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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 6, 2024 4:00am-4:31am AST

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siren without 0. the government challenges here with the, the u. n. c, monetary and shape says, months of is rarely a tax on the gaza strip is rented the territory uninhabited, the caring toast. this is i'll just say or not from also in the front most shuttle diplomacy, us secretary of state to rise into to the aim of easing tensions. at least
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the few, no water, no electricity, we have from people struggling to suffice southern guns, tense confrontations, unoccupied westbank squarely forces class with the tennis tenants. during the nothing nights of rain, the is ready as strikes. so struck the southern regions of con eunice. and rafa is what a central gauze that these very army says. it's hit to more than $100.00 targets in the strip over the past 24 hours. posting and health industry has reported 162 deaths in the same period. you enter monetary and chief says, month soap is very bombardments, and baffles between have mass fights isn't just very forces is made. the territories simply uninhabitable. mountain griffith says that palestinians in gauze are witnessing daily threats to the very existence of the world,
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what she's on your site. it says the humanitarian community has been left with the impossible mission of supporting more than 2000000 people. even is its own stuff. and being killed and displaced the martin griffiths, the under secretary general for humanitarian affairs. she says the 3 months since the horrific effects of october 7th gazda has become a place of death and despair. she said that humanity area and community has been left with the impossible mission of supporting more than 2000000 people, even as its own stuff or being killed in this place. as communication blackouts continue, as roads are damaged and convoys that shot out then as commercial supplies vital to the survival of people, there are almost nonexistent. new ends warning comes as goss us out x to hospitalized, overwhelmed with casualties. but amongst reports another
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form budman begins several s strikes in swift succession. the target site off the site in con eunice bos. clouds of smoke the now familiar but still frightening sites across garza, the but it was human and you know, sometimes the bloss sleep lodge crate is all the times shifted homes. the only results the damage often appears beyond measure. local survivors theme beyond shock. the rescue is operate with little safety but that bravery is also beyond doubt. carpets act of stretches. tract is ambulances. there are
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a few other options to transport the dead. those close to a carried into central gauze is act. so hospital the hi going to use evidence once the arrivals faith, the young child hold into the housing the his mother knew the same. hospitals exit. people pray for those you've already passed away that's made up within john greeves, but his sister, brother, and wife, his son yusef, age they and 12 year old daughter in john this moment is private. the document says a message publicly, sorry. as an outlaw, the men as it besides waiting tons are being dropped on homes, children and women. would you accept this for your own children and women?
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alongside the grief he expresses and go to the what he calls the west, particularly the us from and britain, libya the almost that i e. and before those supporting israel with miss hawes, an aircraft carriers, those supporting israel and sending their generals to help with plans. who are you planning against? we are on our people, civilians, we have nothing that village j. but among the bonus and the missouri, some show a surprising in the strange hi, not none of the coming back. and lemme can type it in most. we've moved from one spot to another because we're afraid of this up. everyone's afraid for the kids. we're not leaving outlined, even when that will stops and we find out homes destroyed. we will erect tents into gold. sends us out for the children here. no help came. now they left with only more, pres, the months i'll just at a more than 22600 people had been killed in gauze since the war
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began. power can assume as the latest from rafa in the south district, the most strikes unmoved victims for from the palestinian sites. as in the day begins today. where are these very men at 3 heads round up the tax on the southern parts of garza. and this is a situation also a, during the last couple of days where unrelenting, a circle of destruction and devastation took place in hon. you in a city for 12 palestinians today have to report that killed as we have been also during the last hour, contacting a number of our colleagues. and i'm also hospital wondering about the situation that had been informing us that they have been listening and tearing on getting shilling by the usability. to re add the ongoing clot, cope's fires that had been opened against residents and also residential buildings in the central areas of community. and the question is that life would be also uninhabitable of to if the were ended on people written back again to the house as
