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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 5, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the the the laura kyle: this is the news our live from doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes is really strikes tom, get this stuff in and sent for regions of the guns. a strip of and 22600 people have been killed since the war began. a new reality for garza, israel's defense minister lays out his proposal for its future. but now everyone agrees us extra estates begins his middle eastern to looking to is simmering
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tensions across the region and anger and grief and a wrong my funerals are being held for some of the $18000000.00 people killed and wednesdays bombings. i so has claimed responsibility the, it's 13 gmc, that's a 3 pm and also where israel is continuing it strikes on the southern and central regions of the strip in hon. eunice in the south. there was an attack in the vicinity of the owl. my hospital promised to me and red crescent says 10 people were killed by another 12 injured survivors of his really strikes made the obama and central garza all being admitted to be all acts of hospital were injured in the latest as ready, bombardments of the island. the kazi neighborhoods will heavy rain full is lessening the conditions facing people in northern garza as municipal services that
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have come to a hold. i was there as honest i'll sharif, was in the jabante a refugee come and sent this report. the most pleasure the day, i mean we have mobile now is the, the new problem for civilians. here is war and siege and testify on the gaza strip and with the rainfall. municipalities are no longer being able to operate as a result of their vehicles being destroyed by severely forces the button as it should be. i know, unfortunately the tragedy has the fullness of the tragedy of which we have won the jabante, a campus been flooded as a result of the, of the slow of the, of what i said reservoir. because we lost electricity completely and we were unable to operate, generates is, we don't have solar energy. we did not have any new solar panels since the beginning of the war against the gaza strip. there is a quantity of solar panels. however, these panels are being held at the gaza strip with you and he said the problem is the so now we're issuing
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a last coal to rescue the jabante account and rescue the jabante a municipality. for you. i'm following the destruction of the majority of vehicles . the majority of wastewater pumps and well, that's a lot of them and how did you know how we left the war? here we are facing a new war. sewage water leaked into classrooms and floods. of them are, children are suffering from disease gastro intestinal symptoms. we are suffering from sickness on the head of us. this is the situation we are living in. this is the tragedy that we are living in. our situation is dire and hold on. a said you again, us a fun. how do a fun look at our children and their payments, sewage, water, disease, trash, and the seller. we are human beings. we want peace. we want to live like the human being or something is on a couple of under the do. i did have, i had the wife on have another the so a new danger threatens the lives of presidents and the lives of refugees here at the shelters. because of the pooling of rain,
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water and wastewater at the municipality cannot do its work due to the municipalities, vehicles being targeted by the occupation forces. and it's a chevy, if you just see it all tremendously. i was wondering how the muscle joins us now live from rough us or honey. that was the situation in the news of going to tell us what the situation is in the south and central parts of guns and which is still being pounded by his right. strikes yes, laura, there are more tragedies on folding it from the central area of the gaza strip as well as the southern part of this small uh, base territory. yeah. and we're talking about more yeah. more distraction, more children. i pulled it from under the rebels. the vast majority of people arriving to hospitals now in the central area and in fun, eunice city and the largest city in the southern park city, among the majority of them in our,
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our children and women. but the fog. now we're getting more devastating reports about a 10 so of the service of a drones attack. a drones is better known as a quite popular is in the skies of the central area and what they're doing. they're shooting at every moving objects. this is the, the tragedy of the situation. people are told to evacuate their residential homes to go to safe areas, but one in the process of evacuating and leaving the areas that are being bomb, the art, talk by these a quite the captor events. and from the case is documented in a box on hospital those children and women and elderly arrived at the hospital with the science of bullets that being shot at them from these a quite dropped or is it there are hovering at the low level in the skies of the, of the central area, but so far the is really military just push deeper into is that why the area right now we're getting report that it's in the central part of the wide area that's through the western side of the,
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of the central area of the gaza strip and to try to make up its way to a new site, right? refugee camber block to that's a very densely populated area. and in the very consistent with this is really efforts in the past 2 days of, of making it will destroy the entire area, including all the residential towers at the entrance of this it block the block to in the, in the refuge account. but so far, there's so many people who are either caught in this war zone aggressive bombing and artillery sitting, or they are on their way, taking a very long journey, taking the host the road all the way through the city. but they're not running to safety as we've been waiting for a yes 30. how this evacuations on came under bombarding as well when a residential home was targeted and people were in their 10 stuart, critically injured as the rebels and the breeds just fell on them. say that the situation in time unison remain the same, very difficult. and in fact, as a tragic,
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as what people have already experienced in a read on our experience, the thing is still in the northern parts and the goals of the everything on the ground. so just that conditions are made impossible. life unbearable areas are a tax, become uninhabitable. obviously, i was going to ask you about that honey, because the safe thing is not any of a north, remotely safe viral. so i'm just terrible conditions as winter sets in. tell us how people are living there in the shelters that quite simply don't even have solid walls. yeah. well, is it just enough people are holding what the situation is not accurate. what people here are running out of options. they don't have any other choice, but just do, try to survive. it's about survive of right now. nothing else. they're not coming this. these are not the right condition that these people want one to see themselves and their children and their loved ones. and that a good experience are and living it through,
