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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 6, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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the the, [000:00:00;00] the ivan noises right strikes on gauze, a slot, sometimes killing on wounding several people. the on the inside this about is there a knife and does all so coming up the rest and be things is really forces carry out, move nightly rates across the field. people in the west bank
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as qualifies work. it's from 11 onto. let's move in israel. some hits while others all interest on the us next year of stages in turkey, a is $56.00, visit me since the wind gusts of the gas. the we began in garza where the health industry says a 162 palestinians have been killed in as rarely as strikes across the strip. and ministry is carried out overnight attacks and the southern region. a number of injured have been taken to hospitals in rough us and is facing palestinians have also been killed in an attack in hon. eunice. we will families have been mourning the death of loved ones in the latest. is there any strike in gauze? a southern city of russia for the rest, like a boost in john, lost his wife and 2 children. and even though it strikes,
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as randy ministry says it's targeting how much lead is on its infrastructure. in rough up, the city is hosting more than a 1000000 in 10. the displays, palestinians has been full from northern in central garza. the one we're going to be is the most inclusive children. they don't have anything to do with this because of them because women is really, goldman cleans democracy and humanity, but they are in human. i speak to honey. my favorite, who is in ruffin, southern gaza honeys cells like another incredibly deadly night to be through 1st late about the latest on the strikes, the yes 1000000 there we're getting the confirmed reports that these really military is just a stepping up. it's not a military actions and, and relentless, there is right. the end of the why the area in attempt to clear the wave for in
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bathing force is including the, the tanks and armored vehicles in the heart of the, of the central part of the gulf stream. that's why the, it's right, not the central part of the middle area of the central area of the gaza strip. and it's, it is just a strategic a location because it's a, from the why that it's easy to get to all the, the entrance of the other rugby g cans, in the central part of the gaza strip. but as of this happening, the reports about multiple injuries as there are attractive drawings hovering at the very low level in the skies of the central part. and that it tragically targeting people who are trying to lee at the, for the horror of the bombs right now. in the, in the center of the a report, the reported cases into lots of hospitals confirmed that these individuals who arrived the hospital a ready dead as they were shot at it from these uh, attack a drones better known here as
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a quad. the cop there is the heart attack draws sometimes kerry, explosive, explosive materials and not. and other times they are suicide. those a drones as they can attack the buildings and the flats and in residential homes, a bit as over night. the nearly hours of this morning get the airy strikes and the artillery still and continue to pound. both the central part of the gaza strip as well as the the southern part of it. and mainly con eunice, a city the, the, the southern eastern part of finding some on, not a neighborhood where 18 people are from one families a where killed in this is not all the apple of a huge family, but also those who were hosted in their residential buildings and been displaced and a half bath evacuated from other parts of from the god distributed and dropped off there to a residential roles were also targeted in central america. had also in the northern
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part of rough uh city, just making it off and increasingly on save it for the $1.00, displace palestinians, and honey. we've had another di, warning from the un humanitarian chief loss in griffith. he's described garza as on inhabitable with disease spreading and famine near what is it that you are seeing on the ground as well. so far, what we're seeing is the use of the star vision and the killing of civilian as the methods of of work barrier. i largely used by these really military the in the implement, it's long term goals that just there 2 things do do. do that to take away from what's going on. the patterns of bombings and this, this, your level of destruction in the northern part of guys are not repeated in the center of the parts. the just that is really military is working on, but it is on
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a plan to make the entire gaza strip uninhabitable on eventually forcing people into integrate something they is really military, uh, referred to and its politicians and political leaders and right wing leaders referred to as a voluntary integration, but when, when we look at how things are conducted on the ground, there is nothing voluntary about it. it says connected by force by terabytes more bombings and forcing people eventually into its explosion by creating very difficult conditions on the ground that make life be quite impossible. and we see we've seen signs of this already happening. not only in the northern part that is the almost empty now, but also here in the sort of where a little more than $1.00. if you've been squeezed into this, a small part of the gaza strip at but with extreme shortage of everything goals, the basic necessities, the basic supplies essential items to help them survive the horror of this genocide,
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those war in terms of, of what's uh, of the availability of needs that you want has warned that there is a famine is, is visible here. there's start vision going on. people lack the very basic needs in terms of food supplies and water and other survive. alonzo, but so far the pattern is to get to that goal, which is force people into exposure and it's not voluntary. it's force displacement to thank you for all your forcing. honey must needed that for as lloyd in russia in southern guns. that, meanwhile is rarely forces have reportedly arrested and beaten several palestinians during reigns in at least 9 towns and the old pod. westbank exchanges a fine go ahead in parts of non boost. and we're also reports of confrontations between the ministry and policy and sizes in some refugee camps. let's go to nora khan, who is an occupied east jerusalem. laura, especially can you tell us a bit more about what's been happening at these rates?
