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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 7, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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costs of the affected area to be then to tell the people story. it was very important at the time. the 6 palestinians from the same family have been killed during and is ready to run strongly can janine and the old coupon westbank the on monday inside. this is old. is there a night from day? oh, so coming up, strikes keep coming on gaza at least 40 palestinians have been killed and is there any shining since saturday evening when i see it is all in a honda? this is what the occupation has done to us. it is destroyed, our dreams and all future made us homeless. we hear from children. these types of confusion have been devastated by the war on gaza. facing is on the way and find
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the best, but turn out is low and the opposition fully causing the election. we begin in the occupied westbank. when is riley dryden strongly kissed, kill 6 palestinians in janine, especially as seen battles between is there any forces in palestinian sizes? you know me rated parts of janine. i'm surrounded, it's a refugee camp. i have been any daily raids in the west bank since the beginning of the world. all 6 palestinians killed in janine were from the same family. 4 of them were brothers. the
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speak now it's about it's smith, serious in bethlehem, in the occupied westbank bennett. what move can you tell us about these latest strikes? so 1000006 palestinians from the same family. 4 of them brothers killed in jeanine and a female is riley soldier, also killed 19 year old woman. now what we understand, we think happened from various sources is these riley's when taken on a raid in it on the vehicle and some sort of roadside bomb exploded of all of my vehicle around my vehicle, killing these riley soldier. i'm wounding 3 of us. these varieties called in a helicopter to rescue the wounded. and at the same time, a drove strike was cold in the killed those 6 palestinians. now locals tellos that they will not fight, says with a pipe bomb was thrown from that direction towards the is riley soldiers. in fact,
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those 6 man, all the 6 members of that family was standing seems we're standing round the fire to keep warm up because it's cold around here at the moment at night. and that's, that's where they were when that strike what's called a. now janine, people living that will tell you it's been on the under state of constancy. really? since october the 7th, there are almost daily's ready raids into jeanine. it's seen as a center of palestinian resistance against israel is occupation has been like that really for decades is ratings call. what that doing, that counter terrorism operation. and also in do you need the codes brigade, which is going to fight in groups that they and they acknowledge that that force is that fights is, were involved in confrontations with these riley's, but as i say, this is a really, a daily occur rates daily across the occupied westbank, but janine really the focus of the rates because of is the center resistance against israel's occupation. at smith's the 1st and best time. thank you. meanwhile
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these 4 c, u palestinians have been killed in is riley attacks across gauze us since saturday evening. the casualties include children in the cities of hon. eunice in their own bella, injured house, and rush to fanny functioning. hospitals. the ministry has why didn't operations with ariel on ground, the tax across central and southern gaza. i'm the venmo is really, even though it strikes on gaza, 10 people were killed almost a israel bomb the house in hon. eunice. let's go to honey. my name, who is not for us in rough button, southern gaza strikes coming in in the south, big in foss. what more can you tell us? the use nearly the, the bombing hasn't stopped since the last night. then all the way to early hours of this morning, it's just within the past 45 minutes we've. we have confirmed reports of and
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a half on a residential home. that's a lot. i see a area that said the western side of high noon is city. a border line area with all of my last the area of near the people have taken as a refuge since the beginning of the whereas they were told it's a safe area by these really monitor. but the fact that this is happening in more than just one time was seen in the past 2 days. our residential on the are here was turned off. i close to where people and resided and, and, and built and set up their tens seeking refuge of from the horror of this, where it's happening one more time. there are 3 people reported skilled in that particular area, and it just, they've important to point out that the last, the area is the nearest stretches of from west renovated. but how long the coast, a line, older wait, drop off city at the gaza egyptian border and air has been described, largely save. but unfortunately, we've seen these repeated attacks on,
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on the display, palestinian, just the chatter as writers, any sense of safety and security and protection for them. but the attacks continued in con, units in different parts, including the eastern side of pine units and the southern part, then the central part of on unit scenario that is very close to nasir hospitals as the, the only remaining functioning health facility in that, in that area. including the jordanian host, a field hospital within the same vicinity. but the fact that these 2 facilities have been very and the attack being very close to these 2 facilities just making it very risky and dangerous. and not only for, for presidents, but also those who are trying to, if back the width and the medical team, his staff will operate under these unusually difficult circumstances. but we're talking about, at least at 17 people in hon. units were killed overnight and they are loud this morning. gust, paramedics and civil defense because we're able to get to the targeted area and
