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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 7, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the loves the whole, rob, and you'll want to me, i'll just that are news on like some day coming up in the next 60 minutes morning in gauze and is really asked why it kills hums of the do the sudden of all just the causes bureau cheeks and speech, and this was the fact that i was also killed in the strike, which directly hit because they were traveling. and now that just 2 of the dozens of victims of israeli attacks on dogs,
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i stood suspect elsewise something palestinians having to during it is very time strike in janine and be occupied west buying the . we'd begin with breaking news. can we also have gone? so it was a sudden of all, i'll just say it or colleague wild dude has been killed in and is really strike hums of the new was also which in nest working without use 027 year old homes us call was targeted. and the con eunice in southern garza, he was heading the to document the devastation from an overnight is really a time on the residential area. i have feature list most of us that i was with homes and was also killed a file of glue like them. i call upon the entire world to put an end to let people solve this killing. that is taking journalist one after the other. i
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hope that the blood of my son himself will be the last blood spilled by journalist and the letter sled to be spilled. here by any one and the guy's trip, i hope that this massacre will come to an end and that the left it will tell you about several members of what i do, its family, including his wife, another son, daughter, and grandson, were killed. and then is really at right now he's continue to report on the is really offensive, despite the personal loss, as well as being accused of deliberately targeting gen last time that families in gaza. 109 have been killed by the military since october. the highest death told of media well, because of any recent conflict of the month, it is all correspond, joins us now from rough. i in southern gaza, new homes are very well, honey. just explained to us what we seem to understand about this particular incidents in which homes i was killed. of
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the yes, well, i've known homes that closely during the past the 3 months and particularly when his mother and sister and, and little brother were killed in and they were struck targeting a residential home that they were sheltering in the central area. and i, i normally close, they have them a very professional, a dedicated person, not only in terms of the job he was doing, but also he was falling in the gap that the, the past, the depth of the not of his mother is the created and selling the void that was a created by here, coughing a and, and trying to be the source of support for the remaining family members, including his little siblings to his brother and little sisters who, whom we, we've seen often time coming to the side and just either leaning to hand more and
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brazen again because of this so much void that created by the death of their, of their mother. and another family members who was the, the one in that focuses on, on and doing his job to a professional level, into the best of his ability as well as the, the person and the source of his strength and support for the remaining family. and particularly his father continued doing his job. describe the uh the uh the, the, the targeting despite the killing and the tragedy thats the dish route in his his, his family. uh, so he was the, the man, uh, pretty much given that at, for, for the remaining part of the family and the care so much about documenting stories related to. busy vulnerable moves across the goes to the children home. and i think it was that was in fueled by a is done in by the scenes of his little brother who was
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killed along with his my there that you wanted to document and should like more lights on the fact that the children are, are targeted and most of the time they're targeted intentionally, as we've seen, a large number of them have been killed or removed if one under the levels are ready to seize. and it just the, the, these daily scenes that are becoming the norm of the daily normal routine for the majority of, of thousands across the gulf, particularly those who have been displaced or been harmed by the ongoing ever strikes. and that's the until this morning get the chat was about what he was hoping of of life was going to bring to him that had the war not started or the had his mother been still alive. there were things that he wasn't planning like every other person in the world, the planning for the life for, for,
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for the family, a occasions for them. the mom is to decrease in on a better moments in life with his mother and his father. honey that so, so just talk about the fact that while we can highlights whiles hot break right now . what's happened to this family i knew reflects what's happened to hundreds of hundreds of thousands of other families across the gauze district. and not just for the last 3 weeks, this is a story that's been going on for several decades. yes indeed. and then a while, and then his family is the representative family of, of the 1000. how experience have been going through this. and it just more, more visible at these particularly unusually difficult times the unpredictable bombs everywhere displays been tongue or thursday of the trauma and the ongoing
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terror, the constant fear of losing your life for the life of a relative or a loved ones and a not a predictable and error strikes that the many times happen across the, the gaza strip. but the fox is suffering, and this misery has been going on for decades. now. when it's, it's not about, it's not, he didn't start at a particular date or a particular time, but it's been piling for years that for example, we're talking about now 3 generations. i've been living this misery, my, my grandfather, for example. and i've always for bringing a personal account too, but he lived through the 1st macbook and now my, my father generation lived through this. they all the negative implications of, of the next step. and now my generations. and i'm, i'm afraid this will be passed on to my kids, the 4th generation. so it's like it's ongoing suffering and ongoing misery. and if
