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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 6, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, the u. n. c, monetary and she says, months of is rarely a tax on the gaza strip, is rented the territory uninhabited, the carry johnson, this is, i'll just say or not, since i also coming. because as all x,
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the hospital is overwhelmed with the casualties as it's ready as strikes, target civilians center and south of the st. louis shuttle diplomacy. us tech, a few states are rising to a kia, easy tensions. and in between the tents. confrontations in the occupied westberg is very forces class with protestant, instituting and nothing nights of rings. the is where the strikes have struck the southern regions of con eunice and rafa as well as the central gaza. these really only says it's heads more than $100.00 targets in the strip of the past 24 hours. the protestant in health ministry and so forth, $162.00, that's in the same period. you enter monetary and she says, month somebody's venue from albany, and bottle is between a mass spots is and is there any forces is made to treat simply uninhabitable?
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boston griffith says protestant ends in gauze are a witnessing of dirty threats to the very existence of well watches on. and the also says the come out of town community has been left with the impossible mission of supporting more than 2000000 people, even as its own stock being killed, displaced martin griffith the under secretary general for humanitarian affairs. he says the 3 months since the horrific attacks of october 7 garza has become a place of death and despair. he said the humanitarian community has been left with the impossible mission of supporting more than 2000000 people, even as its own steps are being killed in this place. as communication blackouts continue, as roads are damaged, and convoys shut out then as commercial supplies vital to the survival of people, there are almost nonexistent winds. warning comes as gauze as an ox. the hospice
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was overwhelmed with casualties for the monks reports. now another compartment begins. several last strikes in swift succession. the target sites off the site in con eunice boss, clouds of smoke the now familiar, but still frightening sites across garza. the weather was human and you know, sometimes the bloss, it's the blog crate has other times shuts at homes. the only result the damage often appears beyond measure local survivors. theme beyond shock. the rescue is operate with little safety
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but that bravery is also beyond doubt. the carpets act of stretches attracted as ambulances. there were a few of the options to transport the dead. those close to a carried into central guns as acts of hospital. i'm going to use evidence on arrival space. a young child hold into the housing the his mother knew the same. hospitals exit. people pray for those. you've already passed away. that's made up within john greeves but his sister, brother, and wife, his son, yusef, age date and 12 year old daughter in john this moment is private. the document says a message publicly, sorry. as an all the men, as it, me size, weighing tons are being dropped on homes,
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children and women. would you accept this for your own children and women? alongside the grief he expresses and go to the what he calls the west, particularly the us from and britain, libya the almost that i e. and before those supporting israel with miss hawes, an aircraft carriers, those supporting israel and sending their generals to help with plans. who are you planning against? we are on our people, civilians. we have nothing that village, jay, but among the bonus and the missouri some show a surprising in the strange. hi, not none of the coming back and lemme can type it in most. we've moved from one spot to another because we're afraid of this out. everyone's afraid for the kids, but we're not leaving outlined. even when that will stops and we find out homes destroyed. we will erect tents until gold sends us out for the children here. no help came now the left with only more,
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pres the months i'll just say to the more than 22600 people had been killed in gaza since the war began. eric assume as the latest from rafa in the south of history. most strikes and moved back to its full from the palestinian sites. as in the day begins at today where the use really made it tree, had round up the tax on the southern parts of garza. and this is a be situation also a, during the last couple of days, were unrelenting. a circle of destruction and devastation took place in hon. you in a city for 12 palestinians today have to report that killed as we have been also during the last hour, contacting a number of our colleagues. and i'm also our hospital wondering about the situation that had been informing us that they have been listening and hearing on getting shilling by the usability opportunity. amen. ongoing, quite hopes of fires that had been opened against residents and also residential
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buildings in the central areas of community. and the question is that life would be also uninhabitable of to if the were ended and people returned back again to the house as at the spot regarding all the destruction that had been carried out against the civil infrastructure of the for people will take he has to rebuild what had been destroyed, but right now they're focusing on surviving on pertaining main essential items for living. despite the, the very limited to humanitarian access to the 2 or 3. and the ongoing is very bombardment that also prevent and crippled the process of 8 distributions inside garza especially for the middle and for also the another and part of the territory of correspondence and how dre has been speaking with displaced protest, dns, who's been taking shelter of the aisle exit hospital in the, on the law in central garza, the situation is a very crowd just as you see, this is not only a hospitality, it's also
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a refuge for thousands of people. some people put their sense and some people have said that the action is to be on the ground. let's look and see what people are doing. like can you imagine living a place where it's constantly bringing in faces, injuries, and killings. and we are talking about thousands of lives here. and with all of these tragedies every single day. also we're seeing people uh, sending stuff like, uh, many supermarkets in on the street. and there we can also see a barber months guessing issue. so to this hospital became a house for hundreds of thousands of a distaste. allison use and it's getting very crowded and people do not know where to go. we have been seeing her fix, sees of people in the trucks putting up all of their at my sons or their pillows and their clothes,
