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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 6, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the the the hello i, my name's side. this is the news life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. even though it is really as strikes on gulf of flatten homes. kidding. i'm wounding several people. arrest be things. is there any forces the carrying out move not me, raise across the occupied west. spike us secretary of state is in turkey
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a. it's his 1st visit to the mentally since the war ongoing as it began. and i've drilled a hole in the bottom of the car where an index or this weekend is being described by some as another step towards the one party. the we begin in gaza where the is randy, ministry is carrying out more strikes in the southern region. if the strip, a number of ended have been taken to hospitals in rough us, at least 18 palestinians have been killed in an attack in con eunice. so even though it's as well as ministry is intensifying it's operation in the south of going to an area, it has designated as a so called safe. so most of the 1900000 displaced palestinians have been taking refuge that to me. well, the u. n. c, monetary invoice is balls, it has become
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a place of death and display. mounting. griffith says the strip has become uninhabitable and is willing to for public health just last 3 months since the horrific attacks of october 7th. and does a, has become a place of this and despair. he said, the humanitarian community has been left with the impossible mission of supporting more than 2000000 people, even as its own stuff or being killed in this place. as communication blackouts continue, as roads are damaged, and convoys shut out, then as commercial supplies vital to the survival of people, there are almost nonexistent. let's go to the honey, my man who's live in rafa and southern gaza, another di warning from the un humanitarian chief. i'm going to ask you about this monetary and situation that fast. can you bring this up to date on the latest
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strikes on garza? yes, we're seeing more death and destruction than not only on residential homes that also every means of life, including public facilities and health facilities and and education facilities doc, for us, the gaza strip. but as over night i nearly hours of this morning. there was a surgeon beach, relentless air strikes, targeting more residential homes in the central area that includes all the refuse you can, is all of them being equally bombed, including and looks like it off the record. you can block one and black 2 as well as the 100 by 50, the very location where people within the past 2 weeks were told to evacuated those refugee cams and move their to seek shoulders to avoid getting bonds. but people were getting also bomb it within hours and sometimes within days of their arrivals in the very residential homes and it places that detox as a richard so far, the reports about more than 40 people arrived deluxe. the hospital is in the late hours of, of love, last night on air. the hours of this morning,
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a large number getting into the hospital event already over whelmed health facilities with an exhausted medical staff and extreme shortage of, of medical supplies. and according to the source on the ground, people are literally on the floor arrive to the hospital, but the weight on the floor of the hospital as there is no space, it's running already out of space, running out of rooms and beds, and running out of basic supplies to support, to help them at surviving. but in con eunice, where is the tragedy of a residential home in the southern, the eastern side, defendants in manada district. that's a deaf southern eastern part of finding a city where a family leads. it was about your family, it was targeted inside their residential homes, along with the displays. palestinians are from the center, the who took their so the residential home as a shoulder were killed. we're talking about 18 people, including women and children. in fact, the vast majority of those who arrived do i the gather of be in the hospital.
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that's the health facility in between the roof. a one time unit where that the where women and children, buddy team, members of one family just suggest that this 4 is indeed the genocide of because it targets entire whole families including their, their children and dropping that is increasingly becoming on safe at for the $1500000.00 displays, palestinians appear not only running out of everything but also becoming increasingly and save as more of the targets in more residential homes are being targeted almost every single day. and that is equally bomb. they compare when compared to the central area. and the northern part was seen getting tens and increase in the scale and magnitude of these a bombings in rough city. but we talked about large number of people to where critically injured them. other people who were killed right at the spot of the bombings all reported to either the gather of you in hospital or. busy on the job hospital or mid sized hospital that is barely able to,
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to treat an offer basic medical intervention. as of these conditions getting worse by the hour and honey, it appears the people who are not dying and is there any strikes and phones now dying from starvation or disease. tell us a bit more about the daily humanitarian hardship, the people that are going through a 1000000 the the conditions that created on the ground as a result of this ongoing, a war suggest that life is being increasingly becoming unbearable middle on parts of the gaza strip. is becoming uninhabitable, just given the patterns of bombings and the sheer level of destruction is when you look at this drawing give remains of life including health facilities and education facilities. people are lift with no other choice or no other options. so talks about people here are coping and they are adjusting to life to the current
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condition is largely inaccurate. what here, what's going on here? people have no other choice. no other options, just do the focus on just be insert the but it just surviving these terrible conditions. but we talk about across the board. each x stream shortage of everything else has running out of a space is running out of facilities running out of basic supplies to support 1, displace palestinian who are literally now sleeping in the streets everywhere. you go just as a brief, a drive in the, in the, in the streets and roads of revenue. we'll see people right at the sidewalk. setting up these mixture, 10 sorts made of plastic and nylons and, and to accommodate their 10 family member or 15 family member inside a small space that, that lacks the free basic and the elements that support the human existence or, or survive those in, in these conditions not only food supplies and water supplies are running out, but also in terms of medical supplies in sanitary
