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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 6, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the the, [000:00:00;00] the so i'm fully back to bo, this is a news our on i, which is 0 life from bill coming up in the next 60 minutes of the moment of impact con units in southern guys is
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under heavy is really bombardment. 22 people have been killed in residential areas severely damaged and the getting the motto to my siblings. kind of my father, the has paul of fi is wrong. kids from 11 on towards northern israel warning it's the 1st response to the killing of hamas is deputy chief also this our alaska airlines round spots of its fleets after i don't blows out me that the thank you very much for joining us. we begin this news hour in guys i where at least a $122.00 palestinians have been killed in is really strikes across the strip in the last 24 hours a residential area in the southwest hating an overnight attack, killing at least $22.00 people in one house that brings the total number of palestinians killed since october, the 7th,
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to more than $22700.00. after the shop uh, we were in shut to, to feed. you can and these really need to apply is saying that garza is a battlefield. so we flipped to kind of units because it was a safe place with them. and they still bummed us and they have much to, to my siblings and my father. and my youngest brother, who is in 2nd grade and myself this brother who is in 8th grade, my father and my mother. now, is there any forces or also intensifying operations in central guys are moving in with tags, ahmed vehicles and attack drones? 46 people have been killed overnight. the united nations humanitarian h. e says gaza has become uninhabitable, 3 months into the war. the onslaught is further escalating regional tensions the lebanese tom go. has 4 last slide, a barrage of rocket towards northern israel. it says it's in response to the
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killing of hamas, his deputy leader in the woods. it's my little mar, begins coverage from con unit seen guys that where is really bombardment struck while the cameras were rolling. the post war planes just struck the area. it seems that house was targeted during our coverage and then the destruction is significant, as you can see. but thankfully, but we're not injured as a result of this air strike here in central hon. eunice, for a house was hit by a missile from one of the is rarely work planes that are constantly flying over the area alongside recognizance aircraft, while smoke is rising as a result of the violent air striking central hun eunice. particularly on the elbow . how to street or shake? i haven't the austin street as it's commonly known. oh, sure to see if i can be deceived. committed
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a fairly nice looking to sudden with any civil defense vehicles have been dispatched in the area which has already been evacuated to the house was possibly targeted. as you can see here, and smoke is still in the billowing level, artillery must solve an aerial strikes continue in this area. the bombardment is old, was non stop here in central con eunice. the ice cream, as you saw just now, is rose bombardment goes on. the central con eunice shelves are following sporadically, and a war planes are targeting civilian homes. in the midst of this intense bombardment, civilians, particularly those living in the western parts of the central district, are attempt to seek shelter as the military operation moves forward in central hon . eunice with every new mess. so there's further damage. more homes are destroyed and additional casualties are recorded. is made up of con eunice
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provides the best get the latest miles with all just there is honey. my mold was involved in 7 guys, a honey, a $122.00 people killed in just the last 24 hours in a tax across the guys a straight bring us up to speed with what's been happening. yes fall the $120.00 people so far confirmed by the ministry of health and across the gods trip. mainly in the central area and han you and his band further south and broadcast city. but there is a growing fear that in the central area on han, you and his were there, he bombardment going on and people are still under the rock. busy with the inability of the paramedics and the civil defense, the crew on the ground to pull up the people's will be killed over night and air that was just this morning and caught under the rubble. i removed the from there, there's
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a concern that the numbers going to increase within the coming hours. so far. we've heard of from the civil defense department in the center, and they are there defining a very difficult to intervene and to get through the targeted areas and remove bodies of from under the revel. there's some of those that bodies i've been on the dogs since the early afternoon hours and nearly hours of this morning. the chances of pulling them alive are very, very slim. and we've seen this in the past. they've in the northern part on dogs. it, there were people who spent long hours under the rebels and eventually were pulled out. they were really already dead. then that's the fear that is the growing and seem to be dominating right now. that the central area seems to be very, very risky. right now. not only for the residents of the central area, they're trying to leave and evacuated their homes and go to areas that supposedly be say, but they are shut out in the under way out of their homes. and that this, the shooting cabin indiscriminately by wide capture the drones and the hovering in
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a very low leveling the skies of the central area there. shooting indiscriminately, i women and children elderly or trying to get back with the horror of the ongoing bombing. so the central area is targeted, but these really attacks honey have also focused on the southern areas of guys which israel had said were safe. and many people actually left the northern and central areas to head south for safety. but they haven't found that there. and the humanitarian situation in the south is also very desperate. yes indeed. and this is what has been described by the the units of the spokes person, james, spelled there. who said this is the narrative about faith zones is a quite dangerous fan and misleading. for the most part, as there is no safe place across the gospel. but now we're seeing more people are the corner than this. a small part of the gaza strip here in dropbox,
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but there is the, the, the, this, the intensity and the scale of the bombardment is no different than the central area as well as the, the northern part, the 1st week. so of the word we see anything creasing link increasing gradually in age dropping in each passing day we see more people more and families are being more children are pulled from a under the rubber. so the narrative. uh, this whole thing. 2 and in designated safe zones, in fact, falls, misleading, contradictory, confusing to people, because people end up getting killed in the places where they would, they were, they were told they are safe and distraught or any sense of safety. there is, if you ask any palestinian here in across the gospel, if there is no sense of safety, no sense of security people go to sleep at night and the then deep down in their heart. they know it's the last night of a sleep. they're not going to wake up with what all have been through this syrian going down every single day. we count the, we count the hours that there is no safe place, but that increases the difficult,
