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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 4, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm AST

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had been a talk, what we do, and also sarah is try to balance the stories, the good, the bad, the id, tell it as it was at the people who allow us into their lives, dignity into minus. he asked me to tell the stories. the, the crowds of moon is on the streets of february to the funeral of his last night of how much the official sala. i'll worry you was killed in an attack on tuesday. the other them or kyle: this is officer alive from the oh. so coming up for is really strikes had gone. so areas where palestinians had so refuge at targets has within $22400.00 have been
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killed since october. the 7th. feeding thousands of displaced, polished finance, we visit the bakery and also as we opened off to the war force that shot more than 50 days and at least one palestinian has been killed in overnight. is there any rate i mean occupied westbank? the funeral is underway in very route for top hum us official, who was assassinated in the lebanese capital on choose day. solid already was killed in adjoining strikes was the deputy chief of some of his political fury, and with a fond of it's meant to win, cut some brigades, as well as being why the blame, so the attack foot has not as knowledge responsibility of correspondent in wrong con is also on the streets that of the route to him on. we're expecting the coffin
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to pos, fight way you well, where is it at the moment that i have reached the lower level of the arrive in the last few months just as we came on as i'm moving around to where the bodies will be buried. the body of the 57 year old fill up a re, uh, who was killed on tuesday in a drawing stripe and the thousands of on demand 6 and 7 years old. he was chief of the a mass of political bureau. uh is, is one of the founding members. busy of the mass all during the can't fabricate, spent 15 years in his writing. this is a very large channel, it's. there's a lot of unity for the palestinian for the day myself. right now the idea,
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i mean back to you now. okay. thanks very much. it brings to seeing the from beverage has got funeral procession to pos as you buy, and it had stored a palestinian lots as temperature symmetry. well, it will say fall, i'll your a top come off, lead to who was killed in and is ready to insight on tuesday, we will see him later, to rest, and on with 6 of those who were killed in that drain strike. israel has been ramping off his months. long bull on the strip has been heavily targeting gauze as something on central air is 20. 2 people were killed in economy and this an overnight bombing house with displaced people with sheltering was amongst the buildings hits. it's very well plains of also buttons the on the cause . the come in central garza rescue work is a searching through the russell for survivors. 22438 kind of cities have been killed in garza since israel began its attacks in october. sconces talk,
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municipal officials says the major sources of basic necessities he's appealing for more a to be less in the week. the most divide, people know full. so then once it's done, what is the most move most of what is available for the people because of what people with most of the treatment and also for election. one of the waste water is one. you can just leave a couple as the room is all correspondents in rough in something gone. so a type is really strikes so ongoing. what can you tell us about them? yes, um definitely move military attacks as we have big also arriving today. 19 fine thing . instantly garza was easily military expanding its military defensive across the
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globe as a stripe in silvery single co. not there was a new compartment in particular. and the last couple of all as the military had been making a very clear concentration of the military attack. so the middle go vernita, facing the southern part of the territory in particular in the cloud, you'd a city where at least in that $6025.00 pounds themes have 3 quarter kills. and the tax also today included a notebook targeting for the palestinian rhetoric research society hit causes inside the city as they are going to be more rates including artillery shilling of the parts of the gaza strip. also the situation right now in the middle of over nights of gauze, the strip please deployment for the east, where the snipers, once all i had doing roads, especially near the villages of the most of the and the so why is that which considered to be one of the main linking areas between the minimum coordinates and the southern parts of a gauze, as there is also on going onto the shooting of the utmost rocks and above us,