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pulled people from the areas are many people to rebuild the from under drop. those including women and children who are reported to the hospital hospital, including the civil critically injured people in central area, which is the devastation. and it's at its height right now. we're particularly after a statement made by and is really military official who describes the center of the area, is that crowded refugee cans full of terrorist and a lot of people see this, the sentiment in preparation for more masculine, getting more more crimes to be committed in the central area, right, the has what was took its chair of the bombings all of the central and the southern part of the i'm the western side where many people are, i have happened to be displaced in these areas. and honey, what to make of these claims by the is there any army that how much is command center in the north of goza has been completely destroyed. it
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is, well, this is one of the many allegations that goes uh, goes on. it's challenged. uh, and particularly at this, at this time when, whenever the, these really a military is, is about to commit something of an atrocity or expand an operation to come up with some of these, a allegations that to support its position. and it's a, it's a strategy throughout this war would see in this, in the past a lot, when there was a navigation about a ship, a hospital that is use at the command center without offering any substantial evidence whatsoever. no concrete evidence were offered to support the claim, other than the fact that the health facility, the largest in the gospel, was completely destroyed and pushed out of out of service. we seeing this also one more time when there were talks about the destruction of many of the uh,
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how much controls tunnels into another part then and gaza city. but within hours or days of that statement, there was being a barrage of rockets are being, are being fired every time. there is a navigation, unfortunately it goes on. his challenge is really military doesn't offer any substantial evidence whatsoever. so far. the statement talks about some me, 8000 miles, the operative for a associates have been eliminated yet. is that concrete evidence in the statement just doesn't, doesn't indicate that the statement is incredible and can rely on. and that's why the vast majority of people in gaza. the actually care less about this statement, but the care much about the level of destruction that is cost of their life and their residential homes that we're talking about an entire northern part of gaza being destroyed completely. and we're looking into years, the head of, of, of our time to, for through the, the rebuild for schools to get back for colleges and universities for of industrial
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zones do operate again. but it's the talk about a state man while at the same time seeing it being a challenge by actions on the ground. just it's another claim that lacks a substantial evidence by these really military. okay, thank you for that honey. my made the 1st in rasa in southern gauze. as he had that from honey israel has been continuing to strike residential areas of garza. how much val reports now the impact was having on children displaced almost teen into the roof. i try to do what children do a times of peace. what's nothing isn't over here is really bump ultimate is that they do the all the to the winter is extreme. and the place is a school not a suitable accommodation at the fair, within the school has turned into a shelter instead of a place for both both my school in my home and be tending very much towards that's,
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that's why i'm here in the, i'm the we are talking about a block they make, you know, but do you to do? well, there is no school since october 7. up until now we can't predict what's going to happen. yeah, me, there is about 44 schools in roughly do 29 facilitators and to 6 up the signing of shelters present to the students. remember the old days before the war and the sad moment since you have little. * of course i did follow a valid english the head before the was, i was a hardworking student. my teachers appreciated me a lot. now instead of books, i'm keeping my clothes inside my school bag. and i'm living in a school to come to then will school children's rights. i'm demanding only one, which is to be able to complete my education. the we were supposed to be in a school only for loading, noticed displaced people. but this is what the occupation has done to us is destroyed our dreams and our future and made us homeless. south carolina, nevada,
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is really bump up to go. so has 10000 children. so according to the policy and helps me to split the impact on those to the life. 7 is dramatic and hasn't how the, but obviously this barbaric war has deeply affected children. they're suffering from constant anxiety of sleep disorders, extreme fear, constant crying total absence of any feeling of safety. and that they have clear signs of psychological trauma causing some of them to refuse to eat. in addition to the physical wounds and diseases that are spreading. busy is how the guy that lot of i feel i'm just angry at school. we used to enjoy learning and discussing with colleagues. now i'm sitting in a school doing nothing. just looking at the wall with every child speaking to the media says all they want is peace. and to be able to go back to school, i'm not clear how long they'll have to wait. how much the 5 of