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but we're looking at the extreme shortage of a renaissance studies. every single a a no, not the very elements. this is depleted from the market that because supplies are quite depleted as well. we have injuries inside the remaining coast facilities. in the southern part, the central part of garza are missing it from the shows of the of the hospitals. and that's why we see injuries on the floor of the hospital. they take very long and do to get their, their turn to be treated. and by the time its, their, their parents, they already lost their life because of the ad, the slow and the intervention that they the lack of necessary medical supplies. on top of that, we're talking about in the most vulnerable group here in children and women. so there lack the old that the nutritional elements in their dietary system right now because they've been living on food stamps. and we know can food is not the right
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option. is not the right elements for young children then and, and then friends to grow. they lack, maybe mainly everything that help them and support them serve 5. this is the horror of this ongoing war name for you seen that from rafa. thanks very much, honey. a man intends fighting and goes up between how most flight says and is there any forces this video release by the customer games appears to show heavy gun baffles and rocket attacks against as rainy tanks and goals of safety. it also indicates the coming of several as rainy soldiers and the destruction of the minute 2 vehicles is where the army says $175.00 soldiers have been killed in gaza since its ground invasion began on october 1st. the 1st well as well as defense ministry of glances unveiled his proposal for golf. so once the will is finished under the proposal as well,
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would have the right to oversee security and conduct operations inside the strip if necessary. process where the settlers would not occupied the land. local palestinians would have limited control of gauze, or, except for those affiliation with homos, columbia, not named specific groups. and us led multinational tests both including european and some countries will be involved in the economic recovery in the strip. egypt will control gauze as main civilian, border crossing, and collaboration with israel and the us speak to sarah hart. she's our correspondent, live for us in the tel aviv so sorry you have the guns proposal, which is the 1st details plan that we've seen. tell us more about that. yeah, the 1st official such supplying the the fact that it sees been been addressed off the weeks where they were looking to talk about it last week and then it was pushed back because some of the ministers wasn't happy that the discussion was only being
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held by the full cabinet, they wanted to be included in those discussions, and then you all have go out and made this announcement, speaking to the media ahead of the wall cabinet. and why does security cabinet me think, why they were going to discuss more of those plans, bought this me thing. actually, any dates of aw steps, 3 hours when the prime minister himself hot, so cold. so and then because of a massive broil between a, some of those of fall, writes ministers, i agree, i mainly towards the all me, she's because of several reasons. number one, that was a discussion about approach the pro into how the so the 7 attack happens and how there was a security vacuum who was responsible and of many goods, including those in the prime minister. benjamin netanyahu was positive, the crude pots. he's saying that now, 1st of all, now isn't the time to discuss this,
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but also that the minute 3 shouldn't be probing itself or investigating itself. i guess they want that more of an independent inquiry, but also on top of that, apart from just the timing, one of the ex defense ministers was also pots is supposed to be parts of this panel . and this is a minister that's back in 2005 when israel with do after it has occupied the gaza strip. he was up parts of the he was in the defense minister and parts of the deal to bring them out of the gods. the strip so that i'm good especially are lots of the hard line is in that coalition government from vandevere, the national security administer, as well as, as those smart church, the finance minister and many others. so much so that apparently it's reported that you could hear the young guy coming all the way down the hallway and that just shows you and it gives you a sense of the lack of unity that despite the beginning of this will where they tried to show
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a united front even though the lead up to the will that was fall from the case, but they said they would do this because they all at will. well, this has been showing that there's been a lot more cracks. not just in terms of the uh, this product, but also in terms of the plant as to what happens to gaza of once this will wines down. and this just also shows that it's actually fall from unified with the opposition. these are the, i love piece quoting on the pm to the end of the prime minister as well as the government. okay, so how many thanks for bringing the places back from tel aviv as don't speak to you any been enough man. he joins us from west to waste. let me the physical on this on israel, middle east affairs. great to have you with us. so yeah, go on. you'll have clients proposal. it works on the assumption that the dollars are stripped. will be free of come us at the end of the will. how realistic is that? it's still true, at least it is. oh, because
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a there's no way that these would can destroy from us. i must be that the organization but the same time, it's also a political moment. if you cannot, the destroy the ideology and then the ideas of a moss. so you cannot take that mouth of the brains of the palestinians. so actually the only mission, which is the impossible military wise, is to destroy the military infrastructure as of a moss. is such as bundles in the rockets and besides and killed the military commanders. but the, you can not, the finish from us is the political moment. it can even me the minute change a thing when of how am i supposed to be more resilience to me is rate is for 2 months into his ground defensive and that's still engaged in severe st bottles in the normal find the sense that it doesn't pay like they've gained any significant ground within galls. uh,
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just how difficult is this bustle proving to be. and it's very difficult because the, the, the tunnel is a named guys. estimated the in between 500 to 1000 kilometers on the ground is a major obstacle. so these are the military, it but they think the time a the idea of the way to overcome this difficulty. the fax is that the really all me controls the all the north of goza street and the some areas in the center of garza and the now the fighting the south of gaza in on us there. yep. so we do take a few months still the army eventually will take over all the gaza street, but as you said, the fund, those are the main or so. okay, just stay with us because we're going to take a look at this stage that is there any minute treat casualties? this is a number that's rising since october, the 7th and 8th,
