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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  January 6, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm AST

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to hey damien, to be used as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both, you've described that is better than is better than any thought provoking on my question to you. all. the good cooks, i think, is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. us vito, in the security council, this is a major stumbling block, is a problem to access it. you hear the story on talk to how does era that is why is why wife's coalition government is a tool not just in gaza, but with itself. then it says apply, think about the possible inquiry into the armies free until the 7th moved and proposals to expel old policy is from gaza. so how fraud jive is, is why is government this is inside story, the
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hello welcome to the program. i'm how sion, how about these wires war on garza, how so fucking more than 23000 policy and since up till the 7th 56000 people have been injured with most of the population of 2300000. forced to move by these by the government driving variable is biting on the political front too, with deep divisions and hostilities, interrupting a thursday's cabinet meeting. they say old politics is low code by the in fighting on sort lines and benjamin nothing. yeah. how's government domestically? could how much, why the consequences for policy is and the why to vision. so there's nothing else government at risk of collapsing. we put that to all guess in a moment. first, this report from catch up is how the on the how much is that good condition
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israel's far right? the government is facing deep divisions and it's for on gaza is amplifying them disagreements about what happens after the war. reportedly sparked outrage and a recent meeting, exposing a risk between political and military leaders. very serious disagreement over holding an investigation into the security and intelligence failures of october 7th, while the war continues. the head of the military analysis plans for a review at the cabinet meeting, but came under sharp attack from a number of ministers. there's. there's also debate about israel's role in cons, that when the bombing ends plans introduced by israel's defense minister state, israel would oversee security, but not occupying the land. we have no intention to say to stay permanently and goes to sleep. we only take care of our security and to secure through fault. she deserves some right. when coalition ministers are promoting the opposite,
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intending to expel all postings and replace them with this, really settlers should be as though this is an opportunity for an immigration project. an opportunity to encourage the migration of residents from gaza to other countries of the world make no mistake. we have partners that can help. mistrust is another factor. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been accused of focusing on his political survival above all else. he teens. up with far right politicians in 2022 to secure another term. but now disagreements with those very factions threatened to crumble his coalition to both and his leadership tensions were rising an israel well before the war for months protesters pushed back against nothing. yeah. whose plan to limit the legal power of judges and the supreme court. some critics argue, costs and demonstrations, distracted the government and the military. now, 3 months into the war on casa,
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it appears to visions among those really politicians may linger well beyond the conflict with much of the focus now turning to whether nothing yahoos government can survive, those differences caught see a little bit. so the, again, l, g, a 0 for insights, storing us. let's take a quick look at them a couple of as well as government. it was full more than a year ago during the time of serious political instability of to 5 general elections in just 4 years. led by benjamin to teneo. it is a cowardly sort of his wife, plainly crude faulty, and 6 of the policies became a government of national unity. as it goes, a will begun in october when it was joined by a party led by 4 boys, right on the chief by the guns. political opponent of nothing. you know, it's the most far right. the government, it is why is history and includes menaces like it's a mob been via, has been convicted of incitement of violence and supporting
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a tower group. apartment of students in the all and stuff is facing trial for food, bribery, and breach of trust. the. let's bring in august and helpful as well, overall cost. if number of these riley parliament, that message intent of the good you love the economist of these readings paper, horace and all sort of the punishment of gaza and the london daniel levy, president of the us middle east project, us of political negotiate to under the full he's ready to prime is a algebra. welcome to the program. offer is fridays. were to a certain extent, outraged by what happened during the thursday cabinet meeting. what's the issue here? is it just fall white? and then those are the coalitional objects seem to the timing. when invest ticket to the committee to be set out by the ministry into what went wrong on october 7th as well. the debate within the government, the within the company,
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they have these the edge and i'd like to be a margin of why because everybody's suppose the ongoing assault and god that which he might do is the, is the main key. it is. the main issue is that the main thing, or the 1st thing that shouldn't be done is to and they will immediately forward to mainly sense, well actually 3 mainly the says fast isn't the depth or the depth the experience we have talking about. and i, i'm afraid a buzz from 2015 is anyway with the vast majority of them. you know, since the mediums we mentioned to you, but the desktop is way any sort just and this and that leads to the lives of the hostages a. so all those things should design the governments to end the wall, which you might do should not, can be gotten in the 1st place. unfortunately, a, this government can seems to be gods, who do not care about the lives, let the students but the payment. that is what i have. it's sort of the hostages
