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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 5, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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it is the is the fact that is it and has declared war on ok, finds people who informed opinions the medical infrastructure of an entire society has been completely destroy the people who will feel that destruction 1st and most will be the women and children inside story on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00] the fed, i'm or kyle, this is the news our life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. the optima of more as rainy as strikes on multiple areas across the gauze, a strip within 40 people 15 kills a new reality for gauze,
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a israel's defense minister lays out his proposal for the future of the product to the entire tree. not everyone agrees anger and grief, and a ron was funerals or help for some of the 18000000 people killed in wednesday's full names. i. so as the claims, responsive tennessee is one palace tenant has been killed and overnight as rainy waves on the occupied west. by the we saw this news with us. where in the middle, the trees will on garza which has been targeting the strip, central and southern regions, strikes and shelling have also hit all the areas and con eunice in the south. there was an attack in the vicinity of the alamo hospital. the pots in red present says 10 people were killed, that another 12 were injured hospital, his face repeated from 5 minutes in recent weeks. it strikes an alma why say killed 14 people including 9 children. this is
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a tiny piece of land in the west of gone so that as well as repeatedly said would be a safe design. more than 22400 pallets. students have been killed since october. the 7th. speak to honey my flip. he joins us from out your name as neighborhoods in rough. i, in stoughton, wisconsin. how to, how do you tell us the situation where you all and tell us about these latest strikes? the zip code gets more people. yes . yes, laura, we are at the jeanina neighborhood that is at the uh, the eastern southern part of the city. and this neighborhood, particular neighborhood has been repeatedly targeted since the beginning of the world, just a brief drive. but in around the, the neighborhood do have one would easily see the and count the number of the residential homes being targeted and destroyed the are and,
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and the it see the visible a level of destruction that is caused by a, these rarely bombings of the, of these residential homes as revels is still in, in, in piles in, in, in the area. so what we, where we are right now is in front of a bond home that was targeted at overnight the early hours of last night was targeted with people. it is where inside, with no warning whatsoever. in fact, we spoke to the father of the children who were killed in the overnight ears try to describe their attempts and ongoing discussion that get the did the daily routine a night through. do you know how to stay safe and how to not do adequate sleeping and the rooms that has large windows and removing windows are forever because of the shattered glasses. they used to have this conversation every single day. and as of last night, they were decided that the children were going to sleep, but they're on the room. but unfortunately,
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it was their last last wish and it was last time of sleep. and i because the both the children and their uncle are killed in the attack. so there's a civilian policy and have nothing to do with uh with what's going on. according to the father of the turn, it was spoke with the, the broken heart a. and this is the situation that we have cnn, the scenes that we were witness over and over since the beginning the were heart broken, fathers and mothers and losing their, their to their on seeing them and wrapped in in lights, sheets. but this is a huge, well with the and for this place to palestinians. if those are the bombings, it's caused a great deal of damage to the surrounding area. there at least the 3 residential homes within the vicinity of the targeted house here. where were dab severely damaged and to the point people decided to leave the areas because this is not suitable for them to live here. there's a large amount of ruffles as well as inside their homes. it's just unlivable for
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them. that's on the same time. ongoing findings, it's still taking place in the central area, in fact that there's aggressive, relentless, the artillery still ain't got an error strike pounding the central area that think the old, the, the refugee accounts, including the there is bella city, the very city where if people were told, evacuated because it is safe. again, there were not safe in the area. they were bumped within hours of their arrival in high noon as the the, the bombings and the bombing campaigns continued to pound the entire city of highness, including a neighborhood that houses the hospitals. and an area that was described as safe for people from eastern time units to evacuate to but they would get got, they would be got bombed in any way. uh, how do you say that this is unusual situation in garza? but of course, we need to bring a suppose a particular stories,
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those personal stories of children wanting to sleep in their own room as they would have done before the will. and that was wanting to be and kills them. it really brings home just how unusual this whole situation is, how of normal it is and how many lives have been awesome. each life has its own story. and we're also looking at hundreds of thousands of people now living with out solid rules and shelters. in roscoe and down and on the last day which is also being showed how is a coping bed now that the winter has set in with the cold and the rain? the a yes. well, there is a fear of a in more more displays, palestinians of from the central area just within the coming hours or the coming. these are going to be a poor and into rough. i city that will increase the, the suffering of put more pressure on the uh, the infrastructure, the facilities, the supply that in rough ice to be as the,
