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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 8, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm AST

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assigned the same struggle share of displacement, connect with our community and talking to conversations you find elsewhere. you see where the political establishment is in terms of justifying genocide, brand new as he says that the stream on which is the or the, [000:00:00;00] the other that i'm or kyle, this is the news, our life from doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes. a senior has put, i'll come on there as killed in this rainy strike in southern not been too dangerous to stay don't says patients and age groups forced to have to leave one of golf as last functioning hospitals. as slicing moves closer to effective states,
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rise in saudi arabia, his latest leg on a tool of the middle east to discuss israel's war on garza and alaska airlines places restrictions on the boeing max plane involved in a dramatic mid a blow out in the days before friday's instance 543. we have ignition plus the fuss us, luna. lambda in more than 50 years has encountered trouble on the journey to the beginning. this news with news out of itself and left on what a high level has come on that has been assassinated in this way. the strike wisdom, alto, will known as joe was, was killed when israel tugs has the call. he was traveling and meanwhile in golf at the minute the tree is blooming central and stuffing areas. a lot so hospital in
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the center of the strip has been overwhelmed by the number dead and injured 230082 full pallets. 10 hands have been killed since october, the 7th. and israel police are forced to be removed demonstrations cooling for new elections during a fit and protest outside the commit that they want. prime minister benjamin netanyahu to resign is due to meet us actually of state. and to me blinking on tuesday and won't come as following developments from the southern lebanon. in bil l. saki, a strike alleged rice strike, took place around 11 o'clock local time in the village of kate, about saline, uh, in southern lebanon, about 10 kilometers into the boat. as a very significant distance within lebanese territory itself, this strike will be a blow for his bullet. he was a very senior field come on in southern lebanon, in fact, as well as opposes um, across social media, been sharing pictures of it with people like customs. so the money to come on to the iranian l could suppose,
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who is killed new american during strike. about 4 years ago he was a very senior. if he got hit with in the south, east riley say that he was responsible for the rockets tax against a key military installation in the galley. uh that was attacked twice in 24 hours. that attack was actually and his buller responds to the killing of a senior lead us, i'll rear in beirut last week. now tensions are escalating, his ro keeps putting pressure on it has below in this area. but i'm in across the 120 columbia to buddha. that is disputed, but both countries share, obviously know the move that these are these do that the more has bullet reacts at the international diplomatic community is incredibly worried that either a miscalculation or a misfire could spock things off and drag lebanon into a oh, out will now,
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but has bullet have said that they don't interested in anything like that, but they are willing to fight that will if it comes. this is where are your prime minister? benjamin netanyahu says every effort will be taken to restore security in northern israel. speaking to sol, just near the israel level and border, he prays that efforts to protect the buddha, adding that to and it will. and it also sends a message to hezbollah. who is a cool? cuz then we will do everything we can to restore security in the north and allow your families because many of your locals to return home safely and in the knowledge we are not to be trifled with. we will do whatever is necessary. we of course prefer that this be done without a log scale campaigns, and that will not stop us for the yes, we have given him an example of what happens to his friends in the south. and that is what will happen here in the north. we will do everything and out to restore security so much. let's get reaction now from israel saw how it is and it's hello v,
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even. so i thought more about what the as well as a saying off to the strike. yeah, well it's another statement by prime minister benjamin netanyahu, as he was visiting some of those soldiers in a come on center in the north. and he said he actually chose a day where that was. 5 still a tax, so he's saying knowingly the so this is continuing every day, but he still made the effort. he was telling the troops that to come and find them for the effort so far in securing the northern border as much as they could. he also reminded has by law he said to which he said before this is the 2nd time. he says this, but look at your friends. he said, which means how much in gaza look what we've done to them. because a few weeks ago, he had actually confirmed that they had killed a 800. so it brought the 8500 spices that they say all from us. so there's of course, no way of verifying what,
