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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 8, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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office, i am 40 that the communist revolution of everyone in china, new my space. you've heard all of them power it's time you have from these and 6 of hindsight is out. know, subscribe way. if you listen to the is there any strikes account, move civilians in guns and not the types of hits central and southern parts of this trip. the money in say this is out, is there in life and also coming out is there a strongly condemned see, is rarely assassination. if it's john, this comes out of the do. and then as strike the piece list of that, i was also kills us next year. stag cools for civilians in gaza to be protected.
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he's due to visits, israel late to come fine, and he will keep on westbank as is where any forces arrest the teen palestinians during illinois. right. the, the is really military is continuing to pound gallons and bombing, central and southern areas of territory. these 8 people have been killed and thousands injured in. um is really strong. like on the o bala open 22800 people have now been killed since october the 7th to read. while the world health organization is calling for medical centers to be better protected from is riley attacks. the appeal came off. the officials visit to our actual hospital in guns a. they found it overwhelmed by hundreds of casualties with 35 members of stuff
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left on site. i'm in the hospital in the middle area because of the middle part of the government script in the emergency department where they're treating children. several children on the floor and the majority behind the doctors calling out a couple and many people coming in from the explosion. there's one child who unfortunately passed away a body of thought identified and it's as you can see, your account exceed. unfortunately, this area is close to an area that was evacuated yesterday and recreation, or when they lost a lot of their stuff. this hospital is currently operating with about 30 percent of the stuff that it had just a few days ago. they are seeing, in some cases, hundreds of casualties every day in
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a small emergency department. yesterday they said they had one doctor working with overnight miss emergency department with a 100. in some cases, the casualty is coming in on a daily basis. has got to take honey, not major joins. it's from rafa in southern, gaza and honey. more deadly strikes of the nights and as we had in that report, the presence of any kind of health facilities continuing to dwindle, bring us up to date with the latest developments of the yes. smelling was so far, we have confirmed reports now by the minister of health, so the 73 people have been confirmed, a killed as in uh, and within the past 24 hours, the vast majority of those have been killed within the overnight attacks and early hours attacks of, of this morning, as well as more than 90 percent of being a critically injured that's only coming in from the vin,
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from the area of the gaza strip. we're talking about all the refugee cans, including the site, are not as he raised the wide area as well as the city of theater. but i'm the eastern part and part of it it do the central end. the western part of this then from the at that number is lead from the central area. and then the 73 people reported killer reported to lock so hospital along with the 90, critically injured into an already over well health facility in the central area. namely, i last saw hospitals were talking about a husband that is a really overwhelmed, over crowded with a large number of injuries as well as an exhausted in staff and medical staff working since the beginning of the word literally in the hospital is running out of a space we're not talking about a large health facility, but rather a mid size. that is not a prepared, definitely not prepared for this kind of a crisis. and this kind of critical situations going on in the central area of the
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hospital. there is a fear that the hospital is soon enough due to the shortage of medical supplies and, and other necessities to be pushed out of service. given the fact that there is a constant 4 digit with you to keep the generates as running an operating it to, to keep operating all the important units, the house. but that particular day after the visit by the world health organization team to the central area yesterday and their visit to the hospital. as well as there is a plan to visit hospitals in the northern part. but it, youtube is 0 guarantee of safety by these really military a, the plan to visit the health facility and the facilities in the northern part of the building. they're not allowed. one hospitality was cancelled as long as they are. oh, there was, there is no health guarantee. there's no safety guarantee by does their military,
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the team cannot and will not be able to visit the, the northern part, the check on to, to investigate the situation of the facilities in hot units. we're talking about the large number of that hasn't been reported to the hospital yet. it's still in the streets and the, and the small a alley ways in, in, in han you and is particularly the area in the central con, units on southern part of the times. where its overnight and a nearly hours of this morning, more a residential homes were targeted, particularly in an area that houses not only residential homes that need evacuation center, but also a facilities for a, for a community college that came under tv bombardment and destruction. what seems to be a systematic attacks not only on health facilities, but now including all educational facilities in the gaza strip. honeymoon, who is that for us in rossa in southern gaza,
