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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 7, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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let's all the tree a rest of the most open since up and occupied east jerusalem with movements being restricted on it for reggie having rep precautions on the local economy. the 6 found as simians from the same family have been killed. and then he's really jo strikes in jeanine in the occupied west back the play. you're watching l g 0 life from don't. how with me for the back. people also ahead overnight strikes on guys of 10 people that killed as israel problems a housing con unit. the age of christmas and millions of christians around the world. but celebrations have
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been subdued in bethlehem and gain avenues bond. good dishes 5 minutes. so she has seen a 6 a full consecutive time in an election boycotted by the opposition. the we begin in the occupied westbank, where are these really drones strike a scale of 6 palestinians in jeanine? the city has seen ongoing battle is between these really forces and palestinian fighters. the army also rated parts of janine and surrounded his scratchy g camp. they've been almost daily raised in the west bank since the beginning of the war on gas. let's get the latest with laura con was in occupied east jerusalem. laura, tell us about what happened in this drawing strike and who was targeted as well. we know at least 4 people who had talked it in the dry and striking show hot
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around about was just south of janine city for those. then what brought this to it was still can tell me whether they were members of the same family. local say they were civilians, we've seen some pretty gruesome images coming from that strike with bodies laid out on the ground lifeless. and then the, the hospital spokesman says, yep, he can find 6 people were killed. now these really ami had stormed both janine city and also the refugee camp at around 1 am and scented reinforcements. elizabeth nature on the janine battalion, which is one of the fighting groups and 5 the comp set that they had also targeted with some explosive devices. some of the soldiers on the, on the vehicle destroying one on the vehicle. we know at least full soldiers were injured. these ready falls to say 2 of them are in very serious condition and were listed out. but when it comes to drawing strikes, it seems to be a new,
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a growing tactic from the is riley's. it's happening normal. often we've seen that happen in token jeanine also in december killing. numerous people these, right? they say they are trying to rush house some fighters from across the west bank, and the also preemptively arresting people in the sweeping arrest. raise the been happening in the last 3 months around 5600 people hop interested so far the latest desktop brings it to around 332 palestinians. but the policy is say, this is part of collective punishment against that people. and many of those arrested and being held arbitrarily have nothing to do with the finances. and nora, israel's military says its forces have finished dismantling, come off as military framework and northern gaza. as spokesman announced that thousands of a mouse. why does have been killed in the north of the strip since october, the 7th. these really military says weapons and documents belonging to the group
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have been seized. nora, we've heard this before israel saying that it's in total control of northern gaza. what's different this on the rock as well for many weeks i've been saying they're in operational control. have what we've seen through uh, welfare are taking place throughout the newest box. it has been 3 months since israel declared it's will on gone so, and they need to show some sort of ben trunk some of achievements there. so daniel has already, the, is really on the spokes person says that they have achieved this month's ling. how much infrastructure across the north and it's happening in 5 components. one of those are taking what the come up or eliminating that was the combined. it's when some of the battalions in the news, they say they have also destroyed rocket infrastructure. they've collected more intelligence from the field. they've destroyed some of those tunnels out. so they
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say, well, visa chief minutes have been taking place, and now they're focusing more on draws. it's pretty obvious calling units where they say a number of a come on does a still operate thing and they're working in the subterranean network of tunnels. so it seems as though they are pushing down in the south where they had originally told people they would be sites that they would be safe places, cousins to say, they're all know safe places that they used to say that will continue this will while in 2024 nor i thank you very much. nora can live there in occupied east jerusalem. let's get the reaction now from guys and speak to all just here is honey . my mood was involved in southern gaza. honey, 1st of all, what is the reaction that to this is really ami statement which says that it's forces of finish dismantling mazda is operations and infrastructure in northern gaza. yes so so far the vast majority reaction of thousands here is the good quite and
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different to what's going on when compared to the sheer level of devastation costs to them. and they think of the destruction that is caused by these really military and just waiting the, the what these really are talking about in the state. and then the, the, the, the have successfully dismantling, dismantled the framework of thomas and the northern part then, and think of both their residential homes, their residential blocks, the infrastructure, the literally, the old means of, i've been destroyed and think of a state. and i like that there's just the, i think it's, it's coming just been in response to mounting of pressure on these really side by the americans when, when asked about what are the objectives, have the achievement of the objectives a particular way of moving into we're getting into more, the 4th month of, of this work. on the other hand, a lot of people think that these are the kind of a statements that are being used by these really monetary repeatedly. and they have happened before the lack of sub to spend the like the evidence. and in the past,
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there were a couple of statements where these really military announce that it's full control on jet value out of town, as well as in the northern part, the city of bit lot here. but on the say, the very particular day, the statement was issued in the, these really invading forces were targeted by these a ground, the missile, the destroying their army vehicles in the very half the city and beat lie of these, the, the, the declared, the had full control. busy over so, so far statements like these are not in fact having any, any impact on golf ins, right. they are largely worried about the data space and that is cause to their says the civil life in the northern part and god's a city. yeah. and devastation caused by s twice and they were more as shrikes overnight. honey. especially in southern guys, out where you are. tell us about what's happened overnight.