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at the spot regarding all the destruction that had been carried out against the civil infrastructure of the for people will take years to rebuild what had been destroyed, but right now they're focusing on surviving and pertaining maintenance, central items for living, despite the, the very limited to humanitarian access to the territory. i'm, it's ongoing is very bottom and also prevent on cripple the process of 8 distributions inside garza, especially for the middle and for also the another imposter of the territory of correspond to the hen house where he has been speaking with displaced palestinians who been taking shells without ex the hospital and although the essential gods in this situation is a very crowd, just as you see, this is not only a hospitality, it's also a refuge for thousands of people. some people put their heads and some people are actually on the ground and see what people are doing. like can you imagine living
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a place where it's constantly bringing in faces, injuries, and killings. and we are talking about thousands of lives here. and with this, all of these tragedies every single day. also we're seeing people uh, sending stuff like a mini supermarket in on the street. and there we can also see a barber months guessing issue. so this hospital became a house for hundreds of thousands of a distaste. allison use and it's getting very crowded and people do not know where to go. we have been seeing her fix, sees of people in the trucks putting up all of their at my sons or their pillows and their clothes, trying to sleep from the central area of the central area is the cause of ship and
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they are taking other seats streets to to fluff, but at the same time is very crowded and there's no what's your name? wherever you just place from motivated me is a new from brace count. i move to new sarah then so why they then to alexa hospital . oh, yeah. and when, and why did you move those that have a live we left at nighttime under the strikes missiles, shells shooting and flares. and what have you? we have young children, the oldest of them isn't the 1st grade. i carried the child and ran into the street . that's why i left home. has you feel that i'll ok so hospital is the right place while i'm at the no place and got a suitable? not does that not a rough or nor dare, nowhere at all. where should we go? we are old dying getting killed around each other men. oh i have said we run from one place to another out of fear for our children, not out of fear for myself. as far as i'm concerned, i would stay put. i wouldn't leave home,
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i wouldn't even think about it. what's the worst that could happen? we would die. so be it. and god will forgive us all the people of guys out all these people you see around you. darrow forgiven that a single one should be sent to help. all of them will enter paradise. i swear to you the coupon. how would you describe the situation? it locks the hospital. this horrible displacement means you can't go to the toilet . have to wait for 5 hours. to go to the toilet motors, that's the life of a displaced person. a displaced person lacks dignity wherever they go. no one respects a displaced person. that is probably better than being displaced. and no one would choose being displaced. people are displaced because of what is happening. malnutrition and disease in gus are a deadly threats for more than 1000000 children. that's the quoted so united nations children's funds and a new report on friday. unicef describe life in gaza as a nightmare for children. it says ongoing hostilities, poor hygiene in frenzy shelters are all threatening lines. the funds reports the
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number of cases of dire rearing children has increased almost 50 percent in just one week. almost $10000.00 children have died in gaza since october the 2nd with us to a trickle of humanitarian aid coming in and most infrastructure destroyed. cooking has become a daily struggle. some people have resorted to setting up make sure stones on top of piles of rubble in order to survive. hello, my name is son abdulla. i'm a displaced palace video from giovanni. what we're doing here is just one element of our tragedy and the suffering that we've been in during, throughout the war against our people. as you can see, we're trying to cook, but we don't even have the basic things. we're just surviving. so many of us up, right? we don't have fuel electricity, we have displaced. we don't even have drinking water for our children. this isn't a suitable place to live and we lights up
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a fire with whatever we can. and sometimes we try and make soup with lentils or beans. that's all that's available sometimes. and what we do find is 10 times more expensive. now. for example, we used to be able to buy for 2 shackles. now we buy for 12 or 15 check. i think those loud as you can see, we're making our own bread here. this isn't easy, very tough to live like this. and as you can see, we're just trying to so life is ready for us is our carry out rates and at least 7 cities across the occupies westbank is where it is. have been sending an homage vehicles in patrols. there are reports of palestinians using improvised explosive devices in response. confrontations have been reported and at least one location to swap out the refugee county north of occupied east jerusalem us. so i could just stay on see blank and has arrived into cuba on the 1st like of yet another diplomatic tour of the middle east been kind of will be looking to ease rising
