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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 8, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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the the, [000:00:00;00] the is rather assess nights during this times out of do in an s strike. he was the son of alta 0 is gone. so be a chief want dustin concerned this was also killed in not striking this nonsense ariah website,
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jones phones press the on carry johnston. this is alex and sarah. well i from deb also on the program seeking safety where there is none. is really strikes killed thousands of palestinians and southern guns funds that this is prime minister shakes. i've seen it was set to win another time in office of the general election. that was boy called tape on the off position. the 0 has condemned in the strongest terms, israel's assassination of john. this comes out to the son of god. severe a chief while doctor who was killed in an is really a tack on his car that con eunice a feature and this was stuff with roy. it was killed alongside him. how does that know how many begins are coverage? he was one of the rising stars in god's us media was i'm the eldest son of a da 0 is guys a bureau chief while you of the to one of the most, when on gunner,
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just in palestine like he has done every day for the past 3 months, how does the other 2 have gone out to document of the most of these right here to install them? cuz uh, but the 27 year old unit is never for the time to file these report. that's on, on, i'm bidding farewell today. god, what else can i say? now may god the almighty give us strength. give us comfort. give us patience. may god the all mighty give us the strength to carry on for the sake of homes and for the sake of all those killed. i say we will remain faithful. this isn't the 1st time we do have stuff that's such a loss. in october, he's wife of a son, daughter and grandson. well ok in his riley, striking a house. last month he was injured in and is really a textbook kaylee's colleague saw me about the 4 homes as friends is.
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this is a tragedy. they come to comprehend. i don't want to cry, but i me porting this right now because i know that if, if i'm so busy and he wanted me to report and he wanted all of i was calling because the report says to continue for 6. and i'm so proud of him. and everything he did everything, he reported homes that had a close bond with his father when he walked within the field. he was his 1st born, his eldest son. he was the one he relied on. he wanted him always by his side. he was so proud the terms i studied during lives and if be generally small stuff, a fly, it was also killed in the thing is really strikes the targeted hands. this call at least 110 generally have been killed since these rates were on because the started october hands of life might have been cut short, but his father and friends say they would continue to put on visitor as well on
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goods. the new method, the consequences, the thames them, how much does it all is, is there a media network because they should the statements strongly condemning israel's targeting agenda, saying the assassination and the stuff in time. so i'll just 0 correspondent while out this son was still on the way to carry out the jew team, the goal is a strip. we have funds that need to take immediate, necessary legal measures against the occupation forces to ensure that there is note impunity. these ready, okay. patient forces have system massive to be talking to the colleague while our doctor, who and his family cutting his wife, son, daughter, and grandson in october 2023 while and his colleague the latest on that i'll be kind of cameron also targeted in december 2023, we are actually international criminal court, the government's and human rights organizations, and united nations to hold as well accountable for its heinous crimes and demand an end to the targeting and cutting of jazz this. i'll just a reply,
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just to take all legal and measures to prosecute the perpetrators of these crimes and stands and solidarity and support with all journalists in casa correspondence that direct us even spoke to us about showing this to how does that, how that does work in gaza, i just thought that was his role mode of the life as he was doing his best in order to please his parents and to be the backbone of his family members, especially after the death of his mother and the long slides which 2 of his brothers and sisters, and this is the fact that i'm, that was very close to his phone the while at the door. he's like a shadow for his father who was trying move the time to learn from his experience and to listen and all the values that his father had obtained since 2 decades of us . the serving in the field of journalism and how he would be one day when like his father, like, simply comes, that was very dedicated to on
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a list who was very keen and filming, and recording everything that's happening inside gauze. as you, as you can follow his and instagram platform, he was very also careful in delivering over details about the latest that hangs onto 2 or 3. i'm from the humanitarian side homes that was very down to us person who was always of a cheerful and trying to spread happen to someone cuz uh, clean then. but then thing hoping to hots in terms of the end of the one to return back again to gorgeous trip and rebuild what has been destroyed by the military. the i today how is that has been killed by these very drones attacks, and this is not the 1st attack potential encourage, i guess, shown the list or also ideas of the family. these, these are the said attack against them. and this time comes on was the victim. as doing a list of insight calls are considered to be legal targets for these really military . we have a very strong and fun person in the relationship as we have been spending times
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before. the rupture of this fond of fighting. and also we have been exchanging a speech and the ongoing attacks, of course, because it just, just the day we was standing together talking about the day when we return back again to gauze on who was asking about the times that this will might be. and that it trying to tell him that the situation might be use collated within the coming days as a hope that we can plan to the hearts of people here in the territory. just all you remember the last what that he said to me and last sentence. he said that any person values now he will just be the winner of this were only 2 or 3 as the situation off to the world will be completely unbearable. and we didn't know that he will be the next one who will be killed. so literally, he was a very dedicated person professional his work. and today he had, he had been killed as, as he was doing his job to leslie, to let the he did the sound of an all the images and saw the goals as check could
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be overseen by the international community. and people who are white is rarely error rates across guys that have kills at least 113 people in the last day on their own homes in refugee camps across called you this and the with targeted children are among the casualties. i mean, my fluid reports in the wake of these regulus track on rough people are sifting through the degrees that once was their home. oh my quote. total athene is difficult, especially for 75 year old. he's one of them who mourns the loss of his entire family. he said, they were killed trying to escape the violence law the while i shot my family has to be completely wiped out from the civil registrar. you know, want to know child. no woman doesn't hugs you, not a young one or old person survivor. all of them are gone. no one is lives doing.