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3400 soldiers have been admitted to the ministries rehabilitation department. all of them, 2300 have been officially recognized as being disabled. around 7 percent of those are mental health related every day around 60 more wounded soldiers are mentioned for rehabilitation, as well as defense ministry size. but the disability figures are expected to increase by more than 20 percent in the coming months. and they have a significant figures that we're looking at now the 20 percent of costs even more. how much longer will here's where the public be able to tolerate these kind of figures too easily. the ideas and these are always doreen because of a dozen debbie and as a choice is rarely determined to lean before the end the when the political decision that it wasn't go sticking to going to all these things were eh, take it was taking into account the there's no other way,
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but to defeat the military capabilities of from us. and he's only going to pay a high price in human life, but that is all the choice. and i think that the, not only that the determination of the political action on the actual, there's also a consensus among these very society. it and the mission must be accomplished and the feet, the from us military. and as far as it is right next will they will hit except a significant result of the doctors, but how much no longer threatens israel. and we come back to this question as to whether that is realistic because even if they all removed visually from gone. so there is every chance that it will become an insurgency movement against any administration that's put in its place. right, this is a possibility, logical disability, but the insurgents is something different from the military. oh,
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with the huge is with the 3rd group, the bill it is so way is right is going to narrow and very much the visual from us in the this is, this will be in achievement, no doubt. okay, any button that i find thank you very much for taking the time to join the staff from west jerusalem. you in your sexiest age as me, blank and has begun. another diplomatic tool of the middle east is due to meet needs as an israel for 5th time since the war began on october 7th. he's also expected to hold talks with tell us to be in need is in the occupied west bank. when comes week long trip to the middle east is has full to the region as us actually have states since the will on the calls have become on top of me. things scheduled in israel and in ramallah and the occupied westbank is also expected into q u, i starve. and what is jordan castle? saudi arabia and egypt. the white house correspondent,
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kimberly how kit joins us now. there's plenty of stops on lincoln's trip. kimberly, what's the everything to achieve? well, there are plenty of stops because there's plenty to talk about in this trip and it's not just the secretary state who is in the region right now. we also know that there is another senior diplomat, but it's also been in the region and his name is a most hochstein, and he is there because the by the ministration is really concerned about the escalation that has taken place in recent days following the killing of the mosque leader in lebanon, and also the escalations is taking place in the red sea as a result of the firing on commercial ships by the who sees and the retaliation that the united states took. as a result of that and what the united states is most gravely concerned about, laura is the fact that this could spiral into
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a regional war exactly what the united states claims that it does not want even is its positioning its forces in the area and even as the national security advisor jake sullivan has said, it is supporting israel as it transitions its military campaign from a ground operation to going after high value targets. having said that, what we know is that the discussions that will be taking place are all about israel's war and gaza. and what happens after this conflict ends, in other words, what governance looks like the so called de after we know that the white house was interested in a revitalized palestinian authority, but we know that there is pushed back in gaza with regard to that. and so we also know that israel has some push back with regard to that. so these are all the
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discussions that are taking place. there's also discussion about what future munition supplies will look like. and there's also a pushback here in the united states about whether or not there should be conditions attached to that. and whether or not there should even be calls for a cease fire. because even in the last 48 hours, the bible ministration has received yet another anonymous letter signed by 17 members. with in the binding administration, pushing the president to call for a cease fire to push the is released for a cease fire. and to push for conditionality on that nor missed the amount of military assistance that the united states gives to israel. so all of that is going to be the underpinning of these discussions. again, a lot to talk about as the secretary is in, not just israel, i mean occupied westbank, but as you mentioned, all of those movies. capitals. okay. kimberly hawk it brings to be that from washington dc. thanks very much. kimberly funerals are being held in
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a wrong from the victims of twin bombings on wednesday. iranian security forces say they've arrested a number of piper traces. i saw it says it was behind the attack that killed 89 people. it happened to him and says, you have come on drawing. assume that the to him of senior general customs philharmonic who was assassinated by the united states 4 years ago to the running presidency for him. why you see a dress the large crowd at the funerals and come on condemning via tax. it cannot m as long as these are great desks and indeed, difficult best that the uranium people are facing and surfing the great people of iran is but one of those tests to which we are subjected. and we must all walk this road. the road of serving the people of iran. it is a great responsibility that has been placed on our shoulders and know that this
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great gathering that we have here today. this gathering of thousands of the folks will scare our enemy. those great numbers of people we have today will strike fear into the hearts of our enemies. our enemy is indeed desperate. i how soon has worn out from tower on. in fact, the street narrow, took place in a closed area, which is the mosque though, a lot of people bought the security measures prevented it from becoming a riley and the city of command. this is one. the 2nd thing is that present. tracy also added that the revenge without calling the name without mentioning the award. revenge with com. but this is in the hands of the authorities regarding the time and place also the i r g c. come on, definitely saying salamis spoke and he was faced with crowds chanting for revenge. he said that the wrong with revenge was already there. is it events that has been taken over the past?
