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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 7, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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3 people were hopeful that their lives would improve, their dreams have been destroyed. and all that remains on account of the last chapter dreams on l. g 0. the news really drones try kills fix palestinians in janine city as night. e raids continue across the occupied westbank. the play you're watching l g 0 live from don't have with me for the back. people also coming up the morning, the dad at least 22 palestinians. i killed that. the israel, a task on eunice intends from boston and of southern gas,
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a continued christmas eve for millions of both the dogs, christians around the wells back celebrations, have been sent dude in bethlehem, ending avenues found the dishes 5 minutes. so she has seen us thinks a full consecutive time in an election boycotted by the opposition will be live in the capital news . thank you for joining. as we begin in the occupied westbank where 6 policy needs have been killed and then is really drone strike. there's been ongoing fighting in janine between palestinian fighters and is really forces. these are the army rated the city around and surrounded his refugee camp. it also been almost daily rates in the west bank, across the west bank since the beginning of the war. let's find out the latest with
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laura con, who's in occupied east jerusalem. laura, tell us more for us about this joan strike, which has killed 6 palestinians in the occupied westbank this yeah, i mean we have seen pictures all spot dry and striking fully. it is pretty gruesome, they're all bodies line life us on the ground at all after it happens at in the show had a round about just sounds old. janine city, we got news from a government, hospitals, folks, preston, that 6 people had been killed. that but the is ready. the army is also released the statement saying that these were fi says local, say no, they were civilians, and they would just crowns it around to fi, trying to stay with them as these rates were taking place on several fronts across the g need. and the refugee camp, but we do know there was some resistance from finances throughout the night. these right, the army at still in the area around 1 am and say that's what 5 am. that was an
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improvised explosive that destroyed an ahmed vehicle. and we know some of those is ready for air lifted out a full half in india to are in a very serious condition. but this is just part of the day, the rise taking place across the occupied westbank. tonight. we've seen them in tell code um of course jeanine novelist, jericho ramallah in till crab, you know, at least 7 people at work in judge for as full. if i don't fly into very seriously indeed out, there's also being sweeping a risk taking place. so around $5600.00 people hop interested in the last 3 months since the war on gone. so now $332.00 palestinians killed. and laura, israel's military says its forces have finished dismantling him off his military framework in northern gaza. as spokesman announced that thousands of homos
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scientists have been killed in the north of this trip since october. the 7th. these are the military says weapons and documents belonging to the group have been, sees laura, how mazda is denying these grains? what do we actually know? is happening on the ground as well. it's ready for us to say they have taken so operational control of the notes of the goss, this trip. this language isn't new. they said they've been saying this for many weeks. but the difference is that now saying they've completely dismantled how much emphasis structure, daniel, hook ari, the is right, the spokes pass and said they've done this in 5 components. one is eliminating to come on to strong separate battalions in the north. they've also cleaves the fine to, i'm the collecting intelligence from the fields. they also say they've destroyed many of the rocket and rocket launch has an infrastructure and many of the, the underground network of tunnels spots from us at the columbia gate submit. it
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truly is about how heavy dispute this they've already submitted for much us paused neighborhood in the notes, showing specials, going on with the is riley's up. but daniel, her gary did say that they could continue launching as strikes as from uh, sorry launch rockets from the north to surgery and they may be continuing thoughtful. so this i did, but taken full operational control is still i'm pick us up, but it is 3 months since the world they've gone. so they want to share some kind of benchmark, some kind of achievement in that time. they also said they are pushing south into kansas city and into con units where they want to destroy a network of tunnels. and they said there was a number of come on just a pricing. that's what they've made. clear, well, this way to governments to make this, this will, will continue. well in 2024. nora con, you know, q 5 is through slim. thank you for the update. as nor mention there, it's been 3 months since israel began it's war on guys like killing nearly 23000
