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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  January 7, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm AST

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us and not to be us the, this, the scene that we see every single day on that. and you is the hospital side of him being guitar to get school is also, and that's even a leading candidate homes that are still killed. and also that threat to fast forward disabilities, man there, which might lead to another. and you happen to see in a get that sort of fee and also disapprove. like at the statements of some of the a was trying to take him minister as of is is right and which weekend i've been them. it is also said that we see that managing get the complaint and the us dividers is increasing. and then we believe that we need to continue this and cries it as soon as possible. and 3, which i see is find out and does, which it will also help on the skinny dipping. get at the region and the despite we look for sustainable solutions for these and that
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asian. how about the focus is now on the top of the fi thing and confirm that because that is part of the best email to, to buy. but it's unit that you which needs to be on the ship, the 5th, the palestinian at the, in the people of the one who have the look at. and there is no peace in that age and without a piece for the city ocean based on the international uh, did you did miss the uh, mr. ticket that he, we evaluate the highly evaluate our partnership with the united states of america and to continue with the consent these and i would like to thank you for your support on ongoing support at the fort a lot of the effort. it said that the focus now on uh the change uh to sort of a ceasefire and the release of the hostages. and we always go or see that hold on for the next it for me to get to put them in for the a sick conflict and also 3 a chip,
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a sustainable solutions that gives the cnn people, they apply it in their own state. and we also look for what affordable consultation and all the different to uh, topics that, that we would get together with your friendly country and also to improve. i want to by let the nation and all of that as fixed political, militarily and economically. thank you very much. thank you for for it today for the right good piece that we had. and indeed thank you for the work that we've been doing from the start since october 7th. and the perfect attacks on israel stuff in 3 months since those attacks and this is a moment of profound tension. and the reason is it possible it is easily
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metastasize even more security and even more so. so from day one of the priorities we have been intensely focused on working to prevent the conference and that is the major focus of what is not my 4th to the reading since october. so it was a hard discussion. so yesterday was the president, everyone apartments for this talk this morning. and in the meetings that i just had with you and was the problem is we shared to ensure that the conflict does not expand. and i think we also share our commitment to use the influence, the relationships, the times that we have different parties of the region to try to avoid escalation. that's a deter, new from this is not just the reverse the matter. and
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that's certainly the case when it comes to view the tax on figure. the navigation in one of the worlds is either straight forward or serenity. the tax of directly affected the citizens the commercial interest of more than 40 countries. are they disrupted or diverted severely? 20 percent of all of the shipping companies have had to reroute thousands of assets around and what that means is it takes longer to get students to where they're supposed to go. it increases the cost, and that cost gets passed on to consumers around the world. whether it's food, whether it's fuel, whether it's medicine, manager, and assistance, you name it. so these are tasks, liabilities, hurting people around the world. most of all the force including indiana,
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including god. that's why the united states launched operation prosperity, guardian, together with more than 20 countries to defend the safety and security of commercial real estate is also why over the piece of bank for your the fees will be held accountable for future attacks. will continue to the american security in the region as part of the world to deter, prevent, for the original problem, to ensure the result congress. it is so vital to people around the world in all the by meetings, over the last 2 days. we've discussed ongoing efforts to better protect civilians and garza and to get more of the amount of training assistance to them and to get the remaining hostages out and home with their loved ones. cutter was instrumental in negotiations that led to the simultaneous release of more than $100.00 hostages, including american citizens, and a pause and the fighting that during that time enabled us to double the flow of
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humanitarian aid, the civilians and guys that were deeply grateful. a prime minister to you, the mere for your ongoing leadership in this effort for the tireless work that you undertook and that continues to try to free the remaining hostages to those still being held hostage to their loved ones. so their families, i promise you this, united states will continue to work relentlessly to bring you home to get you together with your family loved ones. now we've made some measurable progress and increasing the getting into gas, including through the opening of trump for long. but it is still insufficient to meet the massive need. and then once in guys, the barriers to getting the aide to where it needs to go beyond rasa. remain far too high. too many problems and civilians are suffering from insufficient access to
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food, to water, to medicine, to other essential supplies. children. most of all we continue to raise with israel the need to do everything possible to facilitate the provision to give that a try and eat the gaza. and i will do so again when i'm there later this week. i will also, i will also raise the imperative of doing more to prevent civilian casualties. far too many palestinians, innocent palestinians have already been killed. the united nations is playing and irreplaceable roland delivering and distributing life saving assistance to people in guys as united nations security council affirmed and resolution 2720. we welcome. the appointment secret talk is the un senior, you monitoring the reconstruction coordinator. i had the, the pleasure of working very closely with secret cogs when she left the emission that successfully eliminated the establishing stockpile of chemical weapons. i witnessed firsthand to professionalism or integrity for effectiveness. she
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has the full support of the united states and we expect that you will have the full cooperation of every country in the region. so this morning i had an opportunity to meet with the you and staff in the world food program at an a distribution warehouse from georgia. i thank them for the genuinely heroic work they're doing, putting their own lives in danger, to try to get assistance to palestinian men, women and children. and i can say the same about other extraordinary relief workers, most of them in the united nations system for doing this day and day out. we're proud to be their supporters as the single largest donor humanitarian aid to the past and, and people of the experts that i met with this morning spoke to conditions and guys were over 90 percent of the population is facing a acute food and security going days and nights without anything to eat,
