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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 7, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm AST

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that has all but to indulge large scale is really police surveillance and all the tree a rest of the most open steps up and occupied east resilience with movements being restricted and it for reggie having repercussions on the local economy the, [000:00:00;00] the following has and see cuz this is the news life from doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. israel has targeted and killed the son of i just see it as gaza bureau chief in general, is how does that do? second, jill and jealous was also killed in that strike. most stuff i thought i was for the
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as on sprawls press news agency. the us secretary of state is in caught out on his 5th visit to the region since the will began. we'll have a live updates and vote counting is on the way in bangladesh. in uphold the main opposition had boy taught it and called a ship. the it is $1600.00 g n t. we begin with breaking news edges either has condemned in the strongest terms is what was targeted. killing of general is, comes to the son of gauze and bureau, a chief way to the car of 27 year old hamza was talking to the han eunice in southern gaza. he was heading that to document the devastation from an overnight. is there any strike on a residential area? a p gentlest little stuff. what did i uh, who was with hands that was also killed in october, several members of where the newest family, including his wife, another son, daughter, and grandson,
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were killed in his riley era. he has good continue to report on these riley operations despite this devastating personal loss. israel has been accused of deliberately targeting journalists and their families in gaza, a 109 to unless have been killed by his military since october, the highest death told of media what because of any recent conflict. here's what when i said about his son's giving a nice to have the power for that. as you can see, legal people in droves saying good bye to their loved ones and to the children every day, every hour and every 2nd. know what and me just like all of these people know that so i don't know who i am bidding farewell today. what else can i say? you know i, the god will micies make god almighty give us strength. so give us come fit, give us patience. when you are with the best web and go with the,
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the stuff the and the mos on my gotomypc give us the strength to carry off for the sake of homes. and for the sake of all the masses, then the ends to hums. and to all the masses here, i say we will remain faithful. you cannot niamack my son homes that was working with me. he was working with us as part of the elders. they recruit national that in a couple i knew that times. and i started working before homes up, i was born my uncle. so i'm enough that you can see. and until today you had the i have been working on this mission for over 2 decades. working on this humanitarian mission comes off to my family and off to homes, a wisdom that we will definitely continue. we will continue. i l'aquila monumental, amelia, however, the entire world must take a look at what is going on here in the guise of strictly what is going on is
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difficult and it is painful. it is massive, i sense, and there was great injustice here for our people. this for the civilian people who lives in america. so half the what is happening holds great injustice for us as journalists. we and how do you at the right you what that it was said in the past, and i'm going to set the freedom is opinion. and the freedom of expression to us in the work that journalists do in obtaining information mean, then photos and footage in order for the deserving audience to view them on the one you know, it was said that al job was guaranteed by international law. what's the end to monetary? and last so however, so for $107.00 journalist, it's a full and they blog has been spilled on this land. as if no one had heard about what was said. let me know as if no one was seeing what is happening here, the line and i called upon the entire world to put an end to all this killing. i
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think it is taking journalists lives one after the other. and i hope the blood of my son hums that will be the last blood spilled by journalists and the last blood to be spilled here by anyone in the gaza strip in vain. and i hope the semester could, will come to an end. i just need a media network has issued a statement strongly condemning israel is targeting janice saying the assassination of most stuff. uh and how does that? i just get a corresponded with the new son was they were on their way to carry out the gt in the gaza strip reaffirms the need to take immediate, necessary legal measures against the occupation forces to ensure that there is no impunity. these really occupation forces have systematically targeted colleague what is the door and his family telling his wife, son, daughter, and grandson in october 2023. well and his colleague, the late seminar, i will call a camera man will also targeted in december 2023. we urge the international
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criminal court, the government's and human rights organizations, and the united nations to hold israel accountable for teen as crimes, and demanding and to the targeting and killing of gems. just here to play, just to take all measures to prosecute the perpetrators of these crimes and stands in solidarity and support with old generalists in gaza. and what that app was, zoom is life was in the buffer in southern gaza. so tanya, i know that you knew both of these men personally to talk about to how does that 1st and your memories of him? yes has them comes out, was one of our colleagues working with the 0 stuff inside cause a strip as he was very close to everyone and inside of the team. it's ryan to old ways. spread good use among the others. and always while sharing off his memories, he's also
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a favorite things on every single parts visit life regarding his job regarding how time is his relationship with his was his parents and the specialty was it was it with his mother who has been killed alien, one of the strikes that level to the ground, the house that they were taking refuge in animal rights refuge account. and always i remember how does that he was posting and i just put in his instagram block for that to use really in a very deep mess on things really missing his mother. i do want it to be your right . you were united again with the pieces. what happened today after being killed by it is ready drone this child that deliberately taught gets its uh, the civil card that they were using in the truman thing and filled me the latest these really attacks. of course the gaza strip, hands up for me was a close friends and for everyone, there was a very calling person and always was telling us about what he likes, what he's dislike, what he really dislikes. i'm the day off to the will. what will he to bought? main main want. meanwhile, we cannot really expect that he would be killed in
