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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 8, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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a single study or see some of them, you know, somebody up on us and me and so. so the following is car here as an investigator in a couple of cops in it, we're going to leader rates today in the harbor against these traders who they say are putting some spaces and starts at risk because the for the, [000:00:00;00] the time serial then. yeah, it's good to have you with this. this is the news. our life from doha coming up in the program is real assassinated during this terms of stuff doing an air strike. he was the son of alice's here as gaza bureau chief, while
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a l. dr. and the 2nd during the list was also killed in that striking was stuff at the right. i work for us all calls press seeking safety. where there is none is really arrow strikes, killed, dozens of palestinians in southern gaza. also, bangladesh is prime minister shaken c that is set to win another term in office after a general election. that was boy comforted by the officers. the house is 0. it has condemned in the strongest terms, israel's assassination of journalist hums well enough to the son of our guns. a bureau chief and correspondent wireless enough to was killed in his really attack on his car near fun eunice, a picture and listening stuff at the riot was killed alongside him. holmes and mohammed begins are coverage. he was one of the rising stars in god's us media world. i'm the eldest son of a 0 is guys a bureau chief way of the to one of the most well known journalist in palestine as
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like he has done every day for the past 3 months. how does the other 2 have gone up to document of the most of these really talk in cells on cause. but the 27 year old unit is never free time to file these report that's on, on, i'm bidding farewell today. what else can i say? may god the almighty give us strength, give us comfort, give us patients, and may god the all mighty give us the strength to carry on for the sake of homes us. and for the sake of all those killed, i say we will remain faithful. this isn't the 1st time we do have stuff with such a loss. in october, he's wife of a son, daughter, and grandson. what all came in on his riley strike when a house last month he was in the internet is really a textbook. kaylee's colleague saw me about the 4 homes as friends is, this is a tragedy. they come to comprehend. i don't want to cry,
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but i me porting this right now because i know that if, if i'm so busy and he wanted me to report and he wanted all of, oh it's called the 3 courses to continue for 6. and i'm so proud of him and everything he did, everything he reported. how does that, how to close bung with his father when he walked within the field? he was his 1st born, his eldest son. he was the one he relied on. he wanted him always by his side. he was so proud the terms i studied during lives. and if be generally small, stuff will fly. it was also can, the thing is really strike the targeted hands. this call at least 110 generally have been killed since these rates were on because the started and i told the hands of life might have been cut short, but his father and friends say they would continue to put on it as well. and
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because the new method, the consequences, the hands of, i'm just the, i'm a lot of here's more of what we're allowed to have to say about his son's kelly, a nurse to a have the power for that. as you can see, leo, people in droves saying good bye to their loved ones and to the children every day, every hour and every 2nd north and me just like all of these people know that so i don't know who i am bidding farewell today. what else can i say? you know, i know who god will micies may god almighty give us strength? let us give us comfort. give us patience. when we've done our best web and go with the the stuff, the mos on my god almighty give us the strength to carry off for the sake of homes . and for the sake of all the masses, then on an end to hums and to all the masses. here i say we will remain faithful. you cannot now. yeah,
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i'm and my son holmes. that was working with me. he was working with us as part of the elder 0 accrued national than a couple of new lead times. and i started working before homes up. i was born my uncle. so i'm in after that you can see i don't till today. you have the and i have been working on this mission for over 2 decades. working on this humanitarian mission comes off to my family and off to homes. wisdom, we will definitely continue. we will continue. i le le, monumental. however, the entire world must take a look at what is going on here in the guise of strictly what is going on is difficult and it is painful. it is massive as a and there was great injustice here for our people. this for the civilian people who lives near the what is happening holds great injustice for us as journalists to be on. uh, how do you have to interrupt you?
