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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 7, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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as a set out is there is most i last available in your favorites apps to just set for it and type download the new app from out to 0 new at you think is it the the oh, i know about this and this is, these are life from doha, coming up in the next 16 minutes the morning, the dad at least 22 found a splittings or 2 off to israel attacks from eunice and being tense from bob and to the southern gods. a continuance is really ami claims. the homeless come on structure in northern guys has been dismantled. i move killed around to 8 fighters
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and fighters. us secretary state on to me blinking says he wants to prevent an escalation of violence in the middle east on his latest trip to the region. the christmas eve and millions of orthodox christians around the world, but celebrations of the subdued in bethlehem. and a 171 point, passenger planes are grounded off to the door, blew off one of the in mid air. the we're going to getting this news are in guys i'm on the eve of the 4th month of it is really military operation that's not killed. more than 22700 pablo stands on saturday. is very air strikes, killed a 122 people. 22 of them in 100 us in the southern city of con eunice. unicef says the conference calls that she monetary and catastrophe and does,
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that's where most children, under the age of 2, are surviving on level more than milk and brand. israel's army size is dismantled. how much is military framework in northern garza and killed about $8000.00 fighters since the attack on israel on october the 7th and was. busy bought a fighting between israel and levon, owns his ball, a group intensifying the secretary of state antony blinking is appealing to regional allies to help contain the conflict. and i'll just say there's probably a couple assume begins on companies from rough in the house of southern causal, a relentless bar ride, a coast destroying was left upon you and let them know to send me once a refuge. now the battle ground with the whales of rockets, pears to silence. here. crouch, gather, united in morning. the grief fills the air of the european hospitals who yeah. so they killed their children. they killed our kids. they killed her,
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beloved's they killed are hard enough. as of um, was this, this palestinian boy, this alone instead of going to an assembly destroyed by you will move away and will show up that i, we were in shut you to fiji kemp and these really, i mean, dropped fly as saying that garza is a battle field, so we flipped to cunning units because it was a safe place. they bought what and it is to bump this, they have much to, to my siblings and my fund. so i said, my youngest brother, who was in 2nd grade and my eldest brother, who is an 8th grade my father and my mother. and then they are buying more man, finds it difficult to accept the death of his family member this
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fall of its fall. well, to his precious on the search for i tend to shield his children, has ended in hoped, brick as the manual overflows with the casualties of israel's will and goes to glen reality. 6 in civil services are struggling to reach the trap. civilians under the russell is what claims that there are safe areas for civilians. yet these people are being short, apt, running to tulsa petroleum. to escape from the relentless boom button and tarry could as do that would just sierra russell, southern guns authorities at all like so. hospital in central guys as a medical worker, some doctors without borders will be evacuating research because the bombing and the fighting is getting worse and called torrie reports from the hospital, which has been one of the few functioning medical facilities in the area. we are
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currently in a saw hospital in the mid an area of did bella. and since the mornings, the ambulances does not top 2 bodies, different areas where yesterday was not tom shelling in the middle there. let's welcome in the hospital and let's show you how these injured patients are living there. crowd this, they have no space. they have no beds. people are tearing down on the floor where every patient has 0. people are, are not only taking and see this hospital as a refuge, but it's also a place where people are receiving treatment as that is really important. we start invasion most of the doctors in the hospital evacuated,
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hearing the same scenario that happens in the as to the hospital. this is the scene right now where as you see is very crowded. a lot of injuries entered the hospitals since the morning receive children me for women, we see men and it's, it's, it's, it's, it's more than the capacity of the hospital where all of hospices is one of the only hospital in facilitating in the central area. most of the doctors are right on the all of these injuries it's i smoke blood everywhere. i hear the echoes of people being hurt today. palestinians in the middle area are, is back to
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a and we see people taking there's times from the surroundings of the hospital, going to the hi. everyone is even just have to verify because they are hearing that the forces are going to a surround and are going to invade up to the hospital just like these is with 2 hospitals. at least 2 hospitals. in the north, we're talking about the hospital and the indonesian hospital and everyone is scared as everyone fears a ground invasion and for 93 days people are still strapped under the rubber. people are still killed and more people are being homeless. this is in the city for i just need to unlock the hospital. that is and it says, warrant guys has created a humanitarian catastrophe, un agencies a warning, but half of guys us $2300000.00 population is at risk of starvation. a survey by
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unicef funds that about 90 percent of children under 2 years old getting on the move and basic food like bread, that's right of farming is increasing. hundreds of thousands could be severely malnourished. some are likely to die as a result. cases of diarrhea in children under 5 years old is said to be increasing at an alarming rate around to $3200.00 new cases every day. and there's growing concerned about the health of expectant and breast feeding women. tanya hodge co sign is a pediatrician, but the doctors without borders. she says the war is killing about a 100 children each day and that many more was suffering from lifelong disability and health issues. the death toll had been over 8000 when you were last able to get a, an accurate death tool. it's been several weeks now, so the figure is likely to be closer to $10000.00 at this point, you know, at the same time period. so about 3 months into the ukraine war the u. n. had
