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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 6, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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to these stream. yeah, i don't think that there is a fair objective, any partial of the presentation. the listening post covers how the news is cut, the bombed out buildings, laughter, neighborhoods, and now flooded streets. the un humanitarian chief, as the gaza strip, has become uninhabited. the several venue it's good to have you with us. this is elsa 0 live from don't also coming up baking bread with no electricity on piles of rubble. we hear from people struggling to survive in southern gods. more shuttle diplomacy,
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the us secretary of state arrives in turkey, a with the aim of ease intentions in the middle east. and confrontations in the occupied westbank is really forces clash with palestinians during another night of raise the so it's 5 gmc, that's 7 am in gaza. almost 3 months of is really attacks have made each day a struggle to survive with 90 percent of the population displaced in many buildings partly or completely destroyed. the you and humanitarian affairs. chief martin griffith says gaza has been rendered uninhabitable, and the humanitarian community is struggling with an impossible task of trying to support more than 2000000 people. the cause hauled them upside of whether this was hoping to meet, the entire neighborhood is destroyed. and i don't know what people will return to where it will be live, be returned to our house here and after sleeping there for only 2 or 3 nights.
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there were artillery showings, rockets, and flares. and a new report from unicef says that life in guns that has turned into a nightmare for children. 1000000 young people in gauze are facing mount nutrition, disease flimsy shelters, and ongoing bombardment also is really airstrikes have continued. overnights with a focus on southern and central gaza is really army says it's hit more than a 100. torrie gets into strip over the past 24 hours. we begin our coverage with a report from jamalia refugee camp. here as i was, was yours on a cell stories. the most pleasure the day. i mean, we have mobile now is to did a new problem for civilians. here is war and siege and testify on the gaza strip and with the rainfall. municipalities are no longer being able to operate as a result of their vehicles being destroyed by as rarely forces or button as it should be. i know, unfortunately the tragedy has the full in us. a lot of the tragedy of which we have
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one digit body, a campus been flooded as a result of the, of the flow of the, of the shade reservoir. because we lost electricity completely and we were unable to operate. generates is, we don't have solar energy. we did not have any new solar panels since the beginning of the war against the gaza strip. there is a quantity of solar panels. however, these panels are being held at the gaza strip with uni set as far as the so now we're issuing a last coal to rescue the jabante account and rescue the jabante a municipality. i'm afraid of following the destruction of the majority of vehicles . the majority of wastewater pumps and well, that's a lot of them and how did you know how we left the war here we are facing the new war. sewage was, are leaked into classrooms and flooded them, or children are suffering from disease and gastro intestinal symptoms. we are suffering from sickness. this is the situation we are living in. this is the tragedy that we are living in. our situation is dire and hold on. a said you again
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us upon how doing a phone look at our children and their payments, sewage, water, disease, trash, and the seller. we are human beings, we want peace. we want to live like the human being or something. is that a couple of 100 the do? i did have a heavy while. you don't have another the. so a new danger threatens the lives of presidents and the lives of refugees here at the shelters. because of the pulling of rain water and wastewater at the municipality cannot do its work due to the municipalities, vehicles being targeted by the occupation forces. and it's a chevy of jersey at all tremendously to our correspondent who daugherty has been speaking with displaced. palestinians have been taking shelter at the alexa hospital in darrow bella. central gas. the situation is very crow. just as you see, this is not only a hospitality, it's also a refuge for thousands of people that some people put their heads and some people
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are actually on the ground and see what people are doing. like can you imagine living a place where it's constantly bringing in faces, injuries, and killings. and we are talking about thousands of lives here. and with all of these tragedies every single day. also we're seeing people sending stuff like a mini supermarket in on the street. and there we can also see a barber months guessing issue. so to this hospital became a house for hundreds of thousands of a distaste. allison use and it's getting very crowded and people do not know where to go. we have been seeing her birth exceeds of people in trucks, putting up all of their at my sons, or their pillows and their clothes, trying to flee from the central area of the central area. and because of strep,
