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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 7, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] so the, [000:00:00;00] the client has a secret, this is the news life from dell coming up in the next 60 minutes. israel has targeted and killed the son of i just see it as gauze, a bureau, chief and journalist. how does that do? a 2nd journalist was also killed in that striking most stuff i do,
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i watch for the as on frost press news agency, the us 60 of states is gonna cost on his 5th visit to the region since the will began. will have a live updates and vote counting is on the way in bond with dish. in a poll, let the main opposition have boy coffee to include a chef. the it is $1500.00 g and t. we begin with breaking news. i just need a has condemned in the strongest terms. israel is targeted killing of generalist. how does that do? the son of our grounds, a bureau chief way and that the car of 27 year old times that was targeted in their hon. eunice in southern gaza. he was heading that to document the devastation from an overnight is really attack on a residential area. a few generalist will shut off us, thought i a who was with hands that was also killed in october,
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several members of when the family, including his wife and have a son, daughter, and grandson, will kill in, in his riley era. he has continued to report on these re operation despite this devastating personal loss. isabel has been accused of deliberately targeting generalist and their families in gaza. a 109 journalists have been killed by its military since october. the highest death toll of media work is on any recent conflict. here's what well, had to say about his son's killing and asked to have the power for that. as you can see, the people in droves saying good bye to their loved ones. asked to the children every day, every hour in the sand, every 2nd. and what? and me, just like all of these people know that so none of my m bidding farewell today. what else can i say?
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good. god almighty, may god almighty give us strength? let us give us comfort. give us patience. when we've done our best web and go with the the stuff, the mos on my god almighty give us the strength to carry off for the sake of homes . and for the sake of all the masses, then the ends to hums, the ends to move the masses. the i say we will remain faithful and i'm out now. yeah, i'm and my son holmes. that was working with me and he was working with us as part of the elder 0 accrued national than a couple of new la times. and i started working before homes that i was born my uncle. so i'm enough that you can see. and until today, i have been working on this mission for over 2 decades. working on this humanitarian missions, or off to my family and off the homes. we will definitely continue. we will
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continue. i l'aquila monumental amelia. however, the entire world must take a look at what is going on here in the guise of strictly what is going on is difficult and it is painful. it is massive as a and there was great injustice here for our people. this for the civilian people who lives under the what is happening holds great injustice for us as journalists. and how do you at the right you what that it was said in the past, and now i'm going to split the freedom is opinion. and the freedom of expression to us in the work that journalists do in obtaining information mean and photos and footage, in order for the deserving audience to view them on the wheel, it was said that al job was guaranteed by international law with the entry monetary and law so however, so for 107 journalists, a full and they blog has been spilled on this land as if no one had heard about what was said. let me know as if no one was seeing what is happening here. the
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light and i called upon the entire world to put an end to all this killing heavy hill that is taking journalists, lives one after the other. and i hope the blood of my son hums. that will be the last blood spilled by journalists. and the last blood to be spilled here by any one in the gaza strip in vain. and i hope this message will come to an end has one. i just need a media network has issued a statement strongly condemning israel is targeting of john was saying, the assassination of most stuff. and how does that? i just need a corresponding way to son waltz. they were on their way to counter yeah. did you to, in the gaza strip, reaffirms the need to take immediate, necessary legal measures against the occupation forces to ensure that there is no impunity, these really occupation forces have systematically targeted a colleague what a doctor and his family coming his wife, son and daughter, and grandson in november 2023. well and his colleague, the lights seminar,
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i will call a camera man, will also talk it to the in december 2023. we urge the international criminal court, the government's in human rights organizations, and the united nations to hold israel accountable for its heinous crimes and demand an end to the tale thing and killing a generous. just ate a pledges to take all legal measures to prosecute the perpetrators of these crimes and stands and solidarity and support with old generalists in gauze and a well thought apple as soon as invested in the southern gaza and taught it. i know that you, you knew both of these men presently took festival about hams, annual impressions. if it hasn't today, homes are being killed by these really a top mine is really i tapped on a roof off of the scary of it's supposed to be safe as it's ready for us. as
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a parenting, people to flee moved to rough like maybe to kill them, maybe also to make the changes as what happened today to a know kind of a st. jude and we were covering the tucson open data on the ground inside the roof on the inside this area that is right now, nobody densely populated with residents. i'm curious, most of them have the multiple display from the houses i've suffered from being hungry fast. it's a long nights just early to get revolting pictures for the world about the latest on the ground today that we're hitting to document the latest is many attacks on roughly suddenly, and it's really messiah to the civil call that they were using. despite the fact that they were using their best of their helmets, but they were attacked and they have been killed in cold blood by these very forces . and this is not the only attacks that have been carried out or do so do the recruitment team inside calls. well, for example, now we are sending him a routine to mrs. were the 2nd time the 1st time they have to list
