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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 4, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm AST

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the, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello and how are you full. so this is the news i live from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. dozens of palestinians are killed as ready as price continue to hit. the display civilians in southern and coastal garza moving $22400.00 the
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indians and now being killed since october. the 2nd is this real security cabinet needs to discuss its future plans with guns up, the defense minister says israel will retain security control of the proceed strip . thousands of people attend the funeral, the senior hamas officials saw that a re and a route who was assassinated in a drug strike on tuesday. and the on group. i still claims responsibility for wednesday, suicide bombings in iran. the $285.00 people the of use really on so on does it continues, is it runs up it's months long. we're on the strip. the is where the military has been heavily targeting causes, central and southern areas within $22400.00 pounds. the new ones have now being til billing marks as this report was desperate digging in the darkness.
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these main screen campbell's, the survivors totes lights shining on showing of steel and collapsed concrete elsewhere in the daylight, the dead. and it carried out to devastated homes as plains rage on inside. the astronomy has been forced into a new home. far from willingly its attendance on the streets. she says she has little to eat, no shower ball, 3 more blankets for the 8 year old. just a strong wish to stay close to the rubble of the old house. when neighbors had dragged around itself for a recent strike, the despite the destruction, despite the shunning, i would rather die under the rubble of my house than go to egypt. i'm not going to egypt, they want me to go to egypt and beg. i would rather stay in my house. but even standing on the streets and garza carries risk,
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the family unit bulls to clean from fear of sniper, far not everyone escapes the bullets. so bloss slow with each departure deep moaned the grease generated cutting deep to survive is of any age the month. so just a to, i'm so tired i would assume is in rough uh, in southern gaza for us now and just to target, bring us up to date on the latest strikes that i just situation decide to yes. as we are hearing right now, the sound of these really surveillance of drones, the attacks on the goal is a stretch, did not stop during the last out. well, these very unrelenting bombing continue in the same areas which had been the center
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for the military operations. and the ground inclusion that day by day use expanding in the middle school, renee and come to supplement parts, including condo to city, which was today across the lines of in terms of the victims that were falling into due to the usability bombing. we're at least so the palestinians have been killed since the strikes that have been conducted today against the residential neighborhoods of con, your city. slicing fig. get much more furious for palestinian pointers. are having regular crashes with these very soldiers was wanting to carry out new to freak through advancement in terms of the a central areas of this district. now also the middle governance, as we have been informed by residents from the pulse of guns or strip, have been on the phone going confrontations and also bombings by these, by the author to read the one of the latest strikes had leveled to the ground, the residential building belonged to
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a lost family in the school in the vicinity of the dogs. a warranty with this areas had been earlier designated to save soon, but right now, as well as talk to the complete new phase of destruction in the middle governance of goals. this trip, no more people are due to this unrelenting bombing are evacuating to refund to others being dropped. the us been hearing on going on constance clashes and fight exchange between the palestinian fighters and the east valley military who are also trying to define the middle governance of gauze us set into main street areas. just they got a kind of military mobility on the ground, the and, but clearly the ongoing attacks during the past couple of hours had also led to a key damage in the, in the civilian infrastructure. the. i'm a repeated attacks against a international organizations in psych goes on d at one of the main pro minutes of these was the palestinian red occurs of society which what hits for the 3rd time in con unice. since october, the 7th on tarka,
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as you and the other colleagues have been reporting little bit of civilians who are being killed have already been displaced prior to being caught up in the building. so those evading the bombing and trying to eke out survival in these comes in on a why see, for example, what is life like, how is the situation that as well and surviving such a very eye clinic and over. so i really what, which completely describes how palestinians are struggling be day in order to get the basic necessities i'm living and very drastic conditions and make shift tons of to losing the houses off to being also financially pro can only right now depending on receiving and surviving on the human interior and ate the are provided by the united nations on the palestinians. in fact, with low growing evacuation otis and also waves through the separate parts of the