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the bombing campaign and get gets more intense in the central area. and since yesterday, we documented the arrival of, of thousands of newly displaced families of, from the centrally are just running at for the lives of, from the horror of the, the bombings an inch intensity, and a largest scale that destroyed it every at the spring. every means of life, but last, the areas of the large lea a on under developed area and people came to this area unprepared for, for all the difficult situations in one aspect to just to look and see how difficult the situations are for them as people are prepared for winter and heavy rainfall. they're here with. 2 suitable clothing without the heating without the blanket, just to keep themselves warm during the night as it gets usually cold during the nighttime. this is an air that is a close to the mediterranean shore, and in the early hours of the evening, it gets very cold compared to the hours of the the afternoon. and we're looking at
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a large number of children who are or getting sick easily. and they are documented cases in, across the hospital, in the center part of, of, of the children with bay area with the know me with the other illnesses that are very, very risky for their survival and their, their livelihood. in addition to the lack of values, almost no access to any of the basic supplies or, or clean water to drink, the vast majority people consume contaminated water that, that, that a good further exacerbated the whole, the concerns of the spread of infectious diseases. among this most vulnerable group, when it comes to women, it just, it's a whole different story. the lack of spanish stations, the lack of, of hygiene facility, just making it difficult for and again a bowler group among women, pregnant women. and those are breast feeding life is increasingly taking its toll on palestinians in these difficult times a honey mackwood. thanks very much for bringing. is the same that from rafa in,
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something's gone. so well as well as defense minister you, i've kalonde, has unveiled his proposal for garza once the will is finished under the proposal. israel would have the right to oversee security and conduct oppressions inside the strip if necessary, but is really such as would not occupy the land. local palestinians would have limited control of gauze, the, except for those affiliations with hum us, go on to not named specific groups. us said multinational task force, including european and some our countries would be involved in the economic recovery of the strip egypt with control galls of main civilian border crossing in collaboration with as well. and the us let's speak now to nor com. she's in occupied to east jerusalem for a certain autism, a bit more about carolina's proposal. it's not in a detailed vision that we've had yet from the israelis. and what is the blueprints that we've had?
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some itself is riley official. i made many discussions and he said a cancelled will cabinet amazing app. now essentially it puts the 1st stipulation that there will be no home us ruling golf. instead that will be a post in entity. it certainly won't be ruled by the policy authority, which currently guffman sections of the occupies west bank. but some of the conditions include israel, maintaining an air c and lines blockade over the strip, which might make it look like the day before the war, as opposed to the day light if they did so, they also want access for military rates. again tells me looking like the occupied west bank of the others, as you've said, an international task force coming in and looking at not any the civil administration of the strip, but also kind of continuing the security uh to continue to maintain security on
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looking at the we have the taishan of rebuilding often lower than 70 percent of the infrastructure. the trip was destroyed by these writers. now this is all supposed to be spoken about in a wall cabinet. why does security cabinet nice thing into the lights out last night, but it's ready. 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu. have to call it off. we've had from is really media. everyone's discussing it today. it results into it was hudson to tie else that was in fighting a month for ministers, and the top is rating bras. many were very noisy that the chief of staff of the is right. the army has a hell of a, was proposing that that would be a pro, made up a full, not all the officials, but with that during the 2005, this engagement from the strip that's when is well beautiful. actually pulled out some of the very hard right. comes of cabinet ministers. we're talking about this disengagement issue, but all this we're saying is nothing to do with this engagement. well,
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one thing's for sure. with the is writing media speaking about said the opposition has pulls out say no ministers from a security cabinet meeting should be talking about what's happening inside of this where the size of disunity in the governments at the moment certainly does your com thanks very much. we update that from one to 5 east jerusalem. well, us actually have sites on sleep and can is beginning and get another diplomatic tool. ultimate least he's due to meet need is in israel for the 1st time since will began on october, the 7th. and those are expected to hold totes of palestinian leaders in the occupied westbank. lincoln's tool will include stops into kiosk, jordan castle, saudi arabia, egypt, and the u. a. e. men of m climb joins us now from west joycelyn. he is a professor of political science at vol. i'm university. thanks very much for being with us. a send me a note for blinking to be dealing with on this particular visit. first of all,
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let's look at the defense ministers proposal for the day off to the will on dollars . what do you make of it? i see tool tool strategies discussed yesterday. paying the copy and then the work up in it. the 1st the was, is the security establishment at the deal as presented by you off the guidelines minister of defense, which is, is right. it was paid in god the strip in the different locations with different responsibilities inside the door. a long way back to our immediate, they're mixed to the, to the boulder was, is red, but it's right away. they care on the security of supervisors. any other operation to rebuild the guys history is running a hold that's someone we take from is the responsibility paid and in the national
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consortium or is okay. families, clients out there. it's different from the on different areas. this is how you pay this. you can do different this to do think that some likely scenario that someone else is going to come in and work with the is right. needs to rebuild goza . no, no, no way, nobody, no institution or state organization where the enter and booked itself to be a target for how most fighters managing greenly. oh, well guess what, what should be done as actions? genuine elections, so totally trip the mice that mixed up ministration without a boss blessing. and they really arise from us. but how about political, how about us? and let's say ok, nothing can move is right, is, is the,