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it is old because of the ongoing occupation it, it just means just a close look at what happened. the end of occupation would be equivalent to an end of all the sufferings for palestinians in gauze or even the west bank. because so far that there's really occupation in the military. there's really nothing for you to, to, to reservation one in the west bank and, and one in the gas trip and this trip and them off all of the, the basic the human rights. and effectively controlling called all the check points, old girls borders and, and is still the, the very a for the that issues and their id cards that that's the level of control the palestinians are, are experiencing every single day of their life. honeymoon mentors the in ross, i thank you the public to enjoy listing dollars. that's not just covering the will but also living through it. at least $109.00 pellets to the engine list have been killed and the conflicts so far, the palestinian officials in gauze a site that could be much higher. more than 50 media premises or offices have been
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completely or partially destroyed fines writing strikes. and that includes the office of the bureau in garza hundreds of palestinian gen ms and the families, including all colleagues at down to 0, being full of the displaced. they've had to abandon their reporting equipment and offices and then off to live and to move on to reports and difficult conditions. i missed frequent communication, blackouts, journalist, working, you know, resolved conflict unprotected on the international humanitarian law, just like civilians under the geneva convention. but israel has been accused of violating those rules of law repeatedly promised to be in general, it say as well as trying to kill a messenger in silence. the story i'm talking about as the director of advocacy after that report is without for doesn't joins us now. from paris, another journalist staff, another high profile death, which just highlights as, as we said, the highest number of jealous of a killed in such
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a short period of time in a violent conflict. yes, indeed. and um lets me please 1st say that we are reporters without voters the are in real shock of to uh these, uh, uh, again, uh, uh, murder of agenda list and, and, and the dash of the stuff up to date. yeah. and the homes. do i'm a journalist for ac, generally useful idea 0. it appears according to the information that the car in which a new way or a killed the way. uh was that directly targeted and a single rocket fell directly on the car. this is what we are investigating right now. if such was the case, it would be, it would qualify as another, was crime against join edison guys. uh,
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to pull our us of 79 journalist deals in guys i since 7 o'clock, told each indeed what we called in french and it kept on a massive slaughter. and this has to stop. it's easy to make the demands isn't. it's missed about many organizations, humanitarian groups, journalists, groups have of asked for a ceasefire, have demanded deceased by the public at large, globally have at what stage do you take this full with the, in your organization? you collect all the evidence. until what time can you then present it to people in power that can do some think about it a well from day one, in fact are i said i started uh, taking uh all the information collected, the only claims against you and that is 2 people in pop up more than that. so we have triggered with former criminal complaint,
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the international criminal record. as soon as 31st of october with a 1st complaint and page 2nd one filed on 22nd december. we claim at the minimum war crimes have been perpetrated against joe into this in guys. as i was saying, according to our assess figures, 79 joined the list killed, among whom, according again to our investigation. the 14 way killed the election in the actions and some of them we fear and we have reasonable grounds to believe has been intention to be targeted. intention to be targeted. and that may be the case when we stuff up to the enhanced dar. do like it has been the case for well the
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do we fear are on the 15th december last. let me take the opportunity to really say and pay tribute and sell up in my ration for the on jessie right team in general, and full well don, in particular after what she's being and again today, going to say uh, the death hope he's wife. he's 3 keeps no seems so being winded. on 15 december, this is harry jen. that is, i'm really from where you all. so in paris, the way you are in power set, do you think the world kaz? do you think that the organize that the media kaz way you all or close of course the media because way we are iris of he's presenting the whole world headquarters in paris with offices in the old regions. and i can confirm and
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testify that the, well, the cares you're up, cures problem scares, but our us a does care. and we a whole mobilize on the 7247 like today, uh to be able to, to react in the, into, into help. and the support of the police to engender just thing to thanks to home the well can watch, but the prize the pay these much to havi. this should not happen. it's a massacre. it's an unbearable massacre for joining that. as israel is it red decay? you ching, journalism, you guys are, we will continue to refer to the international criminal court all the cases. so the maximum priority is given by the prosecutor of the i c. c. 2 crimes against john. this is especially the crimes happening in guys and now are just without precedent
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. this has to stop until they've been out from reporters without the boldest thank you. so for joining us from powers, or how does those last suppose to all the social media plans old x was one praising his father on saturday, one day before his coming. right. father, you are a patient, so never lose hope in your recovery. i think of this compassion, her faith, that your patience will be rewarded by gold. let's speak now to a hidden couch, drake, who joins us not from the butler in central cause a hand you new homes. uh sorry, well you spoke to him just a couple of hours before he sets off on that fateful jedi. just tell us what he was thinking. oh the last conversation you had with him my last conversation with him. so it's about the bus you waiting to the boss because he knows i'm in the area and there is but, and most of the others he does see if i to a 2 to 5. he was like, you're missing,
