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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 8, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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it was supposed to be a refugee, but so securely as brothers home was allegedly the scene of torture. right. and even murder one. 0, one east investigates the crimes. and those set tips behind on on the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm still robin, you're watching the oh, does it renews on like my headquarters here in the hall coming up in the next 60 minutes? is there any adver, sykes kill more civilians in guns that they've not strong? so if it's central and southern parts of the strip world help organization coals full medical center thing dollars that would be best to protect it from israeli attacks, even as doctors without borders is full to leave alex the hospital yesterday they
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said they had one doctor working with overnight dismissal, mergence the department was in some cases the casualty is coming in on a daily basis. do a secretary of state goals full civilians and also to be protected is due to visit is right, a link to the gun. fine. and the people who westbank is is really false as the rest, the teen palestinians during overnight grades. another news, india is top cold, cancels the early release of elect ben, who, being convicted of gain great and measuring people during the 2002 to drop the riots. the spoken to the needs of these really military is continuing to pound, garza bombing, central and southern areas of the territory. at least 73 palestinians have been
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killed in the past 24 hours according to gauze as health of industry. as the hospital located in the central palm to the strip says it's over whelmed, with a number of casualties and injured arriving. mold in $22800.00 palestinians of now being killed since october. the 7th honeymoon corresponded flores in rafa, in southern guns, and more deadly strikes over nights the in just arriving at hospital throughout the region. what more can you tell us about the latest developments? the yes. well, when just the the dust settled. we are getting more confirmed report about be attacked about 700 meters away from the vicinity of the way the hospital at the 0 a round about here. it wasn't a residential and was in fact the car with the 3 people inside inside of this car that was targeted by a drone attack,
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a 3 people in the car reported and killed. but the attack just happened at the an entrance of the residential homes. then just uh, when uh, when it happened, everybody thought it was the, the residential home. that was the target, the a that what's interesting about this a talk this time if people did not hear the sound of the, the missile did not hear the sound of the explosion. and more like a silent mist saw that it just, it burned the car incinerated the bodies that they were out of the car. then one body just arrives to the kuwaiti house with a right after the attack, the 2 other we're rushed to another job in the hospital. but this, the kind of attacks that seem to be, is the 3rd phase of the, of the, this war on the gas, or as it was announced by these really military. and it's already being defined by this kind of targeted killing of,
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of how this thing is so far. what we know about these, the 3 in the car. as we spoke, the witness that it looks us. it's a civilian car. people inside of it, no signs of of a anyone, militants or you one carrying any of the weapons. and that's what we know so far and confirmed by a witness and the hospital here from the one body that arrived to the hospital. but that early our hours of this morning at the central area of the golf trip, i'd been under tv bombardment by a, by air invites by land more artillery, artillery, selling, severe and aggressive artillery, shooting at the eastern side of the central area and more massive a erie strikes at the central part, including the refugee, kansas, particularly this time instead of mount as a new york. is you cameron, which is the residence of the com, where are i've been ordered, char, please, to leave the, the area and hit toward the has to be. i know we're literally me in here as we read
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the leaflets. it's the entire residence of, of my eyes, or if you can have been ordered to evacuated as it is. it has become a dangerous area and a war zone, according to the is really military and the statement if it hasn't dropped for, for people, but ordering people to evacuate today is another. it's another problem for people who have a bad experience with these kind of narrative uh when they are ordered. they have been ordered by these really ministry to evacuate to area the to be safe, a to a safe cora doors when they ended up it being killed during those very safe core doors being designated by his and mandatory safe zones. a they were told to go about and we didn't possibly have people within hours of their arrivals or they've been killed in a residential homes that they have taken as a refuge and running away from the horror of the young uh, noon. it's where the sports about it was a stream, a class is going on
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a conference, the problem in finding groups and the grunt, particularly in southern part of newness and the, and the northern eastern part of ton unit squared. is there a military at overnight stripe targeted the science and technology and holidays, entire facilities in that area. there are reports now about extreme confrontation going on between policy and find group. and that's really military at that particular area. but so far what we're seeing is not only the primary and secondary education facility been designated by just a military. now they are moving towards the institutions and what seems to be not only now the hospital facilities have been targeted and destroyed and pushed out of service. there is a systematic attacks on educational facilities and, and what looks like and intention to hinder the, the, the progress of the society, economically and socially for years to comment on this scenario level,
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we're looking at least 10 years of, of these institutions to come back on track and be able to provide the services needed for the 10001000 of of a students in gaza. honey is simply very fluid situation will continue to focusing on those hot spots throughout the day with you. thank you. now is it or has condemned in the strongest terms as reynold's assassination of gentlest homes? i'll do the son of gaza bureau chief, what i'll do was killed and that is really a tonic on his call. ne, calling eunice on sunday at the news agency. jim, this was the fact that i was also killed alongside him. holmes, i'm how much your thoughts. he was one of the rising stuff in god's us media was the eldest son of a da 0 is guys a bureau chief while you of the to one of the most when on doing are just in palestine the like he has done every day for the past 3 months, how does the other 2 have gone out to document of the most of these right here to install them? cuz uh,
