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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 7, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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we're going to lead a race today in the harbor against these traders who they say are putting some species, a sharp at risk. he said the time is really drone strikes, k o 6, find a c means in janine c t is night. the wage continue across the occupied with the play. you're watching l g 0 live from. don't have good news for the executable. also coming out the morning, the day that these 22 palestinians are killed after israel. a task on unit
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assessing tents for involvement of some in gaza continues the christmas eve for millions of photographs. christians around the wells by celebrations have been subdued in bethlehem. and in other news, find the dishes prime minister. she has seen a seat, a 4th consecutive term in any election boycotted by the opposition will be live in the middle of the thank you very much for joining us with beginning the occupied, westbound voice expired as to needs have been killed and that is really drone strike, there's been ongoing fighting engine in between palestinian fighters and was really forces these really ami evaded the city of janine and surrounded his refugee camp. the vin, almost daily res, across the occupied westbank since the beginning of the war on guys. let's get the latest with laura con, who's an occupied east jerusalem for us. laura drone strikes in the occupied
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westbank a rare tell us about what's happened. yeah, absolutely. now what we've been told from report, smoke reports from the ground is that this drone strikes tom cuz it's a group of people sitting on sure hot around about which is in south of janine city . and we've seen some pretty groups and pictures of a number of forties lying on the floor. the government hospital confirmed 6 people were killed. we know this is right army stormed a boat to new city and also the refugee camp at about 1 am and a left at about 5 am. that was to fish resistance from flight just from the camp. we know that there was at least one id that exploded and destroyed and his right the on the vehicle. the also like report dots at one soldier was taken away by an army helicopter. we don't know how many soldiers were injured,
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but certainly we do know this group was targeted and people say they were civilians . but this is just part of the night, the rates that we are witnessing in the occupied westbank. we know it's been at least 5600 people arrested more than 3000 injuries. and with this latest that's told we're looking at around $332.00 posting is killed since october 7th. and laura, a stay with us because he's arouse, military says it forces of finished dismantling hamas as military framework in northern gaza. as spokesman announced that thousands of on last by does have been killed in the north of the strip since october, the 7th. these really military says weapons and documents belonging to the group have been seized. laura moss denying these claims, what do we know is actually happening in northern gas? or what we know, is it the is ready?
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army has long been saying that it is in full operational control as a note of the cause of strip, but it is using a slightly different language now that it has dismantled from us infrastructure. the spokesman of the army daniel hook already says this has been 5 components that they have eliminated the come on does all time us. they also gather intelligence from the area, unclear to region all fighters. they have got rid of rockets and rockets infrastructure and destroyed the tunnel network. and this was denied by all costs of confirmed brigades. this is a military wing all tomas and they released video of fierce fighting going on the to fall have neighborhoods in the north with these rating armies. now daniel had already did admit that they may well continue. rocket launch is so it's very ambiguous language to say that they are in full control. also know, so they did say they will continue operational control into central garza where
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they say there are many come on does all from us and also into hon. eunice, in the south, what they say there is a large network of tunnels. the army and the government agree that this will will continue now. well in 2024. all right, thank you very much for the update. laura con, reporting their life from occupied east jerusalem is arouse war on guys or has killed more than 22700 pound a simians on saturday alone is really s y scale. the 122 people 22 of them in one house in the southern city of con eunice. the strip southern region is on the constant bombardment after these really military expand to this operation say, i'll just here is tired capitalized. so before some rough, there is a host of southern guns, a relentless bar ride, a coast destroying was left of hon. you and let them know to send me once a refuge now battle grounds with the whales of rockets,
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pears to silence. here, crowns gather united in morning. the grief fills the air of the european hospitals . so they killed their children, they killed our kids. they killed her beloved's, they killed our hard as um was this this palestinian boy, this alone said find an assembly or destroyed by you will move quickly and will show up the instead to to fiji kemp and these really, i mean, dropped fly is saying that guys that use a battlefield. so we flipped to kind of eunice because it was a safe place. they bought it and it is to bump this. they have much of my siblings and my funds. so i said, my youngest brother, who is in 2nd grade and my eldest brother, who is in 8th grade,
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my father and my mother. and then they are buying more. mand finds it difficult to accept the death of his family member. this fall of its fall. well, to his precious search for it tend to shield his children, has ended in hoped, brick as the overflows with the casualties of israel's will and gauze. gwyn reality sits in civil services all struggling to reach the trap. civilians under the russell is what claims that they are safe areas for civilians. yet these people are being shot at running up to capa petroleum to escape from the relentless bombardment. tarry could best do l, just sierra russell, southern guns, a. s o a is that a lock?