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what that did was said in the past, and i'm gonna say that the freedom is opinion and the freedom of expression to us in the work that journalists do in obtaining information mean, then photos and footage. in order for the deserving audience to view them with, you know, it was said that al job was guaranteed by international law and too many terry in law. and so however, so for 107 journalist, it's a full and they blog has been spilled on this land as if no one had heard about what was said. let me know as if no one was seeing what is happening here and the line, and i called upon the entire world to put an end to all this killing. that is taking journalist lives one after the other. and, well, i hope the blood of my son hums that will be the last blood spilled by journalists and the last blood to be spilled here by any one in the gaza strip in vain. and i hope this semester care will come to an end. has houses here, a media network has issued
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a statement strongly condemning israel's targeting of journalists saying the assassination of most stuff and hums alpha 0 correspond at why a load of to sun wheels. they were on their way to carry out their duty and the gaza strip reaffirms the need to take immediate, necessary legal measures against the occupation forces to ensure that there is no impunity is really occupation forces have systematically targeted our colleague, while the doctor and his family killing his wife, son, daughter, and grandson in october 2023 while and his colleague the late summer with cameron that were also targeted in december 2023. we urge the international criminal court, the governments and human rights organizations in the united nations to hold as real accountable for its heinous crimes in demand at the end to the targeting and killing of journalists. houses 0 pledge is to take all legal measures to prosecute the perpetrators of these crimes and stands in solidarity and support with the
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older and lists in gaza or corresponding tarika bla zoom spoke to us about during list of the dues work and gaza. a spa, that was his role model of life as he was doing his best in order to please his parents and to be the backbone of his family members, especially after the death of his mother and alongside with 2 of his brothers and sisters. and this is the fact that i'm, that was very close to his found a while ago. he's like a shadow for his father who was trying move the time to learn from his experience in 2 lives and, and all the values that his father had obtained since to dictate of us the suffering in the field of doing that lives and, and how he would be one day when like his father like simply comes, it was very dedicated during a list who was very keen and filming, and recording everything that's happening inside gauze. as you, as you can follow his and instagram platform. he was very also careful in delivering over details about the latest that hangs onto 2 or 3 and from the
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humanitarian signed times. it was very down to us person who was always of a cheerful and trying to spread happen to someone cuz click members them think hoping taken to hearts in terms of the end of the one to return back again to gaza, strip and rebuild what has been destroyed by the military, the a today, how does that has been killed by these very drones attacks? and this is not the 1st attack that had been carried up, i guess, shown the list or also ideas of the family. this is the 3rd attack against them. and this time comes, it was the victim as doing a list inside cause i consider it to be legal targets for these very minute change . yes, we have a very strong and from a personal relationship, as we have been spending times before, the rupture of this found a fighting. and also we have been exchanging a speech and the ongoing attacks, of course, because it just, just the day we was standing together talking about the day when we return back
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again to gauze on who was asking about the times that this will might be. and i trying to tell him that the situation might be odd, use collated within the coming days as a hope that we can plan to the hearts of people here in the territory. just all you remember the last what that he said to me and the last sentence. he said that any person values now he will just be the winner of this were only 2 or 3 as the situation off to the word will be completely unbearable. and we didn't know that he will be the next one who will be killed. so literally, he was a very dedicated person, professional his work. and today he had, he had been killed as, as he was doing his job to loosely to let the he did the sound of and all the images and saw the gaza strip could be overseen by the international community. and people who are white. honda so who joins us now from occupied east jerusalem. honda the is really military issued a statement
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a short while ago following the killing of alice's. you're a journalist, what more can you tell us? what does that statement say? these really are me issuing a statement, responding to journalist who asked for comment all day from these rarely army on why these journalists were targeted and killed inside of gaza. i'm going to read you this statement now. it says, quote and is really military aircraft identified and struck a terrorist operative who was operating an aircraft that posed a threat to troops. we are aware of the reports that during the strike to other suspects who were in the same vehicle as the terrorist were also hit. just pay attention to this wording. they're calling the journalists in the car suspects. we do know that the 3rd person in the car who was seriously injured was, has them as job a content creator and a journalist, if you go to his page, you can see that he operates
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a drone for photography purposes. and if these really military is releasing this statement, they are also calling these journalists all 3 of them saw specs. but what happened was this car was targeted, it had 3 journalists inside of it. and 2 of them were killed among them. one of our colleagues comes at the door. it's interesting, these really military took several hours to respond to comments or questions rather from journalists just releasing it before midnight local time. but these really military is going to have a lot of other questions to answer to. because what they're saying and what happened on the ground is not adding up. know, and there are a couple of things we have to say. we need to force fully push back against the statement. the only people who were in that car were during lists and there was no reason why there would have been suspects. and what they were doing was during this and we've said this before, but during this is not a crime. and of course there's
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a history of this happening a few weeks ago. a summer i would duck, i'll show you a dry list was killed while he was doing his job, while doctor himself was injured. bab lease uh, showing up wallclear report in the occupied west bank was killed by and is really sold or and we know that when that happened, israel's 1st reaction was to say that she'd been killed in crossfire between palestinians. there was, unfortunately a long, rich and sad history of our journalist, elder 0 journalist being killed in uh as they do their jobs. i'm the with that said we're going to, i do want to move on to the rest of the news of where you are. i want to talk to you about divisions within these really cabinet 3 is really government ministers have refused to take part in sundays, weekly cabinet meeting as divisions grow there. this coming after is really media reported the war cabinet meeting on thursday to send it into chaos. and yelling, prime minister benjamin netanyahu has urged for units. he's saying that they must