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i'm the only one remaining. they're all gone. i. if i were sleeping inside a house, i would have died. but i slept outside among many victims, remained trapped under the roof is really operations of from both air and land, a ravishing central and southern gospel to hear more casualties. keep arriving and they are really struggling hospital. is there anybody in one unit? non stop bombing has killed dozens of civilians despite being designated as a so called safe zone for civilians by israel. their homes have not been spurred. the attack has done pretty high last little enough is that we actually do else is left in goza. the pushing us into a corner where we'd be at the end. where should we go? what are they driving us to let us go back to our homes, even if we have to eat good and does not, since will. you know,
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it happens that i had the, you want to have the caps me. this ariel footage shows the dire humanitarian crises in southern guns. many people including women and children, form along the cues, hoping for a meal. the only one they will likely have all the but with all very crowded towns unlimited. a many are left with desperate need honey. my mode via the rock by garza 3 is really government ministers have refused to take part in sundays, weekly cabinet. the things divisions grab it, comes off to is very immediate, reported that the war cabinet meeting on thursday descended into chaos. and yeah, the permanence to benjamin netanyahu is urging unity saying they must put everything aside to focus on winning the war on the southern joins us now from occupied, the east to roost them. so i'm just doing a boy called to this meeting and why,
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as we know the 3 members from the national unity party, among them, benny gans and another member of the war cabinet boycotted this meeting. there had been a lot of problems and divisions within these really government and remember that just last week. but again said that benjamin netanyahu had to choose between plain politics and unity. it also came, as gans came with the defense of these really army chief of staff who was being paraded in a security cabinet meeting last week by members of the far right coalition. they were attacking him for his decision to pro, but as role security and military failures on october 7th. but there were more issues than just that. they were also fighting him about who was going to be responsible for overseeing these investigations. but there of what been even more issues you have members of the far right specifically, the ultra nationalists like you to me are ben beer. and that's what it smelt.
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rituals had quite inflammatory comments and remarks recently. calling for the voluntary migration of palestinians and calling for legal settlements to rebuild in gaza. you even have these really president who holds the ceremonial role. not really a lot of legislating power. come out and speak to american media and say that this is not these really position. there are varying opinions among the coalition among the government itself. but it doesn't mean that that's what these really government is going to do. so there are a lot of divisions with in the government and not going to this cabinet meeting shortly, sending a message to these really prime minister. what do you mention, department, is that the, i mean, what has benjamin netanyahu been saying about to this thing? over the last couple of days, he's been reiterating the same remarks that everything should be put aside until the war is over until israel achieves it's objective that it laid out on october
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the 7th more than 3 months ago now. but it's interesting because what he is preaching is not necessarily what he is practicing because there are members of the government, like benny gans, who think that everything political should be put aside. everything should be off the table until the war is over. but it's seeming that there are a lot of political issues primarily from the right benjamin netanyahu. remember, wants to keep his coalition and the government intact. it's not really know what would happen if the government were to fall apart. but you have had some people in the is really public calling for elections calling for the prime minister to step down. but these really prime minister ahead of that cabinet and meeting on sunday reiterating those remarks that they need to be unified in this time. and that the war is going to continue with that update for us to thank you. us secretary of state antony blinking has been cut off. it talks about the war and gaza. he's
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trust the palestinians must be able to return home and not pressure to leave the strips. they can also said he will raise the issue of protecting civilians in garza, when he visits israel this week. an immediate increase in date is essential as improving deacon function procedures to ensure is safe and secure. delivery, including to northern guys. as israel moves to a lower intensity phase of its military operation in the north, the united nations can also play a crucial role in evaluating what needs to be done to allow this place, palestinians to return home targeting civilians must be able to return home as soon as conditions allow, they cannot, they must not be pressed to leave gaza. we reject the statements by some as rarely ministers and lawmakers. calling for re settlement the palestinians outside of guys are. these statements are responsible there, inflammatory. and they only make it harder to secure
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a future. palestinian la garza from us no longer in control and with terrorist groups no longer able to threaten his real security. like a tardy a prime minister in foreign minister. shake mohammed then abdul ralph mount bonnie, spoke of the role the us needs to play in helping to find a solution to that concept. well, we always look for a federal level for the next step, for me to get the book an end for the sake conflict and also 3, it you as a stand it been a solutions that gives the cnn people, they apply it in their own state and we also look for what affordable concepts agent and all the different to uh, topics that we would get together. i'll just here as how should a whole bar i sent this update from dough just off to a joint press conference ended sacristy blinking comes back to the region with the clouds of i or what could be unexpended confrontation?