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yes, from the powers of uh, auto getting since he called them. so in general, definitive i came to an end and the body of i think is right though i did send also, i bought this will always be in the minds of the iranians because this is my, this is actually the biggest, maybe all the largest attacking in yes on, on the ring is and the number of people isn't final to the moment. it's 89 for now, but still this my twice according to the numbers that are going to be issued by the authorities. the last thing is that the minnes self until you off or do i see the announced that those of us, that several people on that they're putting together the pieces of this i talk and they will announce the a fact that they have and in the future and there's, yeah, you see on is that correct? is associate professor of golf politics. i go studies sunset,
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castle university and joins of here in the hall. get to speak to again, i still have claimed responsibility for these twin bombings in a wrong. so why if you're wanting dumping still pointing the finger at as while while it's difficult for you on to meet the eyes, this is still exist. i mean, to declare the fights is in 2017, basically it's all the money and it was to tell somebody how many i'm for honey, the president by then. so, assuming that there is nobody behind, i says it's difficult to to, to have me by i'm because also there is no way to write on the 8th ices. brittany. i mean, every 30 and speaking, it needs to create that. it needs to be got access to show their own people to be taking care of them and that they are revenge. benji would be the ad. but because with physically anywhere i'm considering what is going on with that, we've got some, they, it'd be from attacks of the it on. yeah, no fee. so i was suffering serial or level or york. they need to link this into
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this rattle, or you have a face to came down there is someone behind ices, we just to some extent created. but at some point, because this i think of from isis come from out of the middle in the me, that of different kinds of cool. let's look into that. to what extent do you think it is credible that that there was sizes it's, it's difficult, but it was supported by another country. yeah, i mean, again, we are entering into the land of speculation, of this conspiracy theories. but at the end of the day, at when an organization this basically claiming that the defense that right of the music people and you have what is the one on the augusta eh, with a very clear but you got a from most of the muslim states that they should be doing something to protect it . guess how people ice. if these have you thought that you're on, instead of attacking these ro is suspicious? it seems that is, is more interested in and it's on then again the break. so the gap between the
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soonest i see i'm preventing your on to obtain any game from this construct, ben garza rather than actually defending the right to the bigger stuff people, because iran has done its best to with withhold itself from and train the context. i mean, it says it's not interested in and why to regional escalation at this stage. but how concerned are you that's going to remain in the states as quote is very difficult because i could sense is it? but i begin at any miscalculation, i'm happen. everybody can say ok, i threaten everybody that if i am a fact i will you be with i did, but with that sex come into your own home. and you have to do something where, where you are going to reevaluate and i mean it on has been trying to strengthen east around the east, the tax they would react. but so far they have been using either of those other ones. they backed off with this, or he's will not nothing vision directly. but now the brought this was spill in, in your household, they have to do something. so now there is no room for miscalculations because if
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any thing is, is doing is part of being directly either is read or you know, just type because what it is always without saying that they're behind. now we don't know what the consequences of this direction hezbollah has also been trying to contain the come fix. this is ongoing in the daily cautions on the border between 11 on the hand, israel and obviously that's watched it up in the number of days when a roy was assassinated and hezbollah talked to him go, how sudden those were. i left you a giving a speech at the moment. it's more for domestic audience, we believe then an international origins because he has come out to speak quite lots. and again, he's trying to downplay the response of hezbollah, saying that that does need to be a punishment, is not looking for why the original escalation. exactly. nobody's really interested in expanding the country because nobody wants to engage directly anymore. once they start or memory value directly, please read. united said we'd be dropped into the bottle. it's impossible for
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a for, for you met. this has nothing case if there's a direct attack from any of the actor from his while our, our oriano corner is the directly should the me style. and this right in 2017, when ice cream out of pocket in iran eat on. salt. nice have to syria to the place is controlled by ice. there's no, there's no place if we do it with the start. of course you that is on. if you don't know they don't, they don't want to do that. uh, interesting stuff, luciana. is that correct? thanks very much for taking time since okay, it's time now for the weather and has edited. however, we got plenty of trudy sunshine across the raving peninsula at the moment temperature struggling to get to rubber cool. a fresh 23 celsius so. so, here in doha quite came when coming, but at least logic dries is about as good as it gets. it has to be set by the mill . if you do have some showers, some of them wintery and nature just running across set towards the caspian sea.
