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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 4, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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for us as a community off to the side, the cool that used to produce outstanding gymnast them out as the integrity in the pursuit of truth. it was supposed to be a refuse, which sells crudely as brothers home was allegedly the scene of torture. right? and even murder $1.00 oh, $1.00 east investigates the crimes. and those set to be behind on on the truck. so robin, you're watching the how does it renews online from one headquarters here in the coming up? in the next 60 minutes, dozens of palestinians are killed as many as prizes continued to hit display civilians, and southern and coastal garza mold in 22400 palestinians have now been killed since october. the 2nd thousands of people attend the funeral of senior high
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boss officials loudly and they read. he was assassinated in a surprise on tuesday. and then he has another palestinian dies in his riley prison . we have the hiring testimony of torture and degrading treatment, suffers by detaining tulsa on group. i sold planes responsibility for wednesday, suicide bombings in the wrong. the now killed 85 people. the welcome to the news on israel is on salt, continues 16 palestinians have been killed in the latest and strongly called southern gaza. the attack is a displaced persons camp in the olive mossy area 9 children. while amongst the dead bodies of the dead will then take into nasir hospital and con eunice where families gather to pray. the sandy military says they were trying to flush out, tomas,
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they just hiding in the area. so it is very well plains of also bumped down because you can pin central garza rescuer because that was searching through the rubble of us. the volume is 22438 palestinians have not been killed in gauze. as israel began his attacks in october, now cause has taught me initial municipal official says there are major shortages of basic necessities. these appealing people a to be like to provide people with no full. so what is the most no good, most of what is available for the people for what people want them to 3 and also for election. one of the waste water is running on the streets of thought. a couple of as a correspondent and rough and southern gossip,
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the sunsets and the strikes began and the blood shed continues. of the yes, definitely. this is the situation right now in dallas. uh more rounding off of metro. reparations from the north to, to the southern costs of the territory. um, its own gunning intelligence efforts made by the is value military surveillance of drones. over this call is the gaza strip and the past few hours. in fact, the attacks are rising and also the desktop. results from these attacks had completely to search in particular in the southern part of gauze were and noticed the non profound experience being killed. since the early beginning of this, they had twice into 30 palestinians who had been also killed and those as others who have injured an ongoing pumping of hon. you in a city where also one of the key areas that had been hit today was the palestinian bread cruise, that society courses which had been hit for the 5th time. and the 3rd attack had
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been carried out against the discharge of both organizations. um to similarly in terms of the situation in the middle governance, it's also excessive painting as the east venue for suspend alternator units, keep shilling residential areas. and what we can clearly observe from what is happening in the middle coordinates is a repeat of scenario of the noise. so presented in a systematic destruction of residential houses and key infrastructure. just also northside was on contest and dropping of leaflets for residents to seek safety in the southern parts. work fighting continues that over a few kilometers away from rough districts save soon, which has become right now overcrowded with it, with a tens of thousands of residents alongside with more than 1000000 in factories we are right now teaching show to install it kind of covers a minute for us and rough. uh, thank you. this is where the strikes of also destroyed dozens of homes and the
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giovanni a refugee camp in northern goza. witnesses say that noah was killed or injured, but families have lost all of their belongings. and also, i'm sure be feasible for you don't have the no, ma'am on my boss, i listed the on 1st day at dawn occupation gold plains leveled a number of houses here in l. c. a area at the jabante, a candle, mont, causing massive destruction. as you can see, a list of the outcome of the near how sick and he became and the occupation level and entire residential neighborhood, including this area. tell you the also the us clipping songs, you know, and beds. and so our neighbors, sudden the whole world turned upside down and then we went outside and found an entire block going, depends on the border of the assembly, had been leveled the areas targeted to 3 or 4 missile. and you can see the resulting destruction to go. thankfully, there was nobody in the area. and all these homes had been evacuate simply from the
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oil side of the month because i'm very well by the local lever from the beginning of the war. the area came under sustain showing, and approximately 50 houses were hit. last night while you were sleeping in the school, the area came once again under fire and everything was wiped out. the streets are closed and everything inside the houses were lost. we found the area completely wiped out. nothing remained of the 50 homes. thankfully, there was no one inside the target to the houses. otherwise it would have been a mess, occur. homes can be rebuilt, but it's enough enough because there's nothing left to measure. i have the model as you saw, a civilian homes were completely destroyed off to the occupation bundy on this residential neighborhood. here at the july, the camp and the cities, just the law shamella to the thousands of people have taken to the streets of levels capital for the funeral procession of senior hamas leader so loudly. he was