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put everything aside to focus on winning the war. that let's bring you back and explain to our viewers what's going on. we knew since the beginning of the conflict, of course, that there were going to be divisions within this new as really leadership. there's the far right part of his cabinet and the moderates were brought in to the beginning of the war. what do they disagree on? and there's actually a lot that they disagree on, and you had just on sunday evenings, 3 cabinet members who did not want to attend sundays meeting. you had benny gans and 2 members from his party, the national unity party bunny against a member of the country's war cabinet and another one in the war cabinet who chose not to attend for various reasons. and remember, but benny against came to the defense. these really army chief of staff during last week's meeting when he was being yelled at by members of the far right camp for telling him. but it was not the right time to open an investigation into israel's
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failures that led to the attacks on october. the 7th. additionally, you have members on the far right. ultra national is like it's more bend. we're bits of small rich for calling for the voluntary migration of palestinians from gaza, calling for the rebuilding of settlements there. and then you have these really president who has this kind of ceremonial role doesn't have a lot of legislating power coming out. speaking to american media saying that he denounces this, this is not the official is really position. and while these are opinions of some people in the government, it is in no way reflective of what is really, is feel and what these really government position is. then you also have benjamin netanyahu, who says that at this time, during the war, everything must be put aside until there is victory. but it's interesting because benny gans someone who has been a key player in the war in the war cabinet just yesterday telling benjamin netanyahu the he has to decide. does he want to play politics or does he want to
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win the war and go for the unity route with the rest of these really government? so there are a lot of differentiating opinions, but remember that these ultra national is the far right in benjamin netanyahu, whose government are causing a lot of problems for him, causing a lot of problems for the war cabinet. they're not part of the war cabinet. they do want to be, but these really prime minister has not fulfill that request. so there are a lot of divisions within these really government them selves. it all comes on mounting international pressure, specifically from allies like the united states who have given israel a list of their concerns. but the far right, the ultra nationalist and this government do not seem to care. and prime minister benjamin netanyahu is preaching for unity. but the reality is there is still a lot of internal issues within the is really government? no, absolutely. and they just bubbled up to the surface in pretty spectacular fashion. there. i'm the thank you so much for your reporting for everything they're out of a occupied east jerusalem. it's
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a little after midnight where you are. thank you for staying up for us. this is really air raise across gaza as killed at least a 113 people in the last day homes in refugee camps across on unison. 0 dollar or targeted children are among the casualties honey mountain. we would reports in the wake of these regulus try, can roughly, people are sifting through the degrees. that once was their home. i'll put all of the scene is difficult, especially for 75 year old. he can level measure who mourn the loss of his entire family. he said they were killed, trying to escape the violence. uh huh. the why do i show my family has been completely wiped out from the civil registrar. you know, want to know child. no woman uh the hugs you not a young one or old person survivor. all of them are gone. no one is lives doing. i'm the only one remaining. they're all gone. i. if i were sleeping inside a house,
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i would have died. but i slept outside above. many victims remained trapped under the roof. is really operations of from both air and land, a ravishing, central and southern gospel here, more casualties. keep arriving at really struggling hospitals in theaters about us in one unit, non stop bombing has killed dozens of civilians despite being designated as a so called safe zone for civilians by israel. their homes have not been spurred. the attack has done so. yeah. but i still don't know. yeah. what else is left in goza? they are pushing us into a corner that will we be at the end? where should we go? what are they driving us to let us go back to a home. and even if we have to eat good and does not, since will, you know, it happens that i had the i'm, you want to have the custody
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a. this ariel studies shows the dire humanitarian crisis in southern guns. many people, including women and children, form along the cues, hoping for a meal. the only one they will likely have all day. but with all very crowded towns unlimited, a many are left with desperate need. i need more more via the dropbox garza, the us secretary of state anthony blinking has been in guitar for talks about the war on gaus. he stressed the palestinians must be able to return home and not be pressured to leave the strip. we can also said that he will raise the issue of protecting civilians in gaza when he visits israel this week. an immediate increase in date is essential as improving deep reflection procedures to ensure it's safe and secure delivery, including to northern guys. as israel moves to a lower intensity phase of its military operation in the north, the united nations can also play
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a crucial role in evaluating what needs to be done to allow this place, palestinians to return home targeting civilians must be able to return home as soon as conditions allow, they cannot, they must not be pressed to leave gaza. we reject the statements by something's really ministers and lawmakers, calling for resettlement, palestinians outside of gaza. the statements are responsible there, inflammatory, and they only make it harder to secure a future. palestinian la garza from us no longer in control and with terrorist groups, no longer able to threaten his real security or the kentoria prime minister and foreign minister shake mohammed bin abdul, a roof on us donny spoke of the role that us needs to play and helping find a solution to the concept. we always look for the role for the united states of america to put them in for the sake conflict,