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trying to flee from the central area of the central area is the cause of the trip as they are taking other seats streets to, to fluff, but at the same time is very crowded and there's no what's your name? where will you just place from? motivated me is a new from brace count. i move to new sarah then why they then to alexa hospital. oh, yeah. and when, and why did you move those that have a live we left at nighttime under the strikes missiles, shells shooting and flares. and what have you? we have young children, the oldest of them isn't the 1st grade. i carried the child and ran into the street . that's why i left home. has you feel the lock so hospital is the right place while i'm at the no place and got a suitable? not does not, not a rough on, nor dare, nowhere at all. where should we go? we are old dying getting killed around each other. but we run from one place to another out of fear for our children,
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not out of fear for myself. as far as i'm concerned, i would stay put. i wouldn't leave home. i wouldn't even think about it. what's the worst that could happen? we would die. so be it. and god will forgive us all the people of guys out all these people you see around you. darrow forgiven that a single one should be sent to help. all of them will enter paradise. i swear to you the coupon. how would you describe the situation? it locks the hospital. this horrible displacement means you can't go to the toilet . i don't have to wait for 5 hours to go to the toilet, that's the life of a displaced person. the displaced person lacks dignity wherever they go. no, with respect to the displace person. this is probably better than being displaced. and no one would choose being displaced. people are displaced because of what is happening, malnutrition, and disease in gaza, or a deadly thread for more than 1000000 children. that's according to the united nations children's fun. in any reports on friday, unicef describe life in gaza as
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a nightmare for children. it says ongoing hostilities for hygiene and flimsy shelters are all threatening lives. the fund reports, the number of cases of rearing children has increased almost 50 percent in just one week. almost tens of thousands of children died in gaza since october, the 7th us secretary state antony blinking has arrived and took care on the 1st leg over yet another diplomatic tourism at least then can that will be looking to ease rising tensions across the region. this is his 1st visit to the middle east since the war began. the sound of the joins us not from occupied is true. so it's a honda us. i can just stay and see if they can end the reason again, as long as it's be a lot to on the agenda with his savings and meetings. a lot to discuss with his is really counterparts as the us secretary of state and makes
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his way back to the middle east to discuss the war on gaza. now on the agenda, there will be items that the americans have been putting pressure on these really is to do better at one of those is increasing the level of fighting to a more targeted approach. given the high death toll we have been seeing in garza, we're nearing 23000 palestinians killed something else. the americans have constantly been quite firm with. is that not enough to monetary n a is going into gaza and the u. one has said the famine is just around the corner, but the us secretary of state will also discuss ongoing matters in the occupied west bank when it comes to rising settler violence. and is really military raids that have killed $326.00 palestinians since october, the 7th. but he's also going to discuss with these really is what their plans are for after the war. and these really still amongst themselves, haven't had any sort of consensus or discussions about this. and in fact,
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when they were supposed to discuss it, there was just fighting in the extended war and security cabinet. but the main focal point for these really society in this visit is the issue of the captive will . these really is. busy go back to negotiating table with more concessions to offer to the palestinians when it comes to prisoner release. when it comes to how many weeks or months perhaps of a cease fire of for the pause in the fighting. and remember, there are 6 families who are currently visiting cardboard to meet with the us ambassador, support the and as well as what the prime minister to try and talk to them about restarting these negotiations to get their loved ones back. these really subset the military force is the only way to get the captives back. but remember, the category is the objections that are daniels at all. been involved in the as negotiations and discussions to try and help bring the captives out of dobbs up. so
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there's going to be a lot for the us secretary of state to discuss, especially when it comes to how israel is prosecuting the war on gaza. and have the more strikes in southern lebanon by is ready for us is what's the latest you can tell us about? that is really army has said that on friday evening they struck his beloved command facility with several different airstrikes, all wild tanks and artillery show others his bullet positions on the southern border of 11 on. now we also know that throughout the day there were 2 different barrages of rockets coming from southern lebanon towards the northern is really city of, to the actual on it. now these really is have said repeatedly that they don't want some sort of larger conflict. a rough thing was loving on. however, israel's defense minister just today has said that the time for diplomatic measures between israel and his butler is running out. these really are hoping to solve it
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with some sort of diplomatic solution on paper. what that window is closing. all of this comes out of his bowl as leader. how son must i last spoke for the 2nd time in under a week saying that there will be some sort of response to the assassination a fall or how i rudy. i have mass leader in the lebanese capital available, but remember, these really still haven't taken responsibility for that, but as no sort of looked at a decision has been made. and the response is imminent. having decided occupied the easters. so for us, the thank you. it is ready for us is a carrying outrage and at least 7 cities across the occupies westbank. these varies have been sensing and almost vehicles and patrols reports of protest against using improvised explosive devices. in response, confrontations have been reported in at least one location to show that a refugee camp north of occupied east jerusalem was what i had someone else has era
