that. but on an israel, his incense again there. awesome, very off. essentially from israel, they're asking out his boss to hold knowles to step away from the boulder and fights at the defense. i'm gonna set you up. come on, said the people, the 10s of thousands of people who, being evacuated from the northern israel were ton unless the person's foot starcy columbus is new to the tony river at so that already spelling out the kind of border that they're looking for from his bullet it's highly unlikely that has spelled out will agree to that. but in the last press conference, benjamin netanyahu made it fear that if diplomacy doesn't work, then he will take military magic. so that will be some form of escalation. if it's a what, again, a very tough job for the invoice appeals to,
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to be held in beverage and the coming out for a senior. how much official assassinations in the lebanese capital has been lovely to have some nice around us as the killing of solid. i'll, i'll really will not go on on said in a hold that reports from beverage. israel's were with him a says reach the southern suburbs of baby boot the fight targeting. so la i rudy. the groups mainly during the ban on and the political and military stronghold of hezbollah. israel crossed a line. the lebanese armed groups leaders says the crime won't go unpunished. the n y name aplus just saw that this was a serious incident, a crime. they hit the root southern suburb for the 1st time since 2006. this was an is really message, even though it said it wasn't targeting hezbollah and 11 on who believes that in howards believe that hezbollah is already a tour with israel along lebanon's southern border,
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where they have been exchanging cross border fire, the lebanese group, open the front to help relieve its ally hum us in gaza, but according to no stella, the fighting will continue to remain calculated and confined to the border. that could change if israel launches all out or new effect, however things civil war with us. in one word, people regret it because of war with us will be costly until now we are taking into consideration the situation in loving on a national interest. but if more is launched against living on, it will be in the interest of lebanon that we enter the war with our full military capabilities. hezbollah strategy has been a delicate balance of waiting or without waiting one that could cause loving on, already in financial ruin, to pay a high price. israel has a threat to turn baby boot into another garza to say, stripe was a 1st time as well. had the 11 east capitol since its last floor,
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which has been locked in 2006. it was also the 1st time as well hit so deep inside the country. since as late as soon as these, with the group triggered by the warrant because of the gun 3 months ago, israel has been threatening a large scale operation in lebanon. if hes below doesn't pull back from the border, ruiz assassination doesn't appear to be a publication. but it violated the rules of engagement, which means hezbollah will need to restore it's the terrence center for their elders. eda balte, i'm just getting some of the 1st live pictures that from the root of the funeral of solid, a really guessing on the way. huge crowd of people, a score seeing his confidence and all those who were killed in that targeted trade and strike on tuesday evening during site that was said to be carried out by israel killing solid oliver. re end of the members of how much i worry is a was
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a top. how much lead to he was killed in the southern beverage on tuesday evening as a homeless stronghold as the 1st talks of killing. oh, a homeless official outside of the protestant entire tree since october, the 7th. and now you can see his funeral guessing underway as the coffins are carried through the streets of ferry to the palestinian mosses cemetery will be keeping a close eye on events and bring you more on this funeral. and the coming hours start as radio striked as killed 5 has bull fights, is in southern lebanon. last attack happened in the core of 5 other fights is from 11. he's on good for killed in separate strikes on wednesday. is one of the most intense $24.00 periods of cross bull defined since the will on gone. so big gum and wrong calm isn't bear with me for the day. we know that there was a local come on, doesn't quite important local come onto the scale along with his associates,
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about 5 of them in that particular strike. and then in separate strikes. another 5 people killed bring me up to 10 in the last 24 hours. now this is a dangerous moment, is not quite an escalation, but it is something that is concerning. the international diplomatic means that there is intense shuffled diplomacy going on. it's being led by the us and from us between 1030 and 11 on say, moving forward, trying to make sure that the conflict is actually doesn't escalate how to control. this is a very delicate political negotiation, but at least i could go wrong very easily. if there was a misfire, say, and these really ashtray kids and i'm a senior, come on to, oh, if that is a misfire from living on or even a direct attack on a is really board a post. it's very, very difficult that we're hearing a lot of reports from that area is really positions being increase on that side of
