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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 7, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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we are not denies all a to we are human beings in this era between us and the holy we are working in their thoughts, that's our ancestors. whatever has been done before can be done even better. as long as the human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you to the the why money inside the news on life and coming up in the next 60 minutes. 6 palestinians from the same family have been killed during and is rarely drawn strongly. can janine and the occupied west bank more even though it strikes on
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garza 10 people are killed of israel bones, a house in hon. eunice the christmas. the millions of old adults christians around the world. but the celebrations happen. subdued in bethlehem and bind, you know, that she prime minister shake has seen a 6 the 4th consecutive tub in an election, fully costs and by the main position the we begin in the occupied west spine. quinn is riley drones throwing has killed 6 palestinians engineering. the city has seen battles between is there any forces in palestinian sizes, the army rate and pulse of janine and surrounded it's refugee camp? they have been any daily raids in the west bank since the beginning of the will as go to a corresponding padded smith who is in bethlehem in the occupied west bank. but it,
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is it unusual for the is released to launch and run strongly into the occupied westbank? i know it's not a new year's always been increasingly common. 6, palestinian were killed in this latest attack, buys riley security forces in the occupied westbank, whole it saved from the same family for them for all of us. now what happened is that these riley say they went in on a raid and they also had one of the soldiers killed a 19 year old woman when the vehicle was hit by a roadside bomb. and when they called in a river reinforcements to remove the wounded from this attack, that a helicopter was called in to target those, the, these railey se, withdrawing weapons throwing explosives out the security policies follow send insight. these for the 6 people were innocent bystanders. now jeanine, it's been really on the constant stage now, residents call about a relentless siege is seen as a sort of a sensor of palestinian resistance. and it has been like this for decades. but
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since october, the 7th, while rates have stepped up across the occupied westbank in, janine has been a particular focus of it because it is because of this, the number of fighting groups, the, the, the outcomes for gauge which is in to need. they say they would engage in confrontations with these writing security policies. saturday night into sunday, and also elsewhere and the occupied westbound. today we're hearing all of a 30 year old palestinian is riley, who's been killed in an incidents north of ramallah. we're just waiting to get some more details on. thank you for that update. bennett smith, that for us in the ok point. west bank. meanwhile, that been more is really overnight strikes on garza 10 people were killed off to israel boomed a house in hon. eunice. let's go to honey, my new who is a lawyer for us and rossa, and southern golf at honey. so the strikes in the south still coming in. they can fost well know,
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can you tell us yes, we're all it seeing an increasing and intensity on a scale of, of various strikes and artillery sitting across the, the gaza strip by merely at this time concentrated more in the central area. and pond you into spend dropbox with you further a southern part of the gulf stream. there are 4 different locations that we're targeted as a overnight on early hours of this morning for areas full of people at the over a, populated with how displace palestinians. but so far, we're talking about residential homes, full of displaced people were targeted and destroyed their reports about 7 people being killed. and those that tax and central drop a 100 area that is overcrowded with displace palestinians and from the northern parts and the central part of the gaza strip. who arrived here within the past
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weeks. in fact, one individual was killed and over not attacked. it was his 1st night sleeping in that residential home. he, he's been evacuating a from that further north and from the tunnel on to jump out of the, the guys a city of central park and ended up in the city and was killed as he was seeking shelter to protect himself. and the, the attacks will happen in western side of a rough i city, where there 1000 literally, 100 of 1000 of this place palo city are taking that area, including a mazda area as a shoulder and building their tens within the, in, in the area. the central part of the gaza strip is the battle going right now with intensified air strikes as well as artillery is showing then when you, when you think that this is really obligations, this stopped yet another is really official. surprise. do a military official. it's describing defense from area as the a crowded refugee camp full of terrorist and what the reading of this,
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how people react to this. but just thinking of it as another justification, another pretext for the mass going of people in the central area being under bombardment, sense the palm of the week, and more people are displaced. but so far it was over night attacks indented by 11 . people have been killed with more than 25 it critically injured as well as in and then and, and then for and we'll have a refuge account where and evacuation centered managed and operated by by the united nations for palestinian refugees, honor. what was the attack there for people who killed inside this evacuation center not only to have actions or was it directly attacked, but also it's vicinity including then press direction on old the main roads leading to just making it difficult for peace. busy to evacuated that, that, that area in, han, eunice, there at least 17 people killed the vast majority of them,
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women and children, and do old coming in from one family, one displaced family in the southern part of hon. eunice city. the mass killing is continuing, and unfortunately this time is good. it's coming under more allegations that, that are just use as a pretext to continue this genocide of war. and honey, a claims by b is riley on the late last night's uh that how much come on since in the north has been completely destroyed by them? what more have they said about this and has how most responded to these claims in any way? the the as well so far there isn't an official statement that made by how mass or any of the associates due to comments on these rarely statement. but this particular statement is one of one of many allegations made by the israeli military since the beginning of this war on dogs that would