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and also 3 of 2 sustainable solutions that gives the cnn people they apply it in their own state. and we also look forward what affordable consultation and all the different topics if that we would get together with you. we're the custom i have bar sent this update from the hard just after the press conference seconds it blinking comes back to the region with the clouds of what could be unexpended confrontation, hanging over the region of this explains exactly why he said, this is a moment of profound tension is that the united states of america, along with his allies in the region and keep play as i did time in to ensure that the tension does not spread. now, when you look of the optics of the press conference, the secretary blink can understand this time that this is going to be an
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extremely delicate moment for the united states of america blasted by its allies in the region by hundreds of millions of muslims and out of what they say is a failure of the american administration to step in and put pressure on these rather government and the relentless bombardment of the civilians in gaza. he says that he's broken along with life such as cut off to ensure that these rather captive released. and that they are determined to ensure that this does not degenerate into a full blown may of 2 confrontation a patio and has won this from washington. your secretary state entity blinking in the region once again with a long list on his agenda. he specifically mentioned in the press conference in go ha, the red sea. he talked about 20 plus nations joining what they're labeling operation prosperity. guardian, us has been trying to get other countries to buy into try and send warships to
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protect from missile and drone attacks. that the who sees any evan or launching a commercial vessels. he talked about the 20 plus countries, but he didn't mention is that comes as very few warships. some countries are refusing to be publicly named. others are simply sending personnel to the headquarters. he's also likely talking about what would happen if the us took military action in yemen. they threatened just a few days ago that this was the last warning it had to stop or actions could be taken. do they mean militarily? well, the guitar for a minister said that they don't believe that a military action in yemen is what is needed right now. we focus more on ending the war on gaza. another thing he'll be talking about is who's going to help rebuild cause that, that has been locked in complete and utter ruins. what kind of force could possibly go in? what kind of money could be made available? he again, stress that more 8 needs to be set into gaza with the you and said one and for past
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indians is now starving. the rest are facing crisis levels of hunger. he's talked about this a though for weeks of not months, and we haven't really seen that many more a trucks getting in. and he was specifically asked if israel could face consequences if they don't follow the us as leads and what they want to see happen there. and he very clearly did not make any sort of threat at all. political haine, al jazeera washington. so let's bring in chris. goodness chris are forest pokes person for all why the un agencies of palestinian refugees. so you've experienced the war in gaza before in that capacity. you're joining us live from london. it strikes me that as, as i bring you into this program, we spoke to you last hour. we've now crossed over past midnight garza time, which means we've now crossed over into the 4th month of this war. can i start by asking you for your big picture view of, of where we are a big picture. we all see a genocide. i wouldn't describe this as
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a rule anymore. we've got the clear comments, funds dimension, yahoo, genocide, the intent of the is where the defense minister of glass that people expect to be to stall garza, i'm with seeing on the ground. a will see present, say that hundreds of thousands of people are in the stuff. and what we're seeing big picture also is that the people for whom the was genocide was created on out a slip to the genocide on the people that they have all the parts since 1967 dispossessed since 1948 imposed davis a public system on them in the west by located garza since 2007 was a kindly bar and what we need to see and what was the blinking nice to hear loud and clear. it's a, this is way to actually fall from to facing her mouth. is that she would creasing for him, i look at what's going on in the west bank with all of those singles. it's a mass likes it, or wrapping up the cool series from us is getting to political support elsewhere in
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the region for standing up to as well. what needs to happen is that the underlying causes of this complex needs to be address. if we're going to see that she's taken out of the strength of why the regional conflagration, it was interesting what you say about that, how most flags in the occupied westbank. because before this war, the palestinian authority, which runs the west bank, wouldn't let those flags show and be flown in public. and now of course you see them everywhere all the time. look, i didn't know where you're going to take this. but since you're talking about genocide as you, um, as you're reminded as last hour where a few days away from south africa, bringing its legal petition to the international court of justice where they alleged the genocide is happening is realize going to fight this in court. this isn't un court. what do you think this actually change is that there is now a legal fight. and that there's, there's going to be this big argument about genocide and whether it's taking place and that is happening in
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a united nations run court of law. so what is the city that the radius of the hospitals are actually engaging with the i c, j international court of justice, which is the highest additional oregon in the united nations. and what is quite likely to happen is that the coal to older traditional measures which is effect to be the cold as well. we believe you are committing genocide and you must do the following things to solve that genocide and according to the thoughts copy of the select and submission that i see is will be off by the codes report back within a week on the steps. it's taken to prevent genocide and those would include stopping to deliberate killing, storing the max displacement, starting the attacks on hospitals starting with deliberate attacks on women and children and so on. so full stop using. busy as a width and solve the issue as a weapon to point out that moves the debase to an entirely different level. because these rel, engaging with the cool is recognizing fuel cell realty images section of the cool. and then moves the debate to see as well. and whether it's, well,
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we implemented those provisional measures and i would like to say, but america will look increasingly isolated if the highest supreme court of the world is category as well. it's committing genocide. i didn't need to solve that really in a slight installation and put huge pressure only americans to bring about a prophecies. 5 all the effectively v telling them within the security council, which as i said earlier, was a green lights to janice on. yeah, well the us has, as you know so far, rejected this term genocide. they reject the reality of it and that this is what is happening in gaza. do you think you're saying this would increasingly isolate then us, look, we see the us is already isolated. we see it at the u. n. we see the votes that take place at the un general assembly. we see all the, you know, the heavy lifting for essentially a majority of the world to get the us on board to agree to any kind of language denouncing what is real,