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so hospital in central guys as a medical workers from doctors without borders will be back to aging. this is because the bombing and fighting is getting worse. and who did really for some the hospital which has been one of the few functioning medical facilities in the area. we are currently in a hospital, in the mid in the area of bella. and since the mornings, the ambulances does not top 3 bodies, different areas where yesterday was not tom shelling in the middle there. let's welcome in the hospital and the show you how these injured patients are living their crowd. this, they have no space, they have no bed. people are tearing down on the floor where every patient has 0. people are,
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are not only taking and see this hospital as a refuge, but it's also a place where people are receiving treatment as that. is there any vision, most of the doctors in the hospital, if that's the way to hearing the same scenario that happens in the us to the hospital. this is the scene right now. we're, as you see is very crowded. a lot of injuries entered the hospital since the morning receive children we for women, we see men and it's, it's, it's, it's, it's more than the capacity of the hospital where i left the hospital. it's one of the only hospital, 10 facilitating in the central area. most of the doctors are the all of these injuries.
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it's i smoke blood everywhere. i hear the echoes of people being hurt today. palestinians in the middle area are, is back to a thing. and we see people taking, there's times from the surroundings of the hospital going through the head. everyone is even just have to defy because they are hearing that the is there any forces are going to a surround and are going to invade up to the hospital just like these is with do hospitalized at least 2 hospitals. in the north, we're talking about the hospital and the indonesian hospital and everyone is scarce, as everyone fears a ground invasion and for 93 days people are still strapped under the rubber. people are still be killed and more people are being homeless. this is in the city
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for the hospital. there is is there as one guys that has created a humanitarian catastrophe. you and agencies are wanting that half of guys is 2300000 population is at risk of starvation. i started a bi unicef found that about 90 percent of children under the age of to getting only males and basic foods like bread. the threat of famine is increasing. hundreds of 1000 codes be severely malnourished. many are likely to die as a result. cases of diarrhea in children under the age of 5, i also said to be increasing at an alarming rate around $3200.00 new cases every day. and there is growing concern about the health of expectant and breast feeding women. dr. tania hash hassan is a pediatrician with doctors without borders. she says the voice killing more than a 100 children each day. and that many more will suffer from lifelong disability
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and health issues. and the desk toll had been over 8000 when we were last able to get a, an accurate test tool. it's been several weeks now. so the figure is likely to be closer to $10000.00 at this point, you know, the same time period. so about 3 months into the ukraine war the u. n. had stated at the time, but the lives of children have been devastated at scale. that is, has not been seen since world war 2. at the time on average 2 children were being killed per day. but the average number of children being killed to per day in gaza right now is well over a 100 i'm and like i said, over 8000 a likely close 210000 children have been killed so far that excludes the thousands who have been disabled over 10000, according to the u. n. likely at with the extremity amputation. so upper and lower lim, amputation. so children maint,
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debilitated for life over 20000 children orphaned. and then you know, 85 percent of the goals and population is currently displaced. many families having been displaced a multiple times so 100 percent of children have no access to reliable heating in the winter. there is no access to food sick. like there's no, there's food insecurity, limited access to clean water and obviously high risk of disease, a 100 percent of children in gaza have no access to school. and we know that at least half of the education facilities, according to offices coordination for medicare in affairs. have been destroyed so far, so all children not being educated at the moment and these are all. meanwhile, weekly demonstrations, i've taken face intel of eve against the government's handling of the war and gaza protest as have been calling on these really government to bring home the remaining kept his house by him off around 70 of these relays. and people holding dual nationality were released during a ceasefire that ended on december 1st. so hi,
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ross has more from tennessee it's a little over 3 months since the 7 attack the yes and now those spots today with tens of thousands of as rainy fish sweat ronnie and supports of the families of those still held captive in the cooling of them to be returned as soon as possible. this has been designed estimates of 20000 is raining morning on the is really prime minister with today. you said earlier inspections, there's probably not being seen within the government as well as a few days ago when you're at the cabinet meeting defended in between the ministers. the ministry chief is just ahead of you is
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6 serious thing on visit to some of the organizing that protests. so the ones that had been organizing the anti government process before the war started. they said that they had to help back from holding those prices. but now they say they say this country descends in for tiles and worries. the king had a prime minister. benjamin netanyahu all staples to put the differences aside as a focus on the well us secretary of state antony blinking is on his way to jordan. as part of his latest release, tor he arrived in create a late saturday after talks with present or shift type or wanting to key. this is blinking, it's 4th visit to the region since the one guys have begun in october. he says, talks are aimed at preventing the situation from escalating further. as we said they want, we have an intense focus on preventing this complex reading. and