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you have to evacuate with everyone and we're waiting for you and it was joking with him. is there a place to sleep? is there a time and we were talking and were beginning and we were told. busy despised of the atrocities we have been going through every single day. not the last time i was enough, i was searching for him. so between the 10. so i wanted to tell him hi and to chat with him on that and but he saw me 1st video of the girl. they couldn't send it, monroe, and i promise that i would just come for him when i go to the home. so it's a very beautiful 9 and turned in this and friends and i, i don't want to cry, but i'm reporting this right now because i know that if, if i'm so busy and he wanted me to report and he wanted all of our is called the report says to continue for 6, and i'm so proud depends on everything he did. everything he reported during some 90 days and more than 90 days. and how he was
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a very strong despite everything he went through with his father hands. that was the greatest credit for, for everyone, and our tears today is because we missed him and we're going to be 7. we're going to miss as far as him. so it's not the norm was from, he was a very generous and kind friend and i'm talking to bring so and they imagine being friends of my face smiling. it's a very big clause and it's from you. ready so much and i don't want to cry, i don't want to cry. it's okay. and just take a breath. i'm sorry i'm have, i'm just taking a good bye to phrase my most. yeah. just take a breath by which i'll just sum up exactly. how obviously we feel the same way here at headquarters in doha. it's a huge loss and well, we chat ways. whiles family, obviously a tough time, a to a, to scenario. and in a situation, when you know somebody so very closely and that you work in
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a very difficult situation such as garza has been so the last 3 months in terms of the stories that he liked and wanted to continue covering. tell me, tell me about his motivation. obviously it, when you were the war situation, there is any one motivation to tell the story. what did he advocate upsets about the story depressed about the story? or did he want sort of fight to tell a story to make sure the world knew what was going on? how, how was his personality when it came to telling the story of gauze around folding? see always look in search for resilience to search for is trying to search for how to make the people see how strong palestinians are. we saw how he coverage the us and the killing of his own family and our city is he to resilience. he was with his father and other brothers and sisters is from the sister who is that it every single day post conference in
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english. and he always cared about, showing coverage, ending in kind of sinews are and, and he always wanted to just spread the world and to show the humanitarian side of chicago. stupid, always believe that we are not numbers and every single person of us cause a story. how does that is a beautiful person? i'm always scared about giving up and bringing up the beautiful stories in the godless group. and he always covered a very, very beautiful story that you go about this pro 5. you're going to see it. and he was always asking me for attractions in english, and i always had him. i have good, beautiful memories with times and this is not the only time or the 1st time we lose a very close journey. and there's 7 very beloved called the this is like maybe the 7 or 8 journalist and a very dear friend, i lose and i don't know how we're going to continue without some, but we will continue their positive things. going to continue report,
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just like they did country for us. the thank you of literacy, the political, unless one of the shower joins us now on the set. this is actually thinking in a lot more isn't that for our colleagues on the ground is one after the other after the other. it's so i'll just, i'll just say are a colleagues, it's palestinian media colleagues, but they've been raised an educated way. they don't just colleagues, that family members really help, but what, you know, when you talk about how design now we've just talked all our correspondence and we have another correspond methodical. who is not here and because apparently it says, brother, no, that was killed. no. how does that work? yeah. so under, so young, this is the thing, i mean, we're talking about the generation that the supposed to be, i don't know enjoying the, enjoying their life and have a spite ration about the long life. but instead, what we have is one few and that on us and all of
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a few in that i was there living in the midst of this, you know, as you said, it's thinking again and since you're upset about stories, let me tell you. uh if i would of if i were to put it in uh and also a more time novel. and i wouldn't be telling the publishing house while i have a fiction, a fiction award time noble port dot goodness is a beautiful chief of a, of a major channel. and amongst, or in the midst of depth, of tens of thousands. his wife was killed and he was steadfast, and his daughter was killed and he was steadfast. his extend that time and he has so many of it was cute. and then he was shot. and i'm sure the publish it will start ordering. that is what kind of a punchline is what kind of find out as a business. and if you would then say,
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then his son was killed after he was shot. as you would think, even in fiction, this doesn't work. it's not believable in fiction. that's not believable. that you would have such reverence, such dignity, such fuller and such professionals, and in the midst of more limits of murder scene that's been going on for 3 months. so what they are going through these young people and their elders, the, the how disease and the why is in why is war and gaza is so astounding. it's so tragic. could someone believe who but the, i don't think it works in fiction. so usually you would say this is like fact imitating fiction. this is fact beyond the imagination of fiction. this does not work in any possible way except in someone's worst nightmare or sound,
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awfully wind gusts. while everybody sort of settles into this reality that we're experiencing, of, of homes of stuff. there is obviously the big picture, the why the political picture that's on getting baldwin for our view is let's bring them up to speed and also what else is going on? what you think of it? we've had a we have mtv blink in the us extra estate. he's been in tacky. jordan, he's on his way to cancel to talk obviously with the negotiate is more than likely here in the, in the or about how the negotiations are progressing in terms of trying to get the captives free. and yet. so that is typical to what happened in tel aviv over night, which was, is railey nationals in the squad, again, complaining about that government and that prime minister significant do the job go let's be cleared about something. okay. and i'm not saying that just send that to
