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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 4, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm AST

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we're going to lead a race today in the harbor against these traders who they say are putting some spaces, a sharp at risk. he said that the, [000:00:00;00] the challenge 0 robin, it works me. i'll just even use on line from the hall, coming up in the next 60 minutes. thousands of people. guthrie, bainbridge sold the funeral of senior mazda officials, rudy who was assassinated. strike on choose day, is ready and strong set goals as case talk thing. those are your thoughts. i think
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some of the areas of heavy scientists and at least one palestinian has been killed during his writing rates across the occupied west bank will be lined from ramallah and as yet another time, a city and dies and that is right. the prison, we hear the hiring tests, many of torture and degrading treatments, suffered by detainees. the, it's $1600.00 gmc, we begin this, these are in the rates where the funeral of a top hamas official has taken place. so i literally was assassinated and trained strongly can a baby, so that on choose day. several 1000 people took part in the funeral procession on the streets of the lebanese capital. really was the deputy chief of the monsters, political beaver, and the founder of its military being because some of the gates as well as being why the blame for the attack but hasn't acknowledged responsibility income. so this
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report from the palestinian ball to symmetry in favorites. the body is being brought here to the hell a sudden your losses and symmetry and sombre, and should tailor refugee camp. just heard that where he's being buried. it was a shocking events. it was the moments, but as well, who came to the southern and sold of of baby roots. he was killed in his office in a suburban area surrounded by homes and cafe in offices on the event actually show people as well. i've said that they will react, i'm asking is that the reaction issue, but today is all about reaction today is about all of the policy you are showing unity, you can see all the flags that from various different, right. so this is also about hezbollah. and this is showing unity that both both of the axis of resistance and there's
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a message here. the message is at least 2 for all spelled together, but this has affected anything mould, not vote. this is about the palestinians living in lebanon, living in berry. we have is, are, sorry, the last response comes out. is there a very good, but i'm going to is it professional development studies and international relations . so university of london, he joins us live from the british complement to ask on kentucky with us on the program. today will be a day of reflection. somebody palestinians in bainbridge, especially those that attended the funeral. but of course, come the day after her boss and it's a committee will now be wondering what the next step is of working about reprisals if that is the case. so what has the law to a certain extent? they've said that war is built off the table, the right, where it says the full limit when it comes to how much,
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how much is beyond the beyond the reprisals? it'd be on vacation as even if i might do if i really said didn't, does the worst thing. i mean they, they had the decency of saying that his blood is not the more valuable than that of the thousands and thousands of victims off the edge in the side of the lord that is, or at least conducting goes. so the question is more about 11 on those you, as you said, and here in death regard, the, i mean there was nothing really surprising in the a reaction of for the off has belonged to now which has be nice to, to promise retaliation. but the, these kinds of problem is i've been made several times on several occasions. the d, i mean, as well as facing basically a dilemma because a live on, on is a country which is on the, on the village of the, of the,
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of this. and it has already suffered very heavy aggression from his arrival in 2006. and it is today not much more a difficult position due to the economy crisis and the special kind of jump in the, in the hey, right now, i mean, we already focused on the board. are we not to southern lebanon and old and israel? and yes, they have had several was with israel over the last few decades in terms the capability. what's your impression in terms of yes, but then they don't sure whether they get into a tackle, whether they get into uptake, the whole of escalation, all not boulder bullshit. general impression of whether they have the capability to do so right now right now in 2020 full. but that's exactly what they will say. which is that they've given the condition of the country to the conditional,
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flipping on a, taking the responsibility of, of engaging delivering them in the major exchange or for the very intensive bonding with this is ryan, is not something that has been looked at and can take i liked it as well, that would be the reluctant to do it. and yet when faced was what happened in guys a, it tends to, it has to do something. so the, the, the result has to be in this limit, the, a activation of the, of, of the, the, the exchange or the file for it. i'll fire on the border. but the today is way, is finishing it's intensive at bumping oh guys though it has basically flattened 80 percent or more of the strip and is in a position now to to turn this loosely button and threaten living on with the same dancing and data on them for that, i'm sorry, i've got to come in to address things and that anthony blinking visits over. well,
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we think he'll arrive by tomorrow morning into the region and we expect him to visit israel. will be a way of trying to maybe stop his royal o, direct israel to a to less than it's sort of threatening post. you. i know the united states has been an accomplice of israel from ae tools that in this war and anything else is he focusing and what the company blinking would be doing and live alone is, comes a is there is a demand to deliver in these alternatives. and therefore, to hezbollah, that has the less liberal own its forces north of the lead on the river. and that's what is what it is demanding. and this is, of course, putting his will on the corner because the threat that goes was, it is an intensive bone being of 7. that's the point. and so lincoln is merely conveying the message of these already alternatives that this cold trying to prevent the war. but the trying to prevent
