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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 5, 2024 2:00am-2:30am AST

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elizabeth bing, restricted it for reggie, having repercussions on the local economy, the israel bum bought central and southern and gaza hitting residential buildings and cans will the $22400.00 palestinians have now been killed since october? second, the alarm hasn't speak of this. i just see it online from the also coming up as well as defense administer your guidelines, lays out the wood cabinets plans for the future of garza, with the aim of involving the us and some arab states in the occupied west bank palestinians. taking stock of the destruction left behind off the 40 continuous hours of his right erase. thousands of people attend the funeral of senior,
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how much official, solid and rudy and they route assassinated from strike on to the of these really ministry has been heavily targeting garza central and southern areas. at least 16 people were killed, including 9 children. when is really forces hit in my wessy, it is a tiny strip of land in the west of gaza that israel has repeatedly said would be a safe son. more than $22400.00 palestinians have now been killed since october, 7th, little marks of thoughts desperate digging in the darkness. come on with these men scrambled for survivors, torch lights shining on showing of steel and collapsed concrete.
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elsewhere in the daylight, the dead and it carried out to the devastated homes. as plains raged on inside the show me has been forced into a new home fall from willingly. it's attends on the streets. she says she has little to eat. no games, no shower bath remote blanket for the 8 year old just a strong wish to stay close to the rubble of old house. when neighbors are dragged around to offer a recent strike, the despite the destruction, despite the shudder, i would rather die under the rubble of my house, then go to egypt. i'm not going to egypt. they want me to go to egypt and bag. i would rather stay in my house, even standing on the streets and gaza carries risk. the family unit bulls to clean from fear of sniper fire. not everyone
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escapes the bullets we'll bloss slow with each departure deeply moaned degrees generated, cutting deep to survive is of any age than a month. so just a to, to a thought i was zoom is in rough. i in southern gaza with more on the latest strikes and an increasing number of casualties. this latest is really attack uh, that had been carried out in roof district to this safe zone as have been designated by these really forces. and that type earth also is the majority of concepts to seek to say it to safety. in that region had been hit again for the 2nd time where a palestinian a band had been killed along side with a number of palestinians have been entering, be transported to know to our hospital, to receive the treatment,
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to have an ongoing risk. if it's by the civil defense teams for the injured people who are still stuck under the ruffles of the destroyed house, and this is not the 1st i talked to they earlier, they had to attack the milwaukee area, which is the safe, literally. so the body is really forces for an impulse of palestinians banking to now these kinds of extracts also continued on the also have you in a city where the desk tool has rise into at least $51.00 pounds themes will have been killed. and similarly, the situation is on a level as the under so wrecked refuge account. one of the latest attacks on these areas had linked to the desk of to palestinians and also with those of us who have been injured. an ongoing military campaign in that part of the gaza strip as israel twice to eliminate the military existence of palestinians fighters. and also they are at pressing a deeper into the urban areas of the middle govern. 8. so because of what is
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practically, is happening on the ground is the complete deployment of east very forces in the middle part of to making a very remarkable withdrawal for its troops on the another, at pots of guns this trip up. now the only use of the is very forces in the middle, and also in the southern parts of gauls, a straight and more ongoing grades of from the north, also to the southern part of the strip. this is really sci several so destroyed dozens of homes in the valley. a refugee camp in northern garza witness to say, no one was killed or injured, but families have lost all their belongings and the city for bolts for the no, ma'am, i'm a boss. i left to live on thursday at dawn. occupation will planes leveled a number of houses here in elsa area at the jabante, a candle, mont, causing massive destruction. as you can see. a list of the outcome of the near how
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sick and he became and the occupation level and entire residential neighborhood including this area. tell you the also the us clipping songs, you know and beds. and so our neighbors sudden the whole world turned upside down. and then we went outside and found an entire block going to pay the border of the assembly had been leveled the areas targeted to $3.00 or 4 missile. and you can see the resulting destruction bigger. thankfully, there was nobody in the area. and all these homes had been evacuated. lee from the i was out of the month because i'm very well by the local, i believe in the beginning of the war. the area came under sustain showing, and approximately 50 houses were hit. last night while you were sleeping in the school, the area came once again under fire and everything was wiped out. the streets are closed and everything inside the houses were lost. we found the area completely wiped out. nothing remained of the 50 homes. thankfully,
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there was no one inside the target to the houses. otherwise it would have been a mess of care. homes can be rebuilt, but it's enough enough. there's nothing left to make sure i have the model. as you saw, a civilian homes were completely destroyed off to the occupation bombed this residential neighborhood. here at the july, the camp and the cities, just the law shamella or other heavy fighting in the center of the gaza strip has forced many palestinians to flee. many of them are moving south towards the rough uh, and these really designated safety zone in and my wife said him and melacy had him move, travel to meet those who fled to the area defined by destruction and displacement. this is the daily routine of thousands of palestinians, of being the war in the northern parts and the gauze of cities. but this time, these 1000 of people are born into, from the central part of the gauls as 3 beds. these really military just stepped up,
