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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 7, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the 0 venue a, this is the news, our life from doha coming up in the program. this hour is real, kills during list comes out to in a targeted strike. he was the son at alpha 0 is gone. so bureau chief, while the 2nd journalist was also killed in that same strike, most stuff as to why i worked for the as long as plus class news agency and seeking
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safety. where there is none is really airstrikes killed dozens of palestinians in southern gaza. the us secretary of state is in katara on his 5th visit to the region since the war began. and bank with dishes election commissions declares prime minister shake the si that has won a general election. that was boy caught by the officers the so we begin in gaza where it is really a strike is killed. 2 more journalists also 0. it has condemned in the strongest terms, israel's targeted killing of during this tons of stuff to that's the son of our guys have corresponded in bureau chief while of the to the car of 27 year old homes that was targeted near fund eunice in southern gaza. he was heading there to document the devastation from an overnight, just really strike on a residential area. a few journalists and the stuff at to riah who was with homes,
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was also killed in october, several members, the wireless doctor's family including his wife, another son, daughter, and grandson, were killed in his really air raid. he has continued to report on the is really operation despite his personal loss is real, has been accused of deliberately targeting during lists and their families in gaza . 109 during list have been killed by its military since october. that's the highest death, told me the workers of any recent conflict comes on mohammed reports. he was one of devising stuff in god's us media world. i'm the eldest son of a 0 is guys a bureau chief while you of the to one of the most well known journalist and palestine as like he has done every day for the past 3 months. how does the other 2 have gone up to document of the most of these really talk in cells on cause. but the 27 year old unit is never free time to file these report. now that's on, on, i'm bidding farewell today. god. what else can i say?
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may god the almighty give us strength, give us comfort, give us patients and may god the all mighty give us the strength to carry on for the sake of homes. and for the sake of all those killed, i say we will remain faithful. this isn't the 1st time we do have suffered such a loss in october, his wife or the son, delta and grandson. well ok, it is really striking a house. last month he was injured in and is really a textbook kelly's colleague saw me about the 4 homes as friends is. this is a tragedy. they come to comprehend. i don't want to cry, but i'm importing this right now because i know that if, if i'm so busy and he wanted me to report and he wanted all of, oh, it's called the 3 courses to continue for 6. and i'm so proud of him and everything he did, everything he reported. how does a,
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how to close bung with his father when he walked within the field? he was his 1st born, his eldest son. and he was the one he relied on. he wanted him always by his side. he was so proud the terms i studied during listen, if be generally some stuff or fly, it was also can. the thing is really strike the targeted hands. this call at least 110 generous, have been killed since these roads were on because the spotted october hands of life might have been cut short. but his father and friends say they would continue to put on it as well. and because the new method, the consequences have them, how much does it mean? here's more on what wild doc do have to say about his son is kelly a nurse to a have the power for that. as you can see, legal people in droves saying good bye to their loved ones and to the children
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every day, every hour, and every 2nd. and what, and me, just like all of these people know that so in, on the community i am bidding farewell today. what else can i say? you know, i know who god almighty is. may god almighty give us strength. so give us come fit . give us patience. when you are with the best web and go with the, the stuff the and the mos on my gotomypc give us the strength to carry off for the sake of homes. and for the sake of all the masses, then on an end to hums. and to all the masses here, i say we will remain faithful. you cannot niamack my son homes that was working with me and he was working with us as part of the elders, the recruit. no more than a couple of new attempts. and i started working before homes up, i was born. my uncle upset him in after the day and she had until today you had the
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and i have been working on this mission for over 2 decades. working on this humanitarian missions are often my family and often hums, a wisdom that we will definitely continue. we will continue harlequin delilah, monumental, however, the entire world must take a look at what is going on here in the guise of strictly yeah. what is going on is difficult and it is painful. it is massive. and there was great injustice here for our people, this, for the civilian people who lives near the what is happening holds great injustice for us as journalists. and how do you have thought about what that it was said in the past? anomalous that the freedom is opinion and the freedom of expression to us in the work that journalists do, and obtaining information mean and photos and footage, in order for the deserving audience to view them. and it was said that our job was
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guaranteed by international law. and to monetary in law. so however, so for 107 journalist, it's a full and they blog has been spilled on this land as if no one had heard about what was said. let me know as if no one was seeing what is happening here, the light and i called upon the entire world to put an end to all this killing heavy who is taking journalist lives one after the other. and, well, i hope the blood of my son hums that will be the last blood spilled by journalists and the last blood to be spilled here by any one in the gaza strip in vain. and i hope the semester could, will come to an end as that was done. well, else is there. a media network has issued a statement strongly condemning israel's targeting of journalist, saying, quote, the assassination of most stuff on homes. i'll show 0 correspondent while dr with sun wheels the were on their way to carry out their duty in the gaza strip. reaffirms the need to take immediate, necessary legal measures against the occupation forces to ensure that there is no impunity,