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a little by forcing cause blah to abide by these are, is the go, the extra joining us from london. thanks so much for your time, sir. please. uh, isabel has been bouncing off. it's been some water in the straight that's being heavily talking. garza southern and central areas. 22 people were killed near calling you to send over the bombing house were displaced. people with sheltering was amongst the buildings hits. well, is there any will plains of also the bottom the other because the come been central gone to the rescue because of searching through level as of august 22438 palestinians have been killed in gauze as israel began as a tax in they'll tell you about the causes talk, municipal official says that there are major shortages of basic necessities as appealing from all a to be like 2 weeks. the most provide people with no fault of sense of what is
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the most most of what is available for the people because of what people want them to 3. and also for listen wanted as of the waste water, is when you click on a ton of covers enjoys us not from rasa in the southern gulzar and sunset. so we brace for more news about strikes coming across the gaza strip. yes, that's absolutely true. well, these really forces are expanding the attacks. of course, i'd be solving paused particularly, and the last couple of hours only starting from con, you to city. now the city have mean the main focus for the military operations by these very off forces where they are a since the hours of today's morning. they have killed 25 pounds opinions in that
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city. while the help we have been also observing a number of a residential building being completely low and not by these really. so just a whole operating and who's the town in the eastern part of hon units. now, the city also the tax when it has to have continued in during the last hour when a new attack had been carried down from the facility of the route, the hospital in con units. i'm similarly the situation and the ongoing shilling on the middle governance of gauze was stripped, continues a thought, where the is ready forces up trying to gain access to the main airplane areas of discounts and refuge account stuff as also the are making a plan to destroy the main roads and supplies that we are these regions too many times that you facilitate the process of that control over as power steering fine as the trying to look the entry we have also been hearing from residents the that the he's very quiet quarters. drones with opening fire against visitors on the
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streets, old and as the ad on the rock, a refugee camp alongside with a very notable deploy, a deployment of the east valley snipers. also law had dean rhodes with a, with the have open a fire against residents in the past few hours, especially in the case of the, on the so why the, and also a little sub dot a town, a similar and relatively right now in the notes the situation is called long side with rough off, but you're only going get tax to day has at least have at least killed $120.00 palestinians alongside with more than $300.00 others who have been wounded of being transported to receive treatment and gauze was still operating hospitals, we've been focusing certainly on the come, so the areas of the team to be safe. uh these past few weeks, but nowhere is safe. we've made that very clear. it's been that everybody to see the topic. and yet those comes in what a condition they are
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a pretty miserable all night for people. yes, definitely people that are going through completely terrific conditions and with a, with every day possible as we are entering the 9 to 5 to inside goals. a move people are wanting to district you software and thoughts on a particular, you know most the area which right now become very densely populated with make shift tens were completely lack or kind of basic mississippi's was no toilet. we know also prep a hygiene conditions or services which considered to be the main reasons for the spread of antique to us diseases and all kinds of disease inside of these accounts . as the public city administrator also had wound due to the state of the art, a direct result of the from the a spread of interest to us is alongside. there are also more than 50000 women's in these areas have become also suffering from the lack of medical services, but we are,
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we are really touching on the ground during the last couple of days. the people are looking for every single empty farm land land. inside garza to sick make shift 10 skin signs on people due to the increasing number of factories. these thought to right now to set up 10 in the streets and this is completely disrupting mode. they, the sightings were really pretty much most suffering them hardships to do with the residents. the are waiting for a ceasefire. the more bring an end with that is also mixed with a growing fees in terms of the statements released by these very officials. the military officials that regarding expanding the ministry fighting on the subject parts of garza and to impose the project of well entry immigration outside the territory, covers the mentors and brought to thank you topic. it's that heavy sizing in the center of the gaza strip post falls, many palestinians to flee many moving south towards the rough of where topic is um
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the safety of an evacuation zone in a mossy mood travel a to see whose flights to the area defined by destruction and displacement. this is the daily routine of thousands of palestinians if being the war in the northern parts and the guys of cities. but this time, these 1000 of people are born into, from the central part of the gaza strip. as these really military just stepped up, its military operations, that why didn't the intensity and the scan of the bombing when orders 1000 of people to leave the fence from part all the way to come to the milwaukee area. the western, a rough, i again designate and it as a safe zone. people here, you know, there is no safe place in the gaza strip. not even this small area of largely sand parts, high o one model. here. we decided to go directly to f,
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a c t. instead of going to dave bell, cars renew, was unsafe, and with the tools to back create, there's no savings. amazing gosh, i don't know where to go after this place. machine model, i have enough photos. i can the people left on the heavy show and piecewise also there were people who had been killed on the solid in road as they were evacuated from new. so that when the guys the birds come and it is why did and stare about us sitting uh oh, less for the south. so in each passing day, the bombings intends to be increased, visited a point that people have no other choice, but to leave the central part of the gaza strip all the way. taking a journey into rock by 50 near the gypsy in gaza border in an attempt to save their lives in one of the, the small towns that they will set up. so far, thousands of people have arrived here with expecting more in the coming hours, hunting much more via evacuations on or off by 50. now as well says it's