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the board. as bullets are on high alert as well. so as an incredibly 10 situations, but uh as bullet are all very good at this, and they understand that they need to keep everything contained a because they don't want a real escalation to spill over into the lebanese territory into the capital that they route to. but they all, and they know that fee is really that needs really aggression has to be responding through and that includes the killing a saw they already have. and this is 24 hours ago. now that's something that is very interesting because as you're heading my colleagues as well as in this one, like leda as about to respond. and everybody is wondering what that response is going to look like. and he's one person has been killed and several engine drawing is where any rate in the occupied westbank. one man with shelves from the city of 2 of us, joined confrontations with his really forces,
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but it's also happening and to call them in the notions refugee come. people have reported dozens of arrests, but as smith has moved from ramallah and the occupied westbank least 20 rates in the occupied westbank overnight on him, one of them a 29 year old man was killed. and that was an a rating to move in the northern westbank, and in the same right, another young man was arrested as much as a very common talk to bobby's railways. the young man was arrested to try and make his father give himself up. this is the, this is not the 1st time this young man has been arrested in the old far it's uh, these are ready security policies still searching for his father, but in we have other rights of going on in nor shelves until carmen. those raids in a similar, the same sort of area have now been going on for more than 32 hours. and he talking about a can combined population. a more than 40000 palestinians essentially locked down while the israelis go house to house reading house to house. they are as these all
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are usually the case looking for palestinian fighters. people i want to arrest people. i want to question, but it brings life in. those comes to a hold for now, more than 30 hours, 250 people were detained and had so far questioned. they've been released, but they're released outside the come so they can't go back in until that raid is over. no indication yet as to when that will happen. us around and present abraham lacy and supreme need to at least come and they have promised what back cooling a hoss response of to, to explosions, killed dozens of people in the southeast health officials of revise the death toll for a 2nd time and also and the number of people killed is 84. the attack happened to the cemetery and the city of come on during a summer ceremony. the to the assassination senior general cast himself on a michael, apple reports ambulances rushed to reach the wounded off to 2
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explosions. route through a crowd of mon is in the city of kent, them on in southeast, in your video, shows dozens of bodies with some bystanders trying to help survive, as well as rush for safety. tens of thousands of people head flocked to the burial side of one of the runs most prominent military commodities custom. so the money he was killed in the us most solved striking it ok 4 years ago because he's been here for you know, living on his beloved lead a praise. so the money calling him crucial to the so called excess of resistance against these ro and said his memory remains influential. no one has taken responsibility for the attack. meanwhile,
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the u. a state department is branded as ridiculous. any suggestions that either it's israel is responsible, buddy runs president abraham, right? you see is unequivocal warning, what he calls the zionist entity that it will pay a price for the cabman, bombing speculation regarding who is responsible is right. my personal gathering is that, that this has been history of this has been most thought definitely for me. this completely clear considering base events in the last 10 days. the terrorist attacks they started in damascus, then the invade route. now, in a run, how does urge portion until investigations all complete isis have shown that it, it is willing to do that. israel might have wanted to, uh, move an escalate that goes to yvonne to force it to do something. uh that might escalate things and get a drag of
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a in either states against yvonne who runs government declared thursday the day of morning promising that the country's reaction will be swift and overwhelming. mike level l g 0. still a head head on out is there. i'm a race against time on japan's as quick hit the west coast west coast, a still searching through bubble once the end of a 3 day window to find some live of doors. now, my dear inara takes a head will tell you how businesses and lagos are adapting that currency of the currency last much on. it's funny, the hello. we have a long line of that. make sure it was across the south america stretching from a lima to re
