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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 8, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the knowledge is here with the is really a, a tax. cale more civilians in garza overnight strolling. so hit central and something pump sophistry. the i'm on inside this is out. is there a knife and oh, so coming out is there a strongly condemned fee? is there any assassination if it's john, this comes out of the do and as strike the pace,
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most of us are i. it was also killed for us actually of stay close for civilians in gaza to be protected. he's due to visit israel later, the gun find the occupied. westbank houses rarely forces arrests that team palestinian steering. right the the is really ministry is continuing to pound concept bombing, central and southern areas of the territory. and these 8 people have been killed and 1000 injured in an is riley strike on the bala. holden, 22800 people and now been killed since october the 7th. in while the world health organization is quoting for medical centers to be the best, so protected from is riley attacks. the appeal came off, the officials visited our hospital in garza,
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they found it overwhelmed by hundreds of casualties with only 5 members of stuff left on side. i'm in the hospital in the middle area because of the middle part of the script in the emergency department where they're training children. several children on the floor and the majority behind the doctors calling out of trouble and many people coming in from the explosion. there's one child who unfortunately passed away a body of thought identified and it's as you can see, your account exceed. unfortunately, this area is close to an area that was evacuated yesterday. they've lost a lot of their stuff. this hospital is currently operating with about 30 percent of the stuff that it had just a few days ago. they are seeing, in some cases,
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hundreds of casualties every day in a small emergency department. yesterday they said they had one doctor working overnight emergency department with a 100. in some cases, the casualty is coming in on a daily basis. i need my new joins us now from rough and southern gaza. honeymoon dudley, strongly excessive noise. as health services dwindled to control, the nation's developments. so yes, we're getting more data, sending the reports about and there is tracks here in brooklyn city. and literally we're talking about a close area to the kuwaiti hospital about 700 meters away from where we are reporting it from a residential home was targeted. we're getting more con, confirmation and a number of people have been killed inside residential home. but there seems to be a large number as ambulance dispatcher from intuitive hospital and other medical centers and refreshing to the targeted sites. what's interesting about this,
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there's like this time we did not hear the sound of the explosion. what people, what wouldn't, is it told us around the vicinity of the resilience on all the sudden they heard a sudden, uh, low explosion that brought the building entire building down. this is an interesting develop in a new kind of explosion that been used by these really military and so far to been a good experimenting with all kinds of what pens and bombs, including the, on it predictable fall in bonds. and these silent ones. but as over night, then near the hour this morning, the vast majority of the tiller sending took place in the sent from the area so far a confirmation by them hers mistreat. uh it is a 7 to 3 people have been killed. 18 of them only indented by city, including children and women. that's a 10 people to from a 100, but has to be an area describe and designated the safe area for palestinian to
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evacuate to. and within the past hour, leaflets were dropped off for andre the residence of mount as erect cuz you came and this time ordering the entire population of mount other view can do. evacuated completely. as these really military declare that the mother you can be the danger zone, it's a war zone and people in order to avoid being bombs, they need to go to dinner. but and again, there is a great deal of, of mistrust of this narrative as people did this in the past. many times they were told to go to an area that is designated a safe area. but they ended up getting killed in the safe area, supposedly safe here within hours or days of their arrive and a great deal of concern. a great deal of, of fear going on right now as people are panicking and what's going on. it's important to the drawer viewers attention that is happening on the tv bombardment. so people are asking question, howard is supposed to leave one of the same time. there are, there are a quad cap. there's hovering at
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a low levels in the sky over the refugee camp. and the central area there are air strikes, there is constant, ongoing artillery showing of the area literally not leaving any in a safe for people to evacuating. there is no talk about safe core doors for people to move it from that particular area all the way to, to did it. but hadn't fun, eunice, particularly the southern part of the ton unit were looking at it more than 15 people have been killed in ongoing air strikes and artillery shooting. but what's interesting, this time, there are reports about confrontation and the, the southern eastern part of both tonya and a city where it's, how is this defense education of facilities, the science and technology facilities that are there yet. it's important to point out that the overnight they were destroyed, these buildings, what seems to be a systematic attacks, not old in health facilities, but not including the education facilities or where in which so far the military is