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the and the living condition people in our concert took you in line for long dollars because there's a worried that the next door building is going to get bombed and they will get killed or out in front of a bank or, or go into evacuations. on the pod is no safe place, not even hospital schools or evacuation centers per can protect people now difficult living conditions to add to that. thank you very much, honey. for the update, honey, my old life force, the in rough. i in 7 gosh. well as bombings and fighting intensify in central as are medics, they are struggling to treat the growing number of wounded and who did re reports from one of the few functioning hospitals in the area. we are currently in a saw hospital in the middle. the area of bella and since the mornings, the ambulances did not talk to bodies and enjoying the difference
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areas of cross the area where yesterday was not tom shirley in the middle there. let's welcome in the hospital and let's show you how these injured patients are living their crowd. this. they have no space. they have no bed. people are turned down on the floor where every patient has 0 people are, are not only being taken and see this hospital as a refuge, but it's also a place where people are receiving treatment as that. is there any vision? most of the doctors in the hospital if that's the way to hearing the same scenario that happens in the as to the hospital. this is the scene right now where as you see is very crowded. a lot of injuries entered the hospital since the morning
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receive children. we for women, we see men and it's, it's, it's it's, it's more than the capacity of the hospital where all of the hospices, it's one of the own hospitals. in facilitating in the centro area. most of the doctors are right on the all of these injuries. it's so i smell gloves everywhere. i hear the echoes of people being hurt today. palestinians in the middle area are, is back to a thing. and we see people taking their times from the surroundings of the hospital going to the head. everyone is even just have to defy because they are hearing that the is there any forces are going to
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a surround and are going to invade and up to the hospital just like these is with 2 hospitals. at least 2 hospitals. in the north, we're talking about the cost of that and the indonesian hospital and everyone is scared as everyone fears a grand and vision and for $93.00 days, people are still strapped under the rubber. people are still being killed and more people are being homeless. decision to for the, for the hospital, that is the lebanese group has bola says it's hate and is there any observation post using 65 rockets? the group says it's a preliminary response to the killing of a senior, how mazda official in beveled on tuesday. let's find out more with him on con, who's in march i you and in $711.00 on these rocket attacks him on coming just hours after,
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as well as leader made his latest speech. what message is the group sending here as well in the late to speech, he did say that the would be a revenge for not just the killing of saw the l already the same. yeah. a mass leader. but the fact that it was done on lebanese soil in the capital b rouge, we weren't sure what that response was going to look like. but there is a statement from his bullet now confirming it as part of the initial responses. the fascination of the great lead shakes all the other room just for the monitors and the something so, but by roots, we talked to the moraine control base on joe or joe, mike was 60 to me. so i was a various types and we inflicted direct and confound hits on it and drove a swift and its response as well. hey, take a his bullet position and the along the boat or where i am, is probably is with showing you where i am. that's the disputes and ship farms area just behind that mountain ridge that is uh these ready tires you just pulled up,
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is about a 120 kilometers. i may need to keep this boat a controlled and what is ro is doing is putting on the 10s pressure on his bullet slices and his bullet positions and his bullet is doing the same back. it's all about containment in this local area. but those as strikes still continue, we've seen 2 in the last couple of i was just born about a kilometer away from me and the other one about 5 kilometers away from where i'm standing. so there's a significant amount of pressure on, and that means there's also a significant amount of diplomatic pressure as well. shortly. diplomacy continues between phones and the us who are mediating we're trying to mediate, brought up between tel aviv and with 11 on have. but right now his bullet isn't really interested in withdrawing from this area, which as well as role ones, they say no negotiations until the war and goes ends. thank you him, ron, for that him or on con, reporting their life from 711 on. let's find out now the reaction from israel and
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speak to us 0. hi rod, in tennessee. so sirens going off in northern israel after these walk is where launch. how do these release respond? well, those sirens have been going off every single day since the was started. but this is definitely the biggest bows of rockets has been 5 from 11 on on to those northern borders, including really the one of the most hard hit is mount mer on. if you've got to look at the map, it's one of the saddest points that have been targeted so far. since that's a for the but list that has follow has been warning that it will carry out the toughest strikes that it will respond to. well in rome was saying that the death of sorta had already and it so kits time initially it was expected. it would happen straight away. the is riley's, as soon as sort of had already was killed,
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had puts out a statement saying that they were on high a lot. that was what the spokesman had said at the time, saying they all ready for any scenario. israel has said that it doesn't want another war. however, the prime minister benjamin netanyahu has warns, has follows several times, saying that if it doesn't move back by routes, which is the capital of 11 on will become another gauze or a stock warning there. and he knows that the lebanese people don't want to see a repeats of the 2006. well, they're all tens of thousands of reservists and soldiers off on a long that pulled up with 11 on but also a prime minister. benjamin netanyahu has been working with us, and boy that's been visiting israel discussing, especially the northern border. we also know it's going to be top of the agenda full of us secretary of state, anthony clinton will not send you all who wants to see is for his but lot to move