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but the 27 year old unit is never free time to file these report. that's on, on, i'm bidding farewell today. god, what else can i say? may god the almighty give us strength? give us comfort. give us patience. may god the all mighty give us the strength to carry on? for the sake of holmes, and for the sake of all those killed, i say we will remain faithful. this isn't the 1st time we do have stuff with such a loss. in october, he's wife of a son, daughter, and grandson. well ok, it is really striking in the house. last month he was injured in and is really a textbook kaylee's colleague saw me about the 4 homes as friends is. this is a tragedy. they come to comprehend. i don't want to cry, but i me porting this right now because i know that if, if i'm so busy and he wanted me to report and he wanted all of,
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oh it's called the 3 courses to continue for 6. and i'm so proud of him and everything he did, everything he reported hamza had, of course, born with his father and he worked with in the field. he was his 1st born, his eldest son. and he was the one he relied on. he wanted him always by his side. he was so proud the terms i studied during listen, if be generally some stuff or fly, it was also can. the thing is really strike the targeted hands. this call at least 110 generally have been killed since these rates were on because the started lead october hands of life might have been cut short, but his father and friends say they would continue to put on it as well. and because the new method, the consequences to have them just either is there any demonstrations demanding new elections of held a,
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sitting outside. the connect sits now the group called on 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu. to step down, i was forced to believe a move by police at least one pauses or portraits of being arrested. that's in the all his government has grown increasingly unpopular over its handling of the will on garza. let's go save us to laura khan. who is it occupied a series that men were obviously also hearing that polls showing increasingly unpopular prime minister sitting in the top job. so i have some people really pay attention to the polls here. they usually a pretty good indicator. so i just want to read out this one pulled to you. it says 64 percent of authorities believe nothing, you know whose performance in the war up to 90 days is not good and guns. those penny counts and the national unity policy. well, when fuzzy 3 seats was nothing, you know, his posse will win 20 if elections were help today. and these numbers were backed up by
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a very popular and trusted think tank called israel democracy institute. but it's not just from the polls. we're seeing this on the streets out of course that you should video from the is ready to connect. it's not far from here. that was a small group of protesters who blocks one of the entrances. i bet cooling for elections, but not to mon is being repeated in protest across tel aviv and some also here in jerusalem out in hostages square. we've seen weeks of protests, many from the is where the captive family either a 136 people being held captive in golf at the moment. they were demanding to bring them back money with our install, a guarantee that language is now changing back, wanting to netanyahu to step down immediately. elections to be held. but it's not just that this is also political pressure by the guy that's who i just mentioned. didn't sign up for a cabinet, may sing along with 2 members of his national unity policy. a security cabinet, leasing that was held, fell apart. and so that was in fighting between as of top middle tree bras and also
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the fall right. the hot right wing camp of netanyahu's policy and many a questioning whether the code hood foy, c, netanyahu as the winning horse and that party, whether it's a do hold another election, if that's still going to help them. of course uh laura, uh, on the back top of this we've got entity, blink, and arriving. it is right as well. the obsolete amc berlington, the secretary state is set to arrive this evening and he will be in full too much to shuffle, diplomacy its 5th time in his route, 4th time in the region. he has shuffled back and forth from here before. there are many issues he's going to have to deal with as a very tight agenda of the 1st thing. he has seen that speaking of loss of balance and he did when he was in casa, as well as the problems in the red sea. he will discuss this with ness now who um, from the who sees uh, in yemen,
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but also the continued escalation on israel norton boat at west has follow. he is afraid that the war and golf is going to spill out across the region. and one of the most dangerous escalations could be for him, it has full, i who have much more well and then how mosse. so certainly a lot to discuss that with ness and yahoo. he is also talking about a sub for at phase in the escalation inside gauze a. but he, he wants to see kind of less football, some more talk with his attacks again from us. but let me people accuse him of using the same language, but he is ready military as well as many on the streets here on internationally. i think the audience is a ceasefire to stop the mounting casualties and on further issues, including the possibility of a famine and golf at so there's a lot of international pressure for him to do something about that many, many, or even even questioning his role as
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a mediator considering at the us of twice to bypass congress in order to send weapons to as well. so here where they have to show some results here. he also mentioned that there's only a trickle of age going into because a at the moment is so it doesn't meet the needs of the people out before the war there around $500.00 trucks per day. and now it's desperately need is you're looking at 100 is rough checks of the full that goes through. he's saying this isn't feasible, so that might be some pressure that and also bring about the captive. he'll then go to the pod west by where he'll be may see members of the palestinian authority. possibly trying to look for a longer term solution between the israelis and palestinians, but certainly very hot types tend to the so called forest sized and occupied eastern eastern. thank you. that's bringing a marshall. he's professor all scarcity and ministry studies of the day of hot institute, full graduate studies. good to have you back home, the program with us. what do you make of the army these way, the army strategy at the moment of dealing or the intensity of the strikes both in