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the refuge account and the la couple of hours residents. the insights have been informing us that they have been growing a going through really difficult situation as the is very forces are struggling them with thumbs and also shooting. and they are struggling to find access to get to hit more to the southern parts of each other. 3, as now we have been seeing close on observing systematic destruction of the residential buildings in the middle of the destroyed move in 70 percent of gauze, those newborn and central residential units. that it seems that is where right now was transferring from the one phase of destruction to another phase right now, which has been concentrating on the middle of the southern part of garza. okay, tarik, i will assume thanks very much for that update from the southern gauze in the process as well. says that since it's up to 2 well kits fired from guns or if the city of ash cologne multiple projectiles were seen being shot down by israel's i am due at
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defense systems. no casualties have been reported in that attack. the united states secretary of states will be depositing for them at least later on . first day. it's on a trip that's expected to include a stop in as well. same thing comes previous trip to israel was during a 7 day pause and fighting. lincoln's visit comes with a period of tightening tensions in the region of the killing of a senior homeless vega in lebanon. the correspondence of following the story in by the united states and in israel. and just a moment we'll be hearing from saw harris and tennessee. but 1st, let's go to can be, how could at the white house and can be what do we know about lincoln's visit and what he's hoping to achieve. yeah, well we know is, this is a trip that has been planned and scheduled for a number of days if not a week,
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but what we do know is that it has increased importance. now with the killing of that top, how much leader in level not because what the big concern is for the bite in ministration is that tensions are escalating. and there is this fear of a so called 2nd front, at least that's according to the national security council. spokesperson john kirby . so in addition to the secretary state antony blinking, there will also be another senior diplomat that is in the region. and that is ma'am, by the name of amos hawk stein. now, what we know is that they are going to be meeting with top lebanese, as well as well, in the case of the latter diplomat, lebanese officials, a and to the blank. and we'll be meeting, not only with his really officials, but also with other nations as he carries on his trip. but the, the bottom line is, the goal for all of this is really to try and make sure that the is really war on.
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god does not extend into a broader middle east conflict, what we should point out and all of this as well. israel has not claimed responsibility or denied responsibility for that attack and loving on. it's clear, obviously, that has bella has attributed it to israel as has come off and that has escalated tensions. and so this is the fear. and so that is why these diplomats are working with these rallies. they're trying to contain what they fear is an escalating situation. okay, kimberly many thanks indeed for joining stephan, washington, dc. let's so do i have to tell a v for we can speak to, sorry, sorry. what is the significance of lincoln's visit to israel from your view the, at the time is such height intentions on the border with less than a full of clothes. primarily it will be a discussion on what's going on in golf. so we know that the pressure from the us
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has been increasing, as well as the international uh, pressure on calling some nation to the number of civilians killed in gauze. and so that will definitely be on the table also included in that is whether there's a possibility to revive a 2nd sci fi off to the last one. and they didn't the december since then, there's been a number of captives that has been declared as that. and that's certainly not what the families have been. one thing they've been calling for the release of all of those cap says, and if that means and then to the will, then that's the option they would go for cost that will be discussed also as you were mentioning that the northern border. now in the last few minutes we've had a statement actually really saying that you all go on the defense minister has met with i'm much for stein. this happens here in tel aviv a discussion was also including the us, sorry, rather these randy and box it up to the us as well as the
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a chief of staff discussing the northern folder and also talking about the possibility of those, the $65000.00 people that have been forced out of the homes, whether they would be able to return. that's what these right. and these wants to ensure that they can return safely and that sets and the, well those that live along the ones. now in terms of whether this chance of escalation, of course, there is a high possibility, this is a could potentially become a regional problem. however, if you listen to and i'll throw a speech that happens yesterday, he did talk about of israel. israel is the one that carries out that war. that takes that 1st step, then it will respond. even though it has said that any such a type it would happen in beirut would have serious repercussions, but we haven't seen that just. yeah. we have been seeing is cross spots at the top every single day, but nothing major that could lead to an escalation, for israel has been one thing seems on assignable it once has bullets will be
