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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 6, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the flow this is in use, our on on to is here for you back people live in the coming up in the next 60 minutes. the moment of impact con, units in southern gaza is under heavy. he's ready, bombardments. 22 people have been killed and residential areas are severely damaged . arrests fan
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b team. these really forces carry out more rates across the occupied west spot. as far left buys walk gates from levin on towards northern israel warning as a 1st response to the beginning of the mouse. as deputy chief bonus smith in bethlehem went over all christians preparing mutate celebrations as yet to mock the crumbs. also this our violin seemed on the dash on the eve of the controversial general elections that the main opposition party is boy on the thank you very much for joining us. we begin this news hour in 7 guys where at least 22 policy needs have been killed in an overnight is really bombing in a city of con eunice. all of the victims were in a single house, women, children in the family. if i try, unless we're among them, guys, as health ministry says
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a 160 to palestinians were killed in one day across the strip. the southern region is under constant is really bombardment after the military expand that is operation center. so they killed their children. they killed our kids. they killed her, beloved's they killed are hard enough as if i'm loading uh a little. uh sure, men like general, we listen to these riley armies instructions to evacuate from north to south. at midnight last, not rockets fell in my house next to us. we called on the air brothers to stop the aggression now when the gaza strip. otherwise though, we partners in the world are the palestinian people of suffering when a home? no, it's mine. i've omar begins coverage from con eunice where it is rarely bombardments truck while the cameras,
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wherever only the workplace just struck the area. it seems that house was targeted during our coverage and then the destruction is significant, as you can see. but thankfully, but we're not injured as a result of this air strike here in central han eunice warehouse was hit by a missile from one of the israeli war plains that are constantly flying over the area alongside recognizance air. correct you while smoke is rising as a result of the violent air striking central hun eunice, particularly on the elbow. how to street or shake. i haven't the austin street as it's commonly known. oh, sure to see if i can with you see committed a fairly nice looking to sudden with any civil defense vehicles have been dispatched in the area which has already been evacuated to this house was possibly targeted. as you can see here, and smoke is still
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a billowing artillery miss of an aerial strikes continue in this area, the bombardment the is oldest non stop here in central con eunice. the ice cream, as you saw just now, is rose. bombardment goes on east central han eunice shelves are following sporadically, and a war planes are targeting civilian homes. in the midst of this intense bombardment civilians, particularly those living in the western parts of the central district, our attempt to seek shelter as the military operation moves forward. in central hon . eunice with every new mess. so there's further damage. more homes are destroyed and additional casualties are recorded. just single is made up of $100.00 is dealing with the virus families in gaza. 7 most city of rafa also morning, the best of loved ones in is really strikes
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of denver issac. i've seen john lost his wife and 2 children in the overnight strikes. caesar in the military says it's targeting how mosque leaders and this infrastructure in vasa, the city is hosting more than a 1000000 in terms of the space policy. and so when for scott, from northern and central task, let's get an update on the situation on the ground and speak 2 ounces. here is honey, my motors in vol, fine, southern gaza. so the latest is really a tax honey. i focused on south way. you are tell us more 1st about what's been happening. the yes 1000000 where we're getting more reports of from the central area about people who have been as trend that the for the past it the few days been and the newly created wars on, in the central part of the, about this really military and intensified. so its air strikes and artillery so
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they can push in deeper into the, into the, the central part. they lean towards the why the area internet the time to find the a car. but wait and doing the site, correct. as you can see, both of blocks, but one or 2 of the refuge account that people are trying to move away from there, from those area that are usually a bomb then and, and, and targeted by, it's very managed by. but unfortunately, as they are leaving their residential homes in the street and taking the very, a court of doors that were designated by these really military to take in order to get out of the area. and they are shot at the r a by their, by the, by bullets, the attacker drones, the quad comforters, the art is hovering at the very low level of interest in this ties of this central area of the gods trip. or there being a mess. those are fired at them. there are reports of people who are critically injured and they're so the but we,
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we need this data from our sins. now it's on the ground family and the entire family that was lee and it's home in the sense on the, in the why that would shut out and buy a, drawn by those who managed to get out of this area and get to the hospital where the critically injured, they are saying that there are more people in that barrier that was argued in mr. cole by fire to die. 3 so far, the c, the engine is getting very, very, and the more people are still taught in the area under the bonds we're down to have . you are still going to try and to leave. now people are facing palms. they also facing and increasingly di, humanitarian situation. across the gaza strip, we've heard the un humanitarian cheese say that gaza has become in hot on in the habitable because disease is spreading and famine is me a tennis, more about the daily humanitarian hardship that people are facing,