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that just interested in the range and the g h. we have the impact on freight. that's the main thing, that blige them. okay. and of course we again try to do our best stuff. it's good. yeah. and it was that moment when so 10 minutes says like maybe like a, a bit. so it is most rates and it's, i'm a big of a took owns admitted to establishment about the investigative committee. this someone here, skeptic, a wary at the feel of that committee itself or the bottom, if it cases of what could happen when the committee itself publishes its findings. it's now this drug, the day after, when the politician says usual a breaking away from any responsibility. everyone understands that the face, the historical vs go on. the 7th and the politicians are doing everything possible
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to put the blame only on the army and say, this leads to this argument. i wouldn't die, i totally agree of august the result fair. that the dose of my generation was because the main issue is continuing the war, but they both do the war. there is no argument and he is right. and there's an argument within the cabinet there or in favor of junior engaging any price. by the end of the day, any a t is above all, we be thinking responsible for the cause and position started even in the middle of the world without any shame done. you know, you get a sense that admits all the titles around the potential for this to be taken into a full blown regional admitted to confrontation. suddenly the political establishment in israel is pretty much concerned about just one particular issue, which is basically this investigation. politicians are saying it's not time to talk
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about it. the minister establishment said, we bad responsibility. we apologize. so how do you think is not really willing to move forward when it comes to this particular issue? i would not, i shouldn't suggest that the entire focus is this question of responsibility. the investigation as a fair and indeed on the upset. this is an area in which the government is vulnerable. the coalition is the owner of the. ready it was obviously a monumental failure on that part. i would say not primarily a failure of intelligence, i would say a failure of understanding the politics of oppression, a more dos. so i think the 1st law, if we're going to find one. hm. you probably include the question of taking responsibility, but inside the coalition, to the extent to which differences myself, i would say the full line is right. politics is between those who say
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eradication. let's, let's have a 2nd knock box. let's remove every one of those who say this is lucky. we have a very good, a pop type system in place. occasionally we say to the world peace. occasionally we say to the, well, we're ready to do something. but when you know, when the leaders of the opposition suggests that that should be a policy you mentioned to you. oh those who would use what do you say? well, they all suggest the somebody that looks much more like a band to stand outlines into the pods i system is an actual i was seeing and freedom and independence because teams site designers for the policy. you do not have a policy that stands off for palestinian rights, international law, the legitimacy, all another party here. so i want to get really upset with this question of the investigation. one thing we can,
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the site is the prime minister. nothing young clearly does not want useful to, and that is a driving factor, but not the primary or right. oh, for what does nothing. yeah. ho stent, here is he, the one pulling the strings. and so in showing this come automatically to sub his ultimate goal, which is his own personal survival. i think that the does for the strings, but the worst others don't seem to be but the doesn't. it does it look, nathaniel who is interested in the view is why don't you just said let them know is not interested in ending the will because he knows that once to, well, he's old bad it down to tell the people that i there to begin in the world of it seems that these interest bips to do in the last all is going to pay the price for what you the fiasco and the responsibility bells make these government for the most . okay. the quote i call the the on the 7th of october. so that's the reason you
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interested in one way or not there. so it may be because it does support the swings on to he wants to mind me putting the property k and the dimension of our community. and to pretend this is an or is a us that will be ready for using the stand. i mean our, in the context of that will be god's actually is not e money plates and maneuvers, diesel any public and being the measurement of property in order to get what's the best. and then he wants the differences of it, of interest, as far as the finish and outcomes save between the 3. 04. not peaks of the so called religious silent using hers fine, but this is concept. they think the same and they do the same good. you and i do understand when you offer and done, you say that we should rather focus on the different aspects,
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the most profound ones, particularly when it comes to where it's spotty stands and the future. when you look at the former defense. but it's so shall go fast. so was whose name bade it was central to the debate that happened on thursday. was the very mention of his name. the reason why the ultra orthodox said, we don't want any mention of someone that we see as responsible for anything that stands against what we aim for, which is basically everybody's cation displacement to the policy is and bring in the settled as back into gaza. no, not that. busy or that's only a that it's really that they try to postpone any investigation. it could be shown on the funding. busy anyone is there with the owner? is a pause shower, no fuzzies, no different than any other generating these are the all me he a you,
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he's or so the one to be responsible for very no peroration in the west bank named and the 2nd the father. and the, i don't seem to bid to dispense in favor of him or against him. they have just using him as, as a way to subsidize this investigation is really all this right according to the door. almost nobody always clean. so any points of view. so way, finally, it showed to be an investigation, don't forget, at least in the middle of the investigation. and this is not the vista game show that it deserves because these are in the service area and extend the investigation by judges, so known by gender rhodes. but this might student based might still to danielle there's nothing. yeah, he's not in good terms with the ministry establishment. the ministry establishment says nothing. yeah. does not have
