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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  January 5, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm AST

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so i'll just areas move i last available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from out to 0 new at using it. it is bangladesh. when it passed to a $1.00 bu, the governing lemonade is likely to win another ton in sundays election. and they know position is quite crushing, accusing the government of tracking down when it's levels. so what will this both mean for the country? this is inside story, the hello welcome to the program. i am how sion, how about a voters in bangladesh. uh, getting ready for general elections on sunday. it gets
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a controversial bulls that's dividing much all the country private associate has seen that is expected to win another time with the truly no competition. the main opposition is bar causing a pointing to what it says, intimidation, food, and why split advice or the by the government. frustration has been building off for months with protest as demanding the prime minister step aside and for a neutral administration to oversee the vote. so how will they selection, say button gladish dispute, and is the nation shifting to a one party system? we've got to all guess in a moment. first, this report from cots, gallup is. how do you on she has been with dish as long as serving prime minister, and she casino is all but guaranteed. another term for 76 year old has left the country for 15 years, overseeing sharp economic growth that's lifted millions out of poverty. but the months leading up to sundays,
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general election have been marked by widespread protests and calls for her to resign. critics accuse her of authoritarianism, corruption in a blocking political rivals from running the main opposition party b. n p is bully cutting the election. it says millions of its members are facing a government crackdown in thousands have been jailed with the 5000 of our party leaders and work of stocking from our sector. again. that was down to the grass through several have been taken into custody. the military has been deployed to the capital ahead of the elections put on the streets of tonka. the mode is mixed with many voters expecting more of the same area that i've heard philip brought home was i believe i was eligible to vote for the 1st time in 2018, but i wasn't able see on when i went to cost my vote, they said someone else to do already voted for me. i was hot breaking the dish, has seen a supporters. points have been the dash is fast economic transformation. but there
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are significant challenges. the international monetary fund has approve a $4700000000.00 loan to offset the nation's deficit and weak currency. that's a good fit certainty of all. we are very happy with the infrastructure. the government has developed when it comes to essential prices are too high. we comp much our salaries with food expenses. bangladesh relies heavily on his clothing industry, which reached profits of about $40000000000.20, but it's struggling to develop new exports. and certain trade deals and partnerships with china are also raising concerns in washington. bangladesh prides itself on being a multi party democracy. but some are now asking if it's turning into a one party st. patsy a little bit. so the young alj a 0 for insights story, the let's bring it now guys,
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the old joining us from bangladesh in deka most have been wash it investigative journalist under photo with a daily newspaper, new age in garcia, city of alba, george a member of parliament for the governing why meek potty, also in the capital of the academy of 400 batteries to unfold a member of parliament for the opposition. buying letters, nation is bossy. welcome to the program. most of the violence is not something new during the election campaigns and also of to the it resolves out in dallas. why is it so tens him to could at this time is because of the opposition staying away from the race or the general consensus of this is another big election us. uh, thank you for having you. um, i would say that that is uh is not uh that much of just time because it's a virus between the ruling party that is called already and their back independent,
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candid as well. so we have, uh uh, just uh, no, i want to give you the official figure that i received from the police at quarters . but more than 380 incident that took place to just uh, 15 days since the know the hulu party. and they are like minded of opposition and independent candidates. stop it. they are for the election campaign. so even those can you say it's more than 300 and more that nearly nearly 400 people were injured according to the police report and and, and uh 50 is 57 people who were ever stayed mostly, uh, only uh, the dentist and activities and 6 people were killed during this period, so they do that. this is definitely them off. uh other uh months. uh we have seen, i know. uh it seems that the position and uh really normally guys be running the
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campaign even before. uh, the farm. i like uh no announcement already scheduled for the election that keeps going to the happened in 7 to the 7th of this month. so on any of this, miss bmt boy could as an attempt to undermine the elections. but the thing that the reason why this thing is because there are no guarantees, this is going to be fast and free. thank you. everybody and good everything. yep. nobody's going to give any guarantee. the election commission is an independent body. election can be shifted, asking every particular bodies to participate in the election. you owe me like the budget dentist but, but i'm assuming an election and b and b on the other hand, they say they don't want to, but it's definitely eviction because the site,
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the electron election system that will be leaving the election system that will be leaving the constitutional system built to bring back something which is unconstitutional. and let's say that we don't want to go to the election unless, unless the, i'm gonna stick with the system, bigging back to the country again. mm hm. so election, commission league and all that was supposed to get a box, and you have to say, no, we're going to hold the election under the bed. it comes to the show system. simple . is that the election commission, austin, everybody can bother super, super to eviction. so i'm going to get a bunch of good body parts of an election. i don't next, 7, generally. they look choose going to happen. and the people of this country is going to attend the election. they're going to participate in the left, should them, they're going to vote the, but they're going to vote at the. i mean, as usual though, we didn't, we didn't, we didn't guide is going to be the f