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especially in the south, where many of them have moved. 2 during large name type graveyard, or for it to everybody else now being killed in the score and to be able to find it very difficult to date. these bodies, very vivian and improper areas be ended up burying them either in the sidewalk or in the, the middle of the road or the backyard of their homes. it just increasingly becoming very, very difficult as the situations in the, in the southern part of the gaza. strip is the, is lacking a re, a almost a very basic and essentials. it needs an element that supports abiding the hardship and the very difficult living conditions in terms of the drinking water in terms of lack of done, of proper food supplies,
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as well as medical supplies in addition to the survival items to help people survive these difficult condition we're talking about sanitary and what are the hygiene facilities as infrastructure and the have been, i've been destroyed, but the worst of this is the fact that the health care facilities are under heavy attacks, almost running at the very low capacity right now in the southern find almost don't exist and don't offer any services in the northern parts and uh, and the gall and god, this is the sofa. we're talking about the only the few of these hospitals are remaining at functioning, but also a function at a very low capacity. giving the, the large number of injuries and also the experience for days of, of medical supplies. people are likely to die of the aftermath of these areas strikes. and when, when compared to the, the number of casualties for the right address, i will not attack happens and the number of dying in the aftermath being in a hospital that doesn't offer the sufficient treatment or medical the treatment
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right. or the hard hard living conditions in term of the now the nutrition for children and new and babies and, and also in desperate condition. so people across the gaza strip. thank you so much money for that honey. my mode reporting their life from a rough font and palestinians in the occupied westbank are also under attack, is really forces are reportedly arrested and beaten. several of them during rates in at least 9 towns in the occupied westbank exchanges of fire were heard in parts of novels. there were also reports of confrontations between the military and policy and fight is in some refugee camps. let's get more in this with nora khan, who is the unoccupied east. jerusalem, or a not a day goes by without a raid and several them factories in the occupied westbank. tell us about these latest ones. the quote fully israel has made it very clear that it is crushing down any form of descent and also on groups in the
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occupied westbank. and they've been conducting this with daily rates out on average, around 40 rates every single day. so up, last night was suddenly no different. it happened here and occupied east jerusalem and the pass code schwab thoughts refugee camp is ready. stone the comp that was on confrontations that and also instead of one. but if you shift over to the occupied westbank in the knowles, there was some flight is coming in from jeanine. they started far and i and this lady check points that we noticed they slide to the scene. we don't have more information on that the moment, but no reports to injuries and code kalia just south of that. these ready all meet students, a number of neighborhoods, and many posting and aside to assess up some improvise explosives that. but some of the fears is, confrontations were in nablus involved to refugee camp just south these ready armies stormed in and they were met with armed with distance. it was fighting back
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and forth, bullets slick flying back and forth. and then the, it's right on the setup, smite the positions on the rooftop that lost it for many hours. there was one incident inside the old city where a promise to imprison those families said that they stormed a printing shop that belonged to him and then confiscated a carpet, not just 5th. they've been off to some to drive the car, to a check point near and the legal is right assessment nearby. so they wouldn't get shot to us. and then and back behind, we know 3 people are arrested and there was puts, they was security based. and as well just before they were taken away. now we have being to many of these refugee camps often that still the people say they come in with only the full days of see plenty of evidence of the streets being pulled up. people's houses being run, sacked, or destroyed. and they say this is a form of collective punishment, and also to drive a wedge between themselves and the fine to they say they want to remain unified. so that's what's happening in the occupied westbank. laura,
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what about what's happening in northern israel? because sirens have been heard back well, the sirens are warnings of real kit coming from the board from lab and on from the head spa. that's actually an app that was coming off my up was going off 2 hours ago. and i just wanted to show you that there was a kind of scattering of red along the occupied golden heights. and also the of the galler, like he's ready for says, said fall she rockets with shots specifically towards mount maryland. and they said one was accepted by the line to defense system and there was one on the tank miss. so that was also said also they would do in setting a drawing, they didn't say with this image or not, but it creates another kind of threat because they can fly around so many hours. so also possible suicide drawing. sometimes these are, um, i can false warning so we don't know much about that. the moment box,
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it comes of the heels of the defense minister. you've got on saying that it's a diplomatic solution. doesn't work with a has block, then they can only take military action, and i'll give you the court. he said, we prefer the positive and agreed upon settlement, but we all are getting close to the point where they, our gloss will turnover. this could obviously cause a much larger issue or a possible well considering his paula is has a much more phones when system done home us. okay, laura, thank you very much for the update. laura con, reporting their life from occupied east jerusalem. and on the diplomatic front, the us secretary of state antony blinking is in turkey on the 1st leg of another tour of the middle east. his meeting with the turkish foreign minister, how confidant, and then present the ship type are the one. this is bekins 5th visit to the middle east since the war on guy. so i began to discuss this and all the latest