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a poor lot by his rarely drove. unplug the fax on the ground that joining us on, not having full impunity. insight garza, we're talking about $110.00 tops between join it was being killed since october. the 7th that this is completely present it to be a relation against all the principals that you're going to target. international low on the old all over the monetary and principles across the globe box. because a stripe is a very different case is a very also different conditions. we're dealing with being killed, automatic civil defense themes and also academics. this is not the only time that the somebody of our key. why does that look being kids? but this is of a sped time. he had been talking to the 1st time. he lost one of his sons as daughter and also one of his grandchildren. and right the 2nd time he was himself was the talking to the long side with our big summer about the the who has been left pleasing after being kids with. and he's very me styled awful. moved on 5
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hours. and right now he's losing his son hands, which was one of the closest family members to him. hands on was always telling us about his father, about how we had the various fun under strong relationship with him. and when we start looking at why your face, we cannot really see just really all the means of deep fost miss resilience and a very deep sadness and pain in his hearts. due to the numbers of his family members that had been killed by these valley forces, he infested he keeps going to keep revolting subjects revolting about overlay describes a cruise gall. this trip. this telling his son was been used and his son was the victim. that he must triple. what's on the balance? yeah, it is an incredible personal loss for uh, when do, and his sons colleagues and stuff with that. i was also in the, in that car when it was hit, he would, he worked for a, a piece of news agency took
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a little bit about him. yes, most of all that's right. was alongside with hands that they were also close friends to each other. and they were going with each other on every single time their reports. and they are documenting the latest violations made by israel on the ground since they were in the dollars the city of to be evacuated, to con eunice. and right now they are full, were sharing food, a drink and everything started together. i remember clearly the last time that both times and most of us were preparing a meal for dinner for themselves. and for the rest of the journalist, they are working. they are working together, they were just gathering in the 10s that most of attends and they were sharing everything everything's together and they have, they were very close a test. and so each of them, this is practically part of who they are. as a kind of innocent civilians before being joined was being killed. i'm most of a for me is my brother loved
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a. we had the very strong relationship with each of these very top testing. and he was very keen on filming, and everything on the ground and tried to raise the international awareness about what is happening inside cause for out his social media platforms. he was killed with tons of both of them now left double rooms and what was really terrifying to me personally when i am set to take into the grave of the parts of our funeral traditions. i remove that the trouble, the trucking thing, the most miserable and on bearable things that i didn't find is hit. she was completely in pieces and this is a part of the east really genocide of attacks that continue to target tons of play in the lives of civilians are 1st causal, appreciate you sharing your recollection. so with this uh thought i have was zoom in rough garza, thanks very much. how does that last post on the social media platform? x was one praising his father on saturday one day before his killing. how does that
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road fall that you are a patient? so never lose hope in your recovery and then goes compassion. have faced that your patients will be rewarded by god just as he and hold that he spoke about tough friendship with how does that do or less fun versus a single time. so it's about, it's actually waiting to the floss because he knows i'm in the area and that is, but, and most of the ads is he does see if actuated to defy. he was like, you're missing, you have to evacuate with everyone and were waiting for you and it was joking with him. is there a place this need? is there a time? and we were talking and we were beginning and we were joking despite of the atrocities we have been going through every single day. not the last time i was in the hi was searching for him. so between the 10 i wanted to test him hi and to chat with him and it's in, but he saw me at 1st a video of a girl. they couldn't send a monroe and they've thomas, i would just come for him when i go to the home. so it's
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a very beautiful 9 and turned in this to friends and i, i don't want to cry, but i'm reporting this right now because i know that if, if i'm so busy and he wanted me to report and he wanted all of, oh, it's called the 3 courses to continue for 6, and i'm so proud of him and everything he did everything he reported during some 90 days and more than 90 days. and how he was very strong of despite everything he went through with his father, has that was a great friend from before everyone and our tiers today is because we missed him and we're going to be 7. we're going to mrs. was him. so it's not a normal from he was a very generous and kind friend and i'm talking to bring so and they imagine you've been friends of my face smiling. it's a very big clause and it's some. ready ringback work in this and so, so much and i don't want to cry. i don't want to cry. i'm sorry i'm, i'm, i'm,
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i can like separate my most a pot of singing gentleness in gaza and i'll just covering the war. they are also living through it as you just saw there at least a 109 palestinian gems had been killed in the conflict palestinian officials in gauze of say the number could be higher. more than 50 media premises officers have been completely well partially destroyed, biased riley strikes, they include the office of the, the bureau in the cause of hundreds of policy in gym to send their families, including our colleagues. and i just need, i have been forcibly displaced, they had to abandon their reporting equipment in offices in the north to live and report on the difficult conditions. i made frequent communication of black house journalist working in areas of conflict, all protected on the international humanitarian law. just like civilians under the geneva convention, israel has been accused of repeatedly violating rules of law, passing in general to say,
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as well as trying to kill the messenger and silence the story. i mean, con is the un special replica on freedom of opinion at expression. she says the scale of israeli attacks on civilians are unprecedented. what we are seeing and god is kennings, a massive giddings of 6000000000 at a scale that has not happened even a conference situations. recent times. what we do know is that what these, where the defense forces i believe, is leading to the english criminal and mastiff kidding of civilians including john list. and it takes a proportion to the number that has recently been a report that the casualties among journalists is higher than the norm. most casualties among come by soldiers in recent times. so obviously, these attacks are totally of k, totally disproportionate and indiscriminate. and best for the needs to be strong