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that can cause life long irreversible harm for children. an immediate increase and aid is essential as improving the confliction procedures to ensure it's safe and secure delivery. including to northern guys. as israel moves to a lower intensity phase of its military operation in the north, the united nations can also play a crucial role in evaluating what needs to be done to allow this place, palestinians to return home postings. civilians must be able to return home as soon as conditions allow. they cannot, they must not be pressed to leave gaza. we reject the statements by some is really ministers and lawmakers. calling for re settlement a policy means outside of guys. these statements are responsible there, inflammatory, and they only make it harder to secure a future. palestinian la garza with a mouse no longer in control and with terrorist groups, no longer able to threaten his real security force,
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even as we focused on our immediate goals. we also must work toward lasting peace and security. the united states has a vision for how to get their, the regional, the folks that delivers last thing security for israel and state for the past and in people. in my meetings on this trip, we also discussed what each country can do to provide the assurance is any incentives required to build a more secure, more stable and more peaceful future for the region. and might take away from the discussion so far. including here with our friends and cutter, is that our partners are willing to have these difficult conversations and to make hard decisions. all of us feel of safe, unfortunately for all of us, recognize that we have to work together. that is the only way forward. and it cannot wait. so i look forward to caring on these discussions with more partners in the days ahead
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of us. so i will leave my leo issue is that on the prime minister, we see so many changes in the gym and there are so many targets or of of some leaders like get assigned a had already individual and also uh, physical leaders in syria and also inside the room, what is the implication of that on that asian, and this has anything to do with the of the country and invitation and targeted targeted by the idea of losing, including the son of our clique. ma'am,
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what was the to, how does the, what, the what is the situation is, uh, is the united states going to talk to think john is innocent john list and what is the situation? what is the position of the united states government in this case? and then go to settings that you one question in relation to the escalation that we witnessed. and the reason since the beginning since the beginning we have one of the expansion of the crisis . and this is the likelihood. it's a $20.00 to $2.00 everyone in the region that we left. and so they informed us working together a lot of joint efforts the to be, to stop this was just printing the to stop the spread of the complaint. that was
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a lot of me in the full gus and also took a big, big bunch of i was told with them my, my friend, mister blink. and the recent events that we have the witnessed with the, in the end or in the syria are unfortunate leads evaluation to the severity of those say countries. and we can see also continue with the violations. however, a lot of main talk is miller bit, but it's desktop or off of this civil war. and to avoid that, they get escalation in the region and the state of cut out of his own was seeking by what can with, or the part to use in order to uh, the views on the disagree that where the core so a couple see what i would have friends to americans and other countries to reach that result. as we have i have mentioned before, we believe that the solution is
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a this to stop this water and goes up. and we believe that we have a positive implication or not holding age. and i am deeply, deeply sorry for the almost unimaginable loss or suffered by your colleague. well, i do, i am. uh, i'm a parent myself. i can begin to imagine the heart of the t 's experience. not, not once, but now. now twice. this is a manual tragedy and that's also been the case for, as i said, far too many innocent palestinian men, women,
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and children civilians. also a journalist college standing another the committee district journalist has found that now some 70 journalists have been killed in guys. one is far too many and the value that we place upon their work, your work and bringing information, facts to the world. it's never been more more important. so this is why we are pressing the need, the imperative not only of making sure the amount of trans assistance can get to people who need it, but that people are protected from harm from this conflict in the 1st place.
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and ultimately as why ending the conflict and finding we just discussed a genuinely durable, lasting piece where israel does not have to fear the repeat of october 7th. and then women and children can live in peace and security and goes up to the west bank wherever they may be. it's a thought the 2nd the question, the from the french news agency. and i was wondering if you could give us a status report, mediation, and phones, most of officers exchanged between israel and a mass entries in garza. and whether i'm strong homeless deputy leader in berry on
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tuesday century as a particular obstacle to these assets and says extra good. and the safe question. ready? is there any pressure washington can bring to the project with a camera and specific seats. you mentioned bringing about a hostage exchange of the time that we still remember and to start to come to restore and she's a very mediation now rich. thank you very much. i especially the solutions has been ongoing good. yes. we bought some challenges. i sent on a lot of process and of course, having a why don't the cdc, the house being killed, there's something such a complicated process here to giving up. we are moving forward. we are continuing
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our discussions and trying to achieve as soon as possible and agreements that can bring a ceasefire. cities under diesel little as you understand why. i'm a little as i say about this there, except to say that we are relentlessly focused on breathing. everyone home and this was the subject of our conversation this evening as well. thank you very much. thank you mister secretary. i want to ask you about the appropriateness of the defense secretary of the hospital for days,
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including an intensive care without having the evidence united states, the national security advisor or of the genuine as to the national securities habit of his condition. especially at a time when he was on vacation and the number 3 of the pentagon has not yet been confirmed in the note of 2 words. were you aware of this? when did you never know what is doing special for transparency or national security official and cabinet number such as yourself those conditions. and the 2nd question would be whether the suffering that you obviously feel so deeply. palestinians of all thoughts in this war has reached 90 percent of the residents having to do security with substantial improvement damage. does this for you any funds your to believing that?
