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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 6, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the low i know about this in a, this is the news our life from bill hard coming up in the next 60 minutes. 6 southern guys that comes under heavy is very bombardment. i, again, at least 22 people are killed in the latest strikes and con units. i'm warning the time is running as in guys and many children are facing the severe evaluation and
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the size of 500 is getting worse. us equity of straight onto the blinking size. he wants to prevent an escalation of violence in the middle east and as late as the trip to the region. as we said from day one, we have an intense focus on preventing this conflict. it's running surveys and regulations grinding more than a $170.00 boeing 737, max and 9 aircraft that's out to part of the fuselage. blew off a plane in mid air. the we're going to be getting gaza, but at least a 122 palestinians are being killed and is really air strikes in the past day. in the southern city of con units, bombings, killed $22.00 people in one house, including the relatives of a local journalist, as well as managing, says it destroyed tunnel, access shots, and find weapons set to be linked to homeless. this is very forces have also
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intensified military operations in central garza. another 46 people have been killed. their guys, us health ministry says more than $22700.00 palestinians are being killed. that's nearly 3 months into the war. start a couple zooms in the drop off in the southern gaza. talk us through the latest strikes. tonic yes, rough multiple, the attacks have been carried out in the past hour alongside the goal is the straight plot. this time was very loud and heavy in a 160 where it has been the main focus for the military attacks by land sea and also by the ground from the is valley forces where 7 palestinians have to report to killed, including 5 children. one is a new born baby and 2 and the 3 others who are a fathers who are completely young children that did not pass more than 10 to 12 years old. and this is completely
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a part of the ongoing jim's solely to the attacks were in the same abutment around $45.00 residents have been injured and it seems that the have hit an area that is very full and very crowded with arisen with the residents at all so evac to reason the majority of boost injured have being transported to another hospital to receive treatments on these kinds of attacks continued also in the last, in the middle governance, as we have been hearing from residents of to can texting a number of our cliques, the regarding the situation on the ground, as the artillery the on getting is showing of the residential houses, the have informed us that this living situation and conditions in the middle of our needs become very unbearable as israel is destroying residential houses. and since the 80 hours of today's morning, 40 palestinians have a royce to ox the hospital as a dead body. and this absolutely as a result of the expansion of the military operations and its fed phase of the in dollars on a definitely the,
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on the unrelenting bump bump into the gaza strip has closed muscle loss in terms of muscle human target losses. alongside with more risk to operations made by the civil defense crews to evacuate and to boot victims from under the ruffles of the destroyed houses in the house of southern caused a relentless bar. right. a coast destroying was left upon you and let them know to send me once a refuge. now the battle ground with the whales of rockets, pears the silence. here. crouch, gather, united in morning. the grief fills the air of the european hospitals. so they killed their children, they killed our kids, they killed her beloved's. they killed our hard as um,
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was this, this palestinian boy, this alone instead of going to an assembly destroyed by you will move away and will show up that i, we were in shed to, to feed you can and these really need to apply as saying that garza is a better field, so we flipped to kind of eunice because it was a safe place. they more natalie still bummed us. they have much of my siblings and my fund services and my youngest brother who is in 2nd grade. and my eldest brother, who is in 8th grade, my father and my mother, and then they are buying more. mand finds it difficult to accept the death of his family member. this fall of its fall, realty has to purchase on the search for 10 to shield his children, has ended in hoped,
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brick as the flows with the casualties of israel's will, and goes to gwyn reality sits and civil services are struggling to reach the trap. civilians under the russell is what claims that there are safe areas for civilians. yet these people are being shocked at running up to capa truly anticipate from the relentless bombardment topic. as do, we'll just sierra russell, southern guns. it is as walden gauze has created the humanitarian catastrophe, un agencies, a warning that half of guys has $2400000.00 populations at risk of starvation. a survey by units of funds that about 90 percent of children under 2 years old getting only milk and basic food like bread. the side of funding is increasing. hundreds of thousands could be severely malnourished and some are likely to die as a result. cases of diarrhea,
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i'm in children under 5 years old is set to be increasing at an alarming pace around $3200.00 new cases every day and is growing concerned about the health of expectant and breast feeding women? tanya hodge, her son is a pediatrician with doctors without borders and she says the war is coming about a 100 children every day. she says many more will be afflicted by lifelong disabilities and health issues. the death toll had been over 8000 when we were last able to get a, an accurate data tool spend several weeks now. so the figure is likely to be closer to $10000.00 at this point, you know, at the same time period. so about 3 months into the ukraine war the u. n. had stated at the time, but the lives of children have been devastated at scale. that is, has not been seen since world war 2. at the time on average 2 children were being killed per day. but the average number of children being killed to per day in gaza