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central and south cause. so what are we to make of this? considering the noise coming into the clients at the moment? so we're in the 94th day, 22 selves and as strikes overall the in the, in the got in gaza just by competitive perspective. the operation against the i us in the rock. the to cool, the 15000 is striking the period of the use as opposed to were 3 months now. and about the $150000.00 artillery strike to just put it in competitive perspective the us and it's all eyes that took the hold of it all. good. and so then see with only 40000 artillery shells a to his strikes and that the, in that the operation as to quite intensive, we are talking now in just sun eunice to one of the central, one of the southern govern rates. the, the other one being rafa. we're talking about 9 big gates, 9 a big a,
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3 of them on a, but a to, to be gauged. one special forces, big agents, the artillery brigades, the theater, it'd be gauge. and then one reserve big aid, which is the, the 100 and 43rd the. so what does a strong q is what we took a lot brigade, how many p, how many individuals of the window per day, roughly uh, we can talk about the 5000 people. so between 300-5000. but usually these really big guides are large be gates and not like the russian because uh on demand. so that is ready for the uh, for instance the be gates. uh so the battalion would be that would be talking about the $800.00 to $900.00. uh, soldiers, and some of these big gates have uh, as uh, as large as 6, but tell in, so it's a city to you well, size the big gates, not all of them are come back to. some of them are like go for signal solar engineering. someone logistics, solar, federal, the battalions, but usually they have at least 3 of combat battalions within each big. so a significant force being a very small condense,
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a highly dense intensive population. urbanized area like sun, eunice, which means that there is a lot of damage in terms of the infrastructure need to in general, a lot of damage, whether the minute the or the interest or the civilian infrastructure. it on the, all of the guys in, before you do, does the, just the manpower, you know, $99.00 brigades, as many as $5000.00 each brigade give us then the indication of backups, the comments made by these really minute tree. but this operation is going to continue for the next 2 to 3 months. is that what the indication is, when you have so many military personnel in those numbers and such a small space, it looks like so that, that they are intend on a degrading or destroying completely the military infrastructure of how much they claimed to have dismantled as much as a time us battalions in the, in the north and the, the, to govern the rates of the north. so guys, a govern rates on just the city. but the whole government but also the north of,
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uh, guys, uh, govern the rates. so places like, uh, bait la here, shot the uh, the western gevalia camp where they declare the, the battalions their combat and effective. oh, so they dismantled. uh, but uh at the same time, um, we are still seeing operations in the places where they declared that the battalions all from us with a dismantled, they're like bait la, like even they turned on. and so it is in the very far north where they entered in the very beginning of the fight. we're still seeing some operations there. and some of them are a bit embarrassing. like the close to is huge. i yeah. when one of the, the idea of company commanders was giving a media interview about dismantling the battalions that they had. and then an operation happens while he's giving the interview to them. yes. so that is a bit of a, you know, question marks about how the, the intelligence assessment that these areas are clear. completely clear. there's a big question mark. but given the, the manpower and the level of mobilization in areas like the central gulf, so can units, we still did not see major operations as well for which i suppose
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a may in the future. this will be also another major target for these radio operations. so we're looking at a bit of a longer award and probably block you bloody or metal is coming up. we don't pick move this as the day progresses, but for the night been emotional thanks for joining us. of the world health organization is quoting for medical scientists to be better protected from is rarely a tax. the po came after officials have visited our exit hospital in garza and now they sounded overwhelmed by hundreds of casualties. but any 5 minutes of stuff left on site, i'm in the hospital in the middle area because of the middle part of the goals and scripts and emergency department where they're training children. several children on the floor and then they've already behind the doctors calling out a couple in so many people coming in from the explosion. there's one child who
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unfortunately passed away whose body is not identified and it's as you can see, your account exceed. unfortunately, this area is close to an area that was evacuated yesterday and recreation, or they've lost a lot of their stuff. this hospital is currently operating with about 30 percent of the stuff that it had just a few days ago. they are seeing, in some cases, hundreds of casualties every day in a small emergency department. yesterday they said they had one doctor worked overnight and this emergency department was in some cases, the casualties coming in on a daily basis to now the international medical channels. you don't visit on board as evacuated at stuff from i likes the hospital. tanya, how johnson is a pediatric intensive car adopted as doctors without borders? enjoys us now from the jordanian capital. i'm good to have you with us and you've
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been to god's and before it's both a difficult area to enter and by all accounts, just as difficult to leave as you have to be given, be given permission by the israelis. now some of the old medical friends are leaving. have they been forced to leave decided to leave for themselves, or is this an operational turnaround? yeah, so unfortunately as, as our calling from the w h o just mentioned in that interview um most of the engineers have, have evacuated, lost the hospital in the middle area of gauze. uh after that area. um, i began receiving flyers dropped warning them there's the script system warning done that that area was no longer safe and they needed to have actually lost the hospital. is the largest and only functioning hospital in the middle of gaza. as our colleague from the we're just mentions it treats um, uh, many injured patients a day over