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a deceptive to rocket science from gauze over the city of ash cologne, multiple project. donald's was seen being shot, sound bite is rose, and i'm at defense systems. the casualties have been repulsive of the secretary of state will depart full of them. at least lights on the 1st day of the trip is expected to include a stop in israel and to the blinking previous trip to his row was drawing a 7 day pause and finding lincoln's visit come set the periods of high contention in the region after the killing office, the mouse figure, sell out really in less than a while anyway, but will be getting the latest days. but i do action since i have a conference in tennessee for the 1st that's cost i have to. kimberly how could all white house correspondent in d. c. i could be any more information on lincoln's itinerary. now what we know is that he will be traveling to israel as well. he will be going to a number of other middle east nations to visit those capitals,
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but he's not the only top diplomat in the us that will be visiting the region. we also know that there is another one. i am off hochstein, a diplomatic and boy working for the by the ministration the region as well. and the reason that job item you as president has set them there is because there is concern on the part of the bite and white house, but uh the escalation attentions between israel and has the law has reached the point of discomfort that they would like to see tap down and so as a result, there is a feeling that there needs to be a series of meetings held in order to try and contain what they fear could lead to a wider regional conflict. following the killing of that top, how my leader in be root a few days ago as well as 6 of his aides. now israel has not claimed responsibility, nor has it denied any responsibility, but it's clear that how boss,
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as well as hospital i have blamed israel and so as a result, we know that the bottom white house is watching this very carefully. they also know that israel has often and it's war on gaza, not listen to the you know, added states and proceeded with its military campaign unilaterally and against the advice of the united states, particularly when it comes to the high number of palestinian casualties. so as it has said, it wants to go after high value, how most targets, in this case, potentially outside of israel. there is this fear that things could spiral into a broader territory. and so as a result of some of these initial meetings, there have been the some acknowledgements of what is being called the changing security reality. and the is really defense minister even saying that there's really a short window of time for diplomatic understanding. so this is what these meetings
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are about. whether it's the secretary of state, whether it is the top diplomat, it most are not the top diplomat, but one of the top diplomats. emma's hawks on the bottom and ministration is trying to contain what they fear could escalate into a broad. you're broader regional war. give them a white house correspondent. thank you. let's go over to the side of kind of join, start from 10 of the a significant visit by blinking when he does land in the middle east. i'm expecting to be in several capitals, especially with so much tension on the border between 11 on and as well. yeah, that's right. they'll be plenty on the agenda. every thing from the what was being mentioned by kimberly there about the will in gaza. you know, every time these come on a visit here, that ends up being a discussion whether talking about trying to reduce the amount of intensity or fighting in gaza. but then as soon as he leaves the next day, you see
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a very different action from these right of these, how much of it are they listening to these read it to the americans. it's really on k also. the other thing on the agenda will be the captives. since the last these 5 failed, several of them have been killed in fights. it was announced yesterday that one more of the a male was killed earlier in december. this was actually confirmed by the is re these and it doesn't look good obviously because the public as well as the families want them back. and then you also have the noise in both or just as kimberly was mentioning that they said that diplomatic, this was yob gallano, the defense minister just earlier saying that diplomatic pressure is what's needed but time is running out. so you also said that it's important to be able to secure the buddha, so that those are just spaces around $65000.00 of them can return home that home. those towns are right on the board, the that and just across from the buddha, all the hezbollah strongholds now has velo. when you listen to most for all of
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speech, yes. today it seems from what he was saying is that there would be retaliation. but he said if israel was to carry out a will, then it would retaliate and not looks on a pace to show that both sides a very key not to escalate that. because the consequences for both could be very damaging. that might be the case on the outside. you might say all of the war cabinet because the wall cabinet within is riley is going to be meeting this evening. be interesting to see what the outcome of that is, are as well a star as to how sometimes we don't actually get to hear what was discussed and certainly not that great length. but um, just to go back a few days ago, the wall cabinet had puts on the agenda to discuss the so called day off. so what happens is once this will runs down, in terms of because the strip, some of the ministers weren't happy about including the finance minister,