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these really occupation forces as systematically targeted or colleague while doing his family killing his wife's son, daughter and grandson in october 2023 while and his colleague the late summer i would duck a camera man. we're also targeted in december of 2023. we urge the international criminal court to the governments and human rights organizations in the united nations to hold as real accountable for its heinous crimes and demand an end to the targeting and killing of turn lists, houses. 0 pledges to take all legal measures to prosecute the perpetrators of these crimes and stands in solidarity and support with all journalists in gaza. or let's go now to alpha 0 as tara capitalism tarry q. and roughly 7 guys that i understand that there are strikes that happen just a short while ago. not very far from where you are in rossa. i'll ask you about those in a moment, but 1st, you know, today we are once again, sadly,
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reporting on the death of one of our colleagues, your new homes, up personally, you also numerous stuff that personally, let's just take a moment if you will, for you to explain to us who they were and who they were to you. yes, uh we. they weren't too pest of ballasting join unless it were very keen in terms of reporting everything that is happening in psych garza since october. the 7th was the 1st my brother lou and holmes as mike league, and no just the recruitment of both of them were sharing time to go by in the same place where you've been spending days and nights in the vicinity of the, of the most or hospitably how do you, and as of right now, we've been also before the just thinking we have been sharing time and then quite the hospital as both times most of our close friends before. and also they were also a close friends to me as well. today we have lots to permanent journalist who did the test tirelessly to keep informing the world about latest is
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a crimes in stock goals that they were hits as their vehicle was targeted by his brand new site would run without any prior warning. they are doing this, they were doing their job, they were recruiting, and they were filming one of the latest and locations of the usability targeting on a roof on this area that is supposed to be a safe zone for palestinians. but as we can clearly hear right now the buzzing of these by the trains of the on getting greats and decided to part of dollars, a really good make the sense of safe to configure disappear. so generally today is a new attack that have been carried up against journalist as of 110 tops putting and doing a list have been killed since october. the 7th at this number is completely. busy possibly might be right within the coming face, isabel kept increasing. the administrative text, of course, calls us check the not differentiate that needs to be in use of medicine. so it's hard to tell us now about these strikes in rough. uh where were they?
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when were they, do you know what they targeted? yes for the past few hours, we have been hearing the sound of these very surveillance of drones puzzling along side with the fine to just on this kind of refund. just before a couple of minutes, we've had the series of loud explosions in central russell, which is only far away from here, around just 100 meters from on location right now. now this area is very densely populated area. now, you're talking about the roof. i generally, i'd be know, i'm not sure what's up for more than 1000000 palestinians display. and besides the original citizens and the city as well as themselves who have been also hosting old evacuees, families relative also as they open their houses to every single displace palestinians . and we need, we need to remind you that every single strike a roof on we will bring new casualties. and to now we tried to verify the type of targeting that had been carried out. and what is the final number of casualties, but to this very moment,
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the sound of these very dro pausing to dispose of gives me a lot among palestinians that there's going to be me military attacks that could be possibly taking place within the coming dollars. yeah, we can absolutely hear those drawings flying overhead. tar cowboys, who i'm reporting at this hour. it is 19 gmc from roughly in the southern part of the gaza strip. thank you very much talk. are you a secretary of state anthony, blinking has described the killing of alpha 0 during this time, the other 2 as an unimaginable tragedy. he was speaking of the joint press conference here. and though i am deeply, deeply sorry for the almost unimaginable loss suffered by your colleagues. while i do, i am, uh, i'm a parent myself. i can begin to imagine the har that he's experienced not, not once,
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but now know twice. this is a magical tragedy. and that's also been the case for, as i said, far too many innocent palestinian men, women and children and the us secretary states is in katara if it talks about the war on gaza. and he stressed that more aid is needed. some palestinians, he also said palestinians must be able to return home and not pressed to leave the gaza strip. lincoln also said he will raise the issue of protecting civilians in gaza when he visits israel. this week. an immediate increase in date is essential as improving deep reflection procedures to ensure it's safe and secure delivery, including to northern guys. as israel moves to a lower intensity phase of its military operation in the north, the united nations can also play a crucial role in evaluating what needs to be done to allow this place,
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palestinians to return home targeting civilians must be able to return home as soon as conditions allow, they cannot, they must not be pressed to leave gaza. we reject the statements by so i'm just really ministers and lawmakers calling for resettlement, palestinians outside of gaza. the statements are responsible there, inflammatory, and they only make it harder to secure a future. palestinian la garza from us no longer in control and with tears groups, no longer able to threaten his real security to the category. prime minister and foreign minister shake mohammed been opposite. romano, tiny spoke of the role that the us needs to play and helping find a solution to the conflict. we always look for that role and look forward to the next step for me to catch up with an end for this conflict, and also 3 at you as a stand up in the solutions that gives the cnn people they apply it in their own
