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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 7, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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talk more about that now with that, i just need his hash, i'm i bought a who is live for us in doha. so as soon as expected, they talked about the need for getting more humanitarian at aging, cause a desperate situation there. the need to contain, or at least stop the spread of the conflict and the efforts ongoing efforts to reach a cease fire. there hasn't such as it blinking comes back to the region with the clouds of what could be unexpended confrontation, hanging over the region of this explains exactly why he said this is a moment of profound tension and that the united states of america, along with his allies in the region and keep play as i did time in to ensure that the tension does not spread. now, when you look at the optics of the press conference, the secretary blink can understand this time that this is going to be an
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extremely delicate moment for the united states of america blasted by its allies in the region by hundreds of millions of muslims and us what they say is a failure of the american administration to step in and put pressure on these rather government and deliver lunches, bombardment of the civilians in gaza. he says that he's broken along with a life such as cut off to ensure that these riley campuses released and that they are determined to ensure that this does not degenerate into a full blown may of 2 confrontation. but it was quite interesting. has them that of the various thoughts of the press conference place secretary blinking started his piece by talking about the who's the attacks targeting commercial ships in their betsy warnings that if that continues the united states of america, we'd have to retaliate
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a think that he was that implies that this has the potential to be a 2 decision degenerates into an expanded conflict and warning that if the viney as all to provide any assistance to the hers the, the americans with have to we'd have to be target outside of pipe vanessa. when he was asked about was the cause of waste support any minute treat campaign in the red sea? he said, we believe the best way out is through diplomatic means. we don't think military accent is a best solution, and you can get a sense when you listen to the press conference. that, for example, when it comes to the tati position, is this, if you want to, and the suffering of the police thing is we should stop talking about the new phases and the outlining the what's next plan for gaza. first of all, what needs to be done is, 1st of all, i'm the war to allow humanity tell ya,
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8 in till god's that. and then when it comes to the few sort of gaza, it is something that has to be all timothy. it is 5 is by the policy is cuz i was pregnant at the bottom, it says it will have it on the outside. it said that cuts out as far as contact is concerned. its, it stands by the following, which is the believe of it needs to be a viable policy estate run by a policy and a father to and that's guys that on the west bank should be part of one unit cost of the city and state. quite interesting, it seems to be now on the stage that they are hoping to be able to see the cuts. how is to step in and convince how much and is we have to set aside the differences and negotiate a settlement has if we've reached a point where, how much is adamant this time? no deal unless these riley is put out from gaza unless it was right as i committed
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to m long sees by otherwise it just would continue that x less to for a moment, a little bit more about the cost on the side of this session because we had the, the, the cost of the prime minister, she how much, then i'm going to have minus any, uh, talk about their efforts to try and negotiate between uh how much and, and israel and the fact that the killing of the senior uh how much official assault literally, a few days ago had effected their, their ability to, to, to bring these to come to some sort of a solution, but they continue to try to work towards that goal. how, how, how challenging is this with them as they try to brokers something it is an extremely delicate task full of a hot size and of apartment associate will have a dog of mine outside made is clear. you cannot ask the top is to be instrumental in stitching together
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a deal between how my sense is well suddenly full of one of the key leaders of how much fun to how to how to do a lot of the to be killed. because the cuts out is understand attacks such as these are definitely going to put most trays on the potential for any settlement and, and, and, and he made his clear cutoff point is that this is something that he's complicating that task because what is happening behind closed doors has him just to put things into perspective for our view was, is that over the last few weeks to has been talking to all the key players to the, to the americans of the egyptians to how much end is right. and then when they sold that the, it is extremely difficult to reconcile the different positions of the, of how nothing is right. they came up with their own framework. i knew the initiative with the hope that the how, how much and is what could accept it. how much has been saying, as far as they are concerned, they want to see to prerequisite for any potential deal that needs to be and then
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to the fighting. these writers have to pull out of the seas by this time is not going to be a short while. it has to be a prolong ceasefire is why it has come back and said they are determined to go ahead with a d a by the same time they say that they are continuing the flight to destroy how much they go back to the consolidated. because how do you say they are still, despite all those massive differences between how much and the is why it is they are hopeful that they would be able to narrow those differences. come, come, come the assassination or find out how loud and you know, such assassination is going to put most trained on the leadership of how much they cannot move forward with any political supplement, any time soon. i guess the backdrop of the assassination of one of the top lead to find a how the way it was not just a task with overseas secuity arrangements in the west bank. his, it was a bowl about him was one of the key players in the establishment. so this is
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definitely putting more strains on the ability of the tati is to move forward and convince how much in particular, on the need to put some concessions for this to happen. when you listen to the on service of the american was secretary of state blinking and you listen to the and says all costs 5 minutes. so they say they all the same page when it comes to different issues. but when it comes to the details, this is what a get a sense of the outside is now out of the view that the americans have to be instrumental in convincing the is by the government. just stop the bombardment to stop seized by it. anytime. now, followed by humanitarian aid and then a comprehensive political settlement. now, this lincoln was saying, basically that as far as the united states of america is concerned, is to ensure that in the arrangements of the near future the what's next plan for
