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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 7, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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people's informed opinions, the medical infrastructure of an entire society has been completely destroyed. the people who will feel that destruction 1st and most will be the women and children inside story. on al jazeera, the morning in gauze, or is, is really as find skills homes. i'll do jen list and some of the algebra concepts here at chase as teacher list. most of the thoughts that i was also killed in the strike, which directly hit because they were traveling in the plan. so rama knew what challenges they were like. what had quotes here, and i've also coming up is what really strikes, keep pounding, gone. so dozens of palestinians have been kills and sons of the evening. elsewhere,
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7 palestinians have been killed. julian is waiting, try and striking janine and the occupied westbank and another news, bangladesh heads to the poles in a general election. but turn off the slope with the main o position state you. a boy called the welcome to the pack and we'd be getting garza where the son of while elder do. i'll just say it was bureau chief has been killed and it is really strike problems. i'll do died when the coffee was traveling in was it directly comes i was also a gen list. i'm producer with alex's era as the teacher and that's most of our pride was also killed alongside while allowed to twice another son, daughter, and grandson for all killed. and it is really ad right that hit that house back in october, a nurse to adapt power for as you can see,
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people in droves are saying good bye to their loved ones and to their children every day, every hour and every 2nd. and me know what, just like all of these people know that so i don't know who i am bidding farewell today. what else can i say filled with? i'm not going to be know a lot. the almighty may a lot the almighty. so give us strength, give us comfort, give us the patients the go. what the, the stuff, the may a lot the almighty give us the strength to carry on. sure, the for the sake of homes, and for the sake of all the murders and to homes and to all the murders, i say we will remain faithful. and i'm on the, on my son comes, i was working with me. he was working with us as part of the options here, a crew no more than a couple of new times. and i started working before hamza was born. my uncle.
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so i'm in the day and, and until today i have been working on this mission for over 2 decades working on this humanitarian mission after my family and after hums. we will definitely continue. we will continue. i look a lot of them on young voted up. however, the entire world must take a look at what is going on here in the gaza strip. what is going on is difficult. it is painful. it is massive and there is great injustice here for our people, for the civilian people who live here. you're literally lender because what is happening holds great and just just for us as a journalist, as it was said on the heavily at the end view the past that the freedom of opinion and the freedom of expression and the word that journalists do them in obtaining information, photos, and footage,
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and order for the deserving audience to view them more, it was said that our job was guaranteed by international law and humanitarian law. however, 107 journalists have fall and their blood has been spilt on this land, as if no one heard about what was said. as if no one was seeing what is happening here, i call upon the entire world to put an end to the hidden hold this killing, and that is taking journal. this is one after the other. i hope that the blood of my son comes will be the last blood spilled by journalist and the lead blood to be spilled here by any one and the guys trip. i hope that this massacre will come to an end model homes. us last post on the social media platform, x was one praising his father on song today one day before his death comes out.