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back away from that folder. and he said it would have to be a big fundamental change, a for the security of that for the and for those border towns and fire, i understand that families who lost loved ones so were taken captive on october, the 7th, or demanding an investigation into whether they were killed by is really tough try . that's right. so just so you know, when in the, when the type of 7 attack happens and that was a lots of tails, it wasn't very clear for the is really military who was fine. so he wasn't, they would suit incident says one, especially in binary town where a lot so those costs as well. lots of raw the is riley's in the area. what held hostage by the hum us fights is in house. and what happened was, it was the stand of last it for a long time inside. well,
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ended up happening and this is what's being the is ready to government said it will look into. and the minute she said it will, investigates, is that you had to bring it to the general of the sizes and took the decision that a tank would be used and it hits the house, the expense, and the costs of a civilian life is riley civilian, not very sole and most a few weeks ago in fox when one of those that managed to get the house of that home was shocked. she said, and in so if you, when she suddenly saw a tank rolling in, thinking initially that they were the just to push away the fights is never expecting for it to be fired towards the home. and all of this is happening, this demand for an investigation as more of those captives are still being held in gaza are being killed certainly since the last. see. so i, what we're expecting also today, speaking of those that are being held captive,
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it's the staff today will be seeing another riley which is usually attend by tens of thousands of people here in tel aviv outside of the defense ministry. and they are still demanding the return of all of those captives. a many we have been speaking to want to see a return of a c 5. sorry, thank you very much for that. so hi, ross slide force the in tennessee. meanwhile in the occupied, westbank is really forces every 40 lea arrested and beaten so of all palestinians during raids and at least 9 towns that exchanges a fire were heard in parts of novelist. there were also a force of confrontations between the military and policy and fighters in some refugee camps in the occupied westbank. your account has more of israel has made it very clear that it is crushing down any form of descent and also armed groups in the occupied westbank. and they've been conducting this with daily res, out on average, around 40 rates every single day. so up, last night was certainly no different. it happened here and occupied east jerusalem
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and the pasco schwab pots refugee camp is ready still on the account. there was some on confrontations that and also instead of one. but if you shift over to the occupied westbank in the news, there was some flight is coming in from jeanine. they started firing at and his rating check point that we noticed they slide to the scene. we don't have more information on that the moment, but no reports to injuries and co kalia just south of that. these ready all meets don't the number of neighborhoods and many posting in spite of setting up some improvise explosives that but some of the stairs is confrontations were in nablus, involved to refugee camp just south these ready only stormed in and they were met with on resistance it was fighting back and forth bullets slick flying back and forth, and then the it's right on the setup sniper positions on the rooftop that lost it for many hours. there was one incident inside the old city where a promise to imprison his family, said that they stormed
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a printing shop that belonged to him, and then called his case is a call, but not just this. they've been off the some to drive the call to a check point near and the illegal is right assessments nearby. so they wouldn't get shot to us. and then and back behind, we know 3 people were arrested and there was supports they was the very base and as well just before they were taken away. now we have being to many of these refugee camps off the stool. the people say they come in with only the full days of the plenty of evidence of the streets being pulled up. people's houses being run, sacked, or destroyed. and they say, this is a form of collective punishment. and also to drive a wedge between themselves and the fight, as they say they want to remain unified. these are as well on guys that has created a humanitarian catastrophe with un agencies wanting that half of gas is $2400000.00 population is at risk of salvation. a survey by unit says, found that about 90 percent of children under the age of 2 consuming
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a maximum of 2 food groups as a threat of famine intensifies hundreds of thousands could be severely malnourished with some at risk of death. cases of diarrhea in children under 5 years of age is increasing at an alarming pace around $3200.00 new cases a day. and there's growing concerned about the health of expectant and breast feeding women. lest i'll speak to dr. omar abdel, my 9, who's a pediatric neurologist and co founder of guys, a medic, voices. a social media account linking doctor's working in gaza, his life from london. doctor, thank you so much for being with us in on out to 0 on this news out. can you tell us 1st what your colleagues in guys are telling you about what children are going through in this war right now? how are they affected to thank you for the find me on the program. so this time, what i can tell you, and this is from the sources on the ground of the british and kind of sending doctors that have gone into cause a to help. currently with the w t shirts,
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they are telling me and they are currently based. that's all i saw. so in the south they have sent me through and what's up message last night. but the situation on the ground is much more horrific. then even the screens of out as they are are able to show. and that is the apocalyptic picture that we are seeing. they all talking about ox also collapsing in a very similar way to how i was shifting hospital collapse. there are is radio compression pose shoes surrounding the positive to shooting. it will civilians in the surrounding regions. there is showing the advice which keeps i'm awake at night throughout the whole nights. they say they're like some emergency is full of children coming in front of india. children and many of the doctors have either have to flee or lease, leaving often extremely on the soft emergency departments with a huge volume of patients coming in with the injuries, but also even more consigning coming in with acute cases mom, nutrition, and the effects of that these children are coming in with diseases such as of