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whether all of those killed the number or how mass figures themselves. but point being is that he said that they will continue new 2 sites, but when necessary, but they will. so won't be too scared to go ahead with another will if they have to . and it also reminded hezbollah of the 2006 warren's facts. he said in his statement adding to what you already had the that it committed a big mistake in 2006 against us and even so now up. but then he also added saying that, so he would prefer to do this without a large scale campaign. so still saying yes, we couldn't respond. yes, we have the ability to militarily, but we would prefer not to escalate this further. i'm not, seems to be the rhetoric from both sides. both are saying we can fight, but vice the once it's reach
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a level where it's and all that. well because of course, this is how i would have massive implications. not just for those living in the northern parts of israel. so the country itself wed just now we've just seen some real kids that were intercepted themes from gaza, just above heads, over here in tennessee. so those rockets is still coming on. where with thing we've seen people already in the stairwell, they want to be able to go home and as long as a fight still continues, whether it's in gauze or whether it's on the northern boats or they know that. so that's likely to happen. of course you cannot make implications, needs to be considered as well because the role in gaza is costing an absolute full tune. so all of these things would definitely be considered by if he is writing prime minister, even though he says that they wouldn't be afraid to carry a will if they had to. so hired in tel aviv forest timeframe, etc. and abraham is the co founder of the independent media platform that ours
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don't come. she joins us now live from that route. how do you expect has blog to respond to this high target killing? and i think to a large extent, we could expect what we have seen has happened last year. this has to be, of course, is not, is not a minor. the said, it's a big operation that does happen. it says outside of the area that falls under the rules of engagement outside of the northern and it's on the. busy side of the boat and had a bit send in, but this is, this is very similar to something that's happened just last week in the heart of the southern subs of indeed with the end, the assassination of i'm with you. i think what, what we have seen with the reaction of the i need the most of us this funds is, is carried out by the, has been the secretaries under the se, pass on the seller, which in a long, in his long speeches last week made this very clear that his party would keep the eyes to despond whenever, whenever it wishes. but it's not, it's not in that us to, to go into
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a full fledged war. and the big question today is whether or not has butler will take it as punish. that's what drives leveling on into or ensign. now, it doesn't seem that things are going into that direction. how much of a blow is the loss of was amount to a well full hezbollah? a it's a b as a b, c. and the thought he does not somebody we, we've known before, but as or is always the case outside of the very high profile, a security personalities within her within has about letting use up this and i, the kids been doing about the after the after the, the i did, but obviously today the pictures of him with the custom soon a money has been so can anything which means he wasn't the various points. it could not on the 11 on, but it was so in eat on. that is a lot of, of the information, a consent and go to what he plays in in e,
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y a and e rock and also in syria. so we're talking to somebody who is a b c at a very high level in terms of security and also intends on a patient and boy. so in that sense, a, it's a very important clause, but it's also a very, it's a sign of an intelligence beaches within has well, obviously what's again, uh, what we've been seeing over the last the months is the patients that have been taking place on the lebanese side, i'm showing the intelligence beaches that are much more subject cuz then what would seeing on the screen? maybe we would not knowing, but anyhow, we're learning about the success the subject to the subject. can you think of those operations on the new side of me? i was, i mean it's, it's an important personality today that was done. but as we have seen with how much so this group has blown up, is like a fail able to we group and with stand such losses to and
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obviously this is not, i mean in the say that again, in his speech last, the last week has been that it and somehow even if it doesn't go into a full fledged water, it is at toward right now, and it's a to, at it's, it's toward it back even without being engaged in actual fight thing. it's done within this would along with the don and have some kind of vic city by default, because then as long as the that as long as these various are incapable of achieving that goal is as long or so as from, from the perception and populated point of view, at the end of the day, the standing up against has my law against israel, against what it's what, what i mean, what's happening in causal the ongoing, the fines that are taking think it please and placing gaza at p said this lesson, it mean a has been not as long as, as the other allies within that agent are spending up against the,
