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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 5, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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as well, i'll just areas and those i last available in your favorites apps to just set for it and type download the new app from out to 0 new at your fingertips the the is really on the launch is new attacks on southern and central guys are more than 22600 people have now been killed since the weekend the so i'm 40 back to boy, you're watching out to 0 live from joe. ha. also in the program. as we just said, said many palestinians in gaza is jabante a refugee camp of facing worse main conditions. we'll have a report more shuttle diplomacy. the us secretary of state,
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arising to key with the aim of easing tensions in the middle east. and scan machines in the 711 on with israel targeting has fold up position fits the address on the so our last speak south again sees radio. the thank you for joining us. it's 17 gmc and gaza is that locks the hospital is overwhelmed with casualties. after use radio strikes in the area killed and injured, thousands of palestinians, survivors of strikes me a debt of a lot are also being taken to a box. the hospital they were injured in the all my guys, the neighborhood. is there any bombs also targeted con units in the south heating areas close to the amount of hospital? the amount of sydney and red crescent says 10 people were killed including a newborn baby. meanwhile, heavy rainfall is worsening. the conditions in northern guys as city services shut down, i'll just there is an ice house sharif has been to the jabante,
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a refugee camp to see what people are having to enjoy too much to measure the data . i mean, we have mobile now is to did a new problem for civilians. here is war and siege and testify on the gaza strip and with the rainfall. municipalities are no longer being able to operate as a result of their vehicles being destroyed by as rarely forces the button as it should be. i know, unfortunately the tragedy has the full in us. the tragedy of which we have one digit body, a campus been flooded as a result of the over the flow of the, of the shade reservoir. because we lost electricity completely and we were unable to operate. generates is, we don't have solar energy. we did not have any new solar panels since the beginning of the war against the gaza strip. there is a quantity of solar panels. however, these panels are being held at the gaza strip with uni set as far as the so now we're issuing a last coal to rescue the jabante account and rescue the jabante
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a municipality. for you. i'm following the destruction of the majority of vehicles . the majority of wastewater pumps and well, that's a lot of them and how did you know how we left the war? here we are facing the new war sewage roles are leaked into classrooms and flooded them, or children are suffering from disease and gastro intestinal symptoms. we are suffering from sickness. this is the situation we are living in. this is the tragedy that we are living in. our situation is dire and hold on. a said, yeah, yeah, not a fun. how doing a fun look at our children, their payment, sewage, water, disease, trash, and the seller. we are human beings, we want peace. we want to live like the human being or something. is that a couple of 100 the do? i did have a heavy while. you're on have another the so a new danger threatens the lives of presidents and the lives of refugees here at the shelters. because of the pulling of rain water and wastewater at the municipality cannot do its work due to the municipalities,
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vehicles being targeted by the occupation forces. and just to show you a gives you all tremendously. and let's get the latest now and the situation on the ground from apple, a terry cup was the one who's on, corresponded in the rough i in 7 guys i tie tell us about the latest is really strikes and how people have been effective across the gaza. strip yes of the attacks on the gaza strip had been intensified during the last couple of hours on the same areas that had been also the main focus for the military operations a during the last couple of weeks as well. the tax had continued on a hot new to city where the confrontation stuff means it posted insights. and these various will just continue in the eastern sides in the east, north and begin to use separate parts of the city where you are trying to look at the 3 of these very military soldiers into the main key,
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the residential neighborhoods of the city all come here just as it is very minutes, we have mobilized around 7 around subbing for gates to fight in this very densely populated area. some residents that have been leading to the south, but others did not manage to get secure access to the southern part in russell, which is a really very densely populated region. now, also the own getting military and a clashing between the fight is that these really soon just continue in the middle governance. now, israel elia had completely, i talked to the another in central. now they are moving to the middle, go for native, the gaza strip. in particular, you know, my god, i'm so wrecked and our as a lead rates refuge account. but one of the latest attacks that had been carried out against every by a town where a non profit status beings have been killed off the destruction of the residential building close up towards men. vincent they mentioning that these very minute you i'll use is using quest, top to trends, to open fire against the residents on the streets of and the so rush as