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as they are taking out of seed streets to, to floss, but at the same time is very crowded, and there's no what's your name? wherever you just place from models a little bit. i'm new from brace count. i moved to new sarah. then so why they then to alexa hospital. oh, yeah. and when and why did you move the lid? we left the nighttime under the strikes missiles, shells shooting and flares. and what have you. we have young children, the oldest of them is in the 1st grade. i carried the child and ran into the street . that's why i left home. has you filled it out? so hospital is the right place while i'm at the no place in guys a suitable. not guys aren't not a rough on nor dare, nowhere at all. where should we go? we are all dying getting killed around each other. but we run from one place to another out of fear for our children, not out of fear for me myself. as far as i'm concerned,
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i would stay put. i wouldn't leave home. i wouldn't even think about it. what's the worst that could happen? we would die. so be it. and god will forgive us all the people of god's out all these people you see around you. darrow forgiven that a single one should be sent to help. all of them will enter paradise. i swear to you the coupon. how would you describe the situation? it locks the hospital. this horrible displacement means you can go to the toilet. i have to wait for 5 hours to go to the toilet motors, that's the life of a displaced person. it displays person lacks dignity wherever they go to know with respect to displace person. this is probably better than being displaced. and no one would choose being displaced. people are displaced because of what is happening . with just a trickle of humanitarian aid coming in and most infrastructure destroyed. cooking has become a daily struggle. here's one example of my name is hassan abdulla. i'm a displaced palace video from giovanni. what we're doing here is just one element
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of our trustees and the suffering that we've been and during, throughout the war against the people. as you can see, we're trying to cook, but we don't even have the basic things. we're just dividing it over so many of us up, right? we don't have fuel electricity, we have displaced. we don't even have drinking water for our children. this isn't a suitable place to live and we lights up a fire with whatever we can. and sometimes we try and make soup with lentils of beans. that's all that's available sometimes. and when we do find is 10 times more expensive now, for example, what we use to be able to buy for to shackle. now we buy to 12 or 15 check. those icloud and as you can see, we're making our own bread here. this isn't easy, very tough to live like this. and as you can see, we're just trying to so over in the occupied westbank now is really forces or carrying out raids and at least 7 cities sending an armored vehicles and for trolls
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or reports of palestinians using improvise. explosive devices and response confrontations have been reported in at least one location to show us that refugee camp north of occupied east jerusalem. laura han is in occupied jerusalem. what more can you tell us at this stage about these rays more? well, this is a big crack down on defense and any full of resistance coming from here in occupied east jerusalem. and the west bank is ready payments to benjamin netanyahu has already said he's fighting a war on 7 fronts. on the west bank is one of them. so we have seen ongoing confrontations between palestinians and his right. the forces in schwab thought refugee camp, which is here, and also some one shifting to the occupied westbank in janine all the way in the north. we know that some policy and finances went to a check point and the have fired upon the checkpoint. we didn't have much more information coming from that to kalki,
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the palestinians have set up some improvise explosives as these. right. the army rages, the neighborhoods and then shooting down to novelist. it has been take to be violent at that see me in ballasa, a refugee camp just south is ready slide for positions are being set up on routes of seeing ongoing confrontations and also in the old city at we know that a person has family said that the it's radio probation rate, it's one of the printing shops of the belong to him. and then told his son that they would come to skating one of the costs and told him to drive it's $2.00 and a legal his race testament not far because they didn't want to be fined on while driving it. then in bethlehem, the reports of 3 palestinians were arrested at the school that they were brutally beaten at. now they do say this is a crackdown on any kind of finance resistance from palestinians, but we've seen too many of the towns off to the is where the army has rated on
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policy is tell us this is the form of collective punishment that know certainly they have a 90 rates, but they are coming in with all the tools that putting up the roads that run stuck in houses and destroying many of the homes that belong to prison. is that safe for $326.00 posting is having killed since october. the 7th, a more than 5000 has been arrested. laura han reporting there from occupied east jerusalem. thank you, laura. us secretary state anthony blanket has arrived in turkey, a on the 1st leg of yet another diplomatic towards the middle east blinking. we'll be looking to ease tensions across the region. this his 5th visit to the middle east since the war began. kimberly how kit has more on this from the white house, secretary of state antony blinking, being sent to the middle east. capitals, as well as israel and the occupied west back president joe biden,