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its military operations that wide in the intensity and the skin of the bombing, one orders, thousands of people to leave the central part all the way to come to alamo. off the area, the western or rough bye, again designate and it as a safe zone. people here, you know, there is no safer place in the gaza strip. not even this small area of largely sand parts high oh and model here. we decided to go directly to f, a c t. instead of going to dave bell. cars renewed, it wasn't safe. and with the tools to back create, there's no savings. amazing gosh, i don't know where to go after this place, unless you model ahead that's fully stocked. then the people left on the heavy show and piecewise also there were people who had been killed on the solid in road as they were evacuating from new so that my god, the birds come and it is why is there about 15 or less for the south so in each
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passing day, the bombings intends to be increased, visited a point that people had no other choice, but to leave the central part of the gaza strip all the way. taking a journey and throughout by 50 near the gypsy in gaza border in an attempt to save their lives in one of the, the small towns that the will set up. so far, 1000 of people have arrived here with expecting more in the coming hours. honey, my mode, i'll just be at a evacuations on or off by 50 is ready, defense minister, you'll have good. lance has laid down to perspective a plan for gaza ahead of a will cabin and meeting you said palestinians, but not how much would be allowed to rule gaza as long as there is no threat to israel and egypt. and israel would collaborate with the us to in their woods, isolate and secure the board and made the comments just hours before us secretary of state anthony blinking leaves washington for now the regional diplomatic tool.
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we've got called correspondence covering this in israel and washington, montana is in dc foursquare blinking set to leave in the next few hours. the 1st less cross to home that some hoot in occupied east jerusalem. so have the, what more did we hear from the is really defense minister. so it is worth noting that tonight's extended war and security cabinet meeting was rescheduled and postponed a couple of times to discuss what is going to happen the day after the war ends. israel's defense minister jo galani releasing an initial and preliminary framework for the 1st time with some ideas with what these rallies are hoping to do when the war ends. the 1st part of those points was that how much is not going to be in control at all in the gaza strip. and that these really are not going to have any sort of power over civilian life and concepts. and in fact,
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it will be some sort of palestinian entity that controls civilian light since the residence of gaza or palestinian. however, he said there were conditions on this that whatever entity comes in to take power can not be hostile towards israel. something else he mentioned though was that there won't be any, is rarely a civilian life referring to illegal settlements. but he did say that these really reserve the right for an operational freedom the what terribly meaning they can go in and out of god's that whenever they please. similar to what we see happening in the occupied westbank on a daily basis. on the issue of rebuilding reconstruction and rehabilitation of gauze a post war. he says that a coalition of international actors like arab states, european states, and other western allies, will be in charge. and israel won't really have a footing there, but what they will do is provide information to assist on the issue of the border. he says the israel will be over seeing the border with intense supervision while
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the egyptians are in control of it. because remember, gaza has been under an intense is really blockade, not just from the borders but also via air and seats. so these really is perhaps, are still hoping to keep that by looking and inspecting every thing but comes in and out of gaza. a honda, this is a plan with a lot of moving parts and it is an open question as to whether these international actors, how, how willing they will be to, to take part in this plan. how is it likely to be received in the region? it's it's an interesting question because there has been a lot of criticism of israel's war on gaza. and remember, the egyptians are going to be put in quite a tough spot because they won't necessarily want to be seen as collaborating with is role after. there has been so much of death and destruction in gaza,
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but there are a lot of moving parts. let's begin with inside these really coalition itself, where there's been divisions since the war began on how the war cabinet has been handling it. and this is coming from the right wing cap, the ultra national as of the coalition. it's a more been viewed, the country's national security minister, and best sellers smote rich. the country's finance minister. these to have been calling for the voluntary migration of palestinians from gaza saying that other countries should absorb them with israel's help. and additionally, calling for rebuilding a legal settlements in gaza once the war is over, saying that it is the quote more thing to do. but these really specifically defense minister you'll have galani is saying that this is not israel's policy. the gaza will remain palestinian with some is really security control. but it's not really knowing what kind of palestinian entity is going to take over. because these really
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is have been firm that the p a, the palestinian authority as is, can not be in charge and gone. so, but the americans are hoping to see a revitalized palestinian authority. but it's interesting. the defense ministers framework was released today just days after the remarks from the ultra nationalist ministers have received widespread condemnation from the united states and other countries and allies in the region. these really are hoping to work with post war. so there are still a lot of moving parts, but remember, this is the 1st time these relatives have really given any sort of preliminary framework on paper of what they're hoping to do when the war is over time. that thanks very much. let's get the view then from the us. montana is live for us in washington dc. so mike, wow, uh is, is the government, they're gonna be viewing this at considering it is for book proposing this role for the us as well. first of all, let's just make very clear that this is