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b. and then they're going to decide who's go for the 5 minutes to but i'm in that suited audio be in the saying the only. and then we can do the, the something that is good to do. but it's even in the election. so election is not going to be in the, you know, in, in the end and that of, of, of falls. so they're about saying something which is not accepting the people, the point, what this thing because it as well, if you don't mind because we have the funds of interest or should be given us the policies, perspective, romeo and you decided not to take, but you do you have participated in 2014, that you decided to, to, sorry, your bulk of the 2014. you participated in 2018. i know you said we're not taking part in the twin in the 20. 20 full for many they say is just an evasive attempt by the b and b. so given that they know this is going to be seized by one b league. thank you so much and good evening. elections that this going to the
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house on the 7th of this month. it's not an election that tool. it's a pre set design. it's uh, you know, it's a drama that will be staged by the golf. but on south end, it's basically an election between the 1st and nominated from obama they versus the independent candidate of obama leg versus the old, my leg supported, drop your party, candidate bar stuff, the alarm really a lot of candidates, etc, etc, etc. so whoever you, both you and, and the day you are voting for a one, the leg. so that was the reason why we are not part of the budget and the election . and as of today we have 11 elections in total. and also those 11 elections or the 4 elections were accepted by all the parties. and those 4 were held on the caretaker government because i turned off, mine was the result of a while. i'm really mad in 9296 and it was incorporated in the
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constitution through all the 13th amendment by being paid. and it was based on national phone services. everybody uh, you know, accepted as the correct form off of running the election. but when albany came in foreign, 2008, for the reason best known to them, they just remove the. uh, you know, the audi fell off. uh, can i take that off, but from that goes to do should add they are, you know, running the show off of that in their own way so that they can renew their power every 5 years in 2014 which is impossible to present the election because at that time, it was very clear to all that but election will not be a free affair. one into a 2018. we got assurance from the prime minister herself. she said, you have faith on may i have a daughter on the bundle bundle i am or the boarding direct the election. so be trusted. ha. before dissipated the election on more than 50 candidates of bmc,
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but i personally enjoyed physically enjoy laws. so people that arrest that are active as rhetoric that there was no level playing field. and in the end of the day being the board, only 7 states also have $300.00, which is on believable. okay, most of the, just what i mean has been saying, is it legitimate demand to say now that we should have had and useful to take a government to oversee the election of the sol guarantee that this was going to be $5.00 and $3.00, you got to start to see what we to see. the phone wants to go potty or both of the parties like uh, being the said it had its uh uh more than 25000 people were interested. uh says, october 28th after not a button is broke out to doing
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a peaceful rally and tucked up and the hulu party is not 55000 bit slowly, 11000. uh and do you see the top leaders including major, hopefully some of them here and uh, and others who are not policy maker. they are in behind the board and those who are not there, the sign in either and you k luncheon elsewhere. and those are, those are remaining there and the maker of this party and the other thing is important that we are not getting any health issues such as the, from the government itself. do you have this car uh, context uh in mind. uh, we are heavy at election and you see, i talked to barbara today and he was asking you, why don't you go back your own and cause your vote. she said, you looking is all those 50 and i don't signs this election is 805050 d and nothing is here, isn't out media. another phase,
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this election is if you, if you compare the lecture that 35 of us election, we could probably kind of war and democrats. so this is kind of an election we have . okay, right in the wind. so we definitely need to know, i'm not saying it, i don't want to say the what only to use the thing and it wouldn't be in the same. but as a boulder i really want to go in a p. c a minute, but i'm not, i'm not getting here. and i spoke to hundreds of people over the week and they said no, it is not the environment in which ok, i can border my liter setting. you've just heard what both most of the under, i mean, how been say. now if you say you seem to find much confidence, you ought to have the house and binds of bangladesh of people. but you see that there is a fee of full, arise ation and mistrust. why didn't you reinstate the article that pays the
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way for a neutral, independent, non partisan government that would take over to oversee the election at the moment you, when you would have the ultimate justification and the just to mislead that. you want a free and fair election. the question of a discuss here today about how we're going to have the next election and everybody like that. i mean, i'm all the one must be ashamed to instead nutone government gift to get a government, which is most of the trust of the teachers get to get a government all neutral government. this comes with the file and it goes to eviction. it is a ghost of the shinnecock to bring that gift to open back, you know, come to m o y cause a high school to the high school of this country said the system we have uh we have been like doing a lecture like 99 to 196 up to thousands of 1008,
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which was unconstitutional. and then it's, it's became on comes to issue. now we're looking for what, how all elections commission. we get to stay and so we ought to be in be and how the bodies. so vicious, so they just do how we can stand in the election commission so they can trust them that we can do all election on a we want to big that, but you know, it's the same. you know what, you know, what's a problem with you all getting that you're talking about. most of the secret it was the i why me league which abolished the practice of having a kind of take a government saying that the get the kids like a government back that was colluding with the ministry establishment to expand the influence. so it was a politically motivated decision. now it's the up to the people of bangladesh to say, what's a wide, what's wrong, what's good, what's bad for that. now,