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a refugee camp just to give this is a sense of safety that they are no longer can live in the, in the area and also can not even allow for residents to move out. so head deep boat so that the road as we are also opening fire against any one is moving in the cost of the gaza strip. meanwhile, and tearing the humanitarian situation across sky is only getting worse. we have hundreds of thousands of people who are living without shelter in southern gaza, where you are. tell us about how they're copying what they're doing as winter sets it well, basically those people's, uh, i've been going through completely harsh in human conditions. they have been displaced from the houses multiple times until right now they are living in makeshift sense and the sense of course, a cannot read. it, protects them from the cold weather. also, they cannot really contain all the basic necessities that they are in
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a very desperate need of full as palestinians in that part of the district and the rough right now as the areas become, make shift transfer, we can see want tens, every well in roughly now people living there, they are given a very deep suffering from all kinds of a lack of basic necessities. the have a very limited access to food. they are also very limited access to drink apple water and they did not see electricity for more than 90 days. of fighting on the ground that is completely with caustic shuttle over the humanitarian and the medical conditions of those people. and they are facing and struggling against the spread of the in sick to us disease, especially among children and women. and this is completely a pause of the main office about that resulted from the is very displacement of those people throughout the systematic creation of course of environment as well. thank you, terry, for the updates terry capitalism reporting deadline. from rafa in 7 garza and as
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tarik mentioned, this been intense fighting in gaza between homos fighters and is really forces this video released by the cassandra gates. how mazda is ongoing, appears to show heavy gun battles and rocket attacks against his ready tanks and got a city. these are in the army says a 175 soldiers have been killed in gaza since his grand invasion began on october 31st. and he's right, has worn guy's eyes, the space more than a 1000000 people into the southern parts of the strip, into so called safe zones. but as honey, my mood reports some rough eye in southern gaza. there's no such thing. save zones or death traps. we are right to the side of the bond building in rough city and other jeanina neighborhoods here over night. and here's try just destroyed this residential home while an entire family was shows the ring inside. we're talking
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about a father, a mother, there's siblings, and a 7 year old boy. hundreds of 1000 palestinians have been evacuated from the northern parts and the gauze. a city running from the horror of the war taken its place only to get bombs in what is called the safety of and it is always do. we have never been to my wife and the kids decided to sleep it there on strew in the lower floor thinking it would be safe, but the bomb hit my brother's flat, the roof collapsed on them, about killing my wife and with my daughter, my sister, and my brother and 2 children and dozens were hoping for a safe for year, one in which you would not search for their children's under the rubble or find them wrapped in white chief, tragically enough. over night, massive relentless air strikes. turn this residential home into
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a pile of ruins. more people are killed, more children under the rubble. honey, my lord, i'll just eat a little, far southern gaza. he's rouse, defense minister, you of guidelines has unveiled his proposal for guys at once. the war is finished under the propose kline israel would have the right to oversee security and conduct operations inside the strip if necessary. but he's really such as would not occupy the land. local policy is would have limited control of gaza, except for those affiliated with him. off the launch did not name specific groups. us led multinational task force including european and some countries would be involved in the economic recovery of the strip. egypt would control guys as main civilian border crossing in collaboration with his route and the us. well, at a war cabinet meeting that followed glance announcement of the plan. they were all humans that lasted several hours over who was to blame for security failings. when
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he asked launch an attack on his route on october the 7th. so he writes has more from tennessee it's actually a interesting because you have a government that doesn't want to be blamed for those failings. and then you have also a minute tree or intelligence. but doesn't want to necessarily be the only full bike . they also put some of that blame on the prime minister himself on the government . but also a few weeks ago, you had the prime minister in the middle of the night, send out sweets effectively blaming. protest is actually a full is in his was at the time saying that it was because of all those anti government process. it gave how much the signal that they, what week. and then that's when the attack happens. point being is a lots of mudslinging here. since the argument i all came to and then off to 3 hours when the prime minister ended it. but since that happens over night today we've. a from benny down to one of the wall cabinet ministers blaming the prime