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can speaking. i'm saying that structurally speaking, factually. speaking, the united states is as responsible as is right. is responsible for the best for the killing. what is family? so you would expect secretary blinking to be saying some things, they are responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of people engaged for the casualties that probably exceed $100000.00. now, for the dissipation of guys, it's the united states that is supporting the area and i was touring the area. i was not quoted for a ceasefire and hands. the war continues. how do you translate ceasefire into english, stopping or something that can stop them or to join us of children, families, and so on. so for instance, mr. blinking is the worst thing everyone's time in order to buy. is there
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a time he's buying? is there a time in order to continue with a tour to continue with his joint aside to continue with it's basically, i'm not sure what objectives, but now in washington, they admit that on the table we've heard from the spokesman of the of the, of the us national security council sports sports that mr. kirby said by the 50, how much as an organization has an idea, the idea of this amazing does that need to ship and the minutes is just not possible a and yet to the united states continue to support as genocide in guys under beginning of our colleagues but instead of mr, blinking, coming in and waiting in one is read using a lot of cars leverage to stop the war he's using his leverage with is it as the tractors in the region in order to continue with the war. he is literally
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wasting everyone's time to buy is rather more time to finish the job, which really means doing more and more people and storing more and more institutions. and just extending this tragedy to every home in garza. we'll leave it up in a moment. we'll continue to and pick besides the evening progresses. thank you. we will, several is ready and it says, all refusing to attend sundays cabinet meeting. that's the cost. saving to cyber conrad tina, tel aviv and all is not well in the cabinet, but all is not well outside the cabinets when it comes to the public and their opinion of the government. cyro of the yeah, you put say well that's a so here basically what happened earlier today was that you usually have your weekly sunday cabinets meeting,
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but 3 ministers decided not to attend the ring. speculation the crack so starting to show even more within this coalition government just to give you a little background of who these people all 3 of them off from the same national unity policy, including to the tar on the war cabinet. a team despises the 2 of those didn't attends about spinning guns as well as a i, as in paul now one of them did speak to a radio channel saying the reasons for him not attending that slide. schrupo saying that his absence was due to the bus stop foot happens just a few days ago on thursday, with a security cabinet meeting that was supposed to discuss the post. we'll uh, we'll plan to send it in to k. also the number of those hotline for rights ministers having
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a massive go the all me chief over him saying that the army will be probing itself of investigating itself as to how the events unfolded leading up to october 7. then the prime minister ended that meeting. well, since then there's been a lot of touring on for and you had bending down so will so didn't attend this meeting today, accusing us in yahoo are basically saying that he has to rectify that mistake as to what happens on the say the chaos the ensued and also accused nothing yahoo, of choosing politics of the countries. unity will, yesterday from the sub benjamin netanyahu reduced to statements chasing everyone to say, united states focused on the purpose of this war. he didn't clarify who was he who, who rob it. he was talking to but his statement came also as the anti government and, and see prime minister benjamin netanyahu process with an estimated 20000 people
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attending. and i'm so sorry that recently saw the pivot, you know, out of the wall cabinet room, you might say and nothing you all these other problem as well as northern border. yeah, absolutely interesting leads today, even though benny guns didn't attend that meeting, but he also did defend a prime minister benjamin netanyahu off to the washington post released and optical, implying that the prime minister benjamin netanyahu was looking for a will with. and i've been on for political gain because a lot of the chaps in israel has been that he's trying as much as he can to hold onto power because he knows once this more is over, he is essentially outs. um now in terms of has been a lot of problem is benjamin as him also released the statement earlier wanting his butler saying, look at from us, look at what we're doing to it and how we are winning this wars. what he's saying and saying that say, can example, i know that we can do the same to you,
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and this is something he's already said before. res threatens but by root could become another gauze, or if his by law doesn't push back. they have been resulting to zip domestic efforts with the us than with other countries, especially trying to bring in fronts. for example, to calm the situation. but his butler is still finding those rockets, they have much higher capabilities than from us does. and there is a real concern that things could escalate further, even though it has been measured so far. so we cover that for us and telling me thank you. so it's very false as killed 8 palestinians of the occupied westbank including 7 and a drains dry call. the city of jeanine by the city has seemed baffled between his very full size and palestinian scientists of a palestinian was killed in a village north of them, a lot in confrontations, jerking his way to the rage. that would be nearly daily rates in the west bank since the beginning of all 7 of those killed in geneva. well, from the same family, 4 of them,
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brothers the let's go. so i have a team which i'm jane, who's in jeanine for us and a lot to take it into the community that i've been on the siege, not just the last 3 months, but the decades. that's right. so hale, it's a very sad day for the members of the community that we've been speaking with here . we're just outside the city of jeanine and we're actually in the round about the area where that throwing strikes occurred. i'm just gonna ask you to yes, you can move the camera to show you what has just been laid down here in the last few minutes. some flowers of