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i'm pretty good to what the to made in it was because the trouble is. so we've, we've already got extreme rights and israel furious with this particular proposal. there's no way that they are going to accept the idea of general elections. yeah, definitely. but thoughts on that then, you know, is a guess. and what i read from this yesterday exchange roles names and show them a, the copy the minute copy that may think is the instructed these formulas to at that because of the government and that they are me and the chief of stuff it, they may be under that they already on the following that, that y'all request the right to link the extreme right wing the joys for pregnancy . thought these they want to clean the guys us troop all out. to expel maximum, but experienced lead jeep dorm. they started talking about calm goal was left in
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america and then bring in settlers and that been good news. 350 supplements in guys, history according to them. but they say they, they have, let's say amendment of these really this engage. but the 2005 and the implementation of their masonic redemption. i. d o luxury. this is their view. the l is one of the problems had mentioned that the palestinians need to come up with their own plan and they haven't. why haven't they? because it is well exposed by 7 full, all, it's all sorry, these are legitimacy and those of us have contributed to that. it's not only because of these what, whatsoever was it made many respect, some rogues, but also the international community. instead,
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the committee in sped that showed the have state. this is the finance stopped and said great, but this is what we want to achieve. and we, we bought the, we really both. i told you or we would push very hard to achieve it. and we are in the board we, we don't believe you guys fight thing guys to, to continue find things. we want to, to see a supplement there. without that nothing. we move it right. it must be, it is rise. i'm arms must be switched by the community. okay. medicine climate thanks very much for taking the time to join us that for west jerusalem we appreciate your insights and thoughts. thank you. the, the funerals are being held in a role and for the victims of twin bombings on wednesday. ron in security forces
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say they've arrested a number of perpetrates, as i saw, says it was a heinz, the attack that killed 89 people. it happened in the city of cum 9 during a ceremony at the time of senior general customs. so lady who was the test agent by the united states 4 years ago. he's a live pictures from come on during those funerals. iranian president abraham, right? you see a dress, these crowds condemning the attacks, a hello am i salon. these are great desks and indeed difficult tests that the arabian people are facing and surfing the great people of iran is but one of those tests to which we are subjected. and we must all walk this road, the road of serving the people of iran. it is a great responsibility that has been placed on our shoulders and know that this
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great gathering debt we have here today. this gathering of thousands of people will scare our enemy. those great numbers of people we have today will strike fear into the hearts of our enemies. our enemy is indeed desperate to. i'll ask them, joins us now from toronto. they will talk about a more of what the president said in just a moment. but 1st tell us about those that are being arrested by security forces, as well as the inter give in sacramento. he spoke to the uranian television and stated that several people have been arrested by security forces. and that there are some knots related to that. talk that are being reviewed by the, by the security forces, but this was a time and that ended in the, caught in time the investigating and they were present the public with complete
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a big cha flushed. and what has happened now at the end where he was talking just stuff to president, right? you see uh, address the crowd i see, you said. and the president vice, also a said just the timing and the police officer retaliation or the revenge without, without calling towards the venge. but he said define, and this, the place is in the hands of the uranian or follies. he's also the i r d c. comment that same salami, when, when he addressed the crowd, he was faced with chance for revenge. and he said that he would event, he was in the, the i, r g. c. and avon are going to event. yes, this whole picture is just as all of all the uh, the last is, yvonne has put on the uh, powers of auto gins as he, as he describes. i so has claimed responsibility for these bombings. how is not
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being covered by the ronnie and media? it was clearly at the moment the radiance auden buying this the statement, the claim of responsibility bought by ices. and we had the interview minutes the same dots. they have their own conclusions and they will reveal it at the right time. but still, they are trying to, with the goods of the uh, the fox of the story. however, there are skepticism with respect to the ice in the states. and this is what the uranium is off shedding. also right now regarding the language regarding the settlement. ology also regarding the way this a statement is in compare income financing with fast. busy a statement by ice is especially after the attack on the fall limits a few years ago, or the shock that took place in she was so that exhibit of skepticism because actually it seems that also living is often linking what has happened to the
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regional escalation. that's taken. okay, i how shall we say installation is that from to have on thanks very much on it. us says it's carried out to strike in iraq, killing the leader of the wrong box on the group. it planes for attacks on american troops. the pentagon says the operation was conducted in self defense and that no civilians were homes for is, are, i'll be very clear us forces are in iraqi, at the invitation of the government. i. right. and there are there for one reason which is to support the defeat isis mission will continue to work very closely with our iraqi partners when it comes to the safety and security of our forces. when those forces are, are threatened, just like we would anywhere else in the world, we will maintain the inherent right of self defense to protect our forces. and so again, this was a necessary proportion and action against this particular individual who was personally involved in the planning and execution of attacks against american