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developments that speak to i'm at he 9 who's director of middle east north africa region at the strategic advisory from global council. and especially as of middle east geo politics. very good to have you with us ahmed alice taught with lincoln's visit his 4th one to the region. and he's starting off into key a. what do you think will come out of his meeting with president or the one? what kind of influence do you think kentucky we're done? gosh 5 today. i think blinking is trying to urge de escalation. they don't want this war to widen the americans seat. there's a strategic burden at this point, reputation lead, they had been hurt by being associated with these really warm machinery as being facilitate. there's some providers of, of munition, in weaponry for israel to, to prosecute this, this war and strategically. they also want to preoccupied themselves with other theaters, ukraine, the self sign of trying to see. so he wants to urge this in the escalation of lincoln, and he wants to use turkey's influence are going to influence with from us. so
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their leaders reside there to have how much also dial back there. there was a stance against what does he bring to the table for tech here? well, there's a discussion around arms and selling of 16 more planes to 13. this will be important for our dawn who is resisting or dragging his feet and allowing his approval of sweden's accession to, to nasal for that block. and he wants to use that card to get that deal across the line. all right, so that's into key. what about the other countries in the region he's been to cutoff for several times is going to go to jordan as well, the u. e. i mean, we've been here before in these past 3 months, these trips, what have they completely achieved and what do you think this will achieve this time or what i'm looking at? instead, far too many civilians have been killed. but these leaders want to look at what the americans are doing, not what they're saying. they uh they have said they want the escalation,
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they want is realtor curb behind density phase of the war, but they haven't been able to deliver that. and on the country, their past packages, after packages of support to, to israel to continue prosecuting the source. so there's a real loss of credibility and loss of rep leverage because is real and the us hasn't been able to sway its closest right in the middle is a loss of credibility for the us, you say. and this is happening at a time when there is bullying concern about the conflicts spreading. we, we seen, you know, the situation along the lab and on israel border with hezbollah firing milwaukee. a soft ass on this one is late to speak to 2nd speech which came after the killing of hamas is number 211 on his bullet says that this is an initial response. the 1st response, do you expect more is helpful. i really going to go all in and, and perhaps wide in this conflict. i don't think so because lebanon doesn't want that other 2006,
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and neither. this is real heavy casualties on both sides. that time and huge took back $411.00 on economically civilian infrastructure. why so to drive level and back into that would would be counter productive for has been so what's as follows, messaged and in some in 5 as well. last we're telling you to write down rudy as as a nation. it's happened on the on the under soil. but they, they, they cannot drag 11 on into another conflict. what they are doing is consistent with their policy since the 1980s, which is to let the enemy bleed drain the enemy economically, militarily, inflict a 1000 small cuts on the enemy and not going to direct all out costly confrontation . and that's the, that's the, the effectiveness of iran, and it's excess of resistance is to a huge exit, use a symmetrical or fair on many fronts, low cost and high reward. and that's how they've been able to threaten israel security from different products from home, from different trends. very interesting to talk to you about this summit de la.
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thank you so much for joining us on the softer thank. now are us striking iraq that killed the leader of any rainy and back onto a pass increase tensions between the 2 countries between the us and the rock. the rocky prime minister says the drawing attack is a serious violation of the country sovereignty. i'll just hear his name is robbie has more from back that or the job as a rocky prime minister is a balancing act between invader, turn strategic partner, the united states and paramilitary groups, close to a rock whose support is crucial for holding power and both talk with the balance appears to be shifting after a us drove straight on thursday, killed a senior leader from one of the dozens of armed groups that make up rocks. popular mobilization forces. the 2nd such attack in recent months on the rocky parent military prime minister mohammed, she also, donnie said the presence of the us led coalition in iraq needs to come to an end, which is, um, it fits, you know, what was it on, was the popular mobilization forces represent and then take real part of our armed
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forces. we have repeatedly emphasized that in the event of a violation or transgression by any iraqi party or if iraqi law is violated, the iraqi government is the only party that has the right to follow up on the merits of these violations. which taught jawad caused them underwater and 3 other members of the groups that were killed on thursday by us missiles. what the rocky government says is. another violation of sovereignty depended on, says, with self defense. this was a necessary proportion, an action against this particular individual who was personally involved in the planning and execution of attacks against american personnel. 2500 us troops in iraq and other 900 in syria. lead a so called international coalition to stop by. so from coming back, the rockies will tell us forces do whatever they want whenever they want, often violating standing agreements. we cannot expect that the control sort continued to stain or whatever. and because of what's happening in the region and
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recently, and by the end of the bombing, different places in iraq with such a muscles and can i people here? of course, this is not accepted neither by the public, neither by the government. the government still relies on the us led coalition for security. they are unlikely to be asked to leave any time soon. but in the face of escalating violent saying it out loud. what's the least the rocky government could do? there been more than a 100 attacks on us spaces in iraq and syria since the war on god's up again, by group sympathetic to the flight of the palestinian people. it is the all out american support for israel. critics say that made those attacks inevitable. same bus raphael, 0 and coming up on which is 0 will be taking a look at some of the days having use, including i am and degree is right here on the charge suit on board out why it is to say they are running out of food so we have hundreds of thousands of food and these refugees of costco, boston,