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tensions across the region. he's told them at least 4 times since the war began. well, during this trip on top of me, things shuttled in israel and in ramada and the multiply westbank. lincoln is also expected in the united arab emirates, jordan, cattle, saudi arabia and egypt. kimberly how could, has more from the whitehouse, the secretary of state antony blinkin being sent to the middle east. capitals, as well as israel and the occupied west back president joe biden, sending him because of fears that the escalating pensions in the region could broaden into a wider regional war. the concern, but the escalation in the red sea as a result of attacks by whose these on commercial shipping vessels and the retaliation by the united states. and also the recent attack on a senior,
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hamas leader and his aides and the attribution of responsibility assigned to israel by both hamas and hezbollah could in turn lead to a broader regional war. the united states trying to calm the rhetoric stem the violence in the hopes that there could be a peaceful solution. also there is the issue of trying to discuss polls governance and what that looks like once a israel's war on gaza is over. there is the idea of a revitalized palestinian authority something but the united states sees as a good option, but there is pushed back in the eyes of israel as well. the rising number of palestinian casualties. $22000.00 and counting the year is still international outcry. the united states pushing israel to be more precise and surgical in their tactics going after high value targets. still,
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this is something that the united states wants to curve and they are working hard to get is real, to comply. kimberly healthcare alger 0, the white house or all sorts susan is or are a forcing a record numbers of military casualties. as the army in gauges must find to is in the ground defensive in gaza. is rose rehabilitation authority estimates that more than $12000.00 soldiers will suffer physical disabilities this year as a result of injuries on the battlefield. so our heart has this report from tennessee to the seemingly mundane is now a challenge with the help of an us and crutches, jonathan ben, how much was able to work smoothly. these ray, the soldier describes how the bolt is that he was driving in the cause of strip, was hit by a grenade. 6 days later, he found himself in a hospital bed back and is ro, doesn't make me feel
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a little bit with him. i woke up from surgery and looked at my mom was said, you'll be strong, we love you, the amputated your legacy. i thought, yes, i didn't know that because i really felt unfair. but then i lifted the blanket and thought to see they cut it off and i think commitments like us, do they get a little that the moment israel's rehabilitation authority estimates that the 12500 soldiers will be disabled this year, a much higher number than previously estimated the number of his ready soldiers and rehab has passed the official figure of those injured in the guards are offensive with rehab centers. overwhelmed with the new admissions? the conference with the main doors between no and method before, but the amount is higher, you know it's, it's even if i can pay for the last defense, the amount of the interest people, as i said, not less 20, you've even to have other work or something this or it's much higher, the defense ministry says it's working to meet those needs by costing red tape and
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hiring more employees to deal with injuries, including disabilities. as a result of the, we'll talk to is worry that it's still not enough for the health care system not prepared for the number of injuries or long term casts of physical and mental disabilities, including p t s. d, which can often take a while to diagnose these really minute tree has shifted its focus towards the south, is the goal is a strip where it faces up in grid. a will say more hand to hand combat to a high likelihood of seeing more tests. and injuries amongst its troops, the ideas and these were already because of the choice is rarely determined to win before the end, the, when the political decision that it wasn't go sticking to going to all these things were eh, take it, or taking it into account. the other way,
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but to defeat the military capabilities of from us, the majority of his riley supported the war and gaza despite knowing that is ro, is already paying a high price. with many believing that they have no other choice fox since in new financing. so to white, it's all just 0 tend to be coming up off to the break. funerals are held in the wrong off to one of its west texans decades. i. so as kind of responsibility the, the weather brought to you by visit capital i how i, we've got the storm clouds gathering across us at the moment, the area or of the bottom where the pushing across into central and southern policies, every flight pressure. that's going to make its way further east was and push up