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sending him because of fears that the escalating tensions in the region could broaden into a wider regional war. the concern, but the escalation in the red sea as a result of attacks by whose these on commercial shipping vessels and the retaliation by the united states. and also the recent attack on a senior, hamas leader and his aides and the attribution of responsibility assigned to israel by both hamas and hezbollah could in turn lead to a broader regional war. the united states trying to calm the rhetoric stem the violence in the hopes that there could be a peaceful solution. also there is the issue of trying to discuss polls governance and what that looks like once a israel's war on gaza is over. there is the idea of
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a revitalized palestinian authority something but the united states sees as a good option, but there is pushed back in the eyes of israel as well. the rising number of palestinian casualties. $22000.00 and counting the year is still international outcry. the united states pushing israel to be more precise and surgical in their tactics going after high value targets. still, this is something that the united states wants to curve and they are working hard to get is real, to comply. kimberly help get algebra. the white house, or is really forces have carried out 0 strikes and towns and 711 on the military release. this video, which it says shows the blasts from its fighter jets among the targets, whereas below infrastructure and a military post where those strikes took place on the same day. his beloved leader has on this route to address the country and were on hon is in
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b routes with more on the speech. this is a very details for each by this extra general, all of has the house on the throttle. a he actually told very specifically about the is really easy talking about the fact that they were hiding the numbers of that casualties of soldiers. that they were hiding, the amounts of equipment that been destroyed. let's take a closer look of what he said. now you have the same as well, so the resistance offered zip roughly 9. the videos of attacks along the front. tanks being destroyed, these tanks, exploding sometimes with soldiers sitting on top of these things. the vehicles being destroyed, tents were soldiers are sitting. and besides falling on top of them, houses were soldiers thought shelters coming under rock and fire with their, with their comrades taking a very long time to rescue them. houses are 10 speaking, bombed, targeted with, besides, and we could see with our very eyes ambulances rushing to these points. however,
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the enemy admitted nothing. i don't know off to that. he picks up with the displacement of these words. he said, these are these who have been displaced is nothing compared to the amount of displacement that the lebanese have faced over use of is really aggression. they also made an appeal to is right, the civilians who said, if you want to get a piece, i can return to your home things put pressure on your government to be able to bring and the will in goals that they also told you about the region as well, he said the killing, they're sick, i fill out a a really they sent him athlete a uh he was a day brother and friend will not go unpunished. will use the right place and right time. but the field will respond. that's a much stronger statement then we've had before. we will not remain silent about a violation of this level because this means that every violation in 11 will become
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exposed. we talked about the us, he talked about the region. he said that the america, the americans are using ices as an excuse to say, in iraq. but he also said, and this is what 3 of the right thing about the resistance. i just take a look. i listen to what he said about the axis of resistance and as they look for that one, i love as we must all put pressure from less been on from syria, from direct from young men. we must all put pressure on the meet, the real objective of all these friends is to put an end to the aggression that is going on against the guys up hello, look for the other one, although as now, finally, he summed up by saying and praising the fight is on the ground saying that they willing to die, the gold faced country and dignity and wrong cause out of their favorites. the still ahead on alpha 0, where an x or this weekend is being described by song as another step towards the
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one parties state. the or however, we got plenty of trudy sunshine across the raving peninsula at the moment temperature is struggling to get to wherever of a cool, a fresh 23 celsius. so, so here in doha quite came, when can we say, what are these logic drives about? is because it gets, it has to be set by the middle. if you do have some showers, some of them wintery and nature just running across that towards the caspian sea. they will change in conditions as we go one through s sunday. it's also some showers to into a good pots of central air is ultimate. it's right before the race las he tries, we go through saturday. is that what the weather expos across the chain? it'll make its way into west and pop ducky i want life before