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how for that is the, the top priority for the americans is that to ensure that these while we no longer fear or repeat what happened on october, the 7th? well, man and keep regional players in these parts of the well on the same page with the americans. they say, why do we do understand your concerns of the concerns of these writers? but however, you have to understand that you are not addressing the root causes of the sufferings of the policy is over. the last 70 and of the americans are genuine about the need to end the sufferings and accept the fact that the sufferings have been. think a must save humanity, tell you in price in gaza. they have to put more pressure at this time on these right government, them, particularly on the bicycle voices in the war cabinet to put an end to the relentless from bond meant of the strip hashem. how about i live 1st there in doha
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for the moment. thanks very much. yeah. thank in, that's a news conference that we've just been hearing there from the top 2 diplomats from the us and cut. so let's close over to washington. now with that to go hand is standing a by force. so apache, this is really quite a precarious moment, isn't it for the united states as they attempt to not only contain the spread of this conflict, but to try to find some sort of a diplomatic solution in this the full trip now uh by us sick to states and to me blinking oh, the united states is fully invested. i think one of our guests earlier was talking about the thousands of american bombs that are currently falling in gaza. so secretary state and to blanket, as you mentioned his 4th trip in a couple of things that i took away from that press conference. a lot of focus on the read the read see is you know, that who sees have been attacking commercial vessels in the red sea. the americans have worshiped there. that have been fight that have been knocking down drones and
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cruise missiles. but they came out a few weeks ago with operation prosperity, guardian, and they tried to make a big deal of it. they really tried to get the world to join in to send their warships to be able to shoot down those drones to send a unified messaging. you talked about over 20 countries participating. i think it's important to point out a lot of those countries are participating by sending one or 2 officers to the headquarters there. not a whole lot of forward warships, a new one or 2 that are expected. so obviously, going around the region again, asking, could you help with this effort? most likely that is happening behind the scenes. the other thing i thought was interesting is you talked about basically the americans, the brits, the, the british they have given the, who's these sort of a blast warning. they have to stop the attacks or we, you might see military action. obviously, if that is even be considered the secretary of states going to be going around the region to see how other countries might react to that. because again,
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very concerned about this turning into a broader conflict. but also the other task for him is to figure out who's going to pay to rebuild garza, not just the form of government governance, but we believe more than 70 percent of the houses have been damaged. and guys of the buildings, 85 percent of the population is displaced. so obviously going around seeing what possibility there is. i know there's been some talked about a multinational force. so he's going to be trying to get a feel for what countries like cut or would be willing to do, perhaps in money or perhaps in management to. and one of the things that, again, is his language hasn't changed and in all of these months, and i think the report, i believe it was from the washington post pointed out that a 12000 palestinians dead part president joe biden started take a tougher tone. well, now it's much, much, much more than that. and he was asked about the arms that the us gibbs to israel.
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and he said, well, obviously we, every country has requirements for the arms that we give them that they have fall international law. that's what they've been saying this whole time either when people point out that there's absolutely no way that this bombing indiscriminate bombing of gaza is following international law. and to that point to the white house was asked just a few days ago, is there some sort of study being done to see if israel is falling in international law? and they said there is it. so where we saw as president joe biden put out the possibility that there could be repercussions for israel if they didn't start to listen to the united states, which has been saying. and now for the wide stretch, widespread bombing targeted strikes, more humanitarian aid secretary state and to blinking didn't go anywhere near making any sort of public threat to israel. and that they could face any kind of consequences. he repeated the line about a getting in. it is not getting in a 120 trucks is not anywhere near the 500 trucks
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a day that guides was receiving before hand. and that was before these massive shortages that i think we can't mentioned enough that according to the u. s. one in for palestinians is currently starving. the rest are at crisis levels of hunger and disease is spreading. so what's, although it's gotten so much worse on the ground, what hasn't really changed is the secretary's language, not really at all. but i think i'll hang live for stare in washington. thanks so much back as well as they've just been hearing us that you stay to enter. you blinking has described the killing of edges. he had a generous. how does that do as an unimaginable tragedy? he's the son of cause a bureau chief when the door and was killed in his really attack on his car, alongside the peach. and this was stuff i thought i how does that mohammed reports on that. so he was one of the rising stars in god's us media. well,
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i'm the eldest son of a da 0 is guys a bureau chief while you of the to one of the most well known journalist in palestine like he has done every day for the past 3 months. how does the other 2 have gone out to document of the most of these right here to install them? cuz uh, but the 27 year old unit is never free time to file these report that's on, on, i'm bidding farewell today. god. what else can i say? now may god the almighty give us strength. give us comfort. give us patience. may god the all mighty give us the strength to carry on. for the sake of holmes, and for the sake of all those killed, i say we will remain faithful. this isn't the 1st time we do have suffered such a loss in october, his wife of a son, delta and grandson. well ok, it is really striking. a house and last month he was injured in and is really a textbook kaylee's colleague saw me about the 4 homes as friends is.
