tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera January 5, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm AST
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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the other one are you suppose that this has been use online from the coming up in the next 60 minutes, causes i like so hospitalized overwhelmed with casualties is really strikes. target civilians in the center and the south or district is winter sets in many palestinians in gauze as to a value of refugee con, a facing west and conditions who have
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a report or shuffle. diplomacy for us actually is stays arrives in search here with the english, using tensions in the middle east and rates yet again in the occupied westbank. the young voice injured by shrapnel as is where the soldiers carry out the we begin this news. our causes unlocks the hospital, which is overwhelmed with casualties, offers really strikes and the surrounding area killed and injured dozens of palestinians, survivors of the strikes and you do about that also being taken to the alexa hospital, they were injured in all my cause, the neighborhood is where the button's also targeted, con eunice in the south hitting areas close to the amount of hospital the policy and red present says 10 people were killed, including a newborn baby. more than 22600 people have now been killed since the will be got. let's go to target was who now,
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who's dying by for us in rough or in southern gaza. tarry tell us what has been happening and some of these i just strikes and this year impact having once again on medical facilities when the 1st yes um these ongoing military attacks did not stop since danielle, as of today is morning across the southern parts of gauze and now we're, how do you, this is city, a witness move intensifying arrays that have claimed the lives of trills. palestinian says that alex is to this morning. and also in that part of the gauze as triggered the middle govern. 8 right now, which is the use phase of and been the new a rating of fighting between the palestinian fighters and the is very forces. they are now depending with the same systematic approach of destruction, they are destroying residential houses. more than also a tax on the key impress dropped to the i'm today you one of the new tax and also a kind of new the lesions had made by the use with the troops, the, when they opened a fire against the ox, a hospital in the middle, a good for native gauze,
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what you particular endeavors by the hand. this is completely a state increased out regarding the new attacks that might be carries out what is it coming days or the medical facilities. and it's also important to mention that at least 30 hospitals have become out of service. did you did? it is very unrelenting funding. there is to still few functioning in the separate part which are responsible to provide treatment for more than $1000000.00 probably is right now in the southern part of calls a strip and this is definitely would add extra pressure on the medical records will have been tirelessly provide to get treatment for thousands of injuries as day by day. the race of ancient people increased increases as the medical teams are facing a very notable difficulty in terms of carrying out different surgeries that provide advanced treatment that only be carried out. a pros out psych goza and also the hospitals in the south had been tend to be a complete show tough for in factories where people or people are taking shields on
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the vicinity of the hospitals. also, co retail with of these hospitals are full of residents who are trying to be protected from the east valley bombing at uh we've been hearing from medical sources on the ground that doctors are making different medical preferences in terms of the patients that they are only right now, receiving in get people who are only suffer from life threatening injuries and this is completely gives a police slowing about how difficult is the situation at the very limited medical supplies that have been allowed to insect goals list since october. the 7th. i mean, well for those who have managed to escape the bombing and escape being treated in those medical sensors, the humanitarian situation outdoors getting worse as more instances of winter weather happening. yes, definitely the situation the is getting worse by the minutes and would every day passes. the tragedy of those people is increasing. the people completely have been
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going through difficult to humanitarian situations that have been moving from living uncomfortable houses to living and make shift to inspect lot cool kinds of basic necessities. and this situation is very difficult in particular for women and children, especially to the new phone babies. as we have been taking around today in the make shift tense in democracy area. we have been seeing a lot of new phone babies who are completely in a very desperate need for milk, for diapers. that could be severely uh, could be affordable in slight garza and also children that are looking for food being thirsty hungry as others are going to do the test or food at least the minimum rate of food that they can suited volleyball and, and this is completely of heart to what those people had been living and experiencing. it's considered to be a roof exceeds the, as people have new options remain just to coup with the situation as there was new, safe place. and there was no one save, of course, because a strict. alright tara, a couple of them that and rough uh, in southern garza,
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thank you as well and who to read. it has been speaking with despised palestinians, taking shelter at alex to hospital in central garza. one of them explained how his family was coping off to being forced to free the the situation is very crowd this as you see, this is not only a hospitality, it's also a refuge for thousands of people that some people put their heads and some people are actually on the ground and see what people are doing. like can you imagine living a place where it's constantly bringing in faces, injuries, and killings. and we are talking about thousands of lives here. and with all of these tragedies every single day. also we're seeing people uh, sending stuff like a mini supermarket is on the street. and there we can also see a barber months guessing issue. so this, this hospital became
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a house for hundreds of thousands of the states policy news. and it's getting very crowded and people do not know where to go. we have been seeing her fix, sees of people and trucks putting up all of their at my sins or their pillows and their clothes, trying to flee from the central area of the central area. is the cause of the trip as they are taking other seats streets sooner. but at the same time is very crowded and there's no what's your name? wherever you just place from motivated little bit. i'm new from brace count. i move to new sarah then. so why they then to alexa hospital. oh, yeah. and when, and why did you move those that have a live we left at nighttime under the strikes missiles, shells shooting and flares. and what have you? we have young children,
