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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 8, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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the the the there's really a tax killed most civilians in gaza, even though it strikes to hit central and something pops up the street, the money in. so you, this is alan to 09 from down. also coming up. world health organization costs for medical centers in garza to be fast, so protected from is riley attacks, even as doctors and without photos is supposed to leave. i'll act almost put on the
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us sent you stay close to civilians in garza to be for texas. he's due to arrive in instruct. later on, india is tom cold counsels b n. a release of 11, many been convicted of downright matter during the 2002 cushions on ryan's the is there any military is continuing to pounds, gaza bombing, central and southern areas of the territory. these 73 palestinians have been killed in the past 24 hours. according to gauze, us health ministry. i like so hospital located in the central pause. the strip says it's over whelmed, with a number of casualties. and ended arriving school in 22800 palestinians have now been killed since october. the 7th. let's go hunting the hood has no way for us in rasa in southern gaza. honey, bring us up to date with the latest on the asteroid coming into gaza.
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yes 1000000 were seeing more of that devastating death and destruction and overnight and and just within the past hours then since the early hours of this morning constant ongoing non stop artillery, southern gan air strikes pounding the city of han you and is that the is really military on the ground with its invading forces are pushing deeper into the central and the southern part of fine you want us to do so far. we're talking about 30 people have been killed as a result of these ongoing constants, artillery showing and massive ears strikes the 8 children under the age of 10 had been reported guilty of of these 30 people because there are more than 50 people of the critically of the critical injuries and different kind of injuries are still at the targeted sites in the paramedics and civil defense. remember just fine. it is
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really difficult in these unusual circumstances. a dangerous and risk circumstance to pull these injuries and bring them back to not the hospital. they look in their sending fields or looking for coordination with international organization as some of these injured or they've been there for hours now and waiting for the help to come from the paramedics and the civil defense. the crew, similar situations are taking it, is in the central area where intensive by the area are bombardment and artillery selling of these for inside of the central part. but now we're looking at a lot as the refugee camp in which it's residents have been told to evacuate entirely the entire older that have to evacuate the entire if you can. and a think of what these really military dis drive as the saved career doors for them to the city of dinner to but it has a safe zone. but neither the court doors or the city of the rebels are saved for people that and,
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and fight. what we're looking at now is the stranded civilians in the central part who are under constant bombings. then just a not, not believing a d is really narrative of the, this of the, the, the car doors being saved for the city of didn't bella is being say, so far unlocked. so hospital, the only remaining to my function and health facility in the central area is overwhelmed, fully packed with injuries and did bodies. highland got the courtyard of dawslet as the morgue of the hosp to them not getting further bodies inside. in top of that, there the 1000 of how the spinning and displays the color sitting inside the court yard of the hospital. just sheltering in the corner doors and outside toward the set up tents and behind the port. that's over the situations are getting really difficult and more devastation coming from java cities. and part of the northern part of gaza is 3rd. we're not all the people are, are targeting them,
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but with their reports about extreme slamming and people have no access to drinking water or food supplies in evacuation centers inside got city and the northern part many things for you will report thing, honey, mountain mood that for us and rasa in southern gaza for the world health organization is cooling for medical centers to be best and protected from is really attacks via p. okay. 2 of the officials visited all acts the hospital in gaza and found it overwhelmed by hundreds of casualties with only 5 members of stuff. next, on the side, i'm in the hospital in the middle area because of the middle part of that goes to the script. and the emergency department where they're training children, several children on the floor, and then they've already behind the doctors calling out a couple in so many people coming in from the explosion. there's one child who unfortunately passed away whose body is not identified. and it's, as you can see,
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your account exceed. unfortunately, this area is close to an area that was evacuated yesterday and recreation, or they've lost a lot of there's this hospital is currently operating with about 30 percent of the stuff that it had just a few days ago. they are seeing, in some cases, hundreds of casualties every day in a small emergency department. yesterday they said they had one doctor worked overnight and this emergency department was in some cases, the casualty is coming in on a daily basis. the international medical terrance, the doctors without borders, has evacuated itself from alexa hospital, tonya hodge, her son is a pediatric intensive care doctor at doctors without borders. she described the panic and the hospital opt is rarely forces in full install,
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so the area would be boned. in this situation, there has been catastrophic. over the last weeks. our colleagues were there for multiple different organizations and myself. but luckily for palestinians rescue has been reporting horrific scenes when they evacuated. they weren't expecting to have to evacuate. it was a sudden increase in risk. and i can read some messages we have received from doctors working for various organizations. not necessarily doctors without borders of colleagues that i know who are in those hospitals. i'm saying, you know, each day there's an imaginary line in this disturbing grid that determines who's at risk of being immune and it in imminently kills. he described them as, as war crimes disguised has been l benevolent prior warning. he said they, they mark the area. this was 2 days ago was a red zone. so they were unable to reach. they were told it was to on safe to go yesterday either. and so they unfortunately have to evacuate this off of garza.