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the deputy chief of the goose political bureau and found uh of its military wing and the custom brigade of every was assassinated in detroit. and strike in southern bay route on tuesday. then held it upholstered from favorite honoring commander salis. rudy was her master's, most senior officials in lebanon, and the most senior. how master official israel has been accused of killing since the start of its war on gaza. a history of resistance is how the movement described res life and they are promising his this won't be the end of the struggle, nor will it break the will of the palestinian people who say they are facing a campaign of genocide. this was a strike that hit the leadership, but there is defiance. and the other was no doubt design is standing me is known
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for its policy of assassinations. killing resistance meet is, is not new. we understand the language that this any makes us strong. a terri commanders were also killed in choose. they strike in the paper suburb. the military military capabilities was also the official leader of the health and its regional, based in lebanon for several years. already made few public appearances. he's been seen several times with has well as chief hass on those throw law and iranian officials, most recently participating and coordination meetings during as well as hor on garza. i mean, every was a very important figure in the last move and obviously, but we have to look at how much is a network that has a network organization where,
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you know, the nodes are replaceable. and that's the whole point of why these organizations are so resilient. and we've seen over the last, you know, decades of is really assess the nations that individuals can be quite easily was replaced for people here. the assassination is part of an attempt by israel to show a false image of victory, but it's being seen as another example of israel expanding its operational reach beyond garza center for their elders. either they don't, but at least one person has been killed and several people in judge joining in his way, any rate in the occupied westbank or mamma shots in the city. if the boss getting consultations with is really full says, but it's also taking place until crime and the news shows refugee come. dozens of people have interested in the operation that abraham has moved from ramallah and the occupied westbank. a y z is ready for says re that left right and center here in the occupied westbank. this time they've focused their main waves to 2 areas,
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the north, some sort of few decamp where they stayed for more than 40 hours. i didn't see it village in gene in to the north of the occupied west bank where they've stayed for around 9 hours. now that are is really media reports that these really soldiers who have it participated in those 2 rates have been suffering from injuries. one of them excessive as a result of a bombs that has designated they're all in all you're talking about the occupied westbank, which is largely on arm. but you see some arguments taking a hold in jeanine on in the north, some sort of few decals. and this is why we've been seeing a lot of those as really reads concentrating on those areas. but palestinians would tell you that this really wins are different rates to many palestinian cities, but it is on refugee camps one to remind the palestinians who has the ultimate force, who has that offer control and they would want to stop any resistance to their
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occupation. me that but he is just the occupied westbank, bowden halls of the $11000.00 palestinians and he's ready the custody with detained after october. the 7th sandra prison system described by rights groups as a vigilante organization operating entirely outside both the low and ethics. on monday, a 23 year old men from nablus became the latest palestinian to dine in and is really prison from the ben. it's difficult a israel's prisons are dangerous places for palestinians. abdul rahman, by ash just 23 years old, is a 7th post and into a died under the cat of israel's prison service since october. unless i v, then no doubt we have fears. not only for our son, but all prisoners, they're all in this together. i fear because my son was in megan no jail because there's deliberate repression and there's no organization in this world not local
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and not the red cross. let us down to give us information on prisoners conditions or prison services. the circumstances of abdul rahman, instead of being with you that are almost 9000 palestinians in these rarely jails form inmates of testified about frequent beatings and the denial of medical care. these re politician over seeing present conditions has been convicted of racism and membership of an extreme right wing carol organization. it's my bank of a regularly boast of how tough he is on palestinian prisons. positions for human rights at the present service has become a vigilante organization operating out of revenge. you must mood cutting. 90 describes the most sensitive parts of his body. the guns would beat the 19 year old spend 3 months in jail before being released in exchange for captives being held by some us in gaza. and again, it's been a more i feared going crazy. most death is easier for me. the business insensitive
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spots on the head and in areas that would cause disabilities. the 7 prisoners would sleep on the ground for that sheets. water was available for an hour once a week. sometimes we wouldn't get the chance to shower that, say off in the score moods. the 3 brothers are still in these riley prisons. he says he expects to hear the death of one of them. at any move, bernard smith, i wonder 0, annapolis in the occupied westbank. this is what it says is it is up to 2 rock as 5 phone calls over the city of ask along multiple project phones was seen being shot down by as miles and at defense systems. the casualties have been reported to us. that could be in the state will depart full them at least april, the same on the trip is expected to include a stop in israel to the lincoln's previous trip to israel was drawing a 7 day pulse and fighting. the lincoln's visit comes at a period of heightened tension in the region of the cleaning office senior. how
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masika seller a rudy in lebanon? well in the moment we'll get the latest is ready reactions from side of highlights in tel aviv. but let's close over to kimberly how it is all white house correspondent. he's done the buying. kimberly obviously we, we were waiting for more information about the itinerary for missed the banking visit to the ban lease. he'll definitely be visiting israel at some point. moved to so yeah, that's right. he'll be visiting israel as well as other middle east capitals. we're also waiting on an update from national security council spokesperson john kirby. that white house press briefing daily press briefing, set to begin any moment where we could get more on. not only that meeting, but also an update on another senior diplomat that has been dispatched to the region that his name is a mazda huff theme. and the reason that both of these diplomats are in the region is because us president joe biden is deeply concerned about what appears to be as soon as a, or