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people. on saturday alone is really a strong skills, a 122 people 22 of them in one house in the southern city of con eunice. this is southern region is under constant bombardment. after these really military expanded his operations, that how does he or his tie cup was to report some rough? it is a host of southern guns, a relentless bar ride, a coast, destroying was left of hon. you and pluck another was sent in once a refuge. now battle grounds with the whales of rockets, pears to silence. here, crowns gather united in morning. the grief fills the air of the european hospitals . so they killed their children, they killed our kids. they killed her, beloved's they killed, are hard enough to as of this,
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this palestinian boy is alone said find an assembly destroyed by you will move away and will show up the instead to to feed you can and these really, i mean dropped fly as saying that garza is a battlefield, so we flipped to kind of eunice because it was a safe place. them know what and it is to bummed us. they have much of my siblings and my father. so i said, my youngest brother, who lives in 2nd grade and myself, this brother who is an 8th grade my father and my mother. and then they are buying more. mand finds it difficult to accept the death of his family member. this fall of its fall. well, to his precious search for i tend to shield his children, has ended in hoped, brick as the overflows
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with the casualties of israel's will and gauze. gwyn reality sits and civil services all struggling to reach the trap. civilians under the russell is what claims that they are safe areas for civilians. yet these people are being shot at running up to capa petroleum. to escape from the relentless bombardment, tara could best do l. just sierra russell, southern guns, that is there as well. and guys that has created a humanitarian catastrophe. you and agencies are wanting that half of guys as 2300000 population is at risk of salvation. a survey by eunice have found that about 90 percent of children under 2 years of on the 2 years old, are getting only milk and basic food like afraid. the threat of famine is increasing. hundreds of thousands could be severely malnourished, many
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a likely to die as a result. cases of diarrhea in children under the age of 5 are said to be increasing at an alarming rate around $3200.00 new cases every day. and there is growing concerned about the house of expectant and breast feeding women. dr. tania has hassan is a pediatrician with doctors without borders. she says the boy is killing more than a 100 children every day. and that many more will suffer from lifelong disability and health issues. the death toll had been over 8000 when we were last able to get a, an accurate test tool spend several weeks now. so the figure is likely to be closer to $10000.00 at this point, you know, at the same time period. so about 3 months into the ukraine war the u. n. had stated at the time, but the lives of children have been devastated at scale. that is, has not been seen since world war 2 at the time on average 2 children were being
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killed per day. but the average number of children being killed to per day in gaza right now is well over a 100. and like i said, over 8000 likely close 210000 children have been killed so far. that excludes the thousands who have been disabled over 10000 according to the u. n. likely at, with the extremity amputation. so upper and lower lim, amputation. so children maint, debilitated for life over 20000 children orphaned. and then you know, 85 percent of the girls and population is currently displaced. many families having been displaced multiple times. so 100 percent of children have no access to our level heating in the winter. there is no access to the food safety like there's no there's food insecurity, limited access to clean water and obviously high risk of disease. a 100 percent of children in gaza have no access to school. and we know that at least half of the
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education facilities, according to offices coordination for military affairs have been destroyed so far. so all children not being educated at the moment. how does, there is mom involved has more on the impact, the war is having on children of the displaced wireless tedium. choose the play to do what children do a tiny piece. what's nothing is an open here is really bump up. and that is that the yellow to the winter is extreme, and the place is a school not suitable accommodation. i the fair with them. the school has turned into a shelter instead of a place for bone. and it was an old my school in my home and be tending very much towards that. that's why i'm here in the i'm the we are talking about a blog academic yet, but due to dual, there is no school since october 7th. until now we can't predict what's going to happen. yeah. and there is about 44 schools in roughly 59. facilitate up to 6 of
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them. assigning assault is present to the students. remember the old days before the war and the sad moments since you have little how to close out the phone about them was the head before the world. i was a hardworking student, my teachers appreciated me a lot. now instead of books, i'm keeping my clothes inside my school bag and i'm living in the school counseling with school children's rights. i'm demanding only one, which is to be able to complete my education. i'm the mother, we were supposed to be in a school only for loading. notice displaced people. but this is what the occupation has done to us is destroyed our dreams and our future and made us homeless. south carolina, nevada is really bump up to 1000 high school, 10000 to do so. according to the pulse team helped me to split the impact on those to the life. 7 is still magic and hasn't heard of them,