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that's what was important to say that israel says it is tracking down very heavily on any kind of armed fights was inside the occupied westbank. and benjamin netanyahu is also set these ready permits. so he said that he's fighting a role on 7 front and the occupied westbank is one of them. now i'm in occupied east jerusalem was seen rates happening in shaw fox refugee camp last night and also into one of the shifting nova to the westbank. in janine, in the notes, we know that some fine just went to check points of sauces, firing on the last nice shifting. so the south a to kalki a some fight is use an improvised explosive against and it's ready. the are the armies domains some of the neighborhoods, but some of those fine and confrontations are taking place in napa send and what so many hours throughout the night they would match with see us resistance replaces insights. but lots of refugee camp just to the south,
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where we know there was guns fired back and forth and some slight sizes, desktop positions on the roof tops. but also there was a prisoner who owns a printing press of these rabies stones run such this. shops on the family said the older, confiscated i caught a false son to drive the cost to a cheque points just outside to the end. illegal is right. it's such a month because they said they didn't want speed 5 on that is according to the family. that was also 3 people arrested in back to have the reports from that they were bruce lead based. and now we have been so many of these refugee camps off to is, is ready for since have rages of many say this is collective punishment against them . the also trying to drive who, oh, which between the low quotes and what they called was distance scientists. and they say that what happened because the restaurant is in unity. we know across the chart west point since october 7th,
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this being 5000 of rest and 326 posting is killed. laura and other developments i believe the mal raids have been heard in northern israel. can you tell us more about what you've been hearing? well, i heard it from my site and fast siren sounding in dozens of communities along that note in buddha, with lap and on that we do have an app that shows this. here it is, so you can see exactly where it's, it's along the northern gallery and the golan heights. the it's right forces said they intercepted at least 40 missiles. they have been rainy down the area and one empty tank missile. they also said that was a drone, that's been flying this. uh now we don't know whether this is a suicide drive or 2 to buttons, but it creates different kind of traps them. it's like have the, the,
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so many hours out and we have a defense minister say that, you know, time is running out. so diplomatic solution at the moment with has full law and benjamin netanyahu is also reinforced. if they don't have a different magic solution, then it could pose a wind to escalation, militarily. thank you for you are forcing laura calling their 1st and okie party service since as well. the us secretary of state anthony blinking is in tech ha on the 1st leg of another diplomatic towards the middle east. he will be looking to ease tensions across the region. this is his 5th visit to the middle east and symbol and goes up again. whitehouse correspondence, given a whole kit, has more the secretary of state antony blinkin being sent to the middle east. capitals as well as israel and the occupied west back president joe bite and sending him because of fears that the escalating pensions in the region could
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broaden into a wider regional war. the concern, but the escalation in the red sea as a result of a tax by whose these on commercial shipping vessels and the retaliation by the united states. and also the recent attack on a senior, hamas leader and his aides and the attribution of responsibility assigned to israel by both hamas and hezbollah could in turn lead to a broader regional war. the united states trying to calm the rhetoric stem the violence in the hopes that there could be a peaceful solution. also there is the issue of trying to discuss polls governance and what that looks like once a israel's war on gaza is over. there is the idea of a revitalized palestinian authority something but the united states sees as a good option,
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but there is pushed back in the eyes of israel as well. the rising number of palestinian casualties. $22000.00 and counting the year is still international outcry. the united states pushing israel to be more precise and surgical in their tactics going after high value targets. still, this is something that the united states wants to curve and they are working hard to get is real, to comply. kimberly help get algebra. the white house of okay, as laura was mentioning earlier, the lebanese group has bola says it's hit and is rarely organization post with 60 to roll kits in what it costs a preliminary response to the killing of how much as deputy chief a few days ago is rarely all mean has one. i have exchange done fine rocket since october. the 7th attention has further escalation of the can name off. select a re in