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right now is well over a 100. and like i said, over 8000 likely close 210000 children have been killed so far. that excludes the thousands who have been disabled over 10000, according to the u. n. likely at with the extremity amputation. so upper and lower lim, amputation. so children maint, debilitated for life or over 20000 children orphaned. and then you know, 85 percent of the girls and population is currently displaced. many families having been displaced a multiple times. so 100 percent of children have no access to reliable heating in the winter. there is no access to food sick. like there's no, there's food in security, limited access to clean water and obviously high risk of disease, a 100 percent of children in gaza have no access to school. and we know that at least half of the education facilities, according to offices coordination for military affairs,
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have been destroyed so far. so all children not being educated at the moment, all of these will have very lasting impacts on the lives of children. thousands of children have been born in gaza in the last month in our staff are seeing mothers unable to feed their newborns. when we know that during war, children are more likely to be born, premature and small for for weight. so they start out behind as a consequence of the work when you are living in a situation with poor hygiene, with little access to clean water children end up with these epidemics of die real disease, they just have constant, you know, back to back infections with each infection, they often end up with a condition called environmental entre office be that further contributes to acute malnutrition because what happens is the, the lining of the intestines is affected and the bacteria and the colonizing the intestinal will cells or damaged. and then you have now absorption,
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so then you end up in this vicious cycle where your body is consuming a lot of energy. the children are cold, they have no access to heat, they are sick, they are fighting, their bodies are working at, at, at that in a well over a 100 percent. so they have a high metabolic demand. they are, um, it has a intestines that are mel absorbing and they don't have access to both the quality and quantity. because acute malnutrition is both of those things. it's overall calories, but it's also quality, or it doesn't matter. so he's just released the stipends saying his forces have finished dismantling homeless ministry framework in northern gaza spokesman says more than 8000 homeless members have been killed in the north of the strip. but some still remained there what's out of hundreds. joining us not from tennessee, so add the statement coming out from the is really another 2. what else would be the same sort of the there will that sign that know
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now in full control of the northern gauze. but so they've been indicating this for the last couple of weeks when we heard from the army chief saying that they are in full operational control of northern gauze. now what they has added at the time or he has added himself, was saying that that was except for some pull kits on assign says it was so existing in northern gone. so now the real kids that had been fired from the since the beginning of the war seems to have been reducing of a time box sale. so ongoing sale and i still have seeing at least targeting those southern towns which still remain invited to races. we'd soon or exactly a week ago was when prime minister benjamin netanyahu house, along the public statement into updating paper on the operational movements of the ministry. inside of garza, he has at the time says that they has eliminated around 8 and a half
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a 1000 from us finances. and as long as she has places in the gaza strip and that they will re focusing the efforts not just in the center of the gaza strip, but so was the south west on eunice isn't every day they updates the public saying, but they have minors to. 6 kill a number of sciences and also take control of some of those. what, like, who come on senses. and that's why they believe also those from us need. his have resides is, or at least have moves from the north to the south side. a renee, this is coming as a time when we all are seeing more and more concerns as to how long this will take. um, there's also been a number of process i want to ask about those protests there cuz i know that the, the demonstrations have been under way for you are in intel of you being one of the, what are people they're asking for?
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well hair and so and now it's become known as posters. swagway every saturday, tens of thousands of people have been gathering this tossing to go home. now that's happening here because just behind this, there is the defense ministry where the wood cabinet holes, it's me things, but interesting way, just earlier this riley was doing fine. now the price has the estimate spot of the organizers has around $20000.00 people attending the biggest, most unprecedented and see prime minister benjamin netanyahu of protest. we've seen since the war sausage. it was organized by a group of a civil society. so that has come together saying that they all spreads out of seeing the priorities of the government and those prime minister benjamin netanyahu not being of interest is really interest. so for example, they were calling on him to resign. they will also, i'm calling on early elections. this is the 1st we've had. this is the same people,
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but has organizers must have and say government process before the war happens. we hadn't seen these process during the last few weeks because the public has agreed as well as the whole cabinet, as well as the ministers that they should be a sense of unity especially is this riley continues because of, of the number of those. so hells comp saving goals that they want them to be returned as soon as possible. but the interesting thing about the, on the process is this is the last time they make such a cool during this time. so let me out to ration some of the central on sit on stage. rhonda what major was saying that some of the ministers didn't even send the songs to. 6 and fights, this was saying that so now during his service to be a public put thing, a politics fuss, a head of national interest. we've already seen in the last couple of days when that was a surprise to be a discussion amongst a security cabinet as to what happens often. this will, it ended up in
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a massive wall cuz when you had on one side, ministers of choosing the army chief of opening a pro of and so something the 5 to 7 attack saying that this shouldn't be done at a time when as well. and then there was also lots to banging in front of lots of what the argument was. the point was it was starting to show some cross anita from mister benjamin netanyahu had a statement once again saying that mail walking towards those goals and also saying that people need to be nice. that of course, this seems to be in the face of more or more people coming out and being more vocal against this government. and it goes from mr. benjamin netanyahu. so thank you very much indeed. so kind of giving us not rhonda from the tel aviv i want to bring in shows you a copy. i know he's the c e o of golf state analytics. it's a consulting firm based in washington dc. he's joining his life from there. very good to have you with us. i want to ask you about, 1st of all, about the statement from these really military saying it's policies have quote, completed, dismantling homeless military framework in northern guys are but