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stated at the time that the lives of children have been devastated at scale, that is, has not been seen since world war 2. at the time on average 2 children were being killed per day. but the average number of children being killed to per day in gaza right now is well over a 100. and like i said, over 8000 likely close 210000 children have been killed so far. that excludes the thousands who have been disabled over 10000, according to the u. n. likely at, with the extremity amputations, so upper and lower lim, amputation. so children maint, debilitated for life or over 20000 children orphaned. and then you know, 85 percent of the goals and population is currently displaced. many families having been displaced a multiple times. so 100 percent of children have no access to reliable heating in the winter. there is no access to food sick. like there's no,
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there's food insecurity, limited access to clean water and obviously high risk of disease. a 100 percent of children in gaza have no access to school. and we know that at least half of the education facilities, according to offices coordination for military affairs have been destroyed so far. so all children, not being educated at the moment, is military says as far as have finished dismantling commerce military framework. and northern garza, a spokeswoman lines more than $8000.00 homeless fighters have been killed in the north of this trip since october. the 7th is ready. another training says thousands of weapons and documents belonging to the group of bean seas to come to us all who is joining us now from occupied east jerusalem. what else has the manager been saying in this statement? and this is really military spokesperson, daniel, how god, he is claiming that these really army has fully dismantled. chemist has military
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capabilities in the northern part of gauze. so it is worth noting, this is the 1st time they've used this kind of verbiage, the word dismantling, even though it is one of the main priorities. these really military has laid out as their objectives for this goal to dismantle him as, as military and political capabilities. but he said that there were 5 components of the dismantling in the northern part of gauze. the 1st was killing and eliminating all commanders of the battalions. but these really army says that they have removed from northern gaza. the 2nd is clearing the area of fighters. we do want to know that just it today when these really army made this announcement how this is cassandra gave also released video of fears clashes in the fashion neighborhood of northern gaza. so kind of contradicting their what these really military is saying . the 3rd component they're talking about here is gathering intelligence from the field, which we've seen. they claim now that they have gathered more than $70000000.00
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documents from us fighters and other types of infrastructure that they have sees. and the 4th and 5th components of this are destroying rockets and rocket launching sites and then destroying any tunnels or underground infrastructure. but while all of this is being said that they have completed this and remember these release for weeks now have said that they are in, quote, full operational control in northern gone. so under the same breath, these really army spokesperson so that they can still expect to see sporadic rocket fire coming from northern gaza into places on the border that are closer to gaza in the southern part of the country. so it's interesting, they're saying that they have fully dismantled the military capabilities. they're all while saying there is still going to be rock and fire that we have seen. it has been more sporadic, less or, and less or as the war has carried on on now into this 3rd month. but the army now says that its focus is on dismantling how massive infrastructure in central and
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southern gaza. and that this war is going to take time and that the fighting is going to continue. well in to 2024 and it's on the salad said, talking to us and walk about east jerusalem home to thank you very much indeed. well, demonstrations have been taking place instead of re, for weekly protests against the government's handling the war and gaza protesting, calling on the as really government to bring home the remaining captives held by home us around 78 is ratings and people holding jo, nationality bill released during the cx 5 that ended on december 1st sort of 5 that says more from tennessee a little over 3 months since the 7 o'clock. the yes and now the sun today with tens of thousands of is really square. ronnie, in supports of the families of those still house can sit in the cooling of them to be returned as soon as possible. this ronnie test was attended
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by an estimate of 20000. it's raining really prime. minnesota, which they said early inspections. they not being seen within the government as well as a few days ago when you're in the cabinet meetings, it's been dated in between the ministers. the ministry chief is all of the, just a heads up 063 is a visit to some of the organizing that protests for the ones that had been organizing that on the government process before the war started, they said that they had to help back from holding those prices, but now they say they say this countries this send in for tiles and worries looking ahead of time is the benjamin netanyahu or aust,
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people to put their differences aside as a focus on the other side. i mentioned that your secretary state entry blinking is on his way to jordan as part of his latest middle east to lincoln's advising. treat often talks of prisoners res. yep. tell you. i found the one it took here. it's bank is 4th visit to the region since the bar and goes and began in october and he says, the talk so room to preventing the situation for further escalating. as we said, they want, we have an incense focus on preventing this conflict spreading. and a big part of the conversations will be having over the coming days with all of our, all as partners is looking at the steps of the vacancy using the influence advise that they have to do just that, to make sure that this topic doesn't spread. second, we'll be looking at what we can do to maximize the protection for civilians to maximize the amount of transit systems getting into them and also to get hostages