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well this is another uh, elements that people have been talking about if there are talks about is really full control of the not, then why are we seeing an increase the surge of the attacks in the southern part? and that's that contradiction in the statement. but what we so over night is that is that storage and a restrict, particularly in dropbox, that the way more residential homes were targeted and destroyed on the over last night. just the, the attacks were everywhere. and rough estimate including the central part of the most space, a place people thought they could take as a refuge was targeted the repeatedly as overnight. and then to the southern part where the vast majority of displace palestinians have been filtering and, and also the eastern parts. uh, more of an area that been targeted repeatedly uh, in the past. but we're talking about at least 7 people have been killed in 2 residential homes in the uh, the southern east, the southern, not the southern eastern part of the city that said that between hon unit and under
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550. and those happen to be displaced families if from a distance from here. yeah, just were killed within hours a days of their arrival to these residential homes. i do. it's right, the shelter and but in the central area and han units that you work at most of the intense bombings is just taking place. we're talking about 11 people in the central area, including an evacuation center deluxe, manage and operated. it operates by on what was targeted as well, and there were reports about 11 people have been killed in a central area. an overnight or reported deluxe a hospital in berry and the other didn't, didn't other injuries any critical conditions, waiting for, for their turn to be due for the medical intervention also fine units. there are at least 7 people who are also killed in the, in the residential homes. tiny, thank you very much for the update honey. my mode reporting deadline from alpha in
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a southern gaza and as, and he mentioned that israel is continuing to strike residential areas of gaza, mom advisory post now on the impact the boys having on children displaced almost teen into the place to do what children do, what time does it be? what's nothing isn't open here is really bump up and it is a danger to you all to the winter is extreme. and the place is a school not a suitable accommodation, hasn't made them fair with them. the school has turned into a shelter instead of a place for bonding with my school in my home and be tending very much towards that's, that's why i'm here in the heads of i'm, i'm the we are talking about a blog academic yet. but due to dual, there is no school since october 7th. until now, we can't predict what's going to happen. yeah. and the, there is about $44.00 schools in roughly $59.00 facilitators, and to 6 up the signing of shelters present to the students. remember the old days
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before the war and the sad moments since you have little. * of course i did follow guardian was the head before the war. i was a 100 can students. my teachers appreciated me a lot. now instead of books, i'm keeping my clothes inside my school bag and i'm living in a school to come to then will school children's rights. i'm demanding only one, which is to be able to complete my education. i'm the mother. we were supposed to be in a school only for loading notes as displaced people. but this is what the occupation has done to us is destroyed our dreams and our future and made us homeless. south carolina, nevada is really bump up to 1000 has 10000 to do so according to the policy and helps me to split the impact on those to the life. 7 the storm attic. i'm 100 how the but obviously this barbaric war has deeply affected children.