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us actually have say, anthony blinking is in jordan as part of his latest mit lease tool. blinking is meant jordanian for in minnesota. i'm on society. he's due to visit cats in the coming hours. so it's 5th visit to the region since the will on goals and began back in october. he says a toolbox aimed at preventing the conflicts from whitening 5 at the spec. now to the saw, he is a direct foreign policy and security program at the middle east council on global fast. thank you for joining us. just to go through some of the latest developments about we have these comments from the is there any army spokesman daniel agari late last night that they have completely dismantled? how must has come on structure in the north? how much has denied this? and i guess it will be evident in the next few days, whether it is indeed true. but regardless,
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israel under huge pressure to show that something has been achieved in the last 3 months. that's correct. there's lots of, uh, international pressure on uh, on israel and lots of pressure from the us as you've seen for the upcoming visit of the secretary linking and domestically, they have to really show something to the domestic constituency that something has been achieved. really don't know yet then, but what we do know there's actually differences within these really cabinets and what the steps come next. because some of them to come with actually don't want people to come back to northern because they want to push out the, the kind of feelings and displace them in the long term. one summer spent arguing for what happens and a potential plans to day after i'm talking about the day off to those disagree disagreements as well between what the united states wants and what these really wants. especially when it comes to the palestinian authority. that's correct. so from a us perspective, if they want the past sticking authority to play a bigger role, connecting it as a and the west bank, but from an administrative perspective, they actually want to divide because,
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and there's no agreement on what comes on the day after. and that's why a secretary blinking is coming to the region to put some pressure on the areas to 1st of all and allow for the humanitarian access. secondly, to change the nature of the conflict to move towards more targeted incursions. and that's what this, this indiscriminate bombing and finding to, to think about what happens a day after. and there are disagreements on or for the 5. but it does seem to be quite a reluctance to talk about the day off to a given with still in the middle of an ongoing more. but do you think it's important to have that discussion? not just by the american, somebody as riley is, but also the regional players because what happens when the war does and, and there is this vacuum. well yeah, we really need to focus for support on the humanitarian picture and, and providing relief to this as an order of the cost is about to date. and the question on the after is very important and this seems to be no agreement on
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between the different the players. of course, from a different perspective, georgine perspective, they don't want to have refugees coming into the territory so they don't want to dismantle the spinning questions for me. is there any prospective we don't want people in the, in the, as us all the different phases of different interest that remains to be seen? what will happen eventually? what is, what is your feeling about what is happening in the occupied westbank at the vitamins that clearly has escalated since october 7th, over 5000 people arrested over 300 people killed. what is israel's of intentions that when this is very and surprising, because this is or part and parcel for the collective punishment of the palestinian people when doors stated in the occasional time, ask them because that's because that's, that's actually what we've seen is lots of big incursions in the west bank and increased volume. it's against the palestinians. that's 5 is really a 14, but also by the secular movement. a jeanine is known to be a hot bed of a,
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a student activism. and i think these ratings are sending a message before blinking has the meetings that they can act with infinity both and it has and also in the west back. okay, thank you for your analysis of the of the guy, director of the foreign policy and security program at the mid least council and global the fast. thank you. so i had on our 0 the boeing and not knowing passenger planes and ground it often paused a fuselage blows out mid air. hello, where is the nearest bathroom? from here we test out some new service to help the ford taurus visiting south bridge. the, the hello at last, we are into a spiral of dry weather across northwest in pots. if you know more heavy rain mornings and flows across and using the wiles,