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the oldest of them isn't the 1st grade i carried the child and ran into the street . that's why i left home. and how do you feel that i'll ok so hospital is the right place while i'm at the no place and guys a suitable not does not. not a rough on nor dare, nowhere at all. where should we go? we are old dying getting killed around each other, but we run from one place to another out of fear for our children, not out of fear for myself. as far as i'm concerned, i would stay put. i wouldn't leave home. i wouldn't even think about it. what's the worst that could happen? we would die. so be it. and god will forgive us all the people of guys out all these people you see around you. darrow forgiven that a single one should be sent to help. all of them will enter paradise. i swear to you the coupon. how would you describe the situation? it locks the hospital. this horrible displacement means you can't go to the toilet . have to wait for 5 hours to go to the toilet motor. that's the life of a displaced person. a displaced person lacks dignity wherever they go, no,
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with respect to the displace person. this is probably better than being displaced and no one would choose being displaced. people are displaced because of what is happening. while heavy rainfall is lessening the conditions in northern gauze or a city service is shut down, i'll just here is on us. oh sorry. it has been to the devalue refuge account to see what people that have been having to and you the most pleasure the day. i mean we have mobile now is to did a new problem for civilians. here is 4 and siege and testify on the gaza strip. and with the rainfall municipalities are no longer being able to operate as a result of their vehicles being destroyed by as rarely forces slaughter or button as it should be. i know, unfortunately the tragedy has the full in us. the tragedy of which we have won the jabante a campus been flooded as a result of the, of the flow of the, of what i shared reservoir. because we lost electricity completely and we were unable to operate. generates is, we don't have solar energy. we did not have any new solar panels since the
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beginning of the war against the gaza strip. there is a quantity of solar panels. however, these panels are being held at the gaza strip with uni set as far as the so now we're issuing a last coal to rescue the jabante account and rescue the jabante a municipality. i'm afraid of following the destruction of the majority of vehicles . the majority of wastewater pumps and well, that's a lot of them and how did you know how we left the war? here, we are facing a new war. sewage was or leaked into classrooms and flooded them, or children are suffering from disease and gastro intestinal symptoms. we are suffering from sickness. this is the situation we are living in. this is the tragedy that we are living in. our situation is dire and hold on a said you again us upon the other. upon look at our children and their pain with sewage, water, disease, trash, and the seller. we are human beings, we want peace. we want to live like the human being or something is on
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a couple of 100. these had been have a heavy while. you don't have another the so a new danger threatens the lives of presidents and the lives of refugees here at the shelters. because of the pulling of rain water and wastewater at the municipality cannot do its work due to the municipalities, vehicles being targeted by the occupation forces. and just to show you a gives you all tremendously with us extra state as a blinking has arrived into our kia on the 1st. like have you had another diplomatic tour of the middle east? lincoln will be looking to ease rising tensions across the region. he's 2 of them at least 4 times since the will began, and his business of israel 5 times over that same period during this trip on top of this is meeting scheduled in israel and in ramallah in the occupied westbank lake is also expected in the united arab emirates, jordan cats or saudi arabia and egypt. what say to our white house correspondent now kimberly how could joining us from washington dc? can we lots of stops on this too,
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or what so you hoping to achieve with this one is yeah, there is a lot to talk about what he will be talking about in this roughly week long trip. not just in israel, in the occupied westbank, but also in those middle east. the capitals is a range of issues, namely the regional war, the threat of one and the pap fact that it could escalate from israel's war and gaza to something much broader. the reason that the us presidential by that and has dispatched his top diplomat, anthony blinking, is because of concerns that that could happen. the fact that there has been an escalation in the red sea, the who sees the attacks on shipping vessels in that region. and the fact that the u. s. navy has responded to that also in recent days,
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the bombing or rather the attack in 11 on and the attack on be a senior, how mos leader that and also his aids. and the fact that that has been blamed on is real even is israel has not claimed or denied responsibility. it certainly has been attributed by both moss and has the law. so those tensions have escalated. and so he is there to assume those pensions to try and stem the violence, come the rhetoric and really try and work things out. but at the same time, what we know is that there is still much more to discuss. there is the plan for after israel's war on gaza. what governance looks like. they are very different visions right now for what the united states sees. what is real sees, will there be a revitalized palestinian authority? very different views on that. and also still the number of palestinian casualties much higher than the united states wants to see. talking about how to send that as well. can be how could that in washington dc. thank you very much for that spring
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and i'll just share a senior political analyst, mar one bushera. joining us here on the set amount. tax foot being with us. um, just the last couple of minutes, which is had an exclusive why i drop saying the united states intelligence is confirming that it was an awesome attack. any ron, as also the, the killing us all the other reese and they roots in recent days, which some conservative commentators as a wise into us banking as well. so taking out someone on its own entire list with its own $5000000.00 bounty on it. but it seems that fee is of escalation over the company. everything else for the white house of them. yes, but not necessarily a negative way. let me explain. so there's no doubt that lincoln is once again, and i'm at least to try to clean. is there a mess? but this an american is really mess because that's the one when pressed on by then told 5 minutes and then the i'll go get justice. i think it was clear that this was going to be a devastating war. and it's going to have consequences, and that's why the united states and to aircraft carrier,
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so that you submitted that i need it and dissipate the top of the new. there was going to be trouble or but that's strategically within the american calculus. now in the past 4 months, 34 months it's, it's got to be think in terms of it standing in terms of public relations in terms of acquisition of genocide and all that stuff. what crime is on what strategically speaking america doesn't refuse to be in a defensive position that's on the contrary. so spied in left afghanistan humiliatingly, since china try to succeed in mediating between your on. so is there a bit by that has been saying america is back, america is not going to the vacuum in the middle east for you on china and russia to feel so how was the united states then becomes central to them? at least it does it by 2 ways. one, it like those files, and then it puts out the fires. this is called pyromaniac fireman. it needs to mix and create
