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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 6, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm AST

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candidates, once again bethel trump, for the nomination, stay with alpha 0. so the us election 2020 for the moment of impact con unit 7 guys that he's under heavy, he's really bombardments. 22 people have been killed and residential areas severely damaged. the new guys, the, the, i'm for the back to boy a watching l. g 0. live from doha. also a head has full of fires. bronchitis from
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11 on towards northern israel. warning. it's the 1st respond to the killing of hamas. his deputy chiefs, a sombre orthodox christmas eve in the occupied westbank esivore on guys a cost shadow over celebrations. any not in use alaska airlines, grand part of its fleet after adult blows out the day. the thank you for joining as we begin in gaza, where at least a 122 policy needs have been killed. and these really strikes across the street. in the last 24 hours a residential area in the south was hating overnight attacks, killing at least $22.00 people in one house that brings the total number of palestinians killed since october, the 7th, to more than 22700 of the they killed their children, they killed our kids, they killed her, beloved's,
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they killed are hard enough. as of the, a little extra man like general, we listen to these riley armies instructions to evacuate from north to south. at midnight last, not rockets fell in my house next to us, we call on the air brothers to stop the aggression now when the gaza strip. otherwise though, we partners in the world are the palestinian people of suffering when a home is there, a forces also intensifying operations in central guys are moving in with tags on the vehicles and attack drones. 46 people have been killed overnight. the u. n. c, monetary and h. e says guys has become uninhabitable, 3 months into the war. the onslaught is for the escalation, regional tensions. lebanese on group has one last slide, a barrage of raucous was northern israel. it says it's in response to the killing of hamas deputy leader in me about is my level home are begins coverage from con
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eunice where it is really bombardment struck while the cameras were rolling. the post war place just struck the area. it seems that house was targeted during our coverage and then the destruction is significant, as you can see. but thankfully, but we're not injured as a result of this air strike here in central han eunice warehouse was hit by a missile from one of the is really were planes that are constantly flying over the area alongside recognizance air, correct? you as well. smoke is rising as a result of the violent air striking central hun eunice, particularly on the elbow. how to street or shake, haven't the same street as it's commonly known. oh sure, i see the do you see committed bluff? i mean, you're looking to sudden with any civil defense vehicles have been dispatched in the area which has already been evacuated to the house,
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was possibly targeted. as you can see here and smoke is still the billowing level of both artillery messiah an aerial strikes. continue in this area. the bombardment is old, was non stop here in central con eunice. the ice cream. as you saw just now, israel's bombardment goes on, the central con eunice shelves are falling sporadically and a war planes are targeting civilian homes. in the midst of this intense bombardment, civilians, particularly those living in the western parts of the central district, are attempt to seek shelter as the military operation moves forward in central fun, eunice with every new mess. so there's further damage. more homes are destroyed and additional casualties are recorded. the seal is made up of $100.00 units general. the fire has getting late to smile with allergies. here is target buzzle was in
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a rafa in 7 guys. a target the strikes happening all across the gaza strip. and especially in the south talk to us about what's been happening the yes day by day, the ministry, your tax that chris calls this straight intensified where these very forces it dramatically right now. trying to impose a new realities on the ground, especially in the southern parts of kansas stripe. over night to day $22.00 pounds thieves have for recalls it kills with jo. since others who have been injured or due to the own giving military attacks. whether it is rarely met a treat in con eunice, exactly has been also white in the military operations trying to gain the advancements towards the main residential neighborhoods of the city. what's considered to be one of the hardest cities for fighting for these very soon, which is the alongside with ongoing and unprecedented bombardments of the middle govern dates of kansas trade in the last hour. uh no post obviously has been
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injected due to the being shocked by these when the snipers watch employees of the main linking groups are we in the villages and the towns of the middle governance of gauze as full. so resources that people have been informing us that these very troops are drawing to in stucco. the city is open this alt rock of grades and the gods. they refuse the towns which consider it to be a new dramatic, just taps whole so which impose a significant press on the ox, the hospital, the and we are afraid that the scenario, but she felt hospital won't be repeated in the pots of calls us troops, especially after the destruction of the maturity or residential buildings in the nose, and despite that destruction's attacks that continue when the last hour one palestinian girl had been killed alongside with the numbers of those who had been wounded in vain lakia town and the noise of the territory i'm in no trouble with the trouble for these. many troops in that part of gauze was strict on the are still stations in the middle governance, taking full control over significant areas,