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is doing. they haven't been able to in any significant way so far. then you're think it actually would be a game changer if the i c j as you predict, says there is genocide happening and gaza. i don't think it moves the question about the accountability to a different level, which i think is a game changer for to begin with. it actually starts with global conversation, a balance of about accountability, which so far as know, this is beginning to see a lot of armstrong, stephane, a sheet on that, and us to do the same thing. time and time again to allow these railways to do these attacks of flatten garza every few years, unexpected different outcome. and eventually i'm a liberal jews and other constituent parts of the american body politics. i think it will stop to do that. i think that will be in terms of pressure as i think it's on the truck. and there's a long way when he does come in, we're gonna see increasing the isolationist american. i think better sort of pressures a long way down the road. but even the, me just a ton with the debate moving to
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a different level about comfortability. i think that changes the whole complex, and i think it is well begins to feel the law much international, the whole pressure of accountability, then perhaps it might make a difference because at the moment that's in the all who is fussing. but his political survive of the longer this will goes on, the longer piece of ice have been on demonstrations and also as it pops up as well cooling for him to go on. if he is found to pull the genocidal attack on the neighbor, i think those precious will definitely increase. and that could be a game changer because there's a real concern. doesn't even more precious to can rightly fall. right. government will coming go. i think the whole 10 of the international advocacy and the international disclose will change. well, the supreme court of the world decides that the smell is in the permitting genocide . no, that's really interesting. it's something we'll definitely be covering and looking out for still a few days away because that begins on monday. it's a 2 day session. um, beg your pardon. i say monday i meant thursday, thursday and friday. uh, chris goodness,
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former spokes person for on why the un agency for palestinian refugee is good to talk to you. i'm not sure any time is still a head on alpha 0, the changing 4 tunes of israel's, the tech industry. we looked at how the war on dawson inspecting one of the economy's most important 6. the probably welcome to look at the international forecast to say some really heavy right across the south o stride exhibit stalls that like gab, right from the southeast right up towards the top and, and they are trying to make their way further east was bumping into an ice barrier, high pressure which is keeping things freezer be settled across these even for the time being less at west. so whether that it will not just way for a switch, just push a high. and so the why so some,
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what's the weather coming back to you to that east and sort of a toria, eastern areas of new south. well, plenty of shelves into the outback of queensland. i'm pushing up across the top and then as we go on 3 choose day where the a case of more of the site make the most of that to slide twice. bell for a time in president temperatures here at around 30 celsius, plenty of heat in the interior coast and not too bad to try and settle in to process that try with the full, the time being in today's aided. but the wet weather will eventually make his way in his thoughts to push for the east with as we go into the middle part of the week . that's a wet weather and some winter weather, making its way across such a pan over the next couple of days. more revised wintry showers, particular cause the northern half of the country and they will continue to slide the race was cream financial risk drive, but co sign too. for northern china and wet weather to the south. the
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it is a tenant object to produce object. these coverage, many parts of is really media are effectively engaging in propaganda or genocide. what these really military was telling us does not fit in with what evidence they have so far. and yet, on the friendship of his randy, public this course, anti war voices persist sale, calling the traitors. the listening post covers how the news is come to watch this space for where the story goes. next, the latest news, as it breaks, we would just hit pretty badly by tear gas. there have be serious computations on a weekly basis with detail coverage. this policy is making life so miserable for the palestinians that they eventually leave is effectively possible transfer. and that's a real problem and fill this gen and it's a, it's totally dark. we're using our own life. this is the only way that they have life and can cook food. the,
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the, you're watching else 0 to remind her of our headlines this. our house is 0, has condemned in the strongest terms, israel's assassination of during this comes the doctor. that's the son of oregon's a bureau chief and correspondence wireless. his car was directly his mere hun, eunice pay of feature and listen to stuff at the riot was also killed by the strikes is really air raids across guys that have killed at least 113 people. in the last 24 hours poems and refugee camps across con eunice, and they're all valid with targeting us secretary of state density blinking has stressed the palestinians must be able to return home and not the pressure to leave
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gaus. he made the commons while in doha 5th for the region. lincoln said he will raise the issue of protecting civilians in gaza when he visits israel this week. and they have strength on a school in the mcgasey refugee camp, and the gaza strip has killed dozens of people. here's a report from our during list at the scene of the aftermath. it is that the amount of yet another crime was committed by the israeli occupation forces at the alamo god's, the refugee o. a united nations relief and works agencies school at the out of my god. the cabinet was bond. even though this is one of the safe areas for residents of the gaza strip, sought refuge this to the, the school was bon leaving dozens of civilians, martyred and dozens injured. these are the crimes committed by the israeli occupation forces against on arm civilians in the gaza. strip and the out in the gauzy camp, how the costs of the camp has been surrounded for the past several days by tank. sylvia is rarely occupation. fortunately,