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best all smart trick. she said that this should be a no exclusive to the whole cabinet. it should be a why the discussion they would then meant to discuss it with the security cabinet . and then that was on the same day actually the allowed rudy was assassinated and that got postponed and that's why that discussion will be happening later today. they'll be a will cabinet as well as a why the expanded meeting with the security cabinet. now in terms of what that will be speaking about, it's still not clear you have is writing media is talking about, you know, just type 6 that's in the, at the moment. where do they move? what does the next phase include? and then who takes control once this is all over, it's been clear that the p a seems to be the only real viable solution, but there are disagreements on that. and then also, just so you know, what will be happening is that you have the national security. uh, what is it, the national security council rather that will put forward some recommendations as to what things should be the time those will be discussed. that will be in a few hours times the hell. yeah,
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we'll come get some more now. let's just say for me, when that happens over kind of before 7 until of the thank you. as well, at least one person has been killed and several people in judge oregon is really right in the occupied westbank. now, one man was shot in the city of thor bus. during consultations with as rarity, forces rates of also taking place until crim indeed. neutrons refuge account, dozens of people have been arrested in that authoration that's close. save it to the abraham, who's in the, in the occupied west bank. several areas that are hot spots right now. need that about a focal point for our attention. where should we be looking at, in terms of what these rates on getting a lot the 1st, let's say we should be looking everywhere because no place to say from is really arrests. and if you are a resident of north shoves refugee, come,
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then you would have seen these really forces being in your refuge account for more than 40 hours. and that wouldn't even make it a hotline, because these really forces are conducting several, sometimes up to 40 waves per day in the occupied, the west bank, this north shams, one, for example. the rest of the is really forces have rate. the place is one home to another, sometimes from one home to the next opening holes inside the walls, and wayne sacking homes looking for palestinians. they've rounded up more than 400 people, took them to the side and started this field interrogations that we've been seeing a lot of it lately, by the way, the forces know as a result, the palestinian red cross and said that it dealt with more than 21 injuries, 17 of them where a result of beating by the way, the forces through those mountains. so this gives you an idea of what it means to
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be living. now in the occupied, the west bank also in said it's south of june. india is where the forces of read it, that they just left. it's a little bit after 6 pm now, but they've been there since 9 am in the morning. and also they re inspect the house of someone they say was wanted to them. and that has been also injuries, they are now with heating me the are reports of is when the soldiers injuries in those areas. we're still waiting to confirm. but basically what happens is in, in some of those areas, these really forces have wanted amends that they are after they say that they have at that they use what presents to confront. these rarely forces. this is why they go there. but the thing is with tell you what is the reason for going everywhere else. if that is the reason now, we know that there was a huge with the news of injuries, and we've seen a video from said all of
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a chalk are evacuating some of those to soldiers. and we believe that those have been injured. but this is basically the announce goal by these really forces that they're after those palestinians who carry arms. but in general was been seeing many other raids that basically people would send you in to remind palestinians who has the ultimate to control the abraham. that for us, thank you. the hall, solve the $11000.00 palestinians and is ready. the custody were detained after october. the 7th sandra prison system described by rights groups as a vigilante organization, operating entirely outside both law and ethics. on monday, a 23 year old man from novelist became the latest palestinian to die in miss riley present from nablus bennet smith's reports. this is rose prisons dangerous places for the palestinians. abdul rahman, by ash just 23 years old, is a 7th published and into
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a died under the cat of israel's present service since october. unless i fee, then no doubt we have fears. not only for our son, but all prisoners, they're all in this together. i fear because my son was in megan know jail because there's deliberate repression and there's no organization in this world not local and not the red cross. let us down to give us information on prisoners conditions for prison services. the circumstances of abdul rahman, instead of being with you there are almost 9000 palestinians in these rarely jails for inmates of testified about frequent beatings and the denial of medical care. these re politician over seeing present conditions has been convicted of racism and membership of an extreme right wing terrell organization. it's my bank of a regularly post of how tough he is on palestinian prisons. positions for human rights to the present service has become a vigilante organization. operating out of revenge, of mood, cuts in 90,
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describes the most sensitive parts of his body. the guns would beat the 19 year old, spent 3 months in jail before being released in exchange for captives being held by some us in gaza. and again, it's been a more i feared going crazy. most death is easier for me. the business insensitive spots on the head and in areas that because disability, 7 prisoners would sleep on the ground for that sheets. water was available for an hour once a week. sometimes we wouldn't get the chance to shower that say off in this bore my moods. the 3 brothers are still in these riley prisons. he says he expects to hear the death of one of them at any moment. bernard smith, i wonder 0 annapolis in the occupied westbank or the government to strongly condemn, to try and strike targeting the headquarters of the rainy impact on group in baghdad. at least 3 people were killed in the strike. one of them was a senior member of the popular liberalization forces, which is an umbrella group, a she,
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a power military groups. 5 other members were injured. some members of the group of talk to us bases that iraq, since israel's will, and also began. it rainy and present, abraham right, you see and supremely dying to loudly human a have promised what the calling a harsh responds after 2 explosions killed dozens of people in the southeast health officials of revise the death toll. now saying that the number of people killed is 84 and the, the attack happened to the cemetery in the city of carmel and joe ring, et cetera, many of the 2 of the assassinated senior, general goss. i'm still in bonnie i'll be harsh and possible for me to have her on to put the moment down. no evidence provided. and maybe it's too early to provide evidence for now, was the iranian investigation is going on trying to understand the type of explosives, how they were different dates of whether they were here with the there was