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state and we also look forward, what affordable concepts agent and all the different to uh, topics that we would get together. also zeros hush in my hell bar. i sent this update from the just after the joint press conference. had concluded secretary blinking comes back to the region with the clouds of what could be unexpended confrontation, how get over the region. and this explains exactly why he said, this is a moment of profound tension. is that the united states of america, along with his allies in the region and keep play us all the time in to ensure that the tension does not spread. now, when you look of the up 6 of the press conference, the secretary of lincoln understand this time that this is going to be an extremely delicate moment for the united states of america blasted by its allies in
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the region by hundreds of millions of muslims and out of what they say is a failure of the american administration to step in and put pressure on these rather government and the relentless bombardment of the civilians in gaza. he says that he's broken along with allies such as cuts off to ensure that these riley captive release, and that they are determined to ensure that this does not degenerate into a full blown mer to confrontation. let's get more on the us perspective on this. what else is yours? patty? go and you're in washington, dc. patty, what is the top priority for blinking during this regional trip? he he has so many priorities. i don't know if even he can tell you what the top priority is. obviously, it's trying to work out some sort of deal to get the hostages out. that's been one of his top priorities. but a lot of things that happened since the started including what's happening in the red sea, the who,
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to the attacks on commercial ships. we originally saw just last week the us and some of the fellows come out and say this is your last warning. stop fire the commercial ships. so he's going to be gauging the reaction if in fact us is planning on some sort of military action. and yeah, i mean, he's going to try to get, i guess out what the reaction from these different countries would be. he's also probably asking for a little bit of help since they announced the operation prosperity or guardian, the u. s. has been really trying to get more allies on board and he highlighted in the press conference more than 20 countries or on board. but he didn't highlight as a whole. lot of those countries are sending one or 2 people into the headquarters. not a whole lot of warships go into the area to try and deter those cruise missile and drug attacks and commercial vessels. so, doing that, obviously one of the big concerns is what happens after the war's over. he's going to feel it out these countries to see if they feel like there's been talk of a multinational force going in that
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a lot of countries have said absolutely. now to who want to talk about what sort of financial support the people's palestine and gaza may be able to get. obviously he's also going to be defending these really status. been his main role here. he was asked, he was given a direct chance to actually say, yes, israel just continues to ignore what we are asking him to do. that there could be consequences. he didn't do that. all he said is what we've heard from them before. is that every country that we give weapons to the do us get what kids weapons to has to fall international law, never points out that to most experts, israel is not following international law. and he also didn't highlight the fact that even now these 3 months in the us is still not study in or even looking into whether is real is meeting those qualifications. so it's going to be interesting to see, i think the tone when he gets to israel and see if perhaps that changes. no, absolutely. really interesting. especially as the us, as in the last few weeks, twice bice,
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past congress with emergency measures to keep providing ammunition to israel. patty, go ahead and reporting from washington dc. thank you very much. i us, the 3 is really government ministers have refused to take part in sunday's weekly cabinet meeting as divisions there grow. this coming after is really media reported . the war cabinet meeting on thursday descended into chaos and in you into yelling . prime minister benjamin netanyahu has urged the units he's saying that they must put everything aside to focus on winning the war. so our hi, ronda is monitoring all of this, intel a be sorry, good to talk to you what's going on here? what are the disagreements and the fault lines that we're looking at? the, the disagreements have been showing a lot more assessing the since when this one gaza started, it was showing a sense of unity. they were very aware of differences, which we've been seeing well since the congregation government came into power this over
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a year ago now. and then this sunday me thing 3 people from the same national units . the policy decided not to attend, including 2 will cabinet members. those are many guns as well as the guy, the eyes in hawk now. they seems didn't attend because of the n 5 thing that happened just a few days ago. as you mentioned that when a security cabinet meeting was supposed to be held to discuss the so called day off to applying those to what happens in gaza wants to go. and now these divisions are really testament to programs that existed in this fall, right? government already, but also where you have, for example, of these ministers, the, especially the hotmail, hard line ministers. what we're attacking the army chief, any guns came to his rescue if you like, and was defending him and defending the military. and then as a result, this full lot has seems to have continued,
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but also in the last few hours we've had a confirmation. it seems that the for almost supreme court's chief has been appointed to a rep present or to be part of the panel of judges. in the hague, in times of this, the south africa case has been brought against israel accusing it's of genocide in cause or. and that has been a split in is some of those are not happy. some of the people in the government, then they're not happy about this. this is someone that was, is he's well known to be against the benjamin netanyahu, whose policies and he was also against the traditional eva whole that was supposed to take place well before this will happens. and he's being seen as someone who's internationally respected and also being someone who's not a close eye lights. and that's and yahoo, someone that could represent the country showing that he won't be biased. but for some of those ministers that all in the government,