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but obviously this barbaric war has deeply affected children. they're suffering from constant anxiety, sleep disorders, extreme fear, constant crying, total absence of any feeling of safety. and then they have clear sizes of psychological trauma causing some of them to refuse to eat. in addition to the physical wounds and diseases that are spreading. how the guy that lot of i feel i'm just angry at school. we used to enjoy learning and discussing with colleagues as well. now i'm sitting in a school doing nothing. we're just looking at the wall and for the child to be a speaking to the media says for they want this piece and to be able to go back to school on the whole. not clear how long, then have to wait. i'm at 5, i'm just on the different medic front. the us secretary, a c time to me blinking is on his way to jordan as part of his latest mentally store. he arrived in crete late saturday, after talks with president to
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a ship type or the one in turkey. this is blinking 4th visit to the region since the one guys i began in october. he says the talks are aimed at preventing the situation from escalating for them. and the european union foreign policy chief, joseph burrell, says there'll be no windows, if the one guys are post 11 on into original conflict. his message comes after hezbollah fired a barrage of vol case and is really opposite ation post. the lebanese group says the strikes on initial response to the killing of a senior mice official after meeting governance for administer, burrell urge restraints to avoid a wide, a war. i am here when we are seeing a watery intensification of exchange of fire across the low line in double that between leave and on and these well on. i seen that the wall can be prevented off. i could bundle no, you can press on the, on how to has to be avoid it. why is it on that that's on the bottom. and diplomacy
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can prevail to look for a better solution. and mom con has the latest from mazda you and in 711 on whether spending more. shelly, you can still see the smoke coming across uh from the uh, a span of a bow, a close to 2 and a half, maybe 2 color, which is really intensive. as strikes of thunder as an s or a showing a stripe, a really thunderous noise as they came in. now this is the kind of thing uh, that may well prove a response. get a response from his bullet. now the secretary general of his will, the stroller was speaking just 24 hours ago. he said he was going to make sure that there would be a response to the killing of cell a, a room that actually came on saturday morning when his blah hit a key minute. she position is ready. move that to position in israel in the galley
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as well, then responded with a drawing start and killed one has beloved member and throughout the day today, hey, where i am. this is what's been happening. we've seen the strikes y'all and we've seen rockets come. we've heard well that rockets come from this area across into that dispute, the charge you that voted with israel. now remember this a 120 cologne made to buddha and everybody. his beloved included it, trying to make sure that conflict is contained within this area that doesn't spread across into level. they've been intense diplomatic efforts to try and make sure that it's possible. joseph brown, the high representative of the european union has been here in lebanon. he's been meeting with a billable heavy, but who is the foreign minister? he's actually been saying that 11 on his, on this intense pressure because of this, that no one needs a will that a result that it will spill out into
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a regional conflict. so all of this diplomacy is going on now, well is ro, ones is it wants to push, has blown out of this area, push them kilometers back. he's will isn't negotiate negotiating. it isn't interested in any kind of negotiation until the will and goes and stokes. the news coming up on alger 0, including boeing max 9 passenger brings the round data after a piece of the cabin fuselage flows off in mid at the the hey, there are a lot of ground to cover with this one. so let's go right off the bat. there's cool wind blowing down from iraq that's freshened up the atmosphere. we go in here for a closer look. they'll have 23, but you know, that's actually where we should be for this some of the year, a quite a bit of warrants coming through the central asia 11 and ask about in did you can
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stand the sam bates looking at out 14 degrees? not really dealing with much trust here over the next little bit. turkey we go what, whether moves in to the west and the south here, some drenching range, especially around on talia and that northwest slice of africa it's been breezy through. that's an easy a and especially along the coast line of libya looking to see windows here of about 60 kilometers per hour. now we have been dealing with some flooding in nairobi after almost a month's worth of rain fell in the span of just 12 hours. the ring, translators here on sunday, the worst of it will be south and west of nairobi. and then there's also been some flooding in johannesburg. and how same profits in south africa buried cars in water here just because of those torrential downpours. it has been a bit more calm, but we're seeing those storms flare up once again. around johannesburg, i don't think it will be as bad as last time, but more rain coming your way on sunday. see you later. i of