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a need to suit the tensions between israel and has been following the killing of one of those top hamas leaders very recently in the last few days along with a number of his aides. and so the big concern here in washington is this could spiral quickly into a regional war. so what we know is that already there has been one meeting that has been held between mister hoshal dean as well as the is really defense minister coming out of that meeting. we did get one statement where he said, but the short window of time for diplomatic understandings is under way. and he also went on to say that we will not tolerate threats posed by the a. ronnie and proxy has bola. now the big concern for the united states is the israel has been in many circumstances. operating is war on gaza unilaterally. in other words,
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it has not been listening to the advice and guidance of the united states, particularly when it comes to those high number of palestinian casualties. and so the fear is this could also apply when it comes to broadening this conflict beyond the israel's borders. and so that is why these 2 diplomats are either on their way or already in the region. because as the concern buys by the white house is to try and contain this before tensions become further inflamed, how get that for us at the white house? thank you, that's cool service. cyber conrad, who joys is not a problem telling me. i contain things attention to such and containing israel's actions is exactly what blinking wants to find out when he arrives in television. yeah, he'll want to find out why they all operations in gaza. there's been an open communication between both countries with the us being is rouse biggest i live, but also it's biggest provider in terms of financial aid. and in terms of the
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weapons being provided actually for this very well, which is ironic. given that it's saying openly that it wants israel to carry out more precise targeting and to reduce it strikes and certainly reduce the number of casualties. and the number of got a desk with palestinians in gaza, but also at the time. and that's probably because of the international pressure that snow early come from several countries, but from the region as well as well as the when and even human rights groups. thing this has to stop the amount of kidding that has to stop. all of this is happening at the time what also the sci fi discussions that seem to initially be ongoing, like they are at the moment, setting the water, especially off to the death of salon, install a lot, a lot already just a few days ago. and at the time when a lot so those captive has been killed since that last the spot. and certainly some
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of those health captives also have do is really us citizenship. another discussion as kimberly was saying, is the northern border is sutton, the officer has, by law, has said that it would follow the any attacks if a is route was to strike level known or to carry out into a full block on war. even though israel has said that it's not interested, it also has its tens of thousands of truth reinforced the long about border as it continues to push for diplomatic efforts to push has been a lot back. in fact, prime minister benjamin less than the always has a, in a recent statement, actually been saying that the maximum power will be used as well as how full precision. and that's interesting in terms of using the word precision because that is such a need. something to us will want to see more less fighting, as it says openly. but the reality still is that it is the biggest support serve as
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well. so require that for us in tennessee with that update. thank you. now the us has criticized south africa, so bringing a genocide case against israel before the humans, top costs and initial hearing of the international court of justice and the hague is due to be held next week and the submission merit list counterproductive and completely without any basis in fact, whatsoever and out last raise professor of media studies on the toe institute for graduate studies and joins us now from its double kentucky with saint john cubby. you know that his full has had a position of being quite contradictory over the last few days. one minute he says he has absolutely no idea about international law and that he either got caught, would he say anything? and now he's very clearly saying that the petition made by the south africans to the i. c j is basically rubbish, a right to me. it's clear that he hasn't taken now i can very close look at
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at the, at the file if he's read any of it at all. it's $84.00 pages, $570.00 foot notes. it's been psych repeated and it's in its detail. not only in terms of how it documents, genocide, all actions by israel, but also and this is important and how it documents the statements of genocide or intent in factors an entire long section on of genocide or intent. showing the statements, given by top is really officials telling, telling us exactly what they're planning to do and, and, and what, in fact they've, they've done this according to international law. scholars is a completely unique case in, in the history of modern genocide. because typically it's very difficult to prove intent, and prosecutors have to go to sort of extraordinary means in this case,
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these realities have been very explicit about what they wanted to do. the, the, the statements are pretty horrific. and for that reason, many international law scholars have already come forth and said that this is pretty much a textbook case of genocide and it'll be a pretty open and shut case uh at the end of january, sometime in january, we should expect an order from dicey ga, to international court of justice, the world court basically commanding israel to stop its violence in gaza. we've seen that certainly the past few weeks, how the international community have also mandates that the un, for example, of the general assembly to vote the, the, the dislike of what's going on. and i support for the palestinians as such. one of the issues about is i c, g i c j position is how countries that have, you might say initially supported israel like the you block everybody and the