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seen it happening in the past. so various that the claim is taking full control or eliminating some of the how much offer it, isn't it the, it on that particular did these really a invading forces were attacked on the very day. the describe, the had full control over that area when we particularly talk about it beat law has to do with seen also this in the past. it, when a is really military, is that a claim that there was something going on on their ship a hospital, but without offering any substantial evidence whatsoever other than just the predicts to attack health care facilities in a different situation. one is beneficial and that they, they, of this really military in the northern part of godaddy secured so side, though explosive bolts for children. yet without offering any evidence concrete evidence of what they found or what have did, what have they described as explosive belt,
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designed for children other than the fact it was used as a justification for the mass murder of its children. the statement goes on talking about some, $8000.00 a. how much offer it is or associates have been eliminated yet? it's failed to offer the evidence to convince people or to secure stomach credibility of what they have done. but so far people reaction is quite indifferent because people here are occupied 100 percent with this your level of destruction and the mass going of civilians when compared to a statement that lacks the very, very, a basic evidence to support it on the ground kind. you must need that for us in rough sight and southern gaza. well as you were hearing that from honey israel, continuing to strongly residential areas in gauze at mohammed val reports now the impact that was having on children displaced on a scene into the roof. i try to do what children do
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a times of peace. what's nothing is an open here is really bump ultimate is that they do the all the to the winter is extreme. and the place is a school not a suitable accommodation, had been made unfair with them. the school has turned into a shelter instead of a place for both, both my school in my home and be tending very much towards that's, that's why i'm here in the i'm the we are talking about a blog condemned. but due to dual, there is no school since october 7th. until now, we can't predict what's going to happen. yeah, me there is about 44 schools in roughly do 29 facilitators to 6 up the signing of shelters present to the students. remember the old days before the war and the sad moment since you have little had of course i did follow bad english, the head before the war was a hardworking student. my teachers appreciated me a lot. now instead of books,
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i'm keeping my clothes inside my school bag and i'm living in a school to come to then will school children's rights. i'm demanding only one, which is to be able to complete my education. the we were supposed to be in a school only for loading. notice displaced people, but this is what the occupation has done to us is destroyed our dreams and our future and made us homeless. south carolina, nevada is really bump up to a 1000 high school 10000 children. so according to the policy and helps me to split the impact on those to the life. 7 is dramatic and hasn't how the, but obviously this barbara or, or has deeply affected children. there is suffering from constant anxiety. sleep disorders, extreme fear, constant crying total absence of any feeling of safety. and that they have clear sides of psychological trauma causing some of them to refuse to eat. in addition to the physical wounds and diseases that are spreading. how the guy that lot of i
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feel i'm just angry at school. we used to enjoy learning and discussing with colleagues. now i'm sitting in a school doing nothing. just looking at the wall. every child speaking to the media says for they want this piece to be able to go back to school. i'm not clear how long they'll have to wait on that fine. i'm just being while us next year state onto the blinking is in jordan as opponents of his latest middle east tool. he has met with the jordanian foreign minister in man society. that's off to having folks in tech. yeah. yes. today he's then used to visit cats all in the coming hours. this is his 5th visit to the region since a warning gauze and began on october the 7th. he says it took the aimed at preventing the conflict from widening any further to. let's get some analysis on all the latest developments of those golf joints now use direct to perform policy
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and security program, the least council on global affairs. thank you for your time today, sir. i'm gonna start with these claims by these randy armies spokesman daniel, have gary that they have completely dismantled, how much is command structure in the north and how much has denied this. and i guess it will become more evident in the next few days. if this is indeed true, but regardless, israel is on the huge pressure, isn't it to look like it's making some sort of progress given we know 3 months in yeah, when there's lots of pressure from the international community and increasing the pressure from the us to wind down the floor, so those are easy to show to their domestic constituency that they're actually achieving something on the ground. but if you look at some of the statements coming out from the, is there any cabinet to some of the far right. members, we actually don't want any 8 to come back and they don't want the students to return to northern. it has that what they're advocating for is the mass expulsion
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of us thing. and so it's remains to be seen if the cabinet is ready to come in to be aligned to allow for their age. and that all depend, as they needs to return to northern has cause they wouldn't indeed make sense. but if they have removed how much this come on sent in the know they should be able to allow more aid into the north by that same meaning. so yeah, as you say, we will see what this what happens in the next few days, turning to the west spine. we've seen this drone strike killing 6 palestinians in geneva. is it unusual that we have indeed see more raids in the west bank but to, to, to see this level of violence with the drawer and striking the occupied westbank. what is as well as intention here? when really, this is unsurprising, i would say, because it's part and parcel of the collective punishment of the kind of thing and people, it's highlights also how this is less about time as now. and it's about 3 d. a punishing the thought of sending people to bombings, s like a time, and also the use of famine, a as a, as a war towards which is