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towards the northeast corner. bringing the fest though full, significant snow full for the past 2 years or so into that northeast corner is a certainly want to watch and it does look a little lively. i have of the mixed outside this area of high pressure that gets east as of the way that is that right? pushing rod across the deep south. see some heavy rain here recently. it's like flooding still it concerned definitely. saturday. i kind of right move really quickly up the eastern seaboard. there's a snow gathering just around pennsylvania pushing into the northeast and cool. and you're really going to notice that difference as we go one through sunday with significant snow for right the way into new england quad. so scars come back into high and into central areas. there is a snow still continues to spill off the rockies a little has stepped up towards the pacific northwest, but not too bad. not too bad across central america and the caribbean. bouncy, dry finance. tiny, lots of tropical sunshine coming for the most part. we're not going to see in a bit of what, whether it's a northern parts of the region from that trading weather system. but as you can see
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into central america and for the odyssey of the caravan is supposed to be fine and sunny. the weather brought to you by visit castle and on several times upfront takes on the big issue. that is the context to what is happening now . it is as cool thanks. question, profession and unflinching questions. rigorous, the bank that he added to today is that another link is taking place. augusta, nothing goes into gauze or without us, we'll permit, and nothing leaves casa without result. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. without the the
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truck and back our minds over headlines. now you enter monetary and shapes as month . so it is very of the tax and the goal is a strip of rented the territory uninhabitable unit surface describing life in gaza as a nightmare for children malnutrition, to see on the ongoing facilities. you are secretary state antony blinking has arrived in touch here on the 1st like to get another diplomatic tour of them. at least this is his 1st visit to the cost of living more is rarely asked strikes on the central and southern guns. at least 16 people were killed and the taxes on 22800000 kind of student was killed in the past 3 months. on top of that, all children the funeral has taken place in almost the west of con. eunice for civilians killed and as well as from above and the victims were mostly chosen of 2 palestinians comedies were seeking refuge. a designated safe as a officers is now
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a ma was that of warning. his report contains distressing images of the morning and gaza shows the aftermath of the massacre, the israeli army committed against the top and was the last families in all my wasi . this, do you have to sell a family's house was targeted. 14 civilians who sought refuge there were killed. the top family had left their homes in search of safety, taking shelter with the apple. so la family and con eunice one minute. and the alma was the area had been designated a safe soon by the israeli army urging civilians, particularly those in the east and central regions to evacuate their homes because of the air strikes. however, after they moved here, 14 of them were killed including 9 children, letting me in talking to myself motion sensor, we was sleeping and it was nearly 12 o'clock. there's an area between elmo wasi and
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our beloved the tents mattresses and not long tops. suddenly a pal fornia struck, shook us awake. we found a deep crisis. the destruction of some tints, along with numerous casualties. among them were approximately 11 or 12 members of the hot tub family. they were instructed to evacuate their initial residences and so refuge on agricultural land and attempts to escape the cold. they became the target of an ass strike. what's the threat to these innocent children post to israel and the united states? a bar dummy when they had a morning and evening stained with blood in the gaza strip. with each sunrise, a large number of casualties is discovered, especially children of upfront costs of the palestinians. here, particularly the grieving families, are preparing for the funeral. may god help us, we belong to gold,
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and to him we shall return. gold is sufficient for us. as the bodies are prepared by the workers of the all necessary medical complex, more, the atmosphere is one of sorrow and anger. anger at the massacre committed by the israeli army and the daily atrocities it continues to perpetrate. a rainy and state media says 11 people have been arrested in connection with the wednesday suicide for me, but killed at least 189 people in southeastern iran. preston taber, him right. you see, i promised to respond to the attacks which i saw a claims responsibility on a hash and reports from the capital, tyrone they are gone forever to suicide bombers. change the face of the 100 people who are being carried to the find those resting place on wednesdays. attacks happened at the ceremony. it came on to remember the us as a data generally processing