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e. u blocks this, rectify the i, c j in the genocide, close is within its structure. might have to change that to and depending on how the i, c, j. c, this particular petition, especially if they see full south africa. right, well look at the reality is that states don't want to become isolated. and the united states and israel are increasingly isolated, they are what to bar. noam chomsky is a famous phrase from the title of his book a rogue states. they are non compliant. factors that, that feel that they are above international law and public opinion, global public opinion is increasingly negative. these of the united states and israel. and i think, as i said earlier, countries in the european union, countries in uh, in africa, in asia, in the central and south america are going to have to make their minds up about what side of history they,
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they're going to be on. because in my mind and based on everything that i've heard and read from every reputable international law and genocide, scholar out there, this is going to be put in the books as, as a genocide number the 3 that joining us for missed on both. thank you for your time, sir. thanks. the 1st thing you some of the days of the news now. nice. so let's kind responsibilities a to suicide. bombings that have killed 85 people in southeast, in iran. the time of happened at the cemetery in the city of catamount, on wednesday, during a settlement of the 2, but the assassinated senior general cost them so the money. they're a new president. behavioral he see an supreme need to i a tally. how many have promised? what that calling a harsh response a minute there on the joys this nice blue sky list from the time wrong kentucky
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with this on the program, we all get a reaction obviously that i so a claiming responsibility. so how would turn around now react, knowing, but i saw is a sort of fluidly, geographical group as well. the ron has gone against isis for many years. the battle against isis in searing, the rock, how tight uh, for that matter, was led to by general southern money who was murdered by the americans 4 years ago yesterday. and that's where this atrocity took place. he effectively defeated the astonishing state which was closely linked to the west. and that's why many iranians still are not sure that israel was not somehow involved during the, during the war in syria. isis had basis alongside the goal line.
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and whenever this here economy would try to take those territories, this res would show searing positions and carry out their strikes against the syrians. and they would also treat crisis patients. the same was true without kind to, so there was a link back and then, and i said, so now kind of were linked to nato. we have the world, 2012 email. the interesting infamous email by jake sullivan on february, the 12th 2012 to hillary clinton, where you said in syria. okay, it is on our side. and at that time i just was a part of outside it. so there are these links that they're all in the you still are not sure what the relation is between isis and i'll try to hear if there is one . yeah, i'm sorry, i didn't want to interrupt too much miss were on the that, but i mean again, that's just one every or is it? no it's, i mean what we need to know as well. perhaps it it from the is right. a rainy and
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security operates. this is what they think the strengths of isolated in the region generally because he didn't. so it just syria, i'm bored, very is navy as well. it's also a rock as well because they have that pockets that strong holes. how. how clear an image to just tell ron how the of ice those general influence in the region to be runny is are so c monitoring i so and they are supporting countries in an organization, organizations that struggle against them. but the problem is, is that if, for example, in syria, the areas in which i saw or isis is active are those areas which are controlled by the americans. and even in syria, there is there for our relationship, a complicated relationship which in isis and the united states isis has different,
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as you pointed out, it's, it's fluid, it's fragmented, even at its height. there were different tribes. it wasn't the unified for, strictly speaking. so the, the issue is that us, the americans at time emptied almost all the time in pete, the fight against isis and syria in afghanistan. i say this is fighting the tal yvonne right now. so in different places, there are different actors, but the writings will get their for that and they will punish isis. the only question he is is there and these riley link to this. and if there is, then there will have to be responsive this ready regime as well, because we had a number of events over the past few days that and the kids suspicious that the role of as well, that the terror attacks can be route to senior against senior from us intentional
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close close friend to the one, the running general who was supporting from us a week before that he was murdered by it is right, the regime and in a terrorist attack. and then of course, we have the atrocities that are going on in gaza. so there is the feeling attack on that is ready, which he may be doing. carrying out these attacks to provo key runs to expand the war since they've already lost in gauze and they're different theories out there. we have to wait and see what the, the running intelligence agencies conclude. and then we will have to wait and see. but for the moment, my member id, thanks so much for joining us from to her on think you know, the iraq you government and strongly conduct the dry and strong talks in the headquarters of the uranium but dom group in baghdad. at least 3 people were killed in the strike. one of them was a senior member of the popular mobilization forces, which is an umbrella group. so she a power ministry groups. 5 of the members were injured. some members of the group
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have talked to us bases in iraq since, as well as well and gauze that began. it still has, here i'll be, i'll just say it renews on the aging goals or a see saw between me and malls, military and rebel groups, and lots of shells, fine across the board and a number of chinese citizen and russia. i'm a case of the vicious budget to submit a tree which the kremlin says is needed for what it calls its hyper tool against the west. to stay with the the color of the weather remain slots. you drive to live on the chevy side by g request, a good parts of the arabian peninsula, leased by al status, the see if the but the cloud spilling out the that the i pushing to was the caspian