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a trouble in order to be the solver of trouble. if there's that benevolent empire, the indispensable nation in them, at least where blinking comes as the savior of the problems, america was already an instigator as well. what is the sort of recipes of putting out fires from the american perspective is going to be some sort of plan for the post war situation. and goals are to being pushing and pushing and nothing administration to, to come up with something. now it has come up with something and it doesn't seem that it's anything like what the americans wanted. that's true, by the way. nathaniel, who did not approve the plan yet that's been admitted to the plan. i mean, it's, it depends, has been dispensable. because without the military, there would be no offense. but if we're still in the logic of war, now there are a few comments on that quick right? one, i'm not sure who i was going to win the warrant guy. so everyone's assuming that this was going to wait and they're talking about the day after it's not clear anymore is what is getting a b. think and garza, and if it must wind down before it must with the reserves,
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it must stop the indiscriminate bombing. it's not clear anymore, that is, or what actually when, in terms of its own, in game and guys are defeating how about so that's not clear anymore at or you think blinking is going to intervene again to try and to the wine things down before it gets to that point, absolutely has to now, right, another accusation of genocide. now we're talking about that international court of justice. there's a lot of complications. we have more than to add up. capitals, we have, he think, uh, borders with lebanon. there's a lot of progressions now and i think america wants to wind down toward an election year. that's not to the liking of nothing. yeah. who wants to continue with the war because he is not richard. richard subject us. no. america has already said the number of things it wants to proceed in order to, to be involved and go, so nothing you know, and his government and his minister to say no. now they're talking about local leaders. they said they have to end occupation. so it's not, we're going to maintain security to oversight there. they said that there's going to be no single garza is rather, is not,
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is not talking about that. so whatever it is is proposing essentially not to have a liking over there by the industry now. but i think it's going to have to bite an ad blinking, it's gonna have to have some tough conversation with nothing. now because america is looking bad, america's going to continue to look about as a student of his randy, politics. i tell you nothing now is not going to listen to the united states unless america users gets leverage by then does it use his leverage with is right. it is not gonna let us and it has its own calculus. it's a security. i swore an understanding of what security is, and it's not simply gonna roll over, because blinking comes to the area, the content, right, every time blinking can to the past 5 times. he's the one who rolled over and nothing else continued. is there to continue to do what he wants to do and goes all right and on for now. thank you very much. a right israel's defense minister you'll have gone to has unveiled as we were just speaking about his proposal. so goes a once the war is finished under the proposed plan, is there
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a would have the right to oversee security and conduct operations inside the strip if necessary. but it is really setlist would not relocate by the land. local palestinians would have limited control of gaza except for those affiliated with high mass. galant did not named specific such groups. and us led multinational task force, including european and some arab countries would be involved in the economic recovery of district district brother and egypt would control causes main civilian border crossing in collaboration with israel and the united states at a well cabinet meeting that followed glance announcements of the plan, the arguments the last of several hours, but who was to blame for security failings when how must launch this attack on israel, on october the 7th last year. so a higher ed has more now from television. it's actually a interesting because you have a government that doesn't want to be blamed for those failings. and then you have also a minute tree or intelligence but doesn't want to necessarily be the only full bike
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. they also put some of that blame on the prime minister and so on the government. but also a few weeks ago you had the prime minister in the middle of the night, send out sweets effectively blaming protests is actually a full is in his was at the time saying that it was because of all those anti government protests. it gave how much the signal that they, what week and then that's when the attack happens. point being is a lots of mudslinging here since the argument i all came to. and then after 3 hours when the prime minister ended it. but since that happens overnight today, we've heard. a from benny guns, one of the war cabinet ministers blaming the prime minister saying that you will allow this to happen because a lot of it was specifically in the army cheese and guns defended him. he actually had said that the prime minister must choose between politics and unity, and he blames him for allowing the bashing to take place in the beginning now of
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the prime minister's policy. the crude policy has since also really reduced the statement. kind of saying that guns is using this as an excuse. and so that he has a commitment to a see this through with the war point being again, is it's not about what they are accusing each other of it's about the fact that there's clearly huge cracks here at the time when they should be unified. and it's showing everything other than unit seats when also the discussion of what should happen next with the gaza strip is still on the table and it looks like it may not have been discussed in the 1st place. right spine is really so just being carried out again in the occupied westbank trip vehicles was seen in the town of yacht bad south of jeanine and 11 year old was slightly wounded by shrapnel. the northwest of ramallah a 17 year old palestinian was killed in bay 3 month 7 of the palestinians were also injured. i was to be in red, crescent says to ambulance isn't 2 towns where hit one by rubber bullets,