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this is a tragedy. they come to comprehend. i don't want to cry, but i me porting this right now because i know that if i'm so busy and he wanted me to report and he wanted all of, oh it's called the 3 courses to continue for 6. and i'm so proud of him and everything he did, everything he reported. how does that, how to close bung with his father when he walked within the field? he was his 1st born, his eldest son. he was the one he relied on. he wanted him always by his side. he was so proud the terms i studied during listen, if be generally small stuff or fly, it was also killed in the thing is really strikes the targeted hands. this call at least 109200 is have been killed since the threads were on guns. started on october . hands of life might have been cut short,
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but these father and friends say they would continue to the quote on visitor as well, on goods, the new method, the consequences, the terms. and i just need his more on what would i do have to say about his son's keeling, and i still have the power for that. as you can see, leo, people in droves saying good bye to their loved ones and to the children every day, every hour and send every 2nd one. and me just like all of these people know that so i don't know who i am bidding farewell today. what else can i say? you know, i know god will micies. may god almighty give us strength. so give us come fit. give us patience. when we've done our best, we'll have to go with the the stuff the mos on. like gotomypc give us the strength to carry off for the sake of homes and for the sake of all the masses,
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then the other ends to hums, the ends to all the masses. here i say we will remain faithful. you can, i'm on now. yeah, i'm and my son holmes, that was working with me and he was working with us as part of the elders, the recruit, national. go that now the new the times and i started working before homes that i was born. my uncle. so i'm an academic t, as until today you had the i have been working on this mission for over 2 decades. working on this humanitarian mission comes off to my family and off to homes, a wisdom that we will definitely continue. we will continue. i l'aquila monumental development. however, the entire world must take a look at what is going on here in the guise of strictly what is going on is difficult and it is painful. it is massive. and there was great injustice here for our people. this for the civilian people who lives near the what is happening holds
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great injustice for us as journalists to be on. uh, how do you talk about you? what that did was said in the past, and i'm gonna say that the freedom is opinion and the freedom of expression to us in the work that journalists do, and obtaining information mean and photos and footage, in order for the deserving audience to view them on it it was said that our job was guaranteed by international law and to monetary in laws. so however, so for $107.00 journalist, it's a full and they blog has been spilled on this land. as if no one had heard about what was said, let me know as if no one was seeing what is happening here. the line item i called upon the entire world to put an end to all this killing. it is taking journalist lives one after the other, and i hope the blood of my son hums that will be the last blood spilled by journalists and the last blood to be spilled here by anyone in the gaza strip in
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vain. and i hope this semester care will come to an end cuz i just need our media network has issued a statement strongly condemning israel's targeting of jealous, saying the assassination of will stuff on times. i just need a corresponding. what did i do? son waltz. they were on their way to carry out the duty in the gaza strip reassigned was the need to take immediate, necessary legal measures against the occupation forces to ensure there is no impunity is rarely occupation forces, systematically target to connie was due and his family killing his wife's son, daughter, and grandson in october 2023. well and his colleague, the late sound that i will call a camera man, will also targeted in december 2023. we are just the international criminal court, the government's and human rights organizations, and the united nations, to hold israel accountable for its heinous crimes and demanding and targeting and killing of gems. or i just need
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a pledge is to take all legal measures to prosecute the perpetrators of these crimes and stands in solidarity and support with all gentlest in causes within the pos, off, out us next to a state antony blinking a dress. the loss of, i just need a general, how does that do? and he was speaking at the joint press conference in the i am deeply, deeply sorry for the almost unimaginable loss suffered by your colleague. well, i do, i am. uh, i'm a parent myself. i can begin to imagine the har that he's experienced, not, not once, but now now twice. this is the
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magical tragedy. and that's also been the case for, as i said far too many you know, some palestinian men women and children i thought i would assume is in a fight in southern gaza. so thought i here we are once again. unfortunately, talking about the loss of colleagues who were killed doing that job. so i know you, you knew both of them personally just took a little bit of your memories of them. of the yes definitely has been a this is a new attack that had been carried out today against a toner listen spring. psych garza who were doing the best since october the 7th to tell the world about what is happening inside the territory. i'm in the ongoing is really a question on june. the size of attacks that claims the lives of civil young children, a woman as well. uh they were heading towards the location of the recent is very
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targeting or in a rough i had this area, but it's supposed to be as a safe zone for palestinians to remain protected as a, as well as expanding its military operation in the north. and in the middle, a areas of the strip bought may want. meanwhile, the attacks that did not differentiate that we don't list the civilian or mallets and they just increase the military attacks. of course, every single person. yeah, of course because i know how does that most of what we're close friends to me and for everyone in terms of the numbers of donors to work. very desperate is set. busy set regarding the last, as they were spending such a beautiful times with hands on the with most of all as well. now what we can say is that this is a systematic attack against june of this. it can not say that the 1st attack, but it's at the till now isabel has killed around $110.00 during the list. and this is not an ordinary number for palestinians, especially among the joining us. joining us on different parts of the promised lead