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gaza strip. they have new options left just to keep with the situation right now. off to being also did not find any place to remain inside. now they are sitting up, make shift tens and they are forced to deal with all the difficulties in terms of the drastic with a lack of supplies and also the deterioration of the medical conditions, especially among children of women who are the victim of this ongoing confrontations on the ground between the power of city and fight isn't over the and also he's very so just we can clearly say that most tents are made in southern parts of gauze and raphael, particular and most suffering, a waiting policy and safety situation is like goals that did not change, and also there was never any kind of full solution for over many treat max as palestinians a waiting eagerly to return back again to the houses or the current moment at least to receive a sufficient amount of humanitarian supplies. that would be helpful for them to face and to encounter these on here,
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the human conditions that they have been getting through since october the 7th. alright, target was a mat in real fast. thank you very much for the updates a mean while some important use lines coming out of israel with a security cabinet is meeting this evening ahead of that metering. the defense minister, your guidelines laid out apart, plans full goes off to the war. us our high right is joining us now from tentative to fill us in. what exactly did the guidelines say to report as yeah, that's right. just as about. so we'll cabinet is about to be health, including and expanded security cabinet to discuss those plans. this is the 1st time we've heard anything official from israel in terms of what they think a post will cause the will look like, or at least what they once festival. number one, how much will no longer control garza part of sending an entity will be in charge
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of running the civilian affairs. however, this will be with very specific conditions. those conditions all, they won't act so hostile towards israel and they won't act against it in any way, shape or form. you also have the israel and this is important here, will have complete freedom to minute treat operations in garza which effectively means it will be able to move in and move wow as it pleases. this is something that we've been seeing in occupied westbank, but also it was a multi national task force. one the compromises of weston and arab nations, one, but we'll look to govern some watts the border areas. this is also as part of the restructuring. they want them to be in charge of the restructuring and re developing of the gaza strip, basically saying that they wouldn't be involved in that aspect of things. also
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another thing that's been mentioned egypt, israel on the us, all walking together to guarantee tight supervision of all that border. and also with israel directing and guiding that multi task operation. and also supervising any goods coming in and out of the gaza strip effectively. what we're hearing here is that they would still maintain a lots of that control. and remember the gaza strip was on the and has been on the 17 years of a blockades by israel. now, in terms of that, this is just ahead of this will cabinet meeting almost testing the waters, if you like to see what the reaction will be. because also already we've had some reaction from, for example, the finance minister, best all smart tree. it's one of the most outspoken in that fall writes a government effectively saying that the day off the plan is there
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a piece of the day before, this is the person, the ones voluntary migration i. e once re settlement is really supplements back in the gaza strip. and those that are living in the gaza strip to leave now, since then, we've actually now hubs the gun on is saying, well, these riley is the saying that this is just at the moment, one of the potential ponds, a vision. and perhaps this is where they all testing the waters to see what kind of reaction they'll bill receiving. well, obviously the hard, so even within the coalition government, given what you just said about the small churches reaction and the idea of trying to sell list to what are the palestinian entities they're talking about inside garza and arab states as well. i mean, how do you think this is going to be received? well, i mean, certainly what this means is that is rel,
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effectively. so we'll control and make the big decisions as to who is in charge, who isn't in charge, who will be responsible of certain aspects of things. i know. so you have for example, egypt now this thing and this point, israel, egypt, nearest all working together. it's a guarantee type supervision of the border. are problems the agent being pleased about that certainly not publicly because they don't want to be seen. certainly. okay. yes. they are on the border with this role and you know, it's a joy boulder. but at the point, the point is rather they don't want to be seen, especially these are countries to be collaborating with israel if you like. now if you look at when they say a palestinian entity, what has been said previously, both by prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and the members of the little cabinet is they said they don't want any polish thing and seem to be in charge. teaching in that schools are right trick that goes against israel. but let's remember the historical context too,
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because lots of palestinians are still on the is radio to patient has been on the some of israel in many, many ways, including in the gaza strip a blockade. but it's not just lines, but s and c goods, electricity, water, everything control, even movement of people is controlled by israel. so to say that they couldn't pick and choose who they want to golf and, well, what are the options? you certainly have the policy ending as far as see, the said it may be open to the idea or not something that the americans are pushing full, but still very early days. and still, it's not clear who would be taking control of the gaza strip once this will is over . but this is such a need. the 1st time we actually have an outline, if you like, this is still going to be discussed. it would still have to be approved even in the long run. but right now as we speak, the war is still ongoing. the number of palestinians killed is increasing. and one more thing to us when they talk about a multi task post who's going to pay for this?