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they're suffering from some things id, sleep disorders, extreme fear, constant crying, total absence of any feeling of safety and that they have clear sides of psychological trauma causing some of them to refuse to eat. in addition to the physical wounds and diseases that are spreading. busy is how the stuff like on that lot of i feel i'm just angry at school. we used to enjoy learning and discussing with colleagues as now i'm sitting in a school doing nothing. just looking at the wall and every child speak you to the media says for they want this piece and to be able to go back to school on to not clear how long they'll have to wait. how much time? i'm just on the diplomatic front us secretary of state down to the blinking as arrived in jordan as part of his latest release tor blinking arrived in amman after talking to a kid with present for a ship type or the one is for say the visit to the region since the one guys are
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beginning october, he says the talks are and that preventing the conflicts from whitening further. meanwhile, the european union is foreign policy. chief joseph morales is they'll be no windows, if the war and guys of post 11 on into original conflicts. his message comes off to hezbollah fide a variety of walk outside. and these really observation posts in the north of the country. 11 east globe says the strikes saw an initial response to the killing of a senior mazda official and be able to on to see him on con, has the latest on monitoring unit and setting up an off. you can still see the smoke coming across uh from the uh, a span of a bow, a kilometer and a half, maybe 2 color, which is really intensive as strikes of thunder as an us or showing a stripe, a really thunderous noise as they came in. now this is the kind of thing uh, that may well prove a response get
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a response from his bullet. now the secretary general of his will, a sudden this fellow was speaking just 24 hours ago. he said he was going to make sure that there would be a response to the killing of a root that actually came on saturday morning when his blah hit a key minute shoot. position is ready me that you position in israel in the gallery as well. then responded with a drawing start that killed one has bullet member. and throughout the day today, hey, where i am, this is what's been happening. we've seen the strikes y'all and we've seen rockets go. we've heard, well that rockets come from this area across into that dispute, the charge you that voted with his role. now remember this a 120 columbia to buddha, and everybody has below included trying to make sure that conflict is contained within this area. that doesn't spread across into level, they've been intense diplomatic efforts to try and make sure that's possible.
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joseph bro, the hi, representative of the european union has been here in 11 on. he's been meeting with a billable heavy. but who is the foreign minister? he's actually been saying the 11 on these, on this intense pressure because of this, that no one needs a will that a result that it will spill out into a regional conflict. so all of this diplomacy is going on. now what is role once it wants to push has blown out of this area, push them columbus, his back he's will isn't negotiate negotiating. it isn't interested in any kind of negotiation until the will and goes and stokes. and then use the head. boeing max 9 passenger planes, a grounded opt or part of the fuselage blows out, made at the frank assessments to the problem is that it is there is allowed to be outside that
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ends of international law. and one of the reasons that should be the is the fact that is it and has declared war on okay. parts people informed opinions, the medical infrastructure of an entire society has been completely destroy the people who will feel that destruction 1st and most be the women and children inside story on al jazeera. what constitutes extent, so we generally talk, you will see i want you to start with just the facts. what as to what happened as independent. we want these, we want the education might want to we don't have lead them in different countries . in the policy, i'm going to get 50 percent representation and accountability and benefit knowing that was and services. the claimant reports that i should just
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trust the community often as the cool that used to produce outstanding gentleness. and i'll just see her integrity in the pursuit of truth the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back to recap of our top stories on how to 0 and is any towing, striking the onside westbank city of janina scales, 6 palestinians. the vin confrontations between these reinforces and kinda see the inside is across the occupied place. these are in the military has carried out more strikes across the gaza strip. meanwhile, as a conflict dentist, it's month,