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a number of his family members. right now he's losing his elderly son of the one who was very close to him as he want sharing his secrets, his pains, and the one that personally had spent much time with. and i clearly remember the 1st time when we received the news of the killing of his mother, his. 5 brother and also his a niece we are, we try it as much as possible to hide the news from him. just not to let him know about the situation by way or another is the use of the to mitigate the level of being that he was enduring. right now, how does that you are then use? you are the one that had been killed this time. and we are sending the message to a father who had to do much in order to send the message and to send the truth to the international community and to everyone around the world about what goals. and so i really have been going through and this is not only happening to wetlands for a number without a city in june list, especially bloomfield is here at this happens for old thomasville, every single house in palestine outside the tragic story beyond the tools. yeah. as
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you rightly say, thought it as generally so we never want to be on the news. but in this case this has unfortunately happens again and his, his colleague most stuff, but it was also your colleague was in the car with him. the man. yes. most the far along side with 2 other men were with him. hey, thing to fill in the one of the latest locations that have been directly hit by these very fired subjects. and they did not receive any kind of warning. they had been suddenly hit by a news reading the style that destroyed the v a tool that they were using for transporting. this is kind of the daily emissions be day to go to the dictations of targeting facility to show the world what was happening in that particular part of the gorgeous seems that the occupation wanted to sign and the voice of the city and
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through the deliberate attacks that had been carried out since october, the 7th, against joining the 2 are talking about $110.00 pounds new during this being killed till now. uh, including a members of the, you know, we're talking about the families of where people have been attacked now times previously. they have to include several leaving him behind the behind moved on 5 hours. and also we need to remember our menus shut off. people who have missed the majority of it, this is just because that was happening to kind of a city in the depths of our police should. we should remind us today, east 71 to city and probably to only and so i knew this as israel is expanding its ministry attacks across cover. yeah. is it is a dangerous thing, a generalist that never seems to end, and was certainly a hearing some of that around you taught it. i was there,
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life was there in the rough. i, thanks very much. i just see it as a handheld that he spoke about her friendship with how does that do a less fun versus a single time. so it's about, it's actually waiting to the floss because he knows i'm in the area and that is but, and most of the others he does see if i to a 2 to 5. he was like, you're missing, you have to evacuate with everyone and we're waiting for you. i know it was joking with him. is there a place to sleep? is there a time? and we were talking and were beginning and were, were joking despite of the atrocities we have been going to every single day. not the last time i was in the hi was searching for him. so between the 10. so i wanted to tell him hi and to chat with him and it's in, but you saw me at 1st a video of a girl. they couldn't send it, but rose and they've thomas. i was just wondering when i go to the home. so it's a very beautiful 9 and turned it in friends and i, i don't want to cry,
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but i'm importing this right now because i know that if, if i'm so busy and he wanted me to report and he wanted all of, oh, it's called the 3 courses to continue for 6 and i'm so proud of him and everything he did, everything he reported during some 90 days and more than 90 days. and how he was very strong despite everything he went through with his father had. so it's a great friend from before everyone and our tiers today is because we missed him and we're going to miss him and we're going to miss as far as him. so it's not a normal friend. he was a very generous and kind friend and i'm talking to bring so and they imagine you've been friends of my faith spending. it's a very big clause and it's some. ready ringback work in this, i'm so so much and i don't want to cry. i don't want to cry. i'm sorry i'm, i'm, i'm, i can like separate my most. it's a
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kind of thing in general as in gaza. i'm not just covering the war. they are also living through it, at least a $109.00 pallets. thing in general, this had been killed in the conflict kind of thing. and officials in gaza say the number could be higher. more than 50 media premises or offices have been completely or partially destroyed by his writing strikes. they include the office of the bureau in a goes up hundreds of pallets, thing and generous, and their families, including our colleagues. and i just gotta have been forcibly displaced. they had to abandon their reports, the equipment and offices and, and all to live and report on the difficult conditions. i mean, frequent communication, blackouts, general is working in areas of conflict. all protected on the international humanitarian law, just like civilians under the geneva convention. israel has been accused of repeatedly violating rules of law, palace thing and generally say, israel is trying to kill the messenger and silence of the story. i mean,
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con is the un special revel to a freedom of opinion, an expression she joins us live now from the duck. thanks very much for being with us. now, as has been said before, we never want to be the story, but unfortunately he, we are again and once again, it highlights the dangers to the gentlest face on a regular basis, particularly in gaza. yes indeed, tyler, uh, as you said, the danger the just face during more time. but i would call this a normal situation. i told what we are seeing and god is a getting a massive feelings of some billions at a scale that has not happened even in complex situations. recent times. based on what we know at this point, do you believe that the they were both to deliberately targeted in this attack? a well, i don't know that for sure. of course, no one does. and until, and i'm just that was a proper investigation to it. but what we do know is that was basically the defense
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forces that really is leading to english, criminal and massive kidding of civilians including john this, as you said, a $109.00. just something to take a proportion to be the number that has recently been a report that the casualties among john list is higher than the norm. most casualties among come by soldiers in recent times. so obviously these attacks are totally of k, totally disproportionate and indiscriminate. and the best for the needs to be strong accountability measures. i hold political measures to bring about, i'll just see far as soon as possible. let's talk a little bit more about accountability. i mean, what mechanisms are there to it, particularly in terms of the work that you do, all that to, to pressure the relevant governments and bodies about this to, to force these accounts ability? well 1st of all,