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course, your core and morale. let me switch, we see what question, what we see in the short time when these children have been malnutrition. other units that said 90 percent of children in the gaza strip eating less than 2 food items a days 90 percent of people have wireless and wanted me to date what that means to these children. and then we are approaching a 100 days of this escalation. well, that means that these children are potentially about to lose the future, right? no need to lose that lives. but these children will be affected cognitively, right? be affected in terms of on time because outcomes and that will mean increase rates of top disease increase in rates of learning disabilities, disabilities all lots of or conditions. yeah. so the reality that straight so they can doesn't, it is a very sad reality, especially when you describe the situation at. i locks a hospital that they are, as you mentioned, the injuries of course. but when you talk about mile nutrition and children not
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having enough to eat, that is also a great concern, of course. talk to us a bit more about the long term impact on this generation of children and women in gosh, so the women and showed her the this for pushing the effective especially the children. we have to remember if you are mommy, instructions was lost, you are inside the room with your mother as a, as a fetus. the negative health effects will carry on for the rest of your life. and if your mom nutrition before the age of 2, and this is you know, the pediatrician who sees children and we don't see mama instruction types and the k the often. but i've seen it's in south africa and, and all the regions i visited and white tendon when, when children are mommy trish and before the age of 2 defects are largely reversible. so whatever effect dies have in terms of the cardiovascular system, the immune system and then your electrical system. most importantly, this will have, i lost in some impact on that house. and then i thought some of these children will
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more likely have difficulties at school if there is a school to go to difficulties in terms of the cognition, their ability to function in society and then mental health. as soon as we know that the majority of women, gaza are you know, already suffering from mental health disorders from this only lose the sound of drones and sound of shining and bombing. and not any that the same during the family wants to alex generations of families wiped out and the ones that are remain i'll be starved to death as we speak. and what is so upsetting and so disgusting, is a health care professional to see the impotence and the lack of responsibility and the lack of a power and ability to speak up by our public sessions time in the u. k. in the us across the world that should be putting a stop to this, frankly, because what we are seeing is 2400000 people being strangled, alive, and be exterminated, live on our tv screens. and we are approaching a 100 days when the ukrainian concept to approach the 100 days. i remember very
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well how that was reported on. remember the inputs, you know, the push from politicians to try and stop that. what are we doing about this here? yeah, well, what is the well, the actually doing about this and unfortunately sits, is, it is our having to be responsible to start this because i just thought to, you know, push for sanctions for boy cost 5 of these red is that is bombing, that is raining and how far on the plan does it? thank you very much for sharing your message with us. dr. omar abdel, my mom pediatric neurologist and the co founder of guys of medic voice is joining us there from london. we really appreciate your time and insight on this. thank you very much. the best now turn to some of the days of in use and alaska airlines is grounded all of his boeing 737, max, 9 planes. i have to admit
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a blow out in the us state of oregon, the pain last part of a cabin door and fuselage and return to portland. shortly after taking off a california deadline to it's conducting a full inspection. bullying said it was aware of the incident that is working to gather more information. the boeing 737 max aircraft was founded worldwide in 2019 after 2 fatal crashes that killed 346 people. let's find out more about what's happened then what the impact could be for bullying and speak to alex my terrace was anavia sion, alice joining us from mom, a guy in spain. alex, good to have you with us on al jazeera. so one of the pains windows blew out, apparently which must have been pretty scary for the passengers. can you tell us what happened to you and what could have cost this before what happened funny? it was quite a precedent agent, not because the cross had departed on what was an ordinary slide. the product was shown. and as you mentioned, it was a binding 7 reset of mass,
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which inside is now one of the well the minutes of to take off the top of the fuselage. it's actually deactivated. imagine cx, it so to the passages on the inside of the copy. it just looks like a little generic part of the cabin was cutting more by the side kind of, you know, not shoot like structure that has the windows across. but on the outside it looks like an emergency exit. and the reason it's deactivated is because alaska do not need it. is only that for the airlines that have my density 7 through 7 miles copies. basically the one set of crumbling a low pass and getting more fees that are required to activate that ecc as evacuation protocols. now that kind of, that had towed off around 4 minutes into the flight. the entire kind of separate thing from the rest of the views, not exposing the entire copying and passages with the outside at the rapids
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decompression. incredibly j. o. apologies. we seem to have lost the connection to alex smith. chair, is that uh, alex, that we seem to have lost it quite interesting what he was telling us about what may have caused this incident on alaska airlines, which has now grounded all of his boeing 737, max, 9 planes. after this meeting i blow out in the us, hopefully we'll get him back and have more on this his back. okay, great. um alex good to have you back we. we lost you there for a 2nd. so uh, alaska airlines on this has now decided to ground all of his fleet of boeing 737, max 9. tell us more about the crowd and his safety record. i understand that this is the newest version of forwarding 737, max, and, and he went in to service it in may 2017, exactly. and this across pacific, pete was only delivered to alaska just 3 months ago. now the 7th or 7 max test has stopped, but a many reputation damage has been quite a bit costly for boeing, little so he's been lying in human life. this wasn't across that stuff,
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but to transfer these one into these. yeah, wanting to fight to crashes that led to the worldwide grounding the last, the 2 years already admitted that any investigations found that they were finding fault june to i called to system who does that crop. and this is why, whenever there is anything that happens with the max, it is under the microscope agency because we know there was a lack of other besides the f i. we know that that what issues in production is they're probably going to be working very quickly. we've got counterpart closely with the safety get rise to establish why the significant part of the fuselage was able to be ripped off at such a critical phase of the life of the table on an across that has suffered such a troubled recent history. yeah. and what could be the impact for boeing? alex, as he mentioned this is not the 1st time that this ad croft has been in trouble.