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which can sit it to be vital for the movements of the residents in the gaza. strip tag. thank you very much for the update tag capitalism reporting that live from rafa in southern gaza. he's really bold doses have destroyed a palestinian cemetery in gaza. city, many bodies have been on earth bend left amongst the bible of tombstones, and nearby houses. houses here is mine. i go reports warning. his story contains some disturbing images at no cost you a month, but to try that had the most is the cemetery where the victims were buried recently by the after the sustained is really bombing that caused a significant rise on the casualties in kansas city. and i looked at the map and that kind of thing because of the, of the sort of these are empty casings of the munitions that were used by the occupation forces in cause a city has gone. you can see the rockets that were used by their soldiers who dumped the empty casings here just after they bulldoze the cemetery and digging up the bodies of the victims and driving their vehicles over them in the process. he
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had a large number of bodies lie outside of their craves after they were dug up by his really forces. what thank you back cause i don't know what i know who not be checking out of here. we can take a closer look at the remains of the bodies who are buried at the cemetery. that levine at the funeral that can have the multiple and what that is really forces dug up the bodies and took some of them according to the local. and the only thing left are the remains. you see here in the book it's heavy. i saw here that there are large numbers of bodies all along this pathway here. as you can see, who i mean my model is, can you tell me what happened here? so i don't know i doing my duty. what happened is that our enemies are criminals. they follow us to our graves even off the way that there is no religion that allows us islam or otherwise no religion allows without criminal enemies, have done to these dead people. so i am one of the did done this is bob barrick. we
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respect a religions, but our enemy respects nothing to my life and my 2 sons. my brother and my brother's son are buried here, and you can see the extent of his double touch and the revenge that be filled. this area, even the dead, could not escape them. but i also can see here the tracks left by the vehicles that these really forces drove over the victim's bodies. can you tell me what you're doing now? what are just this and we're looking for the bodies of some relatives to have you found anything moving to a mother? how old a daughter and her baby was still looking. we haven't found anything. we've erected a memorial here and we will recite the prep or them, there's nothing else we can do when everybody has to be a loan. number one. i just, i just have to give you a significant number of bodies. we're stuck up and mutilated when occupation forces bulldoze the area is usually the number is unfortunately staggering. a. so give you and i'll look and see what you've done here. again and we found the bodies above
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the ground off of these ready least headaches, humans and right now we're lining up the bodies of our relatives in order to re bury them for the whole night. the hold on has paula says it's hate and is there any observation post using $65.00 rockets? the lebanese group says it's a preliminary response to the beginning of a senior. i'm also official in billboard on tuesday. let's find out more with him on con, who's in marsh, i you and in 711 on for as a mont understanding the last few minutes they've been, is really strikes in response to these won't get attacks from us by the way, down the room response to but let me just show you where we are. about 5 minutes ago, i've counted at least 8 is really showing. it's how it is coming in across the bridge line over that you can still see the smoke coming across from the uh, a span of
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a bow, a kilometer and a half, maybe 2 color, which is really intensive as strikes of thunder as an s or a showing a stripe, a really thunderous noise as they came in. now, this is the kind of thing that may well prove a response. get a response from his bullet. now the secretary general loved his beloved unless, while i was speaking just 24 hours ago, he said he was going to make sure that that would be a response to the killing of some of the other rooms actually came on saturday morning when his blah hit a key minute, your position is ready. move that to position in israel in the gallery as well, then responded with a drawing start that killed one has beloved member and throughout the day today, hey, where i am, this is what's been happening. we've seen the strikes y'all and we've seen rockets cold. we've heard well, that rockets come from this area across into that dispute,
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the charge you that voted with israel. now remember this a 120 cologne made to buddha and everybody, his beloved included it trying to make sure that conflict is contained within this area that doesn't spread across into level. they've been intense diplomatic efforts to try and make sure that's possible. joseph breau, the high representative of the european union has been here in 11 on, has been meeting with a billable heavy. but who is the foreign minister? he's actually been saying the 11 on these on this intense pressure because of this . but no one needs a will that a result that it will spill out into a regional conflict. so all of this diplomacy is going on. now what is ro ones is it wants to push has blown out of this area, push them columbus has a back, he's will isn't negotiate negotiating. it isn't interested in any kind of negotiation until the war on goes and so on. thank you very much for that. email,