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we especially rapid tours that have the on the right. yes. already oscar to the government's concern for officers and i have written to these ready government. i'm not sure whether they were both a drawn to me, but i think there are also they, there's also the international criminal court. and as you know, there is now recently been the submission made to the international court of justice. so these are legal procedures that need to be forwarded to, and i told them to prosecute her of international criminal court or do you to look into a more crimes that i take based as you said, just a civilians and uh, but they are, but essentially they they need to be there on the ground, they don't have a choice of going away or the concrete. and therefore, their cases needs to be given in terms of the investigation to do you see what the message is getting say? because, you know, this is one off to the other with these attacks and killings of generous. it began, it does seem as if this is the people doing this or doing it with impunity. what's
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the doing it with them to, to, to you know, i hope that situation was change. i think there's, there is right now uh, mission as you know from the us the secretary of state banks in is uh, 32. uh so there is also a mission from the european union. i think those solutions should very seriously look into the issue of cold and unity. how to ensure that there will be accountability and. a bring about a situation where the kidding stops. i think there's a huge responsibility now on the menda states, the united nations. any particular i would say the united states, which has vetoed, as you know, as a nuisance and the un security council for speech fire. appreciate your time. i read con, thanks so much. you've been with us a sort of high that is life for us and it tell of eve so, so as there been any reaction from israel and this news,
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the not so much really? yeah. they don't really cover the depths of done this in gauze or, and so to me it's not really covered a tool, what's really going on on a day to day basis that but i want to you to hit from and is riley who understands the political landscape and the situation of how the major is covering things we have our ins if who's from plus $97.00 to magazine. this is an independent is really local media. i'm but my question to you is this just about the war in gaza where we're seeing unprecedented numbers of desks and targeting of gen this, we obviously have a and a shooting of our clear that was killed and occupied. westbank is this part of a bigger policy. the israel has cars out in the last few years or decades. even. unfortunately, it is always that declares publicly they allow,
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if we don't speak of pitch for the years we've seen again. and again, especially what covering events in the occupied with thinking occupied is through some of the also insight. 48 is that in almost every event, if you're talking about policy and gathering and of course protest, we've seen a doctor against the media, it can be slow things like pushing us away and using a tier we guess and other weapons against us. or of course, the more severe tools, but the general training is very clear. it's preventing again and again from it media eh, cruise to do their work, even when they're marked as press even when they send aside in the groups they received over the years. and i think also this can be allowed because of the general the policy or the general weight. these are the governments button for joe, for the public seat on the scene is a general and doesn't see them as humans. and this allows also the stuck against joint especially even gather that the scene as part of the gadget population based on writing groups
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a. i've talked to the journalist and got the claiming they were part of the 7 of october events that they knew about it in advance, of course. so those are completed, but all of this new money is ation allows this to happen. and also we know that lots of international john this have even had the material, a checks if they wanted to go into the gaza, which a lot of the wasn't happy about. but if we look at the media landscape also since this was started in israel previous, so you had a lot of channels, you know, you knew that you knew they were last is still that they will fall. right? but it's really difficult to distinguish who says what, because none of what's happening in gaza is being complex here. unfortunately, these are the public doesn't know who doesn't want to know what's happening does though it's happening in their names. some of them are participating in the army. they don't want to know what's the army and the government action scene gazda and the media doesn't do it. these are the media. most of these are the media, doesn't do a job is basic job to report. what is happening and it doesn't matter if you
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support it. don't know. first of all, the public has to know what's happening. they have to know about the horrific actions that are happening the, the sort of ation but killing the destruction of the 70 percent of the houses in the, in the north and in central gets that street. and it'd be this book reporting about it. and it's pretty absurd because this is something that is done in the name of the study of the and the public doesn't know know about it the a few days ago, a run the car left, the reactive is 10 4th of here. you can tell it be for the phone for the present. you guys that do show the respect reality to the, for the public and many members of the publics. i faxed them, written down the thoughts of including soldiers on vacation. and this is a metaphor, maybe a symbol to the 2nd, the public just doesn't know. and unfortunately the media is coughing. wish that especially because of felt a sense of shape or feeling of the main to media. they have to serve the war, they have to serve. and the government, the may through narrative instead of asking the important questions. and this is
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not only regarding the, the 1st thing is in does the, in, in the west, like, because this war index is right. and these are the public and the question, what would be the day after? how would we look and how to live here and is when we look like, and nobody's asking these questions. unfortunately, it seems like this policy of the i, the are with us or against us is translating, even with the way the media is covering this totally. and it seems that they recruited the 40 to serve the war. and just to bring many times just the claims of the idea of spokesperson without talking to but it seemed the source of all to other media outlets. so trying to check on the 1st time we didn't just even trying to bring the site to some of the claims i'm just very quickly and so yeah, so now on, so do you think it's was right now under this fall, right, coalition government, this needs to become worse, the defense then, so shape and also the sense of fear of paper to go out and it to speak about what's happening because of okay, thank you very much. thank you are and so for coming in joining us and explaining
