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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 4, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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that has all, but to indulge large scale is really police surveillance and all the tree a rest of this open steps up and occupied is theresa then with movements being restricted and it for reggie having repercussions on the local economy. the, [000:00:00;00] the deluxe, the whole realm in your email, does it renews online for my headquarters here in the hall, coming up in the next 60 minutes, thousands of people gather and they read all the funeral of senior. i'm asked officials, salability. it was a sense the nice it in a trailer strike on choose day is right strikes it causes coast,
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talking those who salt safety from other areas of heavy financing and at least one palestinian has been killed during is very very it's a cost be occupied westbank will be light from ramallah also with lifeline with tubs. we take a look at the bakery that's reopened in garza to provide much needed faith. the palestinians struggling to suffice the welcome to. these are $1500.00, gmc, we begin this and use in be reached by the funeral of the top homos official is taking place. so i'll really was assassinated in a try and strongly came a favorites of, of on choose day. several 1000 people took part in his funeral procession on the streets of the lebanese capital. every was the deputy chief of homos, his political bureau, and the founder of its military wing. the custom brigades is rarely as being widely blamed for the attack, but it hasn't knowledge responsibility correspond that you might call these
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following events for us, from by rates. and the name on the funeral is the trends for the, for the why the public not to pay their respects on the day of great sadness for many palestinians. that's right. the funeral came to an end about 30 minutes ago. it was buried in the palestinian mazda ceremony of sat breton, she g like just behind me over that. um. but this was a shocking event. uh, full of people within they roots. uh, this drawing strike roots, israel's wool. he into a they roots. i'm us. oh, going to react. the way that going to practice is one of the senior leaders has been low low, so react because this was an attack in they roots, but today was about revenge or vengeance. this today was about showing defines an unity all of the various different products and infections he in 11 on came out in full size,
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full of also joining them as well. a delegation of about 20 people of the senior. i'm asked leadership in 11 on what is so hey, i'm not was a real sign of respect. it was a real sign of unity. now, if these right, these was hoping that this strange strike would divide the access of resistance as it's cold up there solely mistaken. because this was very much the message that by thomas and his bullet wanted to give out. yes. please try and strike what was the shocking events? yes, they will be retribution pull the site, sign his pull up. but today, as i say, was about showing unity for not just for the political factions. this was a day for the ordinary palestinians who live in the refugee camps of several generations, have been, hey, for 75 years to be able to show their respects and pay their respects to someone that now cooling a resistance here, right. and then right now i really would have been someone who wouldn't have known many people, a higher officials,
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the common man who was in attendance in terms of as it is often the respect given to someone in that position. well we have like i said 20 elidah is uh from the hezbollah who side? uh, we also had all of the palestinian parks in leadership show here in 11 on there was even a recorded message from as well. any of, and that was something that really quite got people excited and got them to say that this is a sign of how respected he was within the last move. but like i said today was really about all of the leadership that was a show of unity of display today was about the ordinary palestinians, living in lebanon to come and show their respect, even called for us, the inmate, thanks to the latest amount. now israel has been ramping up it's months level on the strip is being heavily talked in gauze,
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southern and central areas. 22 people were killed near con eunice and even like building a house where displaced people with sheltering was amongst the buildings. kate is ready. will planes of also from the alamo has the comp and central gaza must be workers on searching through russell for survivors. $22438.00 palestinians have not been killed in gauze and since as well because it's a tax, it will tell you about jobs. as top municipal official says that all major shortages of basic necessities is appealing from all age to be less in. and we cannot provide people with no fault of sense of what is the most good. most of the fundraising is available for the people, for what people will support them and also for election. one of the waste water is running discrete
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as well. don't use always tonic apple as email correspondence in the right side in southern gaza. the cult brad begins as it normally does at this time a topic if you could bring us up to speed on what we know about today's attacks by these riley's across the street. as well. in fact, to israel has been submitted to tax the tax has been tracing the ocean losing the southern. i'm the middle, the night regardless of the trend. now starting from the southern talk to eunice for 25 kind of city, at least being killed in any strikes. and the last time i'm going military campaign that had been carried out against 20 to 16 jamila totally eliminated. austin. invoices is very fluid. cecilia stated, calling the playstation with miniature 2 different technicians to be here from local fox, south of kansas. tripp,
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regarding what is happening that on how to do this and the attacks on. so the continued in the middle grenades, as we have been seeing that there is a fairly remarkable change of military operations towards the middle of the southern posts of gauze, of where at least 5 palestinians being killed off shot 3 and hit the call in the rock a refugee camp was also the is ready, forces are trying to divide a, the areas between a great and this, all right. and because the refuge account to easily take full control over these areas, maybe they are right now deploying military troops and also snipers and the mainland can grow of saliva. and also in the interests days of the villages have been most of the. so why is that, where the is ready forces are seeing that it's taking and controlling the middle governing to be a very significant part of the will as they are also continuing the military attacks in can you to so literally right now we can say that