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a make shift memorial. right next to the area where those 7 palestinian men were killed in that throne strike earlier in the day. and secondly, if you can just move with me a bit, just beyond that, just here. this is the whole here still in the sidewalk. that is where the drone actually chipped and killed those 7 pals to the admin. 4 of them for brothers from one family, 2 of them were brothers from another family. all of them were members of an extended family. then there was another house and a man who was not related to them. now let me just take you and our viewers back to what transpired much earlier in the day past midnight. sunday morning you had the israeli army entering the city of janine, the city of janine is just beyond us just that way. down that road were about 5 minutes away. they entered into janine on the outskirts of the refugee camp there. the is really army vehicle, one of them was hit by an improvised explosive device. now there's already
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a group as taking responsibility for carrying out that attack. that is the janine battalion, that is the arm wing of the palestinian islamic jihad as a result of that attack. on these really soldiers, 119 year old female israeli soldier was killed. 3 other soldiers were injured once . those guess really soldiers were departing. the area at around 5 am coming this way. we're told by witnesses here and residents and medics as well. that there were a stones that were thrown towards the outgoing con boy of his really army vehicle will as well as one pipe bombs, a make ship home, made bombs thrown towards that vehicle as well. some of the folks we spoke with said that the men here that some of them participated in throwing those stones and the pipe bomb towards the as really are me. and they also reiterated to us though, that the men that were here that were gathered around a fire because it was cold,
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that they were not members of any arm palestinian fighting faction. after that, you had these really army call in a drone strike. and that is when those 7 men were killed, as i said before, it's a sad day for the community. i was speaking to some business owners that work close by if we can just move the camera around a bit more. these areas here are these businesses. they were hit by the blast as well. a lot of damage to these establishment. some of them coffee establishments, windows were blown out on both floors of these establishment. one of the men was saying to me that he works in his establishment with his sons and his son sometimes hang out in this area. and he worries that if this sort of thing is to continue, that he puts his family at risk as well. really just going to show that this is a day where there is a lot of concern for families here. and janine, of course you have 4 brothers from one family, 2 brothers from another family, all from an extended family in the area. and then you have others who say they're
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worried for their family members all in all. it's been a very deadly time in the occupied westbank since october 7th. you've had at least 330 palestinians killed. and at least 60 of them have been from geneva, so he'll be challenging that for us. the engineering. thanks mohammed it's been 3 months since, as well began. it's will ongoing killing the $23000.00 people children and hoping disproportionately affected by the on the photos mohammed valuables to these policy and choose the play to do what children do a times of peace. what's nothing isn't over here is really bump up and that is a big yellow to the winter is extreme. and the place is a school not suitable accommodation, hasn't made them fair with them. the school has turned into a shelter instead of a place for bone, and it was an old my school in my home and be tending very much for that. and that's why i'm here in the, i'm the we are talking about
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a blog academic yet. but due to dual, there is no school since october 7. until now we can't predict what's going to happen. yeah. and there is about 44 schools in roughly 59. facilitate up to 6 up there. assigning assault is present to the students. remember the old days before the war and the sad moments since you have little had of course i did fall about them, was the head before the world. i was a 100 can students. my teachers appreciated me a lot. now instead of books, i'm keeping my clothes inside my school bag and i'm living in the school counseling with all children's rights. i'm demanding only one, which is to be able to complete my education. i'm the mother. we were supposed to be in a school only for loading notes as displaced people. but this is what the occupation has done to us, is destroyed of dreams and all future, and made us homeless. south carolina, nevada is really bump up to
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a 1000 high school 10000 to do so according to the palace to me and helps me to split the impact on those to the life. 7 is still magic and hasn't how the, but obviously this barbaric war has deeply affected children. they're suffering from constant anxiety, sleep disorders, extreme fear, constant crying, total absence of any feeling of safety. and then they have clear sizes of psychological trauma causing some of them to refuse to eat. and the dish to the physical wounds and diseases that are spreading is how the guy that lot of i feel i'm just angry at school. we used to enjoy learning and discussing with colleagues as well. now i'm sitting in a school doing nothing with it. i'm just looking at the wall and for the child to yes, speaking to the media says for they want this piece to be able to go back to school . i'm not clear how long they'll have to wait on that fine. i'm just
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i'll just have a media network has just issued a statement strongly condemning, as well as targeting of journalist. and it says, the assassination of most of the homes up and out of that are correspondence. while i'll talk to the sun. well, they will, on my way to carry out that duty in the cause, the strip reaffirms that need to take immediate, necessary legal measures against the occupation forces to ensure that there is no impunity. alger 0 also, which is the international criminal court government's human rights organizations and the united nations to hold israel accountable for its heinous crimes and demands and to the targeting and killing of journalists out. is that a reply just to take all legal measures to prosecute the perpetrators of these crimes and stands in solidarity and support with old gen list in garza?