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more about that landscape. husband, thanks. all right, and just on another story we're hearing of more divisions within these really government. what more can you tell us on that? oh yeah, absolutely. every sunday they hold a weekly cabinet meeting and 3 ministers from the national units. the policy decided not to take pause, including to will cabinet members, those all, many guns and guy the eyes in coats. and that is, it seems in relation to. 6 the tiles that defended on thursday when a security cabinet meeting was supposed to be held to discuss the so called day off the gaza war. and then you had some fall, right? ministers singing most of the army chief over the military saying that it would hold an internal investigation as to how some of the security vacuum happens in the lead up to october 7. but since then it's been
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a well of was at the time when the government and the prime minister have been calling for unit c unit c because of the will in gaza. you have any guns basically coming out yesterday saying to the prime minister the, this is a mistake, but he needs needs to rectify and also saying he needs to choose between unit c o politics at the time when there is a conversation with whether benny guns and some of the other will cabinet members should even stay in the role as they say that they are choosing the national interest. they said of a politics. and this just shows you really of the divisions that we are now seeing even more so, especially at a time when there was a process held yesterday, that was an anti government protest and anthony, and see raw, the prime minister benjamin netanyahu protests where they said that the government is morally bankrupt, sorta thanks very much for that sort of sided life force intel ivy for us next year
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say anthony blinking has arrived in costa. his visit is part of a week long diplomatic tour, during which he is expected to discuss the war on gauze at the delivery of humanitarian aid into the stream. and the release of his riley captives and plans of gauze off to the war. just as hash him or how barbara is live for us here in doha monitoring all of that for us. so a hash and where things stand right now has in a 2nd of your state and blinking is meeting with me a so to me but how much of sonya and then who will have another missing will cause? the problem is the 2nd one come up with all the sided before coming out in about 35 minutes from now for a press conference. this has a question meeting for, for the secretary of state, hey, is looking forward to see some sort of progress when it comes to the timing that f
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as in coordination with age of shows. and the medicare is to try to improve a new deal between these varieties and how much on this particular issue the, the house has been saying that for them to release the top to the needs to be a prolonged sees via and these valleys have to put out the soldiers from the guys, otherwise there's not going to go for any deal in the near future. these varieties have been saying that there's absolutely no way that we've pulled out that truth and that they are not going to of how much it is sort of major concessions. so a and now it is caught task task to try to narrow the gap between these fridays on time as, as they say that the tools have been going on for quite some time. and they're hoping to come up with some sort of an agreement and a time soon. there is also this bush for the escalation. the i'm that can happen pretty much concerned over the last few days, particularly since the assassination of the have asked me the side i had already on
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the outskirts of bailey. they don't want to see it one drilled closer into this conflict. the outside is how quickly the players with iran in particular on the need for the connection international need is also step in saying that they don't want to see fine and spinning out of control. and they don't want to see these turning into a full blown made it to confront ation. now, the talk about the faces, the near future phases in how not in, in the cause and what's next is a very sensitive, sensitive issue for different boxes. there's been the store for quite some time, has been backed by the americans and by they will be as full the need of a re invented reform policy or forward to to be trained equipped. and then given the authority to take over how much something that has been, uh, you do have a unanimous spence, when it comes to some of the key players in the region, they say that the top priority should be now for is wise to stop the written
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dentist bombardment of gaza a la humanitarian into the strip and then all the parties should be involved into a discussion about what's next of that. ultimately, it is going to be a decision made by the odyssey and people. all right, we know you'll be keeping abreast of all of that to force for the moment. hashanah had bought a life for stare in the a spring and time of cod moved. now he is an assistant professor of public policy and the high is just huge for graduate studies. and for more about this now, good to good to talk to you again. so 1st of all, what do you expect from, from this particular treat by the us sectors? they so has them. this is again another, all the stuff of diplomacy and, and blinking is coming against the drop of 2 important initiatives. the 1st of which is the egyptian proposal,
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which was coordinated by the categories. and the 2nd also is the day after the plan . these are the plan for the future of guys after the end of this week. so we see to we see a proposal from one that has like sort of just remind is what leads to all the addiction plans or the egyptian proposal. it's a, it's a genetic proposal to, to, to end the war. and it's, it's, it starts with a 3 phases. phase one involves uh, releasing the captives and extension of the student is able to present those and allowing a 8 to enter the gaza face to. it focuses on the, the allowing for, for the scene and unity establishing got the crab government to the transition stage and prepare for the elections. and phase 3 involves a politic and fast to bring a lasting deal in this conflict. so it's a genetic vague proposal, but it's, it's like a, it's a 1st thing but the, when it has been released by the egyptians in coordination with the companies. and