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a 100 of late 100 injured patients per day. and the situation there has been catastrophic over the last weeks our colleagues were there for multiple different organizations and myself. but luckily for palestinians rescue has been reporting terrific scenes when they evacuated. they weren't expecting to have to is actually that was a sudden increase in risk. and i can read some messages we have received from doctors working for various organizations. not necessarily doctors without borders of colleagues that i know who are in those hospitals and saying, you know, each day there is an imaginary line and this disturbing grid that determines who's at risk of being immune and it in imminently kills. he described them as, as war crimes disguised, has been l benevolent prior warning. he said they, they mark the area. this was 2 days ago was a red zone. so they were unable to reach. they were told it was to,
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i'm safe to go yesterday either. and so they unfortunately have to evacuate to south of gaza. that's been true of, as i said, most people energy owes wendy international and use flagstaff panicked. patients panicked, they began try a fleeting as well. they receive the same warnings they were, they had heard what happened. it's just the hospital and other hospitals that were put under siege and, and then ultimately directly targeted. and then yesterday we receive ports, reports for administrative health. we've been unable to contact a many of our colleagues in that region. and as we receive reports from administrative health at the hospital, it come under direct thrown attacks firing at anything that was moving and including patients and and stuff that we're attempting to see. the hospital time, the let me just jump in and i tell you, let me just jump in that gives you paint a pretty awful picture of the conditions and before the, the situation,
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the colleagues and i've had to experience it either doing that job or having to leave because the conditions are so severely terrible. can you also tell us a little bit about the ongoing description of medical facilities because the weeks now we've had from various sources that the medical facilities on the brink of collapse. so we just heard that we're not sort of the w h i about how bad it really was or is on the ground. just gives you a general description of what your colleagues are saying about how bad really the situation is in terms of medical facilities in the, in that one hospital. sure, absolutely. so. so there are thousands of internally displaced persons as of 2 days ago when those organizations were still there in the buildings. many in the courtyard as well. uh, hundreds of patients, many too sick or failed to actually evacuate the new natal. i see you so the, the intense of carrying it were babies born babies are kept, was full of newborn infants. there were post operative patients that were also unable to accurately is actually,
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this is according to one of my colleagues from one of the angles. there were elderly disabled and more wounded patients. nobody can evacuate, and i'm going to quote my colleague who said, where will they go, that they can not move cool care for those injured by the aggression is health care workers have had to flee or have been killed even ended saying, colleagues, and i'm quoting colleagues, here ask why the world has a band of them, why no one cares enough to stop all of this and, and dr. calculus, the director general of the w h o. so it's something very similar after the w h o and the united nations office for coordination of humanitarian affairs, visited the hospital. this past weekend. he described the, the, and i quote sickening scenes that your colleague just mentioned in the interview right before me of a children being treated on blood stink street floors of all the trauma cases of the staff shortage. and since that reports by the w h. so we've had reports that
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more and more staff have fled and you know, doctor to those sits of something quite powerful. he said, you know, it's inconceivable that the most essential need the protection of health care is not assured me putting does as most important hospital in the middle area out of function would be a moral and medical outrage. and one of my colleagues and i, and quote, one of my other colleagues was saying, you know, it's a, it's a death sentence for thousands of wounded and 6 sick people in the central region. last night we received a text message from one of the few dozen doctors who was have remained in the hospital after the angel's left. he ultimately had to me and i quote, he said, the situation in the hospital was catastrophic today. so many injuries with no doctors or nurses. i had to deal with a child with multiple gunshots in his chest and one in the abdomen alone. he then went onto describe how he and some colleagues tried to save the child, but they couldn't get him into the operating room. is that he, i, he said i quote,
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i felt so bad because normally this child could have been saved. finally, we heard a lot of gunshots around and we had to leave everyone behind. and i literally cried because i didn't know what to do wondering what will happen to the people there. he then told our colleague from, and i wish you could have stayed, we need your help, we can't. i feel helpless. i'm scared. i was looking to everyone's the little kids there, broken hearted, knowing that they won't be getting any help. i tell you m a m assess, i say i think we get we get the general just suddenly of what you're saying is that maybe experiences of the medical staff that, that haven't to deal with this. so suddenly we have to leave it that just for the moment, but really have, appreciate it, and the eye witness and the vocal testimony that you've been able to tell us at the 1st time, tanya hodge has nothing doctors without borders, things like that. i just, i just want to add the same thing that your colleagues of audit before and before
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my interview, we have to reiterate that there is an urgent, urgent need for a cease fire. and that israel has an obligation under international humanitarian law to protect patients and staff who are still working in these only functioning hospitals. throughout garza, it is critical. there has to be pressure for an immediate cease fire for the protection of health care workers of journalists, and for the unhindered and copious delivery of international of, of humanitarian aid. new voice has been had and will be headed again. i'm sure tanya, for the moment. thank you for your time. thank you. the principal has had all the news of including ukrainian seek shelter as russia launches another launch, scale missile attack, and bug with us as prime minister secured as a 5th ton, but the opposition denounces the victory as illegitimate.