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they are unhappy about this because they see this is someone who's very liberal and very much against that. the way they look at things bizarre. thank you very much for your reporting there from tel aviv. i'll bring this these questions in this conversation to use the medical burg. now you'll see you're an associate fellow, a chat them houses mean a program. you're joining us live from london. your take on these divisions. i mean, we knew of course that there were divisions within these really leadership. they've been simmering since the start of the war. now they're coming into full view a this is the foot for the last day of these are as the most problem. all right, dr. mandy. ready imagery story, and photo and get started. so folks told us that the stop show the nature of the government change. when mulder likes animates, we say we're saying that he's on political system. and so the company that now the state of the division between the wall copying there and why the company and ask for others,
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it sounds like you're still trying to make the voice. ready and they're like, you know, what's happened. so guys that he's basically the expansion or for small so for, for the guys are bigger which both so that i, so the government need some excessive without talking forces about rebuilding. so the 2nd way to kind of what i have to talk to you, i think back in 2005. so i think as long as this fall i element. so sideline 00 and obviously event 0 but needs to move on from there. at what point do these political divisions start having an impact on the war and how is really, is fighting this for i think the main, the main effects would be actually where it says file is easily scrolls and then it comes to question windows. so instead of like if any gods in the eyes incorporated on south, they've joined the remote copy that be signed to these recall issue. and then the
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climbing is still that then, you know, once again depends on the size to maintain it, maintain you score addition. i think some of those really are distorted before we before gets everybody else to facing a collection guard so, so the cases so both of collections. ready for please the visual spouse, and by the way, i need depends on these 5 elements to sort of interesting po which is important for him also to stay away probably from this cold case to come. so i hope you is, is, is vapor like guns and eyes include clothes that would lead the government off the off the wall, then back to square one. when it time, you all depends on the size of man and basically actually in power, then the game to, to, to believe it will be. so this really very much for sending the message. okay. but so might,
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i was wondering if and when divisions would actually change the war is being forth and you're saying, well, if there's a ceasefire, in other words, after the war, that's when you would see a bus stop in this current in his current government. the moderates would leave the far right, would therefore take over. but, but that also means that while awards being for those divisions probably won't have much of an impact on the slide. correct? i think the same, the message you use to meet you. this is why they put brush on that and you know, because he's always on the wall and another one to maintain the solution. and looking at the correlation view be on the wall. she was in trouble, so to speak, before before, before the will as the resides, all day tradition, prove it to try to enact any size. but also because if you scroll options are, so he's looking to also politically how he stays a spacing o, especially with the, the miles basically phone, be one of the swell from the time you know,
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to leave. i think most these are the said the spine different. now it is not the one to leave them. be the it'd be on the wall. i would the police out of the plugins and the guy me go. but the question is the consideration we seem to basic suppose hold false question action or any one of these are the to challenge him we've, we're family for, for the time bill? yes, it's still, it's been a problem. it's difficult to. so is that when this elements we've seen the issue that actually cause all genocide, grosso, violation of all sorts of human rights. so kind as to why can do so steve an issue, but they can be contained the question, what happens next? okay, well that's really interesting. thank you very much for your insights and, and since you mentioned genocide, that issue of genocide and the way the words being for is actually going to start being discussed in court that starts on thursday and friday of the international criminal. uh,
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i beg your pardon to the international court of justice at the hague. thank you very much. you'll see michael berg associates fellow at chatham house. this is really air raids across guns that have killed at least 113 people in the last 24 hours. the casualties include children in the cities of hon. eunice and darrow ballad. that's in the central part of garza as honey mount hood reports, homes in refugee camps were targeted in the wake of these regular striking rough people are sifting through the degrees that once was their home. oh, my quote. total athene is difficult, especially for 75 year old. he's one of them who mourn the loss of his entire family. he says they were killed trying to escape the violence law the while i shot my family has been completely wiped out from the civil registrar. again, no one has no child, no woman doesn't hugs you. not a young one or old person survivor. all of them are gone. no,
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no one is lives doing. i'm the only one remaining. they're all gone. i. if i were sleeping inside the house, i would have died. but i slept outside among many victims, remaining, trapped under the roof is really operations of from both air and land. a ravishing central and southern gospel here, more casualties. keep arriving at really struggling hospitals in there and about us in han units, non stop bombing has killed dozens of civilian despite being designated as a so called safe zone for civilians by israel. their homes have not been spurred. the attack has done 3 ha, a lot. so nothing that we need to else is less than goza. the pushing us into a corner that will we be at the end? where should we go?