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what does this mean for the air, fox manufacturer? how bad could it be for volley? is what i have already been hearing with best from stay boy national authorities located outside of the us who are now assessing the limited data that they have about instead of beginning to question what could have gone wrong? because if i take your mind back only to the initial issues with the 737 max, it was the rest of the, well, the ground did the process before the united states. and that's why everything under here is under the microscope. i think when the market is open on monday, we're going to see some significant movement relationship are in shaft price because investors are never happy when there is anything even slightly glitchy or wrong with the 737, max. and of course not to down play. what has happened, this is incredibly dangerous, won't happen on the alaska line, and it is nothing short of a miracle. but that wasn't a pass inside that window seat next to the tunnel that was pulling off. so it's going to be difficult we can providing as they try to establish the facts it alex,
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thank you very much for your expertise. thank you for joining us on. i'll just hear alex montera station on the slide there from speak. think he hi time. not for a check on the world, whether on the news our, his dress a hey there we have a developing already started. so let me show you were typing into gulf of mexico moister at atlantic moisture. so this one's going to pack a punch as it moves up the eastern seaboard, striking the mid atlantic. and of course the us northeast. this will happen late saturday and we'll be in the thick of it on sunday, especially for places like boston just outside of the city. we could see up to 20 centimeters of snow. same goes for your most in canada is never scheduled providence. and of course those is certainly winds will get us to about 60 kilometers per our back to the here. now today on saturday while the car. busy and has returned through the canadian prairies, but yeah, think that's bad. watch this late next week, waking up friday morning minus 31 in edmonton, minus 14 in vancouver. dark in the blue and the purple. the lower the temperature back to here. and that once again, we've got what,
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whether moving from oregon into north central california. cool enough in late at 18 degrees today on saturday. and again, with that weather maker in the us, it's going to strike the bahamas with some showers. but otherwise, central america is quite so to south america, we go. the rain has been persistent, eastern brazil, feeding into the amazon jungle. the worst of the storms east. them in the house and weather alerts and play for a huge swats of argentina for just how hot it is this time of the year, bye for now. to the head on the news, our summer orthodontics christmas eve in the occupied west spot as a worn guys. i cast a shadow over celebrations and fuse for millions of the space. people as food ages caught in several african countries the to marry him shaheen and has been making films about since 2006
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when i moved there in 2005, since we recovering from the 38 your occupation by israel. people were hopeful that their lives would improve, their dreams have been destroyed. and all that remains on account of the last chapter, dreams on out you 0. the latest news as a break, we would just hit pretty badly by tear gas. there have be serious complications on a weekly basis with detail coverage. this policy is making life so miserable for the palestinians that they eventually leave is effectively forcible transfer. and that's a little crime. i'm fear this gen and isn't. it's totally dark. we're using our own
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life. this is the only way that they have life and can cook food the the welcome back and recap of our top stories on how to 0, at least 20 to palestinians have been killed in overnight. these really strikes and con eunice in southern gaza gases media offices more than 29700 people have been killed or missing since october. the 7th, 11 east group has ballasa is it's hate and it's really obvious of ation post using 60 to rock. it's, it's in response for the killing of a how mazda official in be able to on tuesday. israel's military says, has struck the sound that launched the rockets and is ready forces that reportedly
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arrested and beaten several palestinians during more night erase. and at least 9 towns in the occupied westbank exchanges. a fi were heard in parts of memphis, found the diplomatic front, the us secretary of state antony blinking is into key on the 1st leg of another tour of the middle east. he's out talks with present or ship type or the one and for administer, how confidant on the humanitarian crisis in gaza. this is bank and 5th visit to the milly since the war on gaza began. let's discuss this with our different medic editor, our senior political on this i should say, my one bush hour joining us on the news, our so blinking meeting or the one into key a what may have come out of this? what influence do you think turkey can wield on guys are right now? let's just say if there's something incredible, it has come out to what i've heard about it. right. i mean the fact that it's a bit hush hush for the time being anyway. is that this is another uh, one of those sort of uh, you know,
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rounds of adults where the exchange of views. and clearly the talks are quite unhappy both with israel's genocide and americans support for israel genocide because it is embarrassing to original leaders who watch from a far as this happens in plain sight. and you are unable to do much about it as usual, lincoln would probably, you know, make the case for his right as he's been doing for the past 3 months. i'm not sure he's convincing anyone. if he ever did. because once again, after, uh, you know, tens of thousands of casualties and gaza, it's very hard at this point in time, even for someone like blinking holder presents, you know, the world superpower as it were, to be able to defend his red moving forward. so my, my sense is this is just another way of caught them in the situation rather than creating anything positive out of it coming the situation. what ways it will, because we are seeing,
