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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 5, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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the the forced to flee, and then bottom to israel attack, southern areas and the gaza strip, killing dozens of people. the i'm about this in this is audra 0 life. and the also coming up is, is defense minister lays out his proposal for the future of gas on iran moines is dad, funerals are being held for $85.00 people killed in an attack on widen states i saw
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is claimed responsibility and it is really right in the occupied was banks, not a loss. it almost 48 hours, at least one. palestinian has been killed. the is there any manager has been have any targeting central and southern gaza, at least 16 people have been killed, including 9 children as this really forces hate all of my wasa on thursday. it's a tiny strip of land in the west of guys or the israel has repeatedly said would be safe soon. more than 22400 published indians have been killed since the homeless let attack on october. the 7th honeymoon was joining his life from rafa. in the southern gaza, we're seeing more air strikes as you've been reporting for weeks now. but including areas that the israelis had claimed were safe. so yes, well the entire uh, city of brooklyn was uh, designated as
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a safe area since the beginning of the word. the 1st time evacuation orders began in the northern parson garza city where people were sharply order to move to the southern parts, mainly throughout the city. here because it is the safety of a so far, i mean the numbers of attacks on robots, the dates are quite similar to the numbers of attacks in, in the northern parts and gaza city. i know that particular we're looking at something that is very devastating and misleading, in terms of the narrative about evacuation zone and safety, drawing by these various military which is this, the smoke at that part. the bulk of land is most liver of land in the western side of the roof. i see that it stretches it from there. it is by law passing through han unison rapacity and ends at the egyptian gaza border. this is of my last sleep area where people are told constantly to move to because it is a safe area. it's a largely, it's an open, largely found area under developed part of it is farmed land,
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but it lacks the very basic necessities. and it's not, it's not suitable for people to show starting it because it says it has literally nothing. so people can't protect themselves from what people are doing right now. at the moment they arrived there, they tried to set up the 10th where they can protect them as solved. but again, you know, as of yesterday what happened this has been approved in. busy inaccurate in terms of the narrative about safe zones, the people were targeted in that area. a residential homes was targeted and destroyed at this place. and to this place, families inside the residential home were killed mainly women and children, as well as the older the degrees. the rebels fell on the nearby tents and injured many, many people overnight. the central part of our community, which was about the, the northern either the northern eastern side of rough city and the area better known as curb. but the lot us where a residential home was targeted, an entire family, a boost in jeff family,
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was killed mainly with looking again to another pattern of killing get more children. so this 100 of mass going of palestinians can t continues despite the many and or it is the many uh, justifications uh, by these really the military is still going on and it, it has not a stop. not even for, for these people do not die, of the bombs do or likely die of the terrible situations that are going on in the central area of the gas trip. the uh, the aerial bombardment campaign continues, continues in a very intensive way, as these really military pushing deeper into one of the refugee counts and my as the refugee camps work. it's a completely been circled and bomb. tivoli bite is really military, but here's one thing that we've noticed. things that have since the beginning part of the destruction of old means of life to the point making it very impossible for people to even go back and, and, and, and, and, and live residing day or they've been targeted. we're talking about not only
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residential home that also anything that could help people survive and stay there has been destroyed. but the one about his school is for example, health facility is on no well managed and operate through the schools. the vast majority have been destroyed, which is a just something that people are frustrated about because this is what the think in terms of how the us support into on or what to support education, to vote in the schools in one hand. but on the other hand, there is this a fund that goes for the bombings of these very schools that were created for the refugees of children in the palestinian territory. so for. 1 the patterns is the same, the killing continues the map, the slaughter of palestinians for 90 days has him to stop. honey, thank you very much indeed. honeymoon, who are talking to us some rough and southern gaza, as well as defense minister your guidance laid out a plan for guys. i had a meeting by the security cabinet is told reporters that palestinians will be allowed to govern guys as long as there's no switch to. israel is also repeated