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how get over. the reason of this explains exactly why he said this is a moment of profound tension and that the united states of america, along with his allies in the region and keep play as i did time in to ensure that the attention does not spread. now, when you look at the optics of the press conference, the secretary blink can understand this time that this is going to be an extremely delicate moment for the united states of america blasted by its allies in the region by hundreds of millions of muslims and out of what they say is a failure of the american administration to step in and put pressure on these rather government and the relentless bombardment of the civilians in gaza. he says that he's broken along with a life such as cuts off to ensure that these riley campuses released and that they
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are determined to ensure that this does not degenerate into a full blown may of 2 confrontation. so to come here on the houses here, the pain and anguish for one this time in the, in the occupied westbank where it's ready rates and killed 4 brothers, the fellow felt that there might be something of a problem across pots of china. but things starting to get a little mixed up now. so we have got cloud and range just pushing through here, this little area of cloud. so hopefully that will help to shift these get the quad to 5 and also up towards the yellow sea. lovely wave was just around the states, apparently will still produce a few wintery sounds good, that western side of homes you're using across into hawkeye that so i'm positively
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dry. and that is the case to us. we go on into a tuesday attempt just recover. and so little more cloud, little more rain making his way and let me try this move for a time 3 celsius there in so 3 suppose 5 celsius, the northern positive charge went down towards the south. we have got some west the weather in the full cost. we to make his way across the taiwan little bit of weather to win to the philippines, but plenty of sunshine here, the heavier showers, the southeast asia, as usual, making the way across the malaysia down towards the malay peninsula. smart, you have a cause of good, possible indonesia, now some more lively stones coming in here. and a lot of the storms that presence across the southern pots of in the actual lanka, looking a little unsettled, something of a western disturb, and making his way across the pockets stop. i put to ship the smoke a little bit for now. and that makes his way by the east, the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, the without just a reminder about top stories. i'll just say right,
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has condemned in the strongest terms, israel's assassination of john. this comes out of do the son of god. so be rich, while out is call was directly hit the con eunice of peach on this stuff. that's why it was also killed by the strongly is very air raids across gauze. i have chilled at least a 113 people in the last 24 hours times in refugee camps across calling you this on down. to get us secretary of state anthony, blinking stress that palestinians must be able to return home and not pressure to leave gossip. he made the comment swan and cut off, fits toward the region, thinking that said he will raise the issue protecting civilians in gaza, visits as well this week. as an ass dry called a school, and i'm a gauzy refugee camp in the gaza strip has killed thousands of people on us. chevy has been at the same as
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a remote yet another crime was committed by the israeli occupation forces at the out. my gods, the refugee o, a united nations relief and works agencies school at the all. my gosh, a cabinet that was bombed, even though this is one of the safe areas for residents of the gaza strip, sought refuge this to the school was bon leaving dozens of civilians, martyred, and dozens injured. these are the crimes committed by the israeli occupation forces against on arm civilians in the gaza strip and the out in the gauzy camp. the costs of the camp has been surrounded for the past several days by tank. sylvia's rarely occupation. fortunately, the most, i'll be in a move, who will not of the wounded or lying on the ground waiting for death due to the lack of health centers and emergency medical services inside the besiege can do. this is a serious crime at the out of my gosh, a camp where refugees were targeted inside and on ross school. because he had
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a fever the, the school is supposed to be safe for civilians and is recognized by on roth on an international organization. and it houses nearly 5000 civilian laws. the news is ready, forces have rated the city over amount of the base of the protestant. and all starts in occupied. westbank is where the minute treat face. resistance from protest in use is very forces arrested 3 policy and medical officials. they also conducted raids in the city of elbow, right on the west bank is what a minute she waits in to the occupied us bank of long being a regular occurrence is read to a surgeon violence and the rest in power though as well as war on guns that were yesterday at 7 postings were killed. and is there any s track on the city of janine for the public thing is killed in the strike. what brothers? how many judges has more?