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accountability measures. and i hope political measures to bring about, i'll just see far as soon as possible. we especially rep. it took her to have the on the right to the $42.00 off the government's concern for officers. and i have written to these really government, i'm not sure whether they were bothered to on for me, but i think there are also they, there's also the international criminal court. and as you know, there is now recently been a submission made to the international court of justice. so these are legal procedures that need to be followed through. and i called them to prosecute her of international criminal gold. or do you to look into the crimes that are taking place, just a civilians and uh, but they are, but essentially they need to be there on the ground. they don't have a choice of going away or feeling the concrete and therefore a, they, their cases need to be given priority in terms of the investigation. and so let's got to sort of fire to his life was in tel aviv so. so here we are again talking
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about the killing of yet another generalists again as they were doing the job. and it raises uncomfortable questions again, about whether journalists are being targeted. what's been the reaction to this inside as well? yeah, absolutely. it's terrific. i mean, certainly john, this including ourselves here and israel are constantly warriors of popular correct precautions or the propaganda that's been put out, especially against some of us agenda is trying to report on the war 9 tons of the discussions here. there aren't any happening such a need not in terms of what's happening to john, this is aaron, frankly, the discussions and not even happening as to what's happening to the civilians. and because of the only discussions you'll see, hey, on his writing media related to war decisions, to the, of the situation in terms of what they've managed to achieve in terms of the number of tests of how much spices and it's very much of
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a you either with us or against us mentality, even when you look at the landscape of his writing media here you see that it's very much repeating what the government is saying. it's repeating some of those statements and the public does a huge the rely on local media. have for that information, they have these panel discussions that often can last for hours with up to 6 guest panel discussion talking about decisions being made within the government or decisions being made as to what's happening in gaza. but when it comes to she mind to tear in a when it comes to the situation of what is going on to people in gauze or what's happening even with john, unless that isn't really happening as such a recess and the know there's some of those policies in silencing done this, oh no, adjusting garza but also in other parts unoccupied. westbank, we'll see what's happened to our colleagues, of course a shooting a bar clinton often,
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even though they're supposed to be an independent investigation, nothing comes of it. and this doesn't just apply to janice, this is also applied to people, palestinians here who have tried to voice their opinion on what's happening in gaza, even putting social media posts. but some of them has landed them in jo button as others have been saying, we are here to do a job to report what is going on and, and going back to that sorta we are hearing of signs of, of division within the is really a government what more can you tell us on the a. yeah, every day is ready. politics, harris, bringing up something new today should have been the week the cabinet meeting. it did take place since every sunday they have this in the morning, but 3 ministers from the same policy that's the national unity policy decided not to attend. interestingly, 3 of 2 of them rather all 2. a members on the vote, cabinets panel,
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that's many guns as well as the guys the eyes and quotes. the 3rd person called the see light trooper he spoke to is randy on the radio, putting it on the fact that a few days ago, there was a huge, huge, a huge fallout that took place as a security cabinet meeting where they was supposed to discuss what happens once the war is over and that ended up in k us because there's something not related even. it was something to do the minute treat po, probing and investigating itself as to what happened on the side of the 6. but the point is, is that you are starting to see cracks at the time when they all meant to be unified. in fact, local media or is written now reporting one of the channels channel 12 is saying that apparently this is something that prime minister netanyahu has said. we don't have a way to verify at the moment. but he says that cabinet ministers in high ranking officials, attending national security discussion should be compelled to have
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a lie detector test. and this is the kind of language we're starting to hit. he says he's concerned it seems about leaks. he's, he's calling it the information that was leaks out to the me, just the need of from that me thing that happened a few days ago that ended up in a feud. but also we have heard from benny guns yesterday saying that it's up to prime minister benjamin netanyahu to sort this out. benny got said come to the age of the army chief that was being attacked in that meeting. and he also has said that prime minister benjamin netanyahu needs to decide between unity of the country, national security each or whether he will choose politics. and this husband comes at the time when we're seeing people becoming more vocal against him. and again, cisco relation government restore products as yesterday, but not finally that we're also hearing a lot more people saying that he needs to resign. sort of hide in tennessee. thanks
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very much. hi is right. yeah, right across the gauze, i have killed at least a $113.00 people in the last 24 hours. the casualties include children in the cities of hon. eunice and did better as honey my mood reports, hose and refugee camps. what tom, you to okay. unfortunately, we don't have that report from honey at the moment, apologies for that. it, until we do have it. now here it is highly removed. in the wake of these regular striking rough people are sifting through the degrees that once was their home. oh my quote, total athene is difficult, especially for 75 year old. he's one of the whole more in the loss of his entire family. he said they were killed trying to escape the violence law the while i shot my family has been completely wiped out from the civil registrar. again, no one has no child. no woman doesn't hugs you not
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a young one or old person survivor. all of them are gone. no, no one is lives doing. i'm the only one remaining. they're all gone. i. if i were sleeping inside the house, i would have died. but i slept outside of bumble. many victims remained trapped under the roof. is really operations of from both air and land, a ravishing central and southern gospel here, more casualties. keep arriving at really struggling hospitals in there. and about us in one unit, non stop bombing has code dozens of civilian despite being designated as a so called safe zone for civilians by israel. their homes have not been spurred. the attack has done 3. huh. but i still don't know. yeah. what else is less than goza? they are pushing us into a corner. that will we be at the end?