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pushed back from the border. and so that these ready will cabinet set to meet late, so it's a night, this is officer, it's been postponed, not once, but twice the the, the security cabinet is the discussion that's going to be taking place as well as the rules happened. now what happened about a week ago was that the wood cabinet was going to discuss what happens off to the war. and then you had some ministers, including the finance minister, best i'll smoke church that said no, this should include a why the expanded cabinet. i the security cabinet that would include moment is that could also be part of that decision making. now, when already was killed, the security cabinet was delayed and they will be discussing this. it seems that this is what will be on the table later on this evening in terms of what they will discuss. they'll be plenty of questions and collect plenty of area to cover. for
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example, these writing major is already suggesting, but some of the questions that might be off is what happens to those residents that will kicks house of the knolls by the israelis and made simple was south of hundreds of thousands of them. is it time so that allowed them to slowly start to return, even if they did, a lot of the homes are destroyed and most of the building an infrastructure is destroyed. whether that's possible or not. it's still unclear. however, another important discussion and this also comes from us, pressure is allowing more humanitarian aid in whether they would look to open. the air is crossing so a lot to be discussed and also who would then be in charge of gauze the once. oh, the spicing and lots of lots of questions and potentially we may find out more of this evening. okay, thanks very much. sorry for the update that from tennessee uh bakery has reopened. and the city of darrow bala and central garza off to the will full set to place for
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more than 50 days. strikes on the top trees bakeries have added to a catastrophic food shortage. and alco dari reports. i'm seriously in front of one of the big trees that is finally operating in such a leasing ad. sending brad, who are the palestinians in did, but after the days of housing its surfaces, the world food program provided this bakery with all of the ingredients in the fuel needed served and to set brad for these policy news for more than 50 days. honda simians have been making their own brides are using fire and using their own has it has been very tiring for all the fees. the face piece. as you see, people are in use waiting their turn button very, but it was a very that's the nights where the explosions did not stop start. henry sending did
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not stop. and in the morning, we saw that is there any times had been stationed near the entrance of the 0 caps, where people had been evacuating since the past couple of days after the is there any forces, ask them and warm them to evacuate? the are totally new settings. nature needed, not stock. as whole of a new bakery is operating. people still here, and is there any invasion in the middle area of the gaza strip? this is in the city for i just need to get it. but i said i had head on out there on the niger inara takes a hit, will tell you how business hits in lake on. so adapting off to the currency lost lots of its value, the
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or hello, the weather, sloshy set, sad across china and the korean peninsula. at the moment you see the savvy cloud pulling out into the open waters a little every flight pressure. just the sliding further east, which we still have something of a normally breeze across the japan. so i still attached to one or 2 wintry showers as we go through friday, particularly in the whole carter. i'll chat a possibility to, to the west side of punchy, the racist looking long as you settled and sunny. so i'm showing 2 across the korean peninsula and northern parts of china. not too bad as well. we have got some wet weather tried to push into central and southern past is pumping into our hi. so it's getting run out a little more on the web cloud as we go on through sass day, but a few showers down towards the found south. and as you see still the future. i was hoping that west coast of japan at that stage of your shows may be making my way towards the vietnam, but nothing too much to speak of with the weather for the 3,
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the philippines, malaysia, seeing the usual heavy down policy to the dice house, which east weather will be around the light peninsula to mount just those things, some big down pools and also some samples to the southern parts of india. few showers just around the plains that hopefully the fog and smoke not quite as dense, but remaining. they're ready to pocket stuff the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the generic annual watching out there has remind you about top stories this hour. a funeral is underway in the lebanese comfortable day. wait for tom, come us officials with a soft nature, sat on tuesday. solid on the worry was killed in a drain strike, as well as being why the blame for the attack, but has not since noticed responsibility as well, is intensifying as bombardments of central and southern garza. the only cause a comp and central cause. i was amongst the areas and the $22.00 people were killed in overnight plumbing, and con eunice and the effects of states will be heading to the middle east later