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certainly $1.00 of the suggestions has been that it would include european countries, well, the western world, especially with the war and ukraine, that costs a lot of money. a lot of those countries don't have the ability and to some degree don't want to really gets involved. and that what again beyond is really times when you look at the mediterranean sea, and when you look at the, our countries, they actually stayed back from the coming parts of the american led task force in the mediterranean. and that spoke volumes because they definitely don't want to be seen to be signing in any way, shape or form against the palestinians. right? sorry. all right, the original theories. ok. parties through some science press settings, stuff that let's go straight to. she have read tons to who is dining by at the us state department in washington. so as sarah was just saying, this is being flagged in with great funds that already now you'll have gone apparently saying, hey, this is just one idea, but it's the 1st may just sort of sketching out of these are the position on the phase off to the wall in garza, how do you think it'll go down in the us given that talking about the significant
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us role? that's why i think i just lost your audio like there. how are you, black, but if you still haven't me, i will say that in november, a story break. that's the us and israel were talking about setting up a multinational force. however, as soon as that story broke the room, egypt denials that the us would be actively involved in any. okay. they did break or right. oh yeah. how are you still have it? we do. yes. yeah, we got you fine. so yeah, please, please go on and let us know what's, what do you assign? there's a lot of i today you can never tell um so yeah, so um in november that was a story that break that for us as ro were in active discussions about some sort of multinational force for gaza. however, there was swift denials from the 1st an advisor, but from the national security council. i remember you said the american forces
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wouldn't be involved and you can sort of see why because that space of us forces are pretty show the record of being an occupying force, notably in the middle east. but they were apparently discussions of the house that has been ongoing, but sir, is idea that it would be led to by the us, the us as a multinational force. i think that's one of the striking factors on this list of possible options. beyond that, we've always had the same thing from an attorney blinking, i'm sure by themselves what they are ideally looking for is what they call the revitalized palestinian authority to oversee you guys. i'm sorry on the table that actually means and then be on bad. we always have to go back to what the state department likes to cool. it's took your principles in november. lincoln was entered kerry for a meeting of g 7 foreign ministers and he laid out several principles for the future of goes, i know forcible displacement, no real que patient, no blockade, no reduction or land a new platform for terrorism in gaza. and i think what's interesting there is that issue for civil displacement. i mean, clearly there is some kind of
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a vision for palestinians to remain in gauze within india and guns, bullet points. but let them young too. and others have been quite open to their main option. their main goal is to extend the population of goes. and then there will be using this, this, this phrase for simple displacement that talking about rolling pre emigration. that argument is now will that cause has been destroyed. so what there as actually monetary intervention with or other countries are taken goals and that's what they're saying now. and it's interesting that the state department still sticks just out. actually, we had the one been blinking visits, the region who will be talking about no full symbol displacement, but why they always speaking to that's terminology for civil displacement and you have to, one to given are carefully the us choose. it's was the reason that sticking about 4 with a full civil displacement, but not valid and treat immigration, which is all quite clearly nothing. yahoo, it's a say it's some sort of trojan of what was for an eventual for an eventual sending out a gauze. or we just don't know, we are unable to get comment from the state department on that, but yeah,
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i mean there's the principles that the state department says or it's, it's not mature for the future goals that they don't they don't entirely comport. but there are some elements in the go out left to that veteran common. and as you say onto blinking is heading to the region very soon. does this cost uh, a new light on that visit? how do you think it'll play into, into the, is talks in the region that it might do. but good. i've been trying to get on has an outs. these are, these are, these are just things that we're discussing. were you know, you can, you might, you would, when we discuss all sorts of things. i would imagine that's what the site development will say. but we do finally have the details of lincoln's mid least try to key grease. jordan, you, a saudi arabia is ro, westbank and egypt, top of the edge under apparently of the humanitarian assistance to gauze of income as these are in the military campaign. the next phase, the return of palestinians, the neighborhoods pensions in the west bank, the captives and preventing the conflict from expanding regionally,
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and then trotting away ford where i would, i would imagine, and policy and governance where i would imagine some of these issues will be discussed but i think we really need to, we need to really watch about this issue of forcible displacement versus voluntary emigration, which is what is rarely is another thing as a sort of fig leaf. perhaps with sending out the population of goals or all right, she ever sent you that in washington. thank you very much for joining us right straight now to bus you on monday he's a read a in post colonial literature at university of kent and is joining us for a month. and thank you very much for joining us on the program. as we've been laying out, this is not yet official is ready policy. those plans are a post. will garza, however, it is the 1st kind of really detailed list of at least a wish list from from a very senior member of the is ready government. it's sounds pretty much like a, a very intensive occupation of gauze and what's your assessment of what you thought? and so i think it's important to step back a little in and,
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and just talk with you guys. what is it that it has been undertaking for the last 90 days? it's been a genocidal war against the palestinians. it's been an all out war against palestinian society. the number of display start 1900000. all hundreds of thousands of buildings destroyed. northern gauze eyes is, is essentially in bravo. and i thought all of those days that i had the plan is essentially a continuation of war. by other means. there's no peace at the end of this plan. there is no come off at the end of this plan, allegedly, the how much is the fighting? there's no cease fire. that is, there is a continuation of military operations. that is an attempt to continue to divide the ballast and use because there's no talk about unifying. the product name is on the one entity on $11.00. political entity dot net on the outline is dividing the west bank from gaza. that is that i need the pump is still open to tip. but i think the fragmentation of the palestinians are still there at the end of this more the most savage war conducted than the 21st century against i'm