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the marion shaheen and i've been making films about since 2006 when i moved there in 2005, since we recovering from the 38 your occupation by israel. people were hopeful that their lives would improve. their dreams have been destroyed and all that remains are of a loss. garza chester dreams on al jazeera, the the
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bottom back. a recap of our top stories on al jazeera and these really drones try get scales at least expand. assuming the searing of reading janine city res also took place in hebron and not lose kafka and jericho in the occupied west bank and gaza. at least 22 people has been killed in his ras latest rights in the southern city of con eunice, which has been under heavy from bond meant many people had had it been trying to escape a taxi. nolan gossip is there as worn gas as created a humanitarian catastrophe. voice 2300000 residents. you and agencies are wanting that half of the strips population is at risk of starvation. now millions of orthodox christians around the world. the celebrating christmas festivities are new to the investment him in the occupied. westbank believes to be the best grace of jesus christ and his christmas message, the patriarch of jerusalem, palestine and jordan, express pain and sorrow about gaza. if he goes the 3rd uh same slash will be to
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intervene, you bring him, has been to bethlehem, and has this report. the father, he saw fears. this church will soon be empty of its worshippers. he preaches with one of the holiest sites in christianity. the church of then activity and bethlehem believes to be the birthplace of jesus christ. in his greek orthodox church alone, he says, more than 1500 people have left palestine in the past few years. i know many people of actually preparing for the migration. like about 9 families and it's, it's not easy for us even because i called the 5th land people the best my life. i call them the living story under and is really closure for 3 months. and under a military occupation for decades, life has become difficult for people in bethlehem. it's a historic city that has always depended on tourism, especially during the christmas and easter seasons. and the ticket you chose is not
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like this during christmas time. it's used to be for many people around, it's like a full of life. joyful, many here state. it's not the time to celebrate, but to mourn. churches have called off christmas celebrations because of israel's war on cause. but the prayers continue. many here say the causes of immigration are affecting both protestant and christians and muslims. but because the christian community is already shrinking, they say one question family leaving is one to many main categories. news this feeling very well. generations of had relatives have left their homes during different waves of immigration. had 5 uncles left after 1948. next i had a brother after to the 1st for the city, an uprising. her 2 sons, after the 2nd palestinian uprising, a suppression from the patient. i like my children to be around me, but i have also because they can have
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a future. we don't have good life. here we go, live nation or life and bunch of things. but order was afraid. the check bars, the work, no security, no, nothing, no peace on up. thank. as the number of christians here dwindles may says it's becoming more important for palestinian christians to stay in their homeland father . he so says, life might be more tempting abroad, but he believed he was born in jesus his birthplace for reason, to spread told, in the method of darkness that but he just eat a bus the him, the occupied westbank. meanwhile, christmas is being celebrated twice in ukraine. the country adopted a new official calendar, which means some people upset the holiday on december 25th, but many ukrainians having accepted the changes as big as moved from keys to churches, one country, but 2 different dates for christmas. it's not just
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a religious difference in ukraine, it's become a political one, the ukrainian or the doctor to it has been accused of having links to moscow accusations it denies which when you create a for sure, you celebrate christmas on december 25th last year. it was why do you seen snuff to moscow? and this church was put into the spotlight. we're glad to assist with many ukrainian celebrate christmas on january 7th. we celebrate according to the julian calendar, and it's been like that for a 1000 ts. we, i'm not going to switch to a new start. this kind of that is used by georgian generals of them, so it'd be in and brushing chosen to shut off even the service. and so i just kind of got an old portion of the orthodox churches, kind of got the services in ukraine and we also make a game if they had been any political pressure, no good or no comment. some, however, i'm white spoken against the official change of dates,