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a clear plan for how to go forward. but the ministry establishment itself does not seem to know exactly what is happening today. what will happen in the next phase in gaza? what could happen potentially tomorrow or after tomorrow? if this becomes a larger ministry, confrontation who do, would you personally blame for this fake environment with which has been vedic, always, well, i would challenge how phase the environment is. i think because we've noticed this room off vol, i'm destructive kind of pay this full months now. uh huh. $90000.00 plus children that the, the 85 percent of people display 70 percent of the housing stock buildings damaged or destroyed. the, the key thing here is the level of concerns. so well that might be differences between the political and military actual right now you have
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a military actual was wounded and it is happy to assume that you kind of age. so what happens is ready to treat, which increasing the reflect society and reflects the fact that the national religious settler community is very much integrated all of the separate philosophy, c images of the the that are coming out and they have to give them what we say i think we step back anything bolts change. i think we have to acknowledge this is unlikely to be generated exclusively or even primarily inside these releases that will require some kind of external vixen. i'm here the ability for this ring just clearly i'm not the i'm the ranges to mount a, terry and consequently starvation disease. what we see is winter, especially 60, to stall that they will need to be what has been thus far to speak to is the
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options, which is a real cost impulse equipped for each route to carry on with this america is given . these rob is america's voice. well, it is given is rather free policies provided to weapons provided the diplomatic cover and the cost and all i want to see the possibility of change. i would cost and i took the moment to south africa, has initiated at the international court of justice with the challenge as to whether this cost acute the 10th or the actual committee or the crime of genocide. nobody can stop the time generate the, especially if all the countries push, because as long as the cell is treated with each unity, it will do it to us. so alpha, if you also believe that in the absence of international press of the next ton of factors, that could be the size of there's no one in these by determined on waiting to finish this step back. although so within the slightly establishment believe the longer it gets, the better for the survival,
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it is. and i think that we do need dimensions on that appraisal. that special, i've always been supporting the coordination of the measurement of pressure and the so called domestic or a not a strong and i mean it's not i, it's not one over the other. it shouldn't be a combination of 2. we do have a best as in a position within the government and out of the parliament for instance, 2 nights, like every saturday we go out to the streets to demonstrate when the slow them such slogan, such as little and such are still domestic and god. and their store, the world drives a store that sold it. so we do that, we continue doing that, but we thought it through mentioning the events that maybe they need the initial impression, let alone risk the support of the by the most ministration in the desk. so a we bought the ever any chance to stump it, and i was with your permission to continue with the dining and adjusting the
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viewing. i mean, what the, the government of easily responsible for a about a d, e a. the out to walk on. starvation is the best store, especially of children and the elderly, and women and other, you know, since convenience. and when we are looking that they can dance, you can see. and by the way that you're, if you're, if you read what, so i think of the stuff i think i'm shot of the, of the west sense a to the i c j. you could see that the grades, their charges on things that the members of the commit for the including means to us and ma'am, is on the coalition actually said they've been using discuss disgusting drugs that include the past. like in the nation, this direction that things don't go to sleep. they sit so we cannot think know that
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i must say that i'm the, as the defendant of family is with cubes. in the old cost i've been shock the people use way impulsively. the majority of, is there any sup quotes, such policies and such language to say the least list, you know, in shock and disgust as the, in the midst of the community. that nothing do anything stop beat and quite confidently, more often than not does everything to support it. and just to conclude it, these, the enter the store easy. what are these various, those when to stop this cartilage? it's obviously the, the, by the students. it's in the interest of the own road, morally speaking, and as part of the interest of god and said, all right, you've also in the rest of these areas because the interest of hours the site needs to be moved on to continue on with the economy,
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which we think to continue with the fuel patient the siege very season. oh, those are the against the, into the store as well as when did then, since you old mentioned the i, c g and as you know, the south african lawyers what pretty much you when you look at the tactics they're looking for it, your additional re schultz caught that would take them straightforward towards the very notion of genocide when it comes to the targeting of the culture of identity, the killing of civilians and civilians in the hope that by best they could save time hassle and energy and in dive these varieties. but this could even with this, but in particular, it could take is to sol. so could just this one on its own be a decisive moment. that could put more pressure on these by the government or even
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easy to data years. it's easier beginning, and the touch of that a lot take much time is that they were publish in order to stop the warrant was, which might have been in 12 weeks. and then it should go to a security concert on the united states with the challenge they can all day again to defend, to and, and support this war. i don't know, but no, it's not like we have so many drawers to stop before. and we should just shows which one is more effective the we have very limited because india is where the support in this war is almost over our support. i never remember a warranty is that it was forwarded to resistance. and so what is the treating and such a role in gender mislead for any doubt or any embassy to that. but a stages initial community continues to use the use of the level of the government