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a time is it pushes for the east, which on sunday eastern area should stay dry, at least for the time being. so that same area or what level that's going to continue effecting central pulse of the med. so northern areas of algeria shanicea, most of that seems in pretty low. obviously it was quite a risk when coming out of northwest because of the region as well as we go through the next style. so i want to to show us down towards the golf game, but nothing too much to speak of and that doesn't really change any as we go through the next few days. a seasonal shell is that doing quite nicely across central parts of africa. i'm still pretty wet for medic aska rejecting decades of internal conflict. the farmers of columbia is peace communities, remain neutral on but refusing to leave their villages. i set them on a collision course with the right wing perimeter trip in an act of defiance. they
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embark on a journey to honor that the enemy's territory. a witness documentary on a jersey to the the the, the watching else was 0 reminder of our headlines this our, the un humanitarian. she says, months of is really a tax on the gaza strip have rendered the territory uninhabitable. eunice, this is describing lights and gaza as a nightmare for children due to melanie attrition disease and ongoing hostilities. there been more is really airstrikes on central and southern gaza. at least 16 people were killed in attacks on eunice, within 22 and
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a half 1000 palestinians have been killed in the past 3 months, almost half of them children. and the us sector states entities, lincoln has arrived in turkey, a on the 1st leg of yet another diplomatic towards the middle east. lincoln will be looking to ease rising tensions. this is his 5th visit to the regents of the war and does it begin us president joe biden has kicked off his re election campaign with a blistering attack on donald trump, the man who could be his challenge or in the election later this year by didn't describe the former president as a threat to democracy. his speech was made the day before the 3rd anniversary of the storming of the capitol hill, building by trump supporters. drawing henry and reports from montgomery county, pennsylvania, joe biden carefully picked the time in place for his 1st major redress of a 2024 campaign. today. i make the sacred pledge to you the defense,
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so protection preservation, american democracy remain as it has been. the central cause of my presidency all the time a day before the 3 year anniversary of the interaction in washington. he's presumed rival is charged with the meeting that is for to forcibly overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. trump exhausted every legal avenue available to him to overturn the election. everyone with the legal plan, just to trump back to the truth that i had one the election and he was a losing the place near valley forge, where george washington stroup, set up camp in the cradle of american democracy. and not coincidentally, in pennsylvania, a key swing state, it's a state pennsylvania senator john betterments says buy content and must, we're talking about really what the election is on the line to a democracy or a dictator. somebody that actually comes running really proclaimed just like i'm
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going to be a dictator and some people my dad took them seriously, but i certainly would take it seriously bite and won the state in 2020 by a single percentage port. it was near here at valley forge that in 1777, george washington set up camp. the us had declared its independence, which still had to fight for this budding democracy. that is what joe biden says, needs to happen now. the us needs to fight for democracy. today we're here to answer the most important questions is democracy still america is sacred. kos, this is button launched, his political campaign near philadelphia. trump continued his campaign in iowa, the 1st day to vote in a republican primary less than 2 weeks away. did you say i'm a threat to democracy? he's a threat to the democracy. why couldn't read the word is a threat to democracy and how bad the precious you know they do,
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they take me saying that like that. and they say truck couldn't say the word democracy, who's the president and the former president will have to 1st when their parties nomination state by state john henry and l u 0, montgomery county pennsylvania. meanwhile, the us supreme court has announced that it will consider trump's appeal of a colorado state ruling. the board him from the republican primary ballot there. the state's top cord disqualified the former president last month, citing his role in the 2021 capitol hill riot. the federal case will be heard in february and could potentially set guidelines determining how every states will treat trump bit. my can, that has more on this from washington dc. as this, as a supreme court moving at the speed of light, it's taking up this case to very short notice. clearly the justices aware of the impact that the judgment will have on the election taking place as. yeah. and of
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course the primaries leading up to that election so that you're going to be hearing r o arguments on this case on february the 8th, which is a very, very brief timeframe. indeed. now this all comes from a colorado supreme court decision, which rules that trump was guilty of insurrection, and as such, he is prohibited from holding public office in terms of the 14th amendment of the constitution. section 3 of that amendment says that anybody who sworn an oath to uphold the constitution and then attempt to conduct an insurrection against it, cannot hold the public office without a vote of 2 thirds majority in congress. it's being seldom used. however, now it is being used, it was used by the colorado supreme court. and it was also used by the main secretary of state who basically followed the arguments of the 7 colorado supreme court justices. in terms of finding that trump is in the eligible for office now comfortable. as i've said, a couple of things. first,