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on 1st day on a trip that's expected to include a stop in as well. as i think is previous trip to israel is drawing a 7 day pause in fighting a spraying out 0. see me after school and his mom, the shy, he joins us here again on set mobile. and what do you think blinking is hoping to achieve on this visit and what was he likely to achieve as well if he achieves anything good to be a success? uh because uh how over the last 90 days, how many times to be, you know, 56 times in at least he never produced anything except his been is arouse defense, lawyer and various other capitals. i mean, no one have taken upon themselves the responsibility or defend think as i was genocide is as war crimes is war. been out of capitals other than i think it was his job as it where the visit is right. and then to do his journey around capitals
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to ashore to perhaps black men to defend is read, to put some new time lines on so on, so forth. so he's dumbed out for a good number of days in, in palestine in guys uh, we spoke on a number of occasions while blinking was about to visit or just visited your whole strip edition. that one of our blinking visits war gets worse for the better studio somehow. right. so every time he says i'm coming to help, but it seems go like, please do not help because the more he will help the work is getting jokes aside. and i think he's probably need to do a lot of white washing because the united states has bucked itself and behind design behind that then you all in particular. and that has not brought america anymore. could have the ability anymore. uh, the advantage in the region is throughout the country and i think he needs to do
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a lot of clean up job behind the government. we'll see if he succeeds through that or not. okay, well certainly keep an eye on that. in the meantime, just stay with us because the us has criticized south africa for bringing a genocide case against israel before the you and still quote, an initial hearing at the inception court of justice in the hague is due to be held next week. i think less than what the us said, the submission merritt list, counterproductive and completely without any basis, in fact whatsoever. so on what we know, we, we, we have from don't cubby that certainly dismissing the case full by south africa will be brought to it by south africa to inside federal court of justice. what's, what's your reaction when you have that dismissal? i think it's insulting. mostly dismissive of south africa is your site, but it's a, it's on something and diplomatic arena. and the american spokesperson would have to
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extend more courtesy to south africa. and that has good relationships with united states. but it's also south africa that had its own memory with crime against humanity, all park page. and it's a south africa that has a long history of struggle against oppression against racism, against the kind of crimes we see happening in palestine. so i think the united states and the spokesperson, oh is the south africa bit more respect, bit more courtesy and certainly an explanation because a 70 page document, the pilot twice over the weekend. and i did not find a single floor in it. and it was what it was source deserves more than 3 words, minutes less baseless, comfortable doctor. i challenge the american spokesperson, who was an admiral, and hope presumably, has his way with words to find me a single words, a single fact, a single citation in the 70 page document as well. besides all of
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that, we know that i'd been increasing segment of the american public opinion. think what is right is doing. i think guys is all crime for something costs are genocide and increasing number of the younger in the united states. secondly, i'm a jonathan democratic party is not gonna agree much. what is that does in south africa, so he does, he owes all of those. he's the american public. south africa. certainly put the palestinians, some courtesy and respect. okay, mom. michelle, thanks very much for joining us. once again in the studio now at least one person has been killed and several others injured during his rainy rage and the occupied westbank, one man was shot in the city of 2 of us joined confrontations. but this way, the forces res, also happening in 2 carmen. your notions refugee, come, i've been reports of dozens of arrests. you run in present abraham,
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right. you see an supreme leader. i told ali human a promise. what back holding a hush response of the 2 explosions. killed dozens of people in the southeast. health officials have revise the death toll for a 2nd time. and now saying the number of people killed is 84. they attack happened as a cemetery in the city of come on during a certain many of the tomb of the assassination senior general pass on the money the . the rocky government has strongly condemned a drain strike talking the headquarters of the wrong box on the group in baghdad. at least 3 people were killed in the strike. one of them was a senior member of the popular move lives ation forces that some parental group of share power mode 2 groups. 5 other members were injured. some members of the great, the targeted us spaces in iraq since israel's will ongoing. so began the us of