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the 1st thing is some of the days of the news. now it's a don is now the country with the most displeased people in the world. the one says more than 7300000 people have been false to fleece and fighting by account between the suited these on forces and the rapid support forces. 9 years ago, about half of those affected children have a little can, isn't say it needs capital call to nicole. so i totally display you continue to move is a pretty fluid problem, but no one seems to really have the answer to yes indeed. and that's because of fighting, so very much continues, not just in the capital cartoon, but elsewhere around the country. and the latest fighting was in the city of wood method, e, which is into 0 states in central to them in december that, that the displacement of 500000 people from the city into the southern and west and parts of the country. many of them have already been displaced from the capital to
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escaping the fighting and tried to rebuild their lives in the central parts of the country where it was relatively peaceful until the rapid support forces attacked the 60 forcing people to be displaced. once again, the united nation says that it's response is severely under funded that many people are in desperate need of some independent assistance, but because of the ongoing violence and the ongoing displacement of responding to those needs is becoming challenging. there's also the issue of the fact that to warehouses belonging to the united nations world food program and the you and the refugee agency has been looted in the city of wouldn't make any that. so that was supposed to supply more than a 1000000 people in the city of wouldn't bethany and just the other states and other parts of the country as well. so the fact that slicing is ongoing, the fact that there is a no response and, and funding to the human and terry and crisis here and the fact that agencies can't reach many of the people. this place is great. and you mean it's hiring prices that agency so the trying to deal with but as fighting continues and access remains and
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p did that is becoming very difficult to move in that forest. thank you. now the democratic republic of congo is election commission says that it has an old the rights cost for $82.00 candidates who run in last month election. the commission says it's done so if allegations of fraud and vote to intimidation for incumbent state governors and 3 government ministers amongst those being excluded because of felix patrick, $81.00, the presidential race, the opposition as cold as a sham was demanding a re run. now the polls have closed and bangladesh and general elections mocked by logo to turn out the main opposition party under the allies zipcode. for boy called calling device. one sided gen, hold reports now from bangladesh is capital dot com. the streets of central con, unusually quiet as the country takes to the poles, the opposing stations quite to many places,
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reporting percentage turn out in single figures by mid day. the chief election commissioner said it was too early to judge a process. he said was entirely credible last or 11 o'clock. and that's not how the opposition sees it, the bundle dish nationalist party boy coating the vote saying the process. he's raked after a spate of pre election violence in which thousands of its members were arrested. a prime minister shakes, i see now. meanwhile, he costing the vote, blames the opposition for the violence. i have to go to the home at various parties. there is no, i have my i called to the 2 people to the people. the big question that this election is not to will wait,
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and then the results is pre determined the draw that the real test of its credibility is how many people will choose to take part in a process just looks decided the one sided. some said they were happy with the process i could vote really without the restriction and i'm happy that i was able to this woman appeared to confirm suggestions that some were being offered incentives to. but they told me that if i, but they will give me my disability benefits when the election is over. this was the aftermath of a suspect to dawson, to attack on a train travelling to the capital deca on friday night. and the $411.00 elections held in bangladesh since independence have been widely considered free and fair, it's unlikely the present one will be the 5th. and they reveal fee is pre election violence would intensify off to with joe the whole l g 0 dot com. it's christmas full of millions of old adults christians around the world. but festivities of
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a muted in bethlehem in the occupied westbank believes to be the best place of jesus christ and his message. the patriarch of teresa and palestine enjoyed the express pain and sorrow about garza feels less to the international community to intervene. not orthodox christmas celebrations are also being held in new crane's capital knots, despite the government officially moving the holiday to december, the 25th and then the parents not to russia. awesome back has moved from keith. many people have come to churches here in the capital and across the country on this very cold morning. in fact, to celebrate christmas, despite the presence then steve saying that the country officially recognizes it on the 25th of december. and not so many people here that we've spoken to a true that this is a matter of tradition. this is a matter of following the coming to the followed for many, many years and nothing to do with must or,
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and infinity to russia and when present. so let's the, and that was that as a that moves about this country officially. recognizing christmas on the 25th of december, it was a, it was a, some seen this as an up to must go. but also to show you appear in are less than powers that ukraine is very much you appear in our west. and this is part of the war efforts not only to maintain weapons and support from us than powers, but also to show the world and just kind of tell the world that this is a fight, not just between ukraine and russia. this is a fight between western powers and russia, and ukraine is very much on the side of western powers, but to people that we've spoken to here, this isn't about politics. this isn't about the state deficiency, recognizing christmas under different dates. this has a back tradition. and even one woman who spoke to yesterday, she said that this is like the state imposing them to try and change the date. but for people here, this still celebrating christmas on the 7th of january. and it does show that the us still divides across the country despite the presence. then you try to unite the