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what are they driving us to let us go back to our homes even if we have to eat good and does not. will you know that i had the you want to have the caps me? a. this ariel studies shows the dire humanitarian crises in southern cause. many people, including women and children, form along the cues, hoping for a meal. the only one they will likely have all the but with all very crowded towns unlimited, a many are left with desperate need. i need my more. i was just the rock by garza when we come back the violence is not just in god, but it's also in the occupied west bank where a kind of a students have been killed and it is really drone strike. or after this, the the hello is very much
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a case of oil change across here. we've lost the wet when the weather, the flooding grains up to was the northwest. we do still have that cold around scandinavia, but down towards the south of reading off the area of low pressure swelling away across the mediterranean, bringing some big down pools in here, some snow over the high ground where i'm doing the weather across both sides of the med and on the flank of that we do have some snow just pushing up into why you crying because nobody and i've cold enough up to was the normal face time. but just the other thing to recover across scandinavia, that is not the case in london about 3 or 4 celsius here, over the next couple of days. at least as dry that we do have that dry weather then because many parts of northern europe and this you can see temperatures above freezing, got lost in style, call that what's the weather that we have across them at the slightest way. further east was this snow coming in kentucky, a think tank a little rough across the eastern side of the mediterranean. that same system will bring lobby showers across northeast and positive algeria through tennessee. a lot
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of the way across moultrie and then slip a little further waste was much of north africa because he's looking dry at the bible. english. i was just holding the coast of west africa to beaumont after like us with the top temperature. 35, the frank assessments to the problem is that it is there is allowed to be outside that ends of international law. and one of the reasons that should be the is the fact that is it and has declared war on okay. parts people informed opinions, the medical infrastructure of an entire society has been completely destroy the people who will feel that destruction 1st and most will be the women and children inside story on al jazeera. we cannot agree on how to coordinate space traffic management. we risk post to safety and the sustainability of space and worryingly,
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the breach of peace and security. you know, just makes people empowered, investigates the proliferation of commercial satellites. and the far reaching influence of those who funded instead of tipping point. and we have a small window of opportunity to curtail catastrophic event. fighting for space on a jersey to the you are watching else has 0 reminder of our headlines. elza 0 has condemned in the strongest terms, israel's target and killing of during this comes as dr. the son of our guys have bureau chief, while dr. his car was directly hit near hun eunice. a feature in this new stuff at
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the riah was also killed in that striking is really error rates across cause that have killed at least 113 people in the last 24 hours homes in refugee camps across sun, eunice. and they're all about, i work targeted us to of state anthony blinking his dress. the palestinians must be able to return home and not be pressured to leave garza. he made those comments while in doha forks on the conflict. lincoln also said that he will raise the issue of protecting civilians in gaza when he visits israel. this is really forces are pushing deeper into the central city of darrow. by the end of does a strip residence in several neighborhoods, there have been order to leave the intentional medical. the international medical charity doctors without borders says it's evacuating. it's stuff from the l oxer hospital as hand. her diary reports how this thing and sheltering their say they do not know where to go. that i'm currently in that in my life, in a box,
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a hospice in where this area was all tents for people who took this place as a refuge. sense of october after that, is there any forces? ask these people to evacuate to the southern gaza strip. most of the people here where people who seek refuge in the hospital and in the surroundings of the hospital. but earlier today, there were in 10 live the munition from the class culture where separate injuries were received from the people were transferred, injured people are transferred into the, into the hospital. as you see, we see only the remaining of the tense. people are telling us that they are leaving 2 of us, but we have been covering and uncovering a lot of stories and reporting. that's roughly is passed with people. people are very scared. they have been asking us, should we leave? where should we go?
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or do we go through the process where the place that we should evacuate to? and unfortunately, we do not have any answers because we're all going to do the same thing. even journalists have been evacuation on up to the hospice of not only the normal people are evacuating, but also the doctors and all of the mother could see him in the hospital are also evacuating. they fear that's what's happened in the hospital. and in the, in the nation the hospital will come back again. they're very scared to is there any forces will invade the hospital and would arrest the medical team after today's shooting to hands of the do as well as some people are saying, okay, so we're going through to 5, but they're still estimating and murdering people's and just less so people are
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left without any choice running away from death and trying their best to stay alive . people are striving to find food and to feed their kids every single day. but at the end of the day, all they're trying to do is to stay alive. this isn't the holiday for, i just need a that it. but a lot to the hospital has had just made very clear life and garza has turned into a daily fight for survival in children had been effected. the most united nation says that there were more than 625000 school age students before the war, but now none of them are attending classes. is really forces have killed more than 10000 children, most of them school age. by mid december, 352 school buildings were either damaged or destroyed. that is more than 70 percent of gods is educational facilities. when 90 percent of them are now being used, the shelters for displace palestinians, and 200 teachers have been killed and 500 more injured since the war began. earlier, my colleague has them seek, spoke to malay, hum,