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. we got some right and snow coming in here. that you got a loss, you try cause much will be arriving potential or what a stiff small at just making it fairly middle of the fresh side as we go through the next, outside the home of the top temperature of around $23.00 degrees. meanwhile association inside of the mit generally dry here and so you've got one for the next couple of days. a friday does still say a few showers may make extend the way right down into gaza. brightening up as we go on through friday in society. that when the weather that when she was just making just way across georgia media for as a by john a few showers also coming in across the team, but nothing too much to speak of. the see, we got some pretty unsettled weather coming into the central pos often, but it's right nearby that state. so that's just spinning out sofa spite and poach, kill northern parts of morocco. 6 of pretty wet weather, northern areas of our area. and that will continue to push its way into action is the motive thinks some rather wet weather at that stage, that planning a shot was meanwhile, across the central parts of africa down towards the south. heaviest,
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down pulls around zambia malawi, the the, the latest news as it breaks, we would just hit pretty badly by tear gas. there have been various consultations on a weekly basis with detail coverage. this policy is making life so miserable for the palestinians that they eventually leave is effectively forcible transfer. and that's a whole crime. i'm fearless jen, it isn't. it's totally dark. we're using our own life. this is the only way that they have life and can cook food. examining the impact of today's headlines this year. for the destruction of your everything. international filmmakers and world class john, unless you're saying that these laws actually encourage more violence. 7 arsenal
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stories for a global audience. this is my you house. this is the way what these are so tied to the phrase us from our college and open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today. on how does era news the book about to be also in the song with lisa who robin and hold her mind to of all the top stories, the secretary of state for all the possible, the middling spectrum 1st i on a trick that's expected to include a stuff in israel. clinton's visit comes that a period of hyphen tension in the region. after the clean gulf senior. how about the setup of rudy in level a funeral has taken place in the lebanese capital. they've reached full, that official who's assassinated on choose day is every was killed and,
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and try and strike is room is being blame. city attacked with has an acknowledged responsibility, is where it is intensifying as bombardment of central and southern garza, the under the housing camp in central cost areas. kate called me earlier towards the 2 people were killed and an overnight rate across kong. eunice, the israel's will cabinet. i told you to convince schultz a whether expected to hammer on most of the issues or problems on how to manage call. so after the war is over, we'll bring in the summer tires are correspondents in tennessee with the latest summer. what can you tell us more about how this meeting is going to be conducted and what they might come out with the yeah, the g to meet very soon but so we've got some very interesting, unimportant information for the 1st time outlining what the israelis thoughts is in
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terms of what happens off to the will in the gaza strip. this is the 1st time we've had any sort of information. this is coming from the minister of defense. you off the logs, now they've released state, he listed a number of things. number one, he says, the israel will not control civilian life in the causes strip, but it has no interest in doing so. but it will look to be irresponsible full of carrying out the reason of action militarily in gaza. it can go in and out when it needs to, when it's once, it also said that they should be a joint arab western coalition, a multi national coalition that would be in charge of the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the gaza strip once the fight thing and another important point that he added is that the egypt, the us and israel all working together to guarantee the tight supervision of the
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board as well. so he said that is route will direct any of these operations that include this month, multi national coalition or task force. if you want to, that's what it is planning to have in charge there. all those board is that these starts in the, in the interior and soon after it withdrawals. and it says that it will still guide that's operation and be able to supervise as well. any goods that are coming in and out. all of this is the 1st thing we've heard now, son's fault from the is riley's as to what fools they have. once the fighting stops, but he's also talking about the current situation now he's added that they will be continuing the i'd say in the south of the gaza strip. he said uh for the time being in the current full mouth that is going on now. and he said, but israel doesn't want the return of the palestinians,
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but were displaced from the north, at least for now. so that was the discussion that would they be allowing some of them to return from the next phase. this as we move into this next phase during the war, it seems that he's now saying that they don't want not to happen on the belief. at least what's being discussed amongst is riley media is that could be potentially to put more pressure on him. us, in terms of the captives to ensure that they manage to find some deal to get the cap says out in the best possible way by putting more pressure on how much than not does it come as a surprise. because israel has maintained the only way to get ahold of the taxes, but there's about $120.00. 9 of them is through the pressure that it puts on how much spends that statement we've been hearing from the finance minister best law, smart trips. who said that this is unattainable, that this should not happen and is still pushing for the voluntary migration of the