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a civilian population that has no and documentation. there's no end to cj. and it's a complete violation of assuming a lot of self determination. so you have to wonder about how they are listed. this is and whether this is just a moment. is there any colonial fantasy or an american way of the hashing? the old of little formula with that has failed for the last 25 years where america and is that at all looking for a local collaborate to take out a civilian business. as it is that i have continues to mental. it's this acute at the opposite autos continues to occupy the area uh from outside coming up with and putting whatever it wants and continues to boost its setting up colonial project. this is not what i said before, the postwar, this is a continuation of war. well, i'm not point of of who would work as a sort of palestinian entity in such a assess out. but the, this plan talks about a palestinian civil administrative body over the existing and a strengthened is made up of local communities and all sorts he's, i mean,
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that sounds even show us of what the americans are talking about. some sort of revitalized p a. i mean, who, who would be in that position? is it realistic to think that any such groups exist that we willing to work with? these are these off to the, the kind of a campaign you've just been outlined. so these are the ones to pay back into the they also the $1.00 time us that's the one of the declared names of the war. so what they're looking for is alternately because they're looking for essentially what's happening in northern cause a local technocrats or clowns. that would be able to be trusted in order to administer humanitarian aid that would come in to get them shut on, but won't be able to have any kind of political control. and we'll talk about the territories. so you think about the local arrangement from northern garza, you can think about another local that it has been for southern gov. you can think about those 2 areas being politically separated off as effectively they are doing and in the west bank. so it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a policy of dividing phone,
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cutting politically flag main thing on ensuring that there is no national identity that represents the palestinian national life. an advocate, some claims the pot of thing in the state. so that's kind of to me, is on the patient, deserve and are protected internationally i should be receiving. that's what these are really fine, it's, it's a continuation of also documentation across. but without thomas, and what about this idea of, of a map multinational force that doesn't just include european and, and us involvement. but according to this plan, moderate arab countries, i mean there were reports that some of those countries were shopped and, and opposed to the kind of tactics used by him. us given the nature and the scale of the attacked on october the 7th on israel. but as every week has succeeded that and the, the numbers of civilian casualties. mounting in the nature of the as ready campaign and gaza has become clear and clearer. it seems less and less likely that any arab nation would want to get involved in this way. surely yeah, so our patients have been doing very little in this genocide. what against the
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fonts to me is it is absolutely shocking. the oil weapon hasn't been used to stop the assault, the continued for 90 days, and it's still ongoing is what i just talk about this continuing for a year, maybe 2 years. so i haven't been doing anything for the, for the palestinians on that level to stop the assault. i'm not, what is what i was trying to do is to invite them to secure that occupation. well, the outcome because i agree to that. a huge if this performing a unimportant folding and blocking the displacement of the palestinians from gaza. but it's also about splitting the suffocation of cause at the bottom of that thing . it's not opening simply opening its borders to goods on humanitarian needs. that kind of thing is one, but what does that mean as want now is for egypt to participate in, actively occupying the pot as the means of because i don't think that that i listed on the throne. i don't think it would be accepted by our states. well yes, i mean that the idea of it not potentially being a realistic plan. already i've got on saturday saying that it is just an idea at
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this point. it's not official is really policy. we've already had some directions within the wider world cabinet. bessalo smart trick saying that it's, it's not enough that it's uh, it's simply going back to the situation before the 7th of october and his terminology, he's been talking about only having one or 200000 palestinians, still living and gaza. yeah. in the future, i mean, given those splits within these very cabinet, given the extreme nature of some of its members even given you know that the wide uh, sort of setup of this government. do you think that this has any real legs? this idea, you know, i, i don't see it as having the legs unless the government changes, unless the whole government falls so long as the government. so as long as the nose and bar, and so long as empowering the fish just to kind of have some design to society that simply wants either to be subtle, gauze or, or to do that by displacing most of the products to move by force, not just one internally then this, this, this won't continue. this won't last. it's very clear that what does that mean is
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how, what the americans have allowed is what is declared in the last 90 days. is, is a process of if she have fun to see what you hit opposite, i only need those immediately. those members of the class that's from the quote from outside of the liquid is just this dental side. the product of wiping out cause a dropping the nuclear bomb and gauze, asking to keep cleansing auto gaza, keeping just 100 or 200000. the fact that these are stated openly by is that i am the politicians on television and debated open units that i didn't use. john was as if this is the solution for, for the, for, for the finest in the in question is just mind boggling on that you have members, all of in, in the government will advocate this talk to be an open young continue to be in the govern just shows you the expense, all the sub budgeting, but is it a society design? the policies how has defended and all right. bye sure. i would mind joining us from ogden. thank you very much for your time. and your knowledge has this evening. most likely to bear with thousands of people to take into the streets of lebanon's