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a route on choose day 11 on planes as well as phones and official group sites. with the un security council is well, israel's miniature. he says the rockets from 11 on target to the northern regions of gallieni and the golden heights. they have sets of sirens in more than 90 as riley assessments. those were the ones that laura was referring to. now the ministry says it struck what it costs a terrorist, so that launched the rockets. that's great, and we're on call and who's not in the root enrollment move. can you tell us about these latest strikes? well, there is no a statement from his beloved. now, before i read you that statement before i tell you that we were expecting this to happen, the secretary general of his bullet has them this roller promised a response to the killing of the ham ashley. this i'll re, in the philippines of ubs, on tuesday nights. he also promises a,
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a reaction in a speech he gave just 24 hours ago. and again, about 12 hours it goes, when you, a response was coming his, well, his bullet released, they said, as part of the initial response to the assassination of the great lead. shakes all the other reasons for the mazda is in the substance of the route. we targeted the mayor on a control base and job a job much with 62 missiles of various types and inflicted a direct and confirm the hit on it. it's interesting language because they saying that this is a response but more will come now. it really depends on what b is, riley is due. next he's right, he's will have been expecting a response. i will have been on highlights. they may not have been expecting it in the gallery, which is unusual. however, well they are going to do next will be of interest that has beloved. but this is all about keeping the conflict contains,
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keeping it with in the 120 kilometer boda between the 2 countries and no escalating . hezbollah has a very political calculation to do in lebanon. it doesn't go level to suffer as a result of an outright will, but it is a token tough. it says it is wrong once to escalate, then it will respond in kind is all for as part is putting in men's pressure on has bullet positions within the south. they using s strikes and drones as well against hezbollah targets. and now them that's actually quite interesting because the more pressure it puts on his bullet, the more likely that they may well be a misfire, a mish strike from either side and not can escalate things for them. okay, thank you for that. iran co on that for us in february, so we can get more in this with that allow, he's already took the mean and region at the strategic advisory fund, global council. he's a specialist on middle east j. a politics i want to pick, pick up on
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a what you think is going on uh on the board at which 11 on we've had these ongoing strikes from 11 on and back and forth with israel since october 7th. it does appear now to be an escalation, especially off to beginning of signing, a rudy. we've heard from how sudden those are all a again yesterday saying they will be some kind of response. what, what is this the response? so do you think it could be wider than this? could escape escalates even further? well as well that will keep watch, think up it's, it's response to the assassination, which is in it wouldn't buy roots in their backyard and was, was embarrassing for them. so, but, but for some of us on the speech was quite measured and i think they are acting with strategic patients. this is an escalation, but it's a measured escalation. it's not trying to drag lebanon into an old outdoor because it would be too costly and hezbollah doesn't want that popularity domestically to
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continue to erode because of driving already and economically crushed country into a, a very close to the war with when israel. so they'll, they'll, they'll keep doing these, these rocket attacks and keep pressure and gets real and, and, and keeping it on those in the, in the, on the or their front and, and allow for iran to practice the turns and, and to tracking israel secuity through that a forest for an defense, a base essentially that they have in 11 on through hezbollah. well, the bowl now in israel's court. how do you expect them to respond to this? well they, you know, that they're going to continue responding in the north. they're going to continue their, their responses against some of some actually would tell a thing against, from us because as well as their to the story is real and to you and to do that through their support of, of how much. and my extension also to, to counter the reading threat to which, which is expressed through these, a symmetrical means of warfare. that the, what these are conducting against them,