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a real flag in the far south of gauze that is the last remaining ship with the palestinians around this area, which have been missing the last couple of hours, move that to a should waves thomaston, you're going to assume points taking safety in this area. as of right now, we have been seeing every space inside this town me evacuation have been made. me make shift and she sits on we know that the winter weather is making conditions quite miserable. so all of the causes of the in the make shift, can we be focusing on our milwaukee can today? what are the conditions like the honestly what we can say you that before 8 in the southern part of and the most you may have been doing for completely through conditions and circumstances day by day . these conditions are getting much more excessive patient is due to the complete
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absence of basic necessities. now these people have been leaving everything behind up to the description or the residential houses. they just need moved to the district. the fact in a row for these, if his area had become very densely populated right now with the majority of houses now we've evacuation you should be my commission shooters have become a beyond this capacity. i was more than 700000. so i was thinking about taking seem to insight so she tend to make and build, make shift since the last to basically complete the or something. then i'm in line to spread out if it was addressed by rosary evictions as well. so it covers enough for us in rasa. thank you. now, israel says it's intercepted to rockets. find from garza over the city of us cologne. multiple project downs were seen being shot down by israel's in demand
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defense systems. the casualties have been reported as the secretary of state, so will depart sold them at least like to on thursday on the trip this expect it to him for you to stop in his room until he blinked his previous trip to israel was drawing a 7 day poles and fighting. lincoln's visit comes a period of heightened tension in the region after the killing of a senior must figure in 11. 0, that's cool. so i have to kimberly how it gets. who's standing by for us. a white house correspondent, what more do we know about lincoln strip to the middle east? kimberly to yeah, well we know it's going to cover a range of countries including stops in the west bank. we also know though they're going to be stops and cuts are saudi arabia, u, a e. but primarily right now the focus is israel's war on gossip, but also the tensions in northern israel, and the fact that it borders lebanon. and the fact that we have had an escalation in recent days, namely the killing of
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a top from us official in lebanon. and that it has been what has escalated or prompted the planned trip of the secretary of state to be really put to the forefront of dividing agenda. we also know though that he's not the only diplomat that is in the region. we also have another senior envoy by the name of amos hawk sign, who is a diplomatic envoy as well in the region. meeting with the top is really officials including of the defense minister again for this very same reason what they're calling. it is basically a changing security reality and a very short window in which to contain what the many fear here at the white house is a quickly escalating situation into a conflict. the started with israel's war and gaza. but it's now broadening into
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a wide or middle east conflict. and so what we've got are to top us diplomats dispatched by the byte and white house, the us president himself, after close consultation with his top security officials in the last couple of days . working with these top officials in the region, trying to contain what they see as a quickly escalating situation can be how could that for us all white house correspondent, thank you. that's our current joining us from the tel aviv so with lincoln all the way and it's a significant visit for is read, especially with this tension in the northern border with level a yes. and as real concern that it could escalates old wise in his role as say now that it's also focusing not just on the war in gaza, but also the fighting that's happening on the north. when i speak about fighting, it's has butler rockets that have been fired into as well every single day. since this was sausage,
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hezbollah says it's doing so until israel stops the will in garza now, in terms of what's the situation that you have 65000 residents, the on able to go home. and israel says it's trying to make a priority to secure that area. for them to go back, but not just temporarily, they want to see a long term solution to an end with the fight thing with hezbollah. and now we've also received a statement in the last hour or so saying that a may thing has happened between you off the ground. that's the defense minister. and he also met, obviously with the most the harsh sign who's also hate, obviously to discuss specifically the snow then bowed to other people that were, that the, all me chief as well as the is ready. i'm busted a so the us discussing all of this now got a lot of has said in all of this that he says there is only one possible result, a new re odyssey in the northern, or read every note to secure the return of the citizens. now what we do know is
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that the clearly they working on these diplomatic efforts hoping to be able to push back because below that, so israel has been quoting for, for a while. it wants to away from that boat because hezbollah is in some of those towns and it literally is right on the border line. now those towns that we're talking about along the nose, those aren't fall from that line that just a few meters away. and even our selves when we were there a few weeks ago, we saw those kind of a type. hezbollah does have much higher capabilities, whether it will escalates any further. it's yet to remain to be seen. but if you listen to kind of throw a speech yesterday, he said basically that they would retire if israel terry is out the war and we know it seems reading and so that the both sides don't want to see this escalated further. this order, what is interesting is as blinking arrives suddenly into israel. hale have perhaps a new message that he'll be given from the wall cabinet,
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which is expected to meet this evening. and excuse me, that's because there's been so much international pressure as well as american pressure on israel to be able to wind down their activities. this got well has going on for a lot longer than people thought it would. it's almost now, well, 3 months since it sausage and the civilian deaths all is rising by the day. that's a, a thought. now it's ironic because the us is asking it to wind down it's activity, is in many ways and to have a plan of future planning as to what happens, what this will once this war is over. despite it being a friend, despise it. actually a sending financial aids on the west winds to israel, and that's the ironic juxtaposition of the old bots. however, what we do know is that the will cabinet will be meeting this evening as well as a why the expanded security cabinet that will involve ministers. but we're against the fact that weren't, they weren't happy