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one by live rounds. but let's go straight to ramallah now and join mohammed jump june. who's that for us? mama, as we'd been reporting, these are very regular. these events now, but what is being that the targets will the aim of this latest series? do you say? so here we let me 1st as mentioned that we've just in the last 10 minutes or so heard about confrontations that are going on in the a lot of who refugee camp, which is north of kat brown. we're told that those confrontations are happening between palestinian protesters and is really security forces and we'll get you more details about that specific incident as we have them now with regards to what the israelis are trying to achieve when it comes to these rates. first, we should mention of course, that these rates have become part of the fabric of daily life for the palestinians across the occupied west bank. and when i have been to, whether they be towns refugee camps, villages in the occupied west bank,
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visiting those areas after is really military rates have occurred. the residents, they are have all continue to say that this is a form of collective punishment. then they show evidence of what they say is that collective punishment. they show where is really bulldozers have dug up roads. they show where critical infrastructure had been destroyed. they show electricity and water lines that have been cut by these really armed forces. members, when they have come in to those areas. now when it comes to these really is of course uh the as really government maintains the going into these areas as a way to try to stamp out what they call militancy. they say that they will continue to go into these refugee camps, into these towns and villages until they are able to rid the areas of fighters. and that's where they continue to warn the residence. they're not to support promised any and fighters who might be residing there or using those areas as a base of operations against isn't really targets. now, once again, we should just say that there are on average these days around 40 rates that happen throughout the occupied westbank each and every day. now,
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yesterday was comparatively relatively light, not as many rates tonight. we're not seeing as many just yet, but everybody we speak with say that they expect in the overnight hours that the frequency and intensity of those rates will increase. that we will see more in the hours ahead. harry. right. mamma jump doing that in ramallah and the occupied west bank. thank you very much. i or a and the also by westbank residents have been cleaning up, often is ready rate the loss of more than 40 hours one of the longest. in recent times, tens of thousands of palestinians were locked down and homes and buildings destroyed as he was ready military search the individuals it said were linked to an armed group in the north shines refugee camp. bennet smith reports for more than 40 hours, he's rarely soldiers went to house to house, looking for suspects, leaving a trail of destruction behind them. this happens every day in the occupied west bank,
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but looking down tens of thousands of people in the homes for nearly 2 days is unusual quantity. the sun could look them up when they saw cartons of cigarettes and the money i need to pay the rest of them and they really trash the store. the, the sold stuff people destroyed said, oh, cool, and destroyed hudson. the honey destroyed us. the model, one of the model, the model and then some soldiers have time to graffiti volts with slogans from the west. jerusalem football club, notorious for its fall right um to our farm base. the residents say these riley's, we're looking for around a dozen scientists from the notions brigade. it's leader said after the raid, these riley's didn't find who they were looking for. and even if one of them is assassinated, others will take the place during the raids, these really military deliberately destroys homes and buildings and picks up roads . it's collective punishment camera. so i did allow him to move and how to kind of go deeper and, and destroyed the streets and tore down the door. here more than 30 soldiers came
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into my house and on the roof as well. they put us all in one room and into a gate to this 40 hours later, these really military with his pull, those isn't vehicles pulled out of notions, but they have them finished business here. and they will come back in at smith alger 0 in the occupied westbank. the israeli forces have carried out as strikes and towns in southern lebanon. the military released this video, which it says shows the bloss from its 5 to jets among the targets. whereas the infrastructure and a military post, this comes as well as lead to pass on us rather gave a televised address. iran count has more now from david. this is a very details for each by this extra general,
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all of hezbollah house on the throttle. a he actually told very specifically about b is riley's. he talks about the fact that they were hiding the numbers of that casualties of soldiers that they were hiding. the amounts of equipment that been destroyed. let's take a closer look of what he said. now you have the same as well. so the resistance offered just roughly 9. the videos of attacks along the front. tanks being destroyed, these tanks, exploding something, lines with soldiers sitting on top of these things. as vehicles being destroyed, tents were soldiers are sitting, and besides falling on top of them, houses were soldiers thought shelters coming under rock and fire with their, with their comrades taking a very long time to rescue them. houses are 10 speaking, bombed, targeted with, besides, and we could see with our very eyes ambulances rushing to these points. however, the enemy admitted nothing gets,
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don't know off to that. he picks up with the displacement of these words. he said, these ready to have been displaced. is nothing compared to the amount of displacement that the lebanese have faced over use of is really aggression. they also made an appeal to is right. the civilians who said, if you want to get a piece, i can return to your home things put pressure on your government to be able to bring and the will in goals that they also told you about the region as well. he said the killing, they're sick as the law. really? they seen him athlete a uh he was a day brother and friend will not go unpunished. will use the right place and right time, but the field will respond. that's a much stronger statement then we've had before. we will not remain silent about violation of this level because this means that every violation in 11 will become exposed. we talked about the us, he talked about the region. he said that the american and the americans are using
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ices as an excuse to say in iraq. but he also said, and this is what 3 of the right thing about the resistance. i just take a look. i listen to what he said about the axis of resistance and as they look for that one, i love as we must all put pressure from lab and on from syria, from erac, from yemen, we must all put pressure on the enemy, the real objective of all these friends is to put an end to the aggression that is going on against the that slow up. so the other one i know has. now finally, he summed up by saying and praising the fight is on the ground saying that they willing to die, the gold faced country and dignity and wrong cause out of their favorites and yemen . thousands of people are rallying in the capital in support of the palestinians. protested incentive shunted slogans. praising him us. it follows increasing pressure in the red sea around you have been threatening back to seize based and you haven't been attacking vessels in the goal. so they say have links to israel.