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a center was pointing out that is as caviar that it's put anything except for pockets of resistance there is a suggestion that the military is one would imagine keen to show that it is a shipping something but having to, to balance that way of admitting that, well actually there is some fighting still going on. yeah. well, 1st of all, thank you for letting me and your network. it's an honor to be here. i think you make a good point that on these really leadership has to demonstrate to their own citizens that the is really been successful in this campaign. but the fact of the matter is 3 months into this war on gods of these remedies. if not achieve the goals that they set out to achieve. the fact that the matter is that the percentage of how much militants who have been killed over the past 3 months is a pretty small percentage of mos remains
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a force in gaza. that is still resisting these really occupiers and still is capable of attacking israel. law is really succeeded in creating hell on earth in casa and creating extremely catastrophic humanitarian and disasters for innocent people and gaza at the end of the day, a moss is still resisting. israel is just you, me leading for israel. and i think these really leadership wants to find narratives to try to spin the reality here. i want to ask you about the visit, the us equity estate antony been concerning making uh to, to the region at the moment. he's on his way to jordan as part of the way to the part of his latest not least sure bank has already held talks, and so kia with presidents egypt child proud of. and they both discussed with humanitarian crisis and guys back and forth and visit to the region since the wrong guys have begun. and if somebody says,
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adults are aimed at preventing the situation from further escalating the past. we said they want, we have an incense focus on preventing this conflict spreading. and a big part of the conversations will be having over the coming days with all of our all as partners is looking at the steps that they can say. using the influence and size because they have to do just that to make sure that this conflict doesn't suppress. second, uh, we'll be looking at what we can do to maximize the protection for civilians maximize the amount of transit systems getting into them. uh, and also to get possibly just out of guys the situation for men, women, and children in gaza, remains dyer sort of theater. i want to come back to you on this. i mean the down to the banking there with the what has become essentially a shopping list that the us has prepared every time it arrives in, in the region. how successful do you think he's going to be this time given the,
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the response that he's had from the is very politicians, particularly in the past. you know, i'm not very optimistic about what can come to our lincoln's visit to the region for a number of reasons. first of all, if we look back in the past 3 months, there has been times in which blinking and others and divided in history should have talked about how their version is real. to have more concern for a to set lives in gaza. is they fight this war? look at casa today. i mean, it's a joke. just think that any of that language from us officials have any impact on the israel. and as us officials are talking about their concerns about the conflict spread or us policies are doing quite a bit to health this conflict spread the situation in the red sea. let's look at that for a 2nd. certainly if a ceasefire would be implemented in gaza that who's the attacks on commercial
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vessels and the red sea would come to a stop. the buyer is joe biden, has made it very clear. he's not asking for a ceasefire. the us is definitely in a position to force israel to agree to a cease fire, but the us choosing not to do that. and as long as the body, the administration decides to not wish for a ceasefire, we're going to see this conflict to continue to regional lives in international lives. so i think blinking is really coming in the region and trying to cool tensions. but when you look at the policies of the body, they ministration, there's a huge disconnect, went on to the bank and it was making those statements on that the town like there before getting on the plane. he also said it's clear israel does not want escalation, but they do have to defend themselves. not is there is also being accused of targeting senior homeless of officials abroad. that happened a couple of days ago was an example of that is being accused of,
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of being behind that attack. and it is something that, that it has a vote to do from the start of this conflict. but in your assessment, why would it be an israel's interest to wiping this conflict as well as i was mentioning the few minutes ago, the 3 months war and god. so it has not gone well for israel to put it mildly. and i think there are many experts who believe that what israel is trying to do is may be bringing this conflict into other theaters such as 11, not maybe soon, syria thinking that if they are unable to defeat a mos in gaza, they want to go. they want this conflict to spread elsewhere. obviously as boys have much more power from force than a moss. so i don't think that if they were unable to completely decapitate on us and god so they would have much success. decapitating his blood and lab and on. but
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i think this is sort of the logic, but he's real has right now georgia coffee and we appreciate you being with us and i'll just, you know, thank you very much indeed for your time. thank you. and you find a policy, i think, shows a but alex says there's going to be no one knows if the water and guys oppose 11 on into original conflict as much as comes out of his ball or find a bottle of rock. it said it is really observation post in the north of the country, but nobody's group says the strikes are an initial response to the killing of a senior homeless official. and they would on tuesday after meeting 11 on foreign minister. but i'll just be strange to avoid a white war. i am here when we are seeing a warranty, intensification of exchange of fire across the blue line in double that between the vendor on a need as well on. i seen that the wall can be prevented proper could bundle, know you can touch on the, on how to has to be avoid it,