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a human element on the ground or whether these were controlled a farm, these are all a pro abilities, but the main thing right now is that the reading and government is preparing for the funeral to model today. if somebody call any of the commander of the quotes for us, went to get them out. also the vice president from her med most but who said that the soldiers of cost them so they money was revenge. and as we know that this explosion took place and the, the, the, the grave off costs. and so they managed was killed 4 years ago. so they put things this into why is that a context? this is what pushes the radiance to take into consideration. a lot of scenarios such as seen on the stuff that's all about this linking what happened didn't get them on to the region confrontation that's going on. well, this is just part of the around of speculations that's they can volunteer into one
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i still had here all the houses that are in use on basing coals. let's see sites between me and most military. i'm rebel groups is all calorie shells. fine across the board and just a number of chinese restaurant . okay. it's a 3rd of which is budget to the ministry, which the covenant says is needed, so it won't get cold. it's hybrid full against the west to stay with us here on the the brought to you by visit or hello the weather, sloshy set sad across china and the korean peninsula. at the moment you see this heavier cloud pulling out into the open waters, a little heavier flight pressure. just the sliding further east, which we still have something of a normally breeze across the japan. so i still attached to one or 2 wintry showers
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as we go through friday, particularly in the whole carter. i'll chat a possibility to, to the west side of punchy, the races looking long as you settled and sunny sunshine to across the korean peninsula and northern parts of china. not too bad as well. we have got some wet weather tried to push into central and southern past is pumping into our hi. so it's getting run out a little more on the web cloud as we go on through sass day, but a few showers down towards the found south. and as you can see, still a few sounds having that west coast of japan at that stage of your showers. so it may be making my way towards the vietnam, but nothing too much to speak of with the weather for the 3, the philippines, malaysia, seeing the usual heavy down policy to the dice house, which east weather will be around the light peninsula to mount just dosing some big down pools and also some samples to the southern parts of india. few showers just around the plains that hopefully the fog and smoke not quite as dense,
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but remaining. they're ready to package down the quote to you by visit cuts on the sears from. i'll just be around on the go and meet tonight. i'll just there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we just fix allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from out to 0 new at your
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think. is it the, [000:00:00;00] the book about what you build? does it renews uh with me. so raman in the hall reminder of all told stories. a funeral has taken place in the lebanese capital. they re excite top thomas, the official who was assassinated, that on tuesday salary was killed and a try and strike. is there anything why fi, blaine, to the attack that has acknowledged responsibility is ran is intensifying as bombardment of central and southern concepts. the cause you can been central
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dollars a months. those areas have $22.00 people killed in a blank buildings in con units and at least one person who has been killed and several injured during it is very i'll be ready to be occupied. westbank, one that was shown to the city of the bus children consultations with these really forces the prisoners assess groups. st mobile, 30 palestinians were arrested. the b u. s. is criticized sounds advocate for bringing a genocide case against israel before the humans top calls. an initial hearing at the international court of justice in the hay is due to be held next week. this is the submission merit list, counterproductive and yeah, completely without any basis. in fact whatsoever. but the boss raised, profess solve media studies at the doha institute for graduate studies and joins online from it's done bonus. i'm actually could help you with this on the program again. is interesting, isn't it joan? because he seems to focus. oh is the focus at the moment because he contradicts
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himself woman that he's saying he's not an international lawyer and not an expert on this. the intricacies of what would be submitted to the i c. j. other within the last 24 hours. he says it's rubbish and he dismisses the petition completely. is yeah, well i think the, the 1st time he was asked about it, it probably caught him off guard a little bit. and i think he, we caught him in a, in a moment down of honesty and he's not a scholar of international law. he's not an expert, and obviously he hasn't read the document that, that south africa presented to the i c j. his most recent statement. there's more typical us propaganda, right? i mean, we, we don't want to go through the history of the us statements about its own foreign policy or domestic policy for that, for that, for that matter. but you don't need this to say we,
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we shouldn't take what us officials say very seriously. i think what's important here is that the us is feeling the need to come out and very strongly defend israel. that i think, underscores the seriousness of the accusations. and i think it suggests that the united states knows that there's that there's something to this, this is not just some random sort of attack on, on his room. and then of course, you know, as, as well, it's supported by the us. this petition submitted by south africa is supported by many other countries. a lot of our countries are the, the organization based on the conference is one, just one during the is a case like vase and siding with the south africans. does it have sort of, you might think long term consequences, a full them all for those that willingly support the israel a they will wrong garza so it's complicated, right?