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really monetary successfully designated primary and secondary education facilities . and now moving into homes, felicia institutions. okay, thank you for that honey. it must need that for us reporting from rasa in southern casa, the out, is there a has condemned in the strongest terms, israel's assassination. if the john this holmes, i'll do, he was the son of golf as bureau chief, while l dot u was killed and, and is really attack. and his con nissan eunice on sunday. the a f p. news agency, jealous list of a throwing was killed alongside him, hands on the home. it has more. he was one of devising stalls in god's us media world. i'm the eldest son of a da 0 is guys a bureau chief while you of the to one of the most, when on gunner, just in palestine like he has done every day for the past 3 months. how does that i've got to i've gone out to document of the most of these really talk installed on
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cause, but the 27 year old unit is never free time to file these report. no, that's on on. i'm bidding farewell today. god. what else can i say that may god the almighty give us strength? give us comfort, give us patients and may god the almighty give us the strength to carry on for the sake of homes us. and for the sake of all those killed. i say we will remain faithful. this isn't the 1st time we do have suffered such a loss in october, his wife of a son, daughter, and grandson, what all came in and is really striking in the house. last month he was injured in and is really a textbook kelly's colleague saw me about the 4 homes as friends is. this is a tragedy. they come to comprehend. i don't want to cry, but i'm importing this right now because i know that if, if i'm so busy and he wanted me to report and he wanted all of, i was calling you to reports and to continue for 6. and i'm so proud of him and
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everything he did everything here, of course it's was hems ahead of close bung with his father. when he walked within the fields. he was his 1st born, his eldest son, and he was the one he relied on. he wanted him always by his side. he was so proud the thames studied during lives and if be generally some stuff a fly, it was also killed in the thing is really strike the targeted hands. us call at least $110.00 generally have been killed since these rates were on because the started lead october hands of life might have been cut short, but the father and friends say they would continue to report on visitor as well. and because of the new method, the consequences, the terms of just data is running, demonstrates is demanding new elections, have held a space in protest outside the connected. the group called on prime minister
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benjamin netanyahu to step down and was forcibly removed by police. at least one person is reported to have been arrested as neil whose government has grown increasingly unpopular over time like a full on gaza, escaped to laura khan, who was the only for a single component east, worse than lauren poll, showing increasing unpopularity appointments. and this now oh, there's a lot of pressure leveled against nothing. yeah. who now once a from a cold and i'm just going to read this out to it's on these ready forge crossing corporation. it says 64 percent of us. right. is believe nothing. yeah. his performance in the war up to 90 days is not good. and that's been he can national unity policy when fuzzy 3 seats for his nephew, yahoo, when 20. so if that goes to show anything, it's but he has the decreasing popularity amongst at least people doing this, poll out. but that has a also
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a lot of pressure on the streets you've seen earlier in the is ready to connect fits of a number of people. it was a relatively small protest. they were blocking one of the entrances into the can assets this be much larger. protests happening, especially in tel aviv and in hostage square for many weeks has been pro chest as these have been swelling into the thousands. they sauces with calling for a ceasefire, and i am calling for captives to be sent home. now not believing that nothing yahoo essentially wanted to do this as a continued to fall because of the strip. but the rice rick has now shifted, and they're all going to the end of this and yahoo, they want, they want now the cooling and to monday for elections. this also political pressure, but accounts who had mentioned before, along with 2 of his colleagues from the national unity policy, didn't show up with to schedule a cabinet meeting saying that they would be discussing the wall. so essentially, what's the point in turning up and it comes to another format from security cabinet meeting last week,
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but to send it in to kyle and mudslinging out between nothing you know, whose fault right comes and israel's top military bras. but guns put the blame squarely on next and yahoo for that and pulling out his fall right minutes to your oldest domestic turmoil coming as the us extra state on to me blinking returns back to israel this evening. what more we expect thing from this trip. as well, absolutely. uh lincoln will be arriving the same thing throughout the day tomorrow . that'd be much just shuffled, diplomacy happening and we've already got a israel said top invoice and in the notes that so that will be a lot of focus that actually is to what's happening with heads. fuller in the nose . and these right is, as a conflict continues to escalate in a press conference in casa blank and also made sure that he doesn't want the war in