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i'm con, live there in 711 on. let's get the view now from israel and speak to us. uh hi, right in tennessee. so i saw hezbollah firing rockets towards northern israel with sirens. they've been going off. tell us about how to use release. i've responded yeah, well they've been responding with those strikes as well as letting hezbollah know they have done in the last few days. but they already, they said a few days ago when solid had rudy was killed in lebanon. they immediately said that they are ready for any possible scenario, however they have ones previously. and in the last few weeks we've heard from prime minister benjamin netanyahu, including you. i've got along the defense minister who was visiting, visiting rather including me. i'll meet you've been seeing that know then boy, the towns just this week saying that of his follow continues coming out to tax on
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those northern borders. why don't be afraid to use any military force? in fact, the prime minister had said before that by roots could be another, gaza, if his butler continues. and i know that not been on all the lebanese people, at least, wouldn't want to see another one, like the 2006, which was quite devastating to the country in terms of what's happened to that bars of rocket. most to me, i hate some mountains maryland, and that's area which is just on the 10 kilometers is from the boulder, is also where the is really as post come on. sense of full. the northern parts of the country is space or not. so hezbollah says it has targeted and they haven't been any reports of casualties, but also it's where the sirens defense base. so defense system is. so this is also, as well as showing that it has the capabilities to far, long range missiles that can go beyond just that's board the, the means it boards the boxes,
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but the casualties will remain low. and the reason why that says, is that around this thing now around 18000 of those residents in those board of towns have had to leave as a result of this, say the cross for the file. and so are you are at the square with loved ones of those were taken captive on october. the 7th have been gallery every week, and some of them i understand that demanding an investigation into whether they were killed, they have family members with kills by is really tongue fights the past . correct. so the families of those house captive have 2 concerns. here's some of them, right, change reports of the, based on his writing. these are reports that they all and has taught to have discussions with the categories of a need. the eights is number one is they want to see that all of the remaining cap says the us still in gaza are returned home. it's now been just over 3 months and incredibly long time. so than that, and also the other thing that's on there,
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a gender, and that by discussing is this incident happens on october, the 7th, and the awesome off on that. some of those from us slides is had a, had a house with some of the b is really in, and they kept them captive in the house. and what ended up happening is, was, is raving force as a command of broke down a rolling tank down the street and hits the house and at the expense of the lives of some of those is riley's, of course, is that close the public debate in the last few weeks, there's riley. is there any military rather says it's investigating it in depth, but also a few weeks ago dining rosari, the spokesman had said that the attack on october the 7th by the how my spite says was a forced very tough decisions. and also public not since judge this spring has a, a general, but regardless of that,
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the point says is that families is saying that they could have been less number of tests if that hasn't happened, don't not say so. thank you very much for the update sounds. hi, rod lifeforce there in tennessee. i mean the occupied westbank is really forces every 4 to be arrested and beaten several palestinians during raids and at least 9 towns. their exchanges of fire were heard in parts of novelist. there were also reports of confrontations between the military and palestinian fights is in some refugee camps in the occupied by spac. still ahead on alger 0, we'll be taking a look at some of the days i've been using violence in bangladesh on the eve of controversial general elections that the main opposition parties wake on the the hey there, foggins. bob continues to be
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a big issue from ne box has gone through the north indian plains, stretching into duck on in bunker dash that's a distance of more than 2000 kilometers. and at one point on saturday, doc had the world's worst air quality. but let's talk about their showers and storms for that. southeast corner of india, 2nd, highest level alerts issued here for just how bad it will be. so we did talk about the fog and small in august on here's that cold snap and punch up probably in small pond, just 11 degrees for you on sunday there's been some snow for the northwest mountains or below just storm. we've got some snow coming for the mountains of afghanistan as well, over the course of the weekend to southeast asia. we go the monsoon rains, taking a bit of a law so you know, for the philippines, not bad in terms of that rain. we've had some hot nights in salvo city, 2627. good enough to set a record for the month of january. rain coming through, you know, and gwen g and fish one provinces in china is it's going to help freshen up the air here. also been dealing with foggy and small again, with cool air running over the worn sea surface here that will give us the effect.