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does there and meanwhile has condemned in the strongest terms, israel's assassination. if the john this comes out of the do, the son of going to be or chief while the do was killed in an as rainy attack on is con hon eunice on sunday. the f. p. news agency journalist, most of the thrive was also killed alongside him, homes on the home. it has this report. he was one of devising stalls in god's us media world. i'm the eldest son of a da 0 is guys a bureau chief while you of the to one of the most, when on gunner, just in palestine the like he has done every day for the past 3 months. how does the other 2 have gone out to document of the most of these right here to install them? cuz uh, but the 27 year old unit is never free time to file these report that's on, on, i'm bidding farewell today. god. what else can i say? may god the almighty give us strength? give us comfort. give us patience. may god the all mighty give us the strength to
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carry on for the sake of homes. and for the sake of all those killed, i say we will remain faithful. this isn't the 1st time we do have stuff with such a loss. in october, he's wife of a son, daughter and grandson. well ok, it is really striking a house. and last month he was injured in and is really a textbook. kaylee's colleague saw me about the 4 homes as friends is. this is a tragedy. they come to comprehend, i don't want to cry, but i me porting this right now because i know that if i'm so busy and he wanted me to report and he wanted all of, oh it's called the 3 courses to continue for 6. and i'm so proud of him and everything he did, everything he reported hamza had, of course bung with his father when he walked within the field. he was his 1st born, his eldest son. and he was the one he relied on. he wanted him always by his side.
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he was so proud the terms i studied during listen, if be generally some stuff or fly, it was also killed in the thing is really strike the targeted hands. us call. at least $110.00 generative have been killed since visitors were on because the started october a heads a slice might have been cut short, but his father and friends said they would continue to the quote on it as well. and because the new method, the consequences have them just the thousands of his riley demonstrations demanding new elections of held a 16 protest outside. the connected grew cooled on prime minister. benjamin netanyahu stepped down on was supposed to be removed by police, least one person is reported to been arrested. i'm just and this know is government has grown increasingly unpopular over time. like it's the,
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we're on gaza. let's go to the lower con, isn't occupied east jerusalem, and more recent polls showing the increasing on popularity of promise dimension. yeah. the, all these polls are putting next yahoo suddenly under a lot of pressure, let me just read out this pole. 64 percent of his rates believe nothing, you know his performance in the will often 90 days is not good. and also any guns is unity policy. they believe when fuzzy 3 seats, whereas nothing you all, his posse will win 20 states if the elections are help today. i know you mentioned this protest out speak nested in west jerusalem. not far from here. there was very many people, a couple of dozen. they did one of the entrances into the connect as it has been approved for them to hold this process before had and it ended off for about an hour. but there are a much wider protest happening across the region in tennessee for same tens of
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thousands of people protesting calling for that from yahoo to step down many if they started in hospital square. where finding that both of the cap just being held inside, garza started protesting, say, bring them out now. and now the shifting that focus to let's hold new elections and take down this. yahoo! so not only is that pressure from the streets this also, but some political pressure, we're talking about fanny guns earlier, him and 2 other colleagues from the national unity policy decided not to show up to a cabinet meeting today. and it comes after much big a full out from security cabinet me saying last week where it descended into tiles and mudslinging from the far right comes in. that's and yahoos, a government with israel top minute treat brah. so guns put the blame from the all next and yahoo on his fall right ministers, it's part of his coalition, but it's very important to connect me all his to keep them on board in order to keep his collection together or lower all this as antony blinking what tends to
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israel for the full time since the will began? what are we expecting from his trip this time around? it's his 5th time and israel, his full time in the region as he fits shuffle back and forth. this is a missed a lot of shots with diplomacy happening at the moment. i have just come from kata you a way he essentially sets, but he didn't want to see a why to walk away from going to one of his consensus in the red sea with the food he's from the government, but also on the northern border with has full law, he doesn't want to see a further escalation, so he's a cooling for the is ready to bring the ministry face into all the to a sad face. but that's been a lot of criticism with him using the military language, a phases of the captive family, many of them of many of the people protesting,
