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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 8, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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the demand and the results and under pressure the forensic investigate as the teen piece together evidence, as they grapple with the relentless cycle of homicide. blows on all sides. a witness documentary on the houses that are the is rather assess nights during this times out of 2 in an and striking was the sound of all just serious has gone. so if you had to wait a 2nd to and this was also killed and not starting with the pro carry johnston, this is i'll just have or, well i from to also coming up seeking safety where there is nothing is really strikes to thousands of palestinians and southern guns,
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fine good dishes prime ministers shaken seen or is set to in another time in office after the general election that was boycotted by the opposition. the eldest era has condemned in the strongest terms, israel's assassination. during this times, i'll doctor, the son of a gauze, be retrieve while a doctor was killed in an is rarely attack on his con, con eunice. if he joined this missed officer, i was killed alongside him. i'm a how many begins are coverage? he was one of the rising stars in god's us media was i'm the eldest son of a 0 is guys a bureau chief while you of the to one of the most well known journalist in palestine like he has done every day for the past 3 months. how does the other 2 have gone out to document of the most of these right here to install them?
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cuz uh, but the 27 year old unit is never for the time to file these report that's on, on, i'm bidding farewell today. god, what else can i say? now may god the almighty give us strength. give us comfort. give us patience. may god the all mighty give us the strength to carry on for the sake of homes and for the sake of all those killed. i say we will remain faithful. this isn't the 1st time we do have stuff with such a loss. in october, he's wife of a son, daughter and grandson. well ok, it is really striking a house. and last month he was injured in and is really a textbook kaylee's colleague saw me about the 4 homes as friends is. this is a tragedy. they come to comprehend. i don't want to cry, but i me porting this right now because i know that if it was the he wanted me to reports and he wanted all of i was calling because the report says to continue for
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sick and i'm so proud of him and everything he did everything he reported. how does that, how to close bung with his father when he walked within the field? he was his 1st born, his eldest son. he was the one he relied on. he wanted him always by his side. he was so proud the terms i studied during lives and if be generally small stuff, a fly, it was also killed. and the thing is really strikes the targeted hands. this call at least 110 generous, have been killed since these roads were on because the started lead october hands of life might have been cut short, but his father and friends say they would continue to the quote on it as well because the new method, the consequences hands him him just need his more of what while i'll talk to how to say about his son's getting a nurse to
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a power for that. as you can see, the people in droves saying good bye to their loved ones and to the children every day, every hour, and every 2nd what. and to me, just like all of these people know that so in, on the community i am bidding farewell today. what else can i say? you know, i know who god will micies may go to my to give us strength. so give us comfort. give us patience. when we've done our best web and go with the the stuff the mos on, i may go to my c, give us the strength to carry off for the sake of homes and for the sake of all the masses, then the other ends to homes. and to all the masses here, i say we will remain faithful. you cannot now. yeah, i'm and my son holmes, that was working with me and he was working with us as part of the elders. the recruit. no more than
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a couple of new la times. and i started working before homes up, i was born. my uncle upset him in after day and she has until today you had the i have been working on this mission for over 2 decades. working on this humanitarian missions off to my family and off the hums, a wisdom that we will definitely continue. we will continue. i l'aquila monumental amelia. however, the entire world must take a look at what is going on here in the guise of strictly what is going on is difficult and it is painful. it is massive. and there was great injustice here for our people. this for the civilian people who lives near the, what is happening holds great injustice for us as journalists, we and how do you at the right you what that it was said in the past. anomalous that the freedom is opinion and the freedom of expression to us in the work that journalists do,
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and obtaining information mean and photos and footage. in order for the deserving audience to view them on the you know, it was said that al job was guaranteed by international law in too many terry in law. and so however, so for 107 journalist, it's a full and they blog has been spilled on this land as if no one had heard about what was said. let me know as if no one was seeing what is happening here. the line and i called upon the entire world to put an end to all this killing. it is taking journalist lives one after the other, and i hope the blood of my son hums. that will be the last blood spilled by journalists and the last blood to be spilled here by any one in the gaza strip in vain. and i hope this semester care will come to an end as it was filed as a media network, as issue the statement strongly condemning israel's target. single jack saying this explanation of stuff and hums, ultra 0 correspondent, mile out of the sun,
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whilst they were on their way to carry out their duty in the gaza strip. refunds, the need to take immediate, necessary legal measures against the occupation forces to ensure that there is no impunity is ready, occupation forces have systematically targeted colleague while doing his family killing his wife, son, daughter, and grandson in october 2023 file. and his colleague, nate some that i would call a camera man, also targeted in december of 2023. we urge the international criminal court. the government sends human rights organizations, and the united nations told, as well accountable for its heinous crimes and demands an end to targeting and killing of genesis on tuesday were purchased to take all legal measures to prosecute the perpetrators of these crimes and stands in solidarity. and support with old john this in casa, it was very air raids across the gauze. i have killed at least 113