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so for the western side of japan and quite a bit of rain about a 100 millimeters in 24 hours in jakarta, so that led to some flooding, but i think the problem spot will be central drop on sunday. the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is the context to what is happening now. it is a question about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous the bank that he added to 2 days that another cleansing has taken place. augusta, nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission. nothing leads scottsdale without permission to allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without 0 on the
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the bottom back. a reminder about top stories. on alex's 0, at least 22 palestinians have been killed in overnight. these really strikes in con minutes in southern garza because media office is more than 22700 people have been killed since october. the 2nd has paula says it's hate and is randy and observation posts 62 rockets for the killing or we have mosse officially and be able to talk to say in responses, routes military says it struck the cell that launched rockets. the european union's foreign policy chief joseph barrell has won the again 7 on being dragged into the ongoing war in gaza during his visit to be rude aimed at preventing further voter clashes. he said neither israel nor 11 on would benefit from such
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a conflict. we're out also a just really officials to consider diplomatic solutions. let's bring in our senior political on this my one to try to discuss this and all the latest developments burrell in babe. ruth, does it matter as well? you know, and that's about those on it as far as lebanon is concerned, there's certainly great that western pressure to 11 on not to respond is really publications. and is really publications are widening and sauces. i've been on there are more lebanese villages being attacked. and clearly destination in the midst of bid, or there's a violation of lebanese sovereignty. unfortunately, instead of the europeans condemning is rather general side than guys. and it's expanding war 11 on the violation of its sovereignty. they're just trying to calm and contains a lebanese so that they do not respond to. is there any provocations,
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if they would at least some condemnation of a violation of lebanese sovereignty, you would say, or of the killing of a, how much the, the, in the midst of 11 on, or at least some serious comment to the, about the war crimes and gaza, the venue would take them seriously, but the only come against, or rather in the footsteps of the americans, the 2nd of states and their statements tend to be added to their medical position rather than expressing an independent european pmi and the europeans. there is no europe and position of common europe can position, is there because they, they seems to be divisions within the block itself as to how to deal with this crisis. well, there has been in the beginning, you're being positioned wondering when it came to support that gives rise and so called it strikes for self defense, even though such self defense and unoccupied,
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that authorities is problematic. not to say wrong. there's also some sort of an agreement about and then game that has to do with the slogan of 2 state solution, right, right. which he talked about and be able to. that's right. yeah. but talking about 2 solutions, almost like an escape. it's almost like a pretext for not saying anything substantial about what was going on today. you kind of kick it upstairs and say, well we, we are just kind of believing and to as soon as you, well, what about the supplements that thought undermining any possibility for the measurements of a better senior state? where does the condemnation of that, where's that combination of is right, is re okay, of buying the west bank, the best they could muster is some kind of, uh, the criticism of subtler violence and occupied territories. again, i think the american position, instead of taking a more defend the month of position
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a buck is of violations in palestine and it's occupation me. my one thank you very much when the leave with that and i'm, i'm to share our senior political analyst here on alger 0. now it is christmas eve for millions of orthodox christians around the world. but in bethlehem, in the occupied westbank celebrations, have been muted. then his wife is there and has this report of 260000000 people worldwide celebration of adults christmas. most of them from eastern europe, russia, greece, ethiopia, and egypt and the central. those celebrations invested a handful of christians, the birthplace of christ. but this year is taken on a much more mutates. so there is no and food the awesome amongst palestinian christians to celebrate christmas because of the war in gods. and there is in fact a small orthodox christian community policy. and you still trump to the so here, no singing, but there's been some troubleshooting on pres. i'd also hearing back to him because of the occupation of cities decades on the occupation since october. the 7th is