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launched a number of strikes and retaliation as a transcript of communication between ad traffic control and 2 planes that collided at a took you effort this week cushion only the japan airlines passenger jet was given permission to be on the runway coast. guard plane was preparing to take off on the same runaway when the bus a 350 landed and hits the smaller across the coming 5 people on board. the transcript shows the coast guard plains not being cleared. the take off. it depends 5 minutes, such as emergency teams, all in a race against time to save. people still trapped off to mondays of quite destroyed hundreds of buildings in the west of the country. at least 82 people a 9 to have died. eunice came reports from no 2 peninsula, on our way to the most affected areas of know to a peninsula were met by a road closure. now in driving on local roads,
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i'm not sure how long it will take. along the way, we see several homes abandoned and leveled and lun lines at petrol. stations, sirens, sound as ambulances from across the main island of when she reese to rescue people in need of me. a warning for all there is a 5.5 magnitude tremor nearby. we finally arrived at north coast some 30 kilometers south of the epicenter of that point where many elderly people call home. they tell us they were simply shocked at the level of destruction with so many structures needing to be 0. it feels like how many kite is one of the lucky ones, though his barber shop, the 5 decades sustained some structural damage and the water is off. it's still standing after a massive or a quick and so you know me warning on monday had heated with that and his wife raised to
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a shelter. they're only just coming to check on the shop. he says they'll stay and he helps other as well as well. where are you going? because i will get that means we're cleaning up outside my toes and not damaged when the water comes, i think i might work a little longer. i'm 81 and a half years old. now. healthy a my hands though, they still are kind of these and that's tens of thousands of buildings were reduced to rubble and the magnitude 7.6 tremor and it's feared many people are still waiting for rescue. some areas are inaccessible due to demolished roads. in sue sue with one of the highest casualty. counts. supplies are so low that this evacuating says he's only had one cup of water in 3 days. leaders have appealed for help to get here faster. elsewhere in the city, a man watches workers carry out his wife's body from what has been their home, a loss that cannot be undone by the line of ambulances and fire trucks. highly in
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to the disasters, and eunice, kim alda, 0 know to japan. troops have been deployed across spine to the dash ahead of general elections on sunday. the army says it's that to keep the peace, but it'll take action if election officials always get to the main opposition party is boy tossing device off the prime is to shake a scene of objective as a month. but she should resign on times pilot to a neutral authority. she's running for a 4th consecutive time. 5 people in southwest china. i've been injured by straight . i'll tell you shells 5 from across the border and me and my chinese foreign ministry says it's launched a protest with me and my front flurry as well from badging. the incident happened on wednesday afternoon, but it's only on says day, but chinese stage media global times, it's published video. now one of the video shows moments off to a shell, landed on a pavement, local official say,
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5 people have been injured and they've been sent to a hospital in nonsense town. and they also say the shells came from me on most mules and co can region. and this region is particularly rest if it's been that way, even before them young mom. and that she came in 2021. that had been some years with fighting between me on my rebels and also me on more minutes. we got so intense that tens of thousands of people temporarily crossed over the border into china to escape. so in recent months, conflict has searched again between the military, between ethnic groups and also between pro democracy flight to just last week the chinese embassy and me and my chinese nation is to meet, allow kind of main town in the region. citing throwing in security of this recent incident, the chinese foreign ministry says it was the chinese casualties caused by the conflict and says it's all sides to take measures to ensure something like this
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doesn't happen again during sleep out to 0 agent. now nigerians love that cause, but it is hard to keep them on the road these days and lots of currencies, value and expensive import types of let the high inflation that's forcing some nigerians to we themselves off in fulton goods. i'm going to address reports for my dear as business capsule. naples could be my dear by what replaces the 40 parts of a car view mirror is customer wants to repaired, come to for the new one. after civil tries, the trade, it turned out you said fix the mirror with no key fabricated parts. you come? yes. the more did that this i don't what we off. we knew we make you make sure you get what you want. that was sort of the simple force on the do it


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