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capital for the funeral procession of a senior. how must be to sell a library? he was the deputy chief of the groups political bureau and the founder of its military. when one of the founders, the cassandra guides ivory, was assassinated in a drone strike in southern bay route on tuesday. then a hold of reports now from 11 east capital honoring commander salis, rudy was her master's, most senior officials in lebanon. and the most senior. how master official israel has been accused of killing since the start of a tour on gaza. a history of resistance is how the movement described res life and they are promising his this won't be the end of the struggle. nor will it break the will of the palestinian people who say they are facing a campaign of genocide. this was a strike that hit the leadership,
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but there is defiance. and i've also, no doubt design is standing me is known for its policy of assassinations. killing resistance need is, is not new. we understand the language that this any makes us strong. a terry commanders were also killed in tuesday strike in the paper suburb. the military military capabilities was also the official leader of the health and its regional, based in lebanon for several years, already made few public appearances. he's been seen several times with has well as chief house on those throw law and iranian officials, most recently participating and coordination meetings during as well as hor on garza. i mean every was
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a very important figure in the i'm us moving obviously. but we have to look at how much is a network that has a network organization where, you know, the nodes are replaceable. and that's the whole point of why these organizations are so resilient. and we've seen over the last, you know, decades of is really assess the nations that individuals can be quite easily, was replaced for people here. the assassination is part of an attempt by israel to show a false image of victory. but it's being seen as another example of israel expanding its operational reach beyond garza center for their elders. either built at least one person has been killed and several injured during and is ready. right in the occupied westbank. a man was shot in the city of to boston during confrontations with is where the forces rates have also taken place into com. and the, nor sean is refugee comp. thousands of people have been arrested in the concussion, a moving hoss of 11000 palestinians in his really custody. i've been detained since
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october the 7th. they entered a prison system, described by rights groups as a vigilante organization, operating entirely outside both law and ethics. on monday, a 23 year old man from novelist became the latest palestinian to die in such a prison from novice. bernard smith as this report is rails prisons dangerous places for palestinians. abdul rahman, by ash just 23 years old, is a 7th post and into a died under the cat of israel's prison service. since october. unless i fee, then no doubt we have fears. not only for our son, but all prisoners, they're all in this together. i fear because my son was in megan no jail because there's deliberate repression and there's no organization in this world not local and not the red cross. let us down to give us information on prisoners conditions. prison services. the circumstances of abdul rahman, instead of being with you there are almost 9000 palestinians in these rarely jails
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for inmates of testified about frequent beatings and the denial of medical care. these really politician over seeing prisoner conditions has been convicted of racism. a membership of an extreme right wing carol organization. it's my bank of a regularly boast of how toughie is on palestinian prisoners positions for human rights to the present service has become a vigilante organization. operating out of revenge of mood, cuts and 90 describes the most sensitive parts of his body. the guns would beat of the 19 year old spend to 3 months in jail before being released in exchange for captives being held by some us in gaza. and again, it's been a more i feared, going crazy. most death is easier for me. the business insensitive spots on the head and then the areas that would cause disabilities. the 7 prisoners would sleep on the ground for that sheets. water was available for an hour once a week. sometimes we wouldn't get the chance to shower that say off in this more
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moods. the 3 brothers are still in these riley prisons. he says he expects to hear the death of one of them. at any moment, bernard smith, i wonder, 0 annapolis in the occupied westbank. still ahead on al jazeera aging calls for cx. 5 between me and laws, ministry, and revels groups. as artillery shells fine across the board, in just a number of chinese citizens and cook documents shed light on the social network of a disgrace, finance here and sex offender, jeffrey epstein, the a, we look at the world's top display stories from global markets to economies and a small business sales force and including security around the world. if there's something that the international community your view should be doing to understand how it affects counting the cost on o g 0,
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slaving under the hot sun. collecting a limitless energy. so their own tri hoses down to. so the panels on his roof, the decades, the number line on the diesel, shipped in a great expense with crowns from the australian government. the island built itself a so the grid now they can capture and store fully energy. they need kind on state fits future of fossil fuels, no renewables, the natural gas from the gulf of thailand, power stations, funding co shipped in from australia to transition away from fossil fuels could be relatively easy in china. but the government remains committed to colon, guess the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, are you watching? i'll just 0 reminder of our top story is this out is room is intensifying its bombardments of central and southern gaza. the, i don't know how's the refugee time in central gauze was among the areas earlier, 22 people would do an overnight for me in hon. you, this is very defense minister. you have guidelines has laid down to perspective planned full gaza at a will cabinets meeting. you told media that home us would not be allowed to rule garza off to the world in egypt. and israel would collaborate with the us to quote, isolate and secure the product. and the funeral is taking place and 11 east capital bay route for a tough time. us official who was assassinated there on tuesday, saw a re re, was killed in a drug strikes, as well as being why the plains be attacked, but hasn't acknowledged responsiveness. now bakery has reopened in the city of deer
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of bella in central gaza. also the will forced it to close for more than 50 days, as strikes on the tire trees. bakeries have added to a catastrophic food shortage, including reports, as i'm seriously in front of one of the big trees that is fine and the operating in such a leasing ad. sending. brad who are the palestinians in did. but after the days of housing its surfaces, the work program provided this bakery with all of the ingredients and the fuel needed serve and to set brad for these policy news for more than 50 days. honest opinions have been making their own brides are using sawyer and using their own has it has been very tiring for all the visa space. as you see, people are in use waiting their turn button very, but it was a very deadly nights where the explosions did not stop start. henry sending did not