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gauze or to spill over into other areas. even though that yahoo has the profit. he's flushing the will on 7 front. so a little bit of a contradiction in that he'll also be looking at at the situation with the caps. if he does, wants the will to go into a search phase of a less intense phase. however, many of criticized him for such a power, staying the same lexicon as the ministry are using, going into the fat face and say, what does this mean? and that's a many, especially on the streets of thing. the only way of releasing the kept as a not having this increasing number of people being killed and go off. it is to cold a ceasefire. he's also mentioned the age coming in and out of the call, the strip. he said it's a trickle, capex. what they need at the us back to something stuff is that full suppressive mass starvation in the strip. now before the war, they were on the 500 a trucks coming in. now we're seeing possibly assist with that if not less. so that
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may be talking about another folder in his dropping open, but that's already been met just to connect that one which danny's known saying this. this shouldn't even be an oscar of the x rays. he's also going to be occupied westbank, where he will be speaking to members as a policy and authority has to be looking for a future solution. and also to, to about what could happen the day off to the warren concept. okay, thank you for that. laura, calling that 1st unoccupied east source, and well, we can bring it amara shore is professor of security ministry studies at the, the institute for graduate studies. amar, one of the other things were expecting and, and, and have been hearing for set from secretary of state anthony, blinking on his wiggles, stop tour of them, at least, is a israel to do more to protect civilians. it's very hard to take those concerns as genuine and given what we've seen from the us state department in the last 3 months, the issues emergency decorations, twice, just in recent weeks to deliberate bones,
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is ro without any congressional oversight. remind us what the us ministry support israel has been in this will. so it's a bit complicated. the 3 areas that is really needed help in is the air to the ground. bombs of these were about 15000 of those were provided by the us. and the issue is that they provided some of them the tick and have guidance get . so the m k at $82.00, which is the light to the ball and $500.00 pounds. the m k d for which is the heavier bomb to sell them pounds. these you can put the guidance get on the uh, the circle j gains, joined direct attack munitions. and these guide the bombs to become more of a precision guided the bomb. but basically, and it's not exactly accurate, so it gate can miss a with 30 meters or, or, or even more in a place where the population density as heavy as the gaza strip. the,
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now we're talking some areas exceeded the 15000 the citizens in one squared could all make those who it's not exactly, you know, going to be very precise. but the more problem is with other bombs that the you can not guide them like the m 117, and the, i think the u. s. provided over 5000 of them as well. so those are done bombs between predictions and they cannot be smart like the, like the m k a in this or this is probably the reason why we're seeing so many civilian casualties. this is part of the reason, of course, because it's a, the accuracy you, we, we call it in the, in many of these studies, the loss of the accuracy gradient. the more you lose the accuracy, the more you kill their own people, and the more you engender the people against you, either fighters or just support for the, for the fighters. and it keeps on going like that. and this is what ends into a strategic defeat as a lloyd often and born days where it is all but just what happened. pop the name of
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gun this done the standard mattress still used to say it's the insurgents mass, the more you killed civilians, innocent civilians, the more you indemnify there is a guess use and for every one innocence, if it is you kills, you get 10 against you. and you know, it ends up the like a like that, the, all the in the area where the is where it is needed. some munitions support was the eddie of artillery. they're using intense amount of activity in an urban area again, densely populated. but they needed the 155 shelves, and i think the americans provided over 60000 of 155 shelves artillery and the ukrainians need those along. so many of the uh the, these are the shows that were supposed to go to ukraine. i ended up in israel a thing and also. ready so, so it's, it's any new way, it's depleting the us stockpiles because the us itself needs the, the,
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the shelves in case as, as contingency planning. so now we see the in one end the, the ukrainians are fighting with south korea and shelves in the the oceans of funding was most clear and shelves, mainly because there's a lack of, of the shelves all over the world in general because of the defense industry and so for is where they need the air defense, the interceptors, so they, they have enough launches, but they need the, the, basically, the missiles, death, into subsidy. all those missiles, whether launch from south lebanon, or from garza, and the americans, provided them with some of their own missiles the time you're, you know, the initials for the what is, what is evidently can what you're saying is, without the united states ministry support, we would not be seeing the number of civilians being killed that we are in, in gaza and, and kind of also there is a strategic secuity that lemme here is what it cannot fight its smallest of its enemies in terms of its numbers and the, you know, the, the uh, the some of the gates uh the, uh, not the same size or in terms of the manpower on the 5 fall as well, or as all those is it on. and in that case, forties, right, it's