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so the, the icy j rulings are not enforceable right there. they are legally binding on the one hand, so governments that don't comply are breaking the law, but the i, c, j does not have enforcement power per se. so um, from that standpoint, israel does not have to stop is not, no one's going to be able to force israel and to stop it's war unless the international community decides to intervene. in 1993 died, c j issued a ruling on the basis of the 1948 a genocide convention against yugoslavia. regarding the bosnian genocide on the same day, the united states and its nato allies are implemented a no fly zone. i don't think anyone expects that, that's going to happen in this case because the us is on the other side of this. and they are the only superpower in the world. but there are consequences. the
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united states and israel both want to be seen as legitimate state actors. they want to be seen as good guys. they don't present themselves, they don't want to be seen as much feel like and so this is why they're going to the, to these extremes, to try to present themselves in any positive light. indeed they have to be, but if it didn't even help being perceived like that's happened by many other countries, and that is what can do whatever it was and america will back them up. and this has, you might say tainted badly. the american reputation and vessel again, we go back to whatever the i c j decides. and if they do see in favor of the petition for south africa do blocks like the european union and other countries that have whole heartedly supported israel's position. have to rethink that position because many of them all cigna trees to the i c j and to the, the genocide close within it. that correct. well, i think that's what countries are going to have to,
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they're going to have to grapple with, and i think over the long term, this kind of damage to an nation's image can have serious consequences. so this is what countries are going to have to grapple with what the united states and israel are, are what scholars call non compliant actors. they see themselves as a bar as being above international law. and so they don't, they simply don't comply. but i think countries in the european union and outside of and elsewhere are gonna have to decide sort of which side of history they they want to be on. and i think that's what's going to be interesting to follow in the coming in the coming days and weeks. sometime in january we can expect an board or an emergency order from the i c j calling on israel to stop. it's violence and goes on. there is a whole issue of the global responses, the stock, the different positions of politicians and governments to what the public is demanding. and those images have been protocol test globally. you're
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a professor of media studies, pictures i say, speak a 1000 words that they sometimes and absolutely, and i think um social media has played a, a really interesting role in an important role and all of this. one of the things that i find fascinating is the, the differences in public opinion inside of the united states. so overall, mainly the united states population supports continues to support israel, but among young people in the 182-242-4235 age brackets. those are the people that are most clogged into tick tock and instagram and other social media sites. those folks are much more split and they're much more likely to support the palestinians. in fact, half of the young people in the united states support a mazda is october 7th attack on israel, which is maybe the most surprising finding of, of all of the reason calling data that we've seen. and internationally, we've seen
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a shift overtime as this more on god's or has continued to a more sort of an anti israel opposition. this is not just true in the united states, but also in inside of in several european countries that have come carried out poles. and you mentioned aero, been with some countries that already have very negative opinions of israel. and this is something that is real take seriously, who doesn't like to be, doesn't like to be seen as a, as a bad guy. and um, this is why they engage in the kind of propaganda and public relations that they are, that the engage and including on social media. well, we'll continue to unpack this as the even progresses, but for the moment that must be thanks to joining us from a stumble bakery has to be opened in the city of the in central gods that are off to the wall, forced it to place some old and 50 days past drawing some of the tower trees bakeries have added to a catastrophic food shortage and contract ripples. i'm seriously in front of one of
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the big trees that is finally operating in such a leasing ad. sending. brad, who are the palestinians in did, but after the days of housing its surfaces, the world food program provided this bakery with all of the ingredients and the fuel needed served. and to set brad for these policy and use for more than 50 days to sinews. have been making their own brides are using fire and using their own has it has been very tiring for all the fees. the face piece. as you see, people are in use waiting their turn button very, but it was a very deadly nights where the explosions did not stop start. henry sending did not stop. and in the morning, we saw that is there any times had been stationed near the entrance of the caps, where people had been evacuating since the past couple of days after
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the is there any forces? ask them and warm them to evacuate? the are totally new settings. nature needed, not stock. as whole of a new bakery is operating. people still here. and is there any invasion in the middle area of the gaza strip? this is, this is in the community for august data, fitted by the speaking of the days of the news now on china has complained to me in the straight onto the retails 5 because they shed boda injured at least 5 chinese citizens. the most military and all the groups have been finding of the newest of the country for months, not prompting calls from an agency saw from navy in china. foreign ministry spokesman, when we been says, basing as closely monitoring the situation will take necessary action to protect the safety of its citizens as well. john, as navy it as well as all conducting 2 days of military drills and contested waters
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in the south china sea video, released by the chinese military shows jets launching massage and engaging and was it called life fire drills? the exercise is taking place at the same time is drills are being held by the us on the philippines in the same waters and those tensions a growing between beijing and the miller. i have a disputed territorial claims in the south china sea. well, china is foreign, ministry has criticized america's naval exercises. se minutes a heck. the philippines in the us carried out provocative military activities in the south china sea trying to front the military. might. we urge the countries to stop the irresponsible behavior. the middle trains of south korea around the united states have been holding joint exercises since late december. the south defense south queen defense ministry says the operation which concludes on thursday, featured more than
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a 100 different military assets from both countries. the purpose of the drills is to practice joint operations and extreme weather conditions. russian hack us who knocked out services of ukraine's biggest telecoms operate for days had access to the company systems for months. ukraine cyber security cheese as a times to penetrate keeps tall system, probably happens as early as march. packers were able to steal personal information twice to the occasion. the phones intercept s. m. s. messages and access, telecom accounts, the phone service of some to $24000000.00 keeps the uses, was knocked out for days in december area which could you describe the attack? us dangerous. and i do believe that this attack a is a big, big message, a big, big warning. not only do you pray, but for the whole world, for the whole western world, to understand that no one is actually on the actual the commander of keeps move.