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community in select goals that they were innocent for 2 years before being joining us. but they were doing their job, which is guaranteed by the international humanitarian leg. isabel to now keeps giving cold shoulder and ignore all the principles of the international humanitarian law. an old pools made by the humanitarian organizations regarding to us came back their military attacks and gaza. and israel has always a shows off, would expect intelligence capability on its precise mental to strides. but we are going to, we are talking about at least 10000 child being killed alongside with 7000 women. this is not about precision for it's about a genocide has been committed against the city is thus most before and the. busy hands as well, they were insisting and keeping, assuming and documenting all the hunters on the ground in gaza and off to the desk . the message will continue. definitely. uh, by a balance of the in june. it was due today had bit fall. well,
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for those 2 prominent due to this in gaza, as they are also a keep promising, assisting that they will keep supporting. i'm sensing the voice of balance to me. and so it could be kids globally thought i was human life 1st day in rough or 7000 about now to early a story, which was the visit to the region of us that your state and to me blinking. let's get the view from israel on that sort of hot it is. life was in tel aviv and we heard from the, from, from blinking the earlier about just how critical a moment this was for the region. presumably he will be, uh, bringing that to his discussions with his really officials when he has there later on this diplomatic tool or yeah, and it sounds like she covered a huge amounts of grounds. every thing from oversea, we were hearing that humanitarian aids. he says he's going to be discussing with
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the is ro, uh, to be able to offer that amounts of humanitarian aids coming in. because that has been controlled to see with israel says it has to vets. every single truck that comes through. but the process has been incredibly slow and people are just not receiving of the amount of age or anywhere near it's a fraction even of what they should be receiving with warnings of a potential farm. and he also said that some of the comments that have been made by some of the hard line far right. minnesota is like, it's a mob been very we know that's what he's been saying. as well as been smart trips. the sub people in gaza should be able to leave. well, he said these are inflammatory, he says, and it actually detracts from the possibility of palestinians being able to govern themselves in the gaza strip. that's a really important point because that has been real concern in the region. that is the way that it's heading, that this is what israel wants, even though it says that it doesn't want to occupy cause a but, and you're moving on from that. he's also said that that needs to be
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a best the mechanism to protect people. and the also kept all has been listening to those families of the captives that were visiting cuts saw yesterday. and is trying to work on ensuring that those are remaining can be brought back. cool that so lots of grounds that he'll be covering. of course, this is his 5th to visit to israel, and this will be happening off to tomorrow. what, who also then be expected to move on to some of the other countries and all of this happening as far as we see more indications of cracks within the is really government reports of, of, of divisions within the cabinet. what more on that man? that's right. that was a weekly cabinet meeting held earlier today. 3 ministers from the same policy didn't attend to them off a little cabinet members, including many guns to came to the defense of the army cheese that was attacked by a number of ministers in a me. seeing a few days ago,
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security cabinet meeting where they were meant to discuss the day off a as in what happens once the war in gaza. and i bought this as well. so really furthermore divisions and cracks that we're seeing. because many on to that to the accused of prime minister benjamin netanyahu of a choosing in a way of politics over unit c. at the time when the discussion has been that they should be unified. but we're seeing anything far from that. in fact, the problem is benjamin netanyahu and his statement yesterday, while that was the price hes happening again, tim was saying that people need to focus on the wall and puts everything else aside, but also mall control the c as a judge to a full month's, a supreme court judge has been appointed to be part of a panel that will be in the hague as parts of this case has been brought against israel by south africa. whether the cues of genocide in palestine and dogs. the
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rather i'm and this appointment in itself has been controversial. this is someone that has been a pos of the and see a very much and see additional reforms that was supposed to happen all over the whole. that was supposed to happen. he's been a vocal person that's against prime minister benjamin netanyahu in the part of this coalition government. and some of the far right ministers have been criticizing him, criticizing this appointment, saying that you were talking against this you of been against as you are one of the liberals. and that's why that in itself has been a controversial appointment. always starting to see more of this rhetoric move public key now sort of hide a lot for us there and tell of these thanks very much. so let's get them. use a again of a tablet, a caught a move to a system professor public policy. joining us from the doha issue for graduate studies. good talk to you again. so wish we heard a broad range of issues discussed in that news conference between the usf to state