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the will to the days of the news, though in india's top, cold has cancelled at a release of 11 men convicted the gang raping. a pregnant woman during n team was slim rights in the state of good drop in 2002. the men also murdered 14 people, including 7 members of both these bundles family that have to return to prison in 2 weeks. they were freed in august 2022, following a recommendation by a good dropped state panel. that release triggered angry reactions across the country. sunday, who is a senior advocates induced supreme court and joins us now from delhi good to have you with us on the program. a victory for lady roland in a victory when all avenues to a true, in fact inclusion to her reading this experience seem close. the victory will be bit to sweet. it would be,
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but this week all these people were not punished or they quickly the supreme court had earlier a open to get quit, to which legal judge government operated and licked them off pretty much directly after completing 14 years of imprisonment. as even doing these 14 years, they had the various kinds of fun lows and leaves that they've been out of prison most of the time. but a payment to pretty much would be a absorbed demo. everything up to 14 years was not justice. activate the supreme court because they believed it said that the state would truck does not have the file to release them. it was because they've tried, has been conducted and had been transferred to another state that states opinion has not been taken. and therefore it has been validated that image hadn't gotten
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guess it just this does not mean that the not the state government cannot again, by sort of giving a, giving them dimensions. does this means that the case could move to the states of my roster and to them by and this again, verdict how as a result i want to describe it could be over 10 and again, and these 11 men released in the state of microscope. but the 2 pots orders, which allow that the lease, then maybe uh it, it could be subject to, uh, further, uh, view by the court. like yes to be the supreme court judgement is only on the question of follow up, which government would stick at the bottom to delete bisman. it was not the state of the traffic was the state of my extra debt for that particular order of the state of elizabeth, which set them free as being 2nd not okay. bill taste value as well as on another date. if i just jump into abilities bios was a hotspot hod, but just as i won't do very little way to seek justice for her,
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but those that she lost many of those haven't received the justice even now after those rights of 2002. how do we continue to look at this story? is it an open wound for the, the indian legal system that just hasn't healed? what's it going to take to, to, to close this chapter? and what was the very doc day in indian history? when it said that the distributive man against ball is the struggle of memory against forgetfulness, there are certain things that can not be forgotten. then a certain things which required and that they put punishment. uh they, it may be slow and coming quickly. but many of us in and get believe that the boats will i do monthly and then the justice today is just one small example. hopefully at the future side there will be more. there's always been questions about the
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court system and impartiality perhaps at the top. how much has this decision do you think, or how much will this decision bring face back into the legal system? it might have been a procedural error on behalf of the good dropped panel. but to save the supreme court, take the lead on to come up with a very clear and decisive decision will give hoc committee activists who are fighting for minority groups. yes, it would compact to a lot of people who are fighting for justice. but the last, the last getting the least and the be caught me okay, still you have bucket drum, but it does try to do that. i think in the item looked at analysis. this doesn't give a talk to a lot of people to keep the fight. boy, such a hedge that for us. so you see the advocates hacked into a supreme court the time you with a set on i'll just ever thank you for your time. thank you. at least 6 police officers have been killed in the boma talking northwest and focused on now they've
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been assigned to protect work. it was coming on a paleo immunization campaign. the attack was carried out near the boat with its got a son in mooney. the bunk is sony taliban, his kind responsibility? totally a vaccination drives in focus on the regularly modified violence box on the gun. it's not the only countries and the wells at polio remains and dynamic. this is already full of this. so tell about the service of rights even though it's in the occupied westbank done fine to be heard and but to speak to the east of novelist at the truth spend to the town . the ministry also made incursions into the tire area of novelist and into god alone into the south of the town. soldiers also entered the danish, a refugee camp ramallah, and the data rolled and a dozen palestinians have been arrested. report from is rarely
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advocacy group shows the legal settlement activity was increased significantly in the occupied westbank festival in gaza. began piece now size is finding, show construction has begun on a record number of 9 new post during the past 3 months. 18 new illegal rhodes have been paved or authorized by settlers and it also detailed the search in private in palace to the landing fenced off of the construction of coat to post the other time visit i a is the is with the supplement. watch t not piece, not joys us, not for west or we some good to have you with us on the program. so i just stopped by saying, what surprises you most about? you're right in finding sort of the breadth of the expansion. all the speed at which it's happened and i, i think both, i mean we talking about a dozen in 3 months and the sort of vehicle pay below that. you mentioned, as we mentioned that we will pull it actually mode. and then we, we,
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we face the entire year actually more than the much more than that. i mean them, we're talking about a lot of new, all posted off of land that's being taking the left. so because of the load that been paid, we talking about situation. let's see, let me, station, who responsible to info the is actually doing nothing to, to prevent them from, from doing that and obviously, and a lot of, of the slot and that is actually posting and around the said was actually using for the on the needs of and it's something that you remember um for years actually something like that, not going to spin up in this case. well, before october, the 7th, i was successive general elections and these trial that were destruction to the expansion and occupation is published. and even though not so much by the states, but by such as i should say, supported by the states. how of settlers and their options really impacted on the report that you produce now as well. i mean, i mean, it sort of, i mean 2023. it's definitely you that the government to states about the settlers and we'd like to do the division,
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but i don't think this gives you need to give these go like that. the circular and the government eventually welcome to get into like the government can definitely info's their lives at one. so we see that 2023 was differently. and we seen placement engaging and in the number of our bows. and the way that this, that live feed remote codes confidence to, to go and, and to go out on into 128 and to think, well, the splitting the theme. and i'm not saying these kind of and bad things didn't happen before. we know that for years, but again, 23 was much more than before and on the beginning of the wall it's obviously this category a lot. it's much more. i mean, how much more secular violence towards palestinians has that being post october, the 7th. how much more or how was it goes? well, literally when we're talking about central science, so we see that them different and you don't necessarily boost. now what do we see? angels like yours being and, and because i remember that,
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and you'll notice like the you and the 2 minds about these 15 communities. but i still have communities that been affected and had to had to leave their locations, have to flee from their location because of because of the secular violence. and it's still ongoing. said lavano as again to begin the save and it would be full. but we see the escalation as seems then unfortunately, and in many other things and need to fix mainly the poor and the weakest coming in . but i still have communities in the west bank. well, the report does make for interesting reading. thanks for joining us. the on a time to mirrors. uh he uh, from piece not. thank you. i think it's like it's a whole plains have covered out the tanks. no town in southern lebanon. they find a series of miss opposite targets on the outskirts of the shop. it was in response to rocket font from 11 on hitting the city of kitty actuator in northern israel. there's no installation on casualties.