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they will changing conditions as we go one through s sunday. it's also some showers to into a good pots of central air is ultimate. it's right before the reese las, he tries, we go through a saturday, is that what the weather expels across the chain? it'll make its way into west and pop ducky i live before a time is it pushes for the east woods on sunday. eastern area should stay dry, at least for the time being. so that same area or what level that's going to continue effecting central parts of the match. so northern areas of algeria shanicea, most of that seems in pretty large show is quite a risk when coming out of northwest because of the region as well as we go through the next day or so. i want to to show us down towards the golf game, but nothing too much to speak of and that doesn't really change any as we go through the next few days. a seasonal shell is that doing quite nicely across central parts of africa. i'm still pretty wet for medic ask. has had on ours, is there a full or power level in our scope? the story is released on parole. 11 is often measuring his girlfriend will have
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reaction from south africa. the frank assessments to the problem is there is, there is allowed to be outside that and such international law. and one of the reasons that should be the is the fact that is and has declared war or no coupons, people informed opinions, the medical infrastructure of an entire society has been completely destroy the people who will feel that destruction 1st and most will be the women and children inside story on al jazeera, rejecting decades of internal conflict, the farmers of columbia is peace communities remain neutral on, on, but refusing to leave their villages as set them on a collision course with a right wing perimeter trip. in an active defiance, they embark on
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a journey to honor that the enemy territory. a witness documentary on a jersey to the the, [000:00:00;00] the, to the again, you are watching out there as a reminder of, on top stories that's our, that's where the strikes have killed thousands of palestinians and central and southern golf. them have you phone bomb. let's continue near there, i'll follow for the south, at least 32 people have been killed in hon. unice us actually say honestly, blank unless we got another diplomatic tour of the middle east is due to meet need
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is in israel for 5th time since the wolf again, on the 7th of october and funerals are being held in a wrong from the victims of a major attack on wednesday i saw fit, it was responsible for the coming of $8.00 to $9.00 people and come on during a so me for an estimate and general class and saw him on a 17 year old palestinian has been killed in between my northwest of ramallah drawing his writing minute tree rage in the occupied west bank. 7 of the palestinians were also injured. upon a certain red presence as 2 ambulances into towns have been hit one by and brought the bullets, one by live rounds. as best joins us now from ramallah in the occupied westbank. but if you have any more details on these raids which have now ended of the around a dozen raise across the occupied westbank thursday night into friday. the most consequential of the those resulting in the death about 17 year old mom
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a sided i'll remind we who was killed when he was shot by is rarely for the 7 of the people injured in that rate. and then the most consequential res we've had in recent times lasted more than 40 hours when that long as rates has been in a long time. thousands of people cleaning up now after that tens of thousands of people were locked down in the homes in north shems, as he's riley, has security policies looked for individuals linked to a fighting group that's based in that refuge account for more than 40 hours. he's really soldiers went to house to house, looking for suspects, leaving a trail of destruction behind them. this happens every day in the occupied west bank, but looking down tens of thousands of people in the homes with nearly 2 days is unusual. quantity. the sun can look them over my soul cartons of cigarettes and the money i need to pay the rest of them. have they really trust the store? they the sold stuff, people destroyed,
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said article destroyed it has the destroyed us the model, one of the model, the model. now some soldiers have time to graffiti volts with slogans from the west jerusalem football club, notorious for its fall right onto our farm base. the residents say these riley's were looking for a round a dozen fighters from the north shelves brigade it's lita said after the raid, these riley's didn't find who they were looking for. and even if one of them is assassinated, others will take the place. during the rage, these really military deliberately destroys homes and buildings and picks up roads, its collective punishment camera. so i did a lot of and how to, how to go. they burned and destroyed the streets and tore down the door. here more than 30 soldiers came into my house and on the roof as well. they put us all in one room and into a gate to this. 40 hours
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later, these riley military with its pulled those as an homage vehicles pulled out of new oceans. but they held them unfinished business here, and they will come back bonus. miss alger 0 in the occupied westbank. now, at old $500.00 pablo standing men, was detained by these riley security forces during mount rate. and once they've been questioned, but then forced to wait outside on the perimeter of the account, sometimes old a more than 24 hours, maybe as many as 40 hours before that are allowed back when the rate is over. and we understand that 20 palestinians still remain in his way to custody after that, right? lauren has smith joining us from ramallah and occupied westbank branch the latest on those rights. thanks very much, bennett. this is where the forces have carried out as strikes and towns in southern lebanon, the military release. this video showing bloss from the flights of jets amongst the