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against that and it is award. so this is, this is, this is the type of cavities that the party is willing to, to put in this fines. although at the level of the news internet fund, it takes a, the party is at the end of the day. and the only c display is you're talking about the country that has that in a lot of ways. it's so it's a phase government, the solvency of leather known is, is to be largely on top of the economy. that is, in a very bad shape on top of, of not having the president and the none of the governments institutions of function. and so, and the level of ways has been not is the only played and 11 on and, and, and, and in that sense, uh, is, is pretty much the only negotiate that on the side. serious negotiate that, if a, if one, let me say that abraham great speak to brad, seem to get to a point of view. thanks for joining us. that from there it,
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this is where the military is continuing to pump garza bombing central and southern areas of the tower tree. well, it helps organizations as gauze as health care is on his knees and it's going from urgent action to protect hospitals. honey mackwood has more in southern dogs on a cars reduced directors, blood stains. the ground is regularly drawn. missiles struck despair, cold, killing 3 palestinians. witnesses say they were quite old. we were going away into shelter. the area right here. we came quickly to recover the masses. we extracted the remains of 3 months as there was also one engine man. the attack was carried out only 700 meters from the waiting hospital and roughly the injured with rushed inside on structure. the latest drone is striking civility and is a reminder that nowhere same thing dog schools and educational institutions are now
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joined by refuge. account is a line of fire. these really attacks are more than a salt in building a devastating fit box for the community is already struggling to survive. hospital staff said they are not able to treat the rising numbers of injury. deluxe the hospital is one of the few remaining garza and is facing severe shortages of resources. the world health organization sees the health care system and gaza. is it close to collapse and cold for civilians to better protect it on his way to the top. as you can see, your account exceed. unfortunately, this area is close to an area that was evacuated yesterday. they've lost a lot of their stuff is hospitalized for the operating was about 30 percent of the
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south that it had just a few days ago. they are seeing, in some cases, hundreds of casualties every day in a small emergency department. international medical in g o. c, they are being forced to leave garza the risk of a stop being killed by israel's bombardment. and that's leaving palestinians vulnerable and without crucial anymore fluids. i was just the southern dog i speak now to al 0 is ty, capital. i assume he's live for us. and rafa in something garza, it's how it says more about the strikes as if kills at least $240.00 people as in the past 24 hours. yes, laura, this is a part of what the palestinians, of course calls a strip of facing with deli by uses more rates of military attacks from the north
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to the south of the territory alongside with daily regular loss of among civilians and casualties. also witnessed shop increase to reach at least a 58000 palestinians. what been killed since october, the 7th and the last few hours. the attacks, of course, cause this trip, had rammed up by the military. the, for out, a very constructive a strikes that had destroyed the residential buildings in hon, eunice in russell and also in the middle of a night of gauze. and i was talking with ralph i as at least one palestinian who has been killed off to the destruction of the residential building that they are living inside. and all those have to report to being transported to, i'm not, i'm not jar hospital to receive treatment along side with very explosive attacks that have been in con, you, in a city at least 30 palestinians have been killed since the 80 hours of today's morning. only in thought parts of gauze, and now this area right now has been a center for confrontations between palestinian fighters and these very soon as we're trying to take in full control over the city of the. this is similar to the
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situation in the middle governance of gauze and strip as we have been cooling residents, the asking them about the latest on the ground regarding the types they have told us that there is a sheet that moves had been inflicted to the residential areas the as the is really quite cool to drones, opening fire against the residents in the main densely populated area. stuff along side with phone going onto the reach showing for the civil infrastructure of that part of gauze on presidents reporting that they are very afraid to face the same face and the same. and that the new and the middle a areas of golf of cities had a, had to come through due to the level of destruction and shooting that they have been subjected to. since the state of expansion of the military operations to the south of causal. okay. part of who as in, thanks very much indeed. full brings the very laces the from rough. uh and southern garza. okay. as i show medical charge you,