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that's been true of. as i said, multiple energy owes wendy international energy use floods, stuff panicked patients panicked. they began try a fleeting as well. they receive the same warnings they were, they had heard what happened at the hospital and other hospitals that were put under siege and, and then ultimately directly targeted. and is there a, has condemned in the strongest terms as well as assassination? if a journalist comes out i do, the son of it's going to be a chief. why allowed i do was killed in. is there any attack on his call? nissan, eunice, on sunday. the a f p news agency john this, most of the fact that i was killed along side in terms of mohammed has more. he was one of devising stuff in god's us media world. i'm the eldest son of a da 0 is guys a bureau chief while you of the to one of the most, when on gunner, just in palestine as like he has done every day for the past 3 months. how does the
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other 2 have gone out to document of the most of these really talk and so i was on cause but the 27 year old unit is never for the time to file these report that's on, on, i'm bidding farewell today. god. what else can i say that may god the almighty give us strength to give us comfort? give us patients? and may god the all mighty give us the strength to carry on for the sake of homes and for the sake of all those killed. i say we will remain faithful. this isn't the 1st time we do have stuff with such a loss. in october, he's wife of a son, daughter, and grandson. well ok, it is really striking in the house. last month he was injured in and is really a textbook kaylee's colleague saw me about the 4 homes as friends is. this is a tragedy. they come to comprehend. i don't want to cry, but i me porting this right now because i know that if it was the he wanted me to
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report and he wanted all of i was calling because the report says to continue for sick and i'm so proud of him and everything he did everything he reported. how does that, how to close bung with his father when he walked within the field? he was his 1st born, his eldest son. he was the one he relied on. he wanted him always by his side. he was so proud the terms i studied during lives and if be generally small stuff, a fly, it was also killed in the thing is really strikes the targeted hands. this call at least 110 generous, have been killed since visitors was on because the started in october hands of life might have been cut short, but his father and friends say they would continue to put on it as well. and because the new method, the consequences, the times and i just need
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a lot of israeli forces have carried out a series of rain. so i have a nice in the ok part of westbank come find can be had in beats for week to the east of now most of the troops entered the town, admitted she also made incursions into a novelist and ramallah move. and it doesn't, and palestinians have been arrested is rarely demonstrated as demanding new elections have held a system protest outside the connected group pulled on prime minister benjamin netanyahu just sitting down on the floor simply and was supposed to be renewed by police. at least one person is reported to been arrested as me on his government has grown increasingly unpopular of its handling of the will on gaza. the sky some lower con, she's an oak. upon is your wrist, lin lore, the latest post showing, increasing unpopularity of promise and engineer.