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a problem because it cannot fight it's smallest of its enemies without significant us support. and this is really a strategic site. i'm okay, i'm are i sure appreciate your time. you and not us, as professors security ministry studies at the don't institute for graduate studies . thank you. is there any thoughts is meanwhile, have carried out a series of raids of an item the occupied westbank confide could be heard in bates for route to the east. if now those sumpter troops into the town of the ministry. so made incursions into the tire area numbers and into combined onto the south of the town. soldiers also entered the the, he's just refuge account ramallah and be re me while moving it doesn't palestinians were arrested. and it's smith has the latest the 11 right across the occupied westbank overnight. and one of the most notable of those was south of novelist on
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the home of as i out i correct. now he was killed in bay roots last week along side salon, out all every one of those tell how mass leaders i recently to been killed by his riley drones dry. his home has been rated 3 times since then. it belongs to his family and police have used it for using it for interrogations locally. now we've been averaging about 40 raids a night since october the 7th, and we've noticed the a decrease in those in the last week also. but the water has increase of a number of check points, both increased scrutiny, a permanent check points on entrances to west point towns, cities and villages on the increase in temporary checkpoints as well. it's impossible. the policy needs to know where these tech points will appear. it makes life very, very difficult, a journey that should take, perhaps 30 to 40 minutes between one town to another can take hours, perhaps 3 hours or more. but what it would ordinarily be a very short journey makes life a very, very difficult,
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the furnace miss. i'll just say era ramallah still ahead on out of their unexpected victory bung, industrious prime minister, secure was a fixed time in an election. we close and find the old position and we'll have place. it's on an investigation into a mid and low of stuff and find boeing, 737, max, add onto the color we have, move everything down, post just around the lake, and then site and see the stomachs, lots of stones. that's the next area. every way, whether it'll drive its way down towards southern parts of the malay peninsula. hey, we've already seen around a 100 many meters, a friend in the past 24 hours or so. and then also you stream on the single drive server. it'd be showers down across a similar reason, expect mobic down pulls that into k o, also into single pool, along with
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a good pots of symmetry west and bonia. also very just that along with much of indonesia, i wanted to shout was coming into the philippines with a little dry. i'm fine weather here. we'll see more of the west house is coming to vietnam's who may have made our way into the middle parts of the week. plenty of showers, meanwhile, across that eastern side of australia, but they have severe weather. one is in force and see the plot to steal into a cloud just lies up around that is the side of it to over it with one or 2 parts of saying around a 150 millimeters. afraid it probably 24 hours flat. that big storms because that eastern side of a new south wales pushing right talk to was the top in this area. fly pressure this spring in that way. whether it's down across the se at present. and that will make his wife of the race with nudging the west to weather up towards the north east of new south wales. i'm trying to refrain full for a time. it's a good part of queensland the,
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the, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, the, the welcome back to watching out. just a reminder, top stories best our fee is randy, ministry is continuing to pound dogs and foaming,
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central and selves in the area. is that nice? 8 people have been killed, thousands injured in, in this riley, strongly con, federal by law. open 22800 people have been killed since october. the senate is ready for physicals to carried out a series of range of nights in the occupied west bank. the ministry made incursions in and around the 16th of novelist and ramallah opened it doesn't palestinians have been arrested us extra of stay on to be blinking. has cools the civilians in goal. is that to be protective? he's due to visit. is there a late positive? yes, and not a diplomatic towards the middle east thinking most in count on sunday. and these top court has cancel the early release of 11 met and convicted for gang raping pregnant women during antique listening riots in goods around and 2002. and
