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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 8, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the is rather fascinates to, and this to comes out of the, in an s, right. he was the son of all to 0 is a concept buicks while a set conger. and there's also 2 in not strong stuff. that's right. what shows, let's press the on carry johnston. this is out to sarah. well i from tow also coming out seeking
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safety where that is not is very as strikes kill dozens of protestants in southern guns. us secretary of state and they've been can, rejects, is very officials calls for the permanent displacement of gauze or residence, saying they must be able to return home. the houses here, it has condemned in the strongest terms, israel's assassination of john. this comes out to the son of all gone. so bureau chief, my own doctor, was killed and that is rarely a tack on his con, con eunice. if he join this mist officer, i was killed alongside him. i was of a 100, begins a coverage. he was one of the rising stalls in god's us media. well, i'm the eldest son of a da 0 is guys a bureau chief while you of the to one of the most, when on gunner, just in palestine like he has done every day for the past 3 months. how does the
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other 2 have gone out to document of the most of these right here to install them? cuz uh, but the 27 year old unit is never for the time to file these report that's on, on, i'm bidding farewell today. god, what else can i say? now may god the almighty give us strength. give us comfort, give us patients. and may god the all mighty give us the strength to carry on. for the sake of holmes and for the sake of all those killed. i say we will remain faithful. this isn't the 1st time we do have stuff that's such a loss. in october, he's wife of a son, daughter and grandson. well ok in his riley strike when the house last month he was injured in and is really a textbook kaylee's colleague saw me about the 4 homes as friends is. this is a tragedy. they come to comprehend. i don't want to cry, but i me porting this right now because i know that if,
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if i'm so busy and he wanted me to report and he wanted all of i was calling because the report says to continue for 6. and i'm so proud of him. and everything he did, everything he reported. how does that, how to close bung with his father when he walked within the field? he was his 1st born, his eldest son. he was the one he relied on. he wanted him always by his side. he was so proud the terms i studied during lives and if be generally small stuff, a fly, it was also killed in the thing is really strikes the targeted hands. this call at least 110 generative have been killed since visitors were on guns. that started october, it was a slice, might have been cut short, but his father and friends said they would continue to put on it as well. and because the new method, the consequences have them having to just either have more of what,
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what i'll do had to say about his son's kidding. and i still have the power for that. as you can see, leo, people in droves saying good bye to their loved ones. and to the children every day, every hour and every 2nd. know what? and me, just like all of these people know that's on, on the who do i am bidding farewell today. what else can i say? you know, i know who god will micies may god almighty give us strength out of so give us come fit. give us patience. when you are with the best web and go with the, the stuff the and the mos on my gotomypc give us the strength to carry off for the sake of homes. and for the sake of all the masses, then the other ends to hums. and to all the masses here, i say we will remain faithful. you cannot niamack my son homes that was working
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with me. he was working with us as part of the elders, the recruit, national rather than a couple of new attends. and i started working before homes up, i was born my uncle. so i'm an academic c. as until today, i have been working on this mission for over 2 decades. working on this humanitarian mission comes off to my family and off to homes, a wisdom that we will definitely continue. we will continue l'aquila monumental development. however, the entire world must take a look at what is going on here in the gaza strip. what is going on is difficult and it is painful. it is massive said, and there was great injustice here for our people, this, for the civilian people who lives in america. so half the what is happening holds great injustice for us as journalists. and how do you have thought about what that it was said in the past? and now i'm gonna say that the freedom is opinion and the freedom of expression to
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us in the work that journalists do, and obtaining information mean and photos and footage. in order for the deserving audience to view them on the wheel, it was said that our job was guaranteed by international law and 2 men of terry in law. and so however, so for 107 journalist, it's a full and they blog has been spilled on this land as if no one had heard about what was said. let me know as if no one was seeing what is happening here. the line of i called upon the entire world to put an end to all this killing. i think it is taking journalist lives one of to the other. well, i hope the blood of my son, holmes, that will be the last blood spilled by journalists and the last blood to be spilled here by any one in the gaza strip in vain. and i hope this message will come to an end as it was. is there a major network cause issue? the statement to strongly condemning israel is targeting of jack saying this
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fascination of the stuff. and how does the houses 0 corresponded while? i'll doctors, son waltz. they are on their way to carry out the duty in the gaza strip. we have funds and need to take immediate, necessary legal measures against the occupation forces to ensure that there is no impunity is ready, occupation forces have systematically targeted all caught a while dr. drew and his family killing his wife, son, daughter, and grandson. in october 2023. i o n t is caught. 8 the latest on that i would call a camera man. also targeted in december 2023. we're just the international criminal court. the government's and human rights organizations and united nations toll as well accountable for its heinous crimes. on demand, an end to the targeting and treating of genesis. aus is there, a pledge is to take all legal measures to prosecute the perpetrators of these
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crimes and stands in solidarity and support with old james in casa. it is ready air aids across cause. it has killed at least 113 people in the last day. homes in refugee camps across calling you this sunday all along with targeted children are among the casualties. honey, mostly a group poles. in the wake of these regulus track on rough people are sifting through the degrees that once was their home a month plus total athene is difficult, especially for 75 year old. he's one of them who mourns the loss of his entire family. he said they were killed trying to escape the violence law the while i shot my family has to be completely wiped out from the civil registrar . you know want to know child. no woman doesn't hugs you not a young one or old person survivor. all of them are gone, no one is lives doing. i'm the only one remaining. they're all gone. i. if i were
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sleeping inside a house, i would have died. but i slept outside of. many victims, remaining trapped under the roof. is really operations of from both air and land. a ravishing central and southern gospel here, more casualties. keep arriving at really struggling hospitals. is there anybody in one unit? non stop bombing has killed dozens of civilian despite being designated as a so called safe zone for civilians by israel. their homes have not been spurred. the attack has done so. yeah. but i still don't know. yeah. no else is left in goza. the pushing us into a corner. will we be at the end? where should we go? what are they driving us to let us go back to our homes, even if we have to eat good and does not since will you know that i had the you want to have the caps me?