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not sure which dividing us. this is bullying at the state scale in a time of war. we should be together. the chief wanted to unite the country on one data at the same time, a sending us enough to moscow president to let's give us a show here up on the western rules that his country is very much europe here on west. and i'm changing the officials date of christmas to the 25th of december. it was in part to display that. but not everyone here is pausing suits. and there are divisions on the banks of the freezing coast, any pro river there commemorating the baptism of jesus christ. but for those and celebrated christmas in december, today's date has come a youth and previous yes. bought october for those that many people have switched to a new calendar will reset the oil change menu, continue to live in the old of bass, and so liberated christmas in january, i celebrated on the edge of faith and to day for me is to commemorate the baptism
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several different, those are to the training still i closed with russia. i know low key wanted to unite the country and distance itself from perceived russian traditions. the divisions run deep in a different religious state. i started big data keys. you know, the world news polls that opens in bangladesh in a general election being boycotted by the main opposition party. it claims there is no guarantee of fan is 5 minutes. so she has seen that has cast her ballot in the capital dhaka and says the potty is a terrorist organization. i have to go, could you really do that to home to home if there is a party that there is? no, i have my i phones ability to people to the people who are the people accepted or not or that they have accepted this is that's what i left that is important. that
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spring, enjoying a hole in dhaka for us. so jonah, the polls have been open for a few hours now of a busy of the. well, we've visited a number of polling stations in central duck on factories. they all knocked in the 1st hours of this voting day. busy a tool and we've had some of the things elsewhere that is extremely significant, significant if it's a trend that extends throughout the day. why will simply because the big question on this day is not who will win that he's lost the predetermine. but how many people will choose to take part knowing that the main opposition party, the bangladesh nation, respond to and its coalition partners all boy caustic. these folks is who said that they believe the whole process is rig they say that upwards of $25000.00 of the members and local party leaders of being arrested in the run up to the election accused of preventing violence on the streets. they want the resignation of shakes . i've seen a who's been in power since 2009 her,
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while me league potty says it's done nothing to repeat anybody's participation in a vote that they insist will be fed and credible, including some smaller parties and independent candidates will in the end, the only measure of that credibility becomes, as i said, the number of people who choose to take part in an election that on the face of it look stream the one sided. so what's expected then intends out of turn out in what's at stake, as well as i think thirdly, this is not the 1st time at one side, his boy caught it the b and people i caught it in 2014 as well. indeed, the army league boy caught it back in 1996 when the be and p was in power politics here at the tussle between these 2 big political tennessee stating all the way back to independence in 1971. and each time there's been a boy called turnout has been extremely low. the electric, i'm surprisingly at wondering, lot of this is the point, but there is an awful lot of state cannot lease the political stability of this
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country. a country of a 170000000 in the south south is that we've seen pre election violence, the refuse of more violence to come. and as well as that concerns about the further back sliding of democratic standards in these region to region in which india and china via for influence and in this country, a country in which international embryos say serial abuses of rights take place. no matter which side is in power. jonah, thank you very much. and holl live there in the united airlines says this grounding all of its boeing 737 max nines. the move comes after an alaska airlines flight was forced to make an emergency landing after a piece of the cabins fuselage blew onto me to more than a 170 boeing. passenger planes are being grounded around the well to me bunker has the details. the. c the frantic
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distress cools and the pilots of alaska airlines flight 1282 to a traffic control, a large hole in the side of the craft, causing a dramatic dropping cabin pressure, exposing terrified passengers to the outside world of 16000 feet, maybe 5000 meters. it could have been much, much worse. the seat next to the tool and fuselage was empty. deposit landing will, a $171.00 passengers and 6 crew. safely back in portland, oregon. in response to alaska airlines that was temporarily ground. it gets a fleet of 65, boeing max, 9 aircraft, a play, and often used on us domestic flights. the o. d o, once again, shining a spotlights on the boeing 737 max offered catalogue a severe failure as it's quite unprecedented. and it should not be done played that's for sure because in more than co actuation, we do not see sections.


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