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a i elements an item needed for the survival of the most vulnerable groups that we, that we talk about and turn in either children or women who are either pregnant or breastfeeding or those will suffer from chronic disease and life threatening conditions. we're talking about it entirely, collapse a living conditions here, very difficult to come back. you really have to be very, very tough to wake up every morning and just go into your day. otherwise life is becoming very difficult on, on everybody at all levels. indeed, honey, i'm and no doubt for you too. thank you so much for your poor saying day and day out, honey. my mood that for us and rough uh, in southern gaza as well, much needed medical supplies have arrived at a field hospital in han, eunice, that part of the shipments and find the world health organization for full hospitals. the shortage remains critical is rarely as strikes and ground operations
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in southern galls i have left un agencies with limited access. the w h o says health centers have been continuously targeted and a 140 to you and stuff them as have been killed. the plan for the site that's being set up by law is to bring maybe 100 to 200 patients from an author medical complex here to recover with clean conditions and good care. so it will decompress the hospital, relieve the pressure on the hospital. we're here with an emergency medical team looking at how an international emergency medical team could potentially support this facility and care patients or let's say now from a corresponding hidden cordaris. she's been speaking with displays, palestinians have been taking shelter at the outset hospital in del bala and central garza. the situation is very crowd just as you see. this is not only a hospitality, it's also
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a refuge for thousands of people. some people put their heads and some people are actually on the ground. let's look and see what people are doing. like can you imagine living a place where it's constantly ranging in places, injuries, and killings. and we are talking about thousands of lives here. and with this, all of these tragedies every single day. also we're seeing people uh, selling stuff like a mini supermarket in on the street. and there we can also see a barber months guessing issue. so to this hospital became a house. busy for hundreds of thousands of a distaste palace in use. and it's getting very crowded and people do not know where to go. we have been seeing her fix, sees of people in the trucks putting up all of their f, my sons, or their pillows and their clothes, trying to flee from uh,
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the central area of the uh, central area. and because of strep, and they are taking out of the seed street to drop off, but at the same time is very crowded, and there's no what's your name? wherever you just place from more of a little bit. i'm new from brace count. i moved to new sarah then, so why they then to alexa hospital. oh, yeah. and when and why did you move the lid? we left the nighttime under the strikes missiles, shells shooting and flares. and what have you. we have young children, the oldest of them is in the 1st grade. i carried the child and ran into the street . that's why i left home. has you filled it out? so hospital is the right place while i'm at the no place in guys a suitable. not guys on, not a rough on, nor dare, nowhere at all. where should we go? we are all dying getting killed around each other. but we run from one place to another,
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out of fear for our children. not out of fear for me myself. as far as i'm concerned, i would stay put, i wouldn't leave home. i wouldn't even think about it. what's the worst that could happen? we would die. so be it. and god will forgive us. all the people of god's out all these people you see around you darrow forgiven that a single one should be sent to help. all of them will enter paradise. i swear to you. that coupon. how would you describe the situation? it locks the hospital. this horrible displacement means you can go to the toilet. i have to wait for 5 hours to go to the toilet motors, that's the life of a displaced person. it displays person lacks dignity wherever they go to. no one respects the displaced person that is probably better than being displaced and no one would choose being displaced. people are displaced because of what is happening . or is there any forces, have reportedly arrested and beaten several palestinians during rates, and at least 9 towns in the occupied westbank exchanges of firewood and pots of nob loose. that will also report the confrontations between the ministry and
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palestinian fighters in some refugee comes escaped to laura khan, who is an occupant east jerusalem. so 1st, laura, if you could talk this through what's been happening with these raids, what is, is a part of the, why the crack sound by israel, against any form of violence defense in the occupied westbank and how they doing this through 90 rates, around 40 on average, so we have news last night from here in occupied east jerusalem that, that were right in the shop part, refugee camp. there was some computations with policy and sat and also in some one . if we shift towards the occupied westbank in geneva, there was some fighters the went to a check point and started shooting towards the check point. we don't have much one use or not at the moment in co keela. we know that the is right armies stormed a number of neighborhoods and they were met with some resistance. and there was
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some explosives, very small r u d. c. is that, but some of the most violent confrontations were in nablus in the old city and also in a, in a refugee camp just south coast. but lot to these riley forces entity, they were met with resistance from fight just there was some shooting back and forth. we know these really set up some smart positions on the rooftops. and they also run such a printing office that belonged to a prisoner that's reports in the family that they've been confiscated, a car full to some of the prison that to drive the car to the legal. it's right, the sacraments nearby because they didn't want that costs be show stopped with them in that. so these are report sofa and also in bethlehem, 3 people were arrested and local say that they would find the briefly base and we've spoken to many of the policy and inside the refugee counts, they say this is positive,