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if he's been charged the . let's take a look at some of the days have been used now in bangladesh is main opposition party has started a $40.00 general strike of the country gives up for sundays, generally election. the opposition is boycotting the vote, saying it's spanish cannot be guaranteed. violence broke out on the eve of the election, where they suspected austin attack on a passenger train. let's bring in during the hall and duncan for so join. it has been violence on the eve of the election. tell us about what's been happening. yes, widely on face, if i use that file and for the increase in the run up to this elect and and so it has turned out they've been reports throughout the day today of a number of primary schools across the country intended to be used as posting stations on sundays that are being set the lights on friday evening. as we mentioned, the train on its way to the capital cars itself. set
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a line by what police described as suspected austin list on identified full compartments. but inside them full people, a set of died including a young child all intended to finally to add to a sense of unease. leading up to this election on top of which some 300 separate incidents of violence supported by the police in just the past 2 weeks. it set the scene for what it's going to be an extremely unusual election. as you mentioned, that one in which the main opposition party isn't even taking part, insisting that the whole process is rig. here's an idea of what to expect. there's an election happening in bangladesh. but it's of secondary importance to the estimated 2 thirds of households. worried about rising food and fuel prices and economy booming just a few years ago. he's now stagnant high inflation cost,
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in part by the war. and ukraine means even the middle class is struggling. budget experienced. it is difficult to survive with the prices cuz they wanted to make changes. they could have done it before on pessimistic that anything will change the name. the election itself will make little difference. a boy called by the opposition who say the vote will be re tool, but guarantees the governing party a full consecutive to yeah, not democratic. the game bought only for one party and bung lovely so that we are not accept this election. we are at been to the people a bundle of this not right, didn't don't 70 election. thank you. much. politics in bangladesh has for decades being dominated by ribald industries, led by prime minister shakes. i've seen a former prime minister, kind of the z, a z. he's on the house arrest on corruption charges. she says are politically motivated until us a quote. is it been jailed in that thousands of the violent protests that began
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last october, x dot off when you see opposition party support is gathered openly like this, and they won't be allowed to long. this is an election certainly. so there's only one political view, the cartridge here, and it isn't this, that's something the allow me league strongly refutes is on it all, is the part of the government is not hindering any political party from taking part in the election of those who say we are doing so, their claims are bogus. they are false, all by holding the same is tipped for a senior administrative job and in the central constituency hayes is by far the most visible face fluttering in the breeze. despite these promise of a fair election, the wind is turning in bunker dash towards a one party state of which of policies profoundly the stabilizing for bangladesh. not just the pre election violence,
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but real concerns about what happens next. is it sink saying that nothing is going to change the worry of post election bottom state is out to force on the streets across the country to provide security over this election periods. that in itself is a worrying side and the opposition has pulled a 48 hour general national strike in an attempt to drive the economy to a halt in protest if this election is not clear how many people are appearing to that. but it's a familiar with tactics and they may well be more of a after that effect. the 2nd scene is government in power since 2009 has been accused by international rights groups of a whole litany of abuses and violations. not that the opposition when they were in power would similarly accused that has to be said, but it all adds up to the image of an election, which is hardly a textbook exercise in democracy. and one that offers very few answers to this country's problems, including and he cannot make crises, but maybe to take
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a bailout from the i've just last month in december with $4700000000.00. because the following the selection with you jona june, the whole life for us, the in bangladesh, capital com, an alliance of on go see myanmar has seized control of a c t in the north in a district bordering china. the 3 brother who the lines to now came after weeks of intense fighting with drugs. the group has become the most significant threat to the military governments since it sees power in 2021. this comes off to are now to re shell from the fighting in young ma hit the chinese board a ton of non sign on wednesday, causing injury to these 5 people and prompting an immediate response from beatrice us and still ahead on the use our an ocean of trouble, wising sea level straightened the sacred side so long time on
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the there's been record called for the nordic countries for higher hon. so let me show you for the finish lapland. dip and down to minus 44. point 3, making it the coldest night in the nordic countries in 25 years starting the purple and the blue, the hurt the temperature. we also know it's been cold for finland's capital health . thank you. so let's go minus 15 on saturday, but of course we can up it's colder. so getting out the door on sunday minus 26, that cold through western russia and bella ruth as well, but hang on, there is some warrants come in. we've got weather whiplash here we're going to be on the plus side of things, believe it or not, by tuesday. so it will be warm enough for some rain speaking brain. let's go back to the here and now we've got some rain over italy pushing into the ball games with a developing disturbance in the central mediterranean, but noticed the temperature in forsyth below freezing that cold air is going to swing south into central europe and the balkans open the next little bit and we'll squeeze at one more nice. stay through greece and turkey,