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a proposal. it is an outline by one member of the cabinet that is still to be discussed far from being approved. it will not be any formal reaction from the united states entities until that then becomes some form of reality that they could then react to. that being said, this is basically a non start to uh, the buyout plan, outlined by the defense minister process several. and those that have been made very clear by the united states. one of them is the united states vision of the palestinian authority, running gaza on the day off to as it is described. the concept that they may be some kind of gaza committees as planned, imagines that will be approved by, as well, to administer to pretty run gaza is simply something that united states is highly unlikely to confidence. it's also highly unlikely to confidence any idea of
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a multinational force operating in gaza. this plan being suggested by the defense minister would include elements from europe, from what he calls moderate arab states, and the us itself. now once again, those much rooted edwards pair of states as they all described, a highly unlikely to take part in any plan which would literally involve policing, gaza in israel's favor. so this plan is basically a non stop to, as far as the united states would be concerned. and some cynics, my dog, you, that it does. so one thing, and that is to take the discussion away from those comments. stuff is really cabinet ministers concerning resettlement repatriation or reinforced removal of palestinians from gaza, which the us has described as inflammatory and irresponsible this plan. taking that discussion away from that particular element. and that could be one of his only
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positive effects. so with all of that in mind, mike, you us secretary's day and he blinked, and as we mentioned heading to the region again on another of many diplomatic tours that is made over the last the 3 months. what does he hoping to achieve this time? what it would appear that the secretary of state is continuing his efforts to as the us describes it in israel. now we're hearing describe that the day off the. ready ends he's looking at putting in place some form of structure that is the ones this conflict. and so if this conflict ends at the same time, he's also going to be working towards continuing. those humanitarian pauses that ssl described to get more humanitarian relief into gaza. now his trip is wide spread, it seems that he will be visiting areas like crete and been in the middle east. he
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will be going to, i will davia just understood saudi arabia, amman. and then of course, he will be speaking to the palestinian authority in ramallah before going to cairo . and of course he will be holding discussions intend to be as well. so it's a wide ranging trip, but what the secretary of state is likely to be focusing on is 2 things. one is the concept of what structure is in place off to the violence ends off to the conflict ends. and secondly, how to get you monetary an aide into gaza while the conflict continues. mike had a in a washington, thank you. all i still ahead on edge, is it a feedings? thousands are displaced, palestinians. we visit a bakery and gaza. this reopened off of the room full of clothes for more than 50 days. the on the
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brought to you by visit capital. hello, welcome to look at the international full cost of some parts of the northeast and us have not seen any significant snow full. by that i mean about a couple of sent to meet us for the past positive 2 years. that could change as we go into next week. we went to where the clearing away from the east disabled like pressure, nothing out to the why still quads into central pos with a big area of high pressure. but at least 2 hours of life pressure, they will be of some significance as we go through the next couple of days. and so it's not spilling off the rockies right down towards the south and they will be heavy, hopefully useful, down into mississippi, alabama, using across into the georgia pushing right the way across to use the same as it got want into sad today. looks like it's going to spin its way up and push on to the parts of next week. he comes that's now we're talking about here. we'll see that just pushing into bodies to sort of kind of the want to see showers into a central canada various nobody to was the rockies,
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but to bounce. it was us now jen retry by this stage and certainly try to request much of the caribbean. mexico essentially sense that you can see a lot of sunshine showing up here. maybe one or 2 showers across the west side of the region into the garage of tools. the company just landed 2 months, a few showers to have a towards the hispanic dollar. elsewhere is settled of the quote to you by visit cuts on the the
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cut out again. you're watching. i just need a reminder of lots of stories. this out. israel is onslaught on gaza. it continues at least 16 people, including 9 children, were killed and out of my west. isabel had repeatedly said the area was a safe song. thousands of fleeting, central garza as fighting their intensifies. is there any defense minister? your glance has laid out a perspective post. we'll plan for gaza ahead of a war cabin and meeting. so media the how much would not be allowed to rule garza and egypt. and israel would collaborate with the us to and there was isolate and secure the portal. i so has claimed responsibility for to suicide bombings that
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have killed 85 people in south east iran. the attack happened to the cemetery in the city of come on on wednesday during a ceremony at the tomb of the assess the night and senior general costume. so they, many iranian president able to have it are easy and supremely, the ayatollah coming. they have promised what they are calling a harsh response. as a thousands of people have taken to the streets of lebanon's capital, capital for the funeral procession of seeing. yet how must lead us all? and i told him he was the deputy chief of police political bureau and one of the founders of its military. we because san brigades liability was assassinated in a drunk strike in southern bay boots on tuesdays and a quarter reports from babies honoring commander salis, rudy was how much is most senior officials in lebanon and the most senior. how master official israel has been accused of killing since the start of its war on