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then also nodded full team people including 7 members and focused on those families . they will have to return to prison in 2 weeks. they were freed in august of 2022, following a recommendation by a visitor on state panel. that release trigger angry reactions across the country. at least 6 police officers have been killed in a foam attack in north west and polk stone. they had been assigned to protect workers caring out and i'm to pull you immunization campaign. the attack happened near the board with i've got a strong in mass mooned. the pack of sony tele button is claimed responsibility on st polio campaigns and focused on on regularly mode by violence focused on that kinda stalling on the already countries in the world where pony it remains endemic to the bundle. does she prime and especially casino has won a 5th time in powell to the main opposition party set its allies. we quoted polls on sunday. the election commission says her party took 3 quarters of seats in
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parliament, but it says only about 40 percent of age as cost that ballots. the opposition had cooled for protests, saying the election was a sham shake has seen it is now entering his thoughts, consecutive tongue as lead as she previously govern between 19962001 before returning to power in 2009. i spoke to tom bit chandry, who's in the capital jack. uh, he says the country's economy will be the biggest challenge for shake has seen the most people knew what the expected results going to be. whether that 40 percent turn out or 20 percent. either way, prime minister's check has been that way and so people realize. 6 people are upset that it was in an inclusive election, and that may not position and 16 of the smaller opposition party didn't take part in this election. so it's a hardly a representation of buying this of demographics. now the main opposition party banker, this national party said that, look, we conrad,
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to the people for black guarding this election. 10000000 people registered people didn't vote. and the bank, the people that there's been a lot of debate on the percentage of turn out in the local media, particularly in the social media. people are setting videos up violence. people are saying videos, i'm a youngster, something ballot papers, even presiding officer of something, belive papers. so this thing will come into question about in the and to be honest, this thing one matter it is pretty much a she or she will be that for consecrated from 5 minutes stuff and much to be seen, the house down the road opposition strategies to tackle this current government and she's run the country uh 5 times previously. what will another term for say, casino, look like for fun with us. since 2022 economy is become a major challenge for the higher income and government. and that's our major
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challenge will be as a new government funds because of inflation a vi food prices are storing every other month. and also the foreign exchange is, are, is drastically low. so that would be our biggest challenge, and the legitimacy will come from the international community as well. she already got congratulation from the indian n via, as well as the chinese and was this was pretty much accepted in the eyes. a very odd and support are prime and especially i've seen a lot of critics of the say that now we have to see how russia deals with it. but it is expected. russia will recognize this government. and this election, at least 4 people have been killed in ukraine. they'll have to rush a noise, a non scale missile attack across the country. residents and the capt o'keefe took shelter in metro station. sounds the country was put on the a lot. several strikes had residential industrial sites in the eastern city. a couple keys i said bag has moved from keith, of course into authorities have this things at rest and launched
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a large scale besides strife. and as he said, some residence in chief, we're seeing the heading to shelters that we understand that the cities of february, hard key to need for as that the reach of or talk to not the authorities and quite a few things. second largest, it can say about the effect for strikes and the residential buildings were hit either by folding daybreak when those anti aircraft assisted defense systems intercept. those results or by direct hits, not the governor of her keeps as one person was injured in trevor read that central city in ukraine. we understand the shopping malls has been hated to people in just that. and now, according to the ukrainian air force, russia, use a, a press on this, this time right now. yes, the thing is, i was saying this is a large scale attack and they have several cities talk to, but it doesn't seem as large scale as to be a tech. on the 29th of december,
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which ukraine said was the most massive attack since the start of the war. and that these a strikes do seem like a daily occurrence. and i'll talk to you. the 2nd largest city almost gets hit every single day. but so far this is the information that we have. this will has been going on for 92 years now and it seems to be no less of a indeed this strikes is as all me says that it carried out a drone strongly on friday. then cool, a civilian casualties that happened in the village of t. r. well, close to the border with booking to fast. so the minutes he was reportedly targeting on groups in the area. it's on clear how many people died. it's much that a boeing jet lined it as soften to mid and blow outs was not being used for long fly itself. deposits reported a number of pressure rise ation warnings. 737 max jet operation by alaska airlines made an emergency landing off to the incident which left a launch hole in the side of the aircraft. but no one was injured. investigate to


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