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out of guys. the situation for men, women, and children in gaza remains dire. 00 capielo is the c e o of golf state analytics. it's a consulting firm based in washington dc. he's been with us over the last few hours, giving us his analysis of the situation. let's talk about underneath lincoln's visit. he's arrived with his usual list of, of topics that he wants to cover, such as getting humanitarian aid into gaza and obviously trying to find some sort of future for gaza once the water is over. that's just part of it. but the key seems to be the risk of this is spilling over into a regional conflict. that seems to be the focus that he is placing on this not what's your assessment of that as well. the us and many other countries out there are concerns about the gods, a conflict for the regional licensing and further internationalizing. we've already
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seen some spill over into the red sea, other parts of the bond. obviously these concerns about it spilling into more parts of the middle east are very valid. i do think it's important to realize though, that as long as there is no ceasefire, there is always going to be a very serious risk of further spread out of the chaos and of the violence to more countries and more territories. the abiding, the ministration has not called on israel to adhere to a ceasefire. this administration has put forward no red lines, no ultimatums, there's been no conditioning of the aid. none of that. so i do think that the skate arctic situation in the region which can always get further out of control, has a lot to do with the policies of the by the need ministration. so i think that's an
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important point to keep in mind when we look at the wider context of blinking, arriving in the region invoicing. these concerns about the conflict in gaza, regionalizing and international lising further says, calling for the gun onto the blinking has been in kind of even several occasions. and the impression one gets is that he's had fairly level impact. he's not the only one of course that have been many others and the national security adviser has been there to defend secretary and so on. but each of them doesn't seem to have any sort of impacts on the way that certainly these really politicians are planning to, to, to play the so how much impact do you think this is happening on the image of us international diplomacy around the world. and it's what it believes is its power to be able to sway events, as well as the past 3 months have done a tremendous amount of damage to the image and the reputation of the united states
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. when people, the era region and other parts of the world, look at the current edge in gaza, they don't think the israel is acting alone. and that the us is some sort of a 3rd party that's neutral. they very much seen american hands in this genocidal campaign. in god's up and when everyone looks, it is absolutely criminal conduct by israel in gaza. it makes it very difficult for the us to be taken seriously when speaking about the international rules based order. schumann writes, so on and so forth. it really undermines us. credibility, when criticizing russia for gifts wrote behavior in ukraine or issues regarding shyness, human rights violations in gene jones. so when us saw power has really suffered as a consequence of everything that is we're going to be doing and gaza for the past 3
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months. joe 0 coffee, i don't see all of golf state analytics. we appreciate your time. so thank you very much indeed. thank you. a tiny motor had on the news hour, including no peace even in death, is very bulldozers destroy palestinian graves in central johnson. and the town of 2 christmases, how the warranty ukraine is causing divisions about when to celebrate the holiday, the, to the news, not $171.00. boeing, passenger planes are being grounded around the world after a cabin door blew out, which, while in alaska airlines flight, was in mid air. the boeing 737 max 9 had to make an emergency landing me. bucket
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reports to the frantic distress cools and the pilots of alaska airlines flight 1282 to a traffic control, a large hole in the side of the craft, causing a dramatic dropping cabin pressure, exposing terrified passengers to the outside world. at 16000 feet, maybe 5000 meters, it could have been much, much worse. the seat next to the tool and fuselage was empty. deposit landing will a $171.00 passengers and 6 crew. safely back in portland, oregon. in response to alaska airlines that was temporarily grounding its fleet of 65. boeing mex 9 aircraft, a plane often used on us domestic flights, b o. d, a once again, shining a spotlights on the boeing 737 max offered catalogue. a severe failure as it's
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quite unprecedented and it should not be done played that's for sure. because in more than co actuation, we did all the sections across the board, the fuselage coming separated from the rest of the across. them certainly not mid flight. and this is an incredibly significant cause for concern because this, that crop is just a few months owed us our space. john boeing is still reeling from the ne, a 2 year world wide grounding of old max age and max 9 planes, up to 2 crashes in indonesia, and e. c. a p, a code 346 people. the following made several changes to the aircraft and the planes were allowed to return to service. but since then, max deliveries have been interrupted at times to fix manufacturing floors, including concerns about loops, bolts. investigators are now facing serious questions, how plain the lonely road of the assembly line a few months ago could end up like this with a simulate head across use daily,
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around the world. oh, so a risk, the bulk which is 0 going to bring in, i'll just say it was mike had it in washington dc. so what's happening to the plains? mike, will alaska airlines immediately off that incident to ground it all it's pains while they were old check. it has now move some of these train planes back into service. so they all up in the certainly with united airlines, the biggest use of the boeing 737, next 9. within the united states, they have some 70 of the craft. they grounded them fairly early, even before the federal aviation authority, it struck to demand a tree granting and check united checking. the planes that process a take some $4.00 to $8.00 and some of these are back in service as well. they're still being mess up like delays united for example, having had to cancel or reschedule some 60 flights in the course of the day. but while these checks are going on,