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that homeless members would not be involved, but is really media is reporting the security cabinet meeting descended into chaos before gallons plan was discussed. for right ministers, a said to have ended up show in a shouting match with the armies chief of stuff about the investigation into the homeless attack on october the 7th. because people are con, who's in occupied east jerusalem. i want to ask you about that meeting in a 2nd. first of all, let's talk about your guidelines. fine. just give us some of the more details, but he's been bringing forth so well. this is the fast blueprint that's being produced by a top is ready official. the 1st thing is that will be know how much ruling inside the guns district. this is being reiterated time and time again by this right is, but instead that will be a post again, entity in control. they did say it's not necessarily going to be the palestinian authority, but it does come with many conditions. the 1st one is it will be an international
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tough force that will be into control with some of those palestinians of civil administration. and also the reconstruction of the gulf, a strip, remember more than 70 percent of it has been destroyed. so this is going to take a very long time. these res, also want for a military rein inside the golf a strip they want to be sending in vehicles as of when they see fit. and also they want to maintain a long cnn blockade, which means the day off to the war and gaza could look very similar to the day before with extremely tight restrictions and control as to what comes in and out. now it is important to say, this is not reflected in the policy of the cabinet and it may well create some big issues with a more extreme right wing camp who that is saying they want to resettle people inside got to take the policy is as we sat with them with is riley, so it will certainly cause many issues inside the cabinets and the mentioning
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before this didn't even get to the point of being discussed because that ended up descending into, into k. okay. awesome, i'm showing that the meeting. what happened there? an obsolete, this is according to is ray the media who at you know, many minutes says went to the media office and said no already with shouting matches. and so i think you can have them all the way down the car. so i many, that comes back to some of the decisions being made by the is radio. all these folks in the spokes person has a healthy uh now he has uh, essentially created a pro that's going to look into the security conditions around the 7th of october. but it service he put in charge of the pro that was causing big issues. they were working at the time when the they have a 2005 disengagement from gaza when the is right is, you know,
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actually left and seriously to have mass was in control the far right to have all very upset about this. they believe that the out that that might well be another form of complete. this engagement um, but many inside the cabinet said it has nothing to do with this. but benjamin netanyahu, the is ready, prime minister, did cancel the meeting off to 3 hours, and they didn't even get to discuss all of the issues inside the plan. it also comes as the us secretary state and the blinking will be visiting the region. and of course they want to discuss, know, certainly the day of death, but what is happening in gaza at the moment they will want to see some phone of truth withdrawal and, and to calm down the bone bomb is, especially with extremely high death toll. they'll also want to look into the captive some, some more been killed since he last visited, including from is ready for and all the security issues around the nose and bowed up with hezbollah. laura, thank you very much. indeed laura con, talking to
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a smoker by the east jerusalem as well as low as mentioning us equity and state onto the bank is beginning. another diplomatic total of the middle east is going to be meeting leaders in israel for the 5th time since the war began. in october, the 7th is also going to hold taunts with palestinian leaders and the occupied westbank engines to is going to include stop center key at georgia console, saudi arabia, egypt, and the u. i. e kindly have in the state of virginia protests for supporting palestine. does blinking char with red paint the secretary of state was leading his residence on thursday with a group of protests as through what they called fake blood that is taught some health science calling for a see spar. all those were coming, blinking a war criminal. no arrests were reported to a couple of times is that the us state department was more under the constraint the secretary of state will visit several countries including took a grease jordan casa, are you a saudi arabia, israel,
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the west bank and egypt. the state department says that on his agenda, or humanitarian assistance to dollars or getting further access of humanitarian goods into the territory, these early military campaigns, it's next phase, the return of palestinians to the neighborhoods. tensions in the west bank, the cap tubes being held, preventing the conflict from spreading regionally and troughing a pulse for to peace and power sticking governance also within took a discussion of the ratification of sweetness, entry into nato, will be on the agenda, and then greece, ukraine, and further, greek support for the war will be discussed. she ever can see how to 0. the state department's as a 17 year old palestinians been killed in beta. raymond, north, west of ramallah, as is really of age continue in the occupied westbank. 7 of the palestinians have also been injured without a stay. in red crescent says 2 ambulances and 2 times have been hit one by rubber