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collective punishment against. and they say often these is ready on, on the boat or is, is coming, they destroy the streets, people run, suck their homes, maybe the homes are destroyed. they say often they're trying to drive a wedge between the resistance slices and them so, so they say the greatest strength is the unity but so far around 5000 people have been arrested since october. the 7th and $326.00. colossians killed me. laura, i believe that the reports of sirens being heard in northern israel. do you know any more about that? yeah, we know that and that's in science going off in dozens of communities. now i do have an app there is not available to show where all the science is going off here it is, is really full, sits at the end step to at least see real kits in the last hour. and so they say that this is positive, you know, i'm going escalation with has bullet,
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they also say that they've intercepted a drone and there's some more aircraft coming over. we don't know whether it's an on the tribe or a surveillance drone, but it does pose a different kind of threat because it can be in the air for many hours. but that's also being a history of false, a lot sub. as i said, this is certainly part of the much wider escalation in the north. it's usually around $80000.00 people living in the know tens of thousands people have evacuated . us go on. the defense minister has said he won't bring them back unless hezbollah pushes back from the boat to buy at least 30 kilometers, certainly concession. they wouldn't be willing to, to agree to that. but nothing yahoo is also set. if diplomacy doesn't walk, then they will take more military action and it certainly could escalate into a wide a will many or warning me. okay,
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thank you for that laura co on that for us and ok potty story. some now the us actually of state as the blinking is in tech, he a on the 1st leg of another diplomatic tour at the middle east. he will be looking to ease the tensions across the region. this is now his 5th visit to the middle east. since the will on concept big down on october, the 7th, i want to tell us corresponding can be how could has more of this secretary of state antony blinking, being sent to the middle east capitals as well as israel and the occupied west back president joe biden. sending him because of fears that the escalating pensions in the region could broaden into a wider regional war. the concern but the escalation in the red sea as a result of attacks by whose these on commercial shipping vessels and the retaliation by the united states. and also the recent attack on a senior,
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hamas leader and his aides and the attribution of responsibility assigned to israel by both hamas and hezbollah could in turn lead to a broader regional war. the united states trying to calm the rhetoric stem the violence in the hopes that there could be a peaceful solution. also there is the issue of trying to discuss polls governance and what that looks like once a israel's war on gaza is over. there is the idea of a revitalized palestinian authority something but the united states sees as a good option, but there is pushed back in the eyes of israel as well. the rising number of palestinian casualties. $22000.00 and counting the year is still international outcry. the united states pushing israel to be more precise and surgical in their tactics going after high value targets. still,
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this is something that the united states wants to curve and they are working hard to get is real, to comply. kimberly help get algebra. the white house. ok, let's spring to i've met hello, he's direct to the mina region at the strategic advisory from global council and a specialist on middle east. jerry politics. thank you for joining the program. the tech is president. of course one estimates and wells cautious critics. in the most and weld of what has been happening in gaza, particularly washington support as well. what will bring can be hoping today and from columbus, the conversations with president ad one. well, in the 1st order, lincoln wants to discuss the expansion of nato and the inclusion of, of sweden and the block which has been going at a glacial pace aired on is, has been vocal. he's like conducting yahoo to, to 8 to hitler and should be treated as a war criminal. and then what he really wants from the us is,
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is to use the natal cards as leverage to gain equipment for his aging and air force . and he wants to procure f sixteens, so that will be the objective of our design in this meeting. and we also in the context and the background to have that are key. turkey has arrested 34 nationals where allegedly collaborating with the most on to targets. how much leaders reside in, in, in, in turkey, which i think turkey would consider red line and they would have 0 tolerance for that. so i think our don, we'd want to emphasize that and his meetings with a blinking, as you say, a lot of rest of it and coming out from a president at one regarding the situation in gaza. how much further kentucky go be on that rhetoric when it comes to actually influencing what is happening in gaza? not much. i mean, he has brendan himself as a punish lumnick leader in the past 10 or 15 years. and he has been vocal in the
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past when the flow to the incident happened. and the famous incident was from of verizon and the world, the comic for him in 2009. and that's when his real voice on, on, on the guys that was heard. but turkey is quite a gun prologic. economically their trade with, with israel's has, has gone up in 2022 is, or it was the 10th largest buyer of, of trucks. good. so in the background there was increasing normalization between israel and, and turkey and are done once in the background for that to continue. because that's, i'll forget the turkeys and mediterranean power. and so is israel and turkey wants to explore mineral, which is intimate to indecent mediterranean, which is real. they need is what the dropped this opposition to that because of a territorial claims that such a greece in cyprus, hasn't the east met? so she also thinks of this very much as an eastern mediterranean power and is calculations tensions in the why the region have escalated this week? we have the killing of cell. uh,