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so enjoy it. while you can, other side of the mediterranean. it is quite windy, not too far away from barcelona gusts of about a 100 kilometers power. those winds also through the northwest of africa could get up to 60 kilometers per hour in for south africa, no weather alerts to speak of plenty of sun. so enjoy it. while you can see you later, the born and raised in garza, you'll have married the palestinian from the occupied westbank. both her out of her assignment you need is reading me to 3 permits, to visit to one another. what sort of the homes along this traditional christmas carol in the lutheran church, in bethlehem? but her sister jean was buried under the rubble. the 1st showing was 2 degrees. both of those immediately, not as viewed as they said that i want to know immediately. i don't accept my sense
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to celebrate christmas while my family are facing him on and every year at victory is really tough to will come pick them and to us from all over the world this year, the lights haven't been turned on. as you can see, the major square is the one who does that. the frustration and sadness, but many here say they refuse to give up on ho the the the you're watching the news out on. ouch is 0 reminder on top stories, at least 20 to kind of seem to have been killed in overnight is really strikes in
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con units in southern guys on the policy me and health ministry says a 122 people have been killed in one day across across the street, is there any forces of record to be arrested in eating several policy means during more night rates, at least 9 towns sophie occupied, westbank exchanges. a fire were heard in foster of novels, and has the law says it's payton is really observation policies in 6 to 2 rockets for the killing of how much on the mazda official enabled on tuesday and responses rouse, military says it struck the sale that launched the kaiser, as war on guys that has created a humanitarian catastrophe with un agencies warning that half of guys is 2400000 population is at risk of starvation. the united nations children's agency units that says pregnant women and children not getting enough nutrients. it so they found that about 90 percent of children under 2 years of age are consuming
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a maximum of 2 food groups. they're only getting grains of milk, which means the definition of city it food, poverty, as the threat of famine intensifies hundreds of thousands could be severely malnourished with some at risk of death. cases of diarrhea in children under 5 years of age has risen from 40271000 in a single week at the equivalent to 3200 new cases day. and there is growing concerned about the health of expectant den breastfeeding women units that says amount nutrition is worse and more than a $155000.00 mothers. will that speak to test ingram about all this? she's a unit test spokesperson joining us from amman and jordan. thank you. test for being with us. so this survey that you conducted, i understand, was just conducted a few days ago. can you tell us more about your findings on the impact of the war
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on women and children in gaza and what areas did you focus on in particular, really not really findings, as he said, the women actually not being totally affected by these conflict children make up about half of the population regardless. so they really bearing the cost of the monetary and crisis that the survey went around to $1000.00 household and mothers and caregivers about what they had a child in the previous day. we focused on to the, to the phone room groups to malnutrition and he said, we've got 90 percent of them. i'm getting to say right. so those 2 numbers are definitely ryan's and know and we didn't desire so much and ways earlier. and even those 2 ways, the government as it went from actually percent to 90 percent. so we're very low about the lack of nutrients, but young children and getting to how they devise and develop that rises from that a lot. so now be teaching, in fact, in the coming weeks,
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this deal with this one. yeah, warnings or assignments every conflict, as you say, test disproportionately affects children. so what are you as the un children's agency doing to help the children of guys at all you doing enough? as we're doing as like best we're on the grounding, does a deliberating, age, providing supply, metals or services. for example, how the children respond to some of the mental health from the very experiencing the supply. the way of delivering the, i know when you're in us, we're getting in a, you know, draw the new york times the norm as you met of terry and age and guy. because of the smallest reading and restriction price that's deductible. and then when the, when the challenge trying to distribute to the children and families that they didn't buy as lovely because of the big in tennessee and possibilities. but only because of other logistical challenges like like
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a feel for now. yeah. so challenges in getting to the children and distributing the aid as you alluded to, i mean that the mental impact as well. we've talked about the physical and impact and children are foresight resilient and they have coping mechanisms that can help them. but what is going to be the long term impact on this generation of children in guys both physically and mentally, to blame terms of the mental impact? i think it's a very important question because we're seeing the experience responses in june. so i'm going to engage you guys in the gaza strip already. i'm very concerned about the long term impact because other conflicts around the world. children might experience this for medical events that have the ability to just safety and that hasn't been happening in the gaza strip the day to day children to be confronted
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with the trauma and the about the physical impacts. many levels leaving in just a lot of family members little there on the friends of so i guess you know, until the findings dos and the children are able to deal size is not until that point that we really going to be in to assess and respond to the mental health state test. thank you very much for speaking to us and telling us about what children in guys are facing right now. testing them is folks best and for the un children's agency unit. so thank you for your time. bye is now is christmas e some millions of orthodox christians around the world. but in bethlehem, in the occupied westbank celebrations ongoing to be muted. a procession of koji is on the way at the church of the nativity. and that's why ben, as smith is for us right now, joining us live, tell us about the atlas ca bennett fully uh, much more muted atmosphere this year. we've got the priests waiting for the greek