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where you live and that that's on the bottom. and diplomacy can prevail to look for a better solution. and on cotton's got the latest and most young in southern lebanon for more selling has been going on. and you can still see the smoke coming across uh from the uh, a span of a bow, a close to 2 and a half, maybe 2 color, which is really intensive as strikes of thunder as an s or a showing a stripe, a really thunderous noise as they came in now this is the kind of thing uh, that may well prove a response. get a response from his bullet. now the secretary general of his will, the stroller was speaking just 24 hours ago. he said he was going to make sure that there would be a response to the killing of salt root that actually came on saturday morning when his blah hit a key minute. your position is ready to move that to position in israel in the
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galley as well. then responded with a drawing start and killed one has beloved member and throughout the day today, hey, where i am. this is what's been happening. we've seen the strikes y'all and we've seen rockets come, we've heard well, that rockets come from this area across into that dispute. the charge you that voted with israel. now remember this a 120 columbia to buddha and everybody, his beloved included trying to make sure the conflict is contained within this area that doesn't spread across into level. they've been intense diplomatic efforts to try and make sure that it's possible. joseph bro, the high representative of the european union has been here in 11 on these. been meeting with a billable heavy. but who is the foreign minister? he's actually been saying the 11 on his, on this intense pressure because of this, that no one needs a will that a result that it will spill out into
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a regional conflict. so all of this diplomacy is going on now, well is ro, ones is it wants to push has blown out of this area, push them columbus has back his will, isn't negotiate negotiating. it isn't interested in any kind of negotiation until the will and goes and stokes. this is really bulldozers of destroyed a palestinian symmetry in the l tough of a neighborhood in johnson city. many bodies have been on us and left in the rubble of tombstones and nearby houses. i'll just see there's a small goals reports. now let me, let me give you a warning. is report does contain some disturbing images that don't. i'm not gonna see, i'm not going to try the most of the cemetery where the victims were buried recently by the after the sustained is really palming that caused a significant rise on the casualties and cause a city that elect is supposed to be met at the beginning because every of that sort of these are empty casings of the munitions that were used by the occupation forces in cause of city have. and again, you can see the rockets that were used by their soldiers who dumped cmt casings
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here after they bulldoze the cemetery. and then taking up the bodies of the victims and driving their vehicles over them in the process you had a large number of bodies lie outside of their craves after they were dug up by is really forces what thank you. the kind of, i don't know who not be checking out of here, we can take a closer look at the remains of the bodies who are buried at the cemetery. and the funeral that can have the multiple and what is really forces dug up the bodies and took some of them according to the local. so i'm off. i mean the only thing left are the remains. you see here in the book as heavy as i saw here they have yeah, there are large numbers of bodies all along this pathway here, as you can see, oh my model is, can you tell me what happened here? so i don't know i doing my duty. what happened is that our enemies are criminals. they follow us to our graves even off the way that there is no religion that allows
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us islam or otherwise no religion allows without criminal enemies, have done to these dead people the rest. so i'm one of the did done this is bob barrick, we respect a religions, but our enemy respects nothing. surely i'm a lawyer and my 2 sons. my brother and my brother's son are buried here, and you can see the extent of this type of touch and the revenge of that be filled this area. even the dead could not escape them. but you also can see here the tracts left by the vehicles that these really forces drove over the victim's bodies . can you tell me what you're doing now, what i guess is, and we're looking for the bodies of some relatives. have you found anything move any kind of a mother? how old a daughter and her baby was still looking? we haven't found anything. we've erected a memorial here and we will recite the prep for them. there's nothing else we can do. we normally has to be a loan number one. i just, i just have to give you a significant number of bodies were stuck up and mutilated when occupation forces
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both those the area says as you read the number is unfortunately staggering. a. so give you an hour because you guys have done here again, and we found the bodies above the ground off of these re lease headaches, humans. and right now we're lining up the bodies of our relatives in order to re bury them for the home night. the homes in the bank and says, one of its destroyers has shopped on a drone launch from human the crew. the u. s. navy ship as a part of funding and self defense and set to have landed in the international waters of the southern red sea. close to commercial ships that are no reports of casualties or damage. still ahead on august the 10th of 2 christmases, how the watering ukraine is causing divisions about the way to celebrate the
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the hello here's how it's happening up across here of africa on sundays. still that arctic coal digging in across scandinavia, disturbed weather around the alpine region and the disturbance in the central mediterranean. let's dive into all those details right here, right now. first the cold. so we cannot sunday morning dark, the blue and the purple. the lower the temperature health. thank you. my name is 26 now by afternoon. let's go minus 10. so it's still cold enough, but hang on there is some points come in a bit of weather whiplash here because their temperature is now on the plus side of things by tuesday at 2 degrees, it will be warm enough to see some wet weather. let's go back to the here and now dealing with what weather through italy through the bulk ins as well. but look at the temperature in warsaw, poland, minus 6. so that cold air will start to digging across central europe in the balkans. so a big change in temperature is coming here over the next 24 to 36 hours. really went through greece and turkey, especially the western side of the turkey through the south as well. and for the other side of the mediterranean,