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a few days ago that it would only be discussed with the will cabinet. what are we going to expect? well, potentially questions such as bringing in more humanitarian aid. so it's in the, at least for the moment. um that's one of the requests has been made by the international community through the arrows crossing as well as the weather may be they would be able to allow northern residents back. so the noise they had, and most of the gaza strip buses, they had been pushed to the south. and of course, also this is a time when these really forces say that they know that a lot of those are behind some of those the time, all around and in the funds use area, which would be a lot trickier to navigate. sort of cover that for us and celebrate. thank you. us . now the u. s. has criticized south africa, so bringing a genocide case against as well before the winds, top cold and initial hearing at the international court of justice in the hague is due to be held next week and provide the submission merit list counterproductive and yeah, completely without any basis in fact,
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whatsoever. but i'm as out last spring, this professor of media studies at the doha institute for graduate studies and joins us now. line from a stumble. this what i'm actually good tell you on the program really interesting comments. the from john cubby, the focus a contradiction. really? it seems like the last few days because he's just said that within the last 24 hours got a few days ago, he was saying, i'm not a lawyer. i don't know anything about international law. do you? he is or isn't an international expert on genocide, but it seems like the israelis he's trying to rubbish this petition even before it gets to the i c j to yeah i, i think it's likely that somebody sat mr. kirby down and, and you know how to talk with him about the us talking points for us is going to defend israel. in part because the us is going to be seen as complicit in in what i think almost certainly what we will be seen as a, as a genocide,
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make no mistake about it or south africa, documented it's case in meticulous detail during more than $500.00 foot notes more than 80 pages. and the most interesting section to me is the section it's, it's section d called expressions of genocide or intent against the palestinian people by is really state officials. that section is very important because as people familiar with international law know, the most difficult part of any genocide case is proving intent. but in this case, we have numerous statements. by top is really officials, including the prime minister, the president, the, the, the cause secretary defense, and all essentially issuing these statements of genocide, all the types of content. so this is very serious, serious, not only for israel, but also for the united states. it is incredibly serious because one of the issues
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is the earlier in the week that it was perhaps questioned whether israel would agree to attend this hiring. they have to attend really don't they? because they all signatories to the i c j in this particular instance. and especially to the genocide close, but also as a, as a political, a senior political analyst. well, bizarre has been saying on several occasions, if you want to be recognized as a state, you have to turn up for this case. i think there's a lot of pressure on israel to, to, to show up to the hearing. and i think in many ways it makes sense for them to show up. because if they don't show up, there's almost certainly going to be on an order and emergency order order issued by the i c j to help. so this, to help the military activity inside of gaza. israel shows up, at least at least they have a fighting chance, right. and they've already gone on the offensive and making all sorts of
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accusations against south africa. now i, i still think, and i'm not, i don't claim to be an expert, an international law, but i've been following very closely. those wire, including francis frances boyle, who's a professor at the university of illinois. and he's actually the, the 1st person to win a case at the i c j. i genocide, case with icy j. uh, back in 1993 with regards to bosnia. and he's been saying that this is an open shot case that he expects that sometime in january of an emergency order is going to be issued by the i c j interfere in favor of the palestinians. so that for, it's a, it's not emergency or to very quickly they will have to abide by it and it will have to be a ceasefire. well, that's the tricky part. it's, it's not enforceable. it's not enforceable. in fact, there was an order issued in 2022 against russia, and russia did not stop. it's active at ease. but there's a lot to be said about what you know,
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what this will say about israel's legitimacy and an international arena, claiming that it's a state and that a respect to international law. and i think it's, there are going to be very interesting implications for the united states because the united states is going to be obligated to desist effectively in all of its um, activities aiding and abetting. israel's military activities must be relieved that will be um picking this throughout the evening here on i'll just share with you so i'll speak to you in the next news hour as well. thanks very much for your time. thanks a bakery as we opened in the city of the in central gods are off to the will forced it to play some old and 50 days, not as strikes on the territories bakeries have added to a catastrophic food shortage in del county levels. i'm stacy in front of one of the big trees that is finally operating in such a leasing ad. sending brad,
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who are the palestinians in did, but after the days of housing its surfaces, the world food program provided this bakery with all of the ingredients and the fuel needed serve and to send brad for these policy news for more than 50 days. honda simians have been making their own brides are using fire and using their own has it has been very tiring for all of these. the space. as you see, people are in use waiting their turn button very, but it was a very that's the nights where the explosions did not stop start. henry sending did not stop. and in the morning we saw that is there any times had been stationed near the entrance of the 0 caps, where people have been evacuating since the past couple of days after the is there any forces, ask them and warm them to evacuate?