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those planes are on the ground. but planes that have been checked to, according to the mandate tree, the federal aviation association of instruction that is playing soft them back in the line. migrate is a need bucket, was just telling us in his report there, bullying going through a succession of problems with a the 737 max inc. i'm not even though we've got this one. what's the reaction from boeing or indeed yes, i mean was the earlier version of this a cost, the mex 8 to obviously that was ground to put some 2 years because of a series of crashes. but boeing has actually issued the statement supporting the if a instruction of grounding and then day 3 checks. it also says that it's sending us engineers to work with the national transportation safety board to examine the causes of, of the alaska airlines crash. so boeing trying to get ahead of this supporting what the if a is doing lending as engineer is sending,
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ascension is to aid in the investigation. clearly one's going to get ahead of any future criticism that may stuff a particularly given. it's a record in terms of aircraft safety. mike, thanks a lot. that's mike kinda in washington dc. you create an official say a russian missile struck an area. and the reason i've done, yeah, it's killing 11 people. it's happened in the city or for across. moscow says it's only targeting ukraine's military industry and infrastructure, but came, says the attack was in a residential area. christmas is being celebrated twice in ukraine. the country adopted a new official calendar, which means some people observe the holiday on december. the 25th president vladimir zalinski signed off on the date change because the training orthodox church has been accused of having ties with the russian church. men ukrainians haven't accepted the changes and they've time to mock christmas. this sunday i beg as more from keith in 2 judges, one country,
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but 2 different dates for christmas. it's not just a religious difference in ukraine. it's become a political one the ukrainian orthodox to it has been accused of having links to must go accusations it denies which when you create officially celebrated christmas on december 25th last year. it was widely seen snuff 2 months ago. and this church was put into the spotlight. we're glad to answer many ukrainian instead of great christmas on january 7th. we celebrate the, according to the julian calendar. and it's been like that for a 1000 ts. we, i'm not going to switch to a new start. this kind of, that is used by georgian jose and i'm sort of in and russian church the shuttle even a service inside just contact an old version of the orthodox churches, kind of got the services in ukrainian. we also make a game if they had been any political pressure, you know, but have no comment. some, however,
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i'm white spoken against the official change of dates. not sure which dividing us. this is bullying at the state scale. in a time of war, we should be together. the chief wanted to unite the country on one date at the same time as sending the snuff to moscow presidency. let us give us to show you up on the western rules that his country is very much your opinion on weston. changing the officials date of christmas to the 25th of december. i was in part to display that. but not everyone here is following suit. and there are divisions on the banks of the freezing coast, any pro river they have commemorating the baptism of jesus christ. but for those to celebrate christmas in december, today's date has come earlier than previous yes. bought october for those. when did people have switch to a new calendar will reset the oil change is it menu continued to live in the old base and celebrate christmas in january. i celebrated on page 2 fifths,
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and today for me is to commemorate the baptism for those are to the same as your brain. still, i closed with the rest, you know, low key, wanted to unite the country and distance itself from perceived russian traditions. the divisions are deep within a difference in order to state. as i bake a to 0, keith and russia orthodox christians or celebration christmas, there are thousands of jobs and in most of those cathedral of christ, the savior. the settlement is mocking to hold the still ahead and now does it up somewhere orthodox christmas eve and the occupied wife bank as the watering cause. it costs a shudder over celebrations. the of the birth of it at a 100 millimeters of rain in 24 hours produce and flooding near jakarta. however,
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one by the way, so we saw clogged roads here just a torrent of water. and i think we could see more of the same actually on sundays, still heavy falls of rain for west strep of providence, including jakarta, and up and down the west coast of sinatra island on sunday. now north of this, the month to range taking a bit of a break. so let's talk about the heat. we've seen around several cities as of late, some hot nights for january to pin down to about 2627. and that has been record breaking stuff somewhat weather coming in here through united grungy and 61 provinces that will help freshen up the air. we have been dealing with fog and spunk here, and with cool. they're running out of the northeast of china over the born sea surface here that will give us some c effects though for the west coast of japan. on sunday, frustrated, the rain is draped around the top and central queensland central new south wales state victoria state. and south australia, it was just west of adelaide the other day we saw months worth of rain in 30 minutes. we could see much of the same over the next little bit. and we'll end in
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new zealand. it's con light breeze here. so temperature is not too bad, but bit more in the way of cloud cover for the south island and crew included in christ church on sunday. enjoy your weekend. see you later in the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is the context to what is happening now. it says a whole thanks. question. professional about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous. the bank that he added to today is that another thing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into gauze and without us of permission, nothing leaves god without the girl's permission. allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without 0. and it was supposed to be a refugee, but so securely as brothers home was allegedly the scene of torture. right. and even murder one. 0,