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a leak from the education above all foundation. listen to what she had to say. it does no substantive education being provided behind the children in gaza. and it's also worth mentioning that in the, in the west bank as well because of hostilities and ongoing well from bossman to some areas of the westbank children, westbank competing, educated. so in the whole of the occupied territories of pa, this fine, that's a severe disruption of education. now, a whole generation and, and most of these schools have become safe havens for, for displaced people. so it's hard to see how this could become operational anytime soon. yeah, we're not expecting it to become a professional any time. so what, what we've done actually, um, a touch occasional bible is prioritize the absolute 1st layer of getting things back for education for those kids that you saw in the program, which is to address a post traumatic stress disorder. because that medical exp said that the children
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in gaza probably having the most severe trauma, top level to trauma, i think it's probably it's about 9800 percent of the children need to have that trauma address. so the 1st stage of getting back on track for the education is to address the needs to have the, the trauma address. and then what we're doing is having interventions in the areas of working with hotness such as soon as of saves the children to try and provide safe spaces where the children come get back to learning. in the occupied westbank now is really forces of killed 8 palestinians that includes 7 of them in a drone strike on jeanine. the city has seen baffles between is really forces on policy and fighters, an a palestinian who is killed in a village north of ramallah during confrontations during in his really raid bomb exams. room has more from jeanine of the 7 palestinian men who were killed
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earlier in the day here were all standing and this round about around a fire because it was pulled outside. i'm just going to ask that area to move the camera. this is where the drone struck, this is the exact spot. and as a result of that is really army drones strike, 7 palestinian men killed. now 4 of those men were all brothers from one family. and 2 of them were brothers from another family, all from an extended family in the area, hours before that you had the really army entering the city of jeanine, which is just about 5 minutes in that direction. it was a long sequence of events that occurred when the as railways were inside of janine on the outskirts of the refugee camp. one of their vehicles was attacked by an
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improvised explosive device that resulted in 119 year old female was really soldier being killed and other soldiers in that vehicle being injured. now, once these really army was finished with that raid inside of jeanine, they started to exit this road. and that's when there were stones. and we're told one makes shift type ones that were thrown in the direction of the outgoing is really armed forces several residents. we've spoken with here throughout the day. have said that members of the 7 men that were here, some of them did participate in throwing stones and that pipe bomb. then it was after these really army exited awhile later. that's when you had a drone strike. that was carried out and that resulted in the killing of the 7, many, many of the people in this community we've spoken with today. they say they are shattered. they are very concerned about what this means. they say that it's
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a tragedy for the community. they reiterate the fact that they feel like they are in constant danger. and to reiterate that point, they just talk about the statistics, the high casualty numbers of late, even before october 7th reads in janine were an almost daily occurrence since october 7th. they've only increased since october 7th, over $330.00 palestinians have been killed in the occupied west bank. and at least 80 of those killed are from janine. how much i'm doing. i just need jenny, skid. the latest from what's known as the northern front. now has below, has claimed responsibility for firing on this side of the destroyed house in the northern is really town of mid to the 11, even group says it was targeting and is really army side. it says it killed and injured the crew. their tensions between israel and a has belies intensifying on the israel 11 on border. there are growing concerns that live in on will be pulled into this war with. gotcha. and we're on han is in
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the and then saki that's in southern lebanon. everything is very, very tens on this board has been very, very tens for a long time. but there is intense diplomatic efforts to try and calm things down there right now. everything is contained on this 120 kilometer long pulled up. most of it disputed some of the occupied. now this is something that the international community wants to make sure doesn't spill over into a war and let him know. but the longer on the honda, israel presses against his below his bullet reacts now and has it in this role. i said at the they all ready to go to work with lebanon, but that's not something they want right now. but probably mister benjamin met ness and you know who of these ro is also very click. he says if his below, once it will, it will get one. it's that kind of language that's called the diplomatic community word. so like, is a lot of diplomatic efforts to try and make this contain,
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remember this about peace isn't about getting the 2 sides apart right now. it's just about containing the will in this border area. the other world news, bangladesh is prime minister. shake siena is projected to win a 4th term in office opposition. parties boycotted the election and many voters stayed home during the whole. reports from the capital deca on the streets of central deca were unusually quiet as the country took to the poles. the public stations pretty quiet too. by mid day turn out was it just of 18 percent. and the chief election commissioner was putting a brake face on the last or 11 o'clock. it started and
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things of being far from peaceful in recent months. the opposition bangladesh and nationalist party decided to boycott the process, saying the vote would be rigged after a space to pre election violence in which thousands of its members were arrested and jailed. prime minister shakes, i've seen a system of a 4th consecutive to blame the opposition for the violence. i have to do that to home, to home at this party. that there is no, i have my, i called the ability to people to the people. so, you know, when told me to say that it is for the people to determine the credibility of this election by turning out to the fact that it doesn't seem as though they've done so in large numbers. and so even by the prime minister's own measure, the election show some said they were happy with the process. i could vote freely without restriction,