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where should we go? what are they driving us to? let us go back to a home even if we have to eat good and does not since will you know that i had the i'm you want to have the custody? this ariel studies shows the dire humanitarian crises in southern cause. many people, including women and children, form along the cues, hoping for a meal. the only one they will likely have all day, but with all very crowded towns unlimited, a many are left with desperate need honey. my mode via the dropbox garza. are you a sick despite anthony blinking is in the car is visit as part of a week long diplomatic tour of the middle east blinking expected to discuss the war on gauze, the delivery of humanitarian aid and the release of his reading, the captives, among other things, i just need his hash in my head, but i is live for us in the ha. so how can we understand we are expecting
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a blinking and the cost of the farm and it's the shift i'm would be not that off on, but just that they need to come out at any moment. now, of the holding meeting, as we speak on, we're expecting them to come out in about 5 to 7 minutes to solve the press conference. this is a crucial visit for secretary clinton. hey, has had a meeting earlier with a shift to me, but haven't sent me the middle of kata. i'm basically we do understand that this is something that has to do with 2 particular issues. very important issues possible. but i thought the initiative that has been circulating over the last few weeks, basically, as the gaps thought to, to, why them between our mazda and these wireless, or how to respond. and you talk about the potential for a new agreement. but a thought is stepped in for the nation with the americans and the instructions. now, how much has been insisting that for them to allow for
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a new deal. the one these riley is to put out vessels as strong guys, and they want to see a prolonged seas by a before the commit themselves to the release of the present. as these writers have been adamant that this is not going to happen, and that the ultimate goal is the destruction of how much now it now it's on a caught top and whether they would be able to narrow the differences between both sides. i've been talking to people and they say negotiations under way under expecting they probably minutes, 10 minutes of what it up as what happens with all the amount of tended to further elaborate exactly on that particular topic initiative. the escalation has of course, really important. the americans off to the substitute ation of the top. how much lead to sort of how the oscar so by route 5 days ago, concerns it concerned that his beloved bytes step up its confrontation against these writers. others something that they say could further drew you one closer into
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a full blown minutes or confrontation. and there is just something to help in saying that they don't want to see the outside is how been in touch with the bunny as the international community has been saying that they don't want to seats set the escalation. so this is exactly why they're trying to pay today, and they're hoping to come up with something that could pay the ground for a significant deal between how mass and is right to the escalations that could prevent buying this from spinning out of control passion for the moment thank you. let's bring in that time that i have caught them with me again. now he's the assistant professor of public policy at the institute for graduate studies. so this is uh, by account at least the 5th, the 4th or 5th visit by the us to state to the region. do we expect anything tangible to come out of that this time around? a husband? i mean, we should expect because that agent has,
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i mean the situation has become better die of now, especially with, with the needs of for months now isn't filed on but. busy the escalation between his beloved and an incident. so i think the americans are keen to the move of containment containment on these conditions. they don't want to send abuse collision. at the same time, these ladies have not received any of the little goals. and this was the, they wanted to, uh, to get the, how may i ask, they want to produce the present or so, so far with i think the 4th month of this for a no substantial a treatment for is what i am in the got the script so i think the americans know i came to find that exits a decent dignified exits for exit, for all the boxes, including these ladies as well. so i think the shop of diplomacy comes in this critical time. and it also comes against 2 important initiatives. the egyptian, a proposal which was coordinated with the companies and as well, to discuss the so called the,
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the sort of plan which is what it has released recently. and they are the major disagreements. and there's a, there's a cabinet over this done as well. so the americans have to deal with these 2 pressing issues that want to pay. but what do you say to those who argue that this diplomatic tool by, by the us next to state is an asset to just simply buy more time for israel to do what it needs to do and cause that somewhat. so it's just a time wasting after what, what, what would you say to that? i mean, some on it as will go this way and say, yes, that's a, it's a tactic by the americans, us to buy more time for these ladies to come up and get them to you. i mean, things can really go sodium and excrete, especially with us as a nation of the sea that how much lead the settled and living on. i mean, so far as the ballade said, that they've gone into sports and their response so far has been practical calculated, but the response has not come yet. so for the americans,