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the mother in anguish of the 7 palestinian men killed early sunday, buying is really droned strike. 4 of them were brothers in an instant if to sound that we should sons were gone. since you had the queen, when we speak just hours later, grief is etched all over her face. a lot of money and you shouldn't have chose good because everybody knows it. so it is about terrorism. they want to can old palestinian people. they don't want to spare anyone they want to annihilate the palestinian people, whether they are young civilians or fighters gotten with the new you can call me even before she lost her children. if this sounds and ease was growing in a quick look and who's my as i was worried every time they'd go to their name, that they might get killed every time. but i never expected to lose them all at once. the air striked,
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the killed her boys was carried out in the aftermath of an is really army rate into jeanine. during that raid, a female israeli soldier was killed when an improvised explosive device went off. palestinian armed group, jeanine ber gates, claimed responsibility. people we spoke with say, when is really army vehicles left the city at around 5 in the morning, several palestinian men including the 4 brothers, were standing in this round about they told us all the men were civilians, but that some of them threw rocks and pipe bombs towards the outgoing soldiers rates of this nature. and janine are not uncommon. they were already in your daily occurrence even before october 7. what's far less common is the number of casualties and the impact it's had. on one extent of ogden, nozzler connection owns a coffee shop across from the attack site. his son,
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so hype often works alongside him. i've didn't know sources today. everything changed the actual site and then what a month ago. so i'm still trembling. i'm scared. i'm scared for my children. if anything can happen to them a shabby, i mean, not even want to go to the company. what are you seeing? oh, i you. and she has a sense of dread. many here feel will only deepen how much i'm doing my dizzy to janine as well as kind of responsibility for firing a missile that distorted a house in the north. and these very ton and the to the seventy's group says it was targeting. and is there any on the side tension between israel and has with ours intensifying on the israel 11 and for them or, and concerns living in the food into a wonderful iran, con fourth's not from the southern level. everything is very, very tends on. this board has been very, very tens for a long time, but there is intense diplomatic efforts to try and calm things down there right now
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. everything is contained on this 120 kilometer long border. most of it disputed some of the occupied. now this is something that the international community wants to make sure it doesn't spill over into a war and let him know. but the longer and the honda israel presses against his below his bullet reacts now and has in this role. i said that they all ready to go to work with lebanon, but that's not something they want right now. but probably mister benjamin met ness and you know who of his role is also very click. he says if his below ones that will, it will get one. it's that kind of language that's called the diplomatic community word. so like, is a lot of diplomatic efforts to try and make this contain, remember, this about piece isn't about getting the 2 sides apart, right? now it's just about containing the will in this border area.
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the 2nd look at some other world news. now under this is 5 minutes to shape. i've seen it is projected to in a full timing office opposition parties, boy called to the election in many, but to stay at home. trying to how reports from the capital duck on the streets of central deca were unusually quiet as the country took to the poles. the public stations pretty quiet too, by mid day turn out was it just of 18 percent. and the chief election commissioner was putting a brake face on the glass and things have been far from peacefully in recent months. the opposition bangladesh and nationalist party decided to boycott the process, saying the vote would be rigged after
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a space to pre election violence in which thousands of its members were arrested and jailed. prime minister shakes, i've seen a certain of a 4th consecutive to blame the opposition for the violence. i have to do that to home, to home at this party. that there is no, i have my, i called the ability to people to the people. so you know, when told me to say that it is full of people to determine the credibility of this election by turning out to vague. but it doesn't seem as though they've done serving large numbers. and so even by the prime ministers, i didn't measure the electric field. so some said they were happy with the process . i could vote freely without restriction, and i'm happy that i was able to this woman appeared to confirm suggestions that some were being offered incentives to vote. they told me that if i think they would give me my disability benefits, i mean, actually this was the aftermath of
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a suspect to dawson, to attack on a train travelling to the capital duck on friday night. and the 4 out of 11 elections held in bangladesh. since independence has been widely considered free and fair, the present one will not be the 5th send the receipt as pre election violence will intensify off to it's joe know how else a 0 duck a far has in golf to hundreds of make shift homes in the in get refugee come in bangladesh, we think thousands homeless. the 5 units felt the place under control. and so there were no casualties. us defense secretary lloyd austin remains hospitalized off the post surgery complications. on monday, austin is facing criticism for failing to disclose that he had been admitted to
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hospital un, unable to perform his duties. according to us media, it took days for the white house to be informed. the 70 euro visited top by rain on israel last month for talks on gaza. defensive and says they do not have a specific date for when he wrote, which are 171 that boeing passenger jet. subbing temporarily grounded by the us s safety regulator of the section of fuselage blew out of an alaska airlines today. shortly off to take off pull, brendan has more say we are the pressure i returned back here. we have other passengers the distance cool from the opponents of alaska airlines flights, 1282 to add traffic control, a gaping hole in the side of the aircraft. full fuel tanks and terrified passengers at risk of being sucked down to the cabin. that's 16000 feet tall and at least 5000 meters up. we just heard like loud saying and i looked at my left and there's just
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huge, like gaping for 1st i thought it was the emergency door,


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