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targets for hezbollah infrastructure and a minute toothpaste is, comes with hesper, lovely to have something else around it is addressing his support says for a 2nd time following the is really strong against mostly just in the root that's bringing him wrong, calm his standing by for us in very general. and what we've been hearing from this while a sofa, how sudden us are. i love that you are the 6th and the 6th through general. rather, all the hezbollah has been a given his pre recorded speech and to a audience in bel back. he's divided the speech up into 3 posts. first one he's going to be talking about the moss is people who are full in in the line of g t. people, so that's a very domestic thing, is a very, a lebanese has bull audience, but he's really talking to that. but said he's going to be talking about the stuff in the front. it's going to be interesting. what he says about that particular given strategy is riley's off keeping up the price and slightly escalating the
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activities on that. some pulls up with 11 on now and then he's going to start to refer to the region is talk about what has happened. so effectively, i think this to 2nd parts of speech is of what's going to be interesting to us because i'm taking the current events taking place it. let's see what he says. he did speak to last. it is reached the 24 hours ago about those 2 subjects. the key things that came out is role once to escalate the war that he wouldn't hesitate to do so. but right now this was about keeping the war to the southern regions and keeping an eye on what as well was there and keeping the pressure off on as well as well. so let's see what he says, the regional stuff like that's going to be interesting because you've had a mohawk stain, who is the us special? and let's go to tel aviv uh to talk about $1111.00 on today. um is ready,
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but it hasn't come here and indeed has been. i've rejected any statements that he's made about moving as blood troops back from that buddha and allowing his ready citizens to come to the side of the boat. he's simply rejected that he says that it's not going to happen. well, so we'll continue. so there's likely he's going to pick up on things of that nature . okay, i'm on, thanks very much for keeping across. we'll events the in very it for us. so a bakery has reopened in the city of darrell paula in central casa, often the world full set to close for more than 50 days. damage to bakery says added to catastrophic food shortages. angelica diary reports the i'm sorry to be in front of one of the big trees, that is fine. is the operating in such a leasing ad sending. brad, who are the palestinians in did, but after the days of housing, it surfaces the work program provided this bakery with all of the ingredients in
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the fuel needed served and to set brad for these policy and use for more than 50 days. honest opinions have been making their own brides are using fire and using their own has it has been very tiring for all of these. this face piece. as you see, people are into waiting their turn button very. but as it was a very deadly nights where the explosions did not stop start, henry sending did not stop. and in the morning we saw that is there any times had been stationed near the entrance and velocity refugee camps, where people have been evacuating since the past couple of days after the is there any forces, ask them, and warm them to evacuate? the are totally new settings. nature needed, not stock. as whole of a new bakery is operating. people still here, and is there any invasion in the middle area of this other strip?
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this is, this is in the community for august data. that is by the, let's take a look at some of the adult world news now, and the us says it's carried out. so striking a rock, killing the lead. i'm gonna run back to the group. it planes for attacks on american troops, punishments as the operation was conducted in self defense, and that no civilians, what homes are threatened to be very clear us forces are in iraqi, at the invitation of the government. all right, and there are there for one reason which is to support the defeat isis mission. will continue to work very closely with our iraqi partners when it comes to the safety and security of our forces. when those forces are, are threatened, just like we would anywhere else in the world, we will maintain the inherent right of self defense to protect our forces. and so again, this was a necessary proportion and action against this particular individual who was
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personally involved in the planning and execution of attacks against american personnel. now from baghdad, as well what the united states characterize is a self defense against a military actor. your rocky government sees is a violation of its sovereignty because we have to remember that these groups that this target represented the people like him that the united states has attacked, represent, are a part of the rocky paramilitary. they're a part of the rocky security forces. and they are considered as a part of the fabric of the rocky governance. now most talk jawad caused them. ojo already was killed on thursday with a long as many as a along with as many as 3 other people. he was a leader of how to cut the job i. now this is one of the dozens of a popular mobilization units, a rocky pell and paramilitary that make up the popular mobilization forces. the us says that he was involved in planning and carrying out a tax against us personnel in iraq,
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but iraq's foreign ministry has condemned the drone strike, as well as the rocky military. you'll hear the rest of the spokesman for iraq's commander in chief of the armed forces condemned the attack in very strong terms, calling it unprovoked, calling it a blatant attack on iraq. you saw in a violation of your rock sovereignty by the us led coalition forces. now, those forces are meant to be here, according to agreements in an advisory capacity to help iraq, if with counter terrorism, operations against oral groups, like be a slum, it states. but what we know from these statements, what we can glean from these statements is there seems to have been no indication by the united states through any diplomatic or official channels with regards to their claims against their target, who was killed in a drug strike on thursday. and there seems to be no information haven't been given to iraq's government before the strike was carried out. as
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a new members made to debate the policy of claims admission into the blog. and the government in chief has been trying to reach targets for economic and political compliance required by brussels. and there are concerns, amenities, use of some digital tools in the war against russia. could pose a huddle as well. mcbride reports and from his simple office in keys, pablo feel kosky supports these countries will respite from his keyboard using apps to troll through russia's internet. he and his staff of analysts identify businesses. they've aging sanctions, funds, name individuals who could be linked to will crimes. often from open sources or from data bases leaked by russians themselves. it helps to find faces of those people in their social profiles. will show in telephone bots help with looking for russians. because there are plenty of leaked russian databases and they are leased by russians. ukraine was already adopting high tech innovation