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i think now is the focus on stage one 1st $1.00 and $2.00 instead of. so phase one that's very important for both time us and is our end because in phase one, these ladies are keen to have the captives release. and also how much wants to have for the student present as a lease and also allow the ceasefire and 8 to it that it does a phase 2 as we talk know, the sooner the president is visiting egypt, it has been reported. so it must be in the relation to this proposal as well because now the discussion is of what f, what is the i'm the boeing to stopped the stability to get for a ceasefire. i'm from discussing. but as long as the lease of discussion on a pallet, the contract has been opened as well, which involves what was going on, guys with the scene, i thought it would be involved whether it's something called government. so these are big issues, big cases to discuss. and i think this shot of the promise of blinking comes protected all these things because this was forwarded to and it has to involve the
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lesion and the blessings of reason of poplars, including the egyptians, the countries and other key up states. and i think is what so blinking is coming on to disrupt the promise to stop by advocate capital to get to seek feedback and also to reach a consensus on what of the priorities at this moment. all right, we'll have to leave it from that time. a couple thanks so much. my pleasure. it's still a heads on i just need a violence not just in gaza, but in the occupied westbank. 2 way 8 palestinians have been killed in this really drugs the . how are the thunder clouds popping up once again across the amazon, bison? mobic down pulls coming for you have some of the showers to just into central the least impulse of austin taylor is very active. best to me area will bring some very
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heavy right across. so that eastern side all boston tina through uruguay. wet weather for i don't know if, as per usual right across the amazon basin, either towards the at eastern side of brazil, temperatures on the rise, that asencion is around $38.00 celsius over the next couple of days. that was the weather that we have just around the way we're probably pushing up across europe. while i will not, by the know if it's a nice with, as we go through monday, a little bit of what by the 2 ends of the carrier pay. and we have got to this area cloud here that's just coming out to the gulf with my see how the wind is coming from adobe direction pumping into the easily trades compared to slide. so where we have to, to, we have go some showers the into the company and so it's a northern and western posit cubic foot. so much of the caribbean. it's not too bad over the next couple of days. an improving situation for many who is the challenge of one of the 2 shelves over to will cease to not as nothing too much to speak over that we do still have some very disturb either. it goes into the northeast of the us, that heavy snow making his way across new england, east and past of canada. it dries up,
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it brightens up as we go through next week. the. the frank assessments to the problem is that, is it or is allowed to be outside of that and so to international law. and one of the reasons that's a bit is the, is the fact that is it and has declared war on no coupons, people informed opinions, the medical infrastructure of an entire society has been completely destroy the people who will feel that destruction 1st and most will be the women and children inside story on al jazeera,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, again, you're watching. i just seen a reminder of all the top stories this out. i just need a has condemned in the strongest terms. isabel's talk said killing of gentleness. how does that do? the son of our goal is to be our chief when he's call was directly hitting the han, eunice, ac generalist,
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and stuff. i thought i was killed alongside him. us up to state anthony blinking has arrived in concert on his 5th floor of the region. cisco will begin to go on to visit the you not to that reverence, saudi arabia, egypt, israel, and the occupied west bank at least 50 palestinians had been killed in his wally attacks across the gauze since saturday evening. the casualties include children in the cities of hon. units and dated by the injured, have been rushed to barely functioning hospitals. the military has widened operations with ariel and ground attacks across the central and southern gauze, israel as well as displaced millions of people in gaza. the united nation says 1900000 palestinians. that's more than 90 percent of gauze this population have now been up rooted from their homes. 1.4000000 are staying in facilities run by the u. n. but nearly 319 people sheltering in un facilities have been killed while 1135 had been injured in attacks on or near you and premises. at the start of the war,
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hundreds of thousands of people were pushed to roughly in the south, which became the most densely populated area in garza, but they are being displaced once again, as israel intensifies its plumbing campaign, there is little food and no sanitation. the un says around 2200000 people need urgent, humanitarian aid to survive. amada notify is the director of external relations and communications at underwater. she says that circumstances for displaced phantoms with families are becoming more di of by the hour. most of them are either in the shelter as user scrolls and look for the bill days where people took refuge or staying with families. the ones with the roots on there are the lucky ones because there are hundreds of thousands of people on the street in the most southern part of the godless trip in brooklyn,
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where they have the push to go buy. because really it's already sunday. the exempt evacuation notices since the very 1st day of this conflict, there is no where state and god and that is because of the intensity of the, of the conflict of the bombing. but also because. 1 of the ability of the international community to agree on a ceasefire. god for right now needs the human syrian cease fire in order for people to take a breath. count of the razor that may be this is their holes check in on their neighbors on their friends and try to find something to eat. because by the way, those who are not being killed by the balls are being killed either by diseases that are starting to spread in for prizes shelters or by just from health issues the from the illnesses or mal latricia united nations estimates of 5000 pregnant women are in the gaza strip around 200 are giving birth each day. and