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if you're really honest about the idea of competing freely unfairly with people, why wouldn't you just would trigger a new, let's say a policy on that for when you, when people would say, well, you these of it, you own it. you don't seem to be really convincing to me, said what you're talking to me about the need to maintain something as if it was really sacred. and this is what he was saying at the bottom of this thing. but the sick thing is we can go back to the system being patient, but the super in the election of fighting. and then they can say that this election is able to do a test on that and give top the trust and electrical commission. we don't trust on the press sheets. we don't have boston, law enforcement, it is. you're going to trust no more. so what i'm going to do, i'll make it public apart. albany with the election election coverage is the whole election. so this is why i'm saying they do have
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a kind of sort of suspicious how the election commission is going to send them a collection of commission. i'll be very lecture romeo, the you. okay, no problem. and let me just go to the mean for a 2nd. what mean do you understand that by choosing not to take part in the election, you are basically sending the message that from now own words. and the decision is the, is going to be out of the constitutional framework, because the options would be very small for you. you go to this rece, violence will kick in and therefore they wouldn't be no democratic way out for you in the future. unless you decide with wisdom, it is in the benefits of bind gladish to be possible the political establishment on the bottom of the elections. um, do you really believe that for the benefit of this country and for the sake of the people they should participate in an election which is mostly those dummy election
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which is mostly known as a firestick beauchamp election? there is no plan because people is already predetermine who's gonna uphold the golf bed? who's going to be the prime minister? who's going to be in the opposition? if you want to know, i have a list of names who has already been conformed to be the member of parliament. if you want to uh, activate the names i can do so, but i don't think that will be very nice, but we all have those messages here now. so what's the, what's the, what's the president of action where we all know that we're going to win from which said, so no, i don't saying that this, the mockery will be a nice thing to do with our people. on the top of that, we are very proud people, part the respect to our active is to be picked to all or brush repeatable people. it all said, please don't, don't be a part of this far. and the just to let you know that drop your party, which is fantastic the election to be the main opposition policy in depaula med.
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most of the candidates are withdrawing from the election. they said that there is no level playing field. the voters are ready to, to come to the auction. there is by that there are not be able to, you know, state so they withdraw their categories, the okay, oh let's try to say this has already been conformed from the golf mag out in those to where they said the government did the place any and all the nature of candidate, i mean be a, want me to a place and then all me, they just got it. i'm in those states for about please. they are going to win, but still we don't know because we have so much about going on. i hope you have and goes to cover with, you know, to little bit of perspective for all international audience. how did the, the of the band p versus a so it has the, you know, by why me the, it's the same deep seated unimed ball city that has back to beset political life in bangladesh. for that case, particularly the flight between the,
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the 2 main political parties, the social, the 2nd a why me league found to be 1949, the conservative nationalist, b, and be founded in 1977. all we are is bangladesh. none to keep paying the price of the same political on the positive that has been very useful for years. and i, i think of it is very complicated to predict that the day's coming and it's, it's very complicated because you think of the, he only has its own couple of the d and the supporter and beneficiaries and that, but the b and b is not very match your policy, go potty, by this time after summer and i know so many of you know, human rights that use it for the parents. they should be checking so so, so you're comparing in a different uh spectrum. all this probably because the dynamics are,
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but what do we have the stand, the we have seen the dying because i know the environment in by monday she don't define whether you know, or it has been a long tradition in bottom. are they that the point to go to parties know the 5th to be and everything, but we're seeing is different discourse and which is really as in tom so, but uh, but because of a political thinking and body guy environment. and when the guy says is that that democracy wouldn't be affected. and of course, i know that if it the, the law that was the human rights that clearly affect the freedom of expression that was affect our no, no, i don't know what's gonna happen after the election that you said in 17,
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the $7.00 oh, january sending. if you would have asked me, i guess nobody me who asked questions, but if you would have asked me about the track record of she has seen a about a few years ago, there was a consensus with us. she was presiding over an unprecedented economic boot. and expanding of the government's industry in bangladesh, but things how change those, the economy's all the same tots as to the point where it needs cash injections from the international monetary institution. it's not a good side for the voters. we've got the both that this is the right candidate to vote for this is the crisis is not for the shallow, the cartridge is all over the so our policy is to keep an eye on that as to how do we move forward. and then we have, we have our own policies, we have old friends, our developing partners, a friend,