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according for a full ceasefire. and that's the only way they can get kept us out. and it's the only way they can stop the mounting depths, casualties, destruction inside, gone to another thing he will focuses on is the age coming in. and now he said there's just a trickle before the war. they were around $500.00 trucks a day. and now every now and then you have a 100 and these right is a check number, the full that goes through then to be a rough thought border crossing. so since this simply isn't feasible, he will also go to the occupied west point where he will be in discussions with the policy and authority that he'll be looking for a bigger solution between all of them. but many of calling them out as a mediator. anyway, considering the us is still sending lessons to israel and that being used in johnson, they actually bypass congress a couple of times in order to do so. so that'd be a lot of pressure on blinking in the spirits. thank you. laura come the 1st and ok parties tourism as well as early forces of terry dallas,
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a series of raids of nights and the occupied westbank had inn beach creek to the east of knob, low soft. the troops entered the town, admitted she also made incursions into the tire area novelist and into copper line in the south of the town. soldiers also into the dish, refugee camp in ramallah and be re move in a 1000 palestinians were arrested. and at smith has moved from ramallah the 11 right across the occupied westbank overnight. and one of the most notable of those was south of novelist on the home of as i out i correct. now, he was killed in bay roots last week along side so lot out already one of those top come us leaders. i recently to been killed, bind is riley drones dry. his home has been rated 3 times since then. it belongs to his family and police have used it for using it for interrogations locally. now
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we've been averaging about 40 rates a night since october the 7th, and we've noticed a decrease in those in the last week also. but water has increase of the number of check points, both increased scrutiny, a permanent check points on entrances to west point towns, cities and villages. and the increase in temporary checkpoints as well. it's impossible. the policy needs to know where these tech points will appear. it makes life very, very difficult, a journey that should take, perhaps 30 to 40 minutes between one town to another can take hours, perhaps 3 hours or more. but what it would ordinarily be a very short journey makes life a very, very difficult punishment. i'll just say era, remo or so head on on his era unexpected victory repugnant that she was prime minister as secure as a full time in an election. we call to find the old position and we'll have the
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latest on an investigation into a mid and low on something by a boeing 737 months. and the highlight of the weather is looking rarely stormy across central park so that it's right enough to middle area of life precious walling away just around southern positive italy. and that'll make it for a little further research as we go through the next couple of days by the north. it's somewhat drive on place to say up to was northern, past particular cross and northwest. we still have a $169.00 flat bonus and falls across england and wells, but at least a stride. now, 3 rivers, 3 major rivers above that bank. that's the 7 the trends and the thames as a say last you try now. but boy, is it cold? and it's cold across much of northern you will just flicky back a day. must go by this 20 celsius, still co minus 9,
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minus the team that and also that i called her. i will ease as we go through the next couple. thanks a much if you're, if he's going to be very much on the cold side as she can say by the time we get to wednesday on into thursday, most guy will, of course, and by around 20 degrees celsius getting up to the dizzy heights of phrasing. america, freezing and stuck home and also in also, as i said, a lot of cold air around it. that does mean some snow. the snow line, mainly just around that is the side, if you apply it towards the black, see snow full arrow across pa. so if the ops tools appear in days, but is that what and when do, but the continue for them at the hard hitting into meetings at the un. i'm back to the position given to you by well, does have both. you've described that is better than is better than any thoughts provided. hang on my question to you all. the good cooks, i think,
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is the most difficult press than our part to answer facing realities. us veto in the security council. this is a may just something go cause a problem to access it. you hear the story on told to how does era the welcome back you watching out. is there a mind of a top stories? this is randy. ministry is continuing to pounds gallons and foaming, central and southern areas. a nice 8 people have been killed and doesn't enjoy it. and it is right strike on their own. ma pulled in 22800 and have been killed since october. the 7th out is there as condemned in the strongest terms,