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but we do still have around $200.00 flat buildings in full, soft as the persistent and heavy right that we have seen recently more case of cold app for us, the conditions basically cold across that northwestern part of here, ice and folk. and for us certainly an issue over the next few days of study. stakeholder co scandinavia. the main whether action, as you can see, as part of the south of the nasty area of low pressure swelling away in the mediterranean, centralize of the mediterranean space, strong winds coming out to the southern front sense of the west and met. right across if lake pushing across the wall, spoken some heavy rain through head, you can see some snow with the weather, mix of rice statements, and i pushing up towards the black sea and beyond the leading edge. of course we do have the, the moisture pushing into that cold as a fabulous snow. the, a customized pulse pushing across to was that eastern side or if you have further north, it does stay dry. as you can see, cold 3 celsius, the top temperature in london, cold enough for me trip. i'd hardly 6 degrees for northern parts of africa,
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but we'll see some of that with a clipping pots of our area pushing across a good part of tennessee. the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is the context to what is happening now. it to the question of 5 unflinching questions. rigorous. the bank that he added to 2 days the another i couldn't think is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into a golf, and without a soft permission, nothing leaves casa without the girl's permission. allow me to push back for a moment, demanding of ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without 0. the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the welcome back. you watching out, is there a minus on top stories this hour? and it's really drones try giving you a coupon. westbank city of janine has killed 6 members of the same family. have also been confrontations between is there any forces in palestinian fighters at least 4 st. palestinians have been killed in is really a types of close concepts and start savings, the casualties and k children in the cities. and eunice and they are paula. entered, have been rushed to body functioning hospitals. us extra stance means lincoln has met with jordan's for administer. i'm on society in a non, it's his 5th visit to the region since one goes and began in october. the talks aimed at preventing the conflicts from whitening feather facing is on the way. in
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fact, additions general elections, which are being bully costa, and find the main office ation policy. the value, the dash and nationalist party has questioned the fairness of the process, saying that the polls one sided problem in this, the shaken scene, is running for a full consecutive time t cost. how about us when the capital deca and it's called the main opens ition policy, a terrorist organization have to go, could you really do that to home, to home. if there is party that there is no, i have my i phones ability to people to the people. what are the people accepted or not? or that they have accepted this is that's what i left. that is important. let's bring it into 100 child raise. been following the elections from the capital dock. uh and what is the mood in the city on the election day today as
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well. martin shows that day on the paper. didn't show up that many. you know, you can see a polling center right behind me and the center of the city is very low. turn out some sense of probably local media, i think between 10 to 15 person at the most of and there's lack of enthusiasm. the mode is very strong, back. people are not excited. they feel like it's a very predictable election. what's the point of going to the poll when the main opposition party is not front this thing nor its allies at least? 16 other opposition parties are not contesting in this election. one of the opposition party in the parliament, which actually an ally of the governing parties, was from testing by majority of their contests and decided to drop out in the last minute. so it's very much a one party show. essentially one candidate is running as an independent but belongs to that would really governing party allow me leg and other candid is running on the boat ticket, which is the governing party and the independence running into ego. so it's that
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same party running each other, you know, so either way it's a win situation, but what's most critical is that such a low turn out. i mean, even the electric chief election commissioner said that most of the following sunday one is the blow time out in the morning and he said, we didn't see pulling again from other candidate except for the ruling party. can do that in one center we, when there were people from the federal government, people are trying to persuade people to come in there by allowing them to give it free. rick. sure. right. to come to that center, many people wanted to talk to pass off the record, been critically about this, but they didn't want it to go on camera. so this kind of shows the whole situation here, and it's based pulling the capital city. but there's been skeptic, violence in chet are going there has been 2 people injured in due to gunshots and all kinds of cap though. at least trade paper where injured even even a child in a could bomb attack. and one person died to that program and member
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was hacked to that. so it's got volumes across the country at low turn out. that's basically what is this selection about, but there is no excitement, most people thing is just a very predictable thing. what's the point going to the pulling center? it's going to be this rolling government again for, for comes a good time, 5 minutes to check us and that is going to be the primary stuff. ready? predictable. okay, well, thank you for that ton bad child. read that for us in the capital stock. the u. s. carrier, you know, i said alice, ellen says it's grounding all if it's boeing, 737. max nines to move comes off to alaska airlines flight was forced to make an emergency landing of the peace of the cabins. fuselage blew out in mid air. within a 117. boeing passenger plays being grounded around the world. the bulk of reports . c