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right, father, you will patient so never lose hope in your recovery ending doubts, compassion, a face that your patients will be rewarded by gold. so every couple of as a result, correspondence in rafa in southern gaza joins us now and tarik. you've not just lost a friend in homes of do. you've also lost your own brother in law who was with homes . so we're sorry for your loss as well. on the yes, so have a, we didn't know how to solve how to say what we figured we'd like 1st to start the coverage today with sending condolences to my colleague on why else upfront the well to do it for losing another member of his family members and this time was his eldest son, he's backup and life has been killed and he's very true. and miss child that hit his vehicle as they were hitting to report the latest. is there any crimes inside
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to the land of dogs? a strip now maybe a rest in peace to the message of journalist and journalism would continue despite all the loss of the city veins that we own had been going through since october. the 7th now for palestinians have been killed in the air strikes, includes and comes on one of my brothers and lo, uh, who was a camera man, we're closing on those who documenting the latest violations by the is body forces . now, this deliberate targeting has been made in an area that is supposed to be a safe zone where these valley forces earlier areas, the majority of gauze wants to keeps leading to rough on this date. rough was on the date of and usually the attacks by this time against joined the list hands that has been killed. we have been known homes, us since the beginning of the school. it was very close friends of mine. i was, we have been spending down nights with each other and he also was a very dictated journalist as he was very keen and recruiting and documenting all
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strikes that take place in every single area that he was. and then he was very professional in terms of delivering the palestinians, suffering and hardships as a residents have been going through as these by the attacks day by day increases. and this is a very, a simple part of what he's been and has been doing on daily basis. and psych garza join us being killed. go on a list for one officer another day by day. he moved to another whitfield. and personally, i don't know how much, well, as the doors are, the gauze of that gives you were a gorgeous truck very just how much she must also into the 1st week. he was attacked with his family member, his family members were attacked and almost all right, the refuge account where he lost his son, daughter, and one of his grandchildren himself. he was talking to it as he, as he was hit with uh and his really dro messiah um, today he lost his elder son in the very depth, deliberate, and plates and violations that also indicates that there is no any impunity for
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anyone inside garza and the concept save soon for palestinians is no longer exists . no one is safe, no place to safe as the attacks. a 1st cause a strict continued hans. it was very professional. once very dictated, was very close to everyone of us. you cannot really imagine how desperate and fall all the faces of the 0 up crews inside the roof. and i just kept staring wilds eyes off to i just condolences have i, i didn't, i didn't find what to sympathize with him or at least to give him a kind of initial support. this mind has been too much in order to send the voice of palestinians to everyone approach these very occupation in system depriving him smile as a tax on the gaza strip continues. day by day claiming the lives of journalist academies, medical workers also innocent civilians. and you say this and civilians as well. yes,
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the story of today is reflected in repeated again and again. and it hits home very hard when it, when it's one of you arriving in target. can you just tell us a little bit about your brother in law who was also killed and not to tax? what was he like? yes. so have the loss of palestinians. it becomes a part of their lives. every single house in gaza. a sad story between its fools, every single mother had even a young, a palestinian man or girl being killed by the use when it fires. what at least thinking good. and this is the tragic of palestinians continues. this time, me personally have lost my problem, even though he was along side with homes and the same call being kept as they were reporting. and assuming a old violation on the ground since day one, god went together in gaza when we moved to con eunice and right now in a row for him. know these kinds of attacks against to another continue and you
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cannot really it's, it's really, it's really easy to report how those people are suffering completely hard and difficult to, to experience the level of pain that the mother of most of a has been going through his sister's, also his wife that he has left behind 3 beautiful daughters. they are almost under 10 years old and this is completely a big loss for this family. now the, all of them they have bit far, well for him, grieving trying to the most of most of us. but they also understand that he was doing he job, trying to tell the world about what is happening in google and doing a list of being killed. there is no one is safe on this family clearly understands that he was exposed to such kind of a stretch that had been both by the ministry people, elderly people of are working on the streets are being targeted, a bomb and external just everyone, a psychologist or bombing, but most of them was very close to me as a, as person in person. we were also,