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country into one christmas. that hasn't actually happened. well, still a head here on the news. rafael deductibles on sales training and we'll have all of that story straight after the break. the in the business, a short fence, it probably was legal, but heavily restricted. most of them are sold in the block. they can go for more than $500.00 us dollars a pound in hong kong sharks and is an incredibly lucrative commodity. i'm going to price per kilogram is equivalent to several different alyssa trucks and it's almost like the tell me what it says. i mean, don't you know that that's going to stop what the cost, so we'll see everybody is uh, we can hear from them. and that is basically means that he gets it. it'd be a case, a king. your name is that the politics you on his computer late, but i didn't mean that in that kind of simple life. and then of course the we as
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a but i most i said okay. evelyn inspected fishing nets and the catch the boat for bringing up some fish on that. we're not too happy with their presence. 2 faces the same. we will need to know. i mean, did i send me the, [000:00:00;00] the well, these are the tech industry has seen a shop full and investment from $29000000000.20 to just 7300000000 last year for such as blame the decline on a combination of rising interest rates and think of the protests of the war on
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garza, never comfortable. it's not from west jerusalem from innovative style tips to cyber drones and spyware, tech companies being the driving force behind israel's economy for more than a decade. boat, much of it depends on international financing, is where the economist alex come and says when money flowed like volta 2 years ago . it's now drying up october. the hype, except there are people who were, who got experience in the military, particularly in cyber, but also if you think about drones, miss so, so what happened is, it's now that there were started the significant amount of developers. and so were pulled back into the military so, so that had some impact. and especially now that the high tech is recovering
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globally. i hope the thing that happened here starts hope. nation policy institute shows tech investments have been fooling since it peaked in 2021. tech companies make up the largest economic output in israel in 2022 is accounted for round 18 percent of g d p. and around hall of old exports, but it relies heavily on foreign investors who are increasingly spending less in 2022 investments and text also published by almost 50 percent. and in the 3 months since the warrant garza and again plunged by almost 50 percent compacts the same periods, the year before a 2023 administrative innovation report says many factors contributed to the slow down, as well as the economy took a hit during the cove in 19 pandemic, global supply chains of slowed since of war, and ukraine began leading to a loss of capital in israel. and last year, hundreds of thousands of authorities protested for many months against that
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governments palm to strip power from the supreme court. laws come from the tech sector also took to the streets, but selma, holding from intel is building a $25000000000.00 chip factory in the south. a tech companies law just as an investment in israel, bought with warnings of an escalation between israel and his bullet and lebanon. and the war on garza looking set to continue well in to 2024. it's creating shaky ground for tech investors who rely on stability loss on al jazeera west, through some type of support. not his job, but we were looking forward to seeing if it'll stray away. yes, i'm sure. a lot of tennis funds will be disappointed by the news that that will be no rough found his out of this month's australian ice and he's had to pull out of the tournaments with an injury. the 22 time grandson champion and he just made his come back last week after a year on the sidelines with a hip problems. the dallas stuff that a smooth muscle,
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tad and his quarter final defeated present on friday. but says it's a different injury to the one which saw him missed the majority of last season. he's now going to had time to spain for treatment. and so we got the reaction from tennis board costs at craig gabriel in sydney rather pay this 1st tournament is 50 weeks dispute last week. and bruce, but as a brisk and international, he got a couple of very good wins under his belt. and then he was playing george thompson and then a standing match. it was a truck. thompson came back to rent from my friends down. but in the 3rd set, rough, i had to leave the court for a medical timeout. and he came back and finish the match, but he was in some discomfort. he thought maybe is somebody to do with a bit of a muscle full because he has a plate so long. he didn't think it was anything really serious, but he's struggling since then. you went down to melvin out of them. all right, john, and what it says it has a is a micro tag on the muscle, on the left leg. what he says,
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what it's incredibly sad of disappointing for him. he also made the point that it's positive in one sense is that it's not in the same situation on exactly the same area, but kept uh, the injury that kept him out of this for, for so long. he hasn't played, it hasn't faded tournament since last year. so straight in open the whole brisbin last week. so he's looking trying to look at the positives. but it certainly is dropped into some tribal the quote, because this is probably going to be his last year on the tool. a sign at all picking up that injury and for his good, whereas it was agreeable to meet charles who was taking up the tri fee for the 2nd time in his career. 70 is often the last one. it was all gary and be the top seed holger. rena in straight sets 6 inches, plus a 2 pieces 5. this is 2017 refills tyron sent to the the mrs. victory. as they left the marcelli catch a flight from the women's events was one. but you later we bought gonna she took on a reno sutherland and there was peace of last is australia i can find which
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sampling for one this time it was you, boston i who came off on something 6, lots of 63563, as high so ending a 15 much winning street and that's free and flew assembling and easy and k k golf successfully defended has probably come in clinton victory. okay. i mean, that's the selina training on this last sets and a tie break, but golf came back to in the next 26363. and it's 2 and a half hour ethic cost and target more success than you astray, you know, send off the usa from last year. now could chelsea finally be picking up some momentum off to task fest off the season? it's now 3 big trees in a row and will competitions full for it. so fortunately, no side the latest in africa that around when against preston will fence is it tells you into the 2nd phone to make the break 3 on monday, boy a heading them in front and starting then made it 3. now it was a great pre k, so and very fernandez completed at the scoring chelsea and now so and their