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orthodox patriarch to arrive a ne, from where i'm standing. they'll be a short procession into the church of the nativity. this is normally a much more festive occasion with music and singing. but this year there's no move celebration because of what's happening and gaza. the palestinians say the orthodox christian palestinians. once i remember the few greek orthodox god palestinian christians of they're all still trapped in gauze at 260000000 people worldwide celebrates orthodox christmas. most of them in eastern europe, in russia, in greece. anything okay. and uh, in egypt. and this time of the abyss, square main, just square. i would ordinarily be pots with visitors and tours, but there is nobody, hey, there's no christmas tree that would normally be just behind me. there's no manger instead, as i say, what is ordinarily a celebration is really a much more somber and sober. a fat using it is
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a period of reflection after the short ceremony that there is a short sleeve which will go into the church of incense a sent to night. that will be the traditional christmas big not my cell phone. thank you, ben. it's bennett $2314.00 deadline from bethlehem in the occupied westbank or the worn out the days of in use and us present. joe biden has kicked off his re election campaign with a blistering attack on donald trump, and 9 who could be his challenger in the election later this year. item described the former president as a threat to democracy. his speech was made a day before the 3rd anniversary of the storming of the capitol hill, building by trump supporters, which is today john henry and the report from montgomery county in pennsylvania. joe biden carefully picked the time in place for his 1st major redress of
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a 2024 campaign. today i make the sacred pledge to you the defense protection preservation. american democracy remain as it has been. the central cause of my presidency. the time a day before the 3 year anniversary of the interaction in washington, he's presumed rival discharged with the meeting that effort to forcibly overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. trump exhausted every legal avenue available to him to overturn the election. everyone with the legal plan, just to trump back to the truth that i had one the election and he was a losing the place near valley forge, where george washington stroup set up camp in the cradle of american democracy. and not coincidentally, in pennsylvania, a t swing state, it's a state pennsylvania senator john betterments says biden can, and must we talk about really what the election is on the line to a democracy or
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a dictator. somebody that actually comes running really proclaimed. it's like i'm going to be a dictator, and some people might, that took him seriously, but, but i certainly would take it seriously bite and won the state in 2020 by a single percentage. boy, it was near here at valley forge that in 1777, george washington setup camp for us, had declared its independence, which still had to fight for this binding democracy. that is what joe biden says, needs to happen now. the us needs to fight for democracy. today we're here to answer the most important questions. is democracy still america's sacred cos this is button launched, his political campaign near philadelphia. trump continued his campaign in iowa, the 1st day to vote in a republican primary less than 2 weeks away. did you say i'm a threat to democracy? he's
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a threat to the democracy. why couldn't read the word is a threat to democracy and how bad the precious you know they do, they take me saying that like that. and they say, trust couldn't say the word democracy, both the president and the former president will have to 1st when they were parties nomination state by state. john henry and l g 0, montgomery county, pennsylvania. and the us supreme court has amounts. it will consider trump's appeal of a colorado state bullying that bought him from the republican primary ballot fair. the face top core, disqualified the former president last month fighting his role in the capitol hill attack. the federal case will be heard in february and could potentially said guidelines determining how every state or treat trumps bits. officials in new york city say they're facing a new influx of asylum seekers. boston to the city from the state of texas. the marriage says is now taking further steps to try to deal with the situation. i'll
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just hear is gabrielle, is on the reports. on a frigid morning in new york city, dozens of migrants have been waiting in line for hours, for an opportunity to apply for asylum at the local immigration office. across town at a migrant shelter. hundreds of others mostly from africa and latin america lineup as well. some have been waiting for more than 7 hours in 3 degrees celsius temperatures. they're all looking for a bed to sleep on the way, trying to get a order and can do that for a straight that tempers sometimes flare, but all they are seeking is a better life in america. i'm just trying to get my lives good because we want to be like everybody else in new york to pay taxes are still more than
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a 150000 asylum seekers have arrived in new york city since the spring of 2022 many of them bust to new york from texas on the order of its governor greg abbott. new york city officials say they can't take any more asylum seekers and point to seems like this last august when migrants were forced to sleep on the sidewalk because there were not enough beds in the shelters. in order to avoid more chaotic scenes like that. last month in new york city's mayor eric adams announced an emergency executive order requiring all private bus companies to give the city 32 hours advance notice before dropping off migrants in the city. what city officials say not a single bus company has complied. so the mayor has announced a lawsuit against those bus companies seeking more than 700000000 in damages. there
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is some elected officials like governor abbot of texas who's using individuals as political pons and then others who are a church sort of just turning a blind eye or trying to play a game of one upsmanship in this moment. and for getting that there are people in the middle of august for now, migrant arriving in new york city or more time, so not finding themselves out in the cold time. but what are you waiting for the help they need to support themselves. gabriel was on to i'll just leave new york. alaska airlines has grounded all of these 4 and 737, max, 9 planes out to emit a blow out in the us state of oregon. the same last spot of cabin door and to slash and return to port. and shortly after taking off a california deadline says it's conducting a full inspection. bullying said it was aware of the incident and he's working to gather more information. the boeing 737 mac sat across was grounded worldwide in 2019,