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all the defense seen is wanting to, they already have enough ammunition to withstand the feeble, popular tax. he said the units will lead to rely on the west tonight and the medium to long term last year in russia launch this law just be silent during the tax on ukraine. sincerely days of the invasion on choose day russian bond to the capital of the 2nd largest city of car keys, killing 5, an injury. dozens will submit the for as far as i munition for quotable defense systems is concerned, the current situation is such that there is enough to withstand the next few possible attacks in the medium to long term. of course, we need help from western countries to replenishment. so stock russia is planning to spend low on its military in 2020 full dine. it's done since the cold war. the kremlin says it'll direct an extra $45000000000.00. it says the increase is needed because it's facing what it calls a harper's war,
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being waged by the west as well as its campaign and ukraine. usually, a trip of oliver has moved from moscow. it rushes 2020 full budget speaks for itself. around 40 percent of all federal spending will go to vote. defense and law enforcement. move weapons and needed for the bottle fields and ukraine. has the crime in is adam and it's not winding down. it's military campaign against its neighbor. 5 trees, a switching to 2 to 3 shift working days to replenish on supplies. this is a, basically a war budget. i mean, the countries fighting a war. stocks are depleted weapons and nations and other supplies of the are being depleted. and so that, so there's a massive build up of military production and procurement production can stimulate the economy, and russia is no exception. but dakota, misstate social programs are and defended all the, the 2020 full bunch of increases spending on health care education, housing,
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the ministry expenditure forces, this slide almost all the priorities education in particular. and that could lead to russia lagging behind other developing countries in the future. stupid where the was on defense costs. these are the costs to produce intense rockets and other munitions sent to the front lines. and then more often than not turned into a heap of twisted metal from the economic point of view. this is the cash because the final product is being destroyed. then that is the threat of a global arms race triggered by the conflict between russia and ukraine. while most arms control agreements between most going, washington, i'm more dead than alive. ukraine can't wait, no honest race, but we're against russia on its own. there's going to still have different kind of support from other rich nations investor relations or does that's not the very good scenario because there's going to be a cold war, an arms race international,
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nearly 2 years into bunch of special operation in ukraine, the economies to growing largely due to oil revenues, it's a sign of its flexibility and your ability. conversely, the country managers to cope in spite of the sanctions imposed by the west, the oil price ceiling is not working. the so called russian states capitalism is choosing as former british prime minister, margaret sasha, one said to put guns before box a national problem. all of a o g 0 at most car us republicans have threatening to blow the button. administration's request for funding for ukraine, linking it to the migrant influx of the stuff in boulder, house speaker, mike johnson, and the public and representatives visited border officials, an eagle pass in texas. so that demanding changes to immigration policies and exchange for support for the emergency full time funding. and i quote, numbers off microns crossed into the us from mexico throughout 2023.