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in all areas, but the war has speed it up. the introduction of new digital apps online tools of helped people displaced by war, access, government, and commercial services. but it's the development of more controversial tools, the military use that concerns rights groups. the military has been using the types of face recognition software to identify russian soldiers that have been banned in parts of the european union. and the fear is war time. pressure is crude out way privacy concerns, human rights is applied to be then juris, especially given the fact that there is an active armed conflict in ukraine. su yes, it traces particular concerns on various levels starting from digital security and, and i was human rights violations. ukraine trying to balance the use of controversial digital tools to help it fight
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a war. it knows it can't afford to lose well, mcbride, i'll just say era. keith, south korea says it's conducted live firing drills during the dispute of maritime for the on the west. and c software has ordered civilians to evacuate the island of young pi on the close. come off to north korea, 5 moving to 100. alternately. shells on friday morning. at least 11 mine is a trump underground in zimbabwe. following the collapse of a shaft with a gold mine west of the capital her. all right, somebody's ministry of mine says of time is may have caused the accident. resident rescue teams being deployed to bring the trump twine his back to the surface from a south african power olympic and olympic acetate. i'll skip a story. this has been released from prison on parole. you still have 9? yes. so i'm measuring his girlfriend, waive us thing, comes of the times of his pearl who will not be allowed to leave for toria. then his wife's grapes have protested against his release. so me,
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the miller has more from outside the prison in pretoria or skip the story as became eligible for parole once he had so at least half of his 13 year sentence. he was initially sentenced to 5 years in prison for manslaughter. that was late to appealed and it was an extended to 13 years. now the family of reversed in kemp of said that they don't believe that he is remorseful of that justice has been served . and they also say that he lied about events that took place the night. the reversed income was killed the nights that ti mode it had. they say that he should in fact, remain in prison, live quite true tv opposed. he's a parole application. however, they have said that they are happy about some of these parole conditions in that you will have to enroll in programs that deal with gender based violence as well as anger management. and it least does. this sends a clear message around the levels of gender based violence in south africa and
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perhaps would set a precedent for me to mila ultra 0. pretoria a 17 year old student in the us states of iowa, has died of an apparent self inflicted gunshot soft. i think far as high school, a 6th grader is said to have been killed. i'm 5 others injured. the shooting happened in the city of perry, new york city. as soon as 17, both companies were transporting migrants to the city from the border states of texas. hold on, sassy, 3, thousands. my friends have arrived in new york and bosses organized by texas and the past 2 years. as part of a campaign by the states republican governor, to expel people who cross the border from mexico and legally. you know, it says he now wants the best companies to pay more than $700000000.00 towards the cost of housing, the migrants it is visual, at least $3.00 people are reported to have been killed. off the 2 passenger trains collided in west java carriages were forced off the tracks by the impacts. please
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say the engines have been taken to local hospitals before us, he's at tech is have anita apple test also for moving the wreckage of tuesdays faithful runway accident? 5 people on a coast called aircraft with killed when it was hits pledge problems, airlines, passenger plane traffic control, transcripts of rebuild, that the post coast guard plain was not cleared to be on the runway buffalo. that's quite that strong. western japan on year's day cause widespread devastation and killed more than 80 people. but observe it say the damage could have been far worse if it hadn't been for the weight. japan proposed, which is austin's, in his can reports from take yet. this guy tree source above the tokyo skyline. it's one of the world's tallest towers and what is the planet's most seismically active country? people in japan are set to feel some 2000 tremors each year since one 5th of the world. earthquakes of magnitude, 6 or higher,
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occur here. earthquake awareness begins at an early age. regular, concise drills were also credited for saving the lives of people who lived in these homes affected by they know to peninsula quake on new year's day, who don't cut off well, so i can know for when we train people about where to gather and what kind of disaster relief system to implement. so when residents here felt a little tremor, they immediately left their houses and evacuated. of 100 years is the great con, to earthquake, killed more than 100. 40000 people much has changed in the way of japan prepares for earthquakes. japan strict building codes in forest in 1981 require engineers to fulfill 2 levels of earthquake proofing. firstly, to guarantee enough resilience to withstand smaller quakes with minimal damage. and secondly, to make sure that for tremor is on a size with scale of 6 to 7, the building does not collapse. modern high rise is, are designed to swing with the quakes energy given their flexible construction
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pendulums. and dapper is cut the intensity of that swing, but japan's gold standard is not applied to older homes, on noted peninsula where the elderly population is twice the national average. many wouldn't properties were decimated their owners less inclined to, nor able to afford retrofitting this disaster prevention expert nose tokyo is not immune to similar devastation as the metropolis repairs for its next big one. you marks to, to purchase, you know, tongue to the appropriate realty of, of magnitude 7 notice quake hitting the capital within 30 years is about 70 percent summaries, especially in east, in tokyo, and have a concentration of buildings with a low quake. resistance calls for more inclusive planning as an increasingly unpredictable mother nature is requiring communities to work together as they have never before. eunice kim,
