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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 5, 2024 4:00am-4:31am AST

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a 100 dizzy to the us is always of inside 50 full right. the world people pay attention to here and i'll just see this very good. they're bringing the news to the world from here. the israel then bought central and southern gaza hitting residential buildings and camps. more than $22400.00 palestinians have now been killed since october, 7th. the on have them think of this is as you see it, i live from also coming up israel's defense minutes that lays out the war cabinets plans for the future of gaza with the aim of involving the us and some arab states
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in the occupied westbank palestinians taking stock of the destruction left behind off the 40 continuous now as of his raise the rates and as another, palestinian dies in his ready prison. we hear the harrowing testimony of torture and degrading treatments suffered by detaining the hello these right. the military has been heavily targeting cause of central and southern areas. at least 16 people were killed, including 9 children when it's ready for these hit the low i see on thursday it is a tiny strip of land in the west of gaza that israel has repeatedly said would be a safe zone. more than $22400.00 palestinians have now been killed since october 7th. milam ox begins coverage. a desperate digging in the
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darkness. come on with these men scrambled for survivors. totes lights shining on showing of steel and collapsed concrete. elsewhere in the daylight, the dead and ended carried out to devastated homes as plains rage on inside fucked. you out of show me has been forced into a new home fall from willingly it's a tent on the streets. she says she has little to eat. no shower bath remote blanket for the 8 year old just a strong wish to stay close to the rubble of old house. when neighbors are dragged around to offer a recent strike, the spite the destruction. despite the shelley, i would rather die under the rubble of my house than go to egypt. i'm not going to
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egypt, they want me to go to egypt and beg. i would rather stay in my house. even standing on the streets and garza carries risk. the family unit schools to clean from phillips like the fine not everyone escapes the bullets we'll bloss slow with each departure deeply moaned. the grease generated cutting deep to survive is of any age been a month. so just data is ready and strikes have also destroyed the dozens of homes in the valley. a refugee camp in northern a, gaza witnesses say no one was killed or injured. the families have lost all their belongings and especially for in general has uh no ma'am. on
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my boss, i live on thursday at dawn occupation. well, plains leveled a number of houses here in elsa area at the jabante, a candle, mont, causing massive destruction. as you can see, a little part of the near how sick and he became and the occupation level and entire residential neighborhood, including this area. tell you the most of the and then we were sleeping sounds, you know, and beds. and so our neighbors, sudden the whole world turned upside down and then we went outside and found an entire block going to pay the assembly had been leveled. the area was targeted to 3 or 4 minutes. so, and you can see the resulting destruction of the go. thankfully, there was nobody in the area. and all these homes had been evacuated simply from the old side of the month because i'm very well by the local, i believe in the beginning of the war. the area came under sustain shelving and
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approximately 50 houses were hit. last night while we were sleeping in the school, the area came once again under fire and everything was wiped out. the streets are closed and everything inside the houses were lost. we found the area completely wiped out. nothing remained of the 50 homes bottom a little. thankfully, there was no one inside the target to the houses. otherwise it would have been a mess of care. homes can be rebuilt, but it's enough enough. there's nothing left. i shall have the model as you saw, a civilian homes were completely destroyed off to the occupation bombs, this residential neighborhood. here at the july, the camp and the cities, just the law shamella. all the heavy fighting in the center of the gaza strip has forced many palestinians to flee them moving south. so what was the rough uh and these ready designated safe zone in l. o. s. c. honey, my move travel to meet those who fled to the air is defined by destruction and