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become much tied and a bit more. rage buys rarely for a more attacks by such as leading to really no mood to celebrate christmas mission . and i'll just say the rest specialist, the sound. take a look at some of the dates of in use and alaska airlines as ground it. all of it's boeing, 737, max, 9 planes after mid air blow out the painting, all squat of a cabin door and fuselage and return to fort. and shortly after taking off for california. the line says it's conducting a full inspection. boeing said it was aware of the incident that is working to gather more information. the boeing 737 max x laughed was grounded worldwide in 2019, after 2 fatal crashes killed. 346 people. alex, my terrace in aviation analysts. he says the incident will be extremely damaging
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for boeing's reputation, a new set cost specifically. it was only delivered to a dock i guess, 3 months ago. now the 7th, there's a max test stop of immense reputation damage that has been incredibly costly for boeing, but also it has been lives in human life. this wasn't across that started to transfer these wanted denise. yeah. yeah, yeah. to fight to crashes that led to the worldwide grounding them. not the 2 years already admitted that any investigations found that they were finding fault due to a faulty system. although this, that crop. and this is why whenever there was anything that happens with the max, it is under the microscope immediately because we know there was a lot about it besides with the f i. we know that that what issues in production is there probably will be working very quickly with that counselor pos, closely with the safety you rise to establish why the significant part of the fuselage was able to be ripped off at such
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a critical phase of the light of the table on an aircraft that has suffered such a troubled recent history. sandra dish has may not, position party has started a 48 hour general strike as a country gives up for sundays, generally election. the opposition is boycotting the vote, saying is fairness, can't be guaranteed. violence broke out on the eve of the election. we they suspected austin natasha on a passenger train. at least 4 people were killed. several floating stations were also set on fire. security has been stepped up around the country ahead of the vote . during the whole has moved from doc. com. all of the cisco cc destabilizing full bangladesh. not just incidents, has a pre election. violence of 300 cases recorded the just the last 2 weeks. during the course of the day, the day before the election, primary schools of the thoughts, the parts of the country intended to be used as public stations. on friday night, a train heading to cough was set to live for compartments at buttons and inside
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them at least 4 civilians, including a child with birds to death. the police saved by an identified awesome is intended . apparently, to add to a real sense of unease. i hate of this election, but there is a news about what happens next as well as it syncs it in the very literally it's going to change the fear that full of post to the next in violence. the army is out on the streets providing security that is in itself a worrying sign. and the opposition being fee is called a 48 hour national strike over this election period to try and drive the economy to a wholesome protest against the election. it's not fair how many people are hearing to it, but it's a familiar with tactics, and it may well be used again. add to that effect the tech has seen is government in power since 2009 has been accused by international rights groups of a whole litany of violations and abuses. not that the opposition when they were in power would similarly accuse that for it has to be made, but it all adds up to the picture of an election taking place. that is hardly
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a textbook exercise in democracy and which also is very few offices for this and face problems including an economic price is $6.00 or 6, a $4700000000.00 bailout from the i m f. just last month. during the whole elder 0 dot com, the desk told from the creek that struck western japan on new year's day has risen to more than a 100. within 200 of us are missing the know till peninsula was hottest hit by the 7.6, magnitude earth wake. it destroyed hundreds of buildings, damage infrastructure, and cut off remote communities, dropping east farm. and it's just for me. ok, should i has village officials to both state the show crudo me the cause is we need to strength and delivery routes for water, food and portable toilets. we need to improve the disposal of human waste and improve access to medical assistance. also to sit up, make shift bids and divide us for privacy. in addition, we need to strength and police cap trolling for security. we doing these things to
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alleviate, to evacuate, use anxiety, will continue to make the most efforts see on types of noise for synagogues jailed opposition to those months on coal se they'll appeal the rejection of his bid to run in next month's presidential election. it follows his disqualification by the constitutional council on friday. so go was removed from the electoral register after being sentenced in june to 2 years in prison for marly corrupting a young person. charges his tonight's returning to guys a now and for some palestinian se odd. has become the only form of expression and escape from his raz onslaught. artis, using their work to demand justice and call for an end to the war. to lead agar has the story of one paid to trying to make a lasting impact.


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