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i'll just sarah tokyo. so it has hair on out as they are all the sports and fox lane and kick off 2024 in dramatic fashion. football is coming up. the
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the, the the, let's get you all this for now and his son. thank you very much, laura. well, we'll begin with football in barcelona. i have started at 2024 with a dramatic win, and let me go. the champions that came from behind to be left bottom us at 21 away parent are so called the equalizer, but they had to wait till stoppage time to get the wind up. because the con,
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you know, one a penalty after seeming be being pushed in the box. something which the last fall. and that's a clear, heavy dispute of the drum and then the set top and scored the result means a boss us. it says 7 points behind lead as well meant what do you on a one year old and so on. jerone one of the last minute measured one late in the game. we want in the last minute with a penalty. so that's what this is more than football. we need to get used to it. it's not going to be easy to in any game that it's the only us everybody is having a tough time winnings right now with the champions. and that's why i think we're going to be in this race. we deserve respect of champions, and we're going to fight talking tomorrow and action later on friday they take on the burn me and the f. a cup us the wrong, the competition presents monitor and the postal code below the chance to when he's fast, cho feet with a long day club. you started the season we. we have to leave
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a vision and the dreams of winning a silver way because the nice, you know, the impact that has on, on, on the fans more than anything else. and, you know, obviously um from our perspective it's an opportunity for us to, to join when a competition and you know, that, you know, for the club of ass that you know, it has to be the impression every year. so you're going to be competition with the i'm and i the for winning some silver way. yes. a couple provide mentioned. so united wood, one last saw as a trophy the season they'll say, said that to wigan on monday, manage it. a 10 hag has had his 1st meeting with the clubs in new investors annuals since they agreed to buy a 25 percent share and united the team have already been knocked out of the european competition on down in 8th, in the permanent we've got to have low meeting, so many always reset the good thing we well many issues we've been around the same
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page. um, so of faith positive. i think also from both sides. i can say that was a very constructive meeting or a week away from the start of the asian cup post and reading champions, katara gearing up. but for the tournament with a friendly match against jordan late on friday, it'll be face 11 on in the opening. my to on january 12th, because i will hope for better showing in this tournament compared to the 2022 woke up with host last all 3 of the group games from world number one. victoria, as i think that has books her place into the semi finals of the brisbin international. let's to tom australian open champion, had to work hard against it. and i'll step in cold as it ain't code to 2 hours and a half to find me out. lost her lots in opponent,
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it's reset 633675. this is her 5th semi final in the business storm it, which is a warm up event for this pretty open. india have says a new test cricket record, they beat south africa in just a day and a half and the sold his test much to produce a went to india required on the 642 volts to secure the when they 2 in cape town began with south africa being pulled out, 476, and didn't reach the victory target of 79 for the loss of just 3. what gets to previous thoughts as the test? it took place almost a 100 years ago when australia beats south africa in melbourne. and that's what he's built for me. i'll have more for you later on the 15 to you. but for now i can do that for laura. so thanks very much indeed. and that's it from me laura kyle: full this news hour. you can find more information always on on website that's out there. don't com, and i will be back in just
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a moment with more of the days news for years. i do stay change if you can the, [000:00:00;00] the memories manager for nearly 3 years. evelyn lemitrus has been investigating the sharp fen trafficking operation. now she's putting together the team that's going to rate it and lexie though they're still but as be well, but i said less indeed this bit of a humble sure expensive global commodity price doesn't agree down in the special soup in asia. sharps that play the vital role in the ocean for hundreds of millions of years,
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but the trade is now pushing some spaces to the brink of extinction. there was a trade in short, francis valued at hundreds of millions of dollars a year, which i didn't mind that then. okay. one more thing. go that on the wedding that much than that would tell you that we gained exclusive access to a team of investigators and dismantling a ring, a short, vend traffickers city every medical help days. think godaddy or think send the, send me until the following this car here as an investigator and a couple of cops in it. we're going to leader rates today in the harbor against these traders who they say are putting some spaces of sharp at risk to take a few seconds so activity nadia of the for the same if we cannot agree on how to coordinate space traffic management, we risk post to safety and the sustainability of space and worryingly, the breach of peace and security. in outer space,
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people empowered investigates the proliferation of commercial satellites. and the far reaching influence of those who funded it's at a tipping point. and we have a small window of opportunity to curtail catastrophic event. fighting for space on a jersey to of the is rodney strikes target the southern i'm central regions of because of strep move in 22600 people have been killed since the will pick up the


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