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stop. and in the morning, we saw that the is there any times had been stationed near the entrance of the refugee camps, where people have been evacuating since the past couple of days after the is there any forces, ask them, and warm them to evacuate? the are totally new setting nature needed, not stock. as whole of a new bakery is operating. people still here and is ready to envision in the middle area of the gaza strip. this is, this is in the city for i just need to get it by so the trucks. i've looked at some of the days i've been use now, and i still has claimed responsibility for to suicide bombings. the $285.00 people in se iran, it's not happened at a cemetery and the city of come on on wednesday,
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during the ceremony at the time of the assassinated senior general costume. so the money they're writing president abraham, racy and supreme. the that i, until i ali human a, i promised what they cooling, a harsh response. well, that's bringing most of a hostile session as a political analyst and professor fos media faculty. insight. ronnie is joining us via skype from there. thank you very much for joining us. on al jazeera and we're just talking there about the harsh reaction being promised. initially, mr. reiser himself was talking about is really involvement. do you think they will now accept this claimant responsibility by iso and if so, how will they respond harshly against iso i and thanks for having me. well, to begin with, i'm nobody buys the claim to isis has done that in here. but even if that this is an peices, it's been done at the hands of isis,
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but masterminded by the easier to use. there is no doubt in here about that unless you remember isis and no sir, i both were given a briefing of hospitals at these really hospitals in the occupied gold at high see where we looked at buying it from yahoo ban. these really gave out the photos and videos of these events and the hospitals during the war in syria and also um, uh if this has been done by them. uh, this has been masterminded by the user. the regime. uh, we'd have to start what, what am i just okay, do you have to say that? i mean, obviously yes, that was, uh i, there were fighters who uh, uh, who would take an injured across to uh, to his ready territory occupied territory in the golden heights during the syrian civil war. but it's a bit of a, it's a bit of a step from that just saying that this was definitively and his reaction. there are many reasons to believe that this has not been ices. first of all, the kind of thought of casualties,
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but have been brought up by the last yesterday. that's a very important issue because most of those bad and injured, they have been one bad from chess off for. this is not a known tactics isis. this is a tactic that hirelings, it'd be easier to reach g as in cat, her mouth in iran, in former attacks. uh, both sizes and these are local groups, so doesn't operate for the user. you reach him directly or indirectly. they, they, they are known to have both in size and these are the regime. but in the meantime, if you just look at the military refills in the region as well as the political positions of the u. k, usually you and the united states in the past one or 2 weeks, you realize that they were ok, there was a tro mulch and stretched towards the bomb and they were promising it back. so you're wrong from former is really pretty near, and that's something that who, you know, honestly that most took responsibility for to terrorist attacks on the wrong in the
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past. and calling for striking get wrong to know who, who valves all strong strike on the wrong to linux, a grand, who was a speaking to fox news and called for striking and loading. ki ron off the map in the past few days. but you can k has also been of going along with a pass of more or less. so they were promising that they started with a rise the most likely in syria, the us for our re and be roots. and now this week there is no doubt about the very fact that this has been an easy, really mass of minus plus. that's why that you really need to be there said, and there's message that those of care rocks have. if i'm not mistaken into translation, a better job shift. the beloved lot of innocent people as well as those that match
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the mind to take care off mass of mind is that has done this ross will be the target of all attacks and the business they try most of the tax. as far as right now, i just want to, i'm just just to, to push back on one or 2 things that i haven't seen any british government official saying that iran should be raised from the map. and certainly the is really attacks that have been either claimed or have not been denied by as well in the past has been different. they've been targeting iran and running nuclear scientists or facilities, but that's lead to that to one side. i guess the important thing now is what the radians say, and how they respond, what they believe has happened and what the response might be in terms of the broad escalation that we're currently witnessing in the region. where do you think it goes from here? i didn't say that the british said they need to strike you one hoffman that upset. i said they spectrum to the wrong alongside these really us and it was congress
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melissa graham in the us actually who is known to have as the raw positions. he said it during a recent uh, fox news interview in the past 3 days that you on should come under attack and should blue. and he said the united states should blow it off the math. so that means the wrong, of course. so that, that was what he said and the british who during along with that but anyways let, let's move on to the idea of where ron respond, the wrong. yeah, one has multiple options open. let's remember that according to the easily the media when they get activated, soccer practice on the wrong t 4 months later. the a father of their aerospace military aerospace program, abby har, i'd be hard even was chilled a heart of israel in hays or the hotel that he was residing and several other these really talk the shows where are there or set to fire by a lot of coffee, that's what they said that they played around them after they started out sabotaged
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accepting a task affility to of their military. i mean and tell us they might miss slide manufacturing plants of last is also when they are talking to the rating ships, their ships, the winds on fire and so on. so for one day attack the wall on a few side of the space. they said that they receive the stronger responses including of what the new york times says, quoting the is really america. cyber security firm checked the point that the lawn has grown so powerful and sophisticated in cyberspace. the other around the same time to talk over 7 attack started. they claim that all of my much job, you know, information has the dental shop auction, bad saw and, and the military part of the for the easy, the army stuff. because yesterday's work they can, i'm sorry,
