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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 8, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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assigned the same struggle share of displacement. connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere. you see where the political establishment is in terms of justifying genocide, brand new, as he says that the stream on which is the or the, he's really air tax scale, more civilians in guys that overnight strikes of head, central and southern parts of the street. the, so i'm for the back to boy, you're watching l g 0 live from joe. hi, also a head. israel assassinate challenges here. again, this comes out of the 2 in an s, right? if these mustafah to riah was also scale the us secretary of state calls for the protection of civilians in gaza. is you to visit israel latent
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and gunfire in the occupied westbank as these really forces arrest, 13 palestinians during overnight rates. the thank you for joining us. the is really military is continuing to pound guys, bumping central and southern areas of the territory. at least the 113 palestinians have been killed by is really strikes in the past 24 hours. that brings the death toll since october, the 7th, to more than $22800.00. has got the latest with honey. my hotels in rafa for as in southern gaza and not a very difficult nightfall if you there. and guys, i bring this up to speed with the latest, tiny, so good morning and so far all nights are the same and they are defined by one fact
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more depth and more destruction and more civilians and more children under the rubble. but overnight and as early hour of this morning, we still hear a loud explosions coming up from the eastern part of the roof. i city as well as from the central part of the gastric, mainly due to the blocks at the end of the why, the area in the heart of the central part of the gods trip more residential homes are targeted and more people are pushed in being homeless and being displaced in and under the rubble of 18 people have been reported it killed and reported to and lock the hospital. that's in there to buy a hospital and tens of father injuries a critically injured palestinian. in fact that a, an official from the hospital describe the situation that the number of, of injuries reported to the hospitalization unprecedented to the point is beyond the capacity of the hospital in describing the situation on the floors of the
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emergency department on the other rooms that being fully packed with peebles as more people are reported to the hospital, making it very difficult for an already overwhelmed hospital and exhausted him to do to do their work and offer the necessary help needed for these, for these injuries in rough or has. well, we're talking about similar situations over night air strike targeting more residential homes at this time in the southern the, in the northern and eastern parts of roof. i stated up in the area between hon unit a main road, better known as the western north. connecting to to the 2 cities together so far, i need you to a bid the network a black out the it's, it's hard to confirm the, the total numbers of people are being killed overnight. and these a separate that tax is only because we have a source and data that we knew about the locks the hospital and a team people for right. but there is also
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a fear growing. the more people under the rebels is not one residential homes that have a multiple areas, and multiple residential homes were targeted. thank you, honey, for bringing us the latest. they have from gas vouchers. 0 has condemned in the strongest terms. israel was assassination of getting his hands out to the son of all kinds of your chief while on to do with scaled and then is really a talk on his calling the economy. and it's on sunday, if the, during this most of a to why i was scaled alongside him, some comment reports. he was one of devising stuff in god's us media was the eldest son of a da 0 is guys a bureau chief while you of the to one of the most well known journalist and palestine as like he has done every day for the past 3 months how does the other 2 have gone out to document of the most of these right here to install them? cuz uh, but the 27 year old unit is never for the time to file these report that's on, on,
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i'm bidding farewell today. god, what else can i say? may god the almighty give us strength to give us comfort? give us patients? may god the all mighty give us the strength to carry on for the sake of homes and for the sake of all those killed? i say we will remain faithful. this isn't the 1st time we do have stuff that's such a loss. in october, he's wife of a son, daughter and grandson. well ok, it is really striking in the house. last month he was injured in and is really a textbook kaylee's colleague saw me about the 4 homes as friends is. this is a tragedy. they come to comprehend. i don't want to cry, but i me porting this right now because i know that if it was the and he wanted me to reports and he wanted all of i was calling because the report says to continue for sick and i'm so proud of him and everything he did,
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everything he reported how does the how to close bung with his father when he walked within the field? he was his 1st born, his eldest son, and he was the one he relied on. he wanted him always by his side. he was so proud the terms i studied during listen, if be generally some stuff or fly, it was also can. the thing is really strike the targeted hands. us call at least $110.00 generative of been killed since visitors were on because the started lead october hands of life might have been cut short, but his father and friends said they would continue to put on it as well. and because the new method, the consequences, the terms of just either of the us secretary of state and to me blinking is now in the united arab emirates. soft holding talks. and cats are about the war on gaza. his stress that palestinians must be able to return home and not pressure to