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after 2 fatal crashes killed. 346 people. the death toll from the crate that's drunk. western japan on new year's day, has risen to more than a 100. 200 of us are missing the know to peninsula was hottest hit by the 7.6 magnitude quake. it destroyed hundreds of buildings, damage infrastructure, and cut off remote communities, japanese primary. so for me, a issue that has a deficiency to both state the show foods, your needs, the causes, we need to strength and delivery routes for water, food and portable toilets. we need to improve the disposal of human waste and improve access to medical assistance. also to sit up, make shift bids and devices for privacy. in addition, we need to strength and police cap trolling for security. we're doing these things to alleviate to evacuate. anxiety will continue to make the most efforts to the united nations. well, for the program is wanting that 1400000 sued in these refugees are at risk of
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starvation. the organization has been forced to cut food a because of a lack of money. maybe 334, is beyond this concrete structure, lice. suit any standard $38.00. 0 for you just say on a daily basis they still register between 20300 new refugees will come into eastern chide. over the past 7 or 8 months, which seem hundreds of thousands is far more than $600000.00 students. refugees displaced by the ongoing fighting insights. so done of cost this way. i'm not added to more than 600000 other suited news refugees displaced by only a conflict in west into for numbering more than 600000 people. now united nations and now the ages are saying that they have only one month, full supply left to help 1200000 people in this part of eastern time. in addition to our cases of malnutrition, people who are actually needing assistance in other parts of child. now they say, unless help comes that way, there wouldn't be any food left us of these people at the end of january. now what
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we're hearing also is that over the past few months, we've seen a reduction in the case of mother trisha simply because of the cost of supply of food items. and there is this concern. but unless help comes to bear weight, this improvement will be eroded. over the past or by the next few months, simply because the family is that why sustain with food supplies and food aid will no longer receive that aid. now, a lot of people, i can send that over the next 3 or 4 months when people will be entering the lead periods, taste to supplement attrition or rise again. how many degrees august data on this was on tried board to lawyers for synagogues, j, and opposition? leaders months on coal, say the po, the rejection of his bit to run in next months presidential election. it follows his disqualification by the constitutional counsel. on friday, he was removed from the natural register after being sentenced in june to 2 years in prison for marly, corrupting
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a young pressing charges. he denies the ation temples on the east coast of thailand to teach reading on the brink of being swallowed up by encroaching seas. 20 chang re for some some wood. for con, via the capital bank called a month tries in vain to push back flood waters. this is now an annual occurrence in many areas alone, thailand because rising sea levels, storms and heavy rain full growing impact, global climate change even in this temple, 50 kilometers in then rising sea levels of having a devastating impact. 400 year old bureaus on the 10 pools depicting the 10 reincarnations. that's good to hear that but the app, it says they've deteriorated rapidly in recent years because of salt water seeping in through the foundation was out on want and soon they may be gone and they come to me or something partially restored. last year we got
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a small budget from the department to find out it was in that house if there was no restoration or how many cement would look like what we see outside kind of decaying away. even though i am scared to all the videos and all for the pots, the culprits, the canal that runs outside the temple 20 years ago. this was fresh water. now salt water comes with the high tide on the coast. another temple in distress. from the rising seas, 20 years ago with thriving community lived around it. now while the remains of the telegraph poles that run alone was the main road, this temple on the coast is almost lost the battle against rising sea levels. today the entrance here 20 years ago was all the way down the one and a half meters below where i am now happening. it's up in woodson. i grew up here with the rest of his community. he had to flee inland and he shows me the damage
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the sold. corrosion is done to the temples and the i and structure inside the but my local people say they're not going to abandon what remains. the community like the, the bank on, we chose to protect his temper despite the fact that it's more expensive than building a new one. this building has sentimental value and historical value, and it's a monument to the environment that shows the coastal erosion that happened in this community. to now the months of working hard to undo the damage of the corrosion and build best of barricades against the waves. and the battle against climate change place is one thing. but it also involves a lot of hardware. tony chang summit for comp time. so the head will have like this for teens and comb,
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with somebody in the chevy compass on them. feel that they found the unsettled tax upfront takes on the big issue. there is a context to what is happening now. it has a question about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous the bank that he added to 2 days that the another i couldn't think is taking place. augusta, nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission. nothing leads about that without permission to allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without 0. examining the impact of today's headlines, the fear of the destruction of your everything, international filmmakers and world class john, unless you're saying that these laws actually encourage more violence, 7 has to know stories for a global audience. this is my, you house, this is way what these are 15 foot side of the phrase us from our culture. open
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your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on how does era who the this is gemma. thank you fully for sales, full time, a world cup went up. maria is the guy who has died at the age of 92. the wing not played in the team that won brazil's 1st world cop in 1958, was part of the school that retains the title 4 years later, he was named to preserve coach in 1970 and let's up in from the side, which included pele to the trophy and mexico you becoming the 1st person to win a world cop asked by a player and a manager. so got i was also assistant coach one for the one that full sizes in