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doctors without borders is evacuated at stall from. i'll ok, so hospital tanya hodge house on is a pediatric intensive care adults. so adults is without both as she described the panic in the hospital after his ready forces told stuff that the area would be palmed. in this situation. there has been catastrophic over the last weeks. our colleagues were there for multiple different organizations and myself. but luckily for palestinians rescue has been reporting horrific scenes when they evacuated. they weren't expecting to have to evacuate. it was a sudden increase in risk. and i can read some messages we have received from doctors working for various organizations, not necessarily doctors without borders about colleagues that i know who are in those hospitals. i'm saying, you know, each day there's an imaginary line in this disturbing grid that determines who's at risk of being immune and it in imminently kills. he described them as,
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as war crimes disguised has been l benevolent prior warning. he said they, they mark the area. this was 2 days ago was a red zone. so they were unable to reach. they were told it was to, i'm safe to go yesterday either. and so they unfortunately have to evacuate to south of gaza. that's been true of, as i said, multiple energy owes wendy international energy use floods, stuff panicked patients panicked. they began try a fleeting as well. they receive the same warnings they were. they had heard what happened at the hospital and other hospitals that were put under siege and, and then ultimately directly targeted us extra signs me blank and has arrived. and saudi arabia is visit as part of a why the regional diplomatic tool that began on thursday. i think it is missing recently, just to discuss the role on garza during his trip. he's been discussing the delivery of humanitarian aid into garza, the release of his wally captives and conditions needed to end the slicing and can
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will travel to israel. lisa on monday, i mean is really does on tuesday us the, let's take a look at some of the days of the world news though, and us president joe biden says he continues to have complete confidence in his defense. sexy lloyd austin often remains in hospital officers stuff when communications following recent surgery, he's been quit sized for taking days to inform the white house about his operation . and the statement often said he takes full responsibility for the secrecy. defense can says it doesn't have a specific date for his return shows and us pay make a boeing it down more than 8 percent and early trading off to an incident on one of its commercial jets on friday, a dual plug from a boeing 737 max across throughout mid hour of the state of oregon. no one was injured in the incident that left the law and told him the cost fuselage and
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investigation is revealed. pilot said, reported safety and that's days before the blow out. as those i'm of which reports the days of the part of a door blew out of a boeing airliner. investigators make a discovery. i'm excited to announce that we found at the door plug this picture prompted a local teacher to reach out after he found the aircraft, some music part in his garden. and it's considered crucial to discovering why this happened in mid flight. the we are the pressure i or we really the return back to we have the drum on fold it on friday after alaska airlines flight to 1280 to suffer to blow off after taking golf from the city of portland, in oregon and external door pluck which blew off in a section of the fuselage at an altitude of 5000 meters. many passengers were
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scared, they would be sucked out of the cabin. we just heard like loud saying, and i looked at my left and there's just huge, like gaping for 1st i thought it was the emergency door, but there was no door there. it was just like a part of the wall that flew off on the planet carrying $177.00 passengers and crew made a safety emergency landing back in portland, the aircraft had only been in service for a few months, and it's now being inspected. a copy to voice recording consider crucial for the investigation was found to have been over written and its data could not be retrieved. and inquiry found pilots had reported a warning alerts days before the incident. in these 3 previous slides, after the light illuminated they flip the switch to alt mode, which is normal, there's a backup. it was very benign. uh, nothing occurred very benign. the light illuminated they flipped it,
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they reported it, it was tested by maintenance, and then reset. alaska airlines has grounded its fleet of $65.00 mix, 9 aircraft as a precaution, a total of $171.00 jets of the same model, remaining grounded, pending further safety inspections. expos, i'm gonna reach out to 0. hi, j. castro joins us now live from the boeing headquarters in arlington, virginia, and heidi to assume extraordinary that this plane was flying days off to safety and that had been reported. what else is the investigation on covering the that's right, and also a straw ordinary to hear the chairwoman as a national safety board transportation safety work say that seems warning lights for quote, the 9 in her wars in her words, put on 3 flights and the last month and 2, just on the days prior to this friday incident, that aircraft had trigger these alerts,