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a war crime in its own right. what do you think a blinking is trying to achieve? he's on this with little stopped, took his face to the region in 3 months. he's already been in tech a. he's been in jordan, he's coming to catch all jews and he's going to achieve anything in this in this tool. when the banking visit has to be really seen within the context of the domestics us politics, by them is increasingly unpopular with 55 percent disapproval rating, making one of the most unpopular, the 1st term presidents in the history of the us as lots of defense within the state department within the white house people are submitting these. i don't know the stuff. there's. so there's lots of pressure domestically on uh by the end to end of the door. so that's why it's like they blinking to see if he wants to achieve 3 things. uh, the escalation of the conflict increase of humanitarian, a 8 i'm thinking of what happens because of the day after and on the all 3. there are disagreements with this race that has been an escalation on the 11 on. is there
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any for this week? how significant do you think it is do? do you think there is a real concern that we all going to see this escalation coming from his mother? there's potential disagree, the escalation. and he also have to look at the domestic contest in israel. do you know if by then has an interest to wind down to or nothing here has an interest to continue this war because it's deeply unpopular and is there any, i'm actually, this war is the only thing that's keeping him in power. if the war ends, the whole cabinet will disassemble around this. so basically, i think the thing, yeah, once to widen the conflict and potentially drawbacks the u. s. into the war and stay in power. okay, thank you for your analysis of the of the gulf of direct to the foreign policy and security program at the middle east council for global affairs. meanwhile, is rarely bulldozers have destroyed a palestinian symmetry in the neighborhood. in garza city, many bodies have been on this and left in the rubble of tombstones. nearby houses just there it is. my uncle reports and
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a winning. his report contained some disturbing images. a $150.00 a month. but a child that had the most of the cemetery where the victims were buried recently by the after the sustained is really bombing that caused a significant rise on the casualties and cause a city that elect to stop the man at the beginning. because the subtlety, yeah, these are empty casings of the munitions that were used by the occupation forces and cause a city of the gun. you can see the rockets that were used by their soldiers who dumped the empty casings here after they bulldoze the cemetery and digging up the bodies of the victims and driving their vehicles over them in the process, you just had a large number of bodies lie outside of their craves after they were dug up by is really forces what thank you for that kind of, i don't know what i know who not be checking out of here. we can take a closer look at the remains of the bodies who are buried at the cemetery. that levine at the funeral, that can have the multiple. and what that is really forces dug up the bodies and took some of them according to the locals. and the only thing left are the remains
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. you see here in the book as heavy as i saw here. yeah, i have, yeah, there are large numbers of bodies all along this pathway here, as you can see. oh my model is, can you tell me what happened here? so i don't know i doing my duty. what happened is that our enemies are criminals. they follow us to our graves even off the way dead. there is no religion that allows us islam or otherwise no religion allows without criminal enemies, have done to these dead people, the rest. so i'm one of the did done this is bob barrick, we respect a religions, but our enemy respects nothing. surely i'm a lawyer and my 2 sons. my brother and my brother's son are buried here, and you can see the extent of his double touch and the revenge that be filled this area, even the dead could not escape them. but i also can see here the tracks left by the vehicles that these really forces drove over the victim's bodies. can you tell me
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what you're doing now? what are just this? and we're looking for the bodies of some relatives. have you found anything move in kind of a mother? how old a daughter and her baby was still looking? we haven't found anything. we've erected a memorial here and we will recite to prep for them. there's nothing else we can do when everybody has to be alone. normally, well i just, i just have to give you a significant number of bodies were dug up and mutilated when occupation forces both those the area says busy the number is unfortunately staggering. so give you an hour because you guys have done like it. and we found the bodies above the ground off of these ready least headaches, humans and right now we're lining up the bodies of our relatives in order to re bury them for home night. the hold on the foreign policy chief joseph brown says there will be no windows, if the windows and pulls 11 on into regional conflict. his message comes off to his boulevard. a barrels of rocket sits and is ready, was evasion post in the north on saturday. and lebanese group says the strong saw
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an initial response beginning of a senior, how much the official and they went on choose day. iran con has moved from larger unit in southern levels, so you can still see the smoke coming across uh from the uh, a span of a bow, a close to 2 and a half, maybe 2 color, which is really intensive as strikes of thunder as an us or showing a stripe, a really thunderous noise as they came in. now this is the kind of thing uh, that may well prove a response. get a response from his bullet. now the secretary general of his below how sudden this roller was speaking just 24 hours ago. he said he was going to make sure that that would be a response to the killing of sell a. a roof actually came on saturday morning when his blah hit a key minute shoot, position is ready me that you position in israel in the gallery as well,
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then responded with a drawing start that killed one has bullet member and throughout the day today, hey, where i am, this is what's been happening. we've seen the strikes all and we've seen rockets cold. we've heard while that rockets come from this area across into that dispute, the charge you that voted with israel. now remember this a 120 columbia to buddha, and everybody has bla included it, trying to make sure the conflict is contained within this area that doesn't spread across into level. they've been intense diplomatic efforts to try and make sure that's possible. joseph brown, the high representative of the european union has been here in 11 on, has been meeting with a billable heavy. but who is the foreign minister? he's actually been saying the 11 on these, on this intense pressure because of this, that no one needs a will that a result that it will spill out into a regional conflict. so all of this diplomacy is going on now. well,