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personnel on this that speak to our correspondent in baghdad. zane bus route of a ends in the us saying that the strike was in response to attacks on us troops were in the rocky side as well. just in the last few hours we've heard for the 1st time from the rocky prime minister since the drone strike on thursday. he has condemned it. well, how much you'll see that he was attending a memorial event. commemorating the 4th anniversary of assassination of eroni and major general costume, sum of money, and apparent military rocky pelham entry commander of the, of the hon. this an app that event g outlined his take on the issues he condemned in no uncertain terms that this, the targeting of what he described as security forces as part of the rocky security apparatus describing the popular mobilization forces as integral to iraq. the security he condemned the attack that he said was part of the international
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coalition let but united states a part of their overreach in terms of their presidents here on the ground. he said it was one of the most serious violations of sovereignty, describing repeated attacks on the headquarters of these p m. s. as a what some of the most serious violations of the rocky sovereignty by the us led coalition. also, donnie stated that the government is now in the process of trying to set up a committee of different groups, a committee, a bilateral committee that will bring together a number of political organizations, political groups in iraq. that will now look at setting a timeline for the expulsion of the us led coalition forces from a rock. and he said that there will be no neglect of anything that a rock needs to create sovereignty over its land. and over the skies of a rock, he also said we have repeatedly emphasize that in the event of a violation of transportation by any of rocky party, that the rocky law is violated. the rocky government is the only party that has the right to follow up on the merits of these violations. and anyone else doing so is
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infringement on iraq solving to design? how likely is it the stop mission would end and what would it mean on the ground? as well as you speak to a rock is they tell you when practical turns the us forces here as part of the coalition, the number about 2500 in iraq, 900 and syria of a 2500 year and iraq, iraq is, will tell you that they can and will, and will likely continue to do whatever they want whenever they want to, despite any of the specifics of any agreements they have with the rocky government, the prime minister, mr. ross, who donny gave himself a little bit of wiggle room. he also said that ending the existence of the international coalition will happen after the justifications of its presence in the country has ended. so while they are going to start a dialogue about coming up with a timeline in terms of what practical steps they can take on the ground and how soon they can do it, that remains an open question and it is unlikely to happen any time quickly. okay, same bus robbie, joining us that from baghdad,
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thanks very much. same or is there any forces have carried out strikes and toms in salt on 11 and the army released this video showing bloss from the flight of jets among the targets for hezbollah infrastructure and a military post. this comes a has of has the lovely to hass on that as well as televised address lisa on friday . that's good saying hold us. he joins us now from that route. so tell us more about these latest is really strikes that we've been saying on the border. well, the cycle of violence continues is freely error strikes targeting, what's the israeli army? says r, as well as the military infrastructure launch sites. this has been going on since october the 8th since has the law joined the battle against israel to help relieve its ally how mos in gaza. but as of late israel has been escalating its attacks the intensity,
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the frequency of it's not just the air strikes artillery. shelly and drone strikes . what is role is doing is negotiating. it is trying to pressure the lebanese arm to group, to pull back from the border. israel wants to restore security along its stores in front. it is the only way the 10s of thousands of his race were evacuated from the towns and villages in northern as well. we'll be able to go home. has the loss is refusing to do that. it continues to carry out the attacks against is really military positions along the border. it has increased the tempo if it's operations, and it says, even though the conflict will remain contained along the border, it will continue to try to relieve pressure on her mouse and that the guns will not fall silence until as well as attacks on garza stop. so the cycle of violence continues. it says for roddic escalation, a dangerous situation and the united states sending an envoy to as well,
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to try to contain the tensions along the border. i meant all these tensions they know we've got how something goes wrong with the hezbollah chief, making a 2nd public speech in as many days what we're expecting him to say, what are we looking out for? is it? well, yes, it will be his 2nd speech since the assassination of her mouses, number 2 officials, the most senior have mazda official to be killed in what's the least have been. and it's really striking in, as well as from both in favor southern suburbs. on wednesday he said that he would be talking more about the current topics and 11 on on friday he is expected to explain the state of play if you like, along the border. he did say that the hezbollah will continue to carry out calculated strikes. he made clear, has the last not looking for an all out war, but it will be ready in case is rel, does launch a war that is a,
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that has the law will show no restraints. his speech today could be addressed really, to the domestic audience. his supporters at the end of the day, we're talking about more than 140 hezbollah fighters killed in the past 3 months. tens of thousands of people forced from their homes at a time where the country's economy has all but collapse. so he to leads to address people here to explain, as well as limited engagement. because on wednesday, he says make clear that he considered our duties assassination a crime, and that it will not go unpunished. he gave few details on when and where that will happen. but he did say that he would be addressing those who have been displaced, the families of people who have been killed during his speech on friday. okay. and will be bringing you that speech info here on al jazeera from 1230 g m t for the moment say not thanks very much. i so it has hair on the al jazeera, the wings of war will be looking at the increasing number of minute trade