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1994. the countries of football confederation has cooled him one of the sports greatest legends for sales, a current and national sided looking for a new coach off. the 2nd, fernando genies he was a pointer, is on an interim basis in july and had a one year contract. that's with brazil in 6th place and south america is 2026. well, couple qualifies. he's now being dismissed. jeanine's had been combining his work with him and, and say the club with which he wants to come for live at stores last year. i is this the reaction of telling them to send out petro power. i lost that he's got a brilliant when to send his side and t in to the 4th round of the english as a cup pars go coming in the 78 minutes to give us a window victory. as a sunday, primarily excited sunday is a 5th. when in 6 games dispatchers who are without captain, so i'm assuming he's joined up with south korea. how does the agent come in castle go that the? so i'm going to be proud of brentwood and who's true one will just as
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a re flight lose down to 10 men, just 9 minutes in off the show, our gomez was central for a dangerous tackle. rent so then took the lead just the full half time and you'll know, pay with the go for the highest thoughts. fines right from totally doyle in the 6, the full submitted gabriel's a well as equalize that they had back time for the missouri to the pulls around off of a beach rolled around one mail. another great go have both of you. that's what i read, was that a slice it strikes against the side of boston as england's 2nd division. hinesville opened as now here. hong kong have top down in castle as they bring to an end to the 55 year weights to return to the asian cup. hong kong played in the annual world tournaments in 1956 there. and he played 2 more off of that's going on. this inside a, from that groups the campaign against the u. a on january the 14th a vietnam have also a rising castle. i will be looking to improve on that goal to find the parents from
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4 years ago, side of coached by city, plus the a, one page and talk with japan back in 2000 down. people come off against his old side in the greek, the icon. in the m. b, i stuff call every school 26 points. as the golden state warriors left it late to reach the detroit pistons, the distance once ahead was on to 2 minutes remaining a brand of benefits and sailing the route and combining for 25 points. that carry struck his 3 pointers. why didn't massive warriors winning one? so i seem to want to know this now just one victory insights, one games for the system and another sizing counselor, the magic can manage to hold off the denver nuggets and the 2 point go. the magic with training by 18 points, they are inspired by pallet, calories, fast, triple double, and thing a 3 game losing streak. david won a has retired from test cricket. it stuck in style as australia. beach park is done by 8 tickets to in the series. 3 now, australia was set to a 129 runs the victory on the morning of the day,
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full of the god of all that was given to warner on his 100 and 12th out of final test match. and 2 contributed towards the way with a 50 and a $118.00 run stands with monosyllabic chain. one final good by assay, deposit of 5737 year old will i continue to try and see which ones these are. i found it out says there are no guarantees he'll be fit to the upcoming australian open the dial to collect the medical timeouts as he's come back, tournaments ended in a quote of final defeats the 22 time grandson champion was beaten at the prison international aisle strategy is jordan pumps and that have been out of the game for surgery, was hoping to play in this last major via to get some dwight and melvin. i hope it's not important then they hope to have the chance to to, to, to be practicing midway. going to play melbourne, but honestly,
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i am not 100 percent sure of anything that in the women's tournaments and brisbin so i can see that you alayna, we've all kind of has eased into the final with the straits. that's when even in the most about, well, number full convincing a 636 to victory, and this is more than an hour to 2020 to wimbledon. johnson has yet to drop the stuff that the server went into the post and have reached the united cup. final loss of daisy victories from well. number one is film fact. i'm sure we'll catch students in the next team events and then go for well, number one, school to shuffle. it will take a one shot lead into the 3rd round of the p. j tools season. i'm not in hawaii. the american made an eagle f h buddies for 964 just behind him on the lead about is this man. terrell have a hold of his shots on 18 to finish up with a very impressive ego. the englishman caught it and 11 on the 62, his lowest round as a professional. he's in a 3 way type that is always support for me. for now i'll have more lights on.
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generally. thank you very much for that. that's it for this news our on algae 0. if i do say what is my, my insight is with me next with one of the base the on a saturday morning we can clear access to the santa rosa market on the south west coast . when it's short been, smuggler's got us while we were here, it didn't seem like anyone was inspecting the catch the window. isn't that the fish market in santa rosa? i don't see any government officials inspecting or observing one kind of look at buffy because the state law is going to allow for murphy's. you know, i usually don't have that available $990.00 of the month. that's the lease to go 9 . not the seen the money today or the busiest are kuma caught
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a fisherman bringing the hammer head shirt. most of this pieces in danger. he jumped off the head and the body was destined for the pending pile. indistinguishable from the other sharks. her presence at the market quickly became problematic. marian shaheen and i've been making films about since 2006 when i moved there in 2005, we recovering from the 38. your occupation by israel. people were hopeful that their lives would improve, their dreams have been destroyed. and all that remains our echoes of the last chapter dreams on l. g 0.
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the the moments of impacts con you this in southern gaza is on the heavy. is there any bump on. ready 22 people have been killed and residential areas severely damaged. the


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