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i'll read the senior. how much compounded beverage we've had. another warning from has on this rolla yesterday when he gave a speech that has been a will respond to that attack. we've had fighting with the who these and the red. see how worried all you that this, this could be a turning point to a wider regional conflicts? yeah, i think what the hosting continued to the tax is sophistication and number of hundreds of these have happened since october 7 shows us that especially after the naval coalition, that the us riley the it's not work, this maritime collision isn't working because it's a symmetric and they're fighting drones low cost drones in their hundreds with, with mist $1000000.00 equipment. so if it isn't working and the americans haven't been able to recruit the mean red c powers to this alliance it's, it's 3, it's very obvious. i mean, they haven't been able to bring saudi and egypt to visit lights only by things. the only garb state has, has been recruited to this allies because they have this long running feud with their own, but salad in egypt don't want to be seen as protecting israel's interest in
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protecting gets stripping interest. so hopefully attacks will continue for them. it's a, it's a low cost, high reward, wave of reckoning is real security. and it's part of that. it runs a normal way of, of, of the terms in the region which is to avoid a high cost direct confrontation and simply to let is relieved militarily, economically, to keep hitting them with a 1000 a cuts. so that of israel is hurting economically. they're really hurting this is this is a mass mobilization that is picking reservists. they're taking working age men out of the delta v v, the economy. and you have the tech sector which accounts for 20 percent of of gdp. they've lost 10 to 12 percent of their, of their workforce and took to fight the war instead of participating in the economy. so they would draw their, have this quagmire, that is real, find itself. and then then in the set then, then to have a big bang sort of retaliation from his beloved from iran, from the host is it's, it's a very effective low cost, a symmetrical strategy for the radiance. that's very interesting. i want to put 2
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comments that were made by the un humanitarian chief mountain griffiths yesterday. he's made and died. died descriptions of a situation in gauze and before but again, saying that it's a place of death and despair. it is of course tragic what is going on in gaza, but i want to put to you what he said. towards the end of his statement, he said, the scholars of the last 90 days will be felt by generations to come. that's very significant, isn't it? because there's not much to go back to and it does mean if you look at north, in the 70 percent of all buildings there have been leveled because israel has failed to articulate a finite objective for this war. and the finite objective should be to get the hostages out because that's what the public is ready. public really wants to ask. they want to extinguish from us and, and destroy their tunnel network. but to get killing, how much it's going to be getting a movement is it is you caught you constant feedback because they're, so you don't, you're pretty motivated and there are other, there are, you don't have to be motivated as a resistance movement and,
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and what they're doing breeds the next generation of leaders and how much of the destination of fighters and how much time they will, they will be preparing for the next cycle of violence with, with, with israel. so of course it's, it's, it's because they haven't been able to agree and even on the initiative from the ideas. chief, i'm sorry, the minister of defense putting out a paper saying that we're preparing for the end, the finish line of this war. it drew the iron over the entire cabinet because they want to continue, especially on y'alls, for his own survival politically, to, to prolong this for as much as possible. really good to get your perspective on that hello. direct at the mina region at the strategic advisory for global council q 20 more had on the news out, including me on last minute change into is facing it's most serious challenge. since it sees power in a coo, nearly 3 years ago,
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the photos in bangladesh will cost the about. it's in a general election on sunday, but there is little doubts about the outcome. that's because the main opposition policy is boy coughing to vote on script. say it has been a systematic crackdown on descent and the country looks set to much as a one party states. john hall reports from there's an election happening in bangladesh. but it's of secondary importance to the estimated 2 thirds of households. worried about rising food and fuel prices. an economy booming just a few years ago. he's now stagnant high inflation cost, in part by the war. and ukraine means even the middle class is struggling. budget experienced us and how it is difficult to survive with prices cuz they wanted to make changes. they could have done it before on pessimistic that anything will
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change the name. the election itself will make little difference. a boy called by the opposition who say the vote will be re tool, but guarantees the governing party of faith consecutive to they are not democratic . the game followed only for one party and bung. lovely so that we are not accept this election r f in to the people of bung loved this not right. didn't don't 7th the election. thank you. much politics in bangladesh times for decades being dominated by rival dentist is that by prime minister, shakes has seen a former prime minister color to z, a z a is on the house arrest on corruption charges. she says a politically motivated to us, the quote, is it being jailed and that thousands of the violent protests that began last october x not off when you see opposition, party supporters gathered openly like this and they won't be allowed to long. this is an election certainly, so there's only one political view,
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the car is here and it isn't this. that's something the allow me league strongly refutes on it all is the part of the government is not hindering any political party from taking part in the election. those who say we are doing so their planes are bogus. they are faults all by holding the same is tipped for a senior ministerial job and then he's central duck constituency. he's, he's by far the most visible face fluttering in the breeze. despite his promise of a fair election, the wind is turning in bunker dash towards a one party state. joe, nicole elders 0 duck. jenna joins us now. lloyd from the deca joining you for postage extensively on buying a dash, the cost of living crisis major concerns about the health of its democracy. and now coastal, this election relations violence has to be stabilizing. is it for the country