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attention to the 1st life is that we kept sending funding against middle sentences . speaking those middlesborough, they would knock south of dsa counseling. aston villa, mathew cash is deflected assets 3 minutes from time giving villa a one year victory. this f us went in this consistency environmental se secured that place in the schools round by beating state purpose as to pm equalize for drawing some right before half time. then a couple of goals for several. petro also to break out spice into a server to also begin that as a top campaign against livable and sundays stand outside around tie you. besides played out a thrilling one old rule in the premier league 2 weeks ago, but also those phone has been since then with 2 consecutive defeats. that's a little bit below the take them at the top of the table. j is a be history between these competition and our club. and we have
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a big of course committed to start again and make a beautiful journey. it says, especially for me and i have so many memories plane against them and, and that's where, because the top side, you know, so requires a big preparation and detailing everything that we have to do. it was how much satellite, who scored levels, equalize the to of oregon sauce know last month, but he's not available for this much as he's joined up with egypt to the africa cuff of nations. he could miss up to 8 level who games, depending on how while his country performs in ivory coast. we want to play with the more no. but if you have to the new we always and we had in the past, we didn't have to do that often by the always find, i think a way to, to, to, to get through this periods. and i'm pretty sure to be able 5. but of course we play us and also that at awesome you can lose with most of law. and so i suppose was valued was without him. um, but in the moment we have the chance to win the game. so i think we should more think about that in around 5 minutes, the cup hold his mind just assist me. begin the defense of that side. so again,
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titusville town, city manager of pep, claudio has quoted a special competition. no say one person in this class and a look at me, they love it. so the fact that pacific up, even for me, i wasn't born in this country. when i was away, you know and arrived. i know how special it's a competition to start for. last season for the low, low divisions and everyone. the, you know, for the troll you can play away in a league line a conference. so in low divisions is how difficult it is. everyone can beat everyone, the china all the latest side to touch down and catch all i had of the asian cup, which stops on friday. they were originally due to host the tournament last year, but pulled out in 2022 due to the countries 0 because of the policy. china will play the highest time defending champions castle in the final group game on january 22nd. and then as you have also arrived, and i'll head coach and tell you on how set the vicious goal of advancing to the
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knockout stage, and what will be the foster parent? 16 years. it's never got past the group stage. they open that campaign against the wrong or into the business end of the nfl season. now with pile places at stake and the houston, texas half progressed as victory against the indianapolis colts. and that when was it the cult expense to be on? i think game sounds from nico collins and andrew beth section and to a 2 to 3 needs coats, responded, and they were using in this was the name of the changed it dropped. it's entirely considering the closing stages, allowing the sexes to hold them to victory. and that's the file spot for us in the i'm the youngest onto the compo, have 48 points, but it wasn't enough. i'll send over a few bucks off to the houston rockets. it was the most points the rockets have conceded to apply of the season. the 7 plaza beach double fitness, the houston and the 1121. wait, victory to box remain 2nd in the eastern conference despite defeats. and that is all you'll support from me for now, but pizza will have another update lights off. so, thanks very much, jenna,
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and you have the much email just there when you use all, you can find the stories on our website. but obviously, i don't come, i'll be back with more news on coverage. comfortable and gosh, i've been select, thanks for your time. and your company, the hard hitting the entities as a un ambassador position given to you by or does have both. you've described that is better than that at any thoughts provided. hang on my question to you. all that good cooks, i think, is the most difficult press than i've had to answer facing realities, usb to in the security council. this is a may just don't think, look as if it exit or to hear the story on told to how does era the zeros here it's a report on the people often ignored but who must be hurt. how many other channels can you say will take this time and put extensive followed into reporting from under reported areas?
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of course, we cover major global events that are passion lies in making sure that you're hearing the stories from people in places like how is fine with the regions. and so many others. we go to them, we make the effort. we care strict examining the impact of today's headlines this year with the destruction of your everything international filmmakers and world class john. unless you're saying that these laws actually encourage more violence, 7 has to know stories for a global audience. this is my, you house is way what these are so tight is the phrase us from our culture. open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on how does era frank assessments to the problem is that is there is allowed to be outside that. and so
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it's international law. and one of the reasons that should be the is the fact that is and has declared war on no coupons, people informed opinions, the medical infrastructure of an entire society has been completely destroy the people who will feel that destruction 1st and most will be the women and children inside story on al jazeera, the morning in gauze, or is this rarely asked by skills comes out to gen, list and son of algebra, concept pure and cheese as teacher. and let's most of the thoughts that i was also killed in the strike, which directly had because they were traveling in the


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