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leave the gaza strip. think it also said he'll raise the issue of protecting civilians when he visits israel laser. let's get laura con on this uh uh, she's in occupied is chosen. so is really media or reporting that blinking, we're pushing it to the hotel and the military phase of the warren gas. so that comes from the channel 12, a very popular channel here. and israel, however, there are many issues with the language being use that they are moving towards next space. so let's chris, that's insane. this is just power thing. these radio minute tray that, you know, one phase is different from an alpha where so many people have been killed and gone . so uh, so that will certainly be some international pressure on him as he comes into the as the end as well this evening. and he will be staying until tuesday. he'll also be going to be occupied west point to meet some of the leaders of the policy and
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authority there. there is much on the agenda. one of the biggest issues he's talking about is not expanding the will pos garza, he's very concerned about what's happening in the north west has blah, i'm a touch screen, a top and boy has also been there mediation to stop a wider conflict. so uh, there was also the issue of the captives. there are more than a 130 being held in at guns at the moment. and there's been a lot of pressure from the families of the captives in hostage square and tell of eve, this being tens of thousands of protesting from most here to jerusalem out. so again that he'll want to give them some sort of concession to say either this is a priority and we will, we want to, you know, a show that they going to stop and launch middle tree campaign and going so it's also stopped the mounting desk toll that again, lots of pressure on bring can and many of the issues to be discussed here. yeah,
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it is really forces laura, i have carried out a series of raids the overnight across the occupied westbank. the gunfire could be heard in wait for it to the east of knob, new soft as troops entered the town. the military also made incursions in ramallah more than a dozen palestinians has been arrested. laura, we see these raids every night across the occupied westbank. who are these really is targeting well, last night out was the family home of a mine called as an outcry who was killed along with fall on the other already. not long ago in lap and on out. so we've, we've had one from the sources in ramallah to say that they are setting up an interrogation center there instead of this is just part of the nightly rates that's been increased since october the 7th. and the last at 3 months we see everywhere
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from the knolls all the way down to the south for me to name to hebron being rated last night. they went through alberta as well, which is just next to ramallah where they would match with a lot of resistance, lots of people throwing stones or anything they could actually on with vehicles driving through out. now, people say that this is a form of collective punishment against the palestinians, where thieves really say they are trying to root out fine, says and many of the rest of them making a preemptive arrest. the progressive mold of $5600.00 in the last 3 months, many of being held in arbitrary administrative tension without any kind of charge or trauma. also got a nightly into the wreckage accounts, with all my thoughts as tearing up the roads, assessing up flights of positions on bruce. people say this is a kind of form of nightly tara, nor i thank you for that, nor a con, lives there in occupied east jerusalem. and as laura mentioned,
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the occupied westbank, a seen, a surgeon bite in san device. senses are as well and gas that began on sunday 7 palestinians were killed in a joint strike on the city of janine. 4 of them were brothers. mamma, job june has a story. a mother in anguish of the 7 palestinian men killed early sunday. buying is really droned, strike. 4 of them were brothers in an instant. if to sam that we should, sons, we're going to go fishing. you. when we speak just hours later, grief is etched all over her face. a lot of money and you shouldn't have chose good because everybody knows it. so it is about terrorism. they want to can old palestinian people. they don't want to spare anyone. they want to annihilate the palestinian people, whether they are young civilians or fighters gotten with the new you can call me
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even before she lost her children. if this sounds and ease was growing in a quarter of a truck and couldn't my, as i was worried every time they'd go to their name that they might get killed every time. but i never expected to lose them all at once. the air striked, the killed her boys was carried out in the aftermath of and his really army read into janine. during that raid, a female israeli soldier was killed when an improvised explosive device went off. palestinian armed group, jeanine ber gates, claimed responsibility. people we spoke with say, when is really army vehicles left the city at around 5 in the morning, several palestinian men including the 4 brothers, were standing in this round about they told us all the men were civilians, but that some of them threw rocks and pipe bonds towards the outgoing soldiers rates of this nature and janine are not uncommon. they were already in your daily occurrence even before october 7. what's far less common is the number of