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i don't see i'm not the type for them to see just to see a major escalation in that asian and descriptive kind of get it the next. it's an elections you're in the us. so i think the keen to contain any further expansion of the conflict, however, they might be willing to give us a more time to achieve whatever goals it wants to achieve in gaza. so buying time for those that are in gaza could be a tactic. however, the critic i think is the present that is the. busy captives and doesn't, that's very clear to can the fine, i mean, and it's a huge investment for this, but anyway cabinets. and there is increasing public pressure to use today to, to, to, to, to handle this case on to, to, to engage with how much on negotiations. so i don't think the americans are in an easy position. you know, the americans know these items as well. so it might be the time for a win win for everyone. so maybe this time lincoln's visit comes to get some diplomacy going and to get some gains on the ground. let's talk a little bit more about the whole issue with the captives inside the gauze,
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or because this, as you say, is a really oppressing issue inside israel. there are these weekly protests and in, in tel aviv for the families and their supporters, their reports of divisions, growing divisions within these really governments. how does all of that play into their calculations? of course. and so he was embarrassment for the government. and for nothing, you know, i mean, i mean to add what you have said. also many captives have been computing is limited . so petitions of how much showed also evidence of the steps as will come by is a needs bombing to the what about as of the high things. so again, it's, it's, it's a failure or some of the affiliate author intelligence for the, for these events. they have not been able to release any single captive since the beginning of this war. i think now that realize that they've reached the deadlock. i mean, now the minute to come back to patients and goes on the most have more or less stopped or end up not withdrawing troops. and they have not managed to find any captive the. now they're working in can you and this,
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and so far they have not managed to release any captive. assume the water is gonna get to an end, you know, so, and again it's, there is no treatment whatsoever. so i think that under the pressure, so i'm on that as let's say that nothing else behavior towards the kept if he's treating them as left the image that he doesn't kid. but i think there's really a suite is becoming very angry, very vocal about it under the pressure there's increasing. all right, thanks very much for your time for now. all still ahead on now just here will be live on a news conference here in the hall with us next tuesday, anthony blinking and caught us uh 5 minutes the 4 minutes. so that is a live picture of the briefing room where that will be taking place and we will be bringing it to you when it happens. we're gonna take a quick right now, but we will be by
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the route to you by visit customer a fellow self does or may something of a problem because positive type of things starting to get a little mixed up now. so we have got cloud and range just pushing through here, this little area of cloud. so hopefully that will help to shift these get the quad to 5. and also up towards the yellow sea. lovely wave was just around the states, apparently will still produce a few wintery showers because that western side of homes you're using across into hawkeye that so i'm positively dry. and that is the case to us. we go on into a tuesday attempt just recover. and so little more cloud, little more rain making his way and let me try this move for a time 3 celsius there in so 3 suppose 5 celsius, the northern positive charge went down towards the south. we have got some, what's the weather in the full cost, we to make his way across the taiwan little bit of weather to win to the philippines, but plenty of sunshine here. the heavier showers, the southeast, asian, as usual,
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making the way across the malaysia down towards the malay peninsula. smart you had across a good possible indonesia. now some more lobby storms coming in here. and a lot of the storms it presents across the southern pots of in the actual lanka, looking a little unsettled, something of a west of the step and making his way across the park. the stuff i put to ship the smoke a little bit for now. and that makes his way by the east the west brought to you by visit castle expo 2023. the world, the fascination to join us and let's discover a better world expo 2023. the, if we can not agree on how to coordinate space traffic management,
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we risk those to safety and the sustainability of space and worryingly or the breach of peace and security. you know, just makes people empowered, investigates the proliferation of commercial satellites. and the far reaching influence of those who funded instead of tipping point. and we have a small window of opportunity to curtail catastrophic event fighting for space on a dizzy to the the but again, you're watching, i just need a reminder, lots of stories this out. i just you that has condemned in the strongest terms. israel's targeted killings during this time is that the do the son of our cause?