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minister saying that you allowed this to happen because a lot of it was specifically in the army cheese and guns defended him. he actually had said that the prime minister must choose between politics and unity, and he blames him for allowing the bashing to take place in the beginning. now, the prime ministers policy, the crude policy has since also really reduced the statement. kind of saying that guns is using this as an excuse. and so that he has a commitment to a see this through with the war point being again, is it's not about what that are accusing each other of it's about the fact that there's clearly huge cracks here at the time when they should be unified. and it's showing every thing of the then unit seats, when also the discussion of what should happen next with the gaza strip, is still on the table and it looks like it may not have been discussed in the 1st place. meanwhile,
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the us secretary of state antony blinking has arrived into key on the 1st flake of yet another diplomatic toward the middle east. blink, and will be looking to use wise intentions across the region is toward the region full time since the war began and has visited israel 5 times over that same period . during this trip on top of meeting scheduled in this row and drumline the occupied westbank blinking is also expected in the united that emma is jordan cutoff found you raise yet, and egypt that's bringing our white house correspondent, kimberly healthcare in washington dc. so a pac schedule. kimberly for on to the blinking. what easy hoping to achieve this time around? yeah, for this forest of trips since october, there is going to be a range of issues that will be discuss not just in israel in the occupied westbank, but also as you mentioned in those varies capitols. they. 2 are issues that are going to be about what happens when israel's war and gaza and what governance looks
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like the palestinian casualties in excess of $22000.00, mostly women and children that the united states and the international community is gravely concerned is continuing to climb. and also be concerns about this escalation in the region and could this turn into a broader regional conflict and how to de escalate those tensions? so the bottom and ministration has dispatch not only the senior diplomat, anthony blinking, but also a most hochstein. he is another senior n y who has been in the region holding discussions because not only is there the concern about the escalations in the red sea, the attacks by whose ease on some of the commercial shipping in the region and the retaliation by the united states but also in recent days, of course the attack that took place by uh oh, well, the attack that took place taking out the one of the senior deputy,
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him off leaders as well as his aids. and the accusations by both him, us ad has belie but israel versus responsible and well, there has been other claims nor denials by israel. that is certainly heightened attention. so there have already been discussions underway. there will be more, and we know that in the midst of all of this, well, there are tensions over there. there also tensions here back in the united states because we have had, in the last 48 hours yet another letter of dissent. this time coming from with in the 5 in campaign from 17 anonymous campaign. so offers who say that not only does the president once again, need to call for a cease fire, but also that his policies are causing dangerous escalation. so the president is receiving a lot of push back once again about his policies. so this is yet another under pending for the conversations that are going to be taking place. as the secretary
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of state sits down, not only again in israel and the occupied west back, but in the region at a large thank you. kimberly will be of course closely following uh what happens on this visit for blinking with you. kimberly, how can allied whitehouse correspondents live there in washington and still ahead on algae 0. anger and grief in yvon, funerals, a house for some of the age 9 people killed in wednesday's, bombings, ice cream response, and the not in use power lamp. and also the story is fried on for volta masonic in jail need 11 years after measuring his girlfriend, we've seen the, it was supposed to be a refuse, which says truly is brothers. home was allegedly the scene of torture. right. and even murder $1.00 oh, $1.00 east investigates the crimes. and those set to be defined on knowledge as
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frank assessments to the problem is that it is there is allowed to be outside that acts of international law. that's a be the is the fact that is it and has declared war on okay. parts people who informed opinions the medical infrastructure of an entire society has been completely destroy the people who will feel that destruction 1st and most will be the women and children inside story. on al jazeera, the, the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the welcome back, a reminder about top stories on how to 0 this hour is really s t y, excuse thousands of palestinians in central and southern gaza. heavy bombardments continue in the debt on the line for the southeast. 32 people have been killed in con, use us secretary of state antony blinking has of identity on the 1st make up yet another different product. one of the middle east lincoln will be looking to east rising tensions across the region. he will visit israel for the 5th time since the