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the are totally new settings. nature needed not stock. as whole of a new bakery is operating. people still here and is there any invasion in the middle area of the gaza strip? this is in the city for august data, fitted by the rocky government. a strongly condemned detroit and strong talking the headquarters of the run back to um to they've been diagnosed. at least 3 people were killed in the strong. one of them was a senior member of the popular they belong station, full size, which then brother group, she upon her military groups, 5 of the members and just some members of the group have talked to us bases in iraq since as well as long cause i began the radio and present their behavior. i you see hand supreme leader ayatollah ali. how many you have promised what? back? holding a polish response of the 2 explosions killed dozens of people in the southeast health officials of revise the death toll. now saying that the number of people killed is 80 full, the attack happened as a separate train, the city of catamount,
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and during a cemetery address ceremony, pardon me? of the tomb of the assassinated senior general cost him through the money. all the hash him has moved into her on for the moment though, no evidence provided. and maybe it's too early to provide evidence for now, was the iranian investigation is going on trying to understand the type of explosives, how they were different dates of whether they were here with the there was a human element on the ground or whether these were controlled a farm, these are all a pro abilities, but the main thing right now is that the reading and government is preparing for the funeral tomato. today, if somebody call any of the commander of the quotes for us, went to get them out. also the vice president from her med most but who said that the soldiers of cost them so they money was revenge. and as we know that this explosion took place and the, the, the,
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the grave off costs. and so they managed was killed 4 years ago. so they put things this into why is that a context? this is what pushes the arrangements to take into consideration. the lot of scenarios such as seen on the stuff that's all about this linking what happened, didn't get them on to the region confrontation that's going on. well, this is just part of the around of speculations that's they can volunteer into one at least one business being killed and several injured during. and is there any rate in the occupied westbank? one man was shown to stay at the bottom during confrontations with his writing forces rates of also taking place in total from insure to shop newton shawn's refugee count. dozens of people of interested in the operations of the mold in the halls of the 11000 palestinians and his variety custody on detained after october 7th, now they entered prison system, described by write scripts as
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a vigilante organization, operating entirely outside books, little and ethics. on monday, a 23 year old man, some novelist because of the latest palestinian to dine in this way. the present. from the ben. it's mr. pulse is rouse prisons. dangerous places for the palestinians. abdul rahman, by ash just 23 years old, is a 7th published and into a died under the cat of israel's prison service. since october. unless i fee, then no doubt we have fears. not only for our son, but all prisoners, they're all in this together. i fear because my son was in megan no jail because there's deliberate repression and there's no organization in this world not local and not the red cross. let us down to give us information on prisoners conditions. the prison services the circumstances of abdul rahman, instead of being with you there are almost 9000 palestinians in these rarely jails whom inmates have testified about frequent beatings and the denial of medical care
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. these ready politician over seeing present conditions has been convicted of racism. a membership of an extreme right wing carol organization. it's my bank of a regularly post of how tough he is on palestinian prisons. positions for human rights to the present service has become a vigilante organization. operating out of revenge, you must mood cut to 90, describes the most sensitive parts of his body. the guns would beat of the 19 year old spend to 3 months in jail before being released in exchange for captives being held by some us in gaza. and again, it's been a more i feared. going crazy. most death is easier for me. the business insensitive spots a lot on the head and in areas that would cause disability. 7 prisoners would sleep on the ground for that sheets. water was available for an hour once a week. sometimes we wouldn't get the chance to shower that, say off in the score moods. the 3 brothers are still in these riley prisons. he
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says he expects to hear the death of one of them at any moment. bernard smith, i wonder 0 annapolis in the occupied west bank well as to live here on the opposite, renews on facing calls for a cease bond between me. a mazda village street and rebel groups is also in the rachelle sign across that folder, in just a number of people in china. and russia allocates a set of issues. budget was military, police department says it's needed for ones that coals, it's hybrid full against the west, the, the hello. we have a long line of fab. make sure it was across south america, stretching from lima to re a. that's where the west is. the weather is going to be over the next couple of
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days for the south, a one or 2 shelves into the southeast for sale, pushing towards the uruguay at a splattering, a shower staff for a time just coming into central positive options here. but as i sat around the western side of the amazon pace and bolted down pulls, coming here, right, nudging through ree, i leaped towards the final of the continent. one or 2 showers that with the columbia and the venezuela, but nothing too much to speak of. and nothing too much to speak of across the caravans, a lot of fine android by the civilized seasons. cool. so there's no surprises there . but wanted to show us that into those central areas. good deal of sunshine in between the shower has received one or 2 showers. that just nothing up towards guatemala was hung share was less pushed further. no think. so you some very well gathering across the deep south of the us. so the, maybe we got this little area snow to spilling out through our zone a, into a new mexico that will continue to push as wife by the east was right on the southern plank of that eastern pa. so i'll look in january driving towards the west, some right statements, no, but that's the uncertain whether we have across the deep south that will gather