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palestinians. in gaza will be bringing you more on that. this is an ongoing developing story at the moment. yeah. and both will continue to analyze what's being said with you as far as the hours progressive, the movements on the car at that for us and television. now the heavy funny thing in the sense of the goal is to strip as full as many palestinians to flee. many moving towards russell and the safety of an evacuation zone in on the mossy method of travel to meet those who fled to that's the area is defined by destruction and displacement. this is the daily routine of thousands of palestinians of being the war in the northern parts of the gulf of cities. but this time, these 1000 of people are pouring into from the central part of the gauze as 3 about these really military just stepped up. its military operations that widen the intensity on the scan of the bombing when orders thousands of people to leave the
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fin 12 parts all the way to come to our milwaukee area, the west and a rough, i again designate and it as a safe zone. people here, you know, there is no safe place in the gaza strip, not even this small area of largely sand parts high o one model. here. we decided to go directly to f i c t. instead of going to dave bella, cuz we knew it wasn't safe and with the tools to back create, there's no savings. amazing. gotcha. oh no, we don't know where to go after this place. unless you model and that's fully stocked, then the people left on the heavy show and these are the people who are being killed on the solid in road as they were evacuated from new. so that regardless birds come and it is why is there about 15 or less for the south? so and it's passing the, the bombings intends to be increased, visited a point that people had no other choice, but to leave the central part of the gaza strip. all the way taking
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a journey and throughout 50, near the gyptian gauze, a border in an attempt to save their lives in one of the, the small towns that they will set up. so far, 1000 of people have arrived here with expecting more in the coming hours. honey. my mode via evacuations on or off by 50. bakers reopened to the city of the in central cause and after the will forced to play some old and 50 days strong . some of the territories bakeries have added to a catastrophic food shortage. and del comforting the pulse. i'm seriously in front of one of the big trees that is finally operating in such a leasing ad. sending. brad, who are the palestinians in did, but after the days of housing its surfaces. the work program provided this bakery with all of the ingredients and the fuel needed serve and to set brad
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for these policy news. for more than 50 days. honda simians have been making their own brides are using fire and using their own has it has been very tiring for all the fees. the space, as you see, people are in use waiting their turn button very, but it was a very deadly nights where the explosions did not stop. dar temporary setting, did not stop. and in the morning, we saw that the is there any times had been stationed near the entrance of the refugee camps, where people had been evacuating since the past couple of days after the is there any forces, ask them, and warm them to evacuate? the are totally new southern litter needed, not stock as whole of a new bakery is operating. people still here and is ready to envision in the middle
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area of the gaza strip. this is, this is in the city for august data that has been a so let's take a look at some of the nice other news and media release court documents, detail about the social network of the late disgrace by nancy, a. jeffrey epstein, a sex trafficking allegations made against a thousands of pages of documents. the 1st of many slated for release pertaining to a civil suit, filed under his co conspirator glade maxwell, who was convicted of criminal challenges. for instance, the baby has little of what the documents do and do not reveal. the finance, the or jeffrey epstein died before going to trial to face sex trafficking charges, newly released court documents detail his extensive social circle, but deal with old allegations. the people names so far and the documents include alleged victim's, employees, and witnesses all from a civil lawsuit, settled with epstein long time companion, glean maxwell herself convicted of sex traffic in the documents reference,
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many high profile people who acknowledged visiting epstein like former presidents bill clinton, and donald trump, britton's prince andrew inform is really prime minister a who'd brock, but they have denied any wrong doing or knowledge of his criminal activities and a television interview, a lawyer for delane maxwell had nothing to say about the release of the documents, but said of the overall crime quote, it's all about man abusing women for a long period of time and it's only one person in jail, a woman. it is not a jeffrey. i've seen client life the way that it's being portrayed by many people, including social media, kadijah, soft r as an investigative reporter who's exposed how epstein used his connections, often without their knowledge to recruit young women, even after a 2008 conviction. many of the people who are hobnobbing with him said that you didn't know about his behavior, i think was often missed. and the story is off. how these via p connections were used to further his sex profiting,
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especially after 2008 because he never stopped abusing women. and what he did was he would dangle money integration to help and job opportunities. epstein suicide may have stopped his trial from going forward, but it didn't stop his victims from seeking financial compensation and a lawsuit against his bank. that case was settled last november. united states largest, jp morgan chase came $290000000.00 to roughly $200.00 of apps is victims. the women accused the bank and a law suit of ignoring warning signs in his behavior. the release documents showed the links to which epstein and maxwell went to exploit young women for sex, but are not expected to lead to any new charges against the associates. kristen salumi al jazeera new york. as i spoke to the shooting of the high school in the us, state of iowa has died of