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and the customer, the 5 minutes the what, what, what did, what was it that jumped out? you had some sort of thoughts. what would the tensions wish in the, in the remarks and the comments and the messages on this topic by the messages emphasized by the company, prime minister to keep messages. let me just see slide as and secondly, the him added to the anything only that the glasses of the main spot of palestine. and the thing is only posting has come govern themselves as if the will of some discussions will blink and probably sold some some health in some at easement that involves or relates to the day after planned that these ladies are proposing which does not involved up in a single thought of the having any of the work in and governing garza so it seems that i thought these are messaging clearly that they are not gonna accommodate any
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such proposals when it comes to blinking. or, of course, i mean and not what it's a, it's clear that the physician is the, the prevention of this conflict from this connection become and go to get a conflict. and it's, it's a little coincidence for me that is, is talk to this is, is 1st message a blessing. it's a for the whole piece and what's happening, and let's see. and for me as if this message is, i mean that's the fact it's coming from do have some pop up, which is, which is next don't do it on. for me, the way i read it is that these, the americans are sending a clear message today at audience from to ha. and the companies are excellent. uh, maybe it's the, it was at the same time that we don't want to just see on his condition and then it said, because it almost was the same that it seats with information intelligence. it offers to the whole thing is to help them striking the ships so as if the americans are giving a diploma sessions from the hosp to the companies to send the message to that you don't use next door. and the other things, i mean for me,
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the optics or whatever you want to describe them, although you want to describe them. i mean, again, it's him repeating the importance of the level of aid and keys and data mobs prevention of civilian casualties. all these messaging, the americans have, i've kept repeating from the beginning of the world, but nothing happens on the ground. basically it is of keeping the same intensity of or it's, it's kind of the, it's, i mean it's, it's, it's, it surprises me that he plays the work of you on agencies on workers but, but he does not condemn the clinics. all sense of you on workers in palestine, but a stain on you on workers look and work cuz by isn't no mentioning whatsoever of the price you and what comes of faith and punish done and destroyed him. expressing his is a sadness and soto for beginning of the house the door. that's nothing about comfortability . i mean, again, i mean, you could have continued and say, well,
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we will start asking questions and bring people to adjust the funeral accounts up and nothing about the comfortability. one positive thing i would think about. i mean, the fact that the emphasize the guys, those will be able to the turn to the north, the condition. this is the concept option is not on the table anymore. so, but as soon as they'll have to worry about a transfer. busy option outside of the gaza strip. and last but not the least, and it seems to me that part of his agenda is this been discussing what he calls to describe as the vision of the partnerships to agree on the scenario. and then they asked, oppose the war. i mean, it seems, and during his visits, he wants to discuss the one that it was, each company has or what they have to offer in terms of the future of goes up after this war. so it seems to me stage one on the stage tools that i just showed propose that. busy more or less working inside of them, which means he could see it clearly. he does not want him to stop the word. he's
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still giving a green light for it isn't. but at the same time that opening this stage to, to discuss the future of goes with the future by this time and the governors that he's met during this visit. so he wants to see what it's got to has to offer. and if the on an agreement with what is the item is i'll sort of in the, the plan, the just propose for government goes up to the after the could to get a hold of your thoughts on this. once again, the time i come with, thanks very much, i steps that i had on i just need a preliminary results in bangladesh. in a poll the meno positions had boy coasted in coal to show the hello weather is lossy set. fire across the middle east. uh, caught
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a brisk wind blowing across the gulf at the moment, but that will is off. as you can see, essentially cliffs cause you might catch a shout to just around the eastern side all by mazda childs have one or 2 showers the into afghanistan. and that's shifting the way for the race for so rolling into pakistan. otherwise, it radius a case of more of the same 23 celsius of 2023 here in the hub and over the next couple of dice, chinney and after some snow. meanwhile, across the pots with ducky either the next day or so, what's the weather sliding his way in here? the eastern side of the med will stay dry for the time being costs around 21 celsius fulls of little as we go on. and to choose dan and plenty of showers, and they will turn wintry over the high ground of turkey as we go on. 3, choose that west of weather, then pushing across cyprus, toward syria and 11 and say, mary, it was wet weather, affecting the final set of africa. so no faced and positive valgy area pushing across the gene is yeah, that a side does. it allows you dry quite a pre squint,
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that you noticed a tiny a shout was. meanwhile, across the heart of i forget, a seasonal stones. i continued to rumble away as still some pretty wet weather for the eastern side of south africa. of the slaving under the hot sun collecting a limitless energy so their own tri, who sits down to soda panels on his roof. the decades the and then relied on diesel shipped in a great expense with crowns from the australian government. the island built itself a so the grid now they can capture and store fully energy they need kind on state fits future fossil fuels, no renewables to natural gas from the gulf of thailand. power station funding, co shipped in from australia to transition away from fossil fuels, could be relatively easy and china. but the government remains committed to colon. guess we will never get to see that doesn't happen. our country is out enough. we
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will not take it any more 3 years after protest as storms of the capital. the new race for the white house begins in iowa as republican candidates, once again bethel trump, for the nomination, stay with elsa 0. so the us election 2024. the the but again, you're watching i 0 reminder laptop stories this out. i just need a has condemned in the strongest times as well as targeted killing of generous times that due to sun about cause a buick cheese. when the car was directly hitting the han units a, a fee generalist will stuff like that. i was killed alongside us next year. state