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again skirmishes along these rail lebanon border. the americans are clearly worried about the spreading to other countries in the region and they want to contain it. but how are they doing this is vicky liggins, 4th tour of the region since october. the 7th has anything come out of it. the thing is right, we don't know what to search for up to when blinking visits and why he chose tucker 1st. there were reports that the techs were actually getting so angry that they were going to start taking some measures. as we will see is in fact i'm thinking succeeded or otherwise to contain thirty's response to what's happening in gaza under the guise. busy of we, the americans will try our best with his right. and we're going to have tough conversation with nothing you know about the water and so on, so forth. making more of the same false promises, right? hoping that they would call him the and go to turkey. we would see once i get what happens, because also the turkish options. i'm not that numerous in the end of the day they
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can get, they can take certain to cut on the commercial. right. and that will definitely hit this, right, because a lot of the oil that gets his rent comes through to me. but if that could fix that decision, it's going to have a certain repercussions in its relationship, not only with is are but also with the west. and bowers, right. so it's a big decision, right? so that's blinking. the americans are in the region and another west and meters in the region, but we're not talking much about him. joseph, for out the foreign policy chief in bible today. what role if any, come the europeans play in, in trying to end this war and this crisis? by the way, it's kind of tricky, right? watching uh, brad and blinking during the area at the same time. first of all, it seems like there's not much of a coordination between them. but clearly, even if it was, we're not saying it right. when in fact, this is the best time for them to be accord. anything, especially if they want to use leverage with the government and if they want to use
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their leverage where the middle east some leaders, but anyway, they're not. and i think the united states would like to run the show alone and have the europeans follow in their footsteps as follow where she would. but again, what's tricky about it is if you want to go down to 11 on, as i mean here to present a cab is 27 countries are quite divided. indeed, it's very hard to put together to the germany, spain island and funds. right, because it's just not an agreement. so, and he admitted document press conference, but the way, morales talk in his spanish manner. he's very explicit and very, i don't want to say smockey, but certainly uh, that's just explicit. mm hm. right. and 2nd, guys with haven't corey's law. one lincoln who actually the present to was superpower and has a lot of leverage in the region. it's very implicit. busy most tenant in his presentation, so we have 2 different much. what's quite the contrast. alright. thank you. my one
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for that mind besides us, senior physical on this journey is here on the news hour. now it is christmas eve for millions of orthodox christians around the world. but in bethlehem, in the occupied westbank celebrations, have been muted. then a smith is there. and as this report, the 260000000 people worldwide celebrates full of hookups christmas. most of them from eastern europe, russia, greece, ethiopia, and egypt and the central those celebrations invested a handful christine the place of christ. this year is taken on a much some new seats. so there is no and susie, as and amongst palestinian christians to celebrate christmas because of the war in god. so there was in fact a small orthodox christian community policy and you still trump to the so here, no singing, but there's been some challenging on pres. i'd also hearing best we have because of the occupation cities for decades on the occupation since october. the 7th is
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become much tight and a bit more. rage buys rarely for a more attacks by such as leading to really no mood to celebrate christmas mission . and i'll just say the rest, especially well the number of christians in palestinian territories has been declining for decades. they now make up just one and a half percent of the population. but many of those will remain refusing to leave the home line despite increasing hardship. need to, abraham has been too bad for him to hear some of the stories. the father, he saw fears, this church will soon be empty of its worshippers. he preaches with one of the holiest sites in christiane, at the church of then activity. and bethlehem believes to be the birthplace of jesus christ. in his greek orthodox church alone. he says, more than 1500 people have left palestine in the past few years. i know many people
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of actually preparing for the migration, like about 9 families. and it's, it's not easy for us even because i called the 5th land people the best my life. i call them the living story under and is really closure for 3 months. and under a military occupation for decades, life has become difficult for people in bethlehem. it's a historic city that has always depended on tourism, especially during the christmas and easter seasons. and the chest is not like this during christmas time. it's used to be funded in many people around. it's like a full of life, a joyful many here state. it's not the time to celebrate, but to mourn. churches have called off christmas celebrations because of israel's war on cause. but the prayers continue. many here say that causes of immigration are affecting both protestant in christians and muslims. but because the christian community is already shrinking, they say one question, pharmacy leaving is one to many main categories. news this feeling very well.