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they're running state media, say 11 people are being arrested in connection with wednesday, suicide bombing until at least 189 people in southeast, in iran, president abraham racy, had promised to respond to the attacks, which i so has claimed responsibility ali hush and reports now from the capital to iran, they are gone forever to suicide bombers. change the fate of the 100 people who are being carried to the fine. those resting place on wednesdays. attacks happened at the ceremony and cut them on to remember the us, us and they to general processing a many uranium president to bring. but i, you see, address the crowd to gather all the time about the enemy is witnessing our power. all the world is feeling our power, our forces have the initiative, time and location go. fully sub arrested, several people in different brothers,
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this across the law. but despite i so claiming responsibility for the attack, uranium officials, i've shown skepticism to look the announcement from is retaliation back. so these killings are a reflection of defeats that the organ powers have suffered over the past few years . but the grace of god, the revenge of these killings will be taken. but i would like to say that already the revenge has happened in government wants to provide people with some, as such as the region faces. re challenges is an exception that, for, it's been looking into the details of the attack. and what response is, i think you should see all of them, you know, under, under one unique umbrella which is trying to this civilize this region. iran is located in this region, so security of the region safety region is going to build the benefits of uranium.
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why you on to run is practicing sort of a strategy patience in the past with the bombing, you might have shocked many unions. it's one of the worst attacks iran has seen in recent years. at the tied security measures here reflect the amount of precaution, the governments. they can to prevent that all the possible attack an action which is 0. the still ahead on al jazeera and you report reveals a search and the growth of illegals documents in the occupied westbank since the were on jobs have begun. and the number of is really so just killed in battles in gaza against time us fighters rises rapidly. the hello, i think we should say something of a welcome change in the weather across northern policy. if you think sounds
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a little quotes right for the next couple of days, i'd like to spend a cloud and right and snow that's been pushing across something possibly in the wells coast and flooding. widespread disruption. here's some damaging winds to that's now making his way through the low countries and they'll continue to push its way further. east was up to was an old and scatter baby. yeah, we should see less than the west. snow over the next couple of diagnostic as you go to most of the ridge of high pressure which will topple its way in. and that will suppress the cloud and the unsettled weather as we go one through the next couple of days by different story. further south is, are we apply pressure piling across the mediterranean, bringing some woody gnostic conditions into the west and met equally saying some big grain full, some heavy down pulls into the balkans as well using across to was grease snow on the northern flank of that base and pieces of rice statements and obviously central and eastern positive here, but this, that quote the weather up to was, scandinavia temperature is a good 50 degrees or more below average in oslo minus 14 celsius as a plus 14 down towards the sound. so big temperature swings as it go through sunday
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. that was a weather drive this way across the mediterranean, took the icing, some wet weather right through the black sea, most snow and the modem flank the. the unique perspective of africans i'm willing to take to the streets because of the sense of urgency that we have. if we don't know more and more lots of voices, you don't often hear trouble. nations do stand with paula spine. it's the same struggle share of displacement, connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. you see where the political establishment is in terms of justifying genocide, brand new episodes of the stream on which is your hearing. the facts have you had any links that he has the support of 15 and samantha, she'll take a moment then asking questions. what do you expect this particular for to translate
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when it comes to the us selection, refusing for the action? not just give us a sense of what an easy target is, places out as it was, teams across the world. when you closer to the fox of the story the the the, you're watching, i'll just remind the top stories this out because really strikes have to thousands of palestinians in central and southern gaza. heavy bombardments continue near the causes. ok, so hospitalized over whelmed, treating the engine. so the south,
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at least 32 people have been killed in hon. unice us extra estate as we blinking has arrived in turkey on the 1st leg of yet another diplomatic. 2 of them, at least, lincoln will be looking to ease rising tensions of region. he will visit israel for the 5th time since the war on gaza began and is ready. soldiers are carried out more rage and the occupied westbank. new attribute was received in the town of yacht bad, south jeanine, and 11 year old was likely we did by shrapnel during the right. the latest report from it is really advocacy group piece now shows a significant increase in his legal settlement activity in the occupied westbank since the war in gaza began. the findings show the construction has begun on a record number of 9 new outposts of the past 3 months. there's also been 18 new legal roads paved authorized by settlers as also details. a search in the fencing austin's construction about posts on privately owned thomas the new land was stuff up. biography is actually general with the promise to the national initiative. he says,
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the search instead of the activity in the occupied westbank is sanctioned within his ro, at the highest level. the government is run by settlers. and because the settlers, uh, not think about sessions. if you speak about the big viewed or small to show the others, nothing you know is joining the club and they are allowing them a lot of incentives to, to expand in the space they are allowing them to confiscate. motor ballasting allowed took the motorcycle meant illegal outposts and the funding to them smoke. this is the finance minister who's there and i'm displaying them for with unlimited resources. and meanwhile, they are preventing any publish thing in the building. anything? no, no less than 60 percent of the rest of back. that there's the so called area. see what you see here is a process of the zation of lowest bank. and what does that clear and we'll fix it