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anthony blinking has stress. palestinians must be able to return home and not pressure to leave because made the comments while in don't offer talks on the complex. lincoln also said he will raise the issue of protecting civilians in gods when he visits is virus week. is really a right across because i have killed at least a 113 in the last day. the casualties include children in the cities of hon. eunice and dealing with bella and those honey, my mood reports, homes and refugee camps, which all get in the wake of these regular striking rough people are sifting through the degrees that once was their home. oh, my quote. total athene is difficult, especially for 75 year old. he's one of the whole moorings, the loss of his entire family. he said they were killed trying to escape the violence law the government. while i show my family has been completely wiped out
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from the civil registrar. again, no one has no child. no woman doesn't hugs you. not a young one or old person survivor. all of them are gone. no, no one is lives doing. i'm the only one remaining. they're all gone. i, if i were sleeping inside the house, i would have died. but i slept outside among many victims, remaining, trapped under the roof is really operations of from both air and land, a ravishing central and southern gospel. here more casualties, keep arriving at really struggling hospitals in there and about us in han units, non stop bombing has code thousands of civilians despite being designated as a so called safe zone for civilians by israel. their homes have not been spurred.
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the attack has done pretty high last little enough as though. yeah. what else is left in goza? they are pushing us into a corner that will we be at the end? where should we go? what are they driving us to let us go back to our homes, even if we have to eat good and does not since will you know that i had the or you want to have the got me a. this ariel studies shows the dire humanitarian crises in southern cause. many people, including women and children, form along the cues, hoping for a meal. the only one they will likely have all day. but with all very crowded towns unlimited, a many are left with desperate need. i need more more via the rock by garza 3 months since israel began its war and goes like killing and nearly 23000 people. now, children had been disproportionately affected by the onslaught. as mohammed var reports are displaced almost 10 inches,
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the place to do what children do, what time is it be? what's nothing isn't open here is really bump up and that is a big yellow to the winter is extreme. and the place is a school not suitable accommodation, had the fair listen, the school has turned into a shelter instead of a place for bone. and it was an old my school in my home and be tending very much for that. and that's why i'm here in the, i'm the we are talking about a blog academic yet, but due to dual, there is no school since october 7. until now we can't predict what's going to happen. yeah. and there is about 44 schools in roughly 59. facilitate up to 6 up there. assigning assault is present to the students, the members the old days before the war and the sad moments since you have little. * close out of the phone about them was the head before the world. i was a 100 can students. my teachers appreciated me a lot. now instead of books,
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i'm keeping my clothes inside my school bag. and i'm living in the school counseling with all children's rights. i'm demanding only one, which is to be able to complete my education. the we were supposed to be in a school only for loading notes as displaced people. but this is what the occupation has done to us is destroyed our dreams and our future and made us homeless. south carolina, nevada, is really bump up to 1000 has killed 10000 to do so. according to the pulse team helped me to split the impact on those to the life. 7 is still magic and hasn't how the, but obviously this barbaric war has deeply affected children. they're suffering from constant anxiety, sleep disorders, extreme fear, constant crying, total absence of any feeling of safety. and then they have clear sizes of psychological trauma cause and some of them to refuse to eat. in addition to the
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physical wounds and diseases that are spreading. busy is how the guy that lot of i feel i'm just angry at school. we used to enjoy learning and discussing with colleagues as well. now i'm sitting in a school doing nothing with it. i'm just looking at the wall and every child speak you to the media says for they want this piece and to be able to go back to school on to not clear how long they'll have to wait. how much fine of disease as we mentioned, garza has turned into a daily fight for survival and children have been effective the most according to the united nations that were more than 625000 school aged students before the war. but now, none of them are attending classes. is there any forces have killed more than 10000 children, most of them at school age by mid december, 352 school buildings. why the damaged or destroyed? and that's about a 70 percent of gauze as educational facilities,
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well 90 percent of them on now being use the shelters for displaced palestinians, and $200.00 teachers have been killed and 500 more injured since the war began. joining me now is maria malik? she is the executive director of the a protect education and security and conflict program that is that the education above all foundation thanks very much for being with us. so 1st of all, how many children are we talking about here that are, that are out of the education system? well i, i, i see a report made clear that there's no substantive education being provided to children in gaza. and it's also worth mentioning to attend the, in the west bank as well because of hostilities and ongoing well from bossman to some areas of the westbank children in the west bank, competing educated. so in the whole of the occupied territories of palestine. that's a severe disruption of education. now, a whole generation and,