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the, let's take you to bring the national where the prime minister shake. i've seen it has won a 5th time in power after the main office action policy on this allies. boy, you caught it. polls on sunday. the election commission says had a party took 3 quarters of the seats in parliament, but it says only about 40 percent, a vote as cast the pallets. the opposition at cold, full protest saying the election was a sham. she can see now is now entering her full consecutive time is lead. she previously governed the between 96 and 2001 before returning to power in 2009. let's bring it all correspondent, ton bit chandry who's in the bangladesh. capital dot com. so many people asking is the result credible time the what's the reaction the while we weren't in it, but as i read it there by here and it's a major open,
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there bugs are trying to get some just from shop paper. and so hawkins comments, people are watching their reactions, most people are very, very open about it off camera, but they don't want to come on the camera that is a big fear. factor working environment, that's big concerns that crack down on october the any dissenting biased opposition was the fear for that because people have been there upset all over the country, more than 25 sales and opposition. members. leaders, supporters that been there upset. so people thing going on international media, they'll be reaction, but of the restaurant people, i say this is a pretty much a phase thing. we know that it's going to be, this is i resolve, we know is going to win. there's no inclusivity said there was no major political party taking part in it. so this election was more mad at the state show. nothing more. there's a lot of debate in the social media and the mainstream media s is that number, percentage of uh, voters, casting that board. there's
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a lot of debate on that. i know social media videos circulating around the same thing by presiding officer. underwrite people more thing in the center of started the capital, but other places, despite the fact that by and large you as a peaceful election in the capital city, they've been involved in some of the parts of the country. so this is why i have friends right now, so help. okay, so she can see that takes office, again, a continuation of her administration in bangladesh. what will have made objectives be long term nasa bung the dash? what does she hoping to achieve? yeah, this will be our trip to our main lab, 5 minutes. the major challenges faces in the economic sector. she said, well, from 2008 to at least 2018. but since pandemic under ukraine, where they kind of mean buying with us, i've been struggling for price. those are storing inflation is very high as low dollar reserve for an extra injuries i've in general, as low as
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a lot of business. so it's kind of an open letter, i've tried it for him for it because there's no dollar. so people in the look for those in the fix dining, they're complaining that, that distract goes because of high prices. this would be our major challenge and then get that legitimacy, particularly from the american and european union block, because they've been very active trying to persuade this government for the inclusive election. although the indian n y and the chinese n y has already congratulated the prime minister. it was expected, india is a very open support. our prime minister, i would probably expect that from russia as well, by the american europe might hold on until they get a recognition from them. so that would be some issues that lives in engagement with the western countries. but as part of the pacific strategy, america has become suddenly very important in this region and then gauge means an important. so a lot of challenges ahead and we'll see how it goes. the main challenge also assume
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favors from the opposition party will say they'll continue their movement industry to restart democracy and demand for it kept together administration and a new election to try to do that for us in the thank you tundra, these will people are being killed in ukraine, russia lost a large scale based on the time to cross the country. residents of the complicates took shelter and metro stations as the country was put on high load. several strikes it residential and industrial sites in the eastern city of hockey's. to us a back his life was in key last week. so a biology of attacks going both ways, but it's ukrainians again ducking for cover on monday. yes. the thirty's has said this was a large scale attack. they say that russian forces used crews and ballistic missiles. now, from the authorities here we understand that there were $59.00 strikes kite out. and ukraine says that they intercepted less than half of those $29.00. now in the
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city of kevin etzky, in the west indies, that 2 people have been killed. one woman into hockey region has been ended, and trevor re itself. incentive has hit me here that parts of the city all with that power. now ukraine, 2nd largest city clark, even though that's come under sustained attack and the government, this is a residential industrial buildings where a huge now i understand from the ukraine and authorities, they said that the russia also used aircraft to know install strikes. now as i said, less than half of those strikes are intercepted. now we're not hearing from the ukrainians. i'm reading here, it's never been ukrainian military targets. i hate, or any soldiers that have been killed then you can't cause attacks against russia. they show us a video footage, we see satellite images, but that's not the case. you current you cranes very quiet about any losses that it sustains. but this has been
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a large scale attack. we have seen people hand the capitals heading to bunk cause, but it's not as large as the tech guy died on the 29th of december that ukraine said was on one of the most of most of the tests. since the start of the one that has been this tips attack going done between the russians and the ukrainians, and this war has been going on for 92 years. and this seems to be no laptop in these. it strikes us up like that for us. and you creating capital, thank. it's as a trial of a soul, the gotta be in government. notice are accused of crimes against humanity. it has begun in switzerland. most most duncan is accused of having tortured rates and killed. several people joined. the rule of going to be is formally the assignment. the case has been ruled by several of his alleged victims under the principle of universal jurisdiction as not to naples, foreign countries to prosecute certain war crimes if they were committed elsewhere . so it could face life imprisonment if convicted. the legion must manager is