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oh, absolutely. um. now i will give you all, since i give you uh, what's written in the pole uh, the com israel brewed coffee corporation is saying the 64 percent of his res, believe nothing. you know, his performance level off to 90 days is not good. and, but benny guns from the national unity policy. well, when does the $36.00 they are in the war will keep it together and nothing yahoos policy. well when 20 seats, if the elections are held today. now they're also think times the are backing up. those polls, so people take the poll very seriously here in israel, but it's certainly not just that it's also on the street. so you've seen that protest outside the connected that weren't that many people that they did hold, assist in booking one of the entrances. they were only that for around an hour, but it has spread across tel aviv and jerusalem. i was still, she didn't hostages squared for a few weeks that were a few dozen people protesting to let the captives out at the hold
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a sci fi enable to do that, that these captains is still being held in golf and now it spreads. the rhetoric has shifted where people, according outlets and you know who they want to see and step down. and they want to hold elections, but not just pressure. that also puts cool pressure. bennett guns and a couple of members, his colleagues from the national unit policy refused to go to cabinet leasing yes today. and when that was a why the security cabinet may say, there was a huge full out there was yelling and screaming and much sleeping inside assessing yahoo's fall right comp inside his policy. we're all kicking the top military bras and guns. put some blame squarely on ness and yahoo. so no news applicant stopped because of all the questions within the could policy. that if the all going to be elections held very soon as a lot of pressure to do so, what did they will see him as the winning holes or even put him up?
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the laurel list comes as us extra of texas state. and to me blinking arrives in israel this evening. what are we expecting from his visit as well? there is much shuffle. so the shuttle diplomacy, he's been here 5 times, he's been to the region full time. so he has been shuffling in and out of he did say when he was in casa, that there are a number of issues he's going to deal with. one of his priorities is actually the red sea, where they've had many issues with the hosting. hope be from you, i'm attacking ships, but also the north of israel, along the border with uh, with hezbollah. that's been vacaville thera friday, that there will be a wider war now, splitting over from gauze that but there are many issues of packed agenda from age, from the captive. and also what's going to happen the day off to the war and gaus. he would also spend some time in the occupied westbank with the leaders that in order to discuss at a great to
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a bigger political solution. thank you for that. laura con, that 1st and occupied is interested in well, so tom bar code is in the studio with us now is professor of public policy at home on been felicia university. really good to see you again. mr. bought a cat. so as we were hearing from laura that us extra states blinking a whistle stop, tour of the middle east is continuing. he's been in tac, he's been in jordan, he's been in cath thought today is in saudi arabia before he heads as ro. how much headway do you think he's making with our countries? i think he's pursuing a number of issues and he may be making some progress in relation to some more than others. for example, he's uh uh, continuing to talk about the need to deescalate and to try and limit the spreads of conflict. so that lab and then it just stopped with is not involved directly. and hopefully in his words, try and, and the counselor of the house. he's in the red sea, and i think on this to these items,
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he will probably here support the most of the out of leaders of the region, including talk you would agree with that. nobody is taking an escalation. however, when it comes to other issues, like he talks about the need to in the, to allow increased aid into gaza and to try and limit the number of civilian casualties. he knows that he is talking to their own values. these people have nothing to do with it. the key for this is in the hands of bass raise. and in fact, the atom need, as we'll probably be looking at time and say, either your complicit and you'll know to the telling us what is, what's going on in private between the united states and israel. or you've lost or leverage with those ladies. because from what we've seen ever since the last pause in the war and to now is an increase in facility and increase in casualties. and so we are in casualties and that's just not really help. and i also suspect you would have the on his mind, the case at the i c j that is coming up with the so with south africa. and you will
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be looking to be as many countries as possible to distance themselves from the court to try and apply it down as much as possible. so that the, the, the determination of the ports is kind of fortunate down into the, when it takes place. and to what extent do you think this trip is also about optics by car? because this is of course an election yet for the fight. and of course, it is very much about optics and as you know, the opposition within the us population, that's also even the us administration to the war that is right is under, is conducting now is drawing. and the now who has been uh, trying to sell them the image and the idea that she's listening that she has shifted gears is moving from stage one to stage 2 to stage 3. but ultimately it's all miracle doesn't, doesn't mean anything to the end result is that system killing civilians in large numbers and, and to now he hasn't provided the evidence that drove him to attack the civilian