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in many ways profoundly. so they have been in just the past fortnight, hundreds of recorded instances of election related violence around the country leading to a number of depths on friday nights as 12 or so hours ago. now in the dock. uh, area, a moving train that was set on 5 full compartments, but police say it was an awesome attack for people died including a child and a finer to attempt to add to a sense of unease in the run up to this election. then there is real concern that political violence will continue off to exist. people realize that very little is going to change the army is being drafted on the states across the country to provide a sense of security. that in itself is pretty wiring and the opposition, b and c is called a national general strike over the next 48 hours of familiar tactics designed to drive the economy to a whole. it's not clear how many people have added to it, but they may well be more than to come add to all of that. the fact that check has seen as government and power since 2009 has been accused by international rights groups of a whole litany of,
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of violations and abuses. note that the opposition when they were in power, which similarly accused it has to be said, but when he put it all together, you've got an election, but he's hardly a textbook exercise in democracy. and one that offers you on says that there's countries, economic crises, but just one month i got in december, 4th, picture taken. i am a bailout with $4700000000.00. trying to hold that 1st induct on the lines of own groups and me on law have a seize control of a city in the north, in a district order. in china. the 3 brotherhood lines took no king off to weeks of intense fighting with troops. the group has become to my significance right to the ministry government since it sees power in 2021. it comes off to know tillery show from the fighting in me. i must hit the chinese boat, a town of non sun on wednesday, closing injuries to at least 5 people in prompting. an immediate response from
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beijing still head on out his era, pres, in the shadow for christians and they will keep on west fine take still, cuz that window, the numbers, the schools, the docs christmas to purchase. and i am and degree is right here on the charge suit on board out what it is to say they are running out of food to help hundreds of thousands of food and these refugees, of course, over every student chide the hello. i think we should say something of a welcome change in the weather across northern policy. if you think sound a little quotes right for the next couple of days, i'd like to spend a cloud and right and snow that's been pushing across some positive things in the west coast and flooding. watch,
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but disruption here. some damaging winds to that's now making just wait for the low countries and they'll continue to push its way further. east was up to was an all since category of yeah, we should see less on the west. snow over the next couple of days next because we go to most of the ridge of high pressure which will topple its way in. and that will suppress the cloud and the unsettled weather as we go one through the next couple of days by different story. further south is already apply pressure piling across the mediterranean, bring some woody nasty conditions into the west and met equally saying some big rang full some heavy down pulls into the balkans as well using across to was grace smell. in the northern flank of that bay. some pieces of rice statements and obviously central and eastern positive here, but this, that quote to weather up to us, scandinavia temperature is a good 50 degrees or more below average in oz life mice. 14 celsius has a plus full teen down towards the sound. so big temperature swings as we go through sunday that went to weather drives this way across the mediterranean ducky, i think some wet weather right through the black sea, most snow and the modem flank.
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the hard hitting into buildings as a un ambassador position given to you. bible does have both. you've described that is better than is that in any thoughts, providing ons. my question to you. all that good cooks, i think is the most difficult question. i've had to answer facing realities, usb, toe in the security council. this is something they just don't think look is a problem to access it. you hear the story on told to how does era for the latest news as a spring, we would just hit pretty badly by tear gas. there have be serious computations on a weekly basis with detail coverage. this policy is making life so miserable for the palestinians that they eventually leave is effectively possible transfer. and that's a whole crime. i'm fearless jen,
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it isn't. it's totally dark. we're using our own life. this is the only way that they have life and can cook food. the welcome back to watching out is there a mind at the top stories? the sound of noises really? asteroid some targets in southern guns, a number of engine people have been taken to a hospital in rough. these 18 palestinians were killed in the talking. cleanliness, is there any forces have reports in the arrested and beaten several palestinians during more nightly rates and at least 9 towns neil to plunge west 5 exchanges of
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font had in positive numbers us next year say on me blinking as well as in tech, a on his 5th visit to the middle east since we moved again. he will be looking to ease tensions across the region. authorities in israel reporting reco, none of the ministry casualties as the all me engages homeless finances and it's ground defensive in garza. as well as rehabilitation authority estimates that more than $12000.00 so which is will stuff a physical disability this year as a result of injured on the battlefield. so our hearts has moved on from tel aviv. so deceivingly mundane is now a challenge with the help of an us and crutches, jonathan ben, how much was able to work smoothly. these rady soldier describes how the bolt is that he was driving and the cause of the strip was hit by a grenade. 6 days later he found himself in a hospital bed back and is ro, well that make me feel a little bit better?