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a big part of the conversations will be happening over the coming days. with all of our, all as partners is looking at the steps that they can say using the influence and size that they have to do, just that, to make sure that this conflict doesn't suppress. second, we'll be looking at what we can do to maximize the protection for civilians maximize the amount of trade assistance getting into them. uh and also to get possibly just out of gauze. the situation for men, women, and children in gaza, remains dire. the still ahead on how to 0, it will be taking a look at some of the days i've been using the you as well as boeing, passenger phase, after a cabin pain panel. wireless blue off seems to me that the
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hey there, a lot of ground to cover with this one. so let's go right off the bat. there's cool wind blowing down from iraq that's freshened up the atmosphere. we go in here for a closer look. so how 23 bucks, you know, that's actually where we should be for this some of the year, a quite a bit of warrants coming through the central asia 11 and ask about, in the deepest on the sound bates looking at out 14 degrees. not really dealing with much trust here over the next little bit turkey we go whether moves in to the west and the south here, some drenching rains, especially around on talia. and that northwest slice of africa it's been breezy through. it's an easy uh and especially along the coastline of libya looking to see windows here of about 60 kilometers per hour. now we have been dealing with some flooding in nairobi after almost a month's worth of rain fell in the span of just 12 hours. the rain turns lighter
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here on sunday, the worst of it will be south and west of nairobi. and then there's also been some flooding in johannesburg. and how st. profits in south africa. buried cars in water here, just because of those torrential downpours. it has been a bit more calm, but we're seeing those storms flare up once again. around johannesburg, i don't think it will be as bad as last time, but more rain coming your way on sunday. see you later. i of the old, counting the cost the world is drowning in the rack or the amount of debt concentration in developing countries for nations and being forced to service the liabilities instead of providing for the people who's to blame for the delay in debt relief efforts to the costs on al jazeera, we don't simply focus on the politics of the conflict. is the human suffering that the reports are? we brave bullets and bombs, and we always include the views from all sides.
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the you're watching l g 0. a reminder of our top stories and is really drone and strike as skilled at least 6 palestinians during a raid in jeanine city rates had also taken place in the cities of hebron. not most how kia and jericho in the occupied west bank and gaza at least 22 people have been killed in israel, asked me to strikes the southern city of con, unice has been under heavy from bottom and many people have had it fair trying to escape a tax in northern gas is there, as long as i squeeze is a humanitarian catastrophe. voice 2300000 residents. when agencies are wanting that
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half of the strips population is at risk of starvation and millions of orthodox christians around the world. us celebrating christmas festivities are muted in bethlehem and the occupied westbank that needs to be the birthplace of jesus christ . and his christmas message, the patriarch of jerusalem, palestine and jordan, express pain and sorrow. bob, cause i guess he lose the 3rd or show international community to intervene. the brain has been to bathroom and assist with father isa fears this church will soon be empty of its worshippers. he preaches with one of the holiest thoughts in christianity. the church of the nativity in bethlehem believe to be the birthplace of jesus christ. in his greek orthodox church alone, he says more than 1500 people have left palestine in the past few years. i know many people of actually preparing for the migration. like about 9 families and it's,
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it's not easy for us even because i called the people and people the best my life. i call them the living store under and is really closure for 3 months. and under a military occupation for decades, life has become difficult for people in bethlehem. it's a historic city that has always depended on tourism, especially during the christmas and easter seasons. not to get the treasures, not like this during christmas time. it's used to be funded in many people around. it's like a full of life. joyful many here state. it's not the time to celebrate. but 2 more churches have called off christmas celebrations because of israel's war on cause. but the prayers continue. many here say the causes of immigration are affecting both protestant in christians and muslims. but because the christian community is already shrinking, they say one christian family leaving is one to many name, connecticut, news,
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this feeling very well. generations of had relatives have left their homes during different waves of immigration. had 5 uncles left after 1948. next i had a brother after the 1st for us to be an uprising. her 2 sons, after the 2nd palestinian uprising, a suppression from the patient. i like my children to be around me, but i have had or so because they can have a futures. we don't have good life here that live nation and life in a bunch of things but or was afraid, the check bars, the work, no security, no, nothing, no peace or nothing. as the number of christians here dwindles, may says it's becoming more important for palestinian christians to stay in their homeland father. he says, life might be more tempting abroad, but he believed he was born in jesus his birthplace for reason, to spread hope in the midst of darkness. knew that but he just eat on bethlehem the
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occupied wes thing. the best i'll bring you some of a news from around the world impulse have opened in bangladesh in a general election be boycotted by the main opposition party. it claims there is no guarantee of fairness and is demanding the resignation of farm and especially has seen a will seeking a 4th consecutive time. violence broke out on the eve of the election. at least 4 people were killed after a suspected austin at top and a passenger train several pointing both have also been set on fire. let's go live to join. home. who's in bangladesh has capital bank affords. so turn not jonah, hugely important in this election. how busy are the pulse a well, we've visited a few putting stations in the 1st couple of hours of the voting day,