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israel once it wants to push has blown out of this area, push them columbus, his back he's will isn't negotiate negotiating. it isn't interested in any kind of negotiation until the will and goes and stokes the the us bring you some of the days. all the news now very thing is on the waiting on the dash is general elections, which are being we called said by the main opposition policy, the bangladesh nation. this policy is question the finest of the process, saying the polls a one sided problem, it is to shake because he knows running for a 4th consecutive tub. she call us tub balance, and the capital deca has cooled him a know position policy, a terrorist organization. i have to say group, can you really do that to home to home if there is a party that there is no,
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i have my i phones ability to people to the people. what are the people accepted or not? or that they have accepted this is that's what i left that is important. is a spring intent of a child or you who has been following the elections closely from the capitol duyka . so for us, be tough to give us an idea of the mood of people that own the election day today. well, for us to begin with, the found out was the people who turn out was very low. i mean, in some centers i'd say even 5 to 10 percent of the most local news media has already started saying that the most that could count is that 14 percent or 15 percent found out. some of the things they sent that lies behind me. you see in the center of the city is one of the center and said those college, there's hardly any people there. we went to a 7 different locations, 7 different center and everywhere the same thing. know. and so they have no
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excitement, but a low turnout from morning to leaving at 11 am local time. here we have the so that many people in one center we saw the local pro government party people is actually pursuing people. given that rick show, right, that's a place go broad, and that's what is the finality over here. there's no excitement typically in that election day in buying that there's a lot of excitement when parties are competing. this is not the case right now because essentially the ruling body is competing against its own candidate. typically knowing here the government can do that. they're both from the same party . one is running as an independent candidate. i've the ego brand and the other is from the pro governing party. i will, i'm a leg and there's been some disturbing information coming one preston was active. 3 in district of um, once it gone to a pro government subordinate actually and there was some gun 5 doing chit are gone . uh, the 2nd largest city police 20 calling center came under our send that back in the
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late night. and those following centers are still active at cutting, so they like to come. he's now who we ran into in the morning and he said that the pulling will continue these types to hardly to say, but it's peaceful i or they agree with that. there's lot of security present. the city is quite but very somber. no excitement in the capital to the police today as they say, that's building a quite a bit of violence in the lead up to this election. how do you think the opposition boycotts has affect the vote? how does i'm in the main opposition party buying with their from nationally it's parties was about 3 times the rent, the government, the prime minister color the was traditionally ill in the hospital. essentially, how is there as people have sent for the for and how does a huge number of support for that party and it play 16 all their opposition. smaller party is also by crowded and very few smaller parties are taking part in
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the election. so it is affecting that, and prior to the election, there's been a lot of violence. more than 25000 opposition members were arrested at least 5 opposition. members were enough that died in the prison. many went missing some out of hiding some of the mid level later. so this f j a that reign of terror before the election. and the kid in mind was, i can't take an administration which of course, the government rejected that by a large most people you've talked to from a very walks of life. that it should have been their parties to prepare the election. there's no point in having this election, it's the trajectory we know what really happened is very predictable. the ruling party will win because they themselves essentially are again running against their own candidate. it's how the child's ready that for us in the academy, we're not gonna thank you you as kind of a, you know, he said that line says it is grounding all of his. boeing 737, max. knowing this may have comes often to alaska airlines flights was forced to
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make an emergency landing up to a piece of the cabins fuselage blew out in mid at. within a 170 boeing, passenger planes have been grounded around the world. the bulk has been to the frantic distress cools and the pilots of alaska airlines flight 1282 to a traffic control a large hole in the side of the craft, causing a dramatic dropping cabin pressure, exposing terrified passengers to the outside world. at 16000 feet, maybe 5000 meters, it could have been much, much worse. the seat next to the tool and fuselage was empty. deposit landing will a $171.00 passengers and 6 crew. safely back in portland, oregon. in response to alaska airlines that was temporarily grounding its
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fleet of 65, boeing max 9 across a plane often used on us domestic flights, b o. d. a once again shining a spotlights on the boeing 737, max for a catalogue. a severe failure as it's quite unprecedented and it should not be done play that's for sure. because in modern co actuated nation, we do not see sections across the body of fuselage coming, separated from the rest of the across and certainly not mid flight. and this is an incredibly significant cause for concern because this, that crop is just a few months old us our space john boeing is still reeling from the ne, a 2 year world wide grounding of o max age and max 9 planes up to 2 crashes and indonesia and e c o p, a code 346 people. the following made several changes to the aircraft and the planes were allowed to return to service. but since then, max deliveries have been interrupted at times to fix manufacturing floors,