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countries we're working on that. so people, so people are expecting for the election. they going to bring to crisis has been a, even more and more. they are expecting that, but i can assure you we have our own plan, our own policy, and the own take to do it, right. so the latest is still a great economy to the country. we have our so many stops and friends around. we have talking with them, but the next election ballot i'm talking about the if it is not accepted by the induced our community or whatsoever, then what's going to happen because we need some of the money from my and therefore the injection injection from other countries. okay. we keep talking, we keep talking with them like, oh, going to deal with the buy board? i definitely the point. i mean what's next full. the position i'll do is just likely to continue the same campaign that your thoughts again, december 2022 by pick into the street the same campaigns that resulted in
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unprecedented boss, protests kidding, also civilians and also the rest of thousands of people on the street. it's a, it's a, it's a gun, but here it could backfire on you. she didn't notice that for last one on how she is. we are continuing with our movement and it was so testable and so non violent, the golf men sometimes made this joke out of our basement. they said, how would they expect that they've been, you know, couple down the golf men to this kind of feedback. but of course we will be able to do so because we believe that people are with us uh, regarding our economic crisis. could i say a few words about that very briefly, if you don't mind. yeah, of course. um, our adults might have street called purch to blame. one is our own off pandemic. second is ross shaw. you print for a 3rd of the world the recession, but unfortunately, the reality remains. but all of which is going to be bad for a very soon new martin result is below 6 been $1000000000.00,
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which is the occupant enough to make 3 months in board built situation. a bus stop, nash. now oil in port organizations found these really difficult. there's an opening else. these. the upcoming bonds to the government has to pay $10000000000.00 of their repayment upload and use in flash. it is so high that says the local currency is losing its value against the dollar. impression is rising very, very sharply. and you know, some, if at all this star forecasting di, hyperinflation is going to take place. i have the very profitable situation. i see a point most of the more uncertainty for the country all the time when the key global play is india, china and the united states of america. i'm looking forward to see what happens next, which could be defined the way that we'd have to talk it with, with the south asian country. how do you see it's few to relations with this? a political have a weight. oh no. we do. we see uh,
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it's already been uh no changing because uh we see how that you is that diplomats, are we really cool in bangladesh? she probably does. she and especially, you know, the parking meters. they tried to bundle a bit and they did on to do it. no, no, really cool them. it's a, it's a very i even and by what they should never seen in pop. so then the, on the other hand, we have see that the other big power in, in, out this, i know saltisha be try to say down there or people in the constitution and we see and independent. can you just say that he is the candidate all in yet? so this is the different dynamics you do. and diana is saying in different way, and i want to make it sure in different way. does that bother to people really want democracy and development? i don't know, but we thank you someone gets kind of put the paint by and see and let's see what
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happens next. in the meantime, most of the of the law said city of choice, but i mean for honda, i really appreciate your insights. looking forward to having the same conversation with you in the near future of the outcome of the election. thank you for watching . you can see the program. i got a time by visiting our website as, as e dot com for further discussion posts on facebook page. that's facebook dot com, forward slash a j inside slot, or you can also join the conversation on x and that is a j. insightsquared. if let me ask you about about the entire team here by the of religious trinkets. this isn't a line to centuries old cobbled lane. the tourism is the bread and butter to some light families. the war and slight constellations have made that tourists on coming . we are next to the church of the holy secretary. very good location for the 2 is
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a sort of killed biblical religious place. we are in a famous place for the christian, for the product information to come to visit the church of all this up because, you know, told us to 70 that should be the busiest time of the year with christmas, the new year round the corner and usually these lanes and these shops are incredibly busy, was terrace from all around the world. but if you speak to any of the shop signers, they'll tell you that business has o foot to indulge. large scale is ray, the police surveillance, and all the tree a rest of this open set up and occupied east jerusalem with movements being restricted and it for reggie having repercussions on the local economy. hearing the facts, have you had any lady says she has the support of 15, implement the shelf economic land asking questions. what do you expect this particular for to translate when it comes to the us selection reporting from the
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action? not just give us a sense of what is the target this places out as it was, teams across the world. when you closer to the fox of the story on counting the costs, the world is drowning in a wreck or the amount of debt concentrated in developing countries for nations and being forced to service the liabilities instead of providing for that people use the plane, the delay in debt relief efforts to the costs on al jazeera, rejecting decades of internal conflict, the farmers of columbia is peace communities remain neutral on but refusing to leave their villages, i set them on a collision course with a right wing perimeter. in an active defiance, they embark on a journey to honor that the enemies territory. a witness
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documentary on a jersey to the the hello. this is in use out on out to 0 for the bad people live in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. these really ami launches new attacks on southern and central garza more than 22600 people have now been killed since the war began. as winter sets in many palestinians in gaza is giovanni a refugee camp of facing worsening conditions. we'll have a report.


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