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casualties and gone some other form of power then pin. i'll skip a story is released on the control and nothing is often measuring his girlfriend will have reaction from south africa. the hallow right is not. it continues to cause problems across the northern part. so here we have more than $300.00 flat points in full us across wells. and southern england has a system made its way of the east woods by the noticing some significant snow for more than 100 vehicles trapped in the snow across pots of southern suite. and it was a go for the next couple of days. thing should stop the quiet and down to k will because this area of high pressure will not just sway in and that will quite and things down over the next day or so. so that we go with that area of life pressure bringing right tiny to snow is amazing to the cold rather into a positive denmark,
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pushing across into japanese still portico close to us about 6 days. also, if you're lucky, you'll get to minus the teen celsius. a fear won't even be as warm as that if we can cool room cold enough. i but tools west impact some really wet weather gathering across the western areas of the mediterranean, either the next day or 2. and that was slide is way across easily into the balkans, significant snow on the leading edge of that. let's be safe snow just pushing across southern paths. a problem that's not quite the weather up towards the north west quasi off, into west by, in a public school. over the next dials, say some of the west, the weather will slip its way across northern areas of morocco and push it out the area. the marion shane, and i've been making films about since 2006 when i moved there in 2005, thousands,
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we recovering from the 38. your occupation by israel. people were hopeful that their lives would improve their dreams have been destroyed. and all that remains on account of the last casa chester dreams. on l g 0. the
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the, again, you're watching, i'll just there as remind to of all told stories at this hour is where the strikes have killed thousands of palestinians in central and southern, gaza. and connie, in this, in the south, there was an attack in the vicinity of the out amount of hospital facilities repeatedly being targeted in recent weeks. funerals are being held in iran for the victims of a major attack on wednesday. i saw says it was responsible for coming 8 to 9 people and come on drawing a ceremony for the assassination general has some sort of meaning and as well as defense with it. so you'll have to go on to somebody else's proposal for post with garza. he wants as well to obtain security control with how to sit in enforcements in day to day of fuzz awesome multinational force would be involved in reconstruction. well,
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it's been intense. fighting and goals are between how last flights is and is way the forces the city is released by custom brigades says heavy gun baffles and roof kid attacks against is really tight in galls of 50. the video clip also indicates the killing of several is really soldiers and the destruction of military installations is where the army says $175.00 soldiers have been killed in gauze since the ground invasion began on october 31st. a number of his ready troops being injured in the will is rising since still some type of 73400 soldiers have been missing to the ministries. we have been a taishan department of them. 2300 to have been officially recognized as being disabled. around 7 percent of those are mental health related. every day around 60
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more wounded soldiers are admitted for rehabilitation. as well as defense ministries, as the disability figures are expected to increase by more than 20 percent in the coming months as big now to i'm our show. he joins us in the studio. and so he's a professor of security and ministry studies. the institute for graduate studies, good to speak to. again, i am also by using number of is way the casualties is really quite a large number of desks that we're looking at, but also casualties of last thing, disability and mental health disorders. how known company is really public withstand, this kind of effect from the world goals are spending over. so historically is real, has been uh, quite sensitive to casualties in general because of the size of the country. and because of the general, the, the, the sensitivities towards losing soldiers that they are not like the russians where they can do is like hundreds of thousands and still continue or like the, the, like using multiple thousands when last. and they still continued for 10 months. so
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israel has withdrawn its forces in from the south lebanese war between 1985 and the solvent. so 15 years with only $300.00 casualties. and so the fatalities uh for that. so this is about $300.00 all the all what they lost now we exceeded that would i can the range now of the $500.00 to $9.00 in terms of the fatalities bus, the physical type of 7 since october 7th. yeah, that is correct. uh, so probably a little over a 100 off to the ground envisioning uh off the 27th of october. uh to, to a large degree that's a, a significant uh, uh, number of, of fatalities for these ladies in just the 3 months time. but i don't see the same the action that we saw from the, in the southern liberties conflict like in these really public. so the mass demonstrations is this fits between the politicians, the, the change of the i thought it in the media and the official statements. all of
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that is not there yet, which tells me that there is a high tolerance for, for casualties and full fatalities domestically. and israel in that operation probably be putting reactions to 7th of october. so i think this based on this, i think the, it, the operation will continue. and, and it's quite interesting also to see how the strategic communications of the other side of how this will affect the public opinion ink as well. because it, it's not just the casualties, it's how you frame them, how you frame the fatalities and the casualties and to send these messages to the public opinion so it can change and then ethically politics off the i where we all seeing a huge split in israel is the day off, so we've seen this detailed blueprint time coming from you. i'll go on the defense minister as close a huge rock this within the government, the extreme right firmly against it because it allows for the continuation of palestinians for not much is really involved. but what do you make of it as a workable plan for the day after the war and garza, it's,