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people in the last day of 9 homes and refugee camps, across con eunice. they're not with targeted children or among the casualties. i mean mcclure reports in the wake of these regulus track on rough people are sifting through the degrees that once was their home. oh, my quote. total athene is difficult, especially for 75 year old. he's one of them that you will mourn the loss of his entire family. he said they were killed trying to escape the violence law the government while i shot my family has to be completely wiped out from the civil registrar. you know, want to know child, no woman doesn't hugs you. not a young one or old person survivor. all of them are gone. no one is lives doing. i'm the only one remaining. they're all gone. i. if i were sleeping inside a house, i would have died, but i slept outside among many victims,
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remaining trapped under the roof is really operations of from both air and land. a ravishing central and southern gospel here, more casualties. keep arriving at really struggling hospitals. there's about us in one unit, non stop bombing has killed dozens of civilian despite being designated as a so called safe zone for civilians by israel. their homes have not been spurred. the attack has done pretty high a lot. so enough is that we need to else is left and goza, the pushing us into a corner, and then we'd be at the end. where should we go? what are they driving us to let us go back to our homes, even if we have to eat good and does not since will you know that i had the you
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want to have the caps me? this ariel for these shows the dire humanitarian crisis in southern guns. many people including women and children, form long accused, hoping for a meal. the only one they will likely have all day. but with all very crowded towns unlimited, a many are left with desperate need. honey, my mod vieira rock, la garza, us secretary of state anthony bank and husband, and cutoff talks about the wall garza distress. the palestinians must be able to return her not pressure to leave the strip. they can also said he will raise the issue of protecting civilians in gaza when he visits israel this week. an immediate increase in date is essential as improving deep reflection procedures to ensure it's safe and secure delivery, including to northern guys are as israel moves to a lower intensity phase of its military operation in the north,
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the united nations can also play a crucial role in evaluating what needs to be done to allow this place, palestinians to return home targeting civilians must be able to return home as soon as conditions allow. they cannot, they must not be pressed to leave gaza. we reject the statements by something's really ministers and lawmakers, calling for a re settlement policy and he is outside of guys. these statements are responsible, their inflammatory and they only make it harder to secure a future. palestinian la garza from us no longer in control. and with terrace groups, no longer able to threaten his real security or a guitar or a prime minister in foreign administer shape. mohammad then abdulla rough man of thought he spoke of the role the us needs to play in helping to find the solution to the conflict. we always look for the role for the next step, for me to catch up with him in for the a say a conflict and also 3 as you stand up in the solutions that gives the cnn people,
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they apply it in their own state. and we also look forward what affordable consultation and all the different to uh, topics that we would get together. i'll just here as hash in the whole bar sense this update from don't just off to the joint press conference ended. second stripling can comes back to the region with the clouds of what could be unexpended confrontation. how get over the region of this explains exactly why he said this is a moment of profound tension. is that the united states of america, along with his allies in the region and keep play as i did time in to ensure that the attention does not spread. now, when you look at the optics of the press conference, the secretary blink can understand this time that this is going to be an
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extremely delicate moment for the united states of america blasted by its allies in the region by hundreds of millions of muslims and out of what they say is a failure of the american administration to step in and put pressure on these rather government and the relentless bombardment of the civilians in gaza. he says that he's broken along with life, such as cut off to ensure that these riley campuses released and that they are determined to ensure that this does not degenerate into a full blown mer to confrontation. the 3 is rarely a government ministers have refused to take part in sundays, weekly cabinet meetings, divisions grow becomes of to is really media reported that the wall cabinet meeting on thursday descended into chaos and yelling from minister benjamin netanyahu was urging unity saying they must put everything aside to focus on winning the war and
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the so who joins us now from of the parties through. so there's a home to do. another boy called to this meeting and why 3 members of the national unity party, 2 of them war cabinet ministers. and among them actually is benny gans, who we know came at the defense of the army chief of staff when he was being paraded by members of the right wing camp during last week. security cabinet meeting. many games has also said that nothing yahoo needs to choose between playing politics or choosing unity at a time where he says the country really needs it and that it's necessary. there's been a lot of divisions within these really government. but of last week's meeting, which was postponed several times, it was supposed to be the 1st time these really is discussed what the plan was for after the war on gaza, but instead interrupted in several different shouting matches,