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including concerns about loops, bolts. investigators are now facing serious questions, how plain that it only rolled off the assembly line a few months ago could end up like this. with a similar head across use daily, around the world. oh, so risk the fall. okay. which is 0. the us national transportation safety board as leading the investigation into what it cool was in the accident agency chat has described what it would have been like when the section of the plane blew out. it was a very chaotic scene, very chaotic, very loud, which you can't really hear on the video, but it is very loud. there on 26, a and 25 a. the headdress are gone. on $26.00, a part of the seats. uh, the back of the seat is gone. the still ahead on the out is 0. the changing
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for change of israel's tech industry. we'll look at how the one goes that is affecting one of the economies. mason pulls infected, the hello. here's how it's happening up across here. i've had africa on sundays, still that arctic coal digging in across scandinavia, disturbed weather around the alpine region and the disturbance in the central mediterranean. let's dive into all those details right here, right now. first the cold. so we cannot sunday morning dark, the blue and the purple, the lower the temperature, helsinki minus 26. now by afternoon let's go minus 10, so it's still cold enough. but hang on, there is some points come in a bit of weather whiplash here because their temperature is now on the plus side of things by tuesday at 2 degrees. it will be warm enough to see some wet weather.
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let's go back to the here and now dealing with what weather is through italy through the bulk ins as well. but look at the temperature in warsaw, poland, minus 6. so that cold air will start to dig in across central europe in the balkans . so a big change in temperature is coming here over the next 24 to 36 hours. really went through greece and turkey, especially that western side of the turkey through the south as well. and for the other side of the mediterranean, we're talking about when not too far away from barcelona. looking at gus here of a 100 kilometers per hour. and it is also windy through the mediterranean coast of africa, around elders, and to easy, for example. and in the south, there had been some flooding in johannesburg and it looks like there could be more rain here on sunday bye for now. on the, if we cannot agree on how to coordinate space traffic management, we risk those to safety and the sustainability of space and worryingly, the breach of peace and security. in outer space,
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people empowered investigates the proliferation of commercial satellites. and the far reaching influence of those who funded it's at a tipping point. and we have a small window of opportunity to curtail catastrophic event fighting for space on a jersey to the news
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the looking back and watching out, is there a reminder about top stories? this hour and is there any drones striking your people? it was fine city of janine has killed 6 honest indians. of course have been consultations between is where the forces and how a sting in slices is running. ministry is carried out most strikes across guns as the conflict dentist. it's for 2 months. these 10 palestinians were killed in on eunice us next year. stay on the blinking is not jordan's for minister. i know society in amman says for faces visit to the region since the war and gauze, and again in october, the talks aimed at preventing the conflicts from whitening feather authorities. oh ok. so hospital in central gone. so same medical workers from doctors without borders will be leaving. they say it's because the bombing and facing is guessing
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was and conduct our reports from the hospital, which has been one of the few functioning medical facilities in the area where attention in a saw hospital in the mid in the area of bella. and since the mornings, the ambulances does not top 3 bodies, different areas of cost in the area where yesterday was the art and they're not showing in the middle. that's welcome in the hospital and the show you how these injured patients are living their crowd. this, they have no space, they have no bed. people are change the names down on the floor where every patient has 0. people are, are not only being taken in this hospital as a refuge, but it's also
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a place where people are receiving treatment as that. is there any vision? most of the doctors in the hospital if that's the way to hearing the same scenario that happens in the super hospital. this is the scene right now we're, as you see is very crowded. a lot of injuries in the hospital since the morning. we see children, we for women, we see men, and it's, it's, it's, it's, it's more than the capacity of the hospital where i left the hospital. it's one of the only hospital in facilitating in the central area. most of the doctors are right on the head with all of these injuries. it's i smoke blood
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everywhere. i hear the echoes of people being hurt today. palestinians in the middle area are, is back to a and we see people taking their times from the surroundings of the hospital, galway, everyone is even just have to defy because they are hearing that. that is, there any forces are going to a surround and are going to invade up to hospital just like these is with new hospitals. at least 2 hospitals. in the north, we're talking about the hospital and the indonesian hospital and everyone is scarce, as everyone fears a ground invasion and for 93 days, people are still trapped under the rubber people are killed and more people are being homeless. this is in the for the, for the hospital. that is israel's will and cause
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a has created a humanitarian catastrophe. you and agencies a warning that hoff of gauze was 2300000 population is at risk. a celebration, a survey by eunice found that about 90 percent of children on the 2 years old guessing only milk in basic food like bread. the scratch assignment is increasing. hundreds of thousands could be severely malnourished. many are likely to die as a result. a cases of diarrhea and children on the 5 years old i said to be increasing at an alarming race around $3200.00 new cases. every day i'm is growing concerned about the health of expectant and breast feeding women. tanya hatch. hassan is a pediatrician with doctors without borders. she says was kidding. well, then a 100 children every day and that many more will suffer from lifelong disability