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israel's assassination. if the janice comes out he was the son of the guns and fewer or chief y n o dot dukes called us. his name is troy. nissan eunice. the paint news agency. john, this much different there i it was all killed. and is there any forces of carrying out a series of rates? i have a nice in the okey pod westbank. amid a tree made incursions in and around the cities of novelist and romano. more than a dozen palestinians have been arrested to india is top coats has come. so the early release of the 11 men convicted for gang raping a pregnant woman during m t must them rights and because you rots in 2002. the man also nodded 14 people including 7 members and built his father's family. they will have to return to prison in 2 weeks and were freed in august of 2022, following a recommendation by a good. you're out state panel that release to get angry reactions across the
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country. at least 5 police officers have been killed in a bomb attack on a police co and pocket stone. within 10 of those were wounded. we have tons of cart out near the border with i've got a stone in my new test, you know, group has claimed responsibility with the pockets. donnie tyler baton is known to operate in the area. officials expect a number of dead to increase the bangladesh. she probably minutes, the shade casino has one a face time in power off to the main to position policy. it is allies. we call to polls on sunday election commission says have policy took 3 courses of seats in parliament, but it says only about 40 percent. a very to is cost that balance. you'll position has cooled for purchasing the election position. so you can see it is now entering have 4 consecutive time as nita she previously governed between 19962001 before was heading back to power in 2009 as bringing tunbridge salaries in the capital deka
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a town where the mood today, opposite the election. how credible to people see this results of the one you've talked to people on the street. the generally most people felt like this was expected. it's stage show if almost as something that that to get it over with the family that have to be going over with most people knew what the expected results going to be. whether that 40 percent turn out or 20 percent. either way primary start check has been that way and some people realize that. 6 people are upset that it was an inclusive election, and that may not position and 16 out of the smaller opposition party didn't take part in this election. so it's hardly a representation of buying with us of demographics. now the main opposition party banker, this national party said that, look,
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we conrad to the people. but by guarding this election, 10000000 people registered. the people didn't vote. and the fang, the people that there's been a lot of debate on the percentage of turn out in the local media, particularly into social media. people are shedding videos of violence. people are shaking videos of young stars, something belive papers, even providing the office of something. bella paper, so this thing will come into question, but in the and to be honest, this thing one matter, it is pretty much assured she will be that for consecrated from prime minister and much to be seen the house down the road opposition strategies to tackle this current government and she's run the country a 5 times previously. what will another term to say casino looked like for funded us? of the question has been widely credited for since 2008 election for improving the economy infrastructure boom. many of the things,
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but since 2022 economy is become a major challenge for the higher income and government. and that's our major challenge will be as a new government farms because of inflation. a vi food prices are storing every other month and also the foreign exchange is i've is drastically low. so that would be our biggest challenge and the legit i may say will come from the international community as well. she already got congratulation from the indian end, but as well as the chinese vend, but this was pretty much accepted. india is a very odd and support are prime and especially i've seen a lot of people here to, especially the opposition side. it is a media influence and the domestic politics that have put set custody now in power for 4 consecutive time. lot of critics also say that now we have to say rush that deals with it, but it's expected the brush. it will recognize this government. and this election
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also, we'll have to wait and see how the european union and the americans react to this because they've been very well go and add them about this. they found an inclusive election, so their reaction would make a difference and read that there is a legitimacy for this election or not. and down the road across the economy and the improvement of foot prices of people's incomes been effected. all of this will play as a major new challenge for this government detector was okay, totally. a chattering the 1st in dot com. thank you. russia has launched a large scale missile attack across the ukraine and the sellers as morning rush hour, residents in the capital. keith took shelter and metro stations as the country was put on a large several strikes, hit residential and industrial sides in the eastern city of co. keith, as he now from us, the bag who is in keep of course into authorities have this things that rush. i launch a large scale massage stripe and that's the 2nd some residence in chief. we're