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casualties and the impact it's had on one extended ogden nozzler connection owns a coffee shop across from the attack site. his son, so hype, often works alongside in ogden, also says today, everything changed and showed the factual 5 and then what a month ago. so i'm still trembling. i'm scared. i'm scared for my children. if anything can happen to them a shabby, i mean that's clearly we want to go to the company where i see, you know, i and she has a sense of dread. many here feel will only deepen how much i'm doing. but just either, janine, is there any forces or pushing deeper into the central city of their uh, belie in gaza, presidents in several neighborhoods there has been ordered to leave the international medical chair. charles, the doctors that border says is evacuating its stuff on the locks. the hospital as he and who do have a report spam assuming sheltering the say they don't know where to go. some
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currently in the last, in a box, a hospital where this area was all tents for people who took this place as a refuge. sense of october after that, is there any forces? ask these people to evacuate to the southern gods us here. most of the people here where people who seek refuge in the hospital and in the surroundings of the hospital. but earlier today, there were in 10 live the munition from the clouds copter, where separate injuries were received from the people by transferred, injured people are transferred into the, into the hospital. as you see, we see only the remaining of the tents. people are telling us that they are leaving to defer, but we have been covering and uncovering a lot of stories and reporting that's roughly is passed with people. people are
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very scared. they have been asking us, should we leave? where should we go? or do we go through the process where the place that we should evacuate to? and unfortunately, we do not have any answers because we're all the same things. even journalists have been evacuated from up to the hospice of not only the normal people are evacuating, but also the doctors and all of the medical team in the hospital are also. 2 evacuating, they fear that's what's happened in the hospital and in the, in the nation. the hospital will come back again. they're very scared to is there any forces will in be at the hospital, ends with a rest of the medical team after today's shooting to hands of the do as well as some people are saying, okay, so we're going to to find but they're still estimating and murdering people's and
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just less so people are left without any choice running away from death and trying their best to stay alive. people are striving to find food and to feed their kids every single day. but at the end of the day, all they're trying to do is to stay alive. this isn't the holiday for, i just need a that it but a lot to the hospital. the still ahead on knowledge is 0. it will be taking a look at some of the days having use and then on surprising victory, bangladesh is 5 minutes or winter full time in an election 4th holiday by the opposition. the o n y, the u. n. says carry caring for people. millions displaced in saddam has become even more challenging the frank assessments to the problem is that is there is allowed to be outside that
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acts of international law. and one of the issues that should be the is the fact that is it and has declared war on okay. parts people informed opinions, the medical infrastructure of an entire society has been completely destroy the people who will feel that destruction 1st and most be the women and children inside story on al jazeera. what constitutes extent, so we can talk to a see, i want you to start with just the facts rather as to what happened as independent. we won't be, we want the education i want to, we don't have to leave them in different countries in the policy of it's meant to get 50 percent representation and accountability benefits. no one doesn't service this placement and you're saying you don't have any reports that i should just trust. the community often is the
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crew that used to produce outstanding gentleness and elders, the integrity in the pursuit of the all the recap of our top stories. this our, these really military is continuing to pound. guys are bombing central in southern areas of the type territory. at least 115 palestinians have been killed by strikes in the past 24 hours. that brings a desktop since october, the 7th, to more than $22008.00 hundreds. alj a 0 has condemned the strong in the strongest terms. israel's assassination of sternness comes out to the son of
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a guys of your chief. why live back to his college? hating the strike me economy, it is a feature and let's move stuff as to why it was also killed. and these really forces have carried out a series of rays on the night in the occupied westbank. the military made encasements in and around the cities of novice and ramallah. more than a dozen palestinians have been arrested. in other world news, russia has launch a large scale miss all attack on several regions of ukraine during rush hour on monday. the entire country is on an average alert and ukraine's air force is wanting that keith could be targeted by ballistic miss sites in bangladesh by many . so she has seen as one a 4th time after the main opposition party and it's our lives boy cottage sunday's vote. the election commission says she secured an absolute majority, but only about 40 percent of voters cast their ballots that speak to tons of your child dri, correspondent in dhaka. so just how incredible is this result on there?