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and health issues. the death toll had been over 8000 when we were last able to get a, an accurate test tool spend several weeks now. so the figure is likely to be closer to $10000.00 at this point. you know, at the same time period. so about 3 months into the ukraine war the u. n. had stated at the time, but the lives of children have been devastated at scale. that is, has not been seen since world war 2. at the time on average 2 children were being killed per day. but the average number of children being killed to per day in gaza right now is well over a 100. and like i said, over 8000 likely close 210000 children have been killed so far. that excludes the thousands who have been disabled over 10000, according to the u. n. likely at with the extremity amputation. so upper and lower lim, amputation. so children maint, debilitated for life over 20000 children orphaned. and then you know,
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85 percent of the girls and population is currently displaced. many families having been displaced multiple times. so 100 percent of children have no access to our level heating in the winter. there is no access to food sick. like there's no, there's food insecurity, limited access to clean water and obviously high risk of disease. a 100 percent of children in gaza have no access to school. and we know that at least half of the education facilities, according to offices coordination for military affairs have been destroyed so far. so old children not being educated at the moment, doctors and gaza at warning the materials needed for repairing fractures has run out because of the high number of people getting injured fine. as well as a tax medic say, some patients are forced to wait for a long time and that increases the risk of infections and amputation either to be made up of
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a large number of things that people in the hospital including people with severe injuries, mostly fetch a low end up in sims fretted spines, infected skulls, while f a c for us as an extra much as hospital. we've run out of metal rods, as well as extend an internal physician device or what that can be, your feedback. and with this child behind has been waiting for approximately 6 days . this label filled out the whole face. my legs were fractured and everything hurts. i'm waiting to have surgery on my legs because they have broken the we treat 40 patients per day on average and we use the large quantities of surgical materials, particularly in the orthopedic department. unfortunately, we have run out of metal rods, which forced us to go back to using external fixation devices that are over 30 years old. but i'm, this has in my ultimate wish is to work again. that's it. sound like us of the i
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was just for last quote and does a 2 neighborhood doing. it was his truck come on, a drawn fired silver, the mist sides of the hospital and i said in my left leg was amputated and my right leg was broken. so now i'm waiting for the doctors to insert the method rhodes in it and perform reconstructive surgery. however, mental implants are not available. and so i'm waiting for my turn, just like everyone else here is that some of the, if these shortages continue. and if the lack of supports for hospitalization, because it continues but the we would unfortunately be forced to amputate all the effects of limbs for which no physician devices available or has been another launch purchased in tel aviv against the government's handling of the war on gaza. demonstrations have been cooling on officials to bring home the remaining captives held by ham, us on 78 as raney's, and people holding dual nationality release during
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a brief cease by the ended on december the fast. so congress has moved from tel aviv. it's a little over 3 months since the fibers 7 attack and the yes and now the stocks today with tens of thousands of his rainy fish sweat. ronnie, in supports of the families of those still held captive in the morning, full of them to be returned as soon as possible. this rodney price has been defined estimates of 20000 is raining really quick. today's search early elections. this is not being seen within the government as well as a few days ago when you're in the cabinet meetings. it's been data in between the ministers, the ministry chief as all of the, just
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a heads up 063 is visit some of the organizing that protests for the ones that had been organizing the anti government process. before the war started, they said that they had to help back from holding those prices. but now they say they say this country, this send in for tiles and worries. the king had a prime minister benjamin netanyahu all staples to put the differences aside as a focus on the in god it's christmas. the millions of orthodox christians around the world on festivity as of the new system. that's what him and the okay. part of westbank needs to be the best place and jesus christ. and his christmas message, the patriarch of jerusalem, palestine and jordan, express pain and sorrow, a box and gauze that fear fellow said edge,
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the international community into the orthodox christmas celebrations, all was sent. being held in ukraine's capital, that's despite the government officially moving the holidays in december, the 25th and a power of stomach to russia. escape joseph bank, who joins us now from cave us. and what are we expecting today in terms of the set of prices? well, many people have come to the churches here in the capital and across the country on this very cold morning. in fact, to celebrate christmas despite the presence then steve saying that the country officially recognizes it on the 25th of december. and not so many people here that we've spoken to a true that this is a matter of tradition. this is a matter of following the cutting to the followed for many, many years and nothing to do with must or, and infinity to russia and when present. so let's the, and that was such as the that move about this country officially. recognizing
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christmas on the 25th of december, it was a, it was as soon as the snuff too must go. but also to show you appear in our wisdom powers that ukraine is very much you appear in our west. and this is part of the war efforts not only to maintain weapons and support from us than powers, but also to show the world and just kind of tell the world that this is a flight, not just between ukraine and russia. this is a flight between western powers and russia, and ukraine is very much on the side of west of puppets, but to people that we've spoken to here. this isn't about politics. decisions about the state officially recognize in christmas under different dates. this is a back tradition, and even the one woman who spoke to yesterday, she said, but this is like the state imposing them to try and change the date. but for people here, this still send the breaking christmas on the 7th of january. and it does show that the us still divides across the country despite the presence, then skip frontier, unite the country into one christmas. that hasn't actually happened. i said, beg of that 1st in case still a head on out there. hello. where is the nearest bathroom?