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goes to back. but that is combined also with a huge amount of destruction in one community, which was the notion scan. but that is happening in every way in the us to back. and janine and the boss and so many other places and reality since the 7th of october, every settler ebony is early. so just and every policeman scene, they have the green light to float and kind of ballasting is they have the strong feeling of total immunity. and that they can't do anything to buy this thing is whenever they want and in any way they wish a funeral is taking place in all my wasi west of han, eunice, and gaza. the civilians killed and israel's bombardment. the victims were mostly children of 2 palestinian families who was seeking refuge in a designated safe zone. i'll just here is, is most of them are, was the, and a warning. his report contains distressing images of the height of the morning and gaza shows the aftermath of the massacre,
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the israeli army committed against the top. and that was the last families in all my wasi. the do you have to sell a family's house was targeted. 14 civilians who sought refuge there were killed. the top family had left their homes in search of safety, taking shelter with the ever so la family and con eunice one minute. and the alma was the area had been designated a safe sound by the israeli army urging civilians, particularly those in the east and central regions to evacuate their homes because of the air strikes. however, after they moved here, 14 of them were killed, including 9 children, letting me integrated us off much of the cancer we was sleeping and it was nearly 12 o'clock. there's an area between elma wasi and our beloved the tents mattresses and not on tops. suddenly a powerful when you struck, shook us awake. we found a deep crisis. the destruction of some tents, along with numerous casualties. among them were approximately 11 or 12 members of
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the of the hot tub family. they were instructed to evacuate their initial residences and so refuge on agricultural land and attempts to escape the cold. they became the target of an ass strike. what's the threat to these innocent children post to israel and the united states by dummy when they had a morning and evening stained with blood in the gaza strip. with each sunrise, a large number of casualties is discovered, especially children, upfront costs of the palestinians here, particularly the grieving families, are preparing for the funerals. may god help us, we belong to gold, and to him, we shall return. gold is sufficient for us. as the bodies are prepared by the workers of the all necessary medical complex, more the atmosphere is one of sorrow and anger anger at the massacre committed by
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the israeli army and the daily atrocities it continues to perpetrate as well has been intense financing elsewhere and gauze. are between hamas fighters and is really forces this video released by the custom brigades appears to show heavy gun battles and rugged attacks against is ready. tanks and gaza. city is where the army says a $175.00 soldiers having killed in gaza since the ground invasion began on october the 31st. but with each day that as well as on the bombs cause of the civilian death, toll grows beside 2 casualties. on this very side, since october, the 7th, maybe 3400 soldiers had been admitted into the native trees rehabilitation department of them. 2300 have been officially recognized as being disabled. around 7 percent of those mental health related every day around 60 more wounded soldiers are admitted. full rehabilitation is rose defense ministry. so as a disability figures are expected to increase by more than 20 percent and the
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coming months. well really my colleague laura kyle spoke to you only been in a home who is a political analyst on israel and the middle east. he says, as well as military go in, gaza is not a chief of so there's no way that these what can destroy some us a, i must, is that the organization about the same time. it's also a political moment. you cannot the destroy the ideology, eh, and then the idea is of a moss. so you cannot take them out of the brains of the palestinians. so actually the only mission, which is the impossible military wise, is to destroy the military. the structures of a moss is such as bundles in the rockets and besides and killed the military commanders. but the you can not, the finish from us is the political moment. it can even me the minute change a thing when of how am i supposed to be more resilience to me is rate is for 2
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mountains into his ground defensive and that's still engaged in severe st bottles in the normal find the sense that it doesn't pay like they've gained any significant ground within galls. uh, just how difficult is this bustle proving to be? it's really difficult because the, the, the tunnels in named gaza, estimated the eh, between 500 to 1000 kilometers on the ground is a major obstacle for these are the military a, but they think good with time a, the, if we overcome this difficult beat, the fax is that these really ami controls the all the north of goes the street and the some areas in the center of garza and the now the fighting the south of gauze. i'm a new in this area. so we do pick a few months still the army eventually will take over all the gaza street. but as
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you said, the fund, those are the main or the now take a look at the other days news now in bangladesh, 5 people have died after passenger train court. fire witnesses say hundreds of people rushed to help pull passengers out of the claims on the dock of seminal police suspect it was an awesome attack. committed unrest at the national elections on sunday last month. so far as he's blame the opposition to bangladesh and nationalist policy for another train for the last 4 people that these 3 people have been arrested in the bottom of the she capital doc are off to those anti government process, erupt it outside the national, most kind of sundays election prime minister shake has seen a is buying for a 5th consecutive term, but her tenure has been mowed by accusations of widespread human rights abuses. and alleged cracked down on the opposition. demonstration follows calls from the