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it's very difficult to assess it. the, what i can say is it will suffer like extreme challenges probably met on the 1st. the was not over. how much send the cosign battalions and the other formations are still combat effective? they're not been defeated yet. the so there is a lot of that. we just saw the videos right now of the, with the, the, this is a, in an urban war, or fat con, venture armed force. this is a nightmare to be attacked from a small window in a high building showing the, the tanks to use all the the, the, the hit. so what to what most end them charges so they can deal with the active on profit thing. the 1st one was a conventional, the 2nd one the you saw the, the amount of 5 they create is a federal bit of charge. it's a, it's a, it's a charge that is entitled to it and would, would, it hasn't been seemed to be what, what had, so it, can it burns as well? it just does not just, it's not just recommendations, but also this spinning it. so if, if, if they retain such a cap,
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admit it these 90 days off there, or now we know we're 70 days off the, the, the gone division, 90 days after the start of this war. and so we're talking about the nightmare anyway for the, for these 80 forces. so it's very easy to do some of the assessments that are based on these resources or some of the american assessments are talking about a 50 battalions. nothing by force of just because somebody gates not the just to cut down because it's not just it not, not the other but at the formations. 30 battalions of them about 10 percent of degraded. so 3 battalions and they're talking about the battalion and bay title battalion in, in the shelter and a medically battalions which operating the western ag about the camp and the rest thought between degraded and combat defective with the majority of compet effective . so one day operation is not over to talk about the data often to the main challenge for these ladies is the part of the so called partners on the ground. if we took the american framework and have gone this done and the rocks on top of the
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government find fault of as strikes by metal eats, find spot, the buttons on the ground to become your timidity and your political partners. and then create a new political environment with a strategic communication policy to the to meet it is really so far are not finding the partners on the ground. so it will be in the buttons on the, on the dollar mean either palestinians, collaborators or, and the addiction or sort of these with the different military. the optics of this does not look great into something. there are a lot of challenges over chicago. thanks very much for coming in. well, since the world began deltas from around the world have been traveling to cause that to help dr. yes, a con specializes an i and facial surgery is helping hundreds of palestinians whose site has been damaged as a result of is really building his his story. my name is dr. yasser con. i'm from canada. i live in toronto and i've been in, gosh,
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i've been in the gaza for about 34 days. and i came into the border in egypt and my, my journey into um, into highs i was, um, uh, you know, was, was just long. it took a long time, took a whole day, but it wasn't difficult. so i, i do both. i and face plastic surgery and the injuries have been very severe. and i've seen more explosive injuries than i've ever seen in my entire career, which is 20 years. a lot of severe injuries, a lot of patients have lost their eyes because when an explosion happens, you know, everybody keeps their eyes open and the eyes get injured with sharp now, and burns and things like that. so the injuries have been very severe. unfortunately, so far we've been doing about 6 or 7 surgeries per day is a big procedures and not small procedures. and i'll be here for about a week. overall, i'm actually going to say to people is that is that you have the whole world
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supporting you. we all feel for this, for you, for your suffering. we all want to cease fire immediately. we all want peace and to help you rebuild. we're also very inspired by, by your strength and your face. and i think that has really inspired the whole world. so i'm policy names are trying to create some sort of normality in the midst of as well as bombardments and with his says is times to electric raises. and papa and rafa is hoping to get back to the community, which is giving him shouts him to as i get tells the story. though to mohammed bucket is just one. that's the estimated 1900000 palestinians forced to flee. and on the bating is really bowman campaign on the homes, or in the compton rasa in southern garza, where he seek shelter, though it is trying to uphold human dignity in the midst as an advert growing in
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humane who v you for her to be on. there are many young man who seek my services. i don't care how much they pay because i'm aware of how difficult the situation is. it makes me happy to receive customers because when they get a hair cut, it helps them escape the difficult realities they're living. and there isn't enough water in garza or access to basic her washing products. it's hindering people's ability to maintain hygiene and having an effect on moral love with the young ones that are needed and you look, i haven't had a hair cutting approximately 40 days and my looks have changed drastically. so maybe the new look will give us all renewed hope and some towed escape is really strikes, leaving everything he had behind people into money to buy 2 electric raises. so he could make a living expenses in cause of a higher than ever because of the use low is really blockades. and the need for a central products is growing more desperate by the day. well, uh, well,