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all extremely quiet. and we hear some of the things from other locations as well. and that is potentially highly significant. the poles open, of course, despite pre election violence. as you mentioned that 42000 precincts, 299 parliamentary constituency is up for grabs. here at polls waiting to welcome voters. but really, the main question is not who will win, but how many people will choose to take pause knowing that one side, the british nationalist part of the penguins actually, nationally, spotty and its coalition partners are not taking part in this election. that boy cutting the election play me the whole process is rig they say, the upwards of $25.00, thousands of the supporters and local party leaders being arrested, detained, accused of preventing violence on the streets. they want the resignation of prime minister. she has seen it uh and her while i'm a lead government empower since 2009 that parties has they've done nothing to repeat anybody's participation in this process of names. just the whole thing is
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credible involving smaller parties, an independent candidates, as well as the allow me like, well, in the end, the only measure of that credibility becomes at turning out the number of people who choose to take part in an election that on the face of it, frankly, looks extremely one sided joint. i thank you for that during the whole life for us that and becca, well let's discuss the banga. does she election some more now with re as a how much? who is the executive director of the doc? a tribune, joining us from the bank that actually capital. thank you very much for being with us. we us. so all lies, as jonah said they're on turn out what, what are your thoughts about what's going to happen throughout the day? do you think people are eventually going to turn up developed a good, thank you for having me here. judy, is to, is it 2 hours the movie the additional square opened and people start discussing it was but still very low. the numbers on this tentatively,
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so be both are there. uh, yeah, there, i mean that's clicking on casting calls from both sides of the bottle. there's going to go divide, are going up on the voters in one side. there will be the body and use a lot as the dom in your numbers goes to books and less. k for a lot of this democratic johnny will not go to the park there. on the other side, as you go there was stating that it could be in b as in logic, are being validation will have the root dispatching for several times also in the past and their allies. they have one of them that does not the us not to come to the movies and doesn't have 2000 boards and to be caught up on the post to blackboard. and they have already bought the dispos by not being in the election. right. and so these are, you know, that they have been demanding for of jessica system under which the election would be, has already been empower, did not agree to that. okay,
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let me ask you about one specific group of photos and that's buying the dishes used population one for so the population is between the age of 15 and 29. what's their view point? do they feel like any, any of the parties can help bring about real change for them? it shouldn't, did. they have been all looking for these bodies that all of them are our own political parties that we looked up and down for boot being good for this idea. and the economy of this country, which has done rarely gonna meet wise over the last few years and, but they did this pre and a bit of trusted it at the prospect of the forward to go there. i look forward to getting parties involved with this not to be able to reach any offsets, as when it comes to major price is being wanted to go already come on me or for the cause of the youth development and run and things like that. so this is
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a jo practitioner for that and, and so you know, just to broaden it out a little bit, how do you think the election will shape bangladesh is future in what direction is, is a country likely to turn, you know, towards india or china when when you look at the, the rivalry between these 2 big powers in the region today, what future for bangladesh? okay, so just the uh, baby sleep bottle this with this device selection. it is the plus button of the election store or the last a few feet or more than 50 years. we had to live in electronic hands and 4 of them on this jet took assistance. and i really, those were the best one that people had. big boats costs there was phoebe and fed. now that we would not do that in this time,
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because of the lack of where to go from, says that and the body and bar where we didn't get the ball was, is a 2009 and it has been almost 2 years. and there is a go to process, i mean, it's almost a problem conclusion now, then they're going to getting elected for the, for the same street. yeah. and in that case, it would be in the body involved. they have been doing this. uh, as you mentioned the name, so 2 of our ition neighbors that india and china, they've been made during a very good relationship with both of them. if i miss the so that when india more particularly engaging and also it is our next door neighbor, you know. yeah. and which i know we have lot of gonna do with the sportage and way more. so in the future we can see this going on. i guess do it, is that all of the experience or the last 15 years or so, right? we part of the 1st part but all the other hand, the question all because the sense how you teach your up with each other. how you
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treat ok. does society who speaks what do they go? whoever views, that's the remains the bishop. thank you so much for, for sharing a this insights with us re, as my, from the doc, a tribune joining us to lie from the bundle the she capital. thank you. now a $171.00, bullying passenger planes being grounded around the world after a cabin door blew out while an alaska airlines slides was in mid day. the boeing 737 max 9 had to make an emergency landing need. bunker has the details. c the intake distress cools and the pilots of alaska airlines flight 1282 to a traffic control a large hole in the side of the craft, causing a dramatic dropping cabin pressure, exposing terrified passengers to the.


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