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as well as more than you know, is more than that with these there they've got a much more sophisticated, a weapon of arsenal, of weapons. and so is there, it will continue to be responding, but they won't be able to return to normal. you know, that they is released, we lived in the north, cannot count returns. so the question to the level remains for is really that they, they're not able to continue to, to, to become a normal economy again. so this is not in their interest either to continue escalating with his beloved because the economy is hurting, and the fishers within the administration between the government and uh, the ideas and the leader of the opposition. your legs are growing more and more. and one of the cabinet meetings, the war cabinet meetings descended into a shouting match because they couldn't tolerate the cabinets, couldn't tolerate any talk of the day after. and that's what i want to keep going back to is the israel is clueless about the day after that. you don't have a strategy because they have not articulated
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a finite objective. continuing to bomb this to continue the campaign of bombing is completely a cross purposes with bringing the hostages back. as we saw with the death of the 3 is really hostages. meanwhile, you have the us secretary of state antony, blinking back again in the middle east. starting with conversations president edwin in turkey. a. what is, where does this leave the united states mean they clearly trying to push diplomatically, but veteran seems to be getting any way, at least from what we can see on the outside. yes, absolutely. they have a loss of credibility and a loss of leverage. it's really notable, i mean, they do the 2 things on the link is agenda and turkey or the escalation, nato. and the escalation they want to use in the channels that turkey has with, with him us, they have put up a reward of $10000000.00 for intel on an electorate investment network that, that helps from us sitting in turkey. and but in turn, turkey will be warning or done with the warning, the americans that they will have
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a 0 tolerance for israelis targeting how much leaders on turkish soil. i think that would be a red line uh for 30 and also for turkey. they, they want to use. uh, so the expansion of nato america wanting to bring in sweden into the block uh are doing. would be wanting to use that card to get his hands on the 16th that he needs to modernize his air force. and i got to go back to the loss of the loss of credibility, turkey, the leader of turkey and albany. there's the lincoln will meet on this trip and $66.00 legged trip, at least the armed states will be demanding a cease fire and to cease fire. now, the americans can deliver that on the country. they bypass the administration by fast congress in december to authorize a $150000000.00 in aid to israel. and before that, the $14000000000.00 package in november, the support as well. so they, they, they, they really are at last the americans. and this is a bit of a few talk exercises i would say the, the trip that blinking is making the city arch states really interesting to talk to
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you and get your perspective asset hello. direct to the mina region at the strategic advisory fund, global council. thank you to the whenever need some of the days of the news. now you as president joe biden has kicked off his re election campaign with a blistering attack on donald trump. the man who could be his challenges in the election later this year. item described the former president as a threat to democracy. this speech was made the day before the fed anniversary of the storming of capitol hill by trump. support is john henry has moved from montgomery county in pennsylvania. joe biden carefully picked the time in place for his 1st major address of a 2024 campaign. today. as i make the sacred pledge to you,
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the defense protection and preservation american democracy remain as it has been. the central cause of my presidency all the time a day before the 3 year anniversary of the interaction in washington he's presumed rival discharged with the meeting that effort to forcibly overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. trump exhausted every legal avenue available to him to overturn the election. everyone with the legal plan, just to trump back to the truth that i had one the election and he was a losing the place near valley forge, where george washington stroup, set up camp in the cradle of american democracy. and not coincidentally, in pennsylvania, a key swing state. it's a state pennsylvania senator john betterment says biden 10, and must we talk about really what the election is on the line to a democracy or a dictator. somebody that actually comes running really proclaims is like i'm going
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to be a dictator. and some people might, that took them seriously but, but i certainly would take it seriously bite and one the state in 2020 by a single percentage port. it was near here at valley forge that in 1777, george washington set up camp for us. he declared its independence, which still had to fight for this binding democracy. that is what joe biden says, needs to happen now. the us needs to fight for democracy. today we're here to answer the most important questions is democracy still america is sacred. kos it is by launched his political campaign near philadelphia. trump continued his campaign in iowa. the 1st state devote in a republican primary less than 2 weeks away. did you say i'm a threat to democracy? he's a threat to the democracy. why couldn't read the word is a threat to democracy, not bad. the pressures, you know, they do,