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most of the move holding all of the wounded or lying on the ground waiting for death due to the lack of health centers and emergency medical services inside the besiege canada into. this is a serious crime at the out of my gauzy camp where refugees were targeted inside in on ross school. because the, the school is supposed to be safe for civilians. it is recognized by on rob, on an international organization about and it houses nearly $5000.00 civilian laws within the children of god are disproportionately impacted by the conflict. save the children says more than $1000.00 have lost one or both or legs since october. the 7th, that's an average of 10 children each day. the world health organization says amputations often have to be done without anesthetic due to lack of medical supplies. the war has crippled the strips, health care system. 13 of its 36 hospitals are partially functional. just 30
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percent of medical staff are still working. james dens low as the head of conflict and humanitarian policy would save the children. he explains the long term impact of amputations on young children. and the difficulties they're going to face is unfortunately, oldest of districts when it comes to the suffering of children in gaza, are disproportionate due to the incredibly large number of children who live in gothright are a 1000000 children. the incredible density of the population and of course, the incredible intensity of the ministry operations and the conflict of the last 3 months. so while we understand that we focus primarily on the children who are losing their lives. they're all as this data shows, significant numbers of children who is suffering, not just life changing injuries, spots hugely at home, isaac injuries and then on the loss of limbs, which of course, will have a must have implications, full clauses next generation. so these children who need to be amputated
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or who lose their limbs in the bombardments and that requires a lot of medical care and sustained medical care. and we just explained that's not possible in gaza. so what happens to them? well, most suffering. and of course, the numbers we put out, a likely a underestimate of the actual numbers of children who have suffered amputation that, of course, without the adequate ability to, to respond medically more children who has suffered injuries will find those injuries, cutting into points in which they cannot salvage limbs, and mullins will be lost, but i think your, your 1st point is a really important one. when children lose lenses, it's not the same as when adults pleaseland, obviously they've got a longer period of life to live following. this is injury. but crucially, that bones continue to grow. so the amount of operations and such are going to bend that children who have lost arms and legs will have to have, will stay within full for many, many years and, and there's a huge amount of pain management as well. but jobs cool sconces healthcare system
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currently is not able to offer. so that is the immediate need for these children. and then there is the lifetime needs that they will have which will have a huge burden on goss this society and its economy in the united nations estimates there. currently $5000.00 pregnant women in the gaza strip around $200.00 of them are giving birth each day and hospitals are barely able to provide sufficient care to both the mothers and the newborns officers spoke to 3 mothers about their recent experience of giving birth during a time of war and the hopes they had for their families. and the given i had been, i had a premature birth because of fee a hangs ashi and the bull. i had a c section for the 1st time in my life as a result of fatigue and exhaustion. since week one i've been carrying my daughter and running from one school to another. after every a strike. and i had just given birth when they asked me to vacate the bid and go elsewhere because they needed it for other women. we then started fighting for
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sparks and b as in the bathrooms or elsewhere. they will accuse everywhere with all of them. i can't find any milk for my daughter, and i cannot produce press milk either. and we can't find any sugar or basic necessities in the area to try to compensate for the lack of millions of hello and the southern mill as a sabbath was pulling the account. i had a very difficult 1st. even though i was surrounded by doctors, i could not go into labor. my situation was dire. i nearly lost my child, the doctor screens at the nurses and asked them to send round me because i could not go into labor. after my delivery. i could only stay for a few hours given the large number of pregnant women so needed to give birth. the only gave me 5 hours to rest before asking me to leave the hospital. i stayed in the same shelter with 92 other individuals on how my supposed to put up with the noise and everything else had done a few of the and the at the beginning of the view,
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the attacks were intense and to find for the woman who was 9 months pregnant. i couldn't move, but i couldn't run. i couldn't go any way. even if i have to. when i was going to the hospital, i was past my due date and i could not go into labor as a result of fear. thought it might be asked me to walk around for 2 hours and come back. we're good. i walked off the entire area had been bombarded, including the 100 bucks and kamala streets, who bought destroyed was in the delivery to me. and i could hear the shells folding it on me. i feared both for my delayed labor and the continuous bombardment is gonna be one of the hall and the area around the on the sustainable bottom. and i tried going downstairs and they told me the delivery room was on demand and i needed to go by the pain was unbearable. there was no electricity, there was nothing together. i had given the just a few days prior school, i tried to work with my daughter on my arm and it was a gotcha. i see the exhausted,
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we weren't allowed to brings codes or anything. and i was, i was in that we'd reach these really cheap one, and so the time send the sewage wanted and about not have to stand it for 2 hours with my own and my daughter and my smoke. i couldn't put my daughter down because these really still does how we disciples. we're going to fight or pulling us if we try to move or bend down the little the, the most with with us somehow this thing and toddler has been killed after an incident involving is really forces and the occupied westbank is when the police say that they were responding to a car which had run people over the rest of the do check points. the 3 year old toddler was shot dead as really forces fire to the driver of the vehicle. to is really, officers were injured in the ran me is really forces have killed 8 palestinians in the occupied westbank, including 7 in a jerome strike on jeanine. the city has seen battles between his really forces and palestinian fighters and an 8th palestinian was killed in
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a village north of ramallah during confrontations as part of and is really raid or 7 of those killed in jeanine were from the same family, forth and brothers. the mohammed john hume has more from jeanine, the 7 palestinian men who were killed earlier in the day here were all standing and this round about around a fire because it was pulled outside. i'm just going to ask the carrier to move the camera. this is where the drone struck, this is the exact spot. and as a result of that is really army drones strike,