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. and you report reveals a search and the growth of the legal supplements and occupied westbank since the guns that began under the ocean of trouble rising sea level stretching sacred sides finance cards. the, i'm counting the cost, the world is drowning in the rec, what amount of debt concentrated in developing countries for nations and being forced to service the liabilities instead of providing for that people use the plane for the delay in debt relief efforts to the costs on al jazeera, hard hitting into buildings as a un ambassador position given to you by, well, does have both. you've described that is better than is that at any of the thoughts provided. hang on my question to you. all. the good coups i think,
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is the most difficult question. i've had to answer facing realities. usb, too. in the security council, this is, it may just something book is a problem to exit or to hear the story on told to how does era the tiles of light scorched fine for you? real quick accounts rising from beneath the rubble of desperate stories salvaged on the high seas, brought to the ground breaking sounds from award winning film. the watch. listen witness. on al jazeera, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the orthodontist here remind me of the headlines you and to monetary. and she says, months of is rarely a tax on the goal is a strip of rented the temperature uninhabitable units testers describing life in gauze as a nightmare for children's nutrition and ongoing facilities even more is rarely as strikes on the central and southern concepts. the 16 people were killed and types and con units within 22 and a half 1000 tons of students have been killed in the past 3 months. almost for my children, us secretary of state antony blinking. those are wanting to hear 1st like a we have another diplomatic towards the middle east. they can and will be looking to east rising tensions this. this is the 1st visit to the region. this is the one gone. so we can write this report for one is ready as like
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a sequence piece now says a significant increase in illegal settlement activities in the occupies westbank. since the war and gods have begun. that funding show that construction has begun in the record number 9, you outposts over the past 3 months. they've also been 18 you illegal votes. pay of the authorized by section is and it's also detailed a search in the fencing off and construction of outpaced on privacy and palestinian mand. this was about the to use dental site, the sure the palestinian national initiative. he says the search and especially right typically in the occupied westbank is section within israel at the very highest level. there is the government is run by settlers. and because the settlers, nothing about sessions. if you speak about the big viewed or small threshold, others, nothing you know is joining the club and the they are allowing them
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a lot of incentives to, to expand in the space they are allowing them to confiscate more palestinian land to create motor settlement. illegal outposts and then of the funding of the smoke, this is the finance minister who's there and i'm displaying them for with unlimited resources. and meanwhile, the preventing any publish thing in the building. anything? no, no less than 60 percent of the rest of back. that there's the so called area see what you see here is a process of the zation of the west bank. and what does that clear and we'll fix it, goes to back. but that is combined also with a huge amount of destruction in one community which was uh, north sham scan. but that is happening in every way and the rest of back. and janine and the boss and so many other places and reality since the 7th of october, every settler ebony is the soldier and every policeman seems to have the green
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light to foot and could have brought us to use. they have the strong feeling of total immunity and that they can't do anything for ballasting is whenever they want . and in any way they wish us. on staying in the occupied westbank residence, the cleaning up often is ray ray that lost it more than 40 hours. one of the longest and recent times, tens of thousands of protestants were locked down and housing buildings destroyed. as these ready ministry search for individuals, it set to a link to to an alms group, and the shrubs refugee camp. but it's smith reports for more than 40 hours, he's really soldiers went to house to house, looking for suspects, leaving a trail of destruction behind them. this happens every day in the occupied westbank, but looking down tens of thousands of people in the homes with nearly 2 days is unusual quantity. the sun can look them over my soul cartons of cigarettes and the
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money i need to pay. the rest of them have they really trust the store? the this gold stuff they have or destroyed is that article that destroyed the destroyed us the model of the model, the model. and then some soldiers have time to graffiti bowls with slogans from the west jerusalem football club, notorious for its fall right um to our farm base resident say these riley's were looking for a round a dozen scientists from the north shelves brigade its leader said after the raid these riley's didn't find who they were looking for, and even if one of them is assassinated, others will take the place. during the rage, these really military deliberately destroys homes and buildings and picks up roads . its collective punishment been had on hand of gold, they burned and destroyed the streets and tore down the door. here more than 30 soldiers came into my house and on the roof as well. they put us all in one room
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and into a gated us 40 hours later, these riley military with his pull. those isn't on the vehicles pulled out of new oceans, but they have them finished business here. and they will come back. burnett smith, alger 0 in the occupied westbank, the other these value as present. joe biden is kicked off his re election. come with a blistering attack on donald trump. the man who looks likely to be his challenge and the election late to this year by didn't describe the former president has a threats to democracy. his speech comes just a day before the 3rd anniversary of the capitol hill, riots when trump supports is run, sacked, the building. as of now trump is the front runner for the republican nomination. trump, you get