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these pressure eyes ation warning. lights that were switched really were reset alaska airlines report. and we asked for maintenance cruise to inspect the flame that had not happened yet. but rather they just reset the system and set the play back into the air with some restriction saying that it could not fly long distance is over water, for example, hawaii in the case that it needed to come back to an airport, which is exactly what happened on friday, when we saw those harrowing images of a door plug just being sucked out at mid air and everyone's saying it's a miracle that no one was seriously injured. and that no one was injured by the component of that door, crashing to the ground, which was discovered over this way over the weekend by a portland, a teacher. of course, that is the crucial piece of evidence being combed over now by investigators type of mind. is there a question whether it was a mechanical failure,
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whether that warning light was went off in this incident and whether those incidents are correlated. again, the safety review boards, chairwoman, are saying that that may not be the case. they may be separate incidents, but certainly this is a, a very troubling development for a airline travelers in the us. a 171 of these jazz of this model are currently rounded here in this country. another 44 have been delivered around the globe, some to brazil, some to the you. regulators in those regions have also rounded this jets pending and safety inspections. when done surprisingly high as a negative impact on the shaft price dropping, moving 8 percent. yeah, it's been a little up and down this morning. as of last check, i think it was up 6 percent down on the down. but regardless, this is a negative development for the business of sewing, which of course,
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is struggling to bounce back after the catastrophic failure of the, of the max h, which 5 years ago was involved in 2 crashes that killed every one of or 3 and to 64 people in a total and found to have been caused by a software problem with the flight control system. it took boeing more than a year to fix that those mass, ace, or impact back in the sky and seem to be safe at. but as boeing is struggling to overcome the $20000000000.00 in loss because of that mass, a problem, now it's hit with this potential max 9 problem. again, it's still too early in the investigation to say whether this was a boeing issue or a maintenance issue or just of, of an accident to this one specific aircraft. but all of those are major and important questions to be answered. do you say uh, how does your culture reinstallation is that from arlington? virginia, thanks very much. heidi. at least 6 police officers have been killed and a bonus hoc in northwest and pack
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a storm had been assigned to protect workers carrying out a pony. a immunization campaign attack was carried out in the border with afghanistan and mamma. and if i can certainly talk about and has claimed responsibility putting a vaccination drive in pakistan originally mod 5 orleans fact hassan and ask on his donald the only countries in the world web polio remains endemic. i'm ready to basically have it set responsibility to provide police security to every polio vaccination. same whether it consists of 2 people, a one. but as we send the security from here to 5 flung places today they targeted the police truck as a san seller, who dan, the director of the center for regional and global connectivity. at the top of level think tag, he says the bank is on the telephones, thrives and remote areas due to a lack of social infrastructure narrative. that is, some news also re entered into areas that are very far along very remote where the
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st rates are very low and we're ministration by groups like the baby divided by parks. but that's the part of the catalog can be in certain areas. quite pop the net result, of course, of all this is that people in these areas can be convinced of certain narratives that may or may not be directly at odds with their children's health. so for example, one of the narratives that has been spawn, particularly in the table go since june of 2014 has been the fact that in these areas, social infrastructure is, isn't limited. education is practically nonexistent. the health care doctor and the legal framework extended to these areas and all of in every sense of the social contract, you know, by the state. however, there's this very expensive backseat, that ends up showing up what their doors consistently every 3 months. and that's the least we certainly rise and the level of suspicion and that have been spent by these groups as browse for rejecting these back states under look up into the narrative that they will turn your children in for a while. now, anyone who's actually studies roles,
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maybe parts of will tell you the parts of the population has a breeze. now, 240 minutes. $1000000.00 as of the visual sensors released in the middle of last year. but that doesn't stop people from remote remote areas to be indoctrinated by this very compelling there. and he has top cold, has canceled the early release of 11 men convicted for january, ping of pregnant women during and remove them rights. and could you ask them 2002? and then also might have 15 people, including 7 members of focused on his family that will have to attend to prison in 2 weeks before age and august 2022, following a recommendation by draft state panel. a release target angry reactions across the country sunday. heck, day as a senior advocate, that is indeed a supreme court. he says the 11 men deserve to go back to prison. these people were