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and fighting because of the armies wanting to pro what happened on october, the 7th, why there were security and intelligence failures and the right wing camp was not happy with this. they weren't pleased to also with who curtsey, however, he had chosen to prove all of this. so there are a lot of issues within the government itself, not even counting the mounting international pressure that's also on these rallies . and with that pressure then what has these ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu in saying about to which is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu releasing a video statement yesterday saying that everything else should be put to the side until the war is over until israel achieves its military goals and objectives and that until then, nothing else should matter. but the situation is quite difficult for other members
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of the government to really be on the same page as him even though nothing yahoo is preaching for unity. there are members of his coalition ultra nationalists, really hor, calling for the voluntary migration of palestinians from gaza, calling for the rebuilding of a legal settlements after they leave benjamin netanyahu. a he and his government have a lot of issues to really work out. but seeing you have no benny against a war cabinet member who has chosen not to go to sundays, cabin and media. and you have these really president isaac court sock, who is also spoken out to was really media saying that the position of the far right ministers is not these really position, perhaps not even the position of these really public. so it was really leaders trying to centrally do damage control after these ultra nationalist ministers are saying these comments that have been condemned by the united states. but again, a lot of divisions within the is really government that they're going to have to figure out as the war continues. know about these truths and force them to thanks
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for that update. i'm gonna stay with this the course and bring in chris gonna sees a form a spokesperson for the u. n. r w way, the un agencies of palestinian refugees. he's with us live now from the welcome to the program. so we've heard about this in fighting within these, where the cabinet, but how much the difference will this make to israel's actions on the ground and guns. that is what i'm going to say. and that's is the fall of ministers in the so any cabinets who are making this decision to continue with the status of the children are sitting around and seeing if she was studying the scriptures. well, let's see this outside of the children, all set to aside all the house in israel, into gaza, to die, and to effectively be committing genocide. i think that does create the tensions between the set to the side of it as well. and the religious side of as well, the longer these deficiencies continue. i think the last,
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we're going to see this national consensus behind this massive genocidal will efforts. and i think the other thing to say is that if we are going to see provisional measures in the i c j next week about as the supreme court of the work order as well to start with genocide. but i think that's gonna be huge pressure from the americans to in the cold as well. yeah. rain as well. so i think those 2 factor couldn't make a difference. but you know, we've seen america and is isolated on the. busy stage before and it's made the difference we kind of, we pray because what we're seeing now is a nation, as i said before, the limits of genocide was coined effectively being accused of genocide. and indeed one suspects committing genocide. and indeed, how to store that double standard, kind of continued american as well, will find themselves isolated. i think the fishes within is re politics. okay. it's become more and more open. and meanwhile, the devastation being caused by israel from bob and continues and to monitoring aid,
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still not anything like the levels needed. well, that's absolutely right, but again, let's need this conversation back to accountability and the highest cools in the world. because what we're seeing is the withholding and the use of humanitarian aid as well, or salvation as a weapon of all these things. ok, specifically out told by the read statues which defines these international crimes . and again, is where it's gonna find that. so on the right side of international and it's interesting that some yahoo is taking the decision to go to the i c. j defend itself that they are entering into this in special disclose about accountability. but i think what, where peaceful is. but we're going to see pressure from the cold old really the visual measures for. ready a massive influx, not just a few minutes here in a reconstruction, a because starting to get more than 60 percent of the housing store. certainly in
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northern gauze, it has to be completely distorted. so before we can even talk about people getting back to the houses, we have to see a mess if we construction i for them to actually buy the cool highlight. this need to me it is will do we forced to get on the run? so i have international a to solve that's getting massive amounts of a because to be very clear, the only benefit from this denied is dignity. this whole self industrial scale to non abroad. sweet me beneficial yet is a mass of mass is getting stronger in the west by mass is actually getting stronger with the population of gaza, whatever they all, whatever as well, cast the displacement. so make no mistake. this is not winning the war against how much would god this is way to expose people trying to tell us, chris, going us. thanks very much indeed for joining us as well. so as a come on out this era, many results is in addition to the general election, a know position, boy,
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cold shop the the, brought to you by visit customer. probably the weather really is talking about the mobile mobile all across north america. now here's our area, cloud and brain sleep time, snow, aspen sliding across the east disable. pushing further, nobody's with this is where we have an all reset that will move out of the way quickly and it'll make way for the next system is have your account here that will roll up the rockies right across the great plains. snow across northern parts of this region, once the team, the top 10 percent and where they pack and some really heavy right? easing across the deep south and that so shifting his wife or the race was massive store was very heavy showers there across that eastern side of us as we go through tuesday, rolling across the appalachians,