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hospitals are barely able to provide sufficient care for both the mothers and the newborns at 0 spoke to 3 mothers about the recent experience of getting bus during a time of war. and the hopes they have for their families, a lid it's given. i hadn't had a premature birth because a feel had anxiety and the bull. i had a c section for the 1st time in my life as a result of fatigue and exhaustion. since week one i've been carrying my daughter and running from one school to another, after every a strike. and i had just given birth when they asked me to vacate the bid and go elsewhere because they needed it for other women. we then started fighting for sparks and b as in the bathrooms or elsewhere. they've accuse everywhere with all of them. i can't find any milk for my daughter, and i cannot produce breast milk either. and we can't find any sugar or basic necessities in the area to try to compensate for the lack of mil, hello and a southern mill as a sabbath the account. i had
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a very difficult 1st. even though i was surrounded by doctors, i could not go into labor. my situation was dire. i nearly lost my trial. the doctor screamed at the nurses and ask them to send round me because i could not go into labor. after my delivery. i could only stay for a few hours given the large number of pregnant women so needed to give 1st. they only gave me 5 hours to rest before asking me to leave the hospitals that i stayed in the same shelter with empty to other individuals on how am i supposed to put up with the noise and everything else? that is gonna be awesome. i mean, at the beginning of the deal the attacks were intense and to find for the woman who's 9 months pregnant. yeah. i couldn't move. i couldn't run. i couldn't go any way. even if i have to. when i was going to the hospital, i was past my due date and i could not go into labor as a result, a few others. you asked me to walk around for 2 hours and come back. where could i
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walk off? the entire area had been bombarded, including the under bought and come all that much streets, new boat destroyed was in the delivery room. and i could hear the shows folding it on me. i feared board for my delayed labor on the continuous bombardment is gonna be one of the hostile ending areas on the on the sustains on bottom. and i tried going downstairs and they told me the delivery room was on demand paid off. and i needed to go back up, the pain was unbearable, there was no electricity, there was nothing together. i had given the just a few days prior school. i tried to work with my daughter on my arm, and it was a password. so you'll see exhausted. we weren't allowed to brings codes or anything, and i'm just saying that we'd rush these really check on. and so the time send the sewage wanted and about not have to stand there for 2 hours with my own. and when my daughter in law, i couldn't put my daughter down because these really still does how we disciples.
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we're going to fight or pulling us if we try to move or bend down on the little the, the most the it is ready forces have killed a palestinian see in the occupied westbank, including 7 in a drawn strike on jeanine. the city has seen battles between his body forces and power. steering fights is an 8th palestinian who is killed in a village north of my law in confrontations. june is really right. they've been near daily rights in the west bank since the beginning of the war. some of those killed in jeanine were from the same family, 4 of them brothers. the
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hezbollah has claimed responsibility for firing. a missile that destroyed a house in the northern is really town of my 211 east groups as it was targeting and is really on the side. it says it killed and injured the crew that tension between israel and has bola is intensifying on the israel 11 on board, a growing concerned 11 and will be pulled into the war in cost less cost. now to email con in e mail is sexy in southern 11. on a more on what's the latest you were hearing it a well, a few hours ago there were multiple attacks by his bullet. first the, they say they talked to a radar sites in the occupied level, any ship a thumbs area with a missile and achieved a direct hit. and then they targeted and is returned in the area. the israelis cold material, which you just mentioned, that we stay say they destroyed. there was a fight a barrel engine block is on a key installation in the gallery hitting it a 2nd time in the last 24 hours. now these ready armies said that his bullet
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launches a to volleys into those northern sacraments, known as material, no damage or casualties in addition and id tag me. so those are who have the hotel building there with no casualties. now this is something that we've seen a lot more of his bullet size. makes one claim he's ready. um he says it know that it was something that was actually addressed by the secretary general of hezbollah, hudson to throw that in his speech. saying these riley's simply hiding uh, all of the casualties, all of the that there's been destroyed by all fighters and everything is very, very tens on this board has been very, very tense for a long time. but there is intense diplomatic efforts to try and calm things out. now, right now, everything is contained on this 120 kilometer long border. most of it disputed some of the occupied. now this is something that the international community wants to make sure it doesn't spill over into
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a war and let him know. but the longer on the honda israel prices against his below his bullet reacts now has in this role i said that they all ready to go to war with lebanon. but that's not something they want right now. but probably mister benjamin met. nathaniel, who of his role is also very clear. he says if his, if his beloved ones a will, it will get one. it's that kind of language that's called the diplomatic community word. so like, is a lot of diplomatic efforts to try and make this contain, remember, this thing about piece isn't about getting the 2 sides apart right now is just about containing the war in this border area. iran con, live 1st, there in some 11 on thank you the all right, let's take a look at some of the days of the news. now, polls have closed in bond with dash and general elections mocked by low voter
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turnout. the main opposition policy and its allies. i'd call for a boycott. cooling the vote. one sided. don't know how reports from the capital duck on the streets of central deca were unusually quiet as the country took to the poles. the public stations pretty quiet too. by mid day turn out was it just over 18 percent and the chief election commissioner was putting a break face on the last 11 o'clock you did start and things of being far from peaceful in recent months, the opposition bangladesh nationalist party decided to boycott the process saying the vote would be read after a space to pre election violence in which thousands of its members were arrested and jailed. prime minister shakes, i've seen a system of