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countries main opposition party. the people to break up the polls out the weekend. we are asking everyone to avoid caught the election on january 7th. nobody should go to the portal center. it is a rig the election to the ends. army chief has rejected a ceasefire deal that's been agreed upon by the rival, permanent treat rapids support forces and the full, the prime minister of della duck general of those thoughts i bore hon says they'll be no reconciliation of the 9 month long will. we will continue, perhaps, as they are, as that has failed to uphold agreements to open humanitarian car doors and free civilian prisoners. the artist asked me to, but how many times on the zillow has been seeking, regional support for the peace deal. for months, so african power, power lim, pick and olympic athlete or skip his story is has been released from prison on parole. he served only 9 years in prison and murdering his girlfriend, re of a stand up under the terms of his parole. he wouldn't be allowed to leave pretoria women's rights groups have protested against his release. how many mueller has
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moved out from outside of the prison inventory, a musket the story as became eligible for parole officer living at least half of the 13 year sentence, he was given for the murder of reversed income. he was initially imprisoned for 5 years for man slow to that was appealed, and then that sentence lay to extend its no reverse dean comes. family has said that while they have space, the reality, all of us got the story is receiving parole for some time. they have routinely opposed that application. they also say that they don't believe the justice has been served, that the people who are essentially facing a lifelong sentence is revisiting comes family as they continue to move on their door to. they say they don't believe that she told the truth around events during the night of her mother, and that he's not remorseful and that he had lied. but they say they've also taking some come,
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put in the fact that you bring this bro period which will last until 2029. that's until the end of the sentence is that you will have to enroll in programs that deal with violence against women as well. as anger management somebody, the ultra 0 pretoria, most career has defended firing hundreds of rounds. but once hillary into the yellow sea near to remote south korean islands, saying it was a natural response to military threats from so the residents of young, young and dying young items were urged to evacuate to bump shelters as a precaution. don't young's henri shelves around it, and what is north of the disputed seaboard known as the northern limit line? south korea's military responded with its own firing exercises ukraine launch, ms. saw and wrote a tax on russia's belgrade region late on thursday, enjoying at least 2 people. the regional governor said a defense system is down 10. evelyn targets belgrade, which is near russia's board with the train, was hit a week ago by the deadliest strike on russian territory since the start of the war
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. a good union with everything with us. we were up on the 3rd floor in our apartment. there was a loud bang, and you can see the fire and the gloss trembled. we hitting the safe place in about 5 minutes. we looked out of the window and saw all of this. still ahead on, i'll just hear a disaster that could have been far worse. we looked at japan's response to last week's major escalate. and i mean, the ruins of house didn't bother use this as razor to restore some amount of c. i'm dignity to the amount of cost
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the thousands of my good stranded in south mexico on the way to the us say that disappointed arthur officials had promised travel permits on tuesday. the full 1000 person caravan was dispersed when they boarded buses to different processing centers. within mexico, but the leader of the caravans says some of the migrants have been abandoned on the street. extreme weather is continuing to cause flooding and record low temperatures in northern and central europe wide, while heavy rains gradually easing off. in some areas, emergency workers are working around the clock to stop, so the damage sonya go reports the evening. the terror of watching the inevitable happen every slot to measure out, we could possibly take 5 out able to stop the rush of sewage, tainted water flooding in prices across the u. k. storms re to have a can people's homes. oh,
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good. don't go to and on roads. even in the car for to west by a flight has rescued 50 people in east london after a nearby canal reached its banks in rural areas, farms tried to keep the livestock as safe as they could. well, people were using every means possible to get around from britain to germany. the storms effect has been widely felt and seen. german rescue workers put up temporary, dams made with water containers to block the deluge. the incoming freezing temperature may yet complicate with masses of a is it could cause even the damage water, sweden, the cold, has already reached record, lows, towns and villages within the optic circle. haven't experienced such temperatures in january for 25 years. leaving motorist stranded on roads, bringing everyday life to a standstill. so any guy? yeah,
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well i'll just narrow or at least full of patients have died. doctor fy broke out at a hospital in a german city of fields and in the north several others had been injured. emergency services managed to prevent the fire from spreading further. investigation is on the way to determine the cause. united states a huge high as destroyed a warehouse in new jersey lodge. plumes of smoke have been building over the city of elizabeth, just south of new a capital. the famous been through a large industrial complex that houses multiple businesses. there were no reports of casualties. in indonesia, at least 4 people have been killed in almost 30 of the engine. off the 2 passenger trains collided in west java carriages were forced off the tracks by the impact. police say the engine had been taken to local hospitals. now, authorities of tokyo's, honda, apple, it has the gun removing the records. sorry, the wreckage of tuesday's faithful runway accident. 5 people on the coast guard at croft with 2 when it was hit by a japan airlines, passenger plane,