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backing cold and the 2nd attempt to suit his country for breaching his human rights and display. vic has been in solitary confinement since he was imprisoned in 2012, something he claims a bounced in humane treatment. he's held in a 2 story complex with a kitchen dining room on t v room with an ex folks. he also has a small gym and 3 parakeets, flying around brave. it kills $77.00. people involved a gun, the tax in 2011 south. chris military says it will no longer recognize the buffalo and then the seas between the 2 careers. then it's after north korea carried out a series of ministry drills, forcing residents on a nearby and south grand island to take cover. you just came to pull stuff in, so it offensively no, i'm void. the closest remarks by sole to date, on abandoning the tattered military agreement reach during the tente of 2018, north korea had already announced in november. it would scrap the past for cutting
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some 20 of the north. koreans violated the military agreements over 3000 times. and conducted artillery, firing trails over the past 3 days in waters off the west coast. that whole, there's no buffers zone anymore. tense moments on friday after north korea's military fired hundreds of artillery shelves just north of a defacto maritime border for the 1st time in years, some 2000 residents. so the south you on some island were urged to take cover of 4 hours. a preventative measure ahead of south korea's in kind response in which doubled the number of arbitrary flyers for the residents. memories of a direct attack by north korean shows in 2011. and the parent moved to manage tension. south korea's military now says it will not respond in kind to every publication in the region this as so officials believe your career will ratchet up pensions and the weeks leading up to the problem entry election is here
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in april. as north korean leader, king john and tries to divert attention away from problems closer to home, you know, skim all to 0. so it's most a 1000000000 jet line to that stuff with a mid, a, blah, blah, which was not being used for long hold flight. soft appliance reported several warnings of pressure. b 737, next jet top rated by alaska airlines made an emergency landing after the incident . they left them all totally assigned to the cross, but no one was injured. investigate to say i caught putting voice recording was not retrieved as it had been over written. mold in a 170 of the plains of not being grounded while as us regulate his conduct inspections. a rocket transposing the 1st us lead alonda and 5 decades is blasted off into space from florida, a 543. we have ignition the include,
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the power of admission is designed to make the 1st us on the on demand since the final opponent mission in 1972, the robotic spacecraft is expected to touch down on february the 23rd. if they've got the had information had all planned, human missions will still have a on to their suppose. we looked at why football struggles to compete with basketball in the philippines. so coming up with the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination, and due by
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the business, latest expenses by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the, the book about tech support history of a case of how it looks like because it will have decided on the next coach door
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about virginia is that to be 9 to the new man in charge of the national side door about has resigned his credit to south palo. i'm said this was the realization of a personal dream. he was reportedly the preferred choice of the country's football confederation after they failed to recruit call i want to see if you chose to extend his contract as well. madrid sort of, i will take over with brazil struggling in 2026 world cup qualifying, having lost the 3 of the 6 games the present in atlanta. so then go to the corporate level to doris tyson in 2022 before joining. so i'll probably, of the country has also been paying its last respects to a legend of brazilian football. mary. exactly. the tributes began with the public wake and then a private funeral, attended by friends and family and visionary. secular wanted to walk cops with brazil as a play, a i'm to as a coach. he died at the age of 90 to manchester, united to begin the epic up campaign against the 2. we can athletic later with the competition now united, any realistic tom's winning
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a tracy this season. little pull have already secured that place in the full rounds by beating also. you know, and go from it. yeah, cuz it keeps po, gave little pull the lead with 10 minutes to go. there is a us then school, the 2nd and stuff. it's time to make sure if the with as also slumped with the straight defeats defending champions. manchester city increased last how this failed to reach the full rounds that were a couple of goals. faden and jeremy w, rounded off the scoring as it finished 5 mill. kevin, to point out, we'll say, may just come back from injury and a big it was undoubtedly the biggest game in the history of amish of football club . ravel as they took on 14 tom champions of power, sasha mat in the french comp. the team plays in the 6th 2 french football, and i'm for the stadium of the top play for rugby club to host the match. as this can only hold a 3500 funds. they train just twice a week,
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so it was no surprise. there was a huge gap in cloth, killing. i'm back base board patrick and a 9000000. it's a psv buttons, a memorable nights, sort of our nominal truth. the agent caught kicks off, hay and castle on friday, but the philippines want to be playing off to making the 1st appearance of the tournament in 2019. they failed to qualify this time around. on to be like in our quotes from anita with football, struggles to compete with basketballs popular c a. just these before a thief of world cup qualifier between the philippines and vietnam. cocoa story. one of the philippines most senior, portable officials, is that an amateur tournament. he's personally inviting fans to support the men's national team, the outcomes, the goal. so the teams in manila case strong is, is very straightforward. so the number 10000 is, you know, the, our target of funds to come support the philippine,