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and i'm happy that i was able to. this woman appeared to confirm suggestions that some were being offered incentives to vote. they told me that if i think they would give me my disability benefits, i mean, actually this was the aftermath of a suspect to dawson, to attack on a train travelling to the capital duck on friday night. and the 4 out of 11 elections held in bangladesh. since independence has been widely considered free and fair, the present one will not the this is and the see is pre election violence would intensify off to it's joe know how else to 0 duck. it's expand on that point the jonah just made while the prime minister shake has seen it, is headed for a 4th term that victory is marred by low turnout. time good showed re, has this report from the capital, poland, and the majority of the people express the view by not showing up in the polling centers. the turnout was very low,
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all across the country. they were scattered violence as well. people who we spoke down the street didn't want it to be in the camera to express their disgust, and then not inclusive election. and wonder extra people are cited well. for the all of the central food prices are sky high. we poor people are not happy under this government. we don't accept this autocratic government or the election at all . we will not recognize at all. we had a chance to swap to one of the proceeding officer and pulling board. and this is why do you have to say the typical i'm restaurant? we will be able to find the percentage of voters later. but the presence of voters was significantly lower. the main opposition party and 16 other ally and said bar coded this election after months of protests and they're right on their track down by the government now will know more within the next few days of the global community build this election in bangladesh. the result is obviously quite predictable. to under charging you,
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i'll just say the back of the sedan is now the country with the most displaced people in the world. but you and it says more than 7300000 people have been forced to flee since fighting broke out between the sudanese armed forces and the power military rapids support forces. 9 months ago, about half of those affected or children have been, morgan has more from the student needs capital cartoon. as the latest fighting was in the city of what method in which isn't, is it a state in central sedan? in december, that method displacement of 500000 people from the city into the southern and western parts of the country. many of them have already been displaced from the capital to escaping the fighting and tried to rebuild their lives in the central parts of the country where it was relatively peaceful until the rapid support forces attacked. the city, forcing people to be displaced. once again, the united nation says that it's response is severely under funded that many people are in desperate need of many parent assistance,
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but because of the ongoing violence and the ongoing displacement of responding to those needs is becoming challenging. there's also the issue of the fact that to warehouses belonging to the united nations world food program and the u and the refugee agency has been looted in the city of what made any that's that was supposed to supply more than a 1000000 people in the city of uh with more than 8 inches the other states and other parts of the country as well. so the fact that slicing is ongoing, the fact that there is a newer response and i'm funding to the humanitarian crisis here. and the fact that agencies can reach many of the people this place is great and has many tearing prices. that agency says the trying to deal with. but as fighting continues and access remains and p did that is becoming very difficult. still ahead on elsie's 0, the changing fortunes of israel's tech industry. we look at how the war on gaza is affecting one of the economies most important sectors.
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the on a saturday morning weekend where access to the santa rosa market on the south west coast. when it's short, been smugglers got us while we were here, it didn't seem like anyone was inspecting the catch the window. isn't that the fish market in santa rosa? i don't see any government officials inspecting or observing one kind of look at present because the statement is going to allow for murphy's. you know, i usually don't have that available $990.00 of the month. that's the lease to go 9 . not the seen the money today. all the busiest are kuma caught a fisherman bringing a hammer head shirt. most of this beast is in danger. he jumped off the head and the body was destined for the pending pile. indistinguishable from the other sharks . her presence at the market quickly became problem at
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the the more than a $170.00 boeing, passenger jets have been temporarily grounded by the us air safety regulator after a section of fuselage blew out of an alaska airlines plane. shortly off to take off the boeing 737 max 9 had just departed from portland, oregon with a 170 passes to so 177. beg your pardon, passengers on board for brandon reports the we are the dryer, but we didn't either return back to the dispense cool from the
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opponents of alaska airlines flights. $1282.00 to add tropic control, a gaping hole in the side of the craft, full fuel tanks and terrified passengers at risk of being sucked down to the cabin at 16000 feet tall and at least 5000 meters up. we just heard like a loud saying and i looked at my left and there's just huge, like gaping or 1st i thought it was the emergency door, but there was no door there. it was just like a part of the wall that flew off. it could have been much, much worse, but the 2 seats next to the whole empty. we are the global gold standard for safety around the world. but we have to maintain that standard. we are very, very fortunate here that this didn't end up in something more tragic. it was the external duel plug which blew off
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a dual shape section of fuselage were working door could be fitted, but in this case the plug should have been bolted securely. shots, given, but it is part of course it is expected to be uh, a secure part of the structure of united croft. and that's why it's not horrible. surprising. i might have concern that this must be out happened in response to alaska airlines said it was temporarily grounding its fleet of $65.00 max 9 aircraft as a precaution, pending the outcome of safety checks us as safety regulation for the old is a total of $171.00. yes. of the same model to be ground of until they to can be just pull brennan, i'll just say era ukrainians. us celebrating christmas again. the government officially recognized the holiday to be on december 25th. but not everybody agrees with that move away from the orthodox calendar, which is widely seen as a snob to moscow. acid bag reports from keith.