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and it's still been a good they have is a social oh, 1st of all just the visual and then based procedure will go on. it will take us. yes. but we should start it. okay. done. yeah. if the support for the government inside as well is overwhelming, you look at the general perception in these parts of the world. what people would tell you since the spot, the base, will have hope that someone was decent, genuine, somewhat in the us or in europe. what's step up and say, this incentive to stop? guess what? no one ever trusts the international. the political was that everyone says was suddenly been flushed into the unknown and no one knows what happens tomorrow. so to such an extent, do we still can we still believe trust the someone from outside could be the savior,
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the festival. not people that talked about us being in the or the poly prices. i think i will sign these brand new shoes often for each week separately. it's now the hope that we see the absolute inadequacy, not just a collapse of the international system that's going to take more on this issue to ship. i hope now people have lost any potential, residual. they lose it, but that america is a friend to you, but america stands off to something in a consistent fashion, lifeline is not say cody students. that sounds awkward. have left the fact that the global south is in fact probably the best of that can ship based america does not exist in a vacuum. they have to look at the states. but i would then say that these roles also does not exist in as long as one gives these radius, this feeling 3 can do this without coastal calls to quits, then we should not expect change. and this is where there's no silver body to solve
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this of say, but it's ability call. it's a pool and built the bulk with shifting. that is set into this incentive structure and resolve it. so say you will need to you inside, outside in the sub course, he's crucial to base that looks atrocious. circumstances. yes. in golf. look, justin dollar, look at the west bank. look east jerusalem. look at the refugee community looking site for the best matches to for race because he's raised will never know security will never actually be all right to, from being a price is if a carry on like that. so i have respects, you see, i see just a, as a building go out of the schools. we will talk about it yet, but you need a pallet. okay. and political salvage, which i'm fortunate. the romano, at least i have this question. we have less than 2 minutes. i appreciate you. if you can give me a very short and says if you don't mind and i don't know whether i should be read
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asking you this question. now maybe how you made perfect sense about 2 years ago. i don't know about now. do you still genuinely believe that the potential for a policy in state existing with and is why the state is the of the do you still believe the chance the state of that in the future for obvious, riley piece of fast to delete? i think more than ever i think that unfortunately a actually a pc paid that not subject cottage like a curb in the on the 7th of october and the often months. but we for years and been saying that the occupation is going to explode. one way, not out and everybody goes to pay the price, and that's exactly i lost what up and the only solution the only solution is not is, is this a solution as do i still believe that and then show that that's this semester is
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going to materialize. the question is, where did you and i will much about these going to speed before. thank you. good. you. you know that's, that's right in that and folder and he's very unfortunately he left the station. there is no 4 and we entered fiber by students. they were 7 on the. busy and you said to us in the west bank of ju, was the name, and we better stop was, is a notional, because the leads owning to maintaining the bill to base your mind. you, we start, we have to start to change that these cost him to ink when it arrives, $1.00 bus one vote between the river and the sea. we are living in one state. and the only problem is to change it sort of seem. and there is no other search, it's either a democracy between the c or in about that state. there is no so okay. so unfortunately, unfortunately done is less than 20 seconds. if you don't mind there's one
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political space reality. as long as that's the case, this has to be about equality. well, she's saying multi to states, you're projected it is. well now we need to call to present wants to change its position, genuinely the occupied. go for it. but right now we need to stand off the rights and equality in the politics system that has been correct. it's always a pleasure having you. what else is it off? cuz it gives you under the tiny levia and look forward to talking to you in the near future. thank you and thank you to for watching. you can see the program again, any time by visiting our website. i'm just, you know, dot com for further discussion because our facebook page that's facebook dot com forward slash ha inside story. you can also join the conversation x and that is at a j inside story. for me has some of them on the entire team here. bye for now, the the latest news as it breaks echo is, is not only concerned about the possibility of low cost. and the reason is, worry,
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take good approximates with detailed coverage less than 2 weeks. central office being criticized, behaving more like a number of precedents from around the world since the start of the war, a vast number of small of voluntary groups have sprung into big, big stones, have the result of fig organizations, the rejecting decades of internal conflict. the farmers of columbia as peace communities remain neutral on, on, but refusing to leave their villages a set them on a collision course with a right wing perimeter trip in an active defiance they embark on a journey to honor that the enemy territory. a witness documentary on a jersey to the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the on have him seeker, this is the news live from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. the morning, the dead at least 22 palestinians are killed off is really attacks target con


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