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bullets, one by live runners, foreigners most joining us from the, from all that in the occupied west bank. we've been reporting over the last couple of days about the nurse on his way that's been going on for hours and i understand may still be going on, but the rates elsewhere still continuing as well. a rob? yes. around a dozen raids overnight in the most consequential of those. in fact, remote where a 17 year old man was shot dead by these riley military. i'll say it, i'll remind we now 7 of us were injured in those confrontations according to the palestinian red crescent. and they themselves have come on the direct gun, the fire. i have crews injured in 2 incidents, one there in one in ballasa while they were charged by direct gun 5 on these riley forces. and in another raid near hebron, they were injured by shots of glass from rubber bullets. again, 5 bodies riley forces. it is an occupational hazard. unfortunately for the
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ambulance crew of the policy and red crescent that they frequently get targeted buys riley forces that try to prevent them from reaching the injured people. all of those raids all over it was actually a comparatively quiet night for the occupied westbank in terms of raise, which has been averaging since october 7th, about 40 rates and nights. but all overnight into friday morning, there were a dozen rock by the thank you very much indeed. judge spanish for talking to us from ramallah or funeral is being held in a run for the victims of to suicide bombings on wednesday night. so strange responsibility for the attack, i've killed $85.00 people in southeast around and that happened in kept him on during a settlement at the tomb of the assassinated senior general custom. so the money on the high shoals and joining us now from tech on so the feeling was being held today . what's the atmosphere going to be like? what's the reaction around the rub up. as we understood the funerals are going to be held off to the friday prayer and come on
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a president of rain, right? you see is already in command. security measures are very tight, giving the situation and of course, the context of what happened in the past couple of days. now we understood that the burial is going to be private just for the families of the victims. while the funeral is going to be in the mosque, however, it's in a closed place just to limit as much as possible. any security breaches. in general, the country is headed by this, by this attack. and given the fact the, the number of people killed some time, and this completes the code. so it 11 of the family's life people were killed of this family. so there's a lot of, of, of a feelings and passions with respect to this incident. however, this just puts iran once again on the, on the map of security,
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a measures and security alerts. and especially with the fact that this attack was, as you said in the, in the 1st the you, that was a claim by isis. i don't want to talk to you about that because this is coming at a time when you are a secretary of state onto the blinking just heading to the region because of the war on gas. so there's a lot of concern around the world that this could spill over into the wider region and the top of this. now we have these claims of responsibility by iso a while in fact the issue of i still claiming responsibility for this, i thought, but it's on the map and you possible a escalation and this escalation could be with a ring and retaliation. because 1st of all, we have to look into, which i says is claiming responsibility whether it's i, philip assigning never gotten it. busy or it's i so i'll free rock, this is something to take into consideration because doctor would meet all send you
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any an action just if we compare it to what happened in previous i, so that docs and in the run i run was retaliating by launching mess size towards the iso positions in these countries and given also the kind of complicates and relation between iran and the government of the, the facts to government. think of a lot of style and it's all about movement. this is going to add more complicated complications to the scene. there may be complications that this region doesn't, doesn't seem to have some talking to us and to her on ali. thank you very much. indeed, the still ahead on all the 0 japan things of widespread escalates devastation. but we're gonna tell you why things weren't even worse. the frank assessments to the problem is that is there is allowed to be outside that
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ends of international law. and one of the reasons that should be the is the fact that is it and has declared war on okay. parts people informed opinions, the medical infrastructure of an entire society has been completely destroy the people who will feel that destruction 1st and most will be the women and children inside story on al jazeera, examining the impacts of today's headlines this year with the destruction of your everything international filmmakers and wealth clause, john, unless you're saying that these laws actually encourage more violence, 7 has to know stories for a global audience. this is my, your policy is the way what these are for you to. so tired of us from our culture, open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on that. i'll just say era . the