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he has a very close term to our location. right now we're spending the night together, sharing food sharing drinks. as we're talking about all the days in golf, a strip on one day, what we will do off to i will return to our house is despite the fact god destroyed, palestinians of most of our lost his house. most himself right now he has been killed and we have lost one of the duplicated doing of the inside garza who was very t and just send about a city a narrative to everyone in the world. believe it that for now to all right, cool. so i think give you and your family. it was very sad time. thanks again for joining us in russell. well, i'll just share a media network has just issued a statement strongly condemning as well as talks and give generally saying, besides the nation of most of the un, tums ultra 0 correspondent while of that dude son. whilst they will on their way to carry out the duty in the gaza strip, re offends the need to take immediate necessary legal measures. again see,
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occupation forces to ensure there is no impunity these by the occupation forces has of systematically targeted all colleague. while other that dude and his family can is why son, daughter, and grandson in november 2023 while and his colleague the late, somebody in abu duyka will come in. i will also talk about it in december 2023. we ads the international criminal court, the government and human rights organizations, and the united nations to hold israel accountable for its heinous crimes and demands and to the targeting and killing of chad, let's say, replied just to take all legal measures to prosecute the perpetrators of these crimes and stands in solidarity and support with old jet unless in gaza. us now is there a senior place gone this won't, the shower joins us on the set. i think topic really just summed up in such an emotional way that no place, no area is safe. there is no such thing as a,
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a safe. so and today, 2 families that we know was part of the opposite of a family a morning that no wait a 2nd guys. i know joe noticed the safe and guys and i think that should tell us something. i mean, it's understood that they are more jordan, others, but still the fact that more than a 100 journalists were killed within 3 months. is there a breaking yet another record in terms of getting of children and destruction of hospitals, of destruction scores, and the kidding of united nations stuff. and now, with more than a 100, the 9 joined that is killed. this definitely the 3rd acquires a certain span on the part of our colleagues around the world. not just in a higher up institutions. i'm talking about journalists around the world. those who came and covered the world cup in don't how for violations of labeled rights or
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whatever. those who are shifting fears and you create those who are trying to cover train young in china, also plans that are general sites happening right. just incentive from china to ukraine to elsewhere, the same. joining us, we'll see in the insights what is happening and gaza shoes, regardless of we disagree is as most is or is the objectives in this world. regardless, we might disagree, but we must agree that the perfection of june of this and their families is indispensable. a 4 hour succession for the profession. join others nice to gentleness, associations and since that gets out of the world, especially in both countries with have with influence, overs, right. like as in europe, as in the united states and elsewhere june let us needs to spend about what's going
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on in gaza. this cannot continue to go on. i'm so i mean, what about them? they're going to be from various media outlets deployed in june of us and what and what time and what a war a stick in areas we will have to pay for the defense of joining us and their lives and their under protection. and there wouldn't be, and you, this cannot just go on like this, and updated and gone. so then we say, you just can't go on for any particular group for one, great ball one. and yet, the only way it's kind of stuff is the pressure as many people in government see on israel by america to stop this. but that isn't happening despite the fact that the secretary state is in the region. and as you said before his visit, he was perhaps just a complete waste of time until he could put pressure on his relative stall. that's a complete waste of fine. but in order to buy, is there
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a more time to finish this genocide, which is the worst of all worlds? not one, you're wasting everyone's time in the region, but really to buy is one more time to for this genocide. but how do you get the government to look into is that the government's work according to interest, right? according to election agenda as in the united states, or as in great britain or what have you. but in the end of the did, since we are talking about the media, the media has that hold to play. and i remember during the opening of the was coming back to the was go. and during the open and go, there was calm, certain channels influential trying those who decided not to govern the opening of the was going to write to the wishes of all the viewers but decided to conduct debates all human rights, labor violations. and what happened during christmas when the holy land was getting designated or parts of it? what kind of thing is what dia going back to have adding gaza home? i love as engine in, and then i need what were they doing,