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from here, we test out a new service to help out for and visitors visiting south korea the to businesses. a short, pensive premium is legal, but heavily restricted. most of them are sold to the black. they can go for more than $500.00 us dollars a pound in hong kong sharks and is an incredibly lucrative commodity. i'm going to price per kilogram is equivalent to several different electronics and it's almost like the tell me what does that mean though? you know that this francis aquatic ok, so we'll see everybody is oh, that'd be could hear from them. and that is basically the means that he goes to the indiana case. a king view only to accept the politics you want to give you a little late. but i didn't mean that in that kind of simple life and it will cost
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the we have to. but i most i said the say evelyn inspected fishing nets and the catch the boat for bringing up some fish. and we're not too happy with their presence. and we will need that by no means that i send the the, well, the feed program says it's being forced to cut a into $1400000.00 people in charge, including supplies given to refugees, fame volumes in to dawn. because blaming a shortage of money, which is also affecting it, so prices elsewhere in africa. i haven't addressed reports from child support at
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what's to john, a lifeline facilities refugees. in chad as a shipment to for data, rice from cameras inside the center, the white house of the workforce program for more items, for the 1200000 refugees. but 8 agencies are warning designs on looking good for those who flip the fighting in. so that at this point in time, we don't have enough funding to continue to respond that the scale then we are i know way of the looming crisis i double has in past they've been in meaningful ha family. so mind and uh huh. yeah, we have nothing to eat, but i boil cornflower so the children don't sleep on an empty stomach. we don't have flavor, rice or sugar. it's just corn flower mixed with hot water. like 200000 other refugees, the families you have to move to prominent cabs and cannot access much of the 8 as
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a funding dwindles of fishes, one time is running out for hundreds of thousands. if we don't do it now, it might be to it, it, it may be too late to come in. because if we do it later, it means that the social fabric studies that we will, we will not be into existence anymore. chad, you know, thought you side left of the difficult task of sharing with sources with that if you jeez, no component for fet, uh, based on, so the diesel, we have decided to expand the cam sticking model if you would use just like both hosting the 1st we have a few ds in 2003. but right now we are overvalued by the number still coming into tax, which is huge. 8 ages say every day, 200 to 300 refugees arrived in the boat down of a great. through this crossing point, the united nations says it requires 1200000000 dollars this year, to help soothing these refugees in eastern charge. this is $300000000.00 more than
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what was required last year when the office of the coordinator for human, detailed and appears, was able to raise less than half of what was required. that i wanted to see the new global flesh. once i diverting attention from the plight of so dense refugees, this means that ida and her family will continue to struggle to survive how many degrees i use either on the job. so the on board the well fee program says millions of people in other parts of africa won't get food a either the central african republic as one of the countries affected when nearly 3000000 people need help. with an 8000000 people in nigeria will also have the aid counts in limits of called space and violence. in the northeast and $4400000.00 will be effected in kinda regular way. more than half of the population is living in poverty. very justly, alpha is a spokes person for the human wells feed program. she says that cops will fools
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millions of families to make the choices. the fact is that we have to reduce our systems. for instance, in some of our country, we will only be able to support those well, in the most higher rates of hang good. why many of those needs? i was stupid. so there's different ways. i mean, these will have adults, some of them we move, they will see some of the way we use the quantity of different the, the thing, some of those uh, windows is from one or 2 days. so uh, for instance, in atkins the 26th, we have to reduce our assistance by $26.00 pull sense in against the only uh in i see a 24 percent less than what we were doing, but we also infected in so yeah, so monday i showed that we had the example booked enough for us to and we really
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need to step in and to ensure that everyone had the funding needs to ensure that they can stay and push button. the country un words with program is getting really challenging environments. we have them do a 323000000 people are getting actually tango. it is a to a $100000000.00. both the people the next live of. yet even if we have so many people to think accurate and get our human it done and send things, improve what we need is at the treat them they make labeled the governments, but also i will. but now reducing us to pulse why we need to step in, in more areas wide, our ocean that coast uh, becoming higher and higher. for 6, you went to reason in most of our ocean on youtube station, we have to adapt. for instance, we have
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a lift which is much more costly than doing it in other ways. so today we have almost half of our patients facing emissions. yes. but also rejection assistance. a full within $300.00 flood warnings have been issued across the united kingdom of the heavy rain from storm hank, cause widespread damage roads in the english village, a full bra and west sussex, flooded off to the river. a route best. it's bank on saturday. south korea's capital is testing a new service and one of it's busy is some way stations with foreign taurus. it can interpret several different languages in near real time using a lot of technology out there. as you just came when to try it out. when the subway station here and saw where a new, a guy in naples service window has been installed, it's able to facilitate simple exchanges in 12 different languages,