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so me as president ultram tells us the supreme court to review a decision binding came from the colorado primary election. the states top colt removed from from the republican policy primary ballot. citing is role in the 2021 capitol hill by it. trump's lawyers are appealing a similar ban in the states of maine. oh is it? but it is fact. it's just like so much. now us judge has released more previously sealed documents with the names of powerful people associated with the late sex offender, jeffrey epstein. among them, the full but us presidents of bill clinton and donald trump. persons prince andrew, the late scientist stephen hawking. building to pump it's got a magician, david copperfield, now better appearance in the court documents which fold parts of the 2015 case against epstein. isn't evidence of any wrong doing well? names are expected to be revealed in the coming days. slow, still
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a head here on the, i'll just say it renews us young palestinians practice call coal. i'm in the ruins, providing some relief from the daily. it's really from boston. it's about story
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coming up, the straits up to the, the book about no transcript of communications between that traffic controlled in 2 planes. it collided to tokyo, apple. this week has shown any that the japan adeline's passenger jets was given permission to be on the runway. a case called plain was preparing to take off on
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the same runway when the app is a 350 landed and hit the small craft cutting 5 people on board. the transcript shows the case called plain adult being played for takeoff. the troops have been deployed across the bangladesh ahead of sunday's general election. the army says is that to keep the peace, but it will take action if election officials i'm skipped to the main opposition party of boy coughing. the votes of the prime minister shaken siena rejected the demand that she should resign in hand power to a neutral sovereignty. she is running for full consecutive time. but it has now moved off in arctic prison in russia. kremlin critic on the opposition, politician elect, seen the valley has been transferred. the potable colony is known to be about 60 kilometers knowles of the arctic circle. but it's considered to be one of the toughest prisons in the country. according to local media, it was was possible to do like sistan, a full soviet labor comes, develop these allies,
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say the prison was specifically chosen to cut the valley off from his lawyers, and supposes in the usa judge has been attacked and injured during court proceedings in las vegas after defendant jumped over the bench and assaulted the courts with a lot of standing on the scene unfolded when judge mary k. holt. us was about to give her a sentence decision. it's a convicted felon breton, the 30 year old. and that day with the bench young explosives and having punches before being tucked away, he was in court with regard to a challenge of attempted battery, with substantial bodily home of hundreds of cars and trucks stuck on the highway installed in southern sweden after heavy stay full on wednesday night, the country the cold and it's cold is january evening in 25 years, with temperatures as low as minus $43.00 degrees celsius. last time it hit that cold,
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it was january 19. 99 minus 49 degrees celsius was recorded for setting out to the will on garza, the team of young palestinian athletes in rafa has managed to keep that passion for free running alive. they've tend to destroy neighborhoods to keep this both alive moments. all how's the story their homes have been destroyed. 5 of those team members helping some. but these young survivors are 4 in law or they're not for their support. and defies is that it has funds for them. and i show up a center what we've been practicing the support for many years. we train in public places on even ground. i don't sign juice when the war broke out, we've begun to training on top of the ruins of bombarded neighborhoods. it's a message to the well that all result to live is stronger than ever. and also to show the well, the extent of the destruction caused by is right, the bottoms the support of parkwood and falls out on the people using activity to
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10 office to close into assets like jumping, climbing for running. it's become popular in gaza over the last few decades, acquiring a special symbolism as young athletes like these 10 sites of dysfunction, obstacles, courses for the support. despite this, teen was found that these 2011 due to the slightly so you don't cause its members never had a chance to play like most tutorials they've developed students. they say beat international standard a lot and have been met. it's uh, i think it's a way to tell the world that nothing can stucco. so force us to give up and audrey in our sports and our identity of this. it also helps us to release the negative energy and also as a distraction from the bad things that are happening around us. i know we'll get
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the hope for one day. they won't be able to problem ended up to some time in international competitions. and they believe that it is inseparable, the form of when a freedom from occupation, palestine itself coming from i'm to 0. and that's it for me for that we'll have more news on the other side of the paper until i do stay with us here on autism. and on the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is a context to what is happening now. it says it's cool. thanks. question professor applies unflinching questions. rigorous. the bank that he added to today is that another cleansing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into gauze and without us of permission, nothing leaves profit without the girls permission. allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this byron upfront, without 0 zeros. here to report on the people often ignored, but who must be hurt. how many other channels can you say will take this time and
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put extensive followed into reporting from under reported areas. of course we cover major global defense, but our passion lies in making sure that you're hearing the stories from people in places like how this fine video regions and so many others. we go to them, we make the effort, we care straight, and then finish journey. that has the less than broken gay involved, they thought they could make it to europe, traveling from senegal, through the sahara to the edge of the mediterranean. in new jersey, the traffic has sold us 200, some dippy. i like slaves, piled into or cage only a metre high out of the 120 people that were with us. only 17 survived. the stop, what your opinions perceive as an unstoppable flow of africans, the pressure you share it to making the traffic of migrants illegal. but now the
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low criminalizing of legal migration is being revoked. the you now for years, a new wave of margaret's. this will cost that in the desk such, but that would also mean more people coming to the you. despite the humiliation, abuse and suffering all day and isa are willing to attempt the journey to europe again in search for what they hope will be a dignified life. the thousands of people gathered in day roads full. the funeral, a cdn, a mouse official fellow booby gives a sense to try to touch on cheese, say the funds of around the the what you obviously are like my headquarters here in the also coming up is really strong. said causes case talk, seeing those,


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