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generations of had relatives have left their homes during different waves of immigration. had 5 uncles left after 1948 by her brother after the 1st for the city and uprising. her 2 sons after the 2nd palestinian uprising, a suppression from the patient. i like my children to be around me, but i have also because they can have a future. we don't have good life here. go live, nation or life and bunch of thing. but order was afraid of the ship far as the work . no security, no, nothing, no peace or nothing. as the number of christians here dwindles may says it's becoming more important for palestinian christians to stay in their homeland. father isa says life might be more tempting abroad, but he believes he was born in jesus his birthplace, for reason,
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to spread toe in the midst of darkness. knew that but he just ita bethlehem the occupied the west bank. now let's take a look at some of the other world news uh, on out to 0 and w a fee. the well food program says it's to cut a to $1400000.00 people in chad, including newly arrived. refugees fleeing violence in so don, explaining a shortage of money. i'm at each race reports a lifeline for food in these refugees . in chad as a shipment for data rise from capital inside the central white house of the workforce program for more items, for the 1200000 refugees. but 8 agencies are warning designs on looking good for those who flip the fighting in. so that at this point in time, we don't have enough funding to continue to respond that the scale then we are i know way of the looming crisis i double has been passed. they've been in meaningful how family,
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mind and uh huh. yeah. we have nothing to eat. if i boil corn flower so the children don't sleep on an empty stomach. we don't have flavor, rice or sugar. it's just corn flower mixed with hot water. like 200000 other refugees, the families you have to move to prominent cabs and cannot access much of the 8 as a funding dwindles office, just one time is running out for hundreds of thousands. if we don't do it now, it might be too late. it may be too late to come in because if we do it later, it means that the social fabric studies that we will, we will not be into existence anymore. chad, you know, solve just are left with a difficult task of sharing your soul source. with that, if he's not going phone for fat uh, based on so the diesel dot com, we have decided to expand the cam sticking mode. or if you would use just like both hosting the 1st, we have a few ds in 2003. but right now we have
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a valid by the number still coming into tax, which is huge. 8 ages a say every day, 200 to 300 refugees arrived in the board. the town of drake. through this crossing point, the united nations says it requires $1200000000.00 busier, to help suited in his record using history check. this is $300000000.00 more than what was required last year when the office of the coordinator for human utility and affairs was able to raise less than half of what was required that i wanted to see the new global flash. once i diverting attention from the plight of so dense refugees, this means that ida and her family will continue to struggle to survive how many degrees i do see that on the charge. so don, border a while is not just refugees in chad at risk because of a lack of funding. the well food program says millions of people in other parts of africa was stopped receiving food aid. the central african republic is among the
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countries affected where nearly 3000000 people need to monitor and assistance. reductions will also impact more than 8000000 people in nigeria has conflict and insecurity. dr. hunger in the northeast and 4400000 in cameroon way more than half of the population lives in poverty that speak to morita selva about the she's a spokesperson for the ones. well, food program is joining us. some of the car in senegal, marie, thank you very much for being with us. so the number of people facing acute hunger it is high and rising. can you just help us understand for us why aid is running out why funding has not come through? or indeed, the un what the program is dissing really challenging environments. we have the 12 of those 322000000 people repeating axis tango into a to a 100000000 of both the people the next live a yes. even if we have so many people are facing actually anger,
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i'll do many done and send things, improve what we need to just add to the treatment they make labeled the governments, but also our reducing was to pulse why and we need to step in, in more yes, why? i would hope you're right from the coast uh, becoming higher and higher for security reason in most of our ocean on duty station, we have to adapt. so in a sense we have a lift which is much more costly than doing it in other ways. yeah, so today we have almost half of our patients facing nation just but also rejection assistance. so your operations are affected if your operations are affected because of this lack of funding, marie, what is the impact on the people that you're supposed to be helping in the region? it does a lot of insights actually, and it is
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a breaking for the works. the program, the fact is that we have to reduce our systems. for instance, in some of our country, we will only be able to support those who are the most highly rates of hang good. why many of those needs? i was to pause. so there's different ways, i mean these one have done some of them we move, they will see some of the way we use the quantity of different data eating some of those uh, windows, each from one or 2 days. so for instance, in atkins, stop $26.00, we have to reduce our assistance by $26.00 pull sense in getting the only in i t it's 24 percent of less than what we were doing, but we also infected instill? yeah. so monday i showed that we had the example booked enough for us so and we
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really need to step in and to ensure that everyone that the funding needs to ensure that they can stay and prospect and people in the country. thank you. marie, for talking to us merida silva spokesperson for the you when well, food program, talking to us the from the cost center, the the catch up on source. nice. gemini, thank you for holding for sales. full time will cut, went up. maria is aguilar who has died at the age of 92. so when i played in the team that one brazil's 1st world cough in 1958 and was part of the schools that retained the title 4 years later. he was name to present was coach in 1970. and let's about in from a side which included pele to the trophy and mexico becoming the 1st person to win . it woke up as base apply a manager. so i got i was also assistant coach when was the one that feels title in