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displacement. this is the daily routine of thousands of palestinians, of being the war in the northern parts of the gulf of cities. but this time, these thousands of people are born into, from the central part of the gauls as 3 about these really military just stepped up, its military operations that widen the intensity on the scan of the bombing one orders, thousands of people to leave the fin 12 parts all the way to come to our milwaukee area. the western a rough, i again designate and it as a safe zone. people here, you know, there is no safer place in the gaza strip. not even this small area of largely sand parts high on model. if i, we decided to go directly through for safety. instead of going today, bella, cause renew, it wasn't safe. and with the tools to back create, there's no savings. amazing, gosh, i don't know where to go after this place,
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how much you model. i have enough for the fact that the people left on the heavy show and these are the people who are being killed on the salad in road as they. what was that creation from new? so that regardless birds count is why, and they're about 15 or less for the south. so and it's passing the, the bombings in 10 city increases to the point that people have no other choice but to leave the central part of the gaza strip all the way. taking a journey and throughout by 50 near the gyptian, gaza border in an attempt to save their lives in one of the, the small towns that they will set up. so far, thousands of people have arrived here with expecting more in the coming hours. honey, my mode via the evacuations on or off by 50. this is lady defense minister jo of deland has laid out a perspective, a plan full gauze, a head of a war cabinet meeting. he said, palestinians,
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but not how much would be allowed to govern garza as long as there is no sweat as to as well. and that egypt and israel would collaborate with the us to quote, isolates and secure the board. and he made the comments just as before, us next year, slate anthony blinking leaves washington for a regional diplomatic tool. we've got correspondence covering this in the occupied an occupied east, jerusalem and in washington, forest, montana is in dc and have the son who is in occupied east jerusalem. a blinking is set to leave from they're in the coming as with bus less cross now to have that so who? so i have the what more did the is ready defense minutes, the se of israel's defense minister jo of deland, for the 1st time showing us really some sort of framework. these really is are hoping to put into place once the war is over. in the 1st comments,
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he says that how much will not be in control of gaza, but rather some sort of palestinian entity. but there will be conditions, meaning that whatever entity that is cannot be hostile or serve as any sort of threat to these really is additionally, he said that the is really a military will have free operational control to go in and out of gaza as they please in order to ensure their own security, meaning we can see something similar to what we have been seeing on a daily basis in the occupied west bank. he then goes on to talk about the border situation and how egypt could perhaps be in control there. but it wouldn't come without intense supervision from these really so we'll maintain their blockade on everything that goes in and out of gaza. and finally, on the issue of rehabilitation and reconstruction, he said that there will be some sort of international coalition of era and western nations. who will be responsible for that is ro won't have a footing, but rather will only provide information. now this was the 1st time this was
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supposed to be discussed at the extended war and security cabinet. but we are getting word from is really media that, that meeting has since ended because of shouting matches about a different issue. we are receiving word that's an old for national administer, right, of the right wing camp. it's a mar, ben viewer was reported, leach screaming at the army chief of staff heard see how levy for who he assigned to probe the security apparatus to see what had happened on october the 7th, to really see what kind of security failures went on. that led to the breach. additionally, it was said that there were other ministers involved who were yelling up the war cabinets, saying that this is not a time for prob, like this, the timing it was not correct. and that israel was caving into international pressure to which has many dance war cabinet minister responded that this is an investigation but needs to happen on a professional level. and he was confused why there was so much push back from the
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right wing camp. so these were serious discussions that were supposed to happen on the day after the war ends all coming on the heels of secretary anthony blinking visit to the region. it's something he does want to discuss with his is really counterparts. but because of the many disagreements happening within the coalition and the war cabinet, it seems that that discussion has been put on ice for now. all right, for the moment have the sun who life was there in occupied east jerusalem? thank you. let's call 7 out to washington d. c. mike. so as have the said they're the us like just a to add to the blinking heading to the region again. what are you hoping to achieve this time? well, it says full strip since october, the 7th to the region. he is moving quite extensively throughout the region and paying a visit to saudi arabia to up adobe. he will be meeting the protest, didn't know pharmacy in ramallah,