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7 palestinian men killed. now 4 of those men were all brothers from one family. and 2 of them were brothers from another family, all from an extended family in the area, hours before that you had the really army entering the city of jeanine, which is just about 5 minutes in that direction. it was a long sequence of events that occurred when the as railways were inside of janine on the outskirts of the refugee camp. one of their vehicles was attacked by an improvised explosive device that resulted in 119 year old female was really soldier being killed and other soldiers in that vehicle being injured. now, once these really army was finished with that raid inside of jeanine, they started to exit this road. and that's when there were stones. and we're told
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one make shift pipe bombs that were thrown in the direction of the outgoing is really armed forces several residents. we've spoken with here throughout the day. have said that members of the 7 men that were here, some of them did participate in throwing stones and that pipe bomb. then it was after these really army exited a while later. that's when you had a drone strike. that was carried out and that resulted in the killing of the 7, many, many of the people in this community we've spoken with today. they say they are shattered. they are very concerned about what this means. they say that it's a tragedy for the community. they reiterate the fact that they feel like they are in constant danger. and to reiterate that point, they just talk about the statistics, the high casualty numbers of late, even before october 7th reads in janine we're an almost daily occurrence since october 7th. they've only increased since october 7th,
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over $330.00 palestinians have been killed in the occupied west bank. and at least 80 of those killed are from jeanine. how many i'm doing? i just need to need. it says the law has claimed responsibility for firing a miss the destroy the house in the northern is really down to mid to the 11 these groups as it was targeting. it is really army sites. it says it's killed and injured the crew. their tension between israel and it has the law is intensifying on the user 11 on board. or there are growing concerns that live in on will be pulled into the war and goes up and run. con is in. it'd be a little sucky that's in $711.00. not everything is very, very tens on this board has been very, very tense for a long time. but there is intense diplomatic efforts to try and calm things down there right now. everything is contained on this 120 kilometer long pulled up, most of it disputed some of the occupied. now this is something that the international community wants to make sure doesn't spill over into
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a war and let him know. but the longer on the honda, israel presses against his below as below reacts. now it has in this realize that at that they all ready to go to will with lebanon. but that's not something they want right now. but probably mister benjamin met nothing. you know who of his role is also very clear. he says if is, if his beloved ones that will, it will get one. it's that kind of language that's called the diplomatic community word. so like, is a lot of diplomatic efforts to try and make this contain, remember, this about piece isn't about getting the 2 sides apart right now. it's just about containing the will in this book area. these really tech industry has seen a shortfall investment from $29000000000.20 to just 7300000000 last year. researchers blame the decline on a combination of raising interest rates, anti government protests,
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and the war on gaza. $400.00 reports from west jerusalem from innovative style tips to cyber drones and spyware, tech companies being the driving force behind israel's economy for more than a decade. boat, much of it depends on international financing, is where the economist alex come and says when money flowed like volta 2 years ago . it's now drying up october. the hype, except there are people who were, who got experience in the military, particularly in cyber. but also if you think about drones, miss so, so what happened is, it's now that there were started, the significant amount of developers were pulled back into the military. so, so that had some impact and especially now that the high tech is recovering globally. i hope the thing that happened here starts hope nation policy institute
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shows tech investments have been phoning since it peaked in 2021. tech companies make up the largest economic output in israel. in 2022 is accounted for round 18 percent of g d p and around the halls of old exports. but it relies heavily on foreign investors who are increasingly spending less in 2022 investments and text also published by almost 50 percent. and in the 3 months since the war and gaza, it again plunged by almost 50 percent compacts the same periods, the year before. a 2023 ministry of innovation report says many factors contributed to the slow down, as well as the economy took a hit during the curve in 19 pandemic. global supply chains of slowed since of war, and ukraine began leading to a loss of capital in israel. and last year, hundreds of thousands of it's res protested for many months against that governments palm to strip power from the supreme court. laws come from the tech
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sector also took to the streets, but selma, holding from intel is building a $25000000000.00 trip factory in the south. a tech companies law just as an investment in israel, bought with warnings of an escalation between israel and his bullet and lebanon. and the war on garza looking set to continue well in to 2024. it's creating shaky ground to protect investors who rely on stability north on l. just sierra west through some of the okay, tends to take a look at some other world news. bangladesh has prime minister, shake has seen a, is projected to win a 4th term and office opposition parties, boy accosted the selection, and many voters stayed home during the whole reports from the capital deca on the
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streets of central deca were unusually quiet. as the country took to the poles, the public stations pretty quiet too, by mid day turn out was at just over 18 percent. and the chief election commissioner was putting a brake face on the glass and things of being far from peaceful in recent months. the opposition bangladesh and nationalist party decided to boycott the process, saying the vote would be rigged after a space to pre election violence in which thousands of its members were arrested and jailed. prime minister shakes, i've seen a certain number of false consecutive to blame the opposition for the violence i have to do that to home to home. is that there is no i have my i phone divinity to
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people to the people. so, you know, when told me to say that it is for the people to determine the credibility of this election by turning out to vague. but it doesn't seem as though they've done serving large numbers. and so even by the prime ministers aren't measure the an extra. sure. some said they were happy with the process. i could vote freely without restriction, and i'm happy that i was able to. this woman appeared to confirm suggestions that some were being offered incentives to vote. they told me that if i think they would give me my disability benefits when the election is eva. this was the aftermath of a suspect to dawson attack on a train travelling to the capital doctor on friday night and the 4 out of 11 elections held in bangladesh. since independence have been widely considered free and fair, the present one will not be the 5th,