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most know into that northeast corner. and you can see how that snow strikes is way back across the midwest, down towards a central pos. and then there's most knowing the full costs across the western side of the us. really some shopping by the to come over the next few days looking pretty nasty that my sister i, temperatures here at around 10. so i was just a little dry weather to across the caribbean. you might catch ya a shower to just around the west composite cube of just around the company's la easing across towards mexico, the old showers a into that west side of the region. and maybe i went to what was the 8th and the south of make that way. and it was, i don't know the quote to you by visit cuts on the the
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the, without a mind of the headlines this out of the various condemned and the strong, this tons, israel's assassination of john. this comes out of the son of a concert view, which while this call was directly hit next on units of teachers and stuff that's ryan was full. so to find a strong he's ready air rates across the guns that has killed at least 113 people
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in the last 24 hours homes in refugee camps across comp, sunday to us secretary statements. and he blinked in his dress, that taught us to use must be able to return no pressure to the gods, made the comment, swan and 5th tour of the beach. lincoln said he will raise the issue type things in guns, or when he visits israel this week, a protestant in child has been killed. often, incidents involving is very forces an occupied westbank is where the police say they were responding to a car which would run the people over at the rest of the check point. the 3 year old a shot that was just very forces fired at the driver of the vehicle to is ready offices were injured in the running. it is where the forces have killed 8 palestinians in the occupied westbank including 7 in the dread and strike on jeanine. the city of sing baffled between is rarely forces on palestinian fights is an 8th. palestinian
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was killed in the village at north of amount of confrontations doing. and is there any rate all 7 of those killed in gen the anywhere from the same family forth and brothers. the bombing time june has more now from jeanine. the 7 palestinian men who were killed earlier in the day here were all standing and this round about around a fire because it was cold outside. i'm just going to ask that area to move the camera. this is where the drones struck. this is the exact spot and as a result of that is really army drones strike,
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7 palestinian men killed. now 4 of those men were all brothers from one family. and 2 of them were brothers from another family, all from an extended family in the area, hours before that you had the really army entering the city of jeanine, which is just about 5 minutes in that direction. it was a long sequence of events that occurred when the as railways were inside of janine on the outskirts of the refugee camp. one of their vehicles was attacked by an improvised explosive device that resulted in 119 year old female was really soldier being killed and other soldiers in that vehicle being injured. now, once these really army was finished with that raid inside of jeanine, they started to exit this road. and that's when there were stones. and we're told
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one makes shift type ones that were thrown in the direction of the outgoing is really armed forces several residents. we've spoken with here throughout the day. have said that members of the 7 men that were here, some of them did participate in throwing stones and that pipe bomb. then it was after these really army exited awhile later. that's when you had a drone strike. that was carried out and that resulted in the killing of the 7 men . many of the people in this community we've spoken with today. they say they are shattered. they are very concerned about what this means. they say that it's a tragedy for the community. they reiterate the fact that they feel like they are in constant danger. and to reiterate that point, they just talk about the statistics, the high casualty numbers of late, even before october 7th reads in janine were an almost daily occurrence since october 7th. they've only increased since october 7th,
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over $330.00 palestinians have been killed in the occupied west bank. and at least 80 of those killed are from janine. how much i'm doing. i just need jenny. the, let's take a look at some other. we'll find that this is the prime minister. shake i've seen that was projected to win a full time in office, a position pots, his boy called at the election and many vote to stay at home. so how the reports from the capital. com on the streets of central deca were unusually quiet as the country took to the poles. the public stations pretty quiet too by mid day turn out was it just of 18 percent. and the chief election commissioner was putting a brake face on the glass
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and things of being far from peaceful in recent months. the opposition bangladesh and nationalist party decided to boycott the process, saying the vote would be read after a space to pre election violence in which thousands of its members were arrested and jailed. prime minister shakes, i've seen a system of a 4th consecutive to blame the opposition for the violence. i have to do that to home, to home at this party. that there is no, i have my, i called the ability to people to the people. so, you know, when told me to say that it is full of people to determine the credibility of this election by turning out to vague. but it doesn't seem as though they've done serving large numbers. and so even by the prime ministers, i didn't measure the election show,
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some said they were happy with the process. i could vote freely without restriction and i'm happy that i was able to. this woman appeared to confirm suggestions that some were being offered incentives to vote. they told me that if i think they would give me my disability benefits, i mean, actually this was the aftermath of a suspect to dawson, to attack on a train travelling to the capital duck on friday night. and the 4 out of 11 elections held in bangladesh. since independence has been widely considered free and fair, the present one will not be the 5th send the receipt as pre election violence will intensify off to it's joe know how else to 0 duck. a far hasn't golf? hundreds of make 50 homes and that right yet refugee company bangs of this, the thing, thousands homeless, 5 units brought the blaze under control and say there were no casualties to don is now the kind.


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