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were talking about when not too far away from barcelona, looking at the square of a 100 kilometers per hour. and it is also wendy through the mediterranean coast of africa, around elders, and to easy a for example. and in the south, there had been some flooding in johannesburg and it looks like there could be more rain here on sunday bye for now. the hard hitting into meetings as a un ambassador position given to you bible does have both. you've described that is better than that and any thoughts provided? hang on my question to you. all that good cooks, i think is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. usb to in the security council. this is something they just don't think look is different on the x or to hear the story on told to how does era
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a settled time upfront takes on the big issue as opposed to what's happening now. it seems as cool, thanks. question, profession and unflinching questions. rigorous, the bank that he added to today is that another cleansing is taking place. they've got nothing goes into garza without us real permits and nothing leaves casa without result. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. what out 0. the the, the what you know to 0 reminder, one told stories of this house, at least 22 people to being killed in israel's latest stripes on gaza. as often as if you have con unice has been under heavy bombing. many people have been heading
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there as we try to escape attacks in the north or the use foreign policy cheapest, set it up sort of thing necessary. the 11 on is not drugged into a war, is coming to follow an escalation costs for the flight in between israel and has voted. as it was, warren gauze was created a humanitarian catastrophe for the $2400000.00 residents, you and agencies are wanting to huff the strips population is at risk of starvation at the omar i don't mind on is a pediatric neurologist on co founder of guys of medic, voices, he says palestinian women and children and gaza bearing the brunt of the war of the women and children. her b this for pushing the effective especially the children we have to remember if you are mom. nutrition was last you are inside the room. if your mother as a, as a fetus, the negative health effects will carry on. so the rest of your life and if your mom nutrition before the age of 2 and this is, you know,
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is the pediatrician who sees children and we does the monsters and the dice and mutate the often. but i've seen it in south africa and then all the regions i visited in right when, when children are mommy trish and before the age of to dfcs are largely irreversible. so whatever effect dies have in times of the cardiovascular system, their immune system and met and then you are logical system. most importantly, this will have lost in some impact on that house. and then livestock comes, these children will more likely have difficulties at school if there is a school to go to difficulties in terms of the cognition, their ability to function in society and then mental health. as soon as we know that the majority of them in gaza are, you know, already suffering from mental health disorders from the sony booms, the sound of drones and sound of shining and bombing. and not only that, the scene during the family wiped out generations of families wiped out, and the ones that are remain i'll be starved to death as we speak. and what is so upsetting and so disgusting, is
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a health care professional to see the impotence and the lack of responsibility and the lack of a power and ability to speak up by our public sessions in the u. k. in the us across the world. that should be putting a stop to this, frankly, because what we are seeing is 2400000 people being strangled, alive, and be exterminated, live on our tv screens. and we are approaching a 100 days when the ukrainian concept to approach the 100 days. i remember very well how that was reported. i remember the, you know, the push from politicians to try and stop that. what are we doing about this here? what, what is the world actually doing about this? and unfortunately, our citizens are having to be responsible to start to speak up and to stop to, you know, push for sanctions for boy cost of, of these right, is that is the bombing that is raining. how far on the plan does that, or that's christmas eve or millions of orthodox christians around the world. but in bethlehem and the occupied westbank celebrations of being muted by that smith,
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is there a sent this report? 260000000 people worldwide celebrate full hook ups christmas. most of them from eastern europe, russia, greece, ethiopia, and egypt and the central those celebrations invested a handful christine the book, place of christ. this year is taken on a much smooth, mutates. so there is no and susie as them amongst palestinian christians to celebrate christmas because of the will in gauze. and there is, in fact a small orthodox christian community policy. and you still trump to the so here, no singing, but there's been some troubleshooting on pres. i'd also hearing best we have because of the occupation city decades on the occupation since october. the 2nd is become much tied to the more rage fires rarely for a more attacks by sessions, leading to really no mood to celebrate christmas punishment. i'll just say a rest, especially wondering gods has lost in the news 3 months. and as we ignited
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demonstrations and support the palestinians across europe, and they tell you this idea of milan, sizes of protests as have cavities, palestinian flags demanded an immediate cease fire have also called for an end to what they describe as the default empowers the leaders of this demonstration highlighted the drawing number, the palestinians killed, and you guys are since the start of the war. and the tobar have also called for a boy called of israel as a mazda is also taking place in the german capital berlin. demonstrators accuses where the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, of committing genocide up against the severity of casa the . now we're going to take a look at some of these other news, 171. boeing passenger planes are being driving does around the world, dr. a cabin door and part of the fuselage blew out on an alaska airlines flight was