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and traffic control transcripts. and reveal that the coast on plane was not cleared to be on the runway. the death toll from the powerful escalade that struck west in japan on new year's day, has risen to 94 with 222 people still missing. the quake caused widespread devastation. but as others say, the damage could have been far worse. you just came reports now from took care of to this guy, 3 sores above the tokyo skyline. it's one of the world's talos towers and what is the plant? it's most seismically active country. people in japan are set to feel some 2000 tremors each year since one 5th of the world. earthquakes of magnitude, 6 or higher, occur here. earthquake awareness begins at an early age. regular, concise drills were also credited for saving the lives of people who lived in these homes affected by they know to peninsula quake on new year's day, who don't cut off well,
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so i can know for when we train people about where to gather and what kind of disaster relief system to implement. so when residents here felt a little tremor, they immediately left their houses and evacuated. of 100 years is the great con to earthquake kills more than 100. 40000 people much has changed in the way of japan prepares for earthquakes. japan strict building codes and for us to 1981, require engineers to fulfill 2 levels of our quick proofing. firstly to guarantee and no resilience to withstand smaller quakes with minimal damage. and secondly, to make sure that for tremors on the size of the scale of 6 to 7, the building does not collapse modern high rise is, are designed to swing with the quakes energy given their flexible construction pendulums. and dapper is cut the intensity of that swing, but japan as gold standard, is not applied to older homes, on know,
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to peninsula where the elderly population is twice the national average. many would in properties, were decimated their owners less inclined at, nor able to afford retrofitting this disaster prevention. expert notes, tokyo is not immune to similar devastation as the metropolis repairs for its next big one. you marks to, to purchase, you know, tongue to the appropriate realty of, of magnitude 7. this quake hitting the capital within 30 years is about 70 percent summaries, especially in east in tokyo, and have a concentration of buildings with a low quake. resistance calls for more inclusive planning as an increasingly unpredictable mother nature is requiring communities to work together as they have never before. unit skim, ultra 0, tokyo returning now to a coverage of the war on garza and some palestinians trying to create some sort of normality in the midst of israel's bombardments onto his scissors and to electric
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races above the in rough or is hoping to give back to the community which is giving him shelter simply by applying his trade. do you need? a guy tells his story, a stove. mohammad but good is just one. that's the estimated 1900000 palestinians, forced to flee. and on the bating is really bowman campaign on the homes in the compton rasa in southern garza where he seek shelter, though it is trying to uphold to human dignity in the midst as an ever growing in human who, visual, because we on. there are many young men who seek my services. i don't care how much they pay because i'm aware of how difficult the situation is. it makes me happy to receive customers because when they get a haircut, it helps them escape the difficult realities they're living. and there isn't enough water in gaza or access to basic how washing products it's hindering people's
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ability to maintain hygiene and having an effect on moral love, the young ones that are needed. and you look, i haven't had a hair cutting approximately 40 days and my looks have changed drastically. so maybe the new look will give us all renewed hope and some of those escape is really strikes, leaving everything he had behind people into money to buy 2 electric phrases. so he could make a living expenses in gaza, a higher than ever because of the use long is really blockades. and the need for a central products is growing more desperate by the day. well, i know for sure, we didn't have any money and i have children who have need and therefore i had to provide for myself, my children and my wife and for my family in times like these, nobody is going to reach out and help you. the palestinians feel abundant, they say they can only depend on themselves and on each other with no end in sight is roseville. judy vega,
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i'll just there and that's it for me already full. so the rest of the team here in the off of this use on, but we back in just a moment with more of today's news from garza coming right on the the gray christmas is quite literally coming early this year. it's decision to move away from both adults calendar to one of their lines with much of the rest of the world meant christmas day itself being brought forward to december the 25th. for the 1st time, the children have been lining up to meet nicholas in person. the original santa claus says the most common christmas wishy here's is for peace. christmas shows the combined festive themes with a big serving of traditional ukrainian culture. offer an escape. if i leave briefly
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from the realities of 2 years of full scale will, as with last year, they'll be no large scale events or fast jamal christmas because of the war. most ukrainian will be celebrating the holidays on a different day to most questions. it's beginning to look a lot like a western style, christmas and honest, settled tact upfront takes on the big issue. that is a context to what is happening now. it says it's cool thanks. question or professional about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous, the bank that he added to today is that another thing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into gauze or without us your permission. nothing leads about that. without the girls permission to allow me to push back for a moment, demanding and fees, fire demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. without 0, i'm charles guns. you want to raise the behind sides a dramatize to put cost from. i'll just here and they say, we hear from some of history's dogs notable women,
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and unconventional and extraordinary office. i am 40 that kind of coming this revolution of everyone in china, new my space. you've heard all of them power it's time you have from these and 6 of hindsight is out. know, subscribe way. if you listen to pope cas of the guns is alexa, hospitalized over whelmed with casualties. this is really strikes target civilians in the sense that on the south of a strip the canary full. so this is out just a life from the also coming up is winter sets in many palestinians in gauze as to a body of refuge account of phasing listening conditions. we'll have a report will shuttle diplomacy. the us actually is,
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