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a. this ariel studies shows the dire humanitarian crises in southern causes. many people, including women and children, form long accused, hoping for a meal. the only one they will likely have all day. but with all very crowded towns unlimited, a many are left with desperate need. i need more more via the dropbox garza, us secretary of state antony, blink and husband in cats. off it talks about the world garza, he stressed that palestinians must be able to return home and not pressure to leave . the straight being can also said he will raise the issue of protecting civilians in garza, when he visits israel. this week. an immediate increase in date is essential as, as improving deconstruction procedures to ensure it's safe and secure delivery, including to northern guys. as israel moves to a lower intensity phase of its military operation in the north, the united nations can also play
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a crucial role in evaluating what needs to be done to allow this place, palestinians to return home targeting civilians must be able to return home as soon as conditions allow, they cannot, they must not be pressed to leave gaza. we reject the statements by something's rarely ministers and lawmakers. calling for re settlement the palestinians outside of gaza. the statements are responsible, their inflammatory and they only make it harder to secure a future. palestinian la garza from us no longer in control and with terrorist groups, no longer able to threaten his real security as the guitar, a prime minister in foreign minister, a shape mohammed been a little rough man out on a spirit called the road of us, needs to play in helping to find a solution to the concept one, we always look for that all the for the next step for me to catch up with an end for the sake conflict,
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and also 3 as you stand up in the solutions that gives the cnn people they apply it in their own state and we also look forward what affordable consultation and all the different to uh to fix it that we would get together. i'll just here as has been a whole virus since this update from don't just off to the joint press conference and it 2nd ship blinking comes back to the region with the clouds of what could be unexpended confrontation, hanging over the region of this explains exactly why he said, this is a moment of profound tension as of the united states of america, along with his allies in the region and keep play as i did time in to ensure that the tension does not spread. now, when you look at the optics of the press conference,
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the secretary blink can understand this time that this is going to be an extremely delicate moment for the united states of america blasted by its allies in the region by hundreds of millions of muslims and out of what they say is a failure of the american administration to step in and put pressure on these rather government and the relentless bombardment of the civilians in gaza. he says that he's broken along with allies such as cut off to ensure that these riley captive release and that they are determined to ensure that this does not degenerate into a full blown mer to confrontation. the 3 is ready, government ministers have refused to take part in sunday's weekly cabinet meeting as divisions grow. it comes off to is really media reported that the vote cabinet meeting on thursday descended into chaos. and getting prime minister benjamin netanyahu was urging unit team,
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saying they must put everything aside to focus on winning the war. and that sort of joins us now from occupied these 2 routes. and how do we know who boy called to this meeting and why we're looking at 3 ministers from the national unity party, 2 of them war cabinet members, and among them is benny gans, remember their party is not officially part of benjamin netanyahu, whose coalition, but they are part of this emergency government in the war time. now we also know that benny gans has come at the defense of the army chief of staff who was below rated in a security cabinet meeting last week by members of the right when cam for wanting to open the investigation into israel's military and security failures on october the 7th, but that wasn't the only issue. there was also a lot of concern over who was going to be assigned for these probes. now there have
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been a lot of other disagreements within the government itself, from the right wing camps who have been advocating for the voluntary migration of palestinians from danza and the rebuilding of illegals settlements for after they, we even, even these really president has come out and spoken to american media and so that, that is simply not the position of this role, these really society or the government. so there are a lot of divisions within the is really government. and then again, some, some members of his party choosing not to attend that meeting. sending a message to these really prime minister when indeed with all that happening, what has these ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu been saying about all this? on saturday, these early prime minister said that everything should be put aside until the war is over, and israel is victorious in achieving all of the military goals they set out to
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since the beginning of this war. and in fact, before the cabinet meeting on sunday, he reiterated those remarks. but remember that benny gans last week had said that nothing yahoo needs to put unity over politics. and that he needs to choose between the 2. he cannot do both, but these really prime minister is saying that he is going for this idea of community, especially while the country is at war. but some people in the government would disagree with that saying that these really prime minister is already campaigning for his next term. that he doesn't want to lose the support of members of his coalition. so while he's pitching for unity and pitching for everyone to be on the same page, he's still stressing that the war is going to continue. and that's part of the story so far as the sounds good. thank you. so the heads off to the breaks, the changing fortunes of as well as the industry look at how the war and goes to clinic accepts