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a buick chief where his doctor is call was directly hit nissan, eunice at the gymnast and stuff like that. i was killed alongside him. us secretary of state anthony, blinking is in cuts out on his 5th tour of the region since the war in guns and began to go on to visit the united arab emirates, saudi arabia, egypt, israel and the occupied with palestinian toddler has been killed off to an incident involving his really forces in the occupied westbank. is there any police say they were responding to a call which had run people over at the last be do check point. the 3 all totally was shot dead as is really forces fired at the driver of the vehicle to his re offices were injured in the ramming. that is why the forces have killed a palestinians in the occupied westbank, including 7 in a drone strike on jeanine city. a scene baffled between his ready forces and palestinian fighters and a palestinian was killed in his village north of my law in confrontations during
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his way. right. they have been near daily raves in the west bank since the beginning of the war. 7 of those killed in jeanine were from the same family, 4 of them brothers. the how many jump june has more from jenny of the 7 palestinian men who were killed earlier in the day here were all standing and this round about around a fire because it was pulled outside. i'm just going to ask that area to move the camera. this is where the drone struck, this is the exact spot. and as a result of that is really army drones strike,
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7 palestinian men killed. now 4 of those men were all brothers from one family. and 2 of them were brothers from another family, all from an extended family in the area, hours before that you had the really army entering the city of jeanine, which is just about 5 minutes in that direction. it was a long sequence of events that occurred when the as really were inside of jeanine on the outskirts of the refugee camp. one of their vehicles was attacked by an improvised explosive device that resulted in 119 year old female was rarely soldier being killed. and other soldiers in that vehicle being injured. now, once these really army was finished with that raid inside of jeanine, they started to exit this road. and that's when there were stones. and we're told
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one, make shift type ones that were thrown in the direction of the outgoing is really armed forces. several residents we've spoken with here throughout the day. have said that members of the 7 men that were here, some of them did participate in throwing stones and that pipe bomb. then it was after these really army exited a while later. that's when you had a drone strike that was carried out and that resulted in the killing of the 7, many, many of the people in this community we've spoken with today. they say they are shattered. they are very concerned about what this means. they say that it's, it's tragedy for the community. they reiterate the fact that they feel like they are in constant danger. and to reiterate that point, they just talk about the statistics, the high casualty numbers of late, even before october 7th reads in janine were an almost daily occurrence since
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october 7th. they've only increased since october 7th, over $330.00 powers simians have been killed in the occupied west bank. and at least 80 of those killed are from janine. how much i'm doing. i just need a. jenny has bullet, has claimed responsibility for firing a missile that destroyed that house in the northern is really town of met 211 east groups as it was talking thing. and his really ami side says it killed and injured the crude tension between his role and his bullet is intensified on the as well 11 on board. a drawing concerns living on will be pulled into the war in gauze and emerald hahn is following developments for us in the 2nd in southern lebanon. and everything is very, very tens on this board has been very, very tens for a long time. but there is intense diplomatic efforts to try and calm things down there right now. everything is contained on this 120 kilometer long pulled up,
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most of it disputed some of the occupied. now this is something that the international community wants to make. sure doesn't spill over into a war and let him know, but the longer on the honda, israel presses against his below his bullet reacts now and has in this role. i said at that they all ready to go to work with lebanon, but that's not something i want right now. but probably mister benjamin met. nathaniel, who of his role is also very clear. he says if, if his beloved ones that will, it will get one. it's that kind of language that's called the diplomatic community word. so like, is a lot of diplomatic efforts to try and make this contain. remember this about piece isn't about getting the 2 sides apart right now is just about containing the will in this board area. are these really tech industry has seen a shop full in investment from $29000000000.00 in 2021 to just 7300000000 last year? research is blaine to decline on a combination of rising interest rates,
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anti government protests, and the war on guns more hon reports from west jerusalem from innovative style tips to cyber drones and spyware. tech companies have been the driving force behind this rouse economy for more than a decade. boat, much of it depends on international financing. is where the economist alex come and says when money flowed like water 2 years ago. it's now drying up october, the hype, except there are people who were, who got experience in the military, particularly in cyber, but also if you think about drones, miss so, so what happened is, it's now that there were started, the significant amount of developers were pulled back into the military so, so that had some impact and especially now that the high tech is recovering
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globally. i hope the thing that happened here start is hope nation policy institute shows tech investments have been phoning since it peaked in 2021. tech companies make up the largest economic output in israel in 2022 is accounted for around 18 percent of g d, p and around hoff of old exports. but it relies heavily on foreign investors who are increasingly spending less in 2022 investments and text also published by almost 50 percent. and in the 3 months since the war and gaza. it again, plums by almost 50 percent compacts the same periods, the year before. a 2023 ministry of innovation report says many factors contributed to the slow down, as well as the economy took a hit during the code and 19 pandemic. global supply chains of slowed since of war . and ukraine began leading to a loss of capital. and as well as last year, hundreds of thousands of authorities protested for many months against that