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and i woke up from surgery and looked at my mom was said, you'll be strong, we love you, they amputated your legacy. i thought yes, i didn't know that because i really felt that there, but that i left the blanket and thought to see if they cut it off or that the commitment to lead us, do they get a little or that came up with israel's rehabilitation authority estimates that the $12500.00 soldiers will be disabled this year, a much higher number than previously estimated the number of his riley soldiers and rehab his the policy official figure of those ended in the guards are offensive. with rehab senses overwhelmed with new admissions. the kind of interest to main doors between no and make the before, but the amount is higher, you know it's, it's even a single paid for the last defense. the amount of the interest people not less 20 is even to have other work or something. this or it's much higher,
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the defense ministry says it's working to meet those needs by costing red tape and hiring more employees to deal with injuries, including disabilities. as a result of the whole, adults is worried that it's still not enough for the health care system not prepared for the number of injuries or long term cast. the physical and mental disabilities, including p t s. d, which can often take a while to diagnose these really minute tree has shifted its focus towards the south of the goal is the strip where it faces up in grid. a will effect and will hand to hand combat to a high likelihood of seeing more or less than injuries amongst its troops. the ideas and these were already because it doesn't them in as a choice is rarely determined to lean before the end. the when the political decision that it wasn't go sticking to going to all these things were eh, take it or taking into account the,
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there's no other way. but to defeat the military capabilities of from us. the majority of his riley support, the war in gauze despite knowing that is ro, is already paying a high price with many believing that they have no other choice fox since in new financing. so the height is always a 0, sum of the us strongly can a wrong that killed benita if and iran backed owns group has increased tensions between the 2 countries. rocks prime minister says the driving attack is a serious violation of the country silver into saying this wrong very has moved from like that. on the job as a rocky prime minister is a balancing act between invader, turn strategic partner, the united states and paramilitary groups, close to a rock whose support is crucial for holding power. and both talk with a balance appears to be shifting after us draw strength on thursday killed a senior leader from one of the dozens of armed groups that make up rocks. popular
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mobilization forces. the 2nd such attack in recent months on the rocky parent military prime minister mohammed, she also, donnie said the presence of the us led coalition in iraq needs to come to an end, which is and if it just left it on was the popular mobilization forces represent and then take real part of our armed forces. we have repeatedly emphasized that in the event of a violation or transgression by any iraqi party or if iraqi law is violated, the iraqi government is the only party that has the right to follow up on the merits of these violations. which taught jawad causes him underwater and 3 other members of the groups that the people were killed on thursday by us message. what the rocky government says is. another violation of sovereignty depended on, says, with self defense. this was a necessary proportion, an action against this particular individual who was personally involved in the planning and execution of attacks against american personnel. 2500 us troops in iraq, another 900 in syria. lead
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a so called international coalition to stop isolated from coming back. the rockies will tell us forces do whatever they want whenever they want, often violating standing agreements. we cannot expect that the control sort continued to stay like forever. and because of what's happening in the region and recently, and by the end of the bombing, different places in iraq with certain muscles and skinny people here. of course, this is not accepted neither by the public, neither by the government. the government still relies on the us led coalition for security. they are unlikely to be asked to leave any time soon. but in the face of escalating violent saying it out loud. what's the least the rocky government could do? there been more than a 100 attacks on us spaces in iraq and syria since the war on god's up again, by group sympathetic to the flight of the palestinian people. it is the all out american support for israel. critics say that made those attacks inevitable. same
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bus raphael 0 the number of christians in the palestinian territories has been declining for decades. they now make comp just one and a half percent of the population. many of those who remain all refusing to leave that homeland despite increasing hardship. and as orthodox christians perpetual monk christmas need, abraham has been to bethlehem to hear some of the best stories. the father, he saw fears this church will soon be empty of its worshippers. he preaches with one of the holiest sites in christianity. the church of then activity and bethlehem believes to be the birthplace of jesus christ. in his greek orthodox church alone, he says, more than 1500 people have left palestine in the past few years. i know many people of actually preparing for the migration. like about 9 families and it's, it's not easy for us even because i called the 5th land people the best my life. i
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call them the living story under and is really closure for 3 months. and under a military occupation for decades, life has become difficult for people in bethlehem. it's a historic city that has always depended on tourism, especially during the christmas and easter seasons. and the chose is not like this during christmas time. it's used to be funded and many people around it's like a full of life. a joyful many here state. it's not the time to celebrate, but to mourn. churches have called off christmas celebrations because of israel's war on cause. but the prayers continue. many here say that causes of immigration are affecting both protestant in christians and muslims. but because the christian community is already shrinking, they say one question family leaving is one to many main categories. news this feeling very well. generations of had relatives have left their homes during different waves of immigration. at 5 uncles left after 1948. next i had
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a brother after the 1st for the city and uprising. her 2 sons after the 2nd palestinian uprising, a suppression from the patient. i like my children to be around me, but i have also because they can have a futures. we don't have good life here that live nation or life and bunch of things but or was afraid on the check. far as the work, no security, no nothing, no peace or nothing. as the number of christians here dwindles may says it's becoming more important for palestinian christians to stay in their homeland. father isa says life might be more tempting abroad, but he believes that he was born in jesus his birthplace for reason, to spread told, in the method of darkness that but he just ita bethlehem the occupied westbank still ahead on the elders air of off as a form of resistance,