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leave that january. the 6th was not an insurrection. they argue. secondly, they argue that as a president or once president trump is not held by the provisions of the 14th amendment. so it's an absolutely seminal case. the long time head of the of the americas most powerful gun lobby group. the n r a national rifle association is resigning wayne lapierre is about to face a civil trial over allegations that he diverted millions of dollars from the n. r a to pay for personal expenses. the 74 year old is also accused of setting himself up with a $70000000.00 exit package. the trial in new york is due to start on monday. the motors in bangladesh will cast their ballots in a general election on sunday, but there is little doubt about the outcome. that's because the main opposition party is boycotting the vote, or joining whoa is in the capital data. jonah the day before the votes. and already
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there been reports of violence. what can you tell us? the uh yes, that's right. around 9 p. m. local time. last night, friday night repeat the police receive reports of a train, a moving train here in the capital duck got in the suburbs, set to lights apparently by awesome is full compartments burn tab, at least 4 people killed in what appears to be in a deliberate attack. including one child, the police said they've received intelligence ahead of time that acts of sabotage like that were being planned ahead of this election. and apparently random attacks perhaps designed to increase on these. i had a base vote. i'm pot off, perhaps a spite of bile and some 300 separate acts of violence recorded in just the last 2 weeks leading to the loss of a number of lives. and it will really set the scene for what he's going to be an extremely unusual election. as he mentioned that the main opposition is not even
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taking pos, insisting that the entire process will be raked. here's what to expect. there's an election happening in bangladesh, but it's of secondary importance to the estimated 2 thirds of households. worried about rising food and fuel prices and economy booming just a few years ago. he's now stagnant high inflation, coasting part by the war. and ukraine means even the middle class is struggling about already experienced us. and however, it is difficult to survive with the prices if they wanted to make changes. they could have done it before on pessimistic that anything will change the name, the election itself will make to the difference. a boy called by the opposition who say the vote will be read to book guarantees, the governing party of faith consecutive to yeah, not democratic. the game fall on only for one party and one love the so that
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we are not accept this election. we are f in for the people. a bundle of this not right, didn't don't 7th the election. thank you. much politics in bangladesh has for decades being dominated by rivals. industries that by prime minister shakes wasena and former prime minister. how did a z, a z, a is on the house, the restaurant corruption charges, she says are politically motivated and to support is being jailed and that thousands of the violent protests that began last october x. not often you see opposition, party supporters gathered openly like this and they won't be allowed to long. this is an election certainly. so there's only one political view, the cartridge here. and it isn't this. that's something the allow me league strongly refutes is 100 gold, is the part of the government is not hindering any political party from taking part in the election. those who say we are doing so their claims are bogus, they are false. all who do not see ms. tipped for
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a senior ministerial job and in the central constituency he's, he's by far the most visible face fluttering in the breeze. despite his promise of a fair election, the wind is turning in bunker dash towards a one party state. and that's shown all reporting there from the doctor. now an alliance of arm groups and min more has seized control of a key city in the north of the country. the 3 brotherhood of lines took locating after weeks of intense fighting with june to troops. the group has become the most significant threat to the military governments since it seized power in 2021. this comes out to an artillery shell from the sliding and the and mar hit the chinese border town events on, on wednesday, causing injuries to at least 5 people and prompting an immediate response from badging me. when bird is a retired us army officer and a professor at the daniel k new a asia pacific center for security studies,
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she explained to me earlier how the arm group has managed to make these significant military gaines. this is a major loss, a blow to the military who intact and is a major win for that resistance coalition forces. and it also is one more evidence of reach resistant forces reaching to the tipping point in their favor. they have control less than half of the country now, then military, i, the of the resistance coalition forces controlled majority of the country now and you know, the reason in lodi, why the word defeated is, as it relates to 3 main major reasons. first, they are not on the military was unable to get any reinforcement to the northern newmont and the 2nd.


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