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one east investigates the crimes. and those set to be behind on, on the president fighting says once a 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis with this. anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line, the . the want to go to 0 reminder about 12 stories. the salaries 22 people have been killed in israel's latest strikes on garza southern city of con. unice has been under heavy bombing. many people have been heading there since we try to escape attacks and the north, israel's wall and gaza has created secure monitoring catastrophe for 2300000 less
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of you in agencies or warning that helps districts population is at risk of starvation is mandatory says as far as have finished this monthly almost minutes in framework in northern garza spots one announced more than $8000.00 thomas fight to incipient killed in the north of the district since october. the 7th shown bells and military on on this he says the war on guys have to go on for months longer potentially an entire year. the problem is we are already in the war and information bull hospitality is that these rays of playing between 8 and 9000 m. s biases. they've been out of killed or captured, but they will submit that the m. s point is all probably number about 30000 total. so they've actually tackled less than a 3rd of them. i know so low, they have largely that domain should have above ground. there is the whole some geranium will a bit some all network which once they have sealed off
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a number of the tumble access points, they seem to make birth. lindsay progress in the temples themselves. i think we have to be quite capital here because sex race, they blink and is doing it sort of the region and them down suddenly these trainees want to show who the americans, but they all of this thing because blink and is on lots of pressure and america, the moment america, and it's a visa of un security council resolution that could have brought this conflict to an end, but actually and hoops the fine to will be finished by christmas. i'm going to draw on your very, your extensive military experience, that they, the instructions that these are the military have been given right from the get go . we're pretty broad. it was like destroy hom, us remove the threat when you are uh, on the ground when you were in the military unit that is fighting on the ground. how much of a help or a hindrance is that kind of broad brush instruction. that's a very typical question. because in the military,
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you want to hear what the political and state to this one is the design outcome. what is good looked like from a political perspective. and then you can do your ministry campaign accordingly. because things like just saying like we're going to a bench, right, a mass itself, actually a military objective. it's almost impossible to achieve. if you look at something they, they may well he's right, defense forces may well be able to kill it. also for my sponsors, but if you look at the situation on the ground, you look at the faces of the young children who survive, but the parents of being fields, but he might as heavy enters off to the devastation as being read. that is a petri dish, a breeding ground for the next generation of fights is the monthly there is no military solution today. so it's been a staying here of a 2 years of politics that regularly they keep coming to the default setting in minutes. reaction. this latest round is particularly devastating, but i think we can all confident the birth date the most. the action will not generate a waiting for these riley's and if they off,
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today's claim that they have one. they'll be another south of rockets 5 from somewhere in gaza. as an act, so of petulance, of an act of saying, look, you'll never, you'll never hold a stamp. is there any bulldozers have destroyed a palestinian, the cemetery, and the all tougher read neighborhoods in garza city. many bodies have been on us and left in the rubble of tombstones in nearby houses. all just is a small ho reports and let me give you a warning. his report contains some disturbing images. not, i'm not gonna see him up, but i try that heavy and most of the cemetery where the victims were buried recently by the after the sustained is really palming that caused a significant rise on the casualties and cause of city the stuff to be met. at the beginning because every of that subtlety, these are empty casings of the munitions that were used by the occupation forces in kansas city have done. you can see the rockets that were used by their soldiers who dump cmt casings here after they bulldoze the cemetery. and the taking up the
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bodies of the victims and driving their vehicles over them in the process. you had a large number of bodies lie outside of their craves after they were dug up by is really forces what thank you to be have kind of, i don't know what i know who not be checking out of here. we can take a closer look at the remains of the bodies who are buried at the cemetery. and the funeral that can have the multiple. and what that is really force is dug up the bodies and took some of them according to the local. so i'm off, i mean, the only thing left are the remains. you see here in the book as heavy as a saw. yeah. yeah. have you, there are large numbers of bodies all along this pathway here, as you can see, oh, my model is, can you tell me what happened here? and the, so i don't know, i doing my duty. what happened is that our enemies are criminals. they follow us to our graves even off the way that there is no religion that allows us islam or otherwise no religion allows without criminal enemies,
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have done to these dead people. so when i am one of the did done, this is bob barrick. we respect a religions, but our enemy respects nothing. surely i'm a lawyer and my 2 sons. my brother and my brother's son are buried here and you can see the extent of this type of touch and the revenge of bad be filled this area. even the dead could not escape them, but i also can see here the tracks left by the vehicles that these really forces drove over the victims bodies. can you tell me what you're doing now? what i guess is, and we're looking for the bodies of some relatives to have you found anything moving to a mother? how old a daughter and her baby was still looking. we haven't found anything. we've erected a memorial here and we will recite to travel and there's nothing else we can do. we normally has to be a long time. anyway. i just have to give you the significant number of bodies were dug up and mutilated when occupation forces bulldoze the area says there's usually the number is unfortunately staggering. a. so give you and i'll look and see us.