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seeing the heading to shelters that we understand that the cities of february, harkey, geneva, as after reach of or talk to the authorities and quite a few things. second largest 16 say about the about full stripes and a residential buildings were hit either by folding daybreak. when those craft assisted defense systems into set those missiles or by direct hips, not the governor of her keeps as one person was injured. and trevor read that central city in ukraine. we understand the shopping malls has been hated to people in just that. and now, according to the ukrainian air force, russia use a press on this at this time right now. yes, the things are saying this is a large scale attack and they have been several cities talk to, but it doesn't seem as large scale has to be a tech. on the 29th of december, which ukraine said was the most must have
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a tech since the start of the war. and that these strikes do seem like a daily occurrence. and i'll talk to you. the 2nd largest city almost gets hit every single day. but so far this is the information that we have. this will has been going on for 92 years now and it seems to be no less of a indeed this strikes me. she has all me says that it carried a drone strike on friday that caused civilian casualties. that happened in the village of seattle, which is christ the buddha. with for keen a fast. so the minute she was reports as late targeting owned groups in the area. it's okay and how many people died? saddam is now the country with the most displaced people in the world. the un says more than 7300000 people have been forced to flee since fighting for account between the cities army and the power ministry wrapped in support forces. 9 months ago. about half of those affected all children. last week he went on the sexy, general fish monetary and fast mountain griffith's called for international action
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to stop the fighting in. so you don't have a morgan has moved from call to the latest fighting was in the city of wood method, e, which is into 0 states in central to them in december. that method displacement of 500000 people from the city into the southern and western parts of the country. many of them have already been displaced from the capital to escaping the fighting and tried to rebuild their life in the central part of the country where it was relatively peaceful until the rapid support forces attacked. the city, forcing people to be displaced. once again, the united nation says that if the response is severely under funded, that many people are in desperate need of some independent assistance, but because of the ongoing violence and the ongoing displacement of responding to those needs is becoming challenging. there's also the issue of the fact that to warehouses belonging to the united nations world food program and the you and the refugee agency has been looted in the city of wouldn't make any that's so that was supposed to supply more than a 1000000 people in the city of wouldn't make any interest the other states and
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other parts of the country as well. so the fact that slicing is ongoing, the fact that there is a no response and i'm funding to the human to terry and crisis here. and the fact that the agencies can reach many of the people this place is great and has many tearing prices. that agency says the trying to deal with. but as fighting continues and access remains and p did that is becoming very difficult. a lot sizing is, but schooling on hold for millions of young people in sit down in what the you on has cool the world's west education crisis. it's the same for hundreds of thousands of refugees who fled to neighboring countries with interest reports from the chance to don florida. well, how much? flips through the pages of his books. he was hoping to be a doctor. but the fighting, incidentally, put a stop to studies that i did. it's not good to stay in here without school. that's what would be the end of my dreams to be. i meant to conduct on
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a secondary medical student, a model that exists the business, the whole in the near future. i'm not sure. what do you see where that highly the way things are? there is no hope of returning home anytime soon. let alone continue. our studies, the do you says at least generation can read and write, but feasible for the small refugee children pcsing here. agency officials and child support the town of grace say there are no schools for the hundreds of thousands of new to arrived to didn't use refugees that refugee population here has crossed the 600000 mark. most of them under the age of 13. that number continues to grow 8, what can i say given this tiguan eventually gets into a classroom that is another pull. it took me so then it's different from what you're trying to get for to that and send them to religious schools. i just just
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got the priority for now is to provide shelter and for and even that is close in the united way. or crowded public schools in a great country taking any refugees, child a full thousands, an entire school year is not wasted. there is no clear indication as to when refugees students would be able to return home and to their classes. how many degrees? i'll just get out on the track suit on board. the spanish coast go on, his rescue, migrants and refugees of the coast of fi, canary, on and authorities say a 132 people will go to safety on the spanish territory. on sunday. for media reports 50, others made it to show without needing to be rescued over 56000 migrants and to the country by land and sea lost ya. it's a much dot, a boeing jet line, is itself it a mid ad blow else was not being used for long flights of departments,
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reports of a number of pressurization warnings, 737 max jazz, so parade by alaska airlines may.


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