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governments palm to strip power from the supreme court. laws come from the tech sector also took to the streets. but selma, holding from intel is building a $25000000.00 trip factory in the south, a tech companies law just as an investment in israel. but with warnings of an escalation between israel and his bullet and lebanon. and the war on garza looking set to continue well in to 2024. it's creating shaky ground to protect investors who rely on stability north on al jazeera west through some sort of head on address. here it's christmas time for me is also docs questions around the world . one that off to the, the injustice for me is the driving force of why i do this to show people what it's
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like to live in some of the most dangerous parts of the world. to live in places where injustice isn't something you read in the news is something that happens to every single day. everyone, hey, is watching the news on that mobile phones. unlike your eyes, they don't watching full the news. they weren't seeing that he was being destroyed in real time when you're on the ground, when you're showing people what's going on, whether it's a war or a natural disaster, whether it's political corruption, making sure they understand less simple language is absolutely crucial. the cities already 50 percent evacuated, most of those people actually left in the early days of the world. i couldn't do this job without the best camera man, best produces the best pictures and those other people the ivr long in order to be able to get that message out to the well the,
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the the fellow again, boat counseling is on the way and buying with dishes general elections mocked by low turn out. the main opposition party and his allies boycotted the pole coolly one sided. jonah, how reports from the capital on the streets of central deca were unusually quiet as the country took to the poles. the public stations pretty quiet too, by mid day turn out was it just of 18 percent. and the chief election commissioner was putting a brake face on the glass and
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things of being far from peaceful in recent months. the opposition bangladesh and nationalist party decided to boycott the process, saying the vote would be read after a space to pre election violence in which thousands of its members were arrested and jailed. prime minister shakes, i've seen a system of a 4th consecutive to blame the opposition for the violence. i have to go to home to home at this party. that there is no, i have my echo divinity to people to the people. so you know, when told me to say that it is full of people to determine the credibility of this election by turning out to vague. but it doesn't seem as though they've done serving large numbers. and so even by the prime ministers, i can measure the election show, some said they were happy with the process. i could vote freely without restriction
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and i'm happy that i was able to. this woman appeared to confirm suggestions that some were being offered incentives to vote. they told me that if i think they would give me my disability benefits when the election is over. this was the aftermath of a suspect to dawson attack on a train travelling to the capital doctor on friday night and the 4 out of 11 elections held in bangladesh. since independence has been widely considered free and fair, the present one will not be the 5th and the receipt is pre election. violence will intensify off to it's joe know how else to 0 duck. i'm more than 170 boeing. passenger jets have been temporarily grounded by the us s safety regulator. after a section of fuselage blew out of an alaska airlines playing shortly off to take off. the boeing 737 max mine had just departed from portland, oregon with a 177 passengers. on board,
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full run and before the we are the pressure i we didn't either return back here. we have other passengers to dispense cool from the opponents of alaska airlines flight to 1282 to add traffic control a gaping hole in the side of the craft full fuel tanks. i'm terrified passengers at risk of being sucked down to the cabin. that's 16000 feet tall and at least 5000 meters up, which is her. it's like allows same. and i looked at my left and there's just huge, like gaping for 1st i thought it was the emergency door, but there was no door there. it was just like a part of the wall that flew off. it could have been much, much worse, but the 2 seats next to the whole, empty. we are the global gold standard for safety around the world. but we have to maintain that standard. we are very,
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very fortunate here that this didn't end up in something more tragic. it was the external duel plug which blew off a dual shape section of fuselage were working dual could be fitted. but in this case, the plug should have been bolted securely. shots, given that it is part of course it is expected to be uh, a secure part of the structure of the net craft. and that's why it's not horrible. surprising automotive concern that this, this blow out happened in response to alaska airlines said it was temporarily grounding its fleet of $65.00 max 9 at craft as a precaution, pending the outcome of safety checks us as safety regulation for the old is a total of $171.00. yes, of the same model to be ground of until they to can be just pull. brandon, i'll just say around. it is christmas for millions of orthodox christians around the world. but festivities have been muted in bethlehem in the occupied westbank
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believe to be the best place of jesus christ in his christmas message. the pay for you all continuously, palestine and jordan expressed pain and sorrow because of a new client. he is a celebrating christmas. again, the government officially recognized the holiday on december 25th, but not everybody agrees with that change, which is widely seen as a snob to moscow. opinions are divided over the move away from the orthodox calendar. i said vague reports from keys. the church bells on a frosty christmas morning, except this isn't december 25th. the official christmas not recognized by the keep government is january 7th. the christmas traditionally celebrate kids by do crating orthodox church. according to the julian candidate who we are orthodox and ukraine. we celebrate today and we've continued to do it. i think those who said
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a break to the christmas on the 25th has my grandmother used to say yes, everyone goes crazy. and the only inside that can react price in the russian language. the church has been accused of having ties to moscow. something said tonight, any ties were officially cut following the russian invasion in february 2022, but for the ukrainians, it isn't to fact any perceive support for russia. a pretty good thing of what's built to who the president made it sound like all you creating and facilitating christmas in december, wait to our ukrainians. and it was deliberate christmas. it is not the business of a secular state to comment on each calander religious community should live by how religious commit to sleep is protected by the constitution. but ukrainians are divided not just by christmas, but by territory and russian control. dentists there also said the breaking the festival, but not tons of the key government to so would you please leave me charging me via