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more wet weather coming right in across the mississippi. i'm pushing by the east. the latest news, as it breaks, we will just hit pretty badly by check us. there have been various consultations on a weekly basis with detail coverage. this policy is making life so miserable for the palestinians that they eventually leave is effectively possible transfer. and that's a will cross, i'm fear this gen and isn't. it's totally dark. we're using our own life. this is the only way that they have life and can cook food a, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, they're watching, obviously renews on with me. so who, around the remainder of all unsolved stories, a funeral has taken place in the lebanese capital, they route for top. how mazda officially was assassinated that on tuesday. so a movie was killed and a driving strike is really being one of the planes via tens of thousands of
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knowledge. responsibility is really also intense volumes for abundance of central and southern gaza. the highest you can big central time. so that was the monthly average speeds of the 22 people were killed and overnight flemings in con units the secretary of state will head to the middling states on thursday. all the trip is expected to include us stopping these files onto the blankets previous tripped as well was during the 7 day polls. in financing a heavy falling sink in the center of the gospel strip post falls, many palestinians to flee many and moving towards the south and rougher and the safety of evacuations, than in other messiah. we don't even need to travel to meet those who fled to the area to
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define by destruction and displacement. this is the daily routine of 1000, of palestinians, of being the war and the northern parts of the gulf of cities. but this time, these 1000 people are born into, from the central part of the gauls as 3 about these really military just stepped up, its military operations that widen the intensity and the scan of the bombing when orders thousands of people to leave the central part. all the way to come to our milwaukee area. the western of rough bye. again designate and it as a safe zone. people here, you know, there is no safer place in the gaza strip. not even this small area of largely sand parts high or model high. we decided to go directly through a fussy team about instead of going today, bella cars renew, it wasn't safe. and with the tools to back create, there's no savings. amazing gosh, i don't know where to go after this place. unless you model i have enough photos. i
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can the people left on the heavy show i'm, these are the people who are being killed on the salad in road as a what was that creation from new so that the guys, the birds come and it is why did and stare about us sitting uh oh, less for the south. so in each passing day, the bombings intends to be increased, visited a point that people have no other choice, but to leave the central part of the gaza strip all the way. taking a journey in throughout $550.00, near the gyptian gauze, a border in an attempt to save their lives in one of the, the small towns that the well fed up. so far, thousands of people have arrived here with expecting more in the coming hours. honey, my mode, i was just the evacuations on or off by 50, was spring into the southern user. now, from around the world of china has complained to me, and i have to struggle tillery shells fine across the board injured at least 5 chinese citizens. nibble's military entry level groups have been finding near the
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chinese voice a month's not prompting calls for an urgency slots and basing of ministry stakes testing. one wave in says that china is closely monitoring the situation. it will take necessary action to protect its citizens. china is navy and full, so conducting 2 days of military drills in contested waters and south china sea. but they are released by the chinese military shows, jet smoldering themselves and engaging in was it cold, live of fire drills, exercise is all taking place at the same time. is drills being held by the us and the philippines in the same waters, tensions all crying between facing a manila sparked by dispute. the territorial claims in the south china sea find his phone, ministry has criticized america's naval exercises. hey me, it's a heck the philippines in the us carried out provocative military activities in the
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south china sea trying to front the military. might. we urge the countries to stop the irresponsible behavior in the south korean and us middle trains of holes have been holding this joint exercises since like december to the south. queen defense ministry says the operation which concludes on thursday, featured moles and a 100 different military assets. from both countries, they say the purpose of the drills is to practice joint operations and extreme weather conditions. well, russian hack us who knocked out the services of ukraine's biggest telecoms, operates for days, have access to the company systems for months. ukraine, cyber security chief says that tends to penetrate, keeps down. systems probably happened as early as march. tech is. we're able to steal personal information. trace the location of phones, intercept s. m. s. messages, and access telegram accounts. the phone service as a 24000000 users has knocked down the days in december. you fight instead of cyber security,
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describe the attack as disastrous. and i do believe that this attack is a big, big message. the big, the warning. not only do you pray, but for the whole world, for the whole western world, to understand that no one is actually on the actual. as the commander of the team's mobile ad defend seen is wanting to they any having us out munition to withstand the feeble pomp of the tax. he said the units will lead to rely on move west in a, in the medium to long term. late last year, rush at last as long just miss on and trying to times on ukraine. sincerely days of the invasion. and on tuesday, russia bombarded the capital and the 2nd largest city of coffee coming 5 and enjoying dozens will submit the for as far as i munition, for quotes of the defense systems is concerned, the current situation is such that there is enough to withstand the next few possible attacks in the medium to long term. of course, we need help from western countries to replenishment. so stock rusher is planning