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infrastructure to start with. so all these hospitals that she's not down and the schools that she's destroyed under the, to claim that the house headquarters of how much does one of this materialize. and i think the americans must feel really in a difficult position of at the moment because they've given him the green light. this particular and the wishes have given them the weapons. they bypass the democratic process with the congress to give them the weapons directly. so in very many ways they are part of, of whatever term that act is undertaking. and if on thursday and i see g looks into this as a genocide and they will be implicit and connected to this. yeah, that's gonna be an interesting meeting. thank you for your time, soul to and bought a car professor public policy at home. i've been penny for university still ahead on and is there. i will have the license on the investigation into mid and blow out
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something by a boeing 737, max and i know the it is a tenant of journalists to produce objective these problems, which is true. i don't think that there is a fair objective, any partial, a presentation. the listening post covers how the news is frank assessments to the problem is that it is there is allowed to be outside that. and so to international that's a be that the, it is the fact that is it and has declared war on okay. parts people who informed opinions the medical infrastructure of an entire society has been completely destroy the people who will feel that destruction 1st and most be the women and children inside story on al jazeera expo 2023.
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the world. the fascination when the joint and let's discover a better world expo 2023. the the welcome back and watching out, is there a mind uh, our top story? is this our, the, is there any minute trees continuing to pound guns and foaming central and southern
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areas? alas, the hospital in the center of the strip says it's overwhelmed with the number of casualties over in 22800 palestinians now been killed in fremont. defense world health organization is quoting for medical center has to be best to protect it from. is there any attack solvece or visit to the lack so hospital in johnson? it was less than a set of stone. it had just a few days ago. i knew a secretary of state and state lincoln has cooled, the civilians in gauze that should be protected due to visit. is there a later as positive and now that diplomatic tool and the least thinking was incorrect on sunday and is top cortez council. the release of 11 men convicted, forgot and raping a pregnant woman during anti muslim riots, english drones in 2002. and then also nodded 14 people including 7 members of focus bonner's harmony. they will have to return to prison in 2 weeks. they were freed in
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august of 2022, following a recommendation by a goes around the state panel, the release treatment, angry reactions across the country. and with that, she probably minister shade casino has won a 5th time in power off of the main o position policy and its allies. we close at polls on sunday. the election commission says that a policy took 3 courses of seats in parliament, but it says only about 40 percent of searches, coast sped pallets and the old position is called the purchasing. but the election was a sham shaken scene is now entering have full of consecutive time as nita she previously galvan between 1996 in 2001 the fort worth having to power in 2009. i spoke to tom being charged a who's in the capital jack guy, he says the country's economy will be the biggest challenge for the need to the most people knew what the expected results going to be. whether that 40 percent
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turn out or 20 percent. either way primary start check us and that way and so people realize that. 6 people are upset that it was in an inclusive election and that may not position and 16 other smaller opposition party didn't take part in this election. so it's hardly a representation, a bond with us of demographic. now the main opposition party bangor, this national party said that look, we congratulate the faithful part by guarding this election. 10000000 people registered people didn't vote. and the bank, the people that does a lot of debate on the percentage of turn out in the local media, particularly in the social media. people are setting videos of violence. people are shaking video of a youngster. something bella paper, even presiding officer of something, belive papers. so this thing will come into question. but in the end, to be honest, this thing one matter, it is pretty much a she or she will be that for consecrated from prime minister and much to be seen