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in mid air. the board and 737 max 9 had to make an emergency landing. the bulk of reports. c the intake distress cools and the pilots of alaska airlines flight 1282 to a traffic control, a large hole in the side of the craft, causing a dramatic dropping cabin pressure, exposing terrified passengers to the outside world of 16000 feet, maybe 5000 meters. it could be much, much was the seat next to the tool and fuselage was empty. deposit landing will, a 171 passengers and 6 crew safely back in portland, oregon. in response to alaska airlines that was temporarily grounding its fleet of 65. boeing mex 9 aircraft, a play and often used on us domestic flights. b o. d, a once again, shining
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a spotlights on the boeing 737 months after a task the longest, severe failures. it's quite unprecedented and it should not be done play. that's for sure. because in more than co actuated yeah, sure. we do not see sections of at cross body or fuselage coming separated from the rest of the cross. i'm certainly not mid flight and this is an incredibly significant cause for concern because this, that crop is just h, the months owed us aerospace john boeing is still reeling from the ne, a 2 year worldwide grounding of old max age and max 9 planes up to 2 crashes and indonesia, an ethiopian code, 346 people. boeing made several changes to the craft and the planes were allowed to return to service. but since then, max deliveries have been interrupted at times to fix manufacturing floors, including concerns about loops, bolts. investigators are now facing serious questions,
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how plain the lonely road of the assembly line a few months ago could end up like this. with a simulate head across use daily, around the world. oh, so a risk the policy which is 0 going to bring and i'll just see it is my kind of is in washington. so what's happening to all the planes, mike, as well, the federal aviation authority has not formally grounded oil pain, 737, next nine's full an inspection. this is an ordered inspection, which the a says should take between 4 to 8 hours on each plane. now the a mold in $2737.00, next nines in service around the world. so obviously this is going to disrupt travel and it has indeed disrupted at travel, particularly for passengers of united airlines who own some 70 of the aircraft and alaska airlines who own the sun mold and 60 of the problem. so we get cropped on now being grounded, while that check takes place,
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a check that takes between 4 to 8 hours. be then a croft i've been able to go to the again, alaska airlines has already checked off of its a croft and put them back into service. now that has been the statement from boeing as well, which says welcome, see if a is order to ground the crowd for inspection, it says its own entity is we working with the national transportation safety board, which is investigating that incident on the alaskan airlines flight. mike, thank you very much, mike. kinda in washington, dc. granite and officials say a russian missile struck an area in the region of done. yeah, it's killing 11 people shopping in the city or for across moscow. the size is only charging ukraine's military industry and the infrastructure of a came, says the attack was in a residential area. christmas is being celebrated twice in ukraine. the country adopted a new official calendar, which means some people observe the holiday. on december, the 25th president flooding there's a landscape signed off on the date change because the ukrainian orthodox church has
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been accused of having ties with the russian church. but many of your trainings have accepted the changes and they planned to mark this christmas. this sunday i said bank as well from keith. the 2 charges one country, but 2 different dates for christmas. it's not just a religious difference in ukraine. it's become a political one. the ukrainian orthodox to it has been accused of having legs. you must build accusations it denies. what's when you create officially, you celebrate christmas on december 25th last year. it was, why do you seen snuff to moscow? and this church was put into the spotlight. we're glad to answer. many ukrainian celebrate christmas on january 7th. we celebrate according to the julian calendar, and it's been like that for a 1000 ts we, i'm not going to switch to a new start. this kind of, that is used by georgian generals of them,
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so it'd be in and russian shoshanna shuttle even the service. and so i just kind of got an old portion of the orthodox churches, kind of got the services and ukrainian. we also make a game if they had been any political pressure. no, but have no comment. some, however, i'm white spoken against the official change of dates, not sure which dividing us this is bullying a to state scale in a time of war. we should be together. the chief wanted to unite the country on one data at the same time as sending the snuff to moscow presidency. let us give us to show you up on the western rules that he's country is very much your opinion on western changing the officials date of christmas to the 25th of december. it was in part to display that. but not everyone here is following suit. and there are divisions on the banks of the freezing coast, any pro river they have commemorating the baptism of jesus christ. but for those to celebrate christmas in december, today's date has come
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a youth and previous yes uh bought october for those. when did people have switch to a new calendar will reset the oil change is it menu continued to live in the old base and celebrate christmas in january. i celebrated on page 2 fifths, and today for me is to commemorate the baptism for those are to. as soon as the train is still, i closed with the rush, you know, low key, wanted to unite the country and distance itself from perceived russian traditions. the divisions run deep within a difference in order to state us. i bake a to 0, keep and finally that says main opposition party started a 48 hour general strides. there's like 100 gears up for sundays. general election . the opposition is boy, causing the vote saying there's no guarantee of fairness. violence broke out on the eve of the election, but the suspects of dawson attacking a passenger train. at least 4 people were killed. several pulling boots have also been set on fire. security has been increased to run the country ahead of the vote