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one gas, if the guy, the now i, 17 year old palestinian has been killed in b, re my northwest over my lodge. you're in the occupied westbank during and these really military rates at 7 other policy ends were also injured. the policy, me and red crescent says to ambulances in 2 talents have been hit, one by rubber boys, one by lie fonts as go live to him. how much i'm doing was in ramallah in the occupied westbank. so what's happened? mom is it's not an anomaly. is it? you know, it's not, it's not fully. and to that end, it doesn't seem like a day goes by in the occupied west bank without a funeral happening. the fact of the matter is that there are around 40 rage on average, per day across the west bank, conducted by is really security forces, very much part of the fabric of daily life here. and when i've gone to areas that have been rated after they've been rated, whether they be refugee cancer, they be towns or villages,
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the residents there. show us the evidence of what is really forces have done homes that have been ransacked. the streets that have been torn up by armed bulldozers of water and electricity lines that had been deliberately cut the residents there. the palestinians tell us often that this is a form of collective punishment that they are continuing to experienced day after day. and that's why the situation continues to be so dire for them and why they have very little hope the things will get any better. now let me tell you about the rain that was going on and yeah, but that you and i were talking about just last hour. that's a town that's close to jeanine. we've been speaking to locals. there were told that that read by is really security forces that had been going on for about 90 minutes to that has now ended. and that is really security forces have withdrawn. but we've also been told by eye witnesses there that there was, there is an 11 year old palestinian boy that was hit by shrapnel, but he's been lightly wounded that he's been taken to hospital and is under medical
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care right now he's expected to make an improvement but again, this just goes to show the fear that these residents in these areas continue to deal with earlier. you and i were talking about the fact that residents there and you haven't had said that there had been confrontations between pallets in the in protesters and is really security forces that they had heard the sound of gunfire as well as the sound of pipe bombs going off now we're being told there was an 11 year old boy that has been slightly injured. people are concerned that the rates are going to continue. it's expected. there will be more rates in the next several hours as is typically of the case and the overnight hours in the west bank for the thank you mohammed mama jump june life or say in ramallah. that is really forces of carried out as strikes in towns in $711.00 on the military release this video, which it says shows the blast from its 5 digits among the targets, where hezbollah infrastructure and a military post. this comes as well as leader has some sort of uh la, gave
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a tele vice address in ron con, has more not from beveled. this is a very detail suites by this extra general. all of hezbollah has some natural law. he actually told very specifically about v is really easy talk about the fact that they were hiding the numbers of the casualties of soldiers. that they were hiding, the amounts of equipment that been destroyed. let's take a closer look at what he said. now you have the same as well, so the resistance offered just roughly 90 videos of attacks along the front. tanks being destroyed, these tanks, exploding sometimes with soldiers sitting on top of these things. the vehicles being destroyed, tents were soldiers, are sitting, and miss sides falling on top of them. houses were soldiers thought shelters coming under rocket fire, with their, with their comrades taking a very long time to risk you. them houses or tents being bombed, targeted with, besides,
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and we could see with our very eyes ambulances rushing to these points. however, the enemy admitted nothing. the captain now often that he picked up with, uh, the displacement of these right is he said, these are these who have been displaced is nothing compared to the amount of displacement that the lebanese are faced overuse of is really aggression. the also made an appeal to his right, the civilians. he said, if you want to get a piece and return to your home things, put pressure on your government to be able to bring and the will in goals that they also told you about the region as well. he said the killing, they're sick as the law really, they see him athlete who is a dead brother and friend will not go unpunished, will use the right place and right time, but the field will respond. that's a much stronger statement then we've had before. we will not remain silent about violation of this level because this means that every violation,