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the well, according to the election commission, as you find that out, that's a dance of 40 percent. turn out. now you got to find out that around 3 pm yesterday on the election day, the to selection committee slash say that little over 28 percent turned out. and within an hour before the phone call, it's just turning to 40 percent. and in the press conference, he was saying that it was $28.00 plus, you know, turn out and the secretary of the election permission interrupted and told him, no, it's got, it's around 40 percent. turn out now because a lot of people are suspicious about the considering such a low turn out, even our team, myself visit at least doesn't following sentence. we hardly saw as that many people around. i mean, typically in barton, this is 80 percent turnout, sneering and major, generally less. and we hardly saw from 8 in the morning to forwarding. they have
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this so anybody. so people are debating they have but a lot of mother and in the social media. lot of videos i wrote drinking ballad, the same thing, things are happening. people are still diag, just thing in the countries back into normal use of the best less the authorization has react said that the 10000000 people have rejected this. and the thing that country man for rejecting different by cutting the poles and this at the institution like, uh, the election commission and all that for a highly politicized. and that's why what we're seeing isn't happening right. and so what we do now the time is days go by how the jet, you know, paper 3 x for this. yeah. and what will another term then go ahead for cheryl. hi, selena. what, what, another term for sure. and i've seen a new oxide for bond to dish. yeah, so i mean, uh right now since that call with buying leather, so actually been facing quite a bit of economic challenge. high inflation, sorting for price
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a lot of foreign japs because i'm a major infrastructure product. so she has to deal with it and it's very low for an exchange of a job. so that's a major economic challenge. politically, she has to fail with a deal with the opposition because they said they'll continue their movements in that straight until the cat take a government and democracy is the start in buying a bass. then she has to deal with that western european blog, particularly also the united states who has been very adamant about that prefab and inclusive election. so the reaction from european union in america will be crucial how that deal with this government in coming months, days and years. if that child recognized this election, and much more was depending on the general population, that that just isn't accept this quote comes a good a time. i'm 5 minutes or seconds. so you know, thank you. time via for that time via chandry 9 for a say in a dot com. so don is now the country with the most displaced people in the world.
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the u. n says more than 7300000 people have been forced to face and fighting, broke out between the sudanese army and the pine military rapids support forces. 9 months ago, about half of those children, even morgan has moved from katya. of the latest fighting was in the city of wood method in which isn't gives it a states in central sedan. in december that led to displacement of 500000 people from the city into the southern and west some parts of the country. many of them have already been displaced from the capital to escaping the fighting and tried to rebuild their lives in the central part of the country where it was relatively peaceful until the rapid support forces attacked. the city, forcing people to be displaced. once again, the united nation says that it's response is severely under funded that many people are in desperate need of some, any parent assistance, but because of the ongoing violence and the ongoing displacement of responding to those needs is becoming challenging. there's also the issue of the fact that to
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warehouses belonging to the united nations world food program and the u ins. refugee agency has been looted in the city of wouldn't let any. that's a that was supposed to supply more than a 1000000 people in the city of wouldn't bethany and just the other states and other parts of the country as well. so the fact that slicing is ongoing, the fact that there is a no response and funding to the humanitarian crisis here and the fact that agencies can reach many of the people this place is great and coming and tearing prices. that agency says it trying to deal with, but as fighting continues and access remains and p did that is becoming very difficult to fighting has put schooling on hold for millions of young people in. so don, in what the u. n. has called the world's worst education crisis, is the same for hundreds of thousands of refugees of fled to neighboring countries . i did research for some of the jobs that on board. well, how much of what kind of flips through the pages of his books. he was hoping to be a doctor, but the fighting ensued and put
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a stop to his studies. that idea. it's not a good stay in here without schools. that shouldn't be the end of my dreams to be. i meant to conduct all right. and the 2nd year medical student, a model at exhibit the business, the whole in the near future necessarily to where that highly the way things are. there is no hope of returning home any time soon, let alone continue our studies. if we go you says at least this generation can read and write, but feasible for the small refugee children. he sees you. agency officials and child support the town of grace say, there are no schools for the hundreds of thousands of annuity arrived, suiting his refugees. that refugee population here has crossed the 600000 mark. most of them under the age of 13. that number continues to grow.