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a 4th consecutive to blame the opposition for the violence. i have to do that to home, to home at this party that there is no, i have my i phones ability to people to the people. so, you know, when told me to say that it is for the people to determine the credibility of this election by turning out to the fact that it doesn't seem as though they've done so in large numbers. and so even by the prime ministers, i didn't measure the an extra. sure. some said they were happy with the process. i could vote freely without restriction and i'm happy that i was able to. this woman appeared to confirm suggestions that some were being offered incentives to vote. they told me that if i think they would give me my disability benefits when the election is eva. this was the aftermath of a suspect to dawson attack on a train travelling to the capital doctor on friday night. and the $411.00 elections
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held in bangladesh since independence have been widely considered free and fair. the present one will not be the 5th, and the see is pre election violence will intensify off to it's joe know how else a 0 duck as it is christmas for millions of orthodox christians around the world. the festivities have been muted in bethlehem and the occupied westbank believe to be the best place in keys as christ and his christmas message, patriarch of jerusalem, palestine and jordan express pain and sorrow over god knows that all christmas celebrations are also being held in ukraine's capital thus, despite the government officially moving the holiday to december, the 25th, an apparent snap to russia. i said, beg reports from keith. many people have come to churches here and the captain across the country on this very cold morning. in fact, to celebrate christmas despite the presence then steve saying that the country officially recognizes it on the 25th of december. and not so many people here that
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we've spoken to that this is a matter of tradition. this is a matter of following the cutting the, the followed for many, many years and nothing to do with must or, and infinity to russia. and when present zalinski and knives such as the that moves about this country officially. recognizing christmas on the 25th of december, it was a, it was us and seen this as an up to must go. but also to show you appear in are less than powers that ukraine is very much you appear in our west. and this is part of the water, it's not only to maintain weapons and support from us and powers, but also to show the world and just kind of tell the world that this is a fight, not just between ukraine and russia. this is a fight between western powers and russia, and ukraine is very much on the side of western powers. but to people that we've spoken to here, this isn't about politics. this isn't about the state officially, recognizing christmas on a different date. this is a back tradition and even one woman who spoke to yesterday,
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she said that this was like the state imposing them to try and change the date. but for people here, this still send the breaking christmas on the 7th of january. and it does show that the us still divides across the country despite the presence then try to unite the country into one christmas. that hasn't actually happened. i still a head don't add 0 as a cup holders mattress. the city they gave me this fence and that tosh will be so we'll have the latest action coming up in school be, i'll do be back to the on a saturday morning we came where access to the santa rosa market on the south west coast. when it's short, been smugglers got us while we were here, it didn't seem like any one was inspecting the catch the window. isn't that the fish market in santa rosa?
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i don't see any government officials inspecting or observing what kind of look at present because the statement is going to allow for marcus. no, i use victoria how that'd be $990.00 of the month just at least 9. not the seen the money today or the business or team or caught a fisherman bringing a hammer head shirt. most of this beast is in danger. he jumped off the head and the body was destined for the pending pile, indistinguishable from the other sharks. her presence at the market quickly became problematic. the the come back, let's get those for now. he's beaten as an thank you very much. defending champions
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matches the city looked to be cruising until the 4th round of the f. a cab. they've opened a title defense against how does field. it took them a little while to get going. who didn't? alvarez had to show a lot of photos, found food photon in the city of the deed, in the 53rd. beth, how there has been double cities, needs 3 minutes later to find new days. from the tip of the boy in the ladies between the city replacing ovaries in the 2nd halls he has in safe today since of tearing him spring during the premium, he opened us on august, the 11th said, he still had more misery. it's a heap on how this field, including a go from oscar bob and another from a photo and then a 5 minute left with just a few minutes remaining of that match at the instant had with them. and bristol city are involved in an armor. so right now, but how many, literally through jared,
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somebody the bristol city who's right and even 2nd to found a 2nd point to legalize this is for me conway. if it stays this way, the teams will have to repay the time. but with preston city hosting this time also begin the pick up campaign against livable in sundays spend out a 3rd round tie. besides paid out a thrilling one old ro in the premium the 2 weeks ago. but also system has since been with 2 consecutive defeats. that's a little overtake them at the top of the table. there is a be history between these competition and our club, and we have a big opportunity to start again and make it beautiful journey. it is especially for me and i have so many memories playing against them and, and that's where, because at the top side, you know, so requires a big preparation out of detail and everything that we have to do it was more of a csa who scored levels equalize that to enroll against the us in the last month, but he's not available for this match as he's joined up with egypt for the advocate cup of nations. you could miss up to a,
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to level pool games depending on how well each country performs in ivory. coast, or do you want to play with all the more? no. but if you have to to know who the always and be had in the past, we didn't have to do that often. but be always find, i think, a way to, to, to, to get through this periods and i'm pretty sure to be able 5, but of course we play off and on so that at awesome you can lose with most of the judge, positive values without him. um, but in the moment we have the chance to win the game. so i think we should more think about that. that will be no ref out in the dell at this month's australian open. he's had to pull out of the tournament with an injury between the tucson grand slam champion, only just made he's come back last week after a year on the sidelines with the hip problem. the dallas stuff. it a small muscle, tate and he's quoted final. the fees in prison on friday, but says it's a different injury to the one which saw him missed the majority of last season.