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the forensic distress calls from the pilots of alaska airlines flight 1282 to a traffic control, a large hole in the side of the craft, causing a dramatic dropping cabin pressure, exposing terrified passengers to the outside world. at 16000 feet, maybe 5000 meters. it could be much, much worse. the seat next to the tool and fuselage was empty. deposit landing will, a $171.00 passengers and 6 crew. safely back in portland, oregon. in response to alaska airlines that was temporarily grounding its fleet of 65. boeing mex 9 and across a plain often used on u. s. domestic flights, b o. d. a once again, shining a spotlights on the boeing 737, max for a catalogue, a severe failure as it's quite unprecedented. and it should not be downright, that's for sure. because in modern co actuated nation,
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we do not see sections across body or fuselage coming separated from the rest of the cross. i'm certainly not mid flight and this is an incredibly significant cause for concern because this, that crop is just a few months old. us our space john boeing is still reeling from the ne, a 2 year worldwide grounding of old max age and max 9 planes, up to 2 crashes in indonesia. an ethiopian code, 346 people. the following made several changes to the aircraft and the planes were allowed to return to service. but since then, max deliveries have been interrupted at times to fix manufacturing floors, including concerns about loops, bolts. investigators are now facing serious questions, how plain the lonely road of the assembly line a few months ago could end up like this, with a similar head across use daily around the world. oh,
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so risk the fall. okay. i'll just do the us national transportation safety board is needing the investigation into what caused the accident agencies child has described what it would have been like when the section of the plane blew out. it was a very chaotic scene, very chaotic, very loud, which you can't really hear on the video, but it is very loud. there on 26, a and 25 a. the headdress are gone. on $26.00, a part of the seats. uh, the back of the seat is gone. my counter has been on the phone out from washington, dc. the payoff does that incident to alaska airlines grounded oil? it's boeing 737 max nines, and gave them a inspection last thing, some 4 to 8 hours. some of these planes are back in service. radar reveals that there are a number of boeing, 737, max nines,
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up in the yet. now the hardest hit us, a line was united, which is grounded, all explains immediately even before the federal aviation, of sorry, 3 decision to instruct a man day to recheck to take place of all these across united has completed the check on a number of explains they to all going back in service, boeing has issued a statement saying it's fully supports the if a decision and it is providing its own engineers to work with the national transportation safety board to investigate the incident on the alaska airlines aircraft. mike, kind of, i'll just sarah washington with adults christmas celebrations, all of them being held in new cranes capital. now, despite the government officially moving the holiday to december, the 25th 1000, the parents now to russia i sent back has moved from keith. many people have come to churches here in the capital and across the country on this very cold morning. in fact, to celebrate christmas,
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despite the presence then steve saying that the country officially recognizes it on the 25th of december. and not so many people here that we've spoken to that this is a matter of tradition. this is a matter of following the cutting to the followed for many, many years and nothing to do with must or, and infinity to russia and when present. so let's see, and that was that, that's the, that moves about this country officially. recognizing christmas on the 25th of december, it was a, it was, as i'm seeing this as an up to must go. but also to show you appear in are less than powers that ukraine is very much you appear in our west, and this is part of the water. so it's not only to maintain weapons and support from us than powers, but also to show the world. and just kind of tell the world that this is a fight, not just between ukraine and russia. this is a flight between western powers and russia. and ukraine is very much on the side of western powers. but to people that we've spoken to here, this isn't about politics. decisions about the state officially recognizing christmas on a different date. this is
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a back tradition. and even the one woman who spoke to yesterday, she said that this is like the state imposing them to try and change the date. but for people here, this still send the breaking christmas on the 7th of january. and it does show that the us still divides across the country despite the presence, then you're trying to unite the country into one christmas that has actually happened. south korea, as capital city is testing a new service in one of its busiest subway stations with ford taurus and can interpreted several different languages in the time using a i. technology in this can, has moved from so what know the subway station here and saw where a new a guy in maple service window has been installed. it's able to facilitate simple exchanges and 12 different languages excluding korean. let's go check it out. hello, where is the nearest bathroom? from here?


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