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8, look, i say given this tiguan eventually gets into a classroom, there is another pull, the curriculum. and so then it's different from what you saw here and try to get to the main gate head and send them through regular school slides. is just that the priority for now is to provide shelter and for and even that is close in the united way. or crowded public schools in a drake come take him any refugees, child for thousands, an entire school year is not wasted. there is no clear indication as to when refugees students would be able to return home and to their classes. how many degrees i'll just get out on the track suit on board. adult plans that block me the for my boeing 737 max street in the us on friday has been found in the state of oregon. the alaska airlines flight made any emergency landing after the incident. it left a launch hole in the side of the across, but no one was injured. investigate to see the cockpit voice recording was not
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retrieved because it had already been offered. right. and there was a lot going on on the flight deck and on the plane. it's a very chaotic event. the circuit breaker for the cvr was not pulled. uh, the maintenance team went out to get it. but it was right out about the 2 hour mark, and it was completely overwritten at 2 hours. it writes it rerecorded, so for it, so we have nothing from the cvr police in columbia and ecuador have broken up a drug ring that's been exporting 5 tons of cocaine, a month to the us and europe. the colombian brothers in charge of the criminal organization was captured on sunday. the business was generating more than $2000000000.00 a year in profits. the nazi salute has been banned in australia. a new national law has come into force, which also binds the sale of nasty pi familia. australia is attorney general says there's no pace for acts and symbols that glorified the horrors of the heart of
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cost. investing news for now on alger 0. as always more and i website at houses here dot com. my lean side will be with you in around 30 minutes with more today's top stories. what is next? and then inside story, stay with the the hello. whether as long as you set fire across the middle of least caught a brisk wind blowing across the gulf at the moment. but that will ease off and take the c essentially curious, cause you might catch a shout to just to round that eastern side all by minus chance of one or 2 showers the into afghanistan and the shifting the wife of the race for so rolling into pakistan. otherwise, it really is a case of more of the same 23 celsius of 2023 here in the hub and over the next
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couple of dies chimney. and after some snow, meanwhile, across pots. so took a over the next dial. so what's the weather? sliding his way in here, the eastern side of the med will stay dry for the time being costs around 21 celsius fulls of littlest. we go on and to choose dan, and plenty of showers, and they will turn wintery over the high ground of turkey as we go 132. so that went to weather event, pushing across cyprus, towards syria, and 11 and sight. mary reflect whether affecting the final set of africa. so ne, impossible g area pushing across to nicea that a side does. it allows you dry quite a brisk winter. you notice the tiny a showers may mot across the heart of i forget the seasonal storms. i continued to rumble away as though some pretty wet weather for the eastern side of south africa . the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the us at 1st i tend to be blinking this back in the, at least for his 5th visit since israel begun its war on guns at his previous trips . didn't bring any of a spiteful palestinians on the bombardment. so what's the purpose of this business? this is inside story, the


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