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a many uranium president debris. but i, you see, address the crowd to gather all the time about the enemy is witnessing our power. all the world is feeling our power, our forces have the initiative, time and location goal. fully sub arrested, several people in different brothers, this across the law. but despite i so claiming responsibility for the attack, uranium officials, i've shown the skepticism to work the announcement from is retaliation back. so these killings are a reflection of defeats that the organ powers have suffered over the past few years . for the grace of god, the revenge of these killings will be taken. but i would like to say that already the revenge has happened in government wants to provide people with some as such as the region faces re, challenges is an exception. therefore, it's been looking into the details of the attack and what the response i think you
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should see all of them, you know, under, under one unique umbrella which is trying to this civilize this region. iran is located in this region. so security of the region safety region is going to build the benefits of uranium. why you on to run this practicing sort of a strategy. patients in the past with the bombing, you might have shocked many radians. it's one of the worst attacks iran has seen in recent years. at the tide security measures here reflect the amount of precaution, the governments. they can to prevent that all the possible attack. and they actually measure 0. that all the the us present joe biden has kicked off his re election
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campaign with a blistering attack on donald trump. the man who looks likely to be his challenge in the election. they to the see it by them. describe the former president as a threat to democracy. his speech comes just a day before the 3rd anniversary of the capitol hill, riots and trump supports has run side. the building propaganda is 2024 campaign by glorifying the fail while is directions instruction that are on our cap. the geico claims law and order shows lawlessness additional trumps. not concerned about your future. i promise you. trump is now promising a full scale campaign of revenge and retribution his words while speaking as his own campaign event into the us state of iowa, trump criticize the president's economic conform purposes. good, good, jo is staging, is pathetic. fremont green campaign event in pennsylvania today. did you say i me
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was stuttering through the whole thing is god, i bob got a, he's a threat to democracy. i'm the if you take a look at what he's doing on the border, or a full inflation or our military that horrible day in afghanistan, you look at what he's done with energy all throughout the world. we're in embarrassment as a country. we'd be coming embarrassment as a country democratic political strategist to strive her son says preserving american democracy will be a key issue in the election. as i know we're used to talking about economic policies being the most important and they will play a role here. but this selection has it as a high stakes bite for democracy. for the last 4 years, republicans have double down on taking away americans freedoms from what we could read or what kind of medical care we could seek. and deep key in the core principle that peaceful transfer power and what kind of democracy we will actually be. that
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is what joe biden highlighted for us. the contrast you highlighted for us. for the last 2 elections of 20202022. we've also found that americans have really been building on the issue, for example, a choice of women's reproductive healthcare. that has been a driving factor in democratic victories up and down the ballot. this is another key democracy and rights issue. democrats are smart to be able to put that front and center and we know that job, i'm going to be the nominee. and most democrats are lined up behind it for that. not just because, oh my gosh, we lived providing so much because we know what is at stake, or democracy or rights and the ability to govern any confident manner. those are the choices in front of us. the democrats are quite satisfied that joe biden is able to do that. meanwhile, the us supreme court has announced it will consider trumps of pay, little colorado state routing that bought him from the republican. finally thought
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that the states top quote, disqualified the former president last month sites in his role in a 2021 capitol hill right from the lawyers are handling a similar and then the state of nice us striking around that killer leader of and around by on group has increased tensions between the 2 countries, the same as rocky reports now of the job as a rocky prime minister is a balancing act between invader. turn a strategic partner, the united states and paramilitary groups, close to a rock whose support is crucial for holding power. and both dock with a balance appears to be shifting after you withdrawal strength on thursday killed a senior leader from one of the dozens of armed groups that make up your rocks. popular mobilization forces. the 2nd such attack in recent months on the rocky parent military prime minister more how much she also, donnie said, the presence of the us led coalition in iraq needs to come to an end. which is like
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if it just meant for watson on was the popular mobilization forces represent and then take real part of our armed forces.


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