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celebrating christmas. why weren't cutting their celebration of christmas in order to show the massacre that's happening in the holy land? so media has a whole to play. it's starting timidly, timidly, to pay at all. now we're seeing more and more coverage in worse than television channels in western press. in other places are all the world we are seeing more and more. but that's not enough. because we are in the race with time people on by joining us on dying children who are buying hospitals continues to be destroyed. schools are now just shelters for the storage families. so in the end of the day, media has to take, or if the networks important worse than capitalism, other capitals spots to take a stand as they did on other important questions around the world. i think we might get somewhere in terms of and things award. and guys will see what does happen
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because we have to get some reaction from the media institutions as such. baldwin will and pick it more as the day progresses. most of the shower the, i'll senior political on this, thank you. or at least 50 palestinians holes are being killed and is really of types across calls i. since saturday evening, the casualties include children in the cities of con eunice, the butler, the injured, have been rushed to badly functioning hospitals. the military has widened operations with ad wheel and ground of times across central and southern guns, as well as well has the space, millions of people in the strip, the united nation says 1900000 palestinians that small, the 90 percent of goss this population have not been a bridge from the homes, 1400000 and staying in facilities run by the u. n. but maybe 319 people. chelsea and you and facilities have been killed. $113515.00 engineering a tax full near you and premises at the start of the war. hundreds of thousands of
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people were pushed to rough or in the south, which became the most densely populated abbey in gaza. but that being displaced, once again as well, intensifies its bombing. there is little food and no substitution. the one says around 2200000 people need urgent humanitarian aid to survive. tomorrow i'll have if i is the director of external relations and communications to enroll and joins us now from a man. it's good to have you on the program, miss oliver fi. can i just begin with the fact that displaced once or twice or thrice the effect on any one assembly is totally disoriented? you take a doing it during a conflict, is pops another level. we called quite comprehend right now, you know, people are going to own 90 percent of all those. how do you
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use this place for some of the to 5 times, most of them are either in shelter as either a school assembly or in the bill days or people took refuge or staying with families the was the rule. so there are the lucky ones because there are hundreds of thousands of people on the street in the most southern part of the history, the where they have the push to go by anything is really a store and do some of the exempt evacuation notices. since the very 1st thing this conflicts so what all the options then in terms of being displaced im going to a safe area. we just spoke to one of our correspondents who said there is no safe area in gaza. what's your advice? i heard of your correspondence, otherwise the largest c one agency in does a to congress with that conclusion. there is no way of saying that and that is
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because of the intensity of the, of the conflict of the bombing. but also because of the ability of the international community to agree on a ceasefire government right and needs a human serial to cease fire in order for people to take a breath. and me, this is their home check in on their neighbors on their friends and try to find something to eat. because by the way, those who are not being killed by the balls are being killed either by diseases that are starting to spread in for prizes shelters. or buy it from health issues from illnesses or malware attrition to what sort of facilities or age are you able to offer right now you know what the situation is like on the ground, a search. i mean, if anybody is want to your listening and be able to get those messages across to
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the loved ones and gauze, a way would you direct people i would send it to the other one is the largest un agency in casa, however, every thing we receive in terms of humanitarian assistance, the fluids and the water is as well in the many amenities because the of the same as a trucks is very, very limited. we have so you want to have at least $500.00 trim trucks of humanitarian assistance, food fuel, water, medical supplies per day. currently, the best we get is $200.00 trucks per day. imagine the 200 of the truck for over 2000000 people and everyone in government know depends on you many here in the system because there are no shots. there are no groceries or no supermarkets. there's no marketplace. there's no private sector. so even those where money cannot
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buy anything, everyone does that is $18350.00 pounds per day. that is very far from the nice to model, although the fi that from as well, thanks for joining us from i'm on. thank you man. us x rays, sites on the blinking is now in casa off to visiting jordan as part of his latest release tool that he's missing. we have tons of all of them in shake to mean that happens all tiny, it's the 5th visit to the region since the will and goes to be gotten in october. he says the adult swim that preventing the complex from whitening 5. the, the 3 israeli government ministers have refused to take part in the weekly will cabinet meeting us divisions. guy on thursdays. really me do report at the will cabinet meeting to send into chaos and yelling. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has a big unity saying they must put everything aside to focus on winning the war. while