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1994. the countries football confederation has cooled him, one of the sports greatest imagines sales current national side are looking for a new coach off the sacking of fernando denise. he was appointed on an interim basis in july and had a one year contract spots with brazil in 6th place in south america is 2026 walcott qualifies is now being dismissed. genies have been combining his work with sooner than say, the club with which she had won the coffee live is yours last year. plenty of english pickup side or on action on saturday and currently on the go is the time with the i'll be between sunderland and the causal. it is one know 2 new costs. so here's what's happened so far. it is the 1st meeting between the sides for almost 8 years, and it's the premier league club, new cost. so who happened base and then davis since 2011 at a house team. they've enjoyed the best of the john says something fine engaged in the us. the 5th minutes is done by loud, striking the bolt into his net. one mill at half time,
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told them and showed that place in the 4th round by beating cellar premiere on each side, brandy on friday to send the petra party. ready and go giving spies a one though victory is the 5th, went in 6 games the suppose he why without caps and that sort of cement is joined up with south korea as the asian cup and castle a slim. oh, sorry, sorry. so the full round off baby, it's rather in that one now another great go. well, the decorative of read with that a slice of strike against the side, boston's england's 2nd division's field is now here. hong kong have touch down in castle as they bring to an ends, the 55 year weights to return to the asian comp. hong kong played in the inaugural settlements in 1956. and i re featured into more often that we went on to some side open that group see campaign against the u. e. on january the 14th vietnam have also arrived in castle and we'll be looking to improve on that quote to find the parents from 4 years ago, side of coach by feet. that's why ca, one, the agent causes to come back in 2002 will come up against his outside in that
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greet the opening. a and b, i stuff carry school 26 points. as the golden state warriors left at lights of beach, the detroit pistons, the pistons once ahead with the 2 minutes remain a boy on both benefits and stay on their on combining for 25 points. lots carry struck history points as of what it might. so it's the worry is winning once i seen it to want to nice, it's now just one victory and such one games for the distance. and now that size encounter the while i'm doing magic managed to hold off the denver nuggets and a 2 point game. the magic with training by 18 points for they were inspired by pollies and carries fast and triple double. and the a 3 game losing streak. david war and a has retired from test cricket in style as australia, beach punk is done by 8. what gets to in the series 3 now? australia was set to a 129 runs for victory on the morning of day full of golf on it was given to warner on his 100 and 12th and final test much. and they contributed towards the win with
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a $50.11 run stands with mont as a lot of shame. one final good biased the deposit for 57. that's a 27 year old will continue to face the twenty's. that was also some tennis going on in the city of poland, reach the united comp, final officer, beach in front victories for high, but who got sion? well, number one, industry on tech sales that place in the front of the mix teams event while they were faced germany or australia, up the coast and brisbin, holger reed as rates of finding the atp event taking place that the top see it's getting cost rushing that room and stuff in and in straight sets. the 20 year old jane will face it, google it image for all the, for the title in the women's tournaments in prison. topsy, the rena sutherland is into the final, after facing, followed by the russian to victoria as a rank of log number to winning 62647, and kinda looking good for me. she passed the defend to australia and some type of later this month to the flashing beach to win, lost his grandson in melbourne. elaine, that was all could i will be subaltern cause opponent and sundays. final imprison
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load number for completing a 636 to victory. evelyn, to north carolina in the semi finals, $122.00 at wimbledon chunking has yet to drop the assess out between a renault plan. okay, cool. so strain nights and preparations are also going well. she's reach the asp. be classic final usa can champion beef navarro in straight sets cecile hot spots in the final for the 2nd didn't while she will face and you know, sits in the know the crate input path plays off to coming back from a set down lead time as long as you didn't go well, number one, scope the shift, so that will take a one shot lead into the 3rd round of the p. j tools. as soon as midnight tonight in hawaii, the american mason, eagle, and 8 buddies from $964.00, just behind him on the leaderboard is this month to will happen. he holds his shots on a scene to finish up with an impressive eagle. the englishman caught it on 11 on the 62 as low as round as a professional. he's in a 3 way types
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a 2nd. that is what you'll support for now. pizza will have another updates beta jemma. thank you very much. that's the news. our for now on alger 0, but to stay with us. we've got plenty more while he's coming up, including the latest from, gosh, thanks a lot. you the this horse was a non and simple beat from the remains of cars and ambulances. israel targeted during an invasion of that. do you need refugee camp in 2002? now, we moved ways where people losers, and it shows us where this cultures to. he's proud he was involved in creating the destruction of one humans, aims to crush their spirit and punish those, showing supports for any acts of resistance and choose his 5 year old son, adam. both of them working on this culture and says the process tells
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a lot about that. i still need to, i guess and again, it is a tenant object, produced object these coverage. many parts of is really media are effectively engaging in propaganda or genocide. what these really military was telling us does not fit in with what evidence they have so far. and yet on the fringes of israeli public discourse and seeing more voices persist sale, calling the traitors. the listening close covers how the news is come to watch this space for where the story goes next, the rejecting decades of internal conflict, the farmers of columbia as peace communities remain neutral and on but refusing to leave their villages. i set them on a collision course with a right wing perimeter trick in an active defiance they embark on a journey to honor that the enemy territory. a witness
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documentary on a jersey where he was never can see that doesn't happen. our country is out enough. we will not take it any more 3 years after protest as storm to the capital. the new race for the white house begins in iowa as republican candidates once again bethel trump for the nomination. stay with alpha 0 to the us election 2020 for. the moment of inbox, con unit 7 guys is under heavy. he's really bombardments. 22 people have been killed and residential areas severely damaged. the new guys, the,


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