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and most of these schools have become safe havens for, for displaced people. so it's hard to see how this could become operational anytime soon. yeah, we're not expecting it to become a professional any time. so what we've done actually, um a touch occasional bible is prioritize the absolute 1st layer of getting things back for education, for those kids that you saw in the program, which is to address a post traumatic stress disorder. mm hm. because that medical expert said that the children and does a probably having the most severe trauma, top level to trauma, i think it's probably it's about 9800 percent of the children need to have that trauma address. so the 1st stage of getting back on track for the education is to address the needs to have the, the trauma address. and then what we're doing is having interventions in the areas of working with hotness such as soon as of saves the children to try and provide
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safe spaces where the children come to back to learning and, and how, how long does it take for them to, to to recover it, is there any sort of sense of normality is this? is this something that's is going to affect them throughout their, their lives as like into adulthood? yeah, it really is website that, you know what we're seeing this time is the most extreme hostilities and also, but there are children who are, you would have seen in that clip around that 3rd war. and also this is not new in dallas. i growing up, this is, yeah, this is, you know, they, they, they're not just, you know, this is the total. so, you know, in the show time of course we can put a bit of 5 days on the problem in the long term as the, as the of the discussion. today's showing what we need to send them to the occupation. what we need is the settlement because these kids periodically, every 2 years. this area of abutment this time is the most severe example of thoughts and this constant insecurity and goes to constant bombardment. and i think
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i'm to adopt stops that can be no, no mounted tv can. we can address a education during the war, but that needs to be and then to the will, the needs to be a ceasefire. and that needs to be a settlement of the problem and talk a little bit more if you can about what you mentioned, the did the psychological effects of his own children and the trauma and the work that he's involved in, in trying to address all of those things yeah, we've, we've been involved in addressing issues of trauma from number was file in garza and we've worked with a number of partners. and you know, the 1st thing that has to be set is those children that you so a, so, but if there was, so i'll take you that. but they all children and the impact of, of, of trauma living watching. you'll parents die watching whole families, being disseminated, you know, being decimated, is that these are lifelong scholars, that these children will have. it takes a long time, it will take long, you know,
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use of therapy interventions before they address those particular tumors. and those mental injuries have physical manifestations. as that medical personnel said the children, i'm not eating, they'll have night that as they would be sleeping. and that's the 1st thing to address. and then, you know, i was really moved actually by what those young children set. and this is also all the evidence that we have of children and conflicts. they want to go back to school because school is a place of normality for them in this situation. and also the schools that they're in a row, so not really safe havens. they're under constant stretch of a bump, and there is no safe place for these kids and garza, this certainly is, and we really appreciate you talking to us about this usually important story. money emetic, thanks very much. the taking a look at some of the stories now find with dish has prime minister. she has is
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projected to win a full time in office opposition. parties, boy called to the election and many votes of state, home, economic frustration kept some of them away from the post time vitality, with the support from the capital dot com, the whole land. and the majority of the people express the view by not showing up in the polling centers. the turnout was very low, all across the country. there was scattered violence as well. people who we spoke down the street didn't want it to be in the camera express their disgust, and then not inclusive election. and wonder extra people are cited well. for the all essential food. prices are sky high. we poor people are not happy under this government. we don't accept this audit credit government or the election at all. we will not recognize that we had a chance just spoke to one of the proceeding officer in a pulling board. and this is why do you have to say the typical i'm restaurant? we will be able to find the percentage of voters later,
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but the presence of voters was significantly lower. looks a couple pieces of the main opposition party and 16 other a line said bar coded this election after months of protest. and they're under track down by the government now will know more within the next few days of the global community build is election and bangladesh. the result is obviously quite predictable. to under children you, i'll just say the doc us the still ahead on i just need a little hole. leave it lights in the f a cup said rounds high against awesome. that's the only way would be to the the call choose solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions, not just turn our backs. i don't think that has a number. think about it as a person,
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person yourself and that person shares. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life, those dentures. we want we want to break because the women and my country deadlocks we want. we are not denies all of who we are human beings and deserves to be treated equally. we are in the footsteps, our ancestors, whatever has been done before, can be done as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see, the vision is keywords you to the
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the all right. kind of goes for now. here's peter, and thank you very much level to have one the pick of the if a cops stood round size with a to know when away from home against also, that was who had the base of the chances. but it took until the 80, if minutes for them to gain from could see of a, your tv, your own goals. they were a couple of minutes. okay. is in, well also when an old likes the kids that is actually as part of an initiative to come back, youth knife climb in london, then we will wrap it up with the as the 2nd of the game lights on to advance to the 4th round. defending champions mentions the city, increased into the full round of the title defense against the huddersfield, fulford in case that he believed in the city limits who down over in spain w. so he's need see minutes later the going to make these