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and the see is pre election violence would intensify off to it's joe know how else a 0 duck. a fire has engulfed hundreds of makeshift homes in a wrangle, refugee camp and bangladesh, leaving thousands homeless fire units brought the blaze under control. they say there were no casualties. bangladesh, homes around a 1000000 ro, hangup, many of whom fled a military crack down. and me and more back in 2017 the democratic republic of congo is election commission says it has a know the votes cast for 82 candidates ran in last month's election. the commission says it's done so over allegations of fraud and voter intimidation. for provincial governors and 3 government ministers or among those being. ready needed incumbents president felix just because he won the presidential race. the opposition has called the vote, a sham and is demanding a rerun. sedan is now the country with the most displaced people in the world to you and it says more than 7300000 people have been forced to flee since fighting
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broke out between the sydney's armed forces and the power military rapids support forces. 9 months ago, about half of those affected are children to but morgan has more from the city. and these capital cartoon of the latest slicing was in the city of wood method in which isn't a 0 states in central to them in december that, that the displacement of 500000 people from the city into the southern and west. some parts of the country, many of them have already been displaced from the capital to escaping the fighting and tried to rebuild their life in the central part of the country where it was relatively peaceful until the rapid support forces attacked. the city forcing people to be displaced. once again, the united nation says that if the response is severely under funded, that many people are in desperate need of some, any parent assistance, but because of the ongoing violence and the ongoing displacement that responding to those needs is becoming challenging. there's also the issue of the fact that to warehouses belonging to the united nations world food program and the you and the refugee agency has been looted in the city of wouldn't let any that's
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a that was supposed to supply more than a 1000000 people in the city of wouldn't bethany and just the other states and other parts of the country as well. so the fact that slicing is ongoing, the fact that there is a no response and, and funding to the human and terry and crisis here. and the fact that the agencies can reach many of the people this place is creating as many tearing prices. that agency says it trying to deal with. but as fighting continues and access remains and p did that is becoming very difficult. us defense secretary lloyd austin remains hospitalized of to post surgery complications. on monday, austin is facing criticism for failing to disclose that he had been admitted to walter reed medical center and unable to perform his duties according to us media. it took days for the white house to be informed. the 70 year old visited katara by rain and israel last month, the talks on gaza dependent on says they do not have
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a specific date for when he will be released. a more than a 170 boeing, passenger jets have been temporarily grounded by the us air safety regulator. ask for a section of fuselage blew out of an alaska airlines plane shortly asked to take off the boeing 737 max 9 had just departed from portland, oregon with a 177 passengers on board. for brendan reports the we are the pressure i returned back here. we have other passengers to dispense cool from the palace of alaska airlines flights. $1282.00 to add traffic control, a gaping hole in the side of the craft, full fuel tanks and terrified passengers at risk of being sucked down to the cabin at 16000 feet tall and at least 5000 meters up. we just heard like a loud saying and i looked at my left and there's just huge, like gaping for 1st i thought it was the emergency door, but there was no door there. it was just like
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a part of the wall that flew off. it could have been much, much worse, but the 2 seats next to the whole, what empty, we are the global gold standard for safety around the world. but we have to maintain that standard. we are very, very fortunate here that this didn't end up in something more tragic. it was the external duel plug which blew off a dole shape section of fuselage were working door could be fitted. but in this case, the plug should have been bolted securely. shots, given, but it is part of course it is expected to be uh, a secure part of the structure of the net croft. and that's why it's not horrible. surprising, i might have concern that this must be out happened in response to alaska airlines said it was temporarily grounding its fleet of $65.00 max 9 at craft as a precaution,
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pending the outcome of safety checks us as safety regulation for the old is a total of $171.00. yes, of the same model to be ground of until they to can be just poll brandon, i'll just say around. and that does it for me. 0 28th of today. up next on alpha 0 . carry johnston will be here with more of the days. the president biden says $1.00 to $2.00 states solution for palestinians and israelis. what does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy. and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line. this horse was a non mark and a symbol leads from the means of cars and ambulances. israel targeted during an in
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beach and i think you need refugee camp in 2002. now it's been removed by the way people do research. and it shows us where this cultures to his power. he was involved in creating the destruction of monuments, aims to crush their spirit, and punish those, showing support for any acts of resistance. highly chose his 5 year old son, add them photos of them working on this culture and says, the process tells a lot about the kind of things to, i guess. and again, competent beyond well taken without hesitation for them died from power defines how well we live here we make the rule, not them. they find an enemy and then they try and scale the people with that, and people empower, investigate, expose this, and questions they use them to be use of our around the mount is there
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in mexico's board of cities. the stock impact of drug trafficking and phase on one side, the wells largest consumer of narcotics on the other lives being sacrificed to meet the demand, the under results and under pressure the forensic investigator and the teen piece together evidence that they grapple with the relentless cycle of homicide blows on all sides. a witness documentary on the i'll just there. the is rather assess nights during this times out of do in an s strong. she was this on the all to 0 is gone. so if you have to wait a 2nd to and this was also killed and not starting stuff is ryan with
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the pro carry tungsten. this is, i'll just say it right. well i some to also coming out seeking safety where there


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