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he's now going to head home to spain for treatment. we've got reaction from tennis ball costs to craig gabriel instead me the russell titus says tournament is 50 weeks dispute last week and bruce, but at the risk of international, you've got a couple of very good wins under his belt and then he was playing jordan tungsten in an outstanding match, it was a truck, thompson came back to run from my point down. but in the 3rd set, roughly, i had to leave the court for a medical timeout and he came back and finish the match. but he was in some discomfort. he thought maybe is somebody to do with a bit of a muscle bull. does he have to wait so long? he didn't think it was anything really serious, but he is struggling since then. he went down to melvin out of them or i done and what it says it has the is a micro tag on the muscle, on the left leg. what he says, what it's incredibly sad of disappointing for him. he also made the point that it's positive in one sense is that it's not in the same situation or exactly the same
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area, but kept to, of the injury that kept him out of this for, for so long. he hasn't played, it hasn't played a tournament since last year as a strategy. no, but before bridgeman last week. so he's looking trying to look at the positives. but it certainly is dropped into some tribal the quote, because this is probably going to be his last year on the true. meanwhile, and that is on does better have, is warming up nicely for the australian open, leading germany to a type of victory of opponent that the united cup team tournament in sydney, the writing olympic champion save to match points when he singles tie against 9 frames? cupid heard catch in a 3 hour epic breakfast through the siding, mixed doubles, match which featured randy's like this one. he and he made loan and took on her pets and women's and number one. this fiance,
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again 8, was to go to the siding 3rd, set the gym, and paint winning and a super tiebreaker the assisting me the winning soft came and said as records as these backend funny things that's at the prison international. very go, the nature of picks up the try people the 2nd time in these career cities, most one who gave you and beat the top st. hold of luna in straight sets the can choose 1st ac from suicide. since 2017. but the mitchell parents unfortunately missed these victory as they left the match early to catch a flight on the winds of and who was won by elaina as we back enough she took on reading the southern income. and the repeat of last year was a straight into the final which supplement one this time it was read back in that who came out on top 6 love $63.00 to claim her 6 to be a title. and indeed, a 15 mess waiting speak with a straight insulated food supplement. a new zealand cocoa golf successfully defended hood tightly and old land with victory against the meanest mitchell lena ukraine. one of the 1st seats in a tie break,
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but golf came back to win. the next 263632 and a half hour epic gulf with all the most success in the state in open of the beginning. the us, as in last year, we're into the business end of the nfl season. now with play of places at stake, and the houston texans have progressed with victory against the indianapolis colts . and that when was at the cult, explain this in the older nothing game. touchdowns from because colonies and, and who fake with the text. moving to a 43 lead coats responded and they were closing in. but this was the moment, the change that i dropped from time to good sending the closing stages, allowing the texans to hold on for victory and the 1st tailed spot for weasels. in the india, you're honest and seem to come to head 48 points, but it wasn't enough. as the milwaukee bucks, lots of the houston rockets, it was the most points the rockets have conceded to effect of the season. but 7
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planes reached the double figures speaking eastern and the 11210853 boards, a check out the box back within 8. but jabari smith junior helps close it out, quarter 3 and city of 14. and clearly they have an i most policies on the way lights as of quite stuff nicely. i much the time. that's it for this news out. but i'll be back in a moment with more other days. the a unique perspective of africans, i'm willing to change the streets because of the sense of urgency that we have. if we don't know more and more lots of voices, you don't often hear trouble. nations do stand with paula spine. it's the same struggle share of displacement, connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. you see where the political establishment is in terms of justifying genocide,
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brand new episodes of the stream on which is the are in mexico's board of cities. the stock impact of drug trafficking and phase on one side, the world's largest consumer of narcotics on the other lives being sacrificed to meet the demand. and the results and under pressure forensic investigate as the team piece together. evidence that's they grapple with the relentless cycle of homicide. blows on all sides. a witness documentary on the houses, their religious trinkets in 7 is 9. the centuries old. couple blame the terrorism is the bread and butter of truth, some light families, the war and slight constellations. i've met that taurus on coming. we are next, the church of the holy secretary, very good location for the tutors, a sort of killed biblical religious place. we are in a famous place for the position, for the political message to come to visit the church of on a separate, no tourist at 70. that fish should be the busiest time of the year with christmas
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and new year round the corner. and usually these lanes and these shops are incredibly busy, was terrorist from all around the world. but if you speak to any of the shop findings, they'll tell you that business has oh, but to indulge large scale is ready, police surveillance, and all the tree. a rest of the most open steps up and occupied. east resilience with movement being restricted to ready having repercussions on the local economy or the, [000:00:00;00] the little i'm having to think of this is the news life from doha,


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