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11 will become fixed by as he talked about the us. he talked about the region. he said that the american and the americans are using ices as an excuse to say in iraq . but he also said, and this is what reiterating about the resistance access. take a look. i listen to what he said about the axis of resistance. and as they look for it as well as we must all put pressure from lab and on from syria, from erac, from yemen, we must all put pressure on the enemy. the real objective of all these friends is to put an end to the aggression that is going on against the guys are low up for the other one, although has now finally he summed up by saying and praising the fight is on the ground saying that they willing to die the gold faith country dickinson and ron called out of their favorites, you bring in the security forces, say they have arrested 11 people suspected of links to wednesday. the tax in the
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city of care mon funerals have been taking place for the victims. at least $189.00 people were killed in the twin bombings is i so says it was behind the attack which happened in care mine during a ceremony. at the 2 most senior general cason sweden moneys uranian president the brain lacy address lodge caught up funerals in command condemning the attacks. hello m. as long as these are great desks and indeed difficult tests that the uranium people are facing and surfing the great people of iran is but one of those tests to which we are subjected. and we must all walk this road. the road of serving the people of iran. it is a great responsibility that has been placed on our shoulders and know that this great gathering debt we have here today. this gathering of thousands of people will
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scare our enemy. those great numbers of people we have today will strike fear into the hearts of our enemies. our enemy is indeed desperate to the test. i'll take a look at some of the other new stories making headlines around the world and at least 11 miners a trapped on the ground in zimbabwe. after the collapse of a shop that a gold mine located west of a capital r r e. as in bob boys, ministry of mine says, earth trim is may have caused a cavan, a rescue team has been deployed for more south african power, olympic and olympic athletic oscar. this story is, has been released from prison on provo. he served nearly 9 years for measuring his girlfriend. riva stain comes under the terms of his parole. he will not be allowed to leave for toya women's rights. schools have protested against his release from it. it made a reports,
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us got the story as became eligible for parole off to serving at least half of the 13 year sentence he was given for the murder of reversed income. he was initially imprisoned for 5 years for man slow to that was appealed. and then that sentence late to extended. now we've a student comes family has said that while they have space, the reality, all of us got the story us receiving parole for some time. they have routinely opposed that application. they also say that they don't believe the justice has been served, that the people who are essentially facing a lifelong sentence is reverse team comes family as they continue to move on their door to they say they don't believe that she told the truth around events during the night of her mother and that he's not remorseful and that he had lied. but they say they've also taking some come, put in the fact that you bring this bro period,
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which will last until 2029. that's until the end of the sentence is that you will have to enroll in programs that deal with violence against women as well as anger management. somebody the ultra 0 pretoria specing use when i own algae 0, the weather is next and the inside story looks i had to bind the dishes general connection on sunday the the however, we got plenty of treaty sunshine across the writing peninsula at the moment temperatures struggling to get to wherever, all the cool a fresh, 23 celsius. so, so in doha came, when coming for this logic, dries is about as good as it gets. it has to be set by the mill. if you do have some showers, some of them wintry and nature just running across towards the caspian sea that
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will change in conditions as we go one through s sunday. it's also some showers to into a good parts of central air is ultimate. it's right before the race losey tries, we go through saturday. is that what the weather is supposed across the chain? it will make its way into west composite ducky. i wouldn't live before a time is it pushes for the east woods on sunday. eastern area should stay dry, at least for the time being, so that same area or where whether that's going to continue effecting central parts of the match. so northern areas of algae area, shanicea molten, i've seen some pretty large show as quite a risk when coming out of northwest the concept of the region as well as we go through the next style. so i wanted to show us down towards the golf game, but nothing too much to speak of and that doesn't really change any as we go through the next few days. a seasonal shell is that doing quite nicely across central parts of africa. i'm still pretty wet for madagascar. the
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heroes from i'll just on the go and need tonight out is there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we dissect from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from out to 0. new at your thing is it is bangladesh. when it passed to a $1.00, bu the government got lemonade is likely to with another ton in sunday's election. they know position is quite crushing, accusing the government of tracking down when it's rivals. so what will this vote mean for the country? this is inside story, the


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