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i know for sure we didn't have any money and i have children who have new young. therefore, i had to provide for myself, my children and my wife and for my family in times like these, nobody is going to reach out and help you. palestinians feel abandoned. they say they can only depend on themselves and on each other with no end in sight to israel's will. judy vega, i'll just there a 17 year old palestinian has been killed in bate, lima, northwest of ramallah during his rainy minute true raid and the occupied westbank. 7 of the palestinians will also engine. a pass in red crescent says 2 ambulances in 2 towns have been hit, one by rubber bullets and one by live rounds. but a smith has moved from ramallah and the occupied westbank, a walk around a dozen rates overnight, thursday into friday in the occupied westbank. the most consequential of those was
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not wanting bait re malware a 17 year old man was killed aside a remodel way and his funeral will be held later on. friday, 7 other people were injured according to the palestinian red crescent animal. so in 2 of those rates that are on balance, cruise came on the fire live fire. they say one rate in biloxi and another rate ambulance crews are injured by shot to lot got glass that came from rubber boys that have been fights awards. and this is very common occurrence in the occupied westbound. the ambulance crews come on to fire from these riley will star . she's the very force you to often try and stop them reaching people who are injured. all of those rates have now ended. it was, in fact, a comparatively quiet night in the off coupon westbank why we've been averaging about 40 raids a night since october, the 7th. this time around
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a 1000. the spring, the some of the days of the news and full, the south african power olympic athlete onto the impact athletes. i'll skip his story is has been released from prison on parole. he said 9 years in prison for measuring his girlfriend leave a scene, come on the times of his control, he will parole, he will not be allowed to leave for toria. women's rights groups have protested against his release. somebody that has moved from outside the prison in pretoria of us got the story as became eligible for parole. officer serving at least toss of the 13 year sentence. he was given for the modem of reverse the income. he was initially imprisoned for 5 years for man slow to that was appealed. and then that sentence late to extend its no reba stain comes family has said that while they have spaced the reality, all of us got the story us receiving parole for some time. they have routinely
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opposed that application. they also say that they don't believe that just as has been served, that the people who are essentially facing a lifelong sentence is revisiting comes family as they continue to move on their door to. they say they don't believe that she told the truth around events during the night of her mother, and that he's not remorseful and that he had lied. but they say they both are taking some come putting the fact that you're doing this bro, peer, this will last until 2029. that sense will the end of the sentence is that you will have to enroll in programs that deal with violence against women as well as anger management. somebody the ultra 0 pretoria. at least 11 mine is a trap to underground in zimbabwe. this is following the collapse of a shots of the gold line in the west of the capital. her all right. incident took place on thursday morning. somebody's minds in this industry says of time is, may have caused the accident. mine is deployed
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a rescue team to bring the truck to minus back to the surface ortiz that take here's how they the efforts have thoughts of removing the wreckage of tuesday's face. what runway accident? 5 people on the coast guard at crawford killed when it was hit by a japan airlines, passenger plane, a traffic control transcripts of reveals that the coast guard payment is not paid to be on the runway. a possible escalate that start west of japan on this day cause wise but devastation and killed moving a to people from sub a say the damage could have been far worse if it hadn't been for the wage upon propose for disasters. you just came reports from tokyo. this guy, tree source above the tokyo skyline. it's one of the world's tell us towers and what is the plant? it's most seismically active country. people in japan are set to feel some 2000 tremors each year since one 5th of the world. earthquakes of magnitude,
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6 or higher, occur here. earthquake awareness begins at an early age. regular, concise drills were also credited for saving the lives of people who lived in these homes affected by they know to peninsula quake on new years, day who don't go well. so i can know for when we train people about where to gather and what kind of disaster relief system to implement. so when residents here felt a little tremor, they immediately left their houses and evacuated as 100 years, as the great con to earthquake killed. more than 140000 people much has changed in the way of japan prepares for earthquakes. japan strict building codes and for us to 1981 require engineers to fulfill 2 levels of our quick proofing, firstly to guarantee and no resilience to withstand smaller quakes with minimal damage. and secondly, to make sure that for tremor is on a size with scale of 6 to 7, the building does not collapse. modern high rises are designed to swing with the
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quakes energy given their flexible construction pendulums. and dapper is cut the intensity of that swing. but japan's gold standard is not applied to older homes, on know, to peninsula where the elderly population is twice the national average. many would in properties were decimated their owners less inclined to, nor able to afford retrofitting this disaster prevention. expert notes tokyo is not immune to similar devastation as the metropolis repairs for its next big one, fema, so to purchase, you know, tongue to the appropriate realty of a magnitude 7. this quake hitting the capital within 30 years is about 70 percent summaries, especially in east in tokyo, and have a concentration of buildings with low quake. resistance calls for more inclusive planning as an increasingly unpredictable mother nature is requiring communities to work together as they have never before. unit skim ultra 0, tokyo and innovation,