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during the house, but more from dock on. all of this, of course, is safely destabilizing for bangladesh. not just incidence is a pre election violence of 300 cases record to be just the last 2 weeks. during the course of the day, the day before the election. primary schools of the thoughts in parts of the country intended to be used as punting stations on friday night, a train heading to cough was set to light for compartments burned and inside them at least 4 civilians, including a child with birds to death. the police say by an identified austin is intended apparently, to add to a real sense of unease ahead of this election. but there is no use about what happens next as well as it sinks in the very literally is going to change the fear that full of post to next in violence. the army is out on the streets providing security that is in itself a worrying sign. and the opposition being fee is called a 48 hour national strike over this election period to try and drive the economy to
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a wholesome protest against the election. it's not fair how many people are hearing to it, but it's a familiar tactic. and it may well be used again, add to that effect. the tech has seen is government in power since 2009 has been accused by international rights groups of a whole litany of violations and abuses. note that the opposition when they were in power would similarly accuse that port has to be made, but it all adds up to the picture of an election taking place. that is hardly a textbook exercise in democracy and which help is very few answers for these countries. problems including any kind of with price is that sort of $4700000000.00 bailout from the i m f. just last month. i don't know how l g 0 dot com, but that's all from a large scale. of course, in western japan on new year's day is risen to more than a 100 people at least 200 are missing stranded villages in chicago. i prefecture of being told to leave their homes around. 30 residents have been removed from a,
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from a comp for economy maci village, so far with more waiting to be air lifted. still ahead on out as it appears from millions of his face. paperless, blue data is caught in several african countries. the, the grain christmas is quite literally coming early this year. it's decision to move away from both adults calendar to one of their lines with much of the rest of the world meant christmas day itself being brought forward to december the 25th. for the 1st time, the children have been lining up to meet with nicholas in person. be original. santa claus says the most common christmas wishy his is for peace. christmas shows the combined festive themes with
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a big serving of traditional ukrainian culture. offer an escape. if i leave briefly from the realities of 2 years of full scale will, as with last year, that will be no large scale events. so fast jamal christmas because of the war, most ukrainian will be celebrating the holiday on a different day to most russians. it's beginning to look a lot like a western style christmas the food program says it's being forced to cut a to 1400000 people in charge of intruding supplies, being given to refugees, saying violence in sudan and spending a shortage of money, which is also affecting operations elsewhere in africa,
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i'm address reports from childs bought a. we sit down a lifeline for food and use refugees. in chad as a shipment of for data, rice from capital are inside the center, the white house of the workforce program for more items, for the 1200000 refugees. but 8 agencies are warning designs on looking good. photos will flip the piping in so that at this point in time, we don't have enough funding to continue to respond that the scale then we are i know way of the looming crisis i double has in past they've been in meaningful how family so mind and uh huh. yeah, we have nothing to eat. i boil cornflower so the children don't sleep on an empty stomach. we don't have flavor, rice or sugar. it's just corn flower mixed with hot water. like 200000 other refugees,
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the families you have to move to prominent cabs and cannot access much of the aid. as of funding during those of you, she has one time is running out for hundreds of causes. if we don't do it now, it might be too late. it may be too late to come in. because if we do it later, it means that the social fabric studies that we will, we will not be into existence any more. general authorities are left of the difficult task of sharing yourselves with the refugees. no component for fet, uh, based on show the diesel, we have decided to expand the cam sticking model if you would use just like both hosting the 1st. we have a few ds in 2003. but right now we have a valid by the number still coming into tax, which is huge. the ages of se, every day, 200 to 300 refugees arrived in the boat down of a great through this crushing point. the united nations says it requires 1200000000 dollars this year,
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to help soothing these refugees in eastern charge. this is $300000000.00 more than what was required last year when the office of the coordinator falls, even detailed and appears was able to raise less than half of what was required that i wanted to see the new global flesh. once i diverting attention from the plight of so dense refugees, this means that ida and her family will continue to struggle to survive how many degrees i would use either on the job. so the on board with the agencies costs will also affect millions of people in other parts of africa. central african republic is one of the countries affected for nearly 3000000 people badly need supplies. more than 8000000 people, the nigeria will have their aid cuts in the midst of conflict and violence, and the ne, a 4400000 are going to be effected in camera room. more than half of the population lives in poverty. money desilva is a spokesperson for you as well as the food program, and she says, cups for 4th,
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millions of families to make difficult choices. as the fact is that we have to reduce our systems. for instance, in some of our country, we will only be able to support those well into most higher rates of hang good. why many of those needs? i was to pause. so there's different ways some of these will have at that some of them we move, they will see some of the way we use the quantity of different doing some of those . uh, windows is from one or 2 days. so uh, for instance, in atkins the 26th, we have to reduce our assistance by 26 pull sense in against the only uh in i t. uh, 24 percent less than what we were doing, but we also uh, infected in sales. yeah. so by the shop we had the example booked enough for us to and we didn't need to step in and to ensure that everyone had the,