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what we're going to have to interrupt. the understood there are multiple options that it and it has done things you say in the past at a timing of its choosing. i appreciate your, your analysis evening on the annual patience with some technical problems we've been having through to get you on the i appreciate it. thank you very much. thank you. thank you very much. alright, the rocky government has strongly condemned a drone strike tungsten, the headquarters have been run back on the group in baghdad. at least 3 people were killed in the strike. one of them was a senior member of the popular mobilization forces, which is an umbrella group of ship power, military groups. 5 other members were injured. some members of the group of targeted us spaces in iraq since israel's war on gaza began. hundreds of homes had been destroyed after 5 ripped through a shanty town in karachi. focused on the officials say, no one perished. 5 crew say they reached the area in time to extinguish the place
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without any casualties. god, what did was we've been living here for a long time, houses with the motors to make way for the expressway. that's why we're living in these checks. the government promised us that we would be given a plot or a house, but nothing is being done. around 300 checks have been done. we have lost so much. we can't tell you, we don't know how we're going to survive. china has complained to me and more of a stray artillery shells side across a shed border that injured at least 5 chinese citizens. the in laws move the tree and on the groups have been fighting in the north of the country for months fronting calls for an urgency supply from neighboring china farm industry spokesperson says badging as closely monitoring the situation and will take necessary action to protect the safety of its citizens thoughtfully has more now from badging. the incident happened on wednesday afternoon, but its only on says day but chinese stage media global times it's published video . now what is the video shows, moments off to a shell landed on
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a pavement. local officials say 5 people have been injured and they've been sent to a hospital in nonsense town. and they also say the shells came from me on most mules and co can region. this region is particularly rest if it's been that way, even before the me on mama that she came in 2021. that had been some years with fighting between me on my rebels and also me on more minutes. we got so intense that tens of thousands of people temporarily crossed over the border into china to escape. so in recent months, conflict has searched again between the military, between ethnic groups and also between pro democracy flights of just last week the chinese embassy and me and my chinese nationals to meet now kind of main town in the region, citing growing insecurity. some of this recent incident, the chinese foreign ministry says it deplores the chinese casualties caused by the conflict and says it's all sides to take measures to ensure something like this
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doesn't happen again. during sleep out to 0 agent, china is nadine task force or conducting 2 days of military drills in the contested waters in the south china sea video released by the chinese military shows jets launching missiles and engaging in what it called live fire drills. the exercises taking place at the same time as drills being held by the us and the philippines in the same waters. tensions of growing between badging and manila are disputed territorial claims in the south china sea. china is foreign ministry has criticized what it called provocative naval exercises carried out by the us. the same is a heck. the philippines and the u. s. carried out provocative military activities in the south china sea trying to front the military might. we urge the countries to stop the irresponsible behavior in the meanwhile, amenities of south korea and united states, a wrapped up a week long series of joint exercises with a drill close to the north korean border. south clean
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defense ministry size. the operation featured more than a 100 different military assets from both countries. north korea has heavily criticize the drills, who stated that this was the practice of joint operations in extreme weather conditions. still ahead on al jazeera troops and applied to the streets of bangladesh at a sunday's general election. and young palestinians practiced polco amid the rulings providing some relief from the daily is ready for
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the the the
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form of you as president. donald trump is off the supreme court to review a decision binding him from the colorado primary election. the state is top court removed from from the republican policy primary ballot, citing his role in the 2021 capitol hill. arrived from flores are feeling a similar band in the state of maine. you released court documents, detail, a vast social network of a late disgrace to nancy, a jeffrey epstein on sex trafficking. i allegations made against him thousands of pages of documents, the 1st of many slices for release, pertaining to a civil suit, filed against his co conspirator, conspirator, elaine maxwell, who was convicted of criminal charges. christian salumi has more on what the documents do and do not reveal. a financier jeffrey epstein died before going to trial to face sex trafficking charges, newly released court documents detail his extensive social circle, but deal with old allegations. the people names so far and the documents include
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the alleged victim's, employees, and witnesses all from a civil lawsuit. settled with epstein long time companion, glean maxwell herself convicted of sex trafficking, the documents reference, many high profile people who've acknowledged visiting epstein like former presidents bill clinton and donald trump. britain's prince, andrew and former is really prime minister a who brock. but they have denied any wrong doing or knowledge of his criminal activities and a television interview, a lawyer for delane maxwell had nothing to say about the release of the documents. but said of the overall crime quote, it's all about man abusing women for a long period of time. and it's only one person in jail, a woman, it is not a jeffrey. i've seen client last to the way that it's being portrayed by many people, including social media. could you just soft r as an investigative reporter who's exposed how epstein used his connections, often without their knowledge to recruit young women, even after
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a 2008 conviction. many of the people who are hobnobbing with him said that you didn't know about his behavior. i think was often missed and the story is off how these via p connections were used to further his sex profiting, especially after 2008 because he never stopped abusing women. and what he did was he would dangle money integration to help and job opportunities. epstein suicide may have stopped his trial from going forward, but it didn't stop his victims from seeking financial compensation and a lawsuit against his bank. that case was settled last november. united states largest, jp morgan chase came $290000000.00 to roughly $200.00 of eps his victims. the women accused the bank and a law suit of ignoring warning signs in his behavior. the release document showed the links to which epstein and maxwell went to exploit young women for sex,