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a. that's where the west is. the weather is going to be over the next couple of days for the south, but one or 2 shelves into the south east of a sale, pushing towards the uruguay and a splattering. a shout was there for a time just coming into central parts of options here. but as i said around the west side of the amazon facing both examples coming here, right? nothing through re i left to was the final of the continent. one or 2 showers. so i went to columbia into venezuela, but nothing too much to speak of and nothing too much to speak all across the caravans. a lot of fine hands, roy, whether it's the dry season. cool. so there's no surprises there, but one or 2 shouts them into those central areas. good deal of sunshine in between the shower has received one or 2 showers that just nothing up to was quite the model was hung sheer was less pushed further. no think say some very web gathering across the deep south of the us and then maybe we got this little area snow to spilling out through our zone. that ends in new mexico that will continue to push his wife by the east was right on the southern flank of that east in pas are looking generally driving towards the west, some right statements. no,
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but that's the uncertain whether we have across the deep south that will gather more wet weather coming right in across the mississippi. i'm pushing by the east as the rejecting decades of internal conflict. the farmers of columbia as peace communities remain neutral on, on, but refusing to leave their villages. i set them on a collision course with a right wing perimeter trick in an active defiance they embark on a journey to honor that the enemy territory. a witness documentary on a jersey to the
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the again you what challenges there as a reminder of our top stories this hour as well as intensifying its bombardment of central and southern garza. 22 people have been killed. mac han unison overnight strikes. house displaced people with sheltering was amongst the buildings hit us extra estates is heading some at least later on size day on a trip that's expected to include us often as well as the bank is previous trip to as well as during a 7 day pause and focusing on the funeral to assassinate has come us official, solid laurie is getting underway in babylon is killed in a drain strike and a bear with somebody on tuesday night as long as promised a response and revenge a spring and al serra senior political analyst style mo, i'm the shower joins us head on set. so is saying my one of crowds of people in the
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streets of the route heading towards this funeral. how much of a how much of a big event is this going to be well set. the new for has been law and it's uh, uh its supporters that he was an important figure because he's the man who connected between the city and was just as not the mouse. and the been, he is resistance. not terribly has by law in a sense, signing already it was a bit of uh, or unique character if you were within just a capital of ours is movements because he did come from the west bank, not from guys on like a lot of the have us leaders but he did spend almost 1520 years in, is there any jails? and then the fortunes ended up and up and on and became the contact person within the mini is one at the same time. as recently as 4 years ago, he was also a capitalist, between how moss and the more secular but it's taking in groups but the hm.
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so you have this person now is right, this, this, this kind of, that was bridging between the various political factions as well as between the kind of thing and the lebanese. so he was a, you could say, a conceptual demand for the conceptual leader will sort that was a hi towards reports that he was, uh, also i can do that probably to be the heads of her most right. once it's made honey, your finishes his than you that he was going to become, in fact a leader within the group. a group that as we know because of israel was genocide and driving in genocide and gaza has become even more popular on the west bank or in the spring. so this is a person who really had promising future as it where it ended up being assessing it did and limit on what he built
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a base for himself and serious contacts with me or how much as an organization it survives many assassinations of talk. lead is, is this time going to be any different? i don't think so, although it is a major blow as it where it, but it was also a major blow that they lost. their phones are back in 2004. i should i just seen. but since 2004, of course, how much has grown even more powerful, more popular, if even one elections and became a greater just as group after it's found that it was assassinated by is around 2004 . in fact, there are 2 israelis who are, you know, for most experts on the side assess the initial program, spent on assess the initial program. general uh is a shift, a kid with a bookstore. so i have to, i have to remember now, but anyway,
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but also just recently in, in hot it's that amount on both sides, both along article i think december 9 or so basically saying that's 50 years of use really assess the nations against various groups of various nationalities has basically led to nothing or not so much or this was not a senior sion for isn't, it did not feel right the case. it does not undermine. in fact, one could argue, just looking at the historical context of 3 main cases, destination advise you, how does that mean lead to partition o'clock in 1995, the solution of how much you've seen in, in 2004, and that such a nation of am i'm one the, the 2nd man implement that has more law, right. even before that, that's a finish and all of that need that as well. before know, some me look at the results and we've had successes where more important, more popular mortgages might take more powerful life, like most or a lot like us made money on others. so one could argue that israel's assassination