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lease and policies was held in con eunice and you and release agency in the center of this trip was also a millions of orthodox christians around the world as celebrating christmas. but festivities have been mutating. bethlehem in the occupied westbank believe to be the birthplace of jesus christ. and his christmas message, the patriarch of jerusalem, palestine in jordan, express pain and sorrow about gaza, trophy lucifer or exchange national community to intervene. either the brain has been to best man, man, has the father isa fears this church will soon be empty of its worshippers. he preaches with one of the holiest sites in christianity. the church of the nativity and bethlehem believe to be the birthplace of jesus christ. in his greek orthodox church alone, he says more than 1500 people have left palestine in the past few years. i know many people of actually preparing for the migration,
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like about 9 families. and it's, it's not easy for us even because i called the bethlehem people the best my life. i call them the living story under and is really closure for 3 months. and under a military occupation for decades, life has become difficult for people in bethlehem. it's a historic city that has always depended on tourism, especially during the christmas and easter seasons. and the church has come up like this during christmas time. it's used to be for many people around. it's like a full of life is joyful. many here state. it's not a time to celebrate, but 2 more churches have called off christmas celebration is because of israel's were on cause. but the prayers continue. many here say that causes of immigration are affecting both brought us to new christians and muslims. but because the christian community is already shrinking,
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they say one christian pharmacy leaving is one to many. maine kept good news. this feeling very well. generations of had relatives have left their homes during different waves of immigration. at 5 uncles left after 1948 by her brother after the 1st if i left it in uprising her 2 sons after the 2nd palestinian uprising, s o pressure from the patient. i like my children to be around me. but i've also because they can have a futures, we don't have good life here that live nation or life in a bunch of things but or was afraid the check bondsville work, no security, no, nothing, no peace. so nothing as the number of christians here dwindles may says it's becoming more important for palestinian christians to stay in their homeland. father isa says life might be more tempting abroad, but he believed he was born in jesus his birthplace for reason. to spread the hole
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in the method of darkness that but he address either bethlehem c o 2 point oh mustang. to us carry a united airlines says it's grounding all of its boeing 737 max 9 to move comes after an alaska airlines flight was forced to make an emergency landing after a piece of the cabin fuselage blew out in mid a more than a $170.00 boeing, passenger planes have been grounded around the world the font as the details. c the forensic distress cools and the pilots of alaska airlines flight 1282 to a traffic control, a large hole in the side of the craft, causing a dramatic dropping cabin pressure, exposing terrified passengers to the outside world. at 16000 feet, maybe 5000 meters. it could have been much, much worse. the seat next to the tool and fuselage was empty. deposit landing will,
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a $171.00 passengers and 6 crew. safely back in portland, oregon. in response to alaska airlines that was temporarily ground. it gets a fleet of 65, boeing mex, 9 aircraft, a play, and often used on us domestic flights. the o. d o once again, shining a spotlights on the boeing 737 max offered catalogue a severe failure as it's quite unprecedented. and it should not be done played that's for sure. because in more than co actuation, we do not see sections across the body of views that are coming separated from the rest of the across and certainly not mid flight. and this is an incredibly significant cause for concern because this, that crop is just a few months, owed us our space. john boeing is still reeling from the ne, a 2 year world wide grounding of o max age and max 9 planes up to 2 crashes and indonesia, and e. c. a p,
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a code 346 people. the following made several changes to the aircraft and the planes were allowed to return to service. but since then, max deliveries have been interrupted at times to fix manufacturing floors, including concerns about loops, bolts. investigators are now facing serious questions, how plain the lonely road of the assembly line a few months ago could end up like this with a simulate head across use daily, around the world. oh, so risk need fall, okay. which is 0. well the us national transportation safety board is leading the investigation into what he calls the accident. the agencies che, has describe what it would have been like when the section of the fuselage blew out . there was a very chaotic scene, very chaotic. um, very loud. uh which you can't really hear on the video, but it is very loud. there on 26 a and 25
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a. the headdress are gone on uh $26.00, a part of the seats. uh, the back of the seat is gone to a fire at abel hang. a refugee camp in bangladesh has left thousands of people without shelter. around 1000 makes shift to weddings were destroyed in the blaze. at cox's bazaar, if they know a force of decimal injuries, the camp is home to nearly a 1000000 will have no fed persecution, and the neighboring young mar and the poles have opened in bangladesh in a general election that is being fully caught by the main opposition party which has, is no guarantee of fairness from an associate, has seen a cast. her ballad in the capital, dhaka accusing the opposition of being a terrorist organization. i have to go to the home at various parties. there is no,