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a parent self inflicted gunshot wound. 3 people injured in the attack of a high school in the city of perry. early police responded to reports of an active shooter, blocked off a number of streets around the school. multiple ambulances on telecom was also attended the scene. argentinian and president, have a malay was suff. it'll have some of the 1st set back on the record has temporarily suspended his labor full bill. it's after he announced to the emergency degree to try to improve the country's fading economy. protests of already being held against the proposed measures. the general confederation of labor has also announced a one day strike later this month, therefore includes producing pension contributions and activists say, it's a rhodes. what? because rights, china has complained to me in law that straight artillery shells fine across the shed board of the engine that these 5 chinese citizens, may mazda, penetrate that on groups have been fine thing in the north of the country for months, something calls an urgency, saw from neighboring china,
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or ministry spokes person says with beijing is closely monitoring the situation. it will take necessary action to protect the safety of its citizens. a russian, how it goes. so you're not that services of ukraine's biggest telecoms operate to the days have access to the company systems for months. ukraine, cyber security chief says, attempts to penetrate, keeps stall. systems probably happened as early as march pack is able to steal personal information. trace the location of phones, intercept estimates, messages, and access, telecom accounts, the site and service of some 24000000 keeps tall uses was knocked out for days in december. the commander of keys mobilized defense unit says it's welding bay. i only have enough ammunition to withstand a few more powerful attacks. he says the units will need to rely on more west made and the medium to long term late last year. russia last is largest miss island. try
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to tax on ukraine. sincerely days of the invasion, and on tuesday, russia bombarded the capital and the 2nd largest city of hot keys. can we find an injured dozen small? while russia is planning to spend more on its military and 2024 of them? it's done since the cold war, the kremlin says it'll direct to an extra 40 $5000000000.00. it says the increase is needed because it's facing what it calls a hybrid war, being waged by the west as well as campaign in ukraine. julia and shep of oliver has moved from musket rushes 2020 full budget speaks for itself. around 40 percent of all federal spending will go to whole defense and law enforcement weapons and needed for the bottle fields and ukraine has the crime in as adam and it's not winding down. it's military compared against its neighbor factories, a switching to 2 to 3 shift working days to replenish on supplies. this is a,
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basically a war budget. i mean, the countries fighting a war. stocks are depleted weapons and nations and other supplies of the are being depleted. and so that, so there's a massive build up of military production and procurement production can stimulate the economy and russia is no exception. but to call them is state social programs or in the funded all the, the 2020 full budget increases spending on health care education, housing, the ministry expenditure forces, aside almost all the priorities education in particular. and that could lead to russia lagging behind the developing countries in the future. stupid where the was on defense costs. these are the costs to produce intense rockets and other munitions sent to the front lines. and then more often than not turned into a heap of twisted metal from the economic point of view. this is the end cache because the final product is being destroyed. then that is the threat of
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a global arms race triggered by the conflict between russia and ukraine. while most arms control agreements between most going, washington, i'm all dead. been alive. you crave can't wait, no honest race, but we're against russia on its own. there's going to still have different kind of support from other rich nations investor relations. and that's not the very good scenario because there's going to be a cold war, an arms race international, nearly 2 years into bunch of special alteration in ukraine, the economies to growing largely due to oil revenues. it's a sign of its flexibility and your ability. currently the country managers to cope in spite of the sanctions imposed by the west, the oil price ceiling is not working. the so called russian states capitalism is choosing as former british prime minister, margaret sasha, one said to put the guns before. but to you last you problem all of a o g 0 at most. i hope your writings continue to goals, but assistance,
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southern regions of france and germany. hundreds of people have been forced to leave the homes in recent days. emergency workers have been grappling with the rising waters during the last couple of weeks so, so if you can't get reports for towns center or ask northern fronts. recovering of to several days of torrential rain, where residents still need to use tractors to get around the flood the streets. the waters may have begun to recede with the entire area is still under a red weather warning. this is the 2nd time in as many months that such significant flooding has hit the region raising phase that this phenomenon could be the new normal hit. us by a flight has begun to install pumps to clear the flood waters. frances environment minister paid a visit, promising an exceptional response to deal with or has been an extraordinary field for with a lot of things to choose between the phones. we don't have
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a uniform situation across all the areas are all sectors where we have repeated difficulties in others where fortunately we have a little less. but we need to find a way of coordinating that will be taking place in one area so that it doesn't exactly make the problems in the other. in germany rescue workers in the city of oakland, but near the north sea coast put up temporary dams to stem the flooding from the hunter river already badly affected by the weather. residents of bracing themselves for more rain in the coming days. yet despite the full costs, some refusing to leave the area as well, that will not leave my phone behind. we have horses and so on to day care of me. it's not that simple. a race against time of the elements as a special on a ready critical situation. sonya jago, i'll just say around. hundreds of cars and trucks was stuck on the highway and skid
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and southern suite and left a heavy snow full on wednesday nights. the country recorded. it's cold as january evening in 25 years with temperatures as low as minus 43 degrees celsius. last time it was not cold but was in 1999 minus 49 degrees. what's included? well, still a head here on the news. ok. then he's receiving a one time ration wanting to find that one rough island. the dog has in front of them. fine. that has come back to the big time. do you remember the story of the to the by the the,