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as well as speaking to the leaders in egypt. he will also, of course, be having those discussions in till of eve. but he will be trying to do what he has been trying to do in recent weeks. it's a long list. essentially, it is about getting more humanitarian aid into gaza. it is about continuing to find ways in which to get captives released out of gaza. it is also in terms of trying to prevent any spread to this violence. this is a particular concern to the united states to try and keep the conflict as it is confined to locally and to prevent any spread throughout the region. so a lot of of things for him to look at. and of course, one of the other things too is something that the us has been speaking about in recent weeks. and that is what the goals the day off the that is, what happens, what sort of structures are in place if and when this conflict ends, this is something that he will be discussing. so really of course with his his ready counterparts as well as all the other leaders in the region. all right, mike,
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can i live for us there in washington? thanks, mike. oh yeah, i saw has claimed responsibility for 2 suicide bombings that have killed 85 people in south east iran. the attack happening at a cemetery in the city of kent mont, on wednesday, during a ceremony of the tomb of the assessment, a to senior general custom solar. many iranian president ibrahim, right, you see and supreme leader, i totally, i left him on a promise to was that cooling a hoss response in the us? it says it has carried out a strike a and a wrong killing. deleda when it wrong, backed on group, who is the claims for carrying out attacks against american troops. the pentagon says the operation was conducted in self defense and that no civilians were awesome to serve. when were i'll be very clear us forces are in iraqi at the invitation
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of the government. all right. and they're there for one reason which is to support the defeat isis mission will continue to work very closely with our iraqi partners when it comes to the safety and security of our forces. when those forces are, are threatened, just like we would anywhere else in the world, we will maintain the inherent right of self defense to protect our forces. and so again, this was a necessary proportion and action against this particular individual who was personally involved in the planning and execution of attacks against american personnel. at least one person has been killed and several others injured during his rainy raids in the occupied westbank. mine was shocked in the city of 2 best during confrontations with his right forces. right, so place in the city of the cat, him and the nearby north sheriff's refugee camp. dozens of people that were arrested during the 40 hour incursion into the camp. and severe damage was cost to
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infrastructure. now more than half of the 11000 palestinians in his really custody where detained after october, 7th, they into a present system described by rights groups as vigilante organization, operating entirely outside of both law and ethics. on monday of 23 year old man from nablus became the latest panelist in to die in his riley prison from nablus bun, at smith's report of israel's prisons. dangerous places, the palestinians. abdul rahman, by ash just 23 years old, is a 7th post and into a died under the cat of israel to prison service since october. unless i v, then no doubt we have fears. not only for our son, but all prisoners, they're all in this together. i fear because my son was in megan know jail because there's deliberate repression and there's no organization in this world not local and not the red cross. let us down to give us information on prisoners conditions
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the prison service as the circumstances above the rom instead of being reviewed. there are almost 9000 palestinians in these rarely jails form inmates have testified about frequent beatings and the denial of medical care. these really politician overseeing prisoner conditions has been convicted of racism and membership of an extreme right wing carol organization. it's my bank of a regularly boast of how toughie is on palestinian prisoners positions for human rights to the prison service has become a vigilante organization operating out of revenge. you must move cutting on it describes the most sensitive parts of his body. the guns would beat the 19 year old, spent 3 months in jail before being released in exchange for captives being held by how much in gaza. and again, it's been a more i feared going crazy. most death is easier for me. the business insensitive spots a lot on the head and in areas of because disability,