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perhaps the error is correcting calling versus fire. and if this is not sustainable, if you don't see some measure of response from israel in your meetings, to reducing the level of the targeting and the task and if i may see a probation there, i do believe that at this point in the morning stage by me earlier this week and signed on by a number of other countries. do you believe that it is time for military actions by information or that would contribute to what use here's what everyone's years would be and expansions as doing is the advertising with
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regard to the austin. i wasn't aware of this medical issue. in fact, i talked to lloyd last weekend for this is and i know that you put out a statement address what i can say is this. it has been, it remains one of the great privileges my career 30 years now working in government to sort alongside. oh my gosh. she is an extraordinary leader for this country and uniform now and it's been highlighted by service to be able to serve alongside him. and i'm very much looking forward to seeing fully recovered and working side by side
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again. i think he said, addressing this all of that, so you can see for yourself, well, i'm not gonna get into either cycles. let me say this response to the 2nd part to refresh i said earlier, it is absolutely for for me to do more to protect the millions and with others, enable more humanitarian assistance to get where it is needed to speak. and that will be wonderful because my conversations, when i get to the level as dental, is from day one since october. so the dilemma that any trace is
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having been the victim of one of the most tasks were in the in my 3 years how to make sure it doesn't happen again. and any faces with what is real, that the face october 7th would want to do. just make sure it cannot happen again. and that means dealing with the threat that i'm us continues to follows. as leaders themselves have made clear they would have given the opportunity to this october 7 again and again. and again. that is not tolerable for any country israel or, or anyone else as we made 0 also for day one is
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occurred in dealing with is very, very difficult challenge to do. so in a way that puts the premium on project into the billions. making sure that people get pieces the city and as a the operations phase downs that will certainly make it easier to ensure that civilians are not are not armed and will also make sure that force assistance can get to people who need it. i think it's also very, very important that to be sent operations, continue the design around protecting civilians and are getting you monitoring systems. people need it, not the other way around and that will be part of our conversations. course there's 40 other physicians is very clear on that. i think the
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freedom of navigation and what's happening in this condition that i see something unacceptable that we don't want to see. and i'll continue. and as i have nation, that this is, unfortunately, is one of the effects of what's happening that i know is that we believe that it's more important now to focus on efforts to reach in and through each of the solution to the situation. i'm going into the action and the question under the i think it's from a policy perspective. we never see that the action is of course we see davis and was cutting them over there. but i'd see, but our biggest thought is to have the consequences. all the time, that's when they gave us the best way to the end would create the tension in the
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entire region. so we hope that we see a strong to what's happening to the supervisor and sheets as soon as possible to i mean, that's what on the internet. some lesson people thank you very much. the secretary of prison binds proposals to conditions, age is room or worse. well, i do remember when the death to gas is $12000.00, and now the estimated desktops, almost doubled. ministration has rushed to athens to israel, and that time is conditioning military support to israel, worthwhile. or it isn't the the tip business and what that is ministration, whatever. consider a family style time when it comes to planning or post 4 guys of the order colors,
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conditions for playing a role on reconstruction. the us is deeply involved in post war planning. does it have the requisite or easy as the world? thank you. job. any military assistance with any countries including is, comes with coupons including what this be used in accordance with the international law of the last 4. and that's something that we look at very carefully on, on one basis and we. ready want to make sure in this case isn't any other case a dad and he was are, are usually bored of something very, very serious and will continue just regarding
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the, you know, the falls was we've been having these discussions. so the, with the secretary in this meeting, but also in the previous thing we lose to the order was see that the positive losses 1st before the end of this. so that's, that's the demand and often the list to find the solution for the situation in the spring go. so can let's piece of furniture i was thinking, she dealt with it as, as one unit as opposed to for, to the status of the senior people. this is a policy for procedure will continue to not be affected by the particular situation of course. and what we really want to see you to see
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a solution for the best seating decent to provide the best fit at the end of the day, that would be the only sustainable way that we presented on the phone or something . dollar investments from the moment of profound tension in the region and a conflict that could easily metastasize. the words of us secretary of state antony, blinking at the start of that news conference that we've just been listening to there with the cuts of reply minutes a share from him. i've been out of the mind. it's danny. they spoke on a number of issues concerning the war in gauze. i wanted to talk more about that
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now. with that, i just need his hash, i'm everybody who is live for us in doha. so as soon as expected, they talked about the need for getting more humanitarian at aging gauze, a desperate situation there. the need to contain, or at least stop the spread of the conflict and the efforts ongoing efforts to reach a cease fire there it hasn't. sec, us it blinking comes back to the region with the clouds of what could be unexpended confrontation, how get over the region. and this explains exactly why he said this is a moment of profound tension that the united states of america, along with his allies in the region and keep play as i did time in to ensure that the tension does not spread. now when you look of the up 6 of the press conference, the secretary clinton.


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