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returns. and so he replacing alvarez and was sick and he hasn't played for me since hearings him spring being the frame in the opening. on august the 11th place, i think still had more misery to say heath on how this field oscar bulbs shots deflect to defend jackson for. and i'll go and started and sold another before jeremy duffy seal the 5. know when the if the high false pip claudio to please do that, was also happy. had the boy to back you match seems to accumulate during session during session things things more than games are still the best thing is that for 90 minutes about the now new customer have another chance and not to have 2 weeks to make a good trainings kia and nobody and to the 2nd part of the season. so. but do i in chrome? i've, he's back because have kevin house doing games in west ham and bristol says he are heading phone. if a cup sued round relates to him is late. it will be to jericho in
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the city, your planning and 2nd tier. on the 2nd route from conway, crystal city will host to replace extra time. they will be no ref how to do all of this month. so straight in openings have to pull out of that student with an injury . the 22 time grand slam champion and he just made his come back last week of the year on the sidelines with the hip problem. adel suffered a small muscle today and he's called a final defeat in prison on friday, but says it's a different injury to the one which so him, most of the majority of last season. he's now going to head home sustained treatment. because reaction from tennis food costs to craig, gabriel, and sidney, the rug. okay. this says tournament is 50 weeks uh dispute last week. and bruce with a brisk and international. you've got a couple of very good wins under his belt. and then he was playing george thompson and then a standing match. it was a truck,
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thompson came back to run from my point down. but in the 3rd set, rough, i had to leave the court for a medical timeout and he came back and finish the match. but he was in some discomfort. he thought maybe is somebody to do with a bit of a muscle full because he hasn't played so long. he didn't think it was anything really serious, but he's struggling since then. he went down to melvin out of them. all right, john, and what it says it has the is a micro tag on the muscle, on the left leg. when he says water, it's incredibly sad of disappointing for him. he also made the point that it's positive in one sense is that it's not in the same situation on exactly the same area, but kept to of the injury that kept him out of the sport for so long. he hasn't played it hasn't faded, 20 minutes since last year as a strategy. no, but before christmas last week. so he's looking trying to look at the positives. but it certainly is dropped into some tribal the quote,
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because this is probably going to be his last year on the tool. alexander's veterans is warming up nicely for the australian open, leading germany to a title victory of opponent at the united cup team tournament and sabine, the reigning olympic champion saved 2 match points to win a single side against 9th rank stupid hood catch in a 3 hour epic that falls, a threat of a deciding mixed up is match which featured readings like this one, the only signal and took on hook. gotcha. and when is the number one he gets to be on 2nd, again, it went to a deciding 3rd states which you can put me shot records as so back in body changed at the birth of an international legal dom, mitchell picked up a trophy for the 2nd time in 7 years,
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roughly, he lost one of us to bulgaria and beat. so please hold the inspect. 5th. 2017 misty vicki they next semester because of the women's events was won by elaina read back in a she took on a reading the sutherland kind a repeat of last year as a straight american final which sutherland code one this time it was read back a who came out as of 6 love, 63, the time her 6 to be a title and ending the 15 minutes reading speak on a straight into the sub. i think we're going to the business end of the nfl season now with pale faces at stake. and the houston texans have progressed with victory against the indianapolis colts. and then when was at the house explained the silly old and nothing games, touchstones from the code colors and, and the text using to finish seems really cold suspended and they were closed again
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. but this was the moments that changed. it's a drug from try to get the closing. it just allows the texas to hold on to victory and they 1st failed spots a full use in the n, b a. and essentially to compo, head 40 a points, but the wasn't good enough. as the milwaukee bucks most of the houston rockets the most points, the rockets have conceded to a play of the season. but 7 play is reached, double figures for houston, and the 112108 victory. the bucks remain sick and the eastern conference despite defeats. and it was an up and down kind of bay over the dns to stage 2 of the deck . already frenchman, stiff and pitcher hansel but history. with these 50 it's deck off stage when he's now the joint rack would hold in that cast of vacation. but hold on his heels was kind of side senior who finished night, which was enough to change the overly out of pocket they for that all that most sports needs like that has great stuff. thanks very much pizza and that is it for
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this news out. my colleagues here will be here in 2 minutes with more new style the the tales of life scorched fine for you. real quick accounts rising from beneath the rubber best put stories salvaged on the high seas, brought to the ground breaking sounds from award winning filming the watch. listen witness. on al jazeera. when the, the
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the water inside. yeah. the, the well, the telephone go down the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the color i'm so venue a, this is the news, our life from doha coming up in the program. this hour is real, kills during list comes out to in a targeted strike. he was the son at alpha 0 is gone. so bureau chief,


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