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you've done here again, and we found the bodies above the ground off of these ready least headaches, humans. and right now we're lining up the bodies of our relatives in order to re bury them for the whole night. the hold on don't isn't gas or warning. the materials needed for repairing fractures are running out because of a high number of people getting injured by israel is a tax medic say. some patients are forced to wait for a long time and vice. it increases the risk of infections and on vacation, either to be in the middle of, of a large number of things that people in the hospital, including people with severe injuries, mostly fetch a low end up exams, fetid spines. in fact, it's cost of a fee for us and as a so much as hospital, we've run out of metal rods as well as extend and internal physician device or what that can be your feedback. and it looks like this child behind me has been waiting for approximately 6 days. this label filled out,
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the whole issue is dawn. both my legs were fractured. everything huts i'm waiting to have surgery on my legs because they have broken the retreat. 40 patients per day on average, and we use the large quantities of surgical materials, particularly into orthopedic department. unfortunately, we have run out of metal rods, which forced us to go back to using external succession devices that are over 30 years old. but i'm just having my ultimate wishes to work again. that's it. to the i was the last quote and does a 2 neighborhood doing. it was his truck come on, a drawn fired silver, the mist sides of the hospital. and i said in my left leg was amputated and my right leg was broken. so now i'm waiting for the doctors to insert the method rhodes in it and perform reconstructive surgery. however, mental implants are not available. and so i'm waiting for my turn,
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just like everyone else here is that some of the, if these shortages continue. and if the lack of supports for hospitalization, because it continues. but then we would unfortunately defaults to amputate all the affected limits for which no physician devices available. can you find a policy which is joseph? but alex says are going to be no one knows of the watering cause, oppose level and on into a regional conflict. is message comes off to his ball or fired a barge of rock, et cetera. and as many of the vision posts in the north of the country, the lebanese group says the strikes are an initial response to the killing of a senior homeless official. and they route on tuesday, often between 11 homes for the minister, but all ours with restraint to avoid a wider war. i am here when we are seeing lori, intensification of exchange of fire across the low line in double that between leave and on a need as well on. i seen that the wall can be prevented proper could bundle,
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know you can touch on the, on how to has to be avoid it, where you live and that that's on the bus. and diplomacy can prevail to look for a better solution. dot com has the late as for most are you in the southern level. you can still see the smoke coming across uh from the uh, a span of a bow, a close to 2 and a half, maybe 2 color, which is really intensive as strikes of thunder as an uh sorry, showing a strike, a really thunderous noise as they came in now, this is the kind of thing uh, that may will prove a response get a response from his bullet. now the secretary general of his will, a sudden this roller was speaking to just 24 hours ago. he said he was going to make sure that that would be a response to the killing of sell a. a roof actually came on saturday morning when his blah hit
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a key minute shoot. position is ready. me that you position in israel in the galley as well. then responded with a drawing start and killed one has bullet member and throughout the day today, hey, where i am, this is what's been happening. we've seen the strikes y'all and we've seen rockets cold. we've heard while that rockets come from this area across into that distribution territory that voted with israel. now remember this a 120 columbia to buddha, and everybody has below included it, trying to make sure the conflict is contained within this area that doesn't spread across into level. they've been intense diplomatic efforts to try and make sure that it's possible. joseph breau, the high representative of the european union has been here in 11 on these been meeting with a billable heavy. but who is the foreign minister? he's actually been saying that 11 on is on this intense pressure because of this that no one needs a will that a result that it will spill out into
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a regional conflict. so all of this diplomacy is going on. now what is ro ones, is it wants to push has blown out of this area, push them columbia to is that cable isn't negotiate, negotiating. it isn't interested in any kind of negotiation until the war on goes and stokes. it's christmas eve for millions of orthodox christians around the world, but in bethlehem and they occupied westbank celebrations of being mute, managements reports and normal. yet main just scrat would be overflowing with orthodox christians. here to celebrate christmas eve and the birth of christ manger square will be full church and the city behind me would be overflowing. but this year people are in no mood to celebrate. now the number of palestinian christians has been declining since 1948 when they were about 7 percent. now it's about one of the percent. i don't all the adults christmas eve, my colleague,
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the abraham has been speaking to palestinian. both adults christians who refused to leave here despite the precious of living under occupation. father isa fears this church will soon be empty of its worshippers. he preaches with one of the holiest sites in christianity. the church of then activity and bethlehem believes to be the birthplace of jesus christ. in his greek orthodox church alone, he says, more than 1500 people have left palestine in the past few years. i know many people of actually preparing for the migration. like about 9 families and it's, it's not easy for us even because i called the 5th land people the best my life. i call them the living story under and is really closure for 3 months. and under a military occupation for decades, life has become difficult for people in bethlehem. it's a historic city that has always depended on tourism, especially during the christmas and easter seasons. and the chest is not like this