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the frank assessments to the problem is that it is there is allowed to be outside that ends of international law. and one of the reasons that should be the is the fact that is it and has declared war on okay. parts people informed opinions, the medical infrastructure of an entire society has been completely destroy the people who will feel that destruction 1st and most be the women and children. inside story on al jazeera, it was supposed to be a refuge, which sounds cruelly as brothers home was allegedly the scene of torture. right. and even murder $1.00 oh, $1.00 east investigates the crimes. and those set tips behind on, on hearing the fact have you had any lady says she has the support of 15000 m samantha, she'll take
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a moment then asking questions. what do you expect this particular for to translate when it comes to the us selection, refusing for the action? not just give you a sense of what is the target this places i'll just see, it was teams across the world. when you closer to the thoughts of the story, the the, the watching out does it remind to of our top stores. i'll just say air has condemned and the strongest times is rose assassination john this comes out of the song about concept buick. while this car was directly hitting their own eunice pay of feature and this wisconsin,
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i was so killed us secretary of state antony blinking his dress. the palestinians must be able to return home, no pressure to these guns. he made the comment swan and cut off fist towards the beach. thinking said he will raise the issue of protecting civilians in garza visits as well. this week. is very air rates across gauze and killed at least 113 people in the last 24 hours homes in refugee camps across con, isn't there. and it's very s try cuz it's a house and that's a huge area of the ship. all the a refugee camp in northern garza and the 60 people were killed most with women and children. and i so sorry, has been out the same, or has that in mind z i a list of where as well come up on this house, which is owned by the blue elbow family and was directly targeted by an occupation
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aircraft without any prior warnings, even though it was inhabitants, we had to have a month to month on come on sharing the destruction caused by the air strike was massive. and then as you can see how adjacent houses were also affected by the air strikes nationally and intelligent siemens, the we are inside the house of the upper elbow family, which was struck by enemy aircraft last night. who there were many civilians, including women and children inside the house. and you can see here the large number of family members were killed as a result in the air strike. nephew, just these people were refugees. and you can see the dead children on the floor and the other one on board. i'm the one that i have. i don't these are the ones they quoted on the right. yeah. no targets for really and how the only targets are sol? no, i mean we were sleeping sound. suddenly we had something on top of our heads without warning. we were sleeping soundly. all of us 22 men. 18 as to the women inside the
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house. we were arrested and suff dial we last friday. the women were told you need to bother you. the men would take into the can do then brought us here. now underway. let us out to the trucks. this, if we round about no one else told us to go to your body, you know, nobody came here to jamalia. it was, they told us to come here. this is my brother and his son. you know, the, my sister and her son, their entire family. my mother and father, they all here. my cousins know there were 3 families here. so it was, you did look at this, look at this, this is a child. i forget, nothing to do with any organizations. this is every little how may god have mercy on his soul toner and then we're now trying to move to other parts of the house. and there are large numbers of dead everywhere in the house. and we will try to reach them a good even though the area is quite treacherous in the we can see here the foot of one of the dead. he was torn to pieces. oh and it's impossible to pull him out. we
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also have a large number of dead on this floor there, everywhere, and i'm sure there are dead on every floor. nobody survived the massacre and nobody in the house survived. the strike that was carried out by the occupation aircraft. we will still have large numbers of civilians. here under the rubble, i wanted to show you. i just got off shamella her life in garza has turned into a daily fight for survival with children suffering greatly. not a nation says they were more than 625000 scrutinized students be foldable for now none of them are attending classes is very forces have killed more than 10000 children. most of them of school age. by mid december, 352 school buildings were either damaged or destroyed. that's more than 70 percent of goals as educational facilities, while 90 percent of them now being used as shelters for displaced palestinians. and
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200 teachers helping killed and 500 more injured since the war began. but any of my colleague has them seek, spoke to them on their money from the education above all foundation. she says the absence of education at the time of what is left many children in gaza, dealing with high levels of mental trauma. it does no substantive education being provided behind the children in gaza. and it's also worth mentioning that in the, in the west bank as well because of hostilities and ongoing well from bossman to some areas of the westbank children, westbank competing, educated. so in the whole of the occupied territories of pa, this fine, that's a severe disruption of education. now, a whole generation and, and most of these schools have become safe havens for, for displaced people. so it's hard to see how this could become operational anytime soon. yeah, we're not expecting it to become a professional any time. so what, what we've done actually, um,