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knowledge is here. where the, [000:00:00;00] the, the watching or does it a reminder about top. so is this uh, the 16 people including 9 children or has been killed an almost say in the size of gas. it is a piece of the said, the area is a safe. so meanwhile, fighters of things, central garza, the spiking there, gets even more intense, at least one person's being killed in this way. the rates across the ocean find west, find the palestinian red cross and says at least 2 i'm going in sense of being hit
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by bullets and crew members. sabina and i had a meeting of is real security count. betsy's very defense minister. you have gone on as told reporters about his proposals for the postwar garza is repeated that how much would not be allowed to district. so let's get more in our top story of the strikes in southern and central guys. a honeywell who's got more, is defined by destruction and displacement. this is the daily routine of thousands of palestinians if fling the war in the northern parts and the guys of cities. but this time, these thousands of people are born into, from the central part of the gauls as 3 about these really military just stepped up, its military operations. that why didn't the intensity and the scan of the bombing when orders 1000 of people to leave the fence from part all the way to come to the milwaukee area. the western a rough, i again designate and it as
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a safe zone. people here, you know, there is no safe place in the gaza strip, not even this small area of largely sand parts high oh and model. if i we decided to go directly to f, a c t instead of going to dave bell. cars renewed, it wasn't safe, and with the tools to back create, there's no savings. amazing because we don't know where to go after this place. machine model i had enough for the people left on the heavy show and before the people who had been killed on the salad in road as they were evacuated from new. so that the guys, the birds count is why and they're about 15 or less for the south. so and it's passing the, the bombings in 10 city increase visited a point that people had no other choice, but to leave the central part of the gaza strip. all the way taking a journey and throughout by 50 they are they gyptian gaza border in an attempt to
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save their lives in one of the, the small towns that they will set up. so far, thousands of people have arrived here with expecting more in the coming hours. honey, my mode. i was just the evacuations on dropbox, 50 the farmer. how much politically the kind of michelle has paid tribute to the palestinian leaders queued by and is very air strike on tuesday. the i'm in one of the headquarters, but we are concerned for the security of all the arab countries. we don't want to harm them. our problem is only with the israeli occupation that despite their defeat, after more than 3 months of aggression against gaza, despite this holocaust, this genocide that is being committed on a daily basis against women and children. they want to eliminate cause of people. despite all the defeats they want now to exploit the aggression, they want to extend the battle broadened it thinking this will change the calculus of the region, and they think if they killed the leaders of the resistance,
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the resistance will be weakened. this is not possible. they killed already hundreds of our leaders from different brigades and from homos, also including the founder of hum us. and what was the result? every time they killed one leader, another leader is born. this is what will happen every time we lose a leader and another leader is born. we are here and we will stay here in the face of the occupation and in the face of their military in order to make them doubt their calculus and undermine their plans. we always feel happy and thankful, and we thank god and we have more willingness to continue. we will never be broken . the enemy will know that despite all the stupidity is that he has committed and trying to broaden the conflict in our blood. that is shed garza and in the westbank, even in the arab world, it says is colorado striking the rock killing the leader of and around bite on the group. it blames for the tax and american troops. depending on the size of the operation was conducted in self defense and that no civilians were. hon. again will be very clear,
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us forces are in iraqi at the invitation of the government. all right, and there are there for one reason which is to support the defeat isis mission. will continue to work very closely with our iraqi partners when it comes to the safety and security of our forces. when those forces are, are threatened, just like we would anywhere else in the world, we will maintain the inherent right of self defense to protect our forces. and so again, this was a necessary proportion and action against this particular individual who was personally involved in the planning and execution of attacks against american personnel. the, now we're going to take a look at some of these other news authorities. it took us canada airport, have started removing the wreckage of tuesday's fateful. one way. accident 5 people on a coast guard aircraft and died when it was hit by a japan airlines, passenger plane radio transcripts have revealed that the coast guard plains had not