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a 2024 campaign by glorifying the fail while is directions instruction that are on our cap. the guy claims law and order shows lawlessness additional trumps. not concerned about your future. i promise you trump is now promising a full scale campaign of revenge and retribution his words. meanwhile, the us supreme court has announced it will consider trumps of to colorado state routing. the bought from the republican primary product that was states topical disqualified the former president. last month. so i think his role in the 2021 capitol hill right trump lawyers are appealing a similar baton in the state of maine. federal supreme court justices haven't knowledge. they'll need to reach a decision before primaries begin the the long time ahead of the americas most powerful gone low because the national rifle association is resigning. wayne
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lapierre is about to face a civil trial. the negation c diverted millions of dollars from that and are ready to pay for personal expenses. 74 year old is also a to use of setting himself up for that $17000000.00 exit package with a n. all right. if he was to leave organization, the trial in new york is due to stop on monday. oh, ancient tempos on the east coast of thailand or tutoring on the brink of being swallowed up by encroaching seas, local communities of battling to build back to the defenses against rising tides. unimed stream, whether fueled by climate change, tourney chang reports from the satellite account. the capital bank a month tries in vain to push back flood waters. this is now an annual occurrence
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in many areas alone, thailand, coast rising sea levels. storms and heavy rain full growing impact, global climate change. even at this temple, 50 kilometers in then rising sea levels of having a devastating impact. 400 year old murals on the 10 pools depicting the 10 reincarnations put out here with that about the app. it says they've deteriorated rapidly in recent years and with because of salt water seeping in through the foundation was 2001 and soon they may be gone and they come to me or it was something partially restored. last year we got a small budget from the department to find out it was in that house if there was no restoration or how many cement would look like what we see outside of decaying away . even though i am good with all the videos and all for the pots, the culprits, the canal, the rooms outside the temple, 20 years ago. this was fresh water. now salt water comes with the high tide on the
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coast. and now the temple under threats from the rising seas 20 years ago, a thriving community, lived around it. now, while the remains, the telegraph poles that run alone was the main road. this temple on the coast is almost lost, the battle against rising sea levels. today the entrance here 20 years ago was all the way down the one and a half meters below where i am now. company gets up in woodson, i grew up here with the rest of his community. he had to flee inland and he shows me the damage the so corrosion is done to the temples and the i and structure inside and keep in mind. but local people say they're not going to abandon what remains. the community like the, the bank on we chose to protect his capital, despite the fact that it's more expensive than building a new one. this building has sent a mental value and historical value. and it's
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a monument to the environment that shows the coastal erosion that happened in this community. now the months are working hard to undo the damage of the corrosion and build best of barricades against the waves. and the battle against climate change place is one thing. but it also involves a lot of hardware. tony chang summit for comp time. if i'm on use and analysis on our website analysis era dot com audio devices. the weather is next then inside story looks a head to binds with us just general election on sunday. the the hello, we have have folks concerns across the central and south west and positive china recently. i think as we go through the next couple of days, i should a slightly,
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we have go quite whether you see the slight kinds of bias here. why the spice? nice. a positive, very light wins. hands that 4 different story. up towards japan, we got an area of light pressure bringing rain sleet, add snow technique to west and pump south dependents. no, ever to northern areas as we go through the next couple of days and it will continue to drive its way off of east with most every to west in japan for sunday, behind that the korean peninsula, january twice on the cold. so i minus 3, the top temperature, and so the type of just folding a way to beijing struggling to get to freezing that we go with our next area of rain which will grassy push straight. hopefully, that will help to clear the somewhat as we go through to the costs of next week. so i'm trying to sure i was continue. meanwhile, the cost of good parts of the philippine southern everything, some live you still understand was there with the board of the usual seasonal range across much of south east. as a boy out of a heavy down to was the light peninsula adding to the good part of sinatra still some heavy right in the full cost of cost, southern areas of india, maybe the chat to into swank show was do cross the play before continues the
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northwest package them of the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is the context to what is happening now. it says a question about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous the bank that he added to 2 days that another thing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into gauze and without us of permission, nothing leaves god without the girl's permission. allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. what alger there is bangladesh when a path to a one part to boom, the governing lemonade is likely to another tongue in sundays election. and they know position is portraits and got to using the government of tracking down. what is why was so what will this vote mean for the country?
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this is inside story.


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