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to spend more on his military in 2024. then it's done since the cold war. the permanent says that because direct extra $45000000000.00, but it says the increase is needed because it's facing because it cools a hybrid war being waged by the west as well as its campaign in ukraine. usually a ship of all of us moved from las go, a rush as 2020 full budget speaks for itself. around 40 percent of all federal spending will go to vote. defense and law enforcement. more weapons and needed for the bottle fields and ukraine. has the crime in is adam and it's not winding down. it's military compared against its neighbor. 5 trees, a switching to 2 to 3 shift working days to replenish on supplies. this is a basic where a war budget, i mean, the countries fighting a war, stocks are depleted weapons and nations and other supplies of the are being depleted. and so that, so there's
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a massive build up of military production and procurement production can stimulate the economy, and russia is no exception. but dakota, misstate social programs are and defended all the, the 2020 full bunch of increases spending on health care education, housing, the ministry expenditure forces, this slide almost all the priorities education in particular. and that could lead to russia lagging behind other developing countries in the future. stupid where the was on defense costs. these are the costs to produce intense rockets and other munitions sent to the front lines. and then more often than not turned into a heap of twisted metal from the economic point of view. this is the cash because the final product is being destroyed. then that is the threat of a global arms race triggered by the conflict between russia and ukraine. while most arms control agreements between moscow in washington, i'm more dead than alive. ukraine can when they're honest, the race,
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but we're against russia on its own. there's going to still have different kind of support from other rich nations investor relations or does that's not the very good scenario because there's going to be a cold war, an arms race international, nearly 2 years into bunch of special operation in ukraine, the economies to growing largely due to oil revenues, it's a sign of its flexibility and your ability. conversely, the country managers to cope in spite of the sanctions imposed by the west, the oil price ceiling is not working. the so called russian states capitalism is choosing as former british prime minister, margaret sasha, one said to put guns before. but to you last you problem all of a o g 0 at most car. the video is a based of an arctic prison in russian. what kremlin critic and opposition, politician, i like seen the valley is being transferred. the polar will call it a posit starting is about 60 club,
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which is north of the arctic circle. and is considered to be one of the toughest prisons in the country. and according to local media, was part of the gu, like system of fulls to soviet lake, becomes the valleys, allies say, the prison was specifically chosen to cut the valve the off from his lawyers and supports us us republicans have threatened to block the bite and its ministrations request for funding for ukraine, linking it to the mike with the influx on this of boulder. house speaking, mike johnson and republican representatives visited both the officials and eagle pass, texas, that demanding changes to immigration policies and exchange for support for the emergency war time. funding, wrinkled up as of migrants crossed into the us from mexico, from 2023. and so he was migrants kidnapped in northeast and mexico last week while heading to the us, supposed to have been rescued at home. they were ducked into the region,
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considered books that was dangerous for kidnapping and extortion. but we'll wrap the reports now from mexico city. rescued from the clutches of would be human traffickers. in the mexican state of demo leave us mexican authorities confirmed the release of 31 migrants who were abducted while traveling toward mexico's border with the united states on december 30th via the social media platform. x for months, migration policy experts and human rights activists of ward over a worsening kidnapping. crisis. intentional leap us especially near the city of ramos, along the us mexico border. if you ever get that most in, in thermo leap us them only, you have to consider this is tom out of the purpose. and right now, sir, is the last city before entering the united states and then write notes, or there are 2 criminal industries, drug trafficking and human trafficking. migrants rights advocates say the best they can do is board migrants and asylum seekers of the risks. that's where maintenance making benefits in this as migrant families have been receiving warnings for
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a long time. now, for us to be careful on the journey, we're going to be careful about who they speak with. 2023 saw a record number of people attempting to cross the border from mexico into the us. experts say where there are migrants, there are criminal groups who seek to exploit them. according to the non profit group inside crime migrant kid nappies here in mexico generated estimated $20000000.00 a year for human traffickers. the majority of migrants rescued on wednesday or from venezuela authority say they were also individuals from at least 4 other nationalities, including mexico, hunters, ecuador, and columbia. mentalism up a little al jazeera mexico city as the form of us present. double try and post us the supreme court to review decision dining him from the colorado primary election states topcoat, remove trump from the republican party primary ballot. citing his role in the 2021 capitol hill riot. trump's lawyers are appealing