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excluding korean. let's go check it out. hello, where is the nearest bathroom? from here? the system translates the speech to text in near time on the screen. i don't. if you look to the right you'll find the bathrooms. the station master provides an answer in korean, which is translated into the inquiries language. the station was selected as a test bed, as it's most frequented by foreign passengers. of all metro station says check it. what do you, what is always the one when i, when approached by a phone visitor in the past, i'd become frozen with fear because i don't know how to speak their language. now i have confidence that i can provide friendly and accurate information. thanks to this new system, i'm very pleased with that. we're still at all the a as the so will undergo 4 months of testing before being rolled out. more subway stops across sol, possibly on smartphones as well. meanwhile, south tree is electronics giant's home from says it will roll out. it's in the
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series of galaxy, smartphones with a built in a translation service. and yet another example of how artificial intelligence is being folded into our daily lives unit skim all to 0. so is the, is there any tech industry as seen a shop full in investments and $29000000000.20 to just 7300000000 last year for such as blame the decline of a combination of rising interest rates on think of them in protest, of course, the on going well on gone, so no account has moved from west to respond from innovative style tips to cyber drones and spyware. tech companies have been the driving force behind it throughout the economy for more than a decade. boat, much of it depends on international financing, is where the economist alex come and says when money flowed like volta 2 years ago, it's now drying up. actually, i think sector are people who were,
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who got experience in the military, particularly in cyber. but also if you think about drones, miss so, so what happened is, it's now that there were started, the significant amount of developers were pulled back into the military. so, so that had some impact. and especially now that the high tech is recovering globally. i hope the thing that happened here starts hope. nation policy institute shows tech investments have been phoning since it peaked in 2021. tech companies make up the largest economic output in israel in 2022 is accounted for round 18 percent of g d p. on the route hall of old exports, but it relies heavily on forward investors who are increasingly spending less in 2022 investments and text also published by almost 50 percent. and in the 3 months
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since the war and gaza, it again plunged by almost 50 percent compacts the same periods, the year before. a 2023 ministry of innovation report says many factors contributed to the slow down, as well as the economy took a hit during the code and 19 pandemic. global supply chains of slowed since of war . and ukraine began leading to a loss of capital in israel. and last year, hundreds of thousands of his varieties protested for many months against that governments palm to strip power from the supreme court. laws come from the tech sector also took to the streets, but selma, holding from intel is building a $25000000000.00 chip factory in the south. a tech companies law just as an investment in israel. but with warnings of an escalation between israel and his bullet and lebanon, and the war on garza looking set to continue well in to 2024. it's creating shaky
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ground to protect investors who rely on stability north on l. just sarah west through some. okay, that's it for me, money inside for this news, i'll be back in a moment with all of today's news, please stay with us. the in the grade christmas is quite literally coming early this year. its decision to move away from both adults calendar to one of their lines with much of the rest of the world ment, christmas day itself being brought forward to december the 25th. for the 1st time, the children had been lining up to meet nicholas in person. the original santa claus says the most common christmas wishy his is for peace. christmas shows the combined festive themes with a big serving of traditional ukrainian culture. offer an escape, if only briefly,
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from the realities of 2 years of full scale will, as with last year, that will be no large scale events or fast jamal christmas because of the war most ukrainian, it'll be celebrating the holiday on a different day to most questions it's beginning to look a lot like a western style christmas and unsettled tact upfront takes on the big issue. that is a context to what is happening now. it to the question of 5 unflinching questions. rigorous, the bank that he added to 2 days that another thing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission. nothing leads scottsdale with offers roles permission to allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. without 0 works out of their existence, it slowly shift as a principle present. as
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a correspondence with any breaking the story or to hear from those people who was normally not get that forces on the international news channels. one moment i'll be very proud all was when we covered the fullness quake of 2015 at the terrible natural disaster. and a story that needed to be told from the hall of the affected area to be then to tell the people story. it was very important at the time. the 6 palestinians from the same family have been killed during and is ready to run strongly. can janine and the old coupon westbank the on monday inside. this is old. is there a night from day? oh, so coming up, strikes keep coming on gaza at least 40 palestinians have been killed. and is there
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any shelling since saturday evening? well i see it is all in a honda this is what the occupation is done.


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