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during christmas time. it's used to be funded and many people around it's like a full of life. joyful many here state. it's not the time to celebrate, but to mourn. churches have called off christmas celebrations because of israel's were on cause. but the prayers continue so many years say the causes of immigration are affecting both of us to the christians and muslims. but because the christian community is already shrinking, they say one questions comedy leaving is one to many, maine kept good news. this feeling very well. generations of had relatives have left their homes during different waves of immigration. at 5 uncles left after 1948 . next i had a brother after to the 1st for the city, an uprising. her 2 sons, after the 2nd palestinian uprising, a suppression from the patient. i like my children to be around me,
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but i have also because they can have a futures. we don't have good life here that live nation and life and a bunch of things but or was afraid, the check bars, the work, no security, no, nothing, no peace or nothing. as the number of christians here dwindles, may says it's becoming more important for palestinian christians to stay in their homeland. father isa says life might be more tempting abroad, but he believed he was born in jesus his birthplace for reason. to spread the hole in the method of darkness knew that but he just eat on bethlehem the occupied westbank and life in bethlehem and the rest of the occupied westbank has become much toughest since october. the 7th, with these rarely security forces, increasing the number of rates that are across the occupied westbank making lot, much tougher. people living here, and there are
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a lot more recorded cellular attacks out incidents of settlers building outposts further and deeper in to the occupied westbank. bernard smith, i'll just say era bessler to me, while the pentagon says one of the destroyers, a shot gun, a drone launched from jim and the crew of the u. s. navy ship is reported fighting and self defense, the center of land and the international waters of the southern ride, see close to commercial vessels, but of no report. some casualties or damage or the warrant garza has last have nearly 3 months and is re ignited demonstrations and support or palestinians across europe. and they tell you this if you milan sizes or protests of cabbage, palestinian flags and demanded an immediate cease fire and also called for an end to what they described as the apartheid. empower as the leaders of this demonstration of highlighted the growing number of palestinians killed in garza since the start of the war in october, and also told for
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a bite cost of this room. and the march has also taken place in the german capital . berlin demonstrates as accused as ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu, of committing genocide against the siblings of joshua. still ahead and i'll just say that it was through the program was of touched through data from millions of people in several african countries because it doesn't have enough money. the marion shaheen and that's been making films about since 2006 when i moved there in 2005, since we recovering from the 38, your occupation by israel. people were hopeful that their lives would improve. their dreams have been destroyed. and all that remains on account of the loss. garza shadow dreams on l. g 0 hod. hitting in to be used
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as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both. you've described that is better than is better than anything thought provoking on my question to you. all that good cooks, i think, is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. usb, toe. in the security council. this is something they just don't think. look is different on it, access it, you hear the story on talk to how does era of the the finally this is main opposition party started a 48 hour general strike because the country gears up for sundays election now
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positions by causing the vote saying there's no guarantee of fairness. violence broke out on the eve of the election, but the suspected austin attack of the passenger train. at least 4 people were killed. several pulling boots of also being set on fire. security has been increased around the country, a head of the vote on a house got more from doc, and all of this, of course, is safely destabilizing full time. but that's not just incidence is a pre election violence of 300 cases recorded the just the last 2 weeks during the course of the day, the day before the election, primary schools of the thoughts in parts of the country intended to be used as punting stations on friday night, a train heading to cough was set to light full compartments at buttons and inside them, at least 4 civilians, including a child with birds to death. the police say by an identified awesome is intended. apparently, to add to a real sense of unease. ahead of the selection, but there is
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a news about what happens next as well as it syncs it in the very literally it's going to change the fear that full of post to next in violence. the army is out on the streets providing security that is in itself a worrying sign and the opposition b and p is called a 48 hour national strike over this election period to try and drive the economy to a wholesome protest against the election. it's not fair how many people are hearing to it, but it's a familiar with tactics, and it may well be used again. add to that effect. the tech has seen this government in power since 2009 has been accused by international rights groups of a whole litany of violations and abuses. not that the opposition when they were in power would similarly accuse that for it has to be made. but it all adds up to the picture of an election taking place that is hardly a textbook exercise in democracy. and which also has a very few answers for these countries. problems including an economic crisis that sort take a $4700000000.00 bailout from the i m f. just last month. during the whole elder
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0 dot com, the world food program says it's being forced to cut age to 1400000 people in china, including supplies given to refugees, fleeing violence into down and spending a shortage of money, which is also affecting his operations elsewhere in africa, ahmed interest, support some child's border would sit down. the lifeline for suiting these refugees in chad as a shipment for data, rise from cameras inside the central, the white house of the workforce program. more items for the 1200000 refugees. but 8 agencies are warning designs on looking good for those who reflect the fighting in. so that at this point in time, we don't have enough funding to continue to respond that the scale then we are i know way of the looming crisis. i double has been passed. they've been in meaningful how family mind and uh huh. yeah. we have nothing to eat. if i boil corn