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but are not expected to lead to any new charges against him of associates. kristin salumi al jazeera new york trips of being deployed across bangladesh at a sunday's general elections. the main opposition party is blake holding the side of the prime minister. shake. i've seen a rejected bedroom aunt that she should resign and hand power to a mutual authority. tunbridge calgary has more now from the in the general election environment. this is just few days away, but there are hardly any science of mass rallies or campaigning except by the governing parties. and the people's reaction in the streets are mixed, that i gave you by the southern butler, the government doesn't need the general message for the last 15 years, we have not been able to critically cost out votes. why is that? don't you think we have the desire to participate in the voting process is i'll vote a cost but other than the main opposition party size, millions of its members are facing
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a government track down more than 20000 have been in jail since late october. there's very little until they, as i'm in the straits, the main opposition party and its allies. i've bought cutting the poles as many build the incumbent governing body is all set to when it poured straight time without much effort content. with the opposition's key demand is that the election be held under a care taker administration. but the government has rejected your opposition. a line says it will stay on the straits until this government is austin because they have already existed, did the election process weeks ago by publicly determining the person who is going to be the member of parliament from which ever since this has been decided locked into ballard box shooting in the capital in the office of the highest executive of the country. this is the products during their 15 years in power. prime minister said cousin has been credited with turning around the economy and
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their supporters are betting on her economic success. puts in a say she wants to january 7, the national election, to be free, fair and new to the data. we have secured people's right to go through the struggle and movement. they think they will be able to take those right away and stop election process. but they don't have that courage, nor will they succeed in doing so. some analysts say without the band with us nationalist party and other opposition groups taking part. the election may not meet legal requirements. and many in the global community make question. it's credibility. somebody to audrey, i'll just see the doctor in united states, a judge has been attacked and injured during court proceedings in las vegas after defendant jumped over the bench and assaulted the courts with a lot to say that the thing unfolded when judge mary k holsters was about to give her a sentence decision for
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a convicted felon. they all bring reading associate road laptop with a bunch of healing explosives and holding punches before being dragged away. i was heading out to the war on guys a team of young palestinian acetates and russell has managed to keep the passion for free. running a live bonnet vault has the story. their homes have been destroyed. 5 of the team members have been some but these young survivors are 4 in law, or they're not for their support. defies instead of response for them. and i'll show up a set of what we've been practicing the support for many years. we train in public places on even ground. i don't find, you know, when the war broke out, we become to trading on top of the ruins of bombarded neighborhoods. it's a message to the well, that all result to live is stronger than ever. and also to show the well the extent
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of the destruction caused by his writing poems. suppose to pa, quoted, and falls out on people using activity to 10 officer goes into assets like jumping, climbing for running. it's become popular in gaza over the last few decades of quite an especial symbolism as young athletes like these 10 sites of dyslexia into obstacles. courses for their support. despite this team was found that these 2011 due to the easily, so you don't casa, it's members, never had a chance to play a role is, i'm most of the tutorials for me to leave the phillips too. and they say the international law have been met, it's uh, i think it's a way to tell the world that nothing can still go. so force us to give up and audrey in our sports and our identity of this, it also helps us to release the negative energy and also as a distraction from the bad things that are happening around us. i know we'll get
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the hope one day they won't be able to problem ended up the some palestine in international competitions. and they believe that a 3 is inseparable from the one of freedom from occupation to palestine itself. coming from, i'm to 0. and that's it for me, are you closer to this news? i'll be back in a moment though more of the day, the hard hitting into blues as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both. you've described that is better than is that at any of the thoughts provided? hang on my question to you. all. the good coups i think is the most difficult question. i've had to answer facing realities. usb, too. in the security council, this is a may just something book is
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a problem to access it. you hear the story on told to how does era hearing the facts have you had any like that she has the support of 15000 m samantha. she'll take a moment then asking questions. what do you expect this particular for to translate when it comes to the us selection, reporting from the action? not just give you a sense of what is the target this places i'll just see, it was teams across the world. when you closer to the thoughts of the story. a born and raised in garza know, have married the palestinian from the occupied westbank. both her out of her family need is really me to 3 permits, to visit, to one another, the new headquarters, the homes along this traditional christmas carol in the lutheran church in bethlehem. but her sister jean was buried under the russell. the 1st showing was to degree both of those immediately,
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not as viewed as they said that i want to know immediately. i don't accept my sense to celebrate christmas while my family are facing him on and every year at victory is really tough to will come pick them and to us from over the world this year. the lights haven't been turned on. as you can see, the major square is empty and the who does that, the frustration and sadness, but many here say they refuse to give up on hope. the thousands of palestinians are killed as early as france continued to hit displaced civilians in southern and coastal goss. i'm old and $22400.00 to the ends of not being killed since september. the 2nd,
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the close of business obviously relies from the also coming up is this rose will


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