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gaza. a history of resistance is how the movement described res life and they are promising his this won't be the end of the struggle . nor will it break the will of the palestinian people who say they are facing a campaign of genocide. this was a strike that hit the leadership, but there is defiance. the other was no doubt design is the enemy is known for its policy of assassinations. killing resistance. meet is, is not new. we understand the language, but this only makes us strong. a terri commanders were also killed in tuesday strike in the paper suburb. a massive number military military capabilities was also the official leader of the
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health and its regional, based in lebanon for several years, already made few public appearances. he's been seen several times with has well as chief house on this role. and iranian officials, most recently participating and coordination meetings during as well as hor on garza. i mean every was a very important figure in the i'm us moving obviously. but we have to look at how much is a network that has a network organization where, you know, the nodes are replaceable. and that's the whole point of why these organizations are so resilient. and we've seen over the last, you know, decades of is really assess the nations that individuals can be quite easily, was replaced for people here. the assassination is part of an attempt by israel to show a false image of victory. but it's being seen as another example of israel expanding its operational reach beyond garza santa, for their elders. ita built
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a form of how much politically the highland mission has pay tribute to the palestinian leaders killed in an outside of the territory during israel's military operation. machado said, the resistance against these rainy occupation would continue of the, i mean, one of us, the headquarters, but the, we are concerned for the security of all the arab countries. we don't want to harm them. our problem is only with the israeli occupation that despite their defeat, after more than 3 months of aggression against gaza, despite this holocaust, this genocide that has been committed on a daily basis against women and children, they want to eliminate gaza people. despite all the defeats they want now to exploit the aggression, they want to extend the battle, broaden it, thinking this will change the calculus of the region. and they think if they killed the leaders of the resistance, the resistance will be weakened. this is not possible. they killed already hundreds of our leaders from different brigades and from homos, also including the founder of homos. and what was the result?
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every time they killed one leader, another leader is born. this is what will happen every time we lose a leader and another leader is born. we are here and we will stay here in the face of the occupation and in the face of their military in order to make them doubt their calculus and undermine their plans. we always feel happy and thankful, and we thank god and we have more willingness to continue. we will never be broken . the enemy will know that despite all the stupidity is that he has committed and trying to broaden the conflict in our blood. that is shed garza and in the westbank, even in the arab world of the us says it has carried out a striking and rock killing the leader of our new ron back group who it blames for carrying out attacks on american troops. the pentagon says the operation was conducted in self defense and that no civilians were home. us on a be a holy is a full my us diplomats and a former deputy chief of mission in yemen. he's also
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a non resident fellow at the washington arabs center and joins us now from washington. thanks very much for being with us. so how do you see the, the potential at this point, the danger of a further regional escalation of this conflict? be on garza as well. the assessment ation of auditory is certainly a provocative skill authorities step on the part of a isn't a l. uh, but uh headboard. uh and you know, on for that matter have lost people do assassinations before. uh they did not immediately act then i do not expect has been allowed to do anything the ash uh at this point. uh they uh, when, at some point 3038, but at a time and place of their own uh, choosing the uh,
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killing all fod rotary. uh is a blow to be sure for from us. uh, and for us as well. uh, because uh, the area, the stock was as strong hold uh, imbued both auto body is certainly replaceable from us as an organization that has been running a government uh in gaza for us is 2006. um they will have peoples to replace them. and uh, i suppose the organization will continue. and is this the still, is there a way to continue? it seems, is really, they have not learned much from their long history, of assassinating opponents in different countries. now the fact that has well, uh will probably not the act immediately does not mean that this is, this will just keep things as is i think eventually there are
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a lot of things going on in the region. especially in yemen. with that, i'd see is heating up. all these bring in different actors, the possibility of a mistake of one to provocative at home by one side or another. so we are a right shooting up tensions and stuff thing that i might think happens to reverse it. and we are headed towards a broader war at some point. yeah. do you, do you think it is a miscalculation on, on, on one side of the other is what would trigger a launch a war here? because if we, i mean, if we talk about 11 on, for example, for a moment and you know, 11 on the economy is chatted and has bullet must, must know this. but at the same time, they must be feeling pressure from their support is to retaliate, to the killing of a liability and some meaningful way. well uh,
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as well as to buy those, they are one bar in a very complex maze of political parties and functions in loveland, on the government for one has already expressed the desire not to get involved in a world of war uh, 11. and can certainly it afford a girl the war and there are other bullets explanations in lubbock. okay. and that has a lot has to keep an eye on. so for example, the time being they yep, the size and drop, we're all going to have to leave it that way out of time. i appreciate your time to be la jolla, thanks very much. now bakery has reopened in the city of dated but in central gaza.


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