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flower so the children don't sleep on an empty stomach. we don't have flavor, rice or sugar. it's just corn flower mixed with hot water. like 200000 other refugees, the families you have to move to prominent cabs and cannot access much of the 8. as the funding dwindles of fishes, one time is running out for hundreds of thousands. if we don't do it now, it might be to it, it, it may be too late to come in. because if we do it later, it means that the social fabric studies that we will, we will not be into existence anymore. chad, you know, thought you side left of the difficult task of sharing with sources with that if he's not on point for fet, uh, based on the show, the diesel, we have decided to expand the cam sticking model if you would use just like both hosting the 1st, we have a few ds in 2003. but right now we are overvalued by the number still coming into
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tax, which is huge. the ages of se, every day, 200 to 300 refugees arrived in the boat down of a great through this crushing point. the united nations says it requires 1200000000 dollars this year, to help soothing these refugees in eastern charge. this is $300000000.00 more than what was required last year when the office of the coordinator falls, even detailed and appears was able to raise less than half of what was required that i wanted to see the new global flash points. i diverting attention from the plight of so dense refugees. this means that ida and her family will continue to struggle to survive how many degrees i would use either on the job. so the on board the world food program says millions of people in other parts of africa won't get food aid either. central african republic is one of the countries affected for nearly 3000000 people need help. more than $8000000.00 people in nigeria will also
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have their age cost in the midst of conflict and violence in the northeast. and $4400000.00 are going to be affected in cameroon. for more than half of the population, live in poverty money to serve as a spokesperson for the ones world food program. and she says the cuts are going to force millions of families to make dire choices. the fact is that we have to reduce our systems. for instance, in some of our country, we will only be able to, to produce well into most higher rates of hang good. why many of those needs? i was to pause. so there's different ways some of these will have at that some of them we move there will fee some of the way we use the quantity of different the, the thing, some of those uh, windows is from one or 2 days. so uh, for instance,
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in atkins the 26th uh we have to reduce our assistance by $26.00 pull sense in getting the only uh, i see uh 24 percent less than what we were doing, but we also uh, infected in. so yeah, so by the shop we had the example booked enough for us to and we, we didn't need to step in and to ensure that everyone that had the funding needs to ensure that they can stay and prospect and people in the country un works with program is getting really challenging environments. we have them to of 322000000 people are getting actually tango. you to a, to a 100000000. the both the people the next live of. yes. even if we have, assuming you people are getting accurate and get our human italian sending it both, what we need is at the present level, the governments, but also our butler resisting was to pulse why we need to step in,
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in more areas wide our ocean, the coast are becoming higher and higher for security reason in most of our ocean on duty station we have to adapt for instance, we have a lift which is much more costly than doing it in other ways. so today we have almost half of our patients facing emissions. yes. but also rejection assistance of the desktops. my largest creek in western japan, a new year's day has risen to more than a 100 people. at least $200.00 a missing started village is an issue call. well prefecture of being helped to leave the homes around 1st advisors. and so being removed from the village of academy, maci moore, i've been waiting to hear lifted out the note open instead of was hit hard as by the 7.6 magnitude quake,
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hundreds of buildings and roads have been destroyed. a terry is going to be here in a couple of minutes with one of these stories on the we know what's happening in our region. we know how to get for places that others cannot fear guy by the 28th, on purpose. the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference the one of the s m. a mentor for nearly 3 years. evelyn limiter. it has been investigating a shark fin trafficking operation. now she's putting together the team that's going to rate it. and lexie though they're still but as be well,
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but i said less indeed this bit of a humble shirts than to become a global commodity prize doesn't agree to it. and the special soup in asia sharps that played a vital role in the ocean for hundreds of millions of years with the train just now pushing some spaces to the brink of extinction. there was a trade in short, francis valued at hundreds of millions of dollars a year, which i didn't mind that then. okay. one more thing. go that on the wedding that i'm not doing that would tell you that we gained exclusive access to a team of investigators and of dismantling a ring, a short vend traffickers video. we met a couple of days ago that you all can send the send me until the following this car here as an investigator and a couple of cops and that we're going to lead are rates today in the harbor against these traders who they say are putting some space is a start at risk he said to
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him to have something that the, the solar system, the holding the powerful to account was we examined the us each row in the on out your 0. the morning, the day at least 22 palestinians are killed off. that is rather tax con eunice as the intense bump up into the southern guns and consumes the convent carrie jones to this is all just here a lot from time. also coming out these ready ami claims that have mass construction, northern gauze that has been dismantled. they've killed around $85.00.


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