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the needs to ensure that they can stay and prospect and people in the country un works with program. it's getting really challenging environments. we have of them to of 323000000 people are getting. actually tango is a to a 100000000. both the people the next level. yet even if we have so many people, if you think actually and get our human it done and send things, improve what we need to do at the treatment they make labeled the governments. but also i would thought now reducing was to pulse why and we need to step in, in more areas. what i would go through is from the coast uh, becoming higher and higher for 60, which reason in most of our ocean on youtube station, we have to adapt. for instance, we have
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a lift which is much more costly then doing it in other ways. so today we have almost half of our patients facing emissions guess, but also rejection assistance. and the number of christians and the palestinian territories has been declining for decades. they now make up just one and a half percent of the population. that abraham has been too bad for him to shoot some of their stores. the father, he saw fears. this church will soon be empty of its worshippers. he preaches with one of the holiest sites in christianity. the church of then activity and bethlehem believes to be the birthplace of jesus christ. in his greek orthodox church alone, he says, more than 1500 people have left palestine in the past few years. i know many people of actually preparing for the migration like about 9 families. and it's, it's not easy for us even because i called the 5th land people the best my life. i
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call them the living story under and is really closure for 3 months. and under a military occupation for decades, life has become difficult for people in bethlehem. it's a historic city that has always depended on tourism, especially during the christmas and easter seasons. and the chest is not like this during christmas time. it's used to be funded in many people around. it's like a full of life, a joyful many here state. it's not the time to celebrate, but to mourn. churches have called off christmas celebrations because of israel's war on cause. but the prayers continue. many here say that causes of immigration are affecting both protestant in christians and muslims. but because the christian community is already shrinking, they say one question family leaving is one to many. maine kept good news. this feeling very well. generations of had relatives have left their homes during
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different waves of immigration. had 5 uncles left after 1948 by her brother after to the 1st for the city, an uprising. her 2 sons, after the 2nd palestinian uprising, a suppression from the patient. i like my children to be around me, but i have also because they can have a futures. we don't have good life here that live nation or life and a bunch of things but or was afraid the check far as the work, no security, no, nothing, no peace, no nothing. as the number of christians here dwindles, may says it's becoming more important for palestinian christians to stay in their homeland father. he says, life might be more tempting abroad, but he believed he was born in jesus his birthplace for reason, to spread hope in the midst of darkness. knew that but he just eat on bethlehem. the occupied westbank for somebody has their names and the guys and strip arts has
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become the only form of expression and escape from israel's onslaught. julie deck, how has the story of one painter mall? abu l sapa is 26 years old. she paints and ruins left behind from israel's military suit on rafa and southern garza, the russell this buildings, the palestinians. one school time has become how come this one of the i didn't search for areas that remained intact on the country. i searched for houses that were destroyed with innocent civilians inside them, such as this house where more than 10 bodies were pulled from under the rubble. ma was forcibly displaced from central gauze. she escaped to survive another day, but refused to leave her portions behind. the time and to continue showing the
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resistance of palestinians through her walk and turning that dark reality into a colored memory of resilience. hello. and i decided to paint this mural using all the available colors in order to send a strong message through the drawings, you see head to toe, o arab nations, that we will remain in our land. and we will never leave it as them all complete, samuel tied to call to 2024. she's hopeful the once the will and the people of palestine can wipe the come the screen install to eva once again. judy vega, i'll just 0 india solar observation mission has entered the sun's orbit after a journey lasting for months. 3210. due to your level one mission was launched in september is coming equipment to measure and observe the suns out for layers. in august last year,
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india became the 1st country to successfully land the spacecraft of the south pole of the moon. because so i'm going to be back in a couple of minutes for more of an older storms and robots and stay with us on the on counting the costs, the world is drowning in a rec, what amounts of debt concentrated in developing countries, coordination to being forced to service the liabilities instead of providing for the people. so here's the plane for the delay in the debt relief efforts to the costs on al jazeera, unique perspective, voice for peace is the way for me to take action voices you don't often hear problem nations do stand with palestine. it's the same service shared connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere, brand new episodes of history on houses. here it was supposed to be a refuse,
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which sells crudely as brothers home was allegedly the scene of torture, right? and even murder $1.00 oh, $1.00 east investigates the crimes. and those set tips behind on on to leave off cheers solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions. not just turn our backs. i don't think that has a number. think about it as a person, person yourself, and that person's shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life, those stages we want. we want the education reward because the women in my country and that's suite one. we are not denies all of who we are human beings and deserves to be treated equally. we are walking in their footsteps, our ancestors. whatever has been done before,
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can be done. as long as a human being is doing it, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see the vision. this key is you to the the morning the dad at least 22 palestinians are killed the officer. israel attacks con eunice as the intense bombardment of south sky continues. the, i don't know about this in a, this is all to 0 life from don't have also coming up warning the time is running out in jobs and many children are facing severe ma,


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