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the full now his under thank you so much so i will be come back to finish the 22 time at grandson champion, wrapping it out, continues to go to plenty to that one problem during his lights, his match, and the prison international maybe right now that it was on his way back from the thoughts then he's receiving once i'm version. so i'm wondering, is that a lot aside from getting into trouble for link the mid much toilet break and that's i was able to beat jason fee. what's a move into the quarter finals after a year out of action following hip surgery and the dollars easy? the event for half of the 1st round, the final decision history. you know the steps of the white and sundays every days is a learning, again, know, and they need to play every single point, foreclose, i tried to do it because doesn't matter the result,
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the something that they need to, to keep doing a lot in the game how to play every single point foreclosed on with the right intensity, not because at the end be something that you lose, you need to get used to the competition again. and then i wrote a call and it was making her come back from an 8 months injury. lyles b. 2021 at us. open champion. well, no, i think that's good. lisa felina bought some classic evarado, especially in a winter when this 2nd round, much and 3 sets run to college. next to him it's will be the australian, all right. i've already paid to matches and also my caught time has been pretty limited and i didn't like i've been training the last few months and i dealt a but i had a few setbacks with my wrists and 9. cool. so yeah, to be back up to the speed of to certainly to is a is a great side. right. 100 held on set top support in the spanish like
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a one. know one of them you ok. keeping him just ahead of close system arrivals at sharon me. ok. what's twice an escape rail. right. and i'd like to extend that i'm fee to most of the $18.00 games i'm sending really because i had it coming up. it's not proved to be the decisive moment. they leisure on a $5.00 difference only in the cycle. right. is there anything prestige and continuing against have less account. make sure they grab the stuff fixed on when it's a win, win 3, there's a leading journey. 11 points with leaders right now. the hall flight points in this seems like both along the way down in falls. now 10 points behind the top 2 that can make a little round a little later on this thursday shelby's side taking on at los palmas away. well, we are ready to compete as always we, we were training so well. we came back from holidays really, really well, we'd really had it done tomorrow. we have a better difficult enough game against the less problem i submitted if we could use
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them. but we want this database these yet it, we said the 3 the person is, you know, striking, showing them by price as you get. so make up his mind about what he's going to be able to make. it seems to be some wednesday, or you will sponsors to, to victory and the french champions charge the number of phase contracts to the club. runs out at the end of the season, me put me on a freight truck. it's got a shift that has been invited pga to apply or for the year ahead of must his jumping john wrong. anyone to events can pass the rooms for the vote by fellow professionals may just have a new phones by roam, joining the saudi arabian back lift. so last month, the pga live and european. so it was, was supposed to have done a video by the end of last year after green to much but negotiations, but still ongoing. on the situation remains unclear. heading into the new season. i feel for the fan there's been a ton of confusion not only for players out on tour in the last year too, but,
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but i can only imagine for the fan at all. and so i hope with having more of the best players play the same weeks, they know exactly which weeks are important and important to us players. and they get to see a lot more tournaments where the best players onto are competing against each other down the stretch on sunday. because i think that's what the fan really wants to say are in there. instead of new test, cricket russell, they beat south africa in just a dana hoff and the shortest f a test much to produce a when india require 9642 volts to secure this when say to inside sound beginning with significant savings on for 176, india then reached 1015, so i'll get it to 79 for the loss of 3, which hits the previous shortest assess, took place almost a 100 years ago. when australia b, south africa, melba, frustrated their inspection against pakistan. david, willing to score 30 full time and we'll set to be the final test of his career. much of the day, 2 and city last to 5 months would write a straight. you're finishing up
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a 116 to 2 in the punch of pakistan's 300 and 1st c. okay, that is high support is looking finance. thanks very much on the news. i'll be watching the i'll just even use that. how he pulls that will have full news on the other side of the break, but until then some ends. you may handle the news on team head downstairs, have courses, and dial how much your time and you're comfortable. the unsettled tact upfront takes on the big issue. that is the context to what is happening now. it says it's cool. thanks. 3 questions. first of all, 5 unflinching questions. rigorous. the bank that he added to today is that another thing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission, nothing leads, profit without the girls permission. allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without 0. why?
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your why your might the annual as you know, higher month i english. right. i know we have are in addition to the in built valves which are part of the irrigation canals, farmers have resorted to external water whose is to pump the water onto their fields. practices the government considers illegal. i'm or from ha ha ha, i'm just all 100 give i don't how to say the city that on if that's possible i would have to switch
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the the, [000:00:00;00] the hello and how are you full? so this is the news i live from the coming up in the next 60 minutes, dozens of palestinians are killed as ready as christ continued to hit display civilians in southern and coastal garza moving 22400 dollars to the ins. and now
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being til since october,


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