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7 prisoners would sleep on the ground for that sheets. water was available for an hour once a week. sometimes we wouldn't get the chance to shower that say off in this bore moods. the 3 brothers are still in these riley prisons. he says he expects to hear the death of one of them at any moment. bernard smith, i wonder 0, annapolis in the occupied westbank to this that's a come on, i just need a base yang calls for a c's. 5 between me and mazda ministry and revel groups is off, hillary shows fide into china in just a number of chinese citizens. the the, the weather brought to you by visit castle to hello, welcome to look at the international full cost of some parts of the northeast and
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us have not seen any significance nightfall, but i mean about a couple of centimeters for the past positive 2 years that could change as we go into next week. we've got where to where the clearing away from the east, disabled light pressure. nothing out to the why still quiet interest, central pos with a big area of high pressure. but these 2 areas of life pressure, they will be of some significance as we go through the next couple of days since the snow spilling off the rockies right down towards the south. and they will be heavy hopefully useful. down into mississippi, alabama, easing across into georgia, pushing right the way across the is the same as it go on into sat today. looks likes going to spin its way up and push on to the part of next week. he comes that's no talking about here. we'll see that just pushing into bodies to sort of kind of the one assume showers into a central canada various know, able to was the rocky but down towards the cell generally drive by this stage and certainly try to across much of the caribbean. mexico essentially sense that you can see a lot of sunshine showing up here, maybe one or 2 showers across the west side of the region into the curriculum tools
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you could companies lead to mazda a few showers to have a to was the his spine jala. elsewhere is settled so as i go to you by visit cuts on the the
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the hello again. you you watching? i just, yeah. reminder, lots of stories. this stuff at least 16 people, including 9 children have been killed in as my wessy in the south of the gaza strip is or i have repeatedly said the area was a safe sun. meanwhile, thousands awfully central gaza as fighting their incense of funds. is there any defense minister? your glance has laid out a perspective as for plans for gaza ahead of a little cabin and meeting. he told media that how much would not be allowed to rule garza and egypt. and israel would collaborate with the us to quote, isolate and secure the board and also has claimed responsibility for 2 suicide bombings that appealed $85.00 people in south east iran. the attack happened at a ceremony in the city of came on on wednesday during
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a ceremony at the tomb of the assassinated senior general custom suited many thousands of people took the streets of lebanon's capital for the funeral procession of senior. how much lead to solid liability? he was a deputy chief of the groups of political bureau and one of the founders of its military wing of cassandra gave a liability, was assassinated in a drawing strike in southern bay route. on tuesday, zanna caught a report from the a honoring commander solid. rudy was her master's, most senior official in lebanon, and the most senior. how master official israel has been accused of killing since the start of a tour on gaza. a history of resistance is how the movement described a raise life and they are promising has this won't be the end of the struggle,
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nor will it break the will of the palestinian people who say they are facing a campaign of genocide. this was a strike that hit the leadership, but there is defiance. the no doubt design is standing me is known for its policy of assassinations. killing resistance meet is, is not new. we understand the language that this any makes us strong. a terri commanders were also killed in tuesday strike in a paper suburb. a massive number military military capabilities was also the official leader of the health and its regional, based in lebanon for several years. already made few public appearances. he's been
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seen several times with has well as chief hass on this role. and iranian officials most recently participating in coordination meetings during as well as hor on garza . i mean, i really was a very important figure in the last move and obviously, but we have to look at how much is a network that has a network organization where, you know, the nodes are replaceable. and that's the whole point of why these organizations are so resilient. and we've seen over the last, you know, decades of is really assess the nations that individuals can be quite easily was replaced for people here. the assassination is part of an attempt by israel to show a false image of victory, but it's being seen as another example of israel expanding its operational reach beyond garza center for their elders. eda, they wrote a form of how much political alida, i'm sorry, from a how much politically to haile michelle has paid tribute to the palestinian lead.