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not punished adequately. the supreme court had earlier open to get quit, to which uh, the good you got government operator and licked them up pretty quickly. after completing 14 years in prison months. or even during these 14 years, they had brought some various kinds of fun lows and leaves that day, but out of prison most of the time, but to pretty much would leave the absorbed demo. everything up to 14 years was not just to activate the supreme court because the domain that said that the state would truck did not have the file to release them. it was because they've tried, had been conducted. and that had been tons, but one of the states that states opinion has not been taken. and therefore it has been validated that emissions on it. this does not mean that the, another state government cannot, again, by sort is giving a, giving them permissions know wage and less. barbara is back in court and
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a 2nd attempt to serve his country for breaching his human rights. under his break, it has been in solitary confinement since he was imprisoned in 2012. he claims that amounts to in humane treatment. he's held in a 2 story complex with a kitchen dining room, jim and the tv room with an x box, or have it killed 77 people lymphoma and done attacks in 2011. so i had half on now just sarah. and jessica washington in a j, indonesia for an increase in arrivals. cheese is feeling angry among some of the the the route to you by visit capital. however, we got most of that with the full costs for japan over the next couple of days. so you have
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a general trend on those clouds as to just run its way across more than most parts of the country. a little weak area of high pressure in the way, but that will get most of the race. so that will allow some where to whether it's coming across the yard, i see slipping across towards south korea. the flank of that will be cold enough for some snow, sol, rid around 2 degrees celsius. so it's a when she flowers coming in here. most the coast, west of the northern positive honcho and up into her card i and a repeat performance as we go on 3 way to stay try it brought to whether it does come back in behind. it is what the weather coming to the southern positive japan may well, much of china does look a lot the dry over the next couple of days, but still some problems with some tense volt patches once the game. well, if you drive across the, in the china area, vietnam generally drive for the time being not too bad into the philippines, scattering the showers into west, impossible, the usual showers across malaysia and indonesia are close to the west of whether we'll be able to pull some a light peninsula which is joining up as the weather that we have across southern
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parts of the pipe and go through truck little area of the wet weather. just making his way into swank, it will be very heavy at times, it missed the westwards. and that's just a few showers to the west, the gas the weather brought to you by visit castle. what constitutes extent? so we generally talk to a see, i want you to start with just the facts rather as to what happened as independent. we won't be, we want the education i want to. we don't have to leave them in the policy. um it's meant to get 50 percent representation and accountability benefits. no one's is this service to this claim and then you're saying you'll have your reports for that. i should just trust that unity often as the cool that used to produce outstanding gymnast them out as the integrity in the
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pursuit of truth. it was supposed to be a refuge which sells crudely as brothers home was allegedly the scene of torture. right? and even murder $1.00 oh, $1.00 east investigates for crimes. and those set to on, on the oregon. you're watching. i'll just there has reminder of, of the top stories this our a high level has full of fields come on. that has been assessed spaces and is where they strike on something or not, but i'm with them all to well with kills when the call he was travelling in his target tests for that. and this is really a tax and also have full adults as patients and age groups to flee. one of it's not
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functioning hospitals. i likes the hospital and the sensor has been overwhelmed by large numbers of dead and injured people. and 0 section of state and state bank and has arrived in saudi arabia. it says late to stop on a tour of the middle east to discuss as well as will on garza. they can is that having to israel, the spring announces they're a senior political analyst out. mom the chalet, who joins us here on the set. so at the moment thinking is installed, he'll be leaving in a couple of hours to arrive in tel aviv and israel, he's me thing the haven't been saw mine and i'll learn and it'd be s as winter residents. what message do you think he's receiving festival from the saudis, as well as the 2nd lot of frustration uh install with you as well and a number of other capitals, but he was uh you had said jordan not been on turkey.