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we meet the space on the city and using the ruins of gauze as her new campus. where you will never can see, that doesn't happen. our country is out enough. we will not take it at 8 or 3 years after protest is stormed with capital. the new race for the white house begins in iowa as republican candidates. once again bethel trump. for the nomination, stay with alpha 0 to the us selection 2024. award winning deb investigations give compelling insights into total storms from asia pacific 101 east. on out just sierra, i marry him shaheen and has been making films about since 2006 when i moved there in 2005,
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since we recovering from the 38 your occupation by israel. people were hopeful that their lives would improve, their dreams have been destroyed. and all that remains on account of the last chapter, dreams on out you 0. the the to as president joe biden has kicked off his re election campaign with a blistering attack on donald trump. the man who could see is challenging the election later this year. he described the full of the president as a threat to democracy. this speech was made a day before the 5th anniversary of the storming of the capitol hill buildings by
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trump supporters. john 100 reports from montgomery county in pennsylvania. joe biden carefully picked the time in place for his 1st major address of a 2024 campaign. today. i make the sacred pledge to you the defense protection preservation. american democracy remain as it has been. the central cause of my presidency, the time a day before the 3 year anniversary of the interaction in washington he's presumed rival discharged with the meeting that effort to forcibly overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. trump exhausted every legal avenue available to him to overturn the election. everyone with the legal plan, just to trump back to the truth that i had one the election and he was a losing the place near valley forge, where george washington stroup set up camp in the cradle of american democracy. and
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not coincidentally, in pennsylvania, a t swing state, it's a state pennsylvania senator john betterments says biden 10, and must we talk about really what the election is on the line to a democracy or a dictator. somebody that actually comes running really proclaimed. it's like i'm going to be a dictator, and some people might, that took him seriously, but, but i certainly would take it seriously bite and won the state in 2020 by a single percentage. boy, it was near here at valley forge that in 1777, george washington setup camp for us, had declared its independence, which still had to fight for this binding democracy. that is what joe biden says, needs to happen now. the us needs to fight for democracy. today we're here to answer the most important questions. is democracy still? america's sacred cause is button launched, his political campaign near philadelphia. trump continued his campaign in iowa. the
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1st state devote in a republican primary less than 2 weeks away. did you say i'm a threat to democracy? he's a threat to the democracy. why couldn't read the word is a threat to democracy. you're not bad. the pressures, you know, they do, they take me saying that like that. and they say truck couldn't say the word democracy moves the president and the former president will have to 1st when they were parties nomination state by state john henry and l u 0. montgomery county, pennsylvania. some of the us supreme court has announced it will consider the drums appeal if the colorado state routing that bought it and from the republican primary ballot, the, the state's top quote, disqualified the former president last month, citing his role in the 2021 capitol hill. attack the federal case would be hired in february and could potentially set guidelines determining how every states would
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treat trumps bid. a long time head of america's most powerful gone lobbies and national rifle association is resigning wayne and appears about to face a civil trial. and allegations that he thought invested millions of dollars from the n. o a to pay for personal expenses. the 74 year old is also keyes of assessing himself up with a $17000000.00 exit package. the trial in you will continue to begin on monday. the desk told from the crate that struck west and depend on me is day has risen to more than a 100, more than 200 others are still missing the notes opened and so that was hardest hit by the 7.6 magnitude, quake and destroyed hundreds of buildings damaged infrastructure and cutoff remote communities. japanese prime minister of senior shita has urged officials to boost aid to those affected by the disease of the sheep who do need the causes. we need to strength and delivery routes for water, food,
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and portable toilets. we need to improve the disposal of human waste and improve access to medical assistance. also to sit up, make shift bids and devices for privacy. in addition, we need to strength and police cap trolling for security. we're doing these things to alleviate to evacuate. anxiety will continue to make the most efforts to sizes. so you as well, same program is wanting that 1400000 student needs refugees on risk of salvation. the organization has been forced to cult food aid because if a lot of money, i haven't addressed reports. beyond these concrete structure, lice, suit and use territory 8 over you should say on a daily basis. they still register between 20300 new refugees will come into eastern, tried over the past 7 or 8 months, which seem hundreds of thousands is far more than 600000 students. refugees, displaced by the ongoing fight and insights were done with cost. this way,
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i'm not added to more than 600000 other student is refuges displaced by only a conflict in west into for numbering more than 600000 people. now you're not technicians or not. the ages are saying that they have only one month, full supply, left to help $1200000.00 people in this part of eastern charge. in addition to our cases of malnutrition, people who are actually needing assistance in other parts of tribe. now they say, unless help comes to their way, there wouldn't be any food left to save these people at the end of january. now what we're hearing also is that over the past few months, we're seeing a reduction in the case of malnutrition, simply because of the cost of supply of food items. and there is this concern that unless help comes to bear weight, this improvement will be eroded over the possible by the next few months, simply because the family is that why sustain with food supplies and food aid will no longer receive that aid. now a lot of people i can send that over the next 3 or 4 months when people will be entering the lead periods, taste as of monday,