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they take me saying that like that. and they say truck couldn't say the word democracy, who's the president and the former president will have to 1st when they were parties nomination state by state. john henry and l u 0. montgomery county, pennsylvania sizes in bung the dash will cost the balance in a general election on sunday, but there is little doubt about the outcome. that's because the main opposition party is legal team to vote down the hill has moved from the capital dot com. there's an election happening in bangladesh, but it's of secondary importance to the estimated 2 thirds of households. worried about rising food and fuel prices and economy booming just a few years ago. he's now stagnant a. hi. installation cost is taught by the war and ukraine means even the middle class is struggling about already experienced. it is difficult to survive with prices if they wanted to make changes,
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they could have done it before on pessimistic that anything will change the name, the election itself will make little difference. a boy called by the opposition who say the vote will be re tool, but guarantees the governing party of faith consecutive to they are not democratic . the game followed only for one party and bung lovely so that we are not accept this election. i've been to the people of bung loved this not right. didn't don't 7th the election. thank you. much politics in bangladesh has for decades being dominated by rival dentist is that by prime minister, shakes wasena and former prime minister color to z. a z a is on the house arrest on corruption charges. she says up politically motivated to support. is it being jailed in that thousands of the violent protests that began last october? x? not often. you see opposition? party supporters gathered openly like this and they won't be allowed to long. this
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is an election certainly. so there's only one political view. the car is here and it isn't this, that's something the allow me league strongly refutes on it is the part of the government is not hindering any political party from taking part in the election. those who say we are doing so their planes are bogus. they are faults by holding the same is tipped for a senior administrative job. and in the central constituency hayes is by far the most visible face fluttering in the breeze. despite these promise of a fair election, the wind is turning in bunker dash towards a one party state. joe, the whole elder 0 deca on the lines of homes. groups in the law has seized control of a city in the notes in a district bordering china. 3 brotherhood alliance took a look kind of to weeks of intense fighting with troops. the group has become the
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most significant threat to the ministry government since it sees out in 19, in 2021. me when bid is a retired us army off assess, she explains how the on group has managed to make significant gains. this is a major loss, a blow to the military, whom tax and is a major win for that resistance coalition forces. and it also is one more evidence of reach resistant forces reaching to the tipping point in their favor. they have control less than half of the country now, then military i, the of the resistance coalition forces controlled majority of the country now. and you know the reason in lodi, why the word defeated is, as it relates to 3 main major reasons. first,
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they are not on the military was unable to get any reinforcement to the northern your mind. and the 2nd is that they have very low morale within their personnel. and so we're seeing these, these winds are due to surrender in low gain. there are 6, bring into your generals and thousands of forces. the surrender. and number 3 is that people continue to reject the military home after 3 years of suffering in 3 years, the bombing and by burning of villages they have inflicted on the people. but people still reject the military. and those are the reasons why military is unable to win egless moment. a c that's told from the crate that struck west in japan on new year's day has risen to more than a 100 full than $200.00 on missing the new to peninsula was honda's hits by the
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magnitude 7.6 way get destroyed. hundreds of buildings damaged infrastructure capital from the communities and japanese prime minister for me because she knows edge officials to boost aid. the u. n's world feed program this morning. that 1400000 students use refugees all at risk of starvation. the organization has been forced to con food a because of a lack of money. that interest reports beyond these concrete structure, lice, suit and use territory 8 over you should say on a daily basis. they still register between 20300 new refugees will come into eastern, tried over the past 7 or 8 months, which seem hundreds of thousands is far more than 600000 students. refugees, displaced by the ongoing fight and insights were done with cost. this way and that added to more than 600000 other student is refuges displaced by only a conflict in west into for numbering more than 600000 people. now you're not


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