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the very forces have killed 8 palestinians and they don't keep hide westbank including 7 in a drain strong called the city of jeanine. the city has seen the battles between his very forces in palestinian finds as an 8th. palestinian was killed in the village north of my law in confrontations during it is ready. right now they've been any day. the rates in the west bank since the beginning of the whole 7 days killed engineering with from the same family, 4 of them. brothers, the knowledge of june has moved from geneva, the 7 palestinian men who were killed earlier in the day here were all standing. and this round about around
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a fire because it was pulled outside. i'm just going to ask the carrier to move the camera. this is where the drones struck, this is the exact spot. and as a result of that is really our, me drawing strike 7 palestinian men killed. now 4 of those men were all brothers from one family. and 2 of them were brothers from another family, all from an extended family in the area, hours before that you had the really army entering the city of jeanine, which is just about 5 minutes in that direction. it was a long sequence of events that occurred when these railways were inside of janine on the outskirts of the refugee camp. one of their vehicles was attacked by an improvised explosive device that resulted in 119 year old female was really soldier being killed and other soldiers in that vehicle being injured. now,
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once these really army was finished with that raid inside of jeanine, they started to exit this road. and that's when there were stones. and we're told one makes shift type ones that were thrown in the direction of the outgoing is really armed forces several residents. we've spoken with here throughout the day. have said that members of the 7 men that were here, some of them did participate in throwing stones and that pipe bomb. then it was after these really army exited awhile later. that's when you had a drone strike. that was carried out and that resulted in the killing of the 7, many, many of the people in this community we've spoken with today. they say they are shattered. they are very concerned about what this means. they say that it's a tragedy for the community. they reiterate the fact that they feel like they are in constant danger. and to reiterate that point, they just talk about the statistics. the high casualty numbers of late,
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even before october 7th, reads engineering were an almost daily occurrence since october 7th. they've only increased since october 7th, over $330.00 palestinians have been killed in the occupied west bank. and at least 80 of those killed are from janine. how much i'm doing. i just need jenny. the, let's take a look at the days of the news from around the world. the polls have closed and bangladesh and general elections months. my logo to 10 of the main opposition policy under allies of cold for a boy called cooling the vote. one sided jo to hold reports not from the comfortable duck the streets of central con, unusually quiet as the country takes to the poles, the opposing stations quite to many places reporting percentage turn out in single
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figures spine mid day. the chief election commissioner said it was too early to judge a process. he said was entirely credible last or 11 o'clock. and that's not how the opposition sees it. the bank edition nationalist party boy coating the vote saying the process he's read after a space of pre election violence in which thousands of its members were arrested. a prime minister shakes, i see now. meanwhile, he costing the vote, blames the opposition for the violence. i have to go to the home at various parties, but there is no, i have my, i phone to the 2 people to the people. the big question that this election is not
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to will wait. and then the results is pre determined the draw that the real test of its credibility is how many people will choose to take part in a process just looks decided the one sided. some said they were happy with the process. i could vote really without restriction and i'm happy that i was able to this woman appeared to confirm suggestions that some were being offered incentives to. but they told me that if i but they will give me my disability benefits when the election is over. this was the aftermath of a suspect to dawson, to attack on a train travelling to the capital deca on friday night, and the 4 out of 11 elections held in bangladesh. since independence have been widely considered free and fair, it's unlikely the present one will be the 5th. and the river you'll see is pre election violence would intensify off to with joe the whole l g 0 dot com. the democratic republic of congo selection collision says that it has
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a know the sites caused by a 2 candidates who run the last months. election of the commission says it's done sort of allegations of fraud and data invitation for incumbent state governors and 3 government ministers. the wrong size being excluded because of fee that the district $80.00 wasn't the presidential race. the opposition has cold shop and it's demanding a re run as not as christmas or millions of old adults christians around the world, but festivities of being muted in bethlehem. and he will keep hind westbank believes to be the best place of jesus christ. and his christmas message, the patriarch of jerusalem, palestine and jordan, expressed pain and sorry about causing the edge the international community to integrate both adults, christmas celebrations, also being held in ukraine's capital. and not despite the government officially moving the holiday to december, the 25th and the parents not to rush up.


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