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i have my i called the ability to people to the people. what are the people except that these are not for them they have accepted. this is actually i love that is important. is go live to all just there is doing a hall, who is in bunker for is covering the selection. so the post you went ahead open for a few hours. now. are they busy at all of the nose? they really are sweeping through a number of public stations, not incentive doc. uh and the numbers are extremely low, 56 percent of people have turned out in the 1st 3 hours of public and leave a similar things elsewhere. and that is a potentially very significant thing if it is a trend with continues throughout the day. why will? because the most significant measure in the selection is not who wins it. that's been mostly predetermined. but just how many people choose to turn out, knowing that the main opposition, by the that's nationally spotty, he's boycotting day, of course stay. the process is rigged. they say that more than $25.00 thousands of
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the members and local leaders would be interested in re election. violem paid them on the resignation of private as i say, i've seen that in power since 2009. well, the part to the allow me league says they've done nothing to repeat anybody's involvement in this election. that they insist will be fair, incredible involving a number of smaller policies and some in the end of the candidates as well. but really, as i say in the end, the only measure of that credibility is the number of people who choose to take part in the process. the, on the face of it looks, explain the one sided. so what's expected then in terms of turnout, jonah, and what is at stake of the? well, it may be that turn out picks up during the course of the day, of course, but i didn't go to late something the 1st time of policy has boy taught it to be and p point. got it back in 2014 as well. the allow me league indeed boycotted in 1996 when the b and p was in power politics here at costco between these 2 for the
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this the striking back to the defendants in 1971. and each time there's been a boy called turn out is extremely low, and surprisingly the electric looking at it goodwill. you know, what is the point that there is a lot at stake, though not least the political stability of this country, of a 170000000 in south asia. and also the further potential backsliding of democratic standards in this region in which india and china via for influence and in this country in which international n g o se. 3 right, steven, right. so see really violated interviews, no matter which side is empower. jonah, thank you very much for that, jonah hall with the latest there on by the vicious election. and of course, we'll be covering this full for you on, on to 0 throughout the day. here now, a woman in her nineties has been pulled out a life from a collapse house 5 days after japan's deadly as quick. more than a 100 people died on new year's eve after a 7.6 magnitude quake ship the region,
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at least 200 are still missing. as always, more use on our website at all. is there a dot com? my colleague molly inside will be joining you in about 30 minutes with more of today's top stories. the weather is next and i'll just sarah and inside story exam in 6 factions and these routes like coalition government, thanks for watching the, the hey there a lot of ground to cover with this one. so let's go right off the bat. there's cool wind blowing down from iraq that's freshened up the atmosphere. we go in here for a closer look. so how 23 bucks. you know, that's actually where we should be for this some of the year, a quite a bit of warrants coming through the central asia 11 and ask about in the g can stand the sam bates looking at out 14 degrees. not really dealing with much trust
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here over the next little bit turkey we go whether moves in to the west and the south here, some drenching rains, especially around on talia. and that northwest slice of africa it's been breezy through. it's an easy uh and especially along the coastline of libya looking to see windows here of about 60 kilometers per hour. now we have been dealing with some flooding in nairobi after almost a month's worth of rain fell in the span of just 12 hours. the rain turns lighter here on sunday, the worst of it will be south and west of nairobi. and then there's also been some flooding in johannesburg. and how same profits in south africa buried cars in water here just because of those torrential downpours. it has been a bit more calm, but we're seeing those storms flare up once again. around johannesburg, i don't think it will be as bad as last time, but more rain coming your way on sunday. see you later. i the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the is, was far wide coalition. government is a tool, not just in guys that much of itself. and it says, apply, think about the possible inquiry into the army is free until the 7th moved. and proposals to expel old policy is from gaza. so how far john is this, why is government this is inside story,


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