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a similar ban in the states of name. well is it, but it is, or us judge has released more previously sealed documents with the names of powerful people associated with the late sex and the jeffrey epstein among the full but us presidents bill clinton and donald trump. prisons, prince andrew, the late scientist, stephen hawking. building at tom pritzky and a magician david copperfield. now there were parents in the court documents which fold ponds of a 2015 case against epstein isn't evidence of wrongdoing. monet's expected to be revealed in the coming days. a transcript of communication between ad traffic control and to planes declined it, although tokyo apples i took care of for this week has shown any that japan outlines passenger jet was given permission to be on the runway coast guard claim was preparing to take off on the same runway when the bus
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a $350.00 loved it and hit the small craft killing 5 people on board. the transcript shows the coast guard plain had not been cleared for takeoff. troops have been deployed across the bangladesh and headed off sundays general elections. the army says it's that to keep the peace but will take action. if election officials ask it to the main office action policy is boy coughing, the vice prime minister shakes. i've seen it rejected that demand, that she should resign and hand power to a neutral forward say that she's running for a full consecutive time in the us a judge has a ton. so was the time to enter during court proceedings in las vegas after defendant jumped over the bench at the salt to so for instance, a lot to say that the seat unfolded when judge mary k. hold this was about to give a sentence decision. it's a convicted felon danbrook breton, the said, you know,
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let's stay with the ben feelings between 5th of having punctures before being drunk away. using cold, with regard to a charge or attempted battery with substantial bodily home hundreds of cars and trucks with stock on the highway in skate and southern sweden . after a heavy snowfall on wednesday night, now the country recorded it's cold is january evening and 25 years with temperatures as low as minus 43 degrees celsius the last time it was not cold. it was january 1999 with minus 49 degrees celsius was recorded, train and bus services were canceled on wednesday. no germans loved cause, but it's hard to keep them on the road these days. the loss of the currencies value and expensive import terrace of low to high inflation and i was forcing some night . jerry is to wind themselves off. imported goods. have an interest of pulls from
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nigeria is business capital. legals karima did buy or replaces the for the cost of a car view mirror. his customer wants it to repair it. so you can't afford any one of the civil tries, the trade. it turned out you said fix the mirror with no key fabricated parts. you've gone yet, the more did that this i don't what we off, we knew we mickey, make sure you get what you want. that was sort of the simple force and do it. i believe the easy, a skilled and innovative, not jayden's eye catching him on a searching demand as locals, the replaced or repaired expensive imports of the cutting says even this electric pan or successively met that year. it could run on a pop back for hours. the smoke of products, i'm 2nd hand goods
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a gaining acceptance and i didn't hit by hyper inflation with an i didn't cut on city losing more than half its value in 4 months. economy save the situation. it's not just about the depreciation in the value of the night or luckily to be not only exchange rate, the height, the cost of clearing goods. it's now double. for example, the car we buy for $1700.00 before. now it's around $8000.00 because of that markets like largest pricing and even struggling to be customer demand for local, you might affect it. or 2nd hand goods now generates on import dependent economy. that includes refine victoria even though it has been advocacy, d. d, on the producer, for many as, as the local cut off, the news is value of the demand for forwarding costs rises. many businesses are unable to import costs. they need a bit more express. i'm going to send limits to how many they can make themselves. if this business is pre many and i didn't drive was, wouldn't be able to do what they love,
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go drive that me small business and income for local enterprises and a charles for nigeria, dispatch sourcing some of its needs. look how many degrees i'm dizzy to lagos, nigeria. well, i'm still head here on the houses, every young palestinians participant tall, cool, a bit, the ruins providing some relief, pull the data that they need from off the
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the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination in due by the business lasers to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the book about fits tons of sports and i love it. wouldn't tennessee and style of it when the dollars play the show you do? well,
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i found that does come back to tennis off the year out is picking up momentum. the $22.00 time grand slam champion is through to the quote, the finals of the brisbin international. the now 37 slash jason hope last 6162. before this tournament, an adult hasn't paid since news and the 2nd round at last he is afraid open. having undergone 2 rounds of hip surgery, my bland is just going in court vent that i to play well and pay my best. no, that's i. that's all on them having a positive mind without the valve diving, then the 1st 5 we have the 5 get 5 for games of the much have been at the very positive level of technically, inc. almost everything the right way defending time being kind enough to describe. i was knocked out in brisbin. she was beaten by lot. she has a healing. now slipping,
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coat and 3 sets. also think i needed assistance from the trainer during the says pets. i struggled with the heat and humidity, but she managed to recover from lisco that took her place in the quarter finals. so now face form a world number one, victoria, i think how much would have held on to the top spot in the spanish league, a one nail when over me. okay, means that they'll stay ahead of their closest arrivals during my okay. hit the wood was twice and this game, but the way out road they're locked to extend their own beats. and $1.00 to $18.00 games of antonio with the guys, nate had to prove to be with the size of $200.00 in parentheses and continues a grab. this stuff is time window to be tested. it will not be that for one event, not seen as a hero. for them, result means that you're on our level on points with the lead is real madrid often