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a touch occasional bible is prioritize the absolute 1st layer of getting things back for education for those kids that you saw in the program, which is to address a post traumatic stress disorder. because that medical experts said that the children in gaza probably having the most severe trauma, top level to trauma, i think it's probably it's about 9800 percent of the children need to have that trauma address. so the 1st stage of getting back on track for the education is to address the needs to have the, the trauma address. and then what we're doing is having interventions in the areas of working with hotness such as soon as of saves the children to try and provide safe spaces where the children come to back to learning a protest and in child has been killed. often, incidents involving is very forced, isn't occupied, westbank is where the police say they were responding to a car,
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which would run the people over the recipe. do check point. the 3 year old was shot dead is, is there any forces followed at the driver of the vehicle? so it was very offices were injured in the running. this is where the forces of killed ate palestinians and occupies westbank, including the 7 and the drug and stripe luncheon in the city. a scene battle was retained is ready forces in palestinian fighters an 800. a student was killed in a village north of ramada and confrontations during and is there any right anti government? protests rising interest rates and the war on garza hits the is very tech industry . hod investments drops from $29000000000.00 in 2021 to just to $7.00. but in last year, nor cons, reports not from western from innovative style tips to cyber drones and spyware. tech companies have been the driving force behind israel's economy for more than a decade. boat, much of it depends on international financing. is where the economist alex come and
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says when money flowed like volta 2 years ago, it's now drying up actually type, except there are people who were, who got experience in the military, particularly in cyber. but also if you think about drones, miss so, so what happened is, it's now that there were started, the significant amount of developers were pulled back into the military. so, so that had some impact. and especially now that the high tech is recovering globally. i hope the thing that happened here starts hope. nation policy institute shows tech investments have been fooling since it picked in 2021. tech companies make up the largest economic output in israel in 2022 is accounted for round 18 percent of g d p. and around hoff of old exports, but it relies heavily on foreign investors who are increasingly spending less in
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2022 investments in tex desktops, published by almost 50 percent. and in the 3 months since the war and gaza, it again plunged by almost 50 percent compacts the same periods, the year before. a 2023 administrative innovation report says many factors contributed to the slow down as well as the economy took a hit during the code. 19 pandemic global supply chains of slowed since of war. and ukraine began leading to a loss of capital in israel. and last year, hundreds of thousands of authorities protested for many months against that governments palm to strip power from the supreme court. laws come from the tech sector also took to the streets. but selma, holding from entail is building a $25000000000.00 trip factory in the south. a tech companies law just as an investment in israel, bought with warnings of an escalation between israel and has bullet and lebanon.
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and the war on garza looking set to continue well, in to 2024. it's creating shaky ground for tech investors who rely on stability loss on al jazeera west through some of the weather is next to then it's inside story statement. the the hello felt that there might be something of a problem across parts of china, but things starting to get a little mixed up now. so we have got cloud and range just pushing through here, this little area of cloud. so hopefully that will help to shift these get the quad to 5, and also up towards the yellow sea. lovely wave was just around the states. apparently they will still produce a few wintery showers close at west side of homes you're using across into hawkeye
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that so i'm positively dry. and that is the case to us. we go on into a tuesday attempt just recover. and so little more cloud, little more, re making his way and let me try this move for a time 3 celsius there in so 3 suppose 5 celsius, the northern positive charge went down towards the south. we have got some what's the weather in the full cost we to make his way across the taiwan little bit of weather to win to the philippines, but plenty of sunshine here. the heavier showers the southeast asia, as usual, making the way across the malaysia down towards the malay peninsula. smart, you have a cause of good, possible indonesia. now some more lively stones coming in here. i live the storms that presence across the southern parts of india, shore lanka, looking a little unsettled, something of a western disturb and making his way across the pockets stop. i put to ship the smoke a little bit for now. and that makes its way by the east, the
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federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is a whole tax to what is happening now. it is a question about 5 unflinching questions, rigorous the bank that he added to 2 days that another thing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into garza without us of permission. nothing leaves golf though with offers roles. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront, without the us at 1st sight hemsley blinking this back in the least for his 5th visit since israel began its war on guns at his previous trips didn't bring any respite for palestinians on the bombardments. so what's the purpose of this business? this is inside story. the


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