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the house down the road. opposition strategies to tackle the current government. and she's run the country uh 5 times previously. what will another term for say, casino looked like for fun with us since 2022 economy is become a major challenge for the higher income and government. and that's our major challenge will be as a new government farm because of inflation is high. ford prices are storing every other month and also the foreign exchange resolve is drastically low. so that would be our biggest challenge, and the legitimacy will come from the international community as well. she already got a congratulation from the indian n via, as well as a chinese invoice. this was pretty much accepted in the eyes of very odd and support are prime and especially i've seen a lot of critics also say that now we have to see how russia deals with it. but it is expected. russia will recognize this government. and this election as
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a door plugged from a boeing 737 max across that blue at mid and friday has been found in the us state of oregon. the incident left to launch hole in the side of the croft, but no one was injured. the investigation has reveal reports of a lot stays before the blow out act. so they move which reports these up to part of a door blew out of a boeing airliner. investigators make a discovery. i'm excited to announce that we found that the door plug. this picture prompted a local teacher to reach out after he found the aircraft some missing part in his garden. and it's considered crucial to discovering why this happened in mid flight . the we are the pressure i really the return back to we have other passengers the drum on folded on friday after alaska airlines flight to 1280 to suffer to blow off after taking golf from the city of portland,
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oregon and external door plug which blew off in a section of the fuselage at an altitude of 5000 meters, many passengers were scared that it would be sucked out of the cabin. we just heard like a loud thing and i looked at my left and there's just huge, like, gaping, oh 1st i thought it was the emergency door, but there was no door there. it was just like a part of the wall that flew off on the planet carrying 177 passengers and crew made a safety emergency landing back in portland. the aircraft had only been in service for a few months, and it's now been inspected. a cockpit voice recording consider crucial for the investigation was found to have been the overton and its data could not be retrieved. and inquiry found pilots had reported a warning alerts days before the incident. in these 3 previous slides, after the light illuminated, they flip the switch to all mode,
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which is normal. there's a backup. it was very benign. uh, nothing occurred very benign. the light illuminated they flipped it, they reported it, it was tested uh by maintenance, and then reset. alaska airlines has grounded its fleet of $65.00 mix, 9 aircraft as a precaution, a total of $171.00 jets of the same model, remain grounded, pending further safety inspections. x those i'm which out is 0. so rotate, transposing the fast us luna. lambda in 5 decades has lost it all into space from florida. 543. we have ignition the lift off a on crude power and grind. mission is designed to make the fast to us landing on the moon since the final opponent mission in 1972 are both expressed. croft is
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expected to touch down on february the 23rd. they will gather the data. i haven't planned human missions. that's it for me. money inside, whether it's next to me inside story will examine us next year. stay asked me thinking slightest present to the menu, the the hello. we still have plenty of fog around 4 pots of china. how do you see things getting shifted on the list? we go through the next couple of days and see this thing, larry or cloud. just nothing is way a little. the peace was to the north, high pressure are still in evidence that around the korean peninsula, this is a week or of high pressure to look at and that's half of the way over the next dial . so spec like a shell cloud to adjust around the safety pad will introduce more wintry flurries, rain steepest i can see west of the northern passage pad over the next dial. so
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some cloud just making his way through the yellow sea. some snow is it pushes into south korea temperatures and sold it around 2 degrees celsius website. the cold enough full that now it will sweep through with the weather, coming back into the western side of japan with some snow as we go on through the day and there to sky. starting to clear that across the get past the southern china by the state talking you been told in shanghai to 7th degree celsius in the lovely wind. still pretty cold across northern parts of india. i see these outbreaks of rain will help to stir up the fog as smoke that we have here, but still very much in evidence right up into bulky stuff. the showers extend the way down that western side of india through the western gas. well, big down pool is coming into the fall south of india languish for like the phasing cap is. teresa cuts are for
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a record of 3rd touring the 2014 the smoking piece, including house and defending champions, cuts our son, humans, south korea and palestine who will place despite the war back home. well, t p right across the actions out the tournament, the asian tap on al jazeera us at 1st sight hensley blinking this back in the least for his 5th visit since, as royal began its war on guns at his previous trips didn't bring any of a spiteful palestinians on the bombardment. so what's the purpose of this business? this is inside story, the hello welcome.


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