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or at least 3 people are opposing to have been killed. off the 2 passenger trains collided in west java couches were forced off the tracks by the impact. police say the injured have been taken to local hospitals to china as low as the complaints of bmo off to at least 5 chinese systems engine by straight on tennessee. shells flying across the shed folder, and most military has been fighting rebel groups in the north of the country for months. china has been cooling for an urgency as far as new york city has suited 17 box companies for transporting migrants to the city from the board of state of texas. will them fuzzy? 3000 migrants arrived in new york, combust is organized by texas in the past. 2 years, and it looks as he now wants to of us companies to pay more than $700000000.00 towards the cost of housing, the migrants of the senate goals. supreme court has upheld the defamation. conviction of the opposition leader of mine, sancho lawyer for the government,
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said sancho will not be able to run in the presidential elections next month. it was given a 6 months suspend a sentence in mail to accusations of defending the tourism, minnesota. so it has here on alex's era, all the sports and fox lane and kicked off 2024 and still not 6 fashion football. how many of the business latest sponsored by intellect, global your real estate destination in due by
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the business lasers to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the let's get you over support now and his son a thank you very much laura, well, we'll begin with football and barcelona has started a 2020 full with
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a dramatic win and lanita. the champions came from behind to beat last fall, mess up to one away from taurus to go to the equalizer, but they had to wait till stoppage time. to get the winter because when the gun, one of penalty also seemingly being pushed in the box. something which the los palmas says heavy disputed. the drum and the step top is scored who was alt means a boss us it said 7 points behind meters, realms with i don't know when y'all will do so on jerone. one of the last minute measured one late in the game. we want in the last minute with a penalty. this is more than football. we need to get used to it. it's not going to be easy to in any game that will. it's not only us, everybody is having a tough time winning right now with the champions, and that's why i think we're going to be in this race. we deserve respect as champions and we're going to fight them on action later on friday they take on burn in the f a cups the around the competition presents manager and you close to who
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the chance to when he 1st trophy with the london club, you started the season we, we have to leave a vision and the dreams of winning a silver way because the nice, you know, the impact that has on, on, on the fans more than anything else. and, you know, obviously from our perspective it's an opportunity for us to, to join when a competition and you know, that, you know, for the club of ass that you know, it has to be understood every year. so you're going to be competition with the i'm and i prefer for winning some silver way. a, c, f, a couple survive matches. so united with one lost a shot at the trophy of the season. they play, it said to wigan on monday. might have to extend has, has just had his 1st meeting with the clubs, new investors in the sense that they agreed to buy the 25 percent
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a share and united the team have already been knocked out to be open competition. and down in 8th, in the apartment 8, we had to have low meeting. so many hours we set the good thing. we well many issues we were on the same page. um, so of the faith positive. i think also from both sides. i can say that was a very constructive meeting and where a week away from the start of the asian cop post and reading champions, katara gearing up. but for the tournament with a friend the match against jordan late on friday, it'll be facing 11 on in the opening match on january 12th. katasha will hope for better showing in this tournaments compared to the 2022 woke up with host last all 3 of the group games from world number one, victoria, as inc. i has booked her place into the semi finals of the brisbin international. but the time of the strain open champion had to work hard against it and now
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stuffing folks as it ain't got 2 hours and a half to finally out last her lot to be an opponent to reset 633675. this is a for semi final in the tristan foreman's, which is a warm up event video savings. and you have says a new test cricket record, they beat south africa and just a den. hoffer and the school to test my to, to produce a, went up. and do required only $642.00 volts to secure the when they 2 in cape town began with south africa being pulled out. 476 and given reach the big 3 targets of 79. pull the loss of just 3 wickets. the previous sources test that took place almost a 100 years ago when australia beat south africa in melton that's very spot for me. i do back to laura. so thanks very much and these little that's it for me. nora kyle: for this news out, you can say, keep up to date with overlays this days. of course,
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on our website. this is sarah dogs comp time to have news and analysis to be found that audience i will be back in this to in just a moment. with more of today's news for you to stay with the the, the, the the, the, the, the, well,
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the telephone go down the, on the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is the context to what is happening now. it says it's cool. thanks. question professor applies unflinching questions rigorous. the bank that he added to today is that another thing is taking place. augusta, nothing goes into gauze, or without us of permission. nothing leaves casa without result. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. without the us is always of interest to people around the world. this has been going on for
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a number of hours. you're not being surprised, but you see the report 34, that's an active perspective to try to explain to global audience why it's important because impacts their lives at the height of the storm. water was still high by hey, this is an important part of the world. people pay attention to this very good the bringing the news to the world from here of the israeli strikes pounds, southern and central regions of the gulf of strip devastating have ascending communities over 22400 people have now been killed since the type of 70 began the money in sight. you. this is alice. is there a lawyer from the? what's the coming up a new reality for garza,
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israel's defense minister lays out his proposal for the future. the protest in the


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