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is killed in an outside the cherokee during israel's military operation of the army and one of the headquarters. but i will put that on. we are concerned for the security of all the arab countries, we don't want to harm them. our problem is only with these rarely occupation that despite their defeat, after more than 3 months of aggression against gaza, despite this holocaust, this genocide that is being committed on a daily basis against women and children, they want to eliminate gaza people. despite all the defeats they want now to exploit the aggression, they want to extend the battle, broaden it, thinking this will change the calculus of the region. and they think if they killed the leaders of the resistance, the resistance will be weakened. this is not possible. they killed already hundreds of our leaders from different brigades and from homos, also including the founder of homeless. and what was the result? every time they killed one leader, another leader is born. this is what will happen every time we lose a leader and another leader is born. we are here and we will stay here in the face
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of the occupation and in the face of their military in order to make them doubt their calculus and undermine their plans. we always feel happy and thankful and we thank god and we have more willingness to continue. we will never be broken. the enemy will know that despite all the stupid it is that he has committed and trying to broaden the conflict and our blood that is shed garza and in the west bank, even in the arab world. i talked to samuel romani is from the royal united services institute, defense and security think tank. he says a strike against a senior high must figure in bay, which was unavoidably un escalate to reaction. that being said, i don't think we should be looking at them in desperation along these very lebanese border in fact has and as well as these yesterday seems you, there are no limits for but also emphasizes the fact that the casualties that is really the boss and the border are already very high, and there have been some reports. it has bla i've you been withdrawn and
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dispositions with enjoys re kilometers of these really bought it. i think that it was pretty telling when the reporting came out a few weeks ago. back in the 1st days of the war, the americans stole that and yet not to open up a 2nd front in lab or not. and i think that the us as responses to the attack, so they're bases in iraq and syria had been a lot more managers in some way to predict it. so i think that the us doesn't one major escalation of this war. if indeed you're iraq or another not, or i figure escalation in the maritimes either the red c at coalition is maureen, the deterrence right now and responding to the threat rather than escalating the one? yeah, i think that obviously if the tax or the who these beach or the desa western merchants or religious severe commercial disruption at, during the down and the ride sees ability to export oil and bio goods. we cannot be conceivable that the americans and the british to strike the targets again. but they would do so no way that that could create an unbreakable style model. the drawing imbecile strikes to decide uribe, a u, a in israel, and even
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a breakdown of the image trips. so it was necessary, i think that deterrence will remain the policy even though as and up until now it hadn't stopped. it's a bakery has reopened in the city of did it better in good central garza, off to the war, forced it to close for more than 50 days. it strikes on the territories bakeries have added to the catastrophic food. short is shortages. his hand to hold the i'm seriously in front of one of the big trees that is finally operating in such a leasing ad. sending brad, who are the palestinians in did, but after the days of housing its surfaces, the world food program provided this bakery with all of the ingredients in the fuel needed serve and to set brad for these policy and use for more than 50 days to
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sinews have been making their own brides are using fire and using their own has it has been very tiring for all of these. the space. as you see, people are in use waiting their turn button very, but it was a very that's the nights where the explosions did not stop start. henry sending did not stop. and in the morning, we saw that the is there any times had been stationed near the entrance of the refugee camps, where people have been evacuating since the past couple of days after the is there any forces, ask them, and warm them to evacuate? the are totally new setting nature needed not stock. as whole of a new bakery is operating. people still here and is ready to envision in the middle area of the gaza strip. this is, this is in the city for august data that is by the
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authorities at tokyo's, i made an airport have started removing the wreckage from tuesday's fatal accidents on the runway. 5 people on board a coast guard at cos died when it collided with a much launch of japan airlines, passenger planes, o $379.00. people on board, the air bus, a 3, a 350, managed to flee the aircraft as a ruptured into flames. initial investigations have revealed that the coast guard plain had not been clear. it had not been cleared to be on the runway in the us says russia is using north korean missiles. it's war against ukraine. national security spokesperson, john cubby, says young young ones rushing across ahmed vehicles and weapons in return. cubby also said moscow is seeking yourselves from
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a wrong formation indicates that the democratic people's republic of korea recently provided russia with ballistic missile launchers, several ballistic missiles. coun yang and seeking military assistance from russia, including fighter aircraft surface to air missiles, armor vehicles, ballistic missile production, equipment, or materials, and other advanced technologies. at this time, we do not believe that iran has delivered close range ballistic missiles to rush. however, united states is concerned that russian negotiations to acquire close range ballistic missiles from iran, are actively advanced. china has complained it to me and my of a stray artillery shells a spot across a shed border that injured at least 5 chinese citizens. yeah, most mandatory and on goose had been fighting in the notes of the country for months. something cools for an urgency spawn from neighboring and china. china's farm is recess. beijing is closely monitoring the situation and will take necessary action to protect the safety of its citizens. far as lily has more from facing the
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incident happened on wednesday afternoon, but it's only on says day but chinese state.


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