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i'm not sure about that. you a but anyway and don't have definitely, there's a lot of frustration, a lot of disappointment that despite all the pleading and pressure and conversations of the past 3 months, here we are entering the force month without cease fire. i think uh, as i've been saying the last 2 days, i think, you know, you get the sense that's one of our mr. blinking or any other high american official turns up in the region. this like that wasting people's time in order to buy is or have more time in order to finish its job, which is turned on. got to be a genocide and god is all. in fact, if you look at the past 3 months, each time that blinking came to that age and each time others like more adults to an or any one of the high including the present themselves, right? the right that on the time or right after that, there was a kind of
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a uptick and violence by his regular violence. now we've seen the figures of you stated almost 250 killed in garza and one day. i mean we haven't seen these figures for a while now. and we've seen high thought given kidding in lab and on and bear with itself in southern lebanon. we've seen the best of our colleagues in gaza. it is as if these rate is receive blinking on all that high uh, officials from the united states with that kind of a extradition of linus, which is a very cynical way to look at the support from the united states and the messages that are coming out of the united states, which is all sense to be full of the voted back of the fighting. notice these 5 are rolling back to the fighting. were heading down cubby to day calling from a to go in. there's a message, is that a floating on deaf is a mall. okay, so, so this is where the 64, i'm not sure the 1000000 or 1000000 dollar question lies,
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right? i've, i mean i've tried to avoid time sending it directly, but is america being cynical or is it stupid? right. is america playing good? come back up with is read division of labor, where to buy is that is just doing the hardware because doing the tough smacking down civilians has what law have mouse thought getting, getting a violence on the westbank and really it receiving every american official with more expedition of violence and the market talking about the humanitarian, you know, to using the number of civilian deaths they need to talk about that the after no siege of gods. uh, no patient of guys. i know that's the kind of thing. so i'm not at this thing, but good cops, what is this thing got caught with the palestinians and the out of what? so is that america cynically? how, think of the division of labor with these are that almost like dividing that response? somebody to the how to deal in terms of prolonging this war and keeping the ad
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upset they, while the 1st thing is being smacked down, or as you would think that the americans are simply really, really appealing with these ladies. you know, not knowing that if don't use their leverage, that this really is, i'm not going to understand, but this is gonna have the cues backlash and the election yet in the us. as public sentiment grows against the wall on garza, we've been going to see more pressure coming from the white house in ways it's actually going to have an impact on the as well. you would think, right, and i think the, the, you know, the united states has provided is right. and the last 3 months and the last 30 years 50 is i was more aides, more support, more arm, the more munition, more to put my to cover. then any country has provided another country in the history of human relations. we don't know in the past for centuries of
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a country that gift or the country introduce triggers. so anywhere between a $150000000.00 and $250000000000.00 in a country over at the time and 1979 when the started was like a $5000000.00 people. but it was a huge part of its gdp. and until today, is there a just just received on the recently $40000000000.00 commitments over 10 years. and just now on the by then another $14200000000.00. that's $54000000000.00. do you know how much the marshall plan for you was after the 2nd world war? $55000000000.00. the marshall plan to shave udall after 2nd world war to reconstruct you after the 2nd world war, to put the u back on track, and to make your future prosperous cost is 55000000. the united states just provided these are 40, in fact a 1000000 plus 14 being almost $55000000000.00. so you would expect with such support,
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unconditional support that isn't would listen me. but as we know from history is a gets the money gets the arms does not good advice? nanda shaw, thanks very much for joining us again on set, you know, and special agencies are choosing as well of using food as a weapon of full tal stratford. propose on the hunger crisis facing garza, for hundreds of thousands of palestinians who flayed israel's relentless bombardments of the guns, a strip. the struggle to find food gets worse every day. i am homeless the. this is the only bread we have. we have the quote, but we don't have food without the arab round to well, newport, america news, right, and have them to us. there is no food. i swear to a lot. we had nothing for breakfast today. let me show you might then look at the
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bread we eat. we eat bread that is covered with dustin sent you and says one in full people in the goals stopping. 90 percent of families in some areas are lucky. you say you, once a day international agencies accuse is using food is a with the violation of international law. on the last, i'm a health national. i swear to god, i have no more bland could close. so food for my children. this is my son and i have nothing for him. he suffers from diarrhea and call it. i don't have disposable diapers, i don't have ointment. i don't have medicine. i call even breast feed time because i don't have food to eat. i put the juice of one tomato and a piece of bread until it becomes soft. and then i think my baby is when i was punched. he blamed un agencies for the show cooling food and medicine, getting into the goals are you and says, that's
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a base sly and accuses as well continuously restricting the entry of oil supplies, including food, water, medicine, and fuel. well the silver and the bar, our situation is below 0. our house was