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ask us. but making this happen isn't as easy as it sounds because unlike elsewhere in the world, football isn't widely played or watched in the philippines. it's more of the following up and not sure not team that, that, you know, need some connection. the organizer at this tournament is hoping to rekindle the connection, meet in 2010 with the ask us defeated favorites, vietnam, and the as the and championship being there it's, it's not just about supporting the, the, the country itself. it gets to the parts we need to learn as well, to expand their game because we know that these players, that's where it's already getting here are beginners and they have an opportunity to learn from the best. they ask us true against indonesia, despite taking an early lead, but the big winner was the national football federations campaign for middle level football stadium. it's easy to achieve almost anywhere in the world, but here the beads were basketball is a nashville sport. it takes a little bit of work, but to night,
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nearly 10000 people came up to watch the match between the entities and the philippines. and even after the disappointing result, there was an air of disappointment. spence left the stadium, they continued to cheer and hope for a better day for their tea barn below, i'll just hear a minute the playoff places on how can fund and the nfl as the buffalo bills books best to get the 58 in a row. the spots was sealed off to the junction with the rest of the price and the victory over them. i am cellphones was best facing the rifle. where is the complete unimpressive turnaround to $21.00. the 15 when i like to buy a 95 the all the time comes from jones a healthy. we sold them kind of some east division at the retirements expense seems like the green bay packers have also reached the pile soft. defeating bibles, the chicago buzz, the 10th straight time. jordan loves the coming. this sauce includes a back in that history to reach the payoff is bust yes. to 179. victory was best that in a right securing
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a walcott place. there was no reason to celebrate for the atlanta falcons. however, they sent head coach office smith just i was offered a speech the newly st is now beside consecutive here that they haven't progressed. smith's time coming to an end as a result, philip that a check could be on his way out and save his 24th season at the new england patriots being his was. finally, after 15 annual families, rams wide receive up to kind of who have break and the full time looking record, the most perceptions and most receiving yards. it was only a 5th round picking the draft, the birth of records that stood for 64 years as the rounds were sent to the playoffs of to winning the c football. 2 seasons. okay. the edge, the san francisco 49 is 2125. your practice or take your session, staying in los angeles, the problem james ad anthony davis, combined for 47 points on the 18 rebounds. as the lake has defeated rifles, the clippers, the cliff is looking for
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a 6 when it arrived when it was 98 or within minutes remaining until this from tori and prince james. meanwhile, have 25 points on the night. this the pickets a bunch, a full game losing streak coming to an end so that they can save me the head of the golden state warriors in the west and conference in hawaii. chris cock one. the 1st event of the new pga tools season. the american shots and 8 on the 65, and the final round to finish one and claire of the field at 29 on the palm can be made one by a gate in the ho tournaments victory secure as a place at this is mazda is $3600000.00 in prize money. and there was a record in how she's annual teddy, but i told them it's becoming one of well sports favorite traditions. almost 75000 beds were collected after the 1st go between the how she best and the lehigh valley . sometimes the toys will be donated to a that $35.00. and they, to charities really, i don't see the play is kind of era buried under those teddy bertha. so that's,
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so for me, thanks very much. i'm going to tell you about too, but we won't go into that now. the process is the news. mullins next to stay with the sale. now to save the business, a short fence improved was legal, but heavily restricted. most of them are sold in the black. they can go for more than $500.00 us dollars a pound in hong kong sharks and is an incredibly lucrative commodity. i'm going to price per kilogram is equivalent to several different alyssa trucks and it's almost like the ceiling. what does that mean? don't you know that that's what the got. so we'll see everybody is that i think i hear from them and that is basically means that he gets to the indiana case, a king. your name is that the politics you on his computer? a late, but i didn't mean that in that kind of simple life and it will cost them we have to,
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but i most i said ok everyone inspected fishing is in the catch, developed for bringing up some fish and we're not too happy with their presence. and we will need that hopefully, you know, mean that a, something on counting the cost the world is drowning in the rec. what amounts of debt concentrated in developing countries, 4 nations, and being forced to service the liabilities instead of from writing so that people use the plains of a delay in debt relief efforts to the costs on al jazeera. we don't simply focus on the politics of the conflict. if the human suffering, becky reports us, we brave fullest in bonds and we always include the views from all sides.
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the, [000:00:00;00] the is really a tags killed most civilians in gaza, even though it strikes to hit central and something pops up the street, the money, i'm sorry, this is allen to 09 from don't or so coming up. world health organization course the medical center isn't going to be the best of protected from is riley attacks,
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even as doctors, without photos are supposed to leave. i'll act almost put on the us sent you stay


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