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to that's the is not as a wonderful christmas eve and then close the spot to the difficult events. and now hometown, where we now hot with face, with face in russia, which is a basin of victory, but i'd be happy and healthy, you must be strong with this. yes, it was. that always gives me despite when we're christmas this celebrated the rituals of the same, the press on the same. it's just the politics that different presidents lensky wants to show you, appear in iris. and how does that he's country, is it longer than politically? i did logically and even religiously, but for many people here, religion is separate from the states and then not willing to change the traditions . i said vague 0, keep assess gallery is capital city is testing as a new service is one of its busiest, some waste stations with foreign taurus. it can interpret several different languages in near real time using
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a technology just is eunice kim has wolf from sol. what now the subway station here, and saw where a new a guy in naples service window has been installed. it's able to facilitate the simple exchanges and 12 different languages excluding korean. let's go check it out . hello, where is the nearest bathroom? from here? the system translates the speech to text in near time on the screen. i don't know if you look to the right you'll find the bathrooms. the station master provides an answer in korean, which is translated into the inquiries language. the station was selected as a test bed, as it's most frequented by foreign passengers. of all metro station says just it will be no one, but it's always at the moment. when approached by a phone visitor in the past, i'd become frozen with fear because i don't know how to speak their language. now i have confidence that i can provide friendly and accurate information. thanks to this new system. i'm very pleased with us. we're still has all the a, as these are,
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will undergo for months of testing before being rolled out. more subway stops across sol, possibly on smartphones as well. meanwhile, self pre is electronics giants comes from, says it will roll out it's and that's the series of galaxy smartphones with a built in a translation service. and yet another example of how artificial intelligence is being folded into our daily lives unit skim all to 0. so all right, just to update you again, we are still waiting for a news conference here in doha with us next tuesday to add to the blinking and the cutoff farm minutes to shift mohammed been, i'm that i'm on been just and it's any but i just don't from the case these things tend to stop late to then advertise, but we do have that type of card notes. here he is an assistant professor of public policy at the doha institute for graduate studies. so what all the prospects at
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this point for some sort of diplomatic breakthrough here. and so the prospects odd um i would say uh high uh, because on, on top does have reached that looked at this stage of the work with, i think the 4th month or this one is that it has not been able to achieve any if it's declared bowls so far except for the mess of distractions and kind of go salinas in the gaza strip. but so far, how much has been in guys uh uh the captives have not been released. uh, so under this fatigue that is what fatigue. i mean, the national community then thought a little bit from this world, and they want to see a shift and an opening some within the diplomacy. it's also something else. it's an election theaters in the us as a, as well. i think the americans don't have an appetite for this conflict to escalate and to involve other properties like living on or has belong even it on has
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wouldn't, has been hit by a, a suicide. attacked and, and then you have the hope isn't that it see it. so all these small pieces together indicate of a pulse of a serious possibility of escalation. if of the americans don't jump on and try to move things diplomatically. so i think, i think there is a sincere with by the americans, tu, tu, tu, tu, tu? engaging some diplomacy? and probably i think some gains a please. and, and see the prospect of opening a political battle to end this war. all right, good. to get your thoughts on this as a waste that time and come with thanks so much for being with us. and we will come to you again at some point said no doubt. that is it for this news out and for me hasn't speak up for now, but we'll be back in a moment with more of a day's news. just wanna show you a quick live show right now. this is the briefing room here in doha. we're expecting to hear from the top to diplomats in the us and culture very strongly about wes thing. stand on trying to find
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a diplomatic breakthrough in this conflict back with more news in 2 minutes. stay with us here on a just the, a settled time upfront takes on the big issue. studies of post types to what is happening now. it says it's context questions, professional and unflinching questions. rigorous, the bank that he added to today is that another thing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into gauze or without us of permission. nothing leads profit without the girl's permission to allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront,
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without the mentor for nearly 3 years. evelyn lemitrus has been investigating the chart fen trafficking operation. now, she's putting together the team that's going to rated and lexie though they're still quite as be well, but i said less indeed i this bit of a humble sort. spencer become a global commodity prize. doesn't agree to it, and the special soup in asia sharps that played a vital role in the ocean for hundreds of millions of years. but the trade is now pushing some species to the brink of extinction. the list of trade in short, francis value hundreds of millions of dollars a year. i'm which i didn't mind that then. okay. one more thing. go that on the reading that i'm assume that we're talking about. we gained exclusive access to a team of investigators into dismantling or bring a chart vend traffickers video be my gosh. okay. think of that. he always thinks under the same, you know, so that we're following this car here as an investigator and
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a couple of cops in it. we're going to lead are rates today in the harbor against these traders who they say are putting some species, a sharp at risk. he said the 47, the, the israel has targeted and killed the son of i just see it as gauze. a bureau chief and generalised to the 2nd general this was also killed in that strikes and stuff. that's what i was for the add ons, france, press news agency. the hasn't speak of this is i just see that live from the whole set coming up seeking


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