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the church bells and the trusty christmas morning. except this isn't december 25th. the official christmas not recognized by the key government is january 7th. the christmas traditionally celebrate kids, but do create an orthodox church. according to the julian candidate who. ready we are orthodox and ukraine. we celebrate today and we've continued to do it. i think those who said a break to the christmas on the 25th has my grandmother used to say yes, everyone goes crazy. and the only inside that can react price in the russian language. the church has been accused of having ties to must go. something said tonight, any ties were officially cut following the russian invasion in february 2022. but for these ukrainians, it isn't to fact any perceive support for russia, a pretty good thing of what's people who the president made it sound like?
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all you pronounce that celebrated christmas in december. wait to all your opinions and it was deliberate christmas. it is not the business of a single estate to comment on each calanda. a religious community should live by how religious commit to sleep is protected by the constitution. but ukrainians are divided not just by christmas by territory in russian control. dentists there also said the breaking the festival, but not tons of the key government to so would you please let me try to move you to the rest of the it's not as a wonderful christmas evening post, despite all of the difficult events in our hometown where we now hots with face with face in russia with a basin of victory, but i'd be happy and healthy. you must be strong with this. yes it was. that always gives me despite when we're christmas celebrated the rituals of the same, the press on the same. it's just the politics that the presidency lensky wants to show you appear in iris. and how does that he's country is it longer than
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politically? i did logically and even religiously. but for many people here, religion is separate from the states and then not willing to change their traditions. i said vague. a 0 key is really the tech industry has seen a sharp and rapid full in investment from $29000000000.20 to just 7300000000 last year. researchers blame the decline on a combination of rising interest rates, anti government protests in the war on gaza, or hon reports from west jerusalem. from innovative style tips to cyber drones and spyware. tech companies have been the driving force behind israel's economy for more than a decade. boat, much of it depends on international financing. is where the economist alex come and says when money flowed like volta 2 years ago, it's now drying up october. the hype, except there are people who were,
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who got experience in the military, particularly in cyber. but also, if you think about drones, missiles, so what happened is, it's now that there were started, the significant amount of developers were pulled back into the military. so, so that had some impact, and especially now that the high tech is recovering globally. i hope the thing that happened here start is hope nation policy institute shows tech investments have been fooling since it peaked in 2021. tech companies make up the largest economic output in israel in 2022 is accounted for round 18 percent of g d, p and around hoff of old exports. but it relies heavily on foreign investors who are increasingly spending less in 2022 investments and text also published by almost 50 percent. and in the 3 months since the war and garza and again plunged by
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almost 50 percent compacts, the same periods, the year before, a 2023 administrative innovation report says many factors contributed to the slow down as well as the economy took a hit during the code and 19 pandemic global supply chains of slowed since of war. and ukraine began leading to a loss of capital in israel. and last year, hundreds of thousands of authorities protested for many months against that governments palm to strip power from the supreme court. laws come from the tech sector also took to the streets, but selma, holding from intel is building a $25000000000.00 chip factory in the south. a tech companies law just as an investment in israel, bought with warnings of an escalation between israel and his bullet and lebanon. and the war on garza looking set to continue well in to 2024. it's creating shaky
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ground for tech investors who rely on stability loss on al jazeera west through some we are back at the top of the hour with more of the day's news and our continuing coverage of israel's was the marion shaheen and has been making films about us since 2006 when i moved there in 2005, we recovering from the 38. your occupation by israel. people were hopeful that their lives would improve their dreams has been destroyed. and all that remains on account of the last chapter, dreams on l. g 0 religious trinkets, and 7 is 9. the century's old couple blame the terrorism is the bread and butter of juice in light families. the war and slight constellations of men,
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that tourists on coming. we are next, the church on the whole, the subject of very good location for the tourist. a sort of killed biblical religious place. we are in a famous place for the position, for the political message to come to visit the church of on the subject of no tourist at 70. that fish should be the 50th time of the year with christmas, the new year round the corner, and usually these lanes and these shops are incredibly busy, was terrorist from all around the world. but if you speak to any of the shop findings, they'll tell you that the business has oh, but to indulge large scale is ray, the police surveillance, and all the tree a rest of the most open steps up and occupied east with movement being restricted. and it for reggie having repercussions on the local economy. the latest news as it breaks, we would just hit pretty badly by check us. there have been various complications on
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a weekly basis with detail coverage. this policy is making like so miserable for the palestinians that they eventually leave is effectively forcible transfer. and that's what we'll con, i'm fearless gen and isn't. it's totally dark. we're using our own life. this is the only way that they have life and can cook food. the is real assessment aids journalist comes through in an air strikes the with the son of alpha 0 is gaza. you a chief while the 2nd during list was also killed in that striking stuff. it's a riot worked for as long as the


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