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19 games. 2 barcelona sits in 4th and are now 10 points behind the real and to own. now they can make up a little ground or later on says stage have is aside the take on the last problem. us away of all doing international use of hudson has been given an 8 month suspended, zip present sentence of french quotes of funds, a nice less guilty of insights and religious hatred. in october, i thought i should a video on social media about the war on garza. he has since apologize and deleted the post as 27 year old. that has been suspended by his club. but look, set to play for all julia as the upcoming advocate. couple of nature and the n b a, the lakers have slumps at 2, a said straight last. the bron james a site is coming up, but schultz against one of his former team, miami heat makers losing this 110 from 96. they're down in tense in the west,
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and congress for miami are full in the east. that'll do so to see if that has been voted pga to repair of the year ahead of mazda is a champion. don't run well, he only want it to events compared to runs for, but the vote to buy federal pro is may have been influenced by roms, faxing it to the saudi arabia, back to lift or last month if he did live in european tours was supposed to have done a deal by the end of 2023 after agreeing to mode, but negotiations still ongoing and the situation remains unclear. heading into the new season. i feel for the fan there's been a ton of confusion not only for players out on tour in the last year too, but. but i can only imagine for the fan at all. and so i hope with having more of the best players play the same weeks, they know exactly which weeks are important and important to us players. and they get to see
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a lot more tournaments where the best players onto are competing against each other down the stretch on sunday. because i think that's what the fan really wants to say . and there was a hot break. and the final, all of the dogs will attempt to ship up for 16 year old sensation new could alicia? hi, the youngest is very to run. it came to an end as he lost and nailed by, says to luke humphrey's alley polly in north london. despite the defeat low still takes home a guarantee, the $250000.00 on a bad nights was for teenagers. that's it for me. so thank you very much. know what we're sensible on cause that but in a different, insane hand because
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a team of young palestinian athletes in rafa have managed to keep the passion, the free running alive. they've turned destroyed neighborhoods into a reading. and so the favorite sport polco moments while explains as their homes have been destroyed, 5 of those team members have been some but these junk survivors are for in la and look for their support, defies easily as bombs for them. and i'll show up a center what we've been practicing the sport for many years. we train in public places on even ground don't sign juice. when the war broke out, we began to train on top of the ruins of bombarded neighborhoods. it's a message to the well, that all result to live is stronger than ever. and also to show the well the extent of the destruction caused by his writing poems. suppose to park who falls out on people using activity to 10 of the 2002 assets like jumping, climbing,
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or running. it's become popular in gaza over the last few decades, acquiring a special symbolism as young athletes like these 10 sites of dyslexia into obstacles . courses for the support despite this teen was found that these 2011 due to the easily so you don't cause its members never had a chance to play about like most of the tutorials for me to meet people. they say the international law have been met. it's a, it's a way to tell the world that nothing can stop constantly force us to give up in our dream and sports and our identity of this. it also helps us to release the negative energy. and also as a distraction from the bad things that are happening around us and then we'll get the hope for one day. they won't be able to problem. and if there's some palestine in international competitions, and they believe that a 3 isn't separate,
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but the form of one a freedom from occupation, palestine itself coming from i'm to 0. a lot sits from me for this these. i'll have more news on the other side. does it rather than to learn from me under the new st months, a good time and your company, the hard hitting into blues as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both. you've described that is better than is better than any of the thought provoking answers. my question to you all the good coops i think is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. us veto in the security council. this is
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a may just don't think look, is a problem to exit or to hear the story on told to how does era the the the vendor for nearly 3 years. evelyn lemitrus has been investigating the sharp pen trafficking operation. now she's putting together the team that's going to rate it and lexie though they're still quite as b. o. but i said less indeed this bit of a humble sort going to become a global commodity, prized as an ingredient and the special suit in asia. sharps that played a vital role in the ocean for hundreds of millions of years. but the trade is now pushing some species to the brink of extinction. the list of trade in short, francis valued at hundreds of millions of dollars a year, which i didn't mind that then. okay. one more thing. go that on the wedding that much than that would tell you that we gained exclusive access to a team of investigators aimed at dismantling or ring
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a shot. gun traffickers said he will be my gosh. okay, think of that. the only thing send the send me until the following this car here as an investigator and a couple of cops in it, we're gonna leader rates today in the harbor against these traders who they say are putting some spaces and starts at risk. he said that the the challenge is the whole rahman. he wants me, i'll just it renews online from dave hall, coming up in the next 60 minutes, thousands of people government, bainbridge sold the funeral of senior high mazda officials, so uh, rudy,


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