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attrition will rise again. how many degrees august data on the suit on chide board? a lawyer sent a goal is jail. the opposition leader response on co say they'll appeal will be rejection of has been to run the next months presidential election and follows his disqualification by the constitutional counsel on friday. so because legal team says the decision is on the founded, he was removed from the electoral register of to being sentenced in june to 2 years in prison. marly, corrupting a young person charges, but he denies the resilience that full legend mario is a dollar. the 1st person to win the world cup of supply and as a coach has died at the age of 92, the window was ponts at the school that lifted the trophy in 1958 and again 4 years later, off to retirement, who returned to the game as a manager guiding brazil's national team to victory in 19701994. a head and preserves football federation,
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described him as one of the biggest legends of the sport. a sailor who had been missing for 2 weeks has been found in a damage your until the coast of columbia. the spanish national said he lost his sales as well as the bytes communication and navigation systems. the case gone well now company him and his dog to safety sanctioned temples on the east coast of thailand are teetering on the brink of being swallowed up by the encroaching seas. the local communities of battling to build the best of defenses against realizing tides and extreme weather. tony chang reports from summit profound news, a capital bank, polk. some monk tries in vain to push back flood waters. this is now an annual occurrence in many areas alone. thailand,
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coast rising sea levels, storms and heavy rain full growing impact, global climate change. even at this temple, 50 kilometers in then rising sea levels of having a devastating impact. 400 year old murals on the 10 pools depicting the 10 reincarnations put out here with that. but yeah, but it says they've deteriorated rapidly in recent years because of salt water seeping in through the foundation was out on what and soon they may be gone and they come to me or it was something partially restored. last year we got a small budget from the department to find out it was in that house if there was no restoration or how many cement would look like what we see outside of the decaying away. even though i am good with all of the murals and all for the pots, the culprits, the canal, the rooms outside the temple. 20 years ago. this was fresh water. now salt water comes with the high tide on the coast. and now the temple under threats from the
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rising seas 20 years ago, a thriving community, lived around it. now, while the remains of the telegraph poles that run alone was the main road, this temple on the coast is almost lost. the battle against rising sea levels. today the entrance here 20 years ago was all the way down the one and a half meters below where i am now. the company goes up in woodson. i grew up here with the rest of his community. he had to flee inland and neither he shows me the damage the sold. corrosion is done to the temples and the ions structure inside the, the math. but local people say they're not going to a band and what remains the community like the bunk on we chose to protect his temper, despite the fact that it's more expensive than building a new one. this building has sent a mental value and historical value. and it's a monument to the environment that shows the coastal erosion that happened in this
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community. now the month to working hard to undo the damage of the corrosion and build best of barricades against the waves. and the battle against climate change place is one thing. but it also involves a lot of hardware. tony chang summit for comp time. okay, let's return to garza and for some palestinians that all has become dearly fool if expression on escape from israel's onslaught. judith a got has the story of one painted, trying to make a new hosting impact a mall. abu l silva is 26 years old. she paints and ruins left behind from israel's military suit on rafa and southern garza, the russell, the buildings that palestinians, one school time has become how come the one of the i didn't search for areas that remained intact on the country. i searched for houses that were destroyed with innocent civilians inside them,
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such as this house where more than 10 bodies were pulled from under the rubble. a mall was supposed to be displaced from central garza. she escaped to survive another day, but refused to be football. she was behind, determined to continue showing the resistance of palestinians through her walk and turning that dark reality into a colored memory of resilience. a cut out and i decided to paint this mural using all the available colors in order to send a strong message through the drawings. you see head to toe, o arab nations, that we will remain in our land. and we will never leave it as them all complete, samuel tied to call the 2024. she's hopeful that once the will and the people of palestine can wipe the,
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come the scream install to eva once again. judy vega out to 0. ok. that's right. from name of the inside i'll be back. so at the top of the much more coverage at the $1.00 cost as well as for the days obviously the the ukraine christmas is quite literally coming early this year. it's decision to move away from both adults calendar to one of their lines with much of the rest of the world meant christmas day itself being brought forward to december the 25th. for the 1st time, the children have been lining up to meet said nicholas in person. be original. santa claus says the most common christmas wishy his is for peace. christmas shows the combined festive themes with a big serving of traditional ukrainian culture. offer an escape. if only briefly,
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from the realities of 2 years of full scale will, as with last year, that will be no large scale events. so fast jamal christmas because of the war, most ukrainian will be celebrating the holiday on a different day to most russians. it's beginning to look a lot like a western style christmas. israel has now impose a complete fees on god's that's so how do they survive? if you have no income, how do you live? cost of living rose sharply. the cost of the war and ukraine could have something like that happen again as a ripple effect of the $1000.00. what is it us contract is mainly who are benefiting from this when the price of oil goes up, the cost of almost every thing goes up. counting the costs on algebra
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the, [000:00:00;00] the high, the noise is randy as strikes on galls as lots of times killing and wounding several people. the main site is about, is there a knife and does all so coming up, the rest of these things is rarely forces carry out more nightly rates across seal . keep going,


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