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been cleared to be on the runway. the buffalo squared that struck western japan on new year's day cause wind spite of devastation and killed more than 80 people. but observer say the outcome could have been far worse if it hadn't been for the way that japan prepares for disasters. you're just getting reports from tokyo to this guy tree source above the tokyo skyline. it's one of the world's talos towers and what is the plant? it's most seismically active country. people in japan are set to feel some 2000 tremors each year since one 5th of the world. earthquakes of magnitude, 6 or higher, occur here. earthquake awareness begins at an early age. regular, concise drills were also credited for saving the lives of people who lived in these homes affected by they know to peninsula quake on new year's day, who don't cut off well, so i can know for when we train people about where to gather and what kind of disaster relief system to implement. so when residents here felt a little tremor,
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they immediately left their houses and evacuated. of 100 years is the great con to earthquake kills more than 100. 40000 people much has changed in the way of japan prepares for earthquakes. japan strict building codes, and for us to 1981, require engineers to fulfill 2 levels of our quick proofing. firstly, to guarantee enough resilience to withstand smaller quakes with minimal damage. and secondly, to make sure that for tremor is on a size with scale of 6 to 7, the building does not collapse. modern high rise is, are designed to swing with the quakes energy given their flexible construction pendulums. and dapper is cut the intensity of that swing, but japan's gold standard is not applied to older homes, on know, to peninsula where the elderly population is twice the national average. many would in properties were decimated their owners less inclined at,
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nor able to afford retrofitting. this disaster prevention expert notes tokyo is not immune to similar devastation as the metropolis repairs for its next big one, fema, so to purchase, you know, time to the proper delivery of, of magnitude 7. notice quick hitting the capital within 30 years is about 70 percent summaries, especially in east in tokyo, and have a concentration of buildings with a low quake. resistance calls for more inclusive planning as an increasingly unpredictable mother nature is requiring communities to work together as they have never before. unit skim ultra 0, tokyo and indonesia, at least 3 people. the reported of being killed off, the 2 passenger trains collided in west java cottages were forced off the tracks. but the impact please say all passengers have been taken off the trains, the china is compelling to me and more often, at least 5 chinese citizens were injured. by stray artillery shells far across their shared board,
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the main laws. miller trees being fighting on groups in the north of the country. for months, john has been calling for an urgency as far as a 17 year old student in the us state of iowa has died of and upon and self inflicted gunshot after opening fire at high school. a 6th grader is reported to being killed in 5 others. have been injured. new york city is showing 17 bus companies for transporting migrants to the city. and the border state of texas. more than 33000 migrants have arrived in new york on buses, organized by texas in the past 2 years. new york city now wants the bus companies to pay more than $700000000.00 towards the cost of housing. the migraines set a goal, a supreme court has upheld the defamation conviction, opposition leader, ocean sancho. a lawyer for the government says sancho will not be able to run in presidential elections next month. it was given
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a 6 month suspended sentence in may for defaming the tourism administer. whether it's going to be next followed by inside story, it's going to be looking at it runs next steps of to to bomb bloss, killed more than 18 people in. come on. my name's going to be here in 30 minutes for the morning on our stories. one information on the website. obviously the dot com. i wrote matheson stay with us on august the the hello the remain slots. you twice live on the chevy side, $50.00 plus the kid parts of the arabian peninsula lease buyout status. the see if the cloud spilling out the ducky pushing towards the caspian. we've got some right and snow coming game here that you got a loss. you try cause i'm not sure if the arriving peninsula, what a stiff small at just making it feel
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a little of the fresh side as we go through the next outside the hall with the top temperature of around 23 degrees. meanwhile, the co season inside of the met, generally dry here as we go on through the next couple of days, a friday does still say a few showers may make extend that way. right down into gaza. brightening up as we go on through friday. emphasize today that went to whether that when she was just making his way across georgia media for as a by john a few showers also coming in across the team. but nothing too much. just baker. see we've got some pretty unsettled weather coming at the central pos often, but it's right nearby that state. so that's just spinning out sofa spite and porch cool, northern pots of rock. i saved some pretty wet weather, northern areas of our area and that will continue to push its way into action. is the most sing some rather wet weather at that stage, that planning a shot was meanwhile, across the central parts of africa. down to was the south heaviest, down pulls around zambia malawi of
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the the yvonne's questions retaliation off to, to bloss kim morgan 18 people during commemorations for an assassination. generally the said to be the worst attack since the 1979 revolution. so how will pet envoy yet and is their best of escalation in the region? this is inside story.
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