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programs over the past 50 years, according to the analysis, according to our analysis, have not really been back for the monitor shot thanks very much for talking to us as we're watching life pictures of the funeral of solid, a worry a top homeless commodity was assassinated in the route on tuesday evening. bye and is really dry and psych this is a funeral getting underway, but in they were. c uh okay, lets take a look at some of the wells news now and the dryer strike is talk to the headquarters of an iran fact on group in the rocky capital bank. that least 3 people have been killed. 2 of them were members of the popular mobilization forces, which is an umbrella group of ship power minute treat groups. 5 other members were injured in a panic of targeted u. s. spaces and assets in iraq since as well as well on garza and the us as north
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a number of strikes in retaliation. a transcript of communication between ad traffic control and to planes that collides does it take you apple this week coast . i don't need the japan airlines passenger jet was given permission to be on the runway. a coast guard thing was also preparing to take off on the same runaway. i mean, i bought a 350 landed on hits the smaller croft, killing 5 people on board. the transcripts, as the coast guard plain had not been cleared, the takeoff depends. prime minister says emergency teams are in a race against time to save. people still trapped under mondays of quite often mondays of quite destroyed hundreds of buildings in the west of the country and is 82 people. and then to have died, eunice came reports from new to dependency that on our way to the most affected areas of know to a peninsula were met by a road closure now and driving on local roads. i'm not
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sure how long it will take along the way. we see several homes abandoned and leveled and lun, line at patrol station siren sound as ambulances from across the main island of when she reese to rescue people in need of me. a warning for help. there was a 5.5 magnitude tremor nearby. we finally arrived at north po, some 30 kilometers south of the epicenter of that point where many elderly people call home. they tell us they were simply shocked at the level of destruction with so many structures needing to be 0. it feels like how, how do you make that kind so you don't, the is one of the lucky ones. though his barber shop the 5 decade sustained some structural damage and the water is off, it's still standing after a massive earthquake. and so you know me warning on monday had heated with the and
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his wife raised to a shelter. they're only just coming to check on the shop. he says they'll stay and he helps other as well as well. where are you going? because i will get that means were cleaning up outside my toes and not damaged. when the water comes, i think i might work a little longer. i'm 81 and a half years old. now. healthy a my hands the big so my cousins, the semester. tens of thousands of buildings were reduced to rubble and the magnitude $7.00 tremor. and it's feared many people are still waiting for rescue. some areas are inaccessible due to demolished roads. in sue sue with one of the highest casualty, counts, supplies are so low that this evacuate says he's only had one cup of water in 3 d. these leaders have appealed for help to get here faster. elsewhere in the city, a man watches workers carry out his wife's body from what has been their home, a loss that cannot be undone by the line of ambulances and fire trucks. finally,
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in to the disaster, them unit skim. alda 0 know to japan. republicans in the united states have threatened to blow government funding over a migrant crisis at the southern boulder, which they blame the on president, jo buys and how speaker mike johnson, and 60 full republican representatives, visited officials of eagle pulse and texas officers. they describe the situation as hales us, as soon as says of my goods crossing from mexico with numbers of breaking records every month. for me, you as president, donald trump, is also supreme court to review a decision. finding him from the colorado primary election. the state's top court removed from the public and policy primary pilots slicing his role in the 2021 capitol hill attack trump flores, or appealing a similar band in the state of main. now like jerry and love that
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cause boss, it's hard to keep them on the road these days. lots of currencies, value and expensive import tariffs have low to high inflation. that's forcing some idea as to when themselves of imported goods. i'm going to just report so my dear is a business capital lagos, cuz he might do it by or replaces the faulty part of a car view mirror. his customer wants to repair ed. com to forward a new one. after civil tries, the trade, it turned out you said fix the mirror with no key fabricated parts. you've gone yet . the more did that this i don't what we off. we knew we make you make sure you dare to what you want. that was sort of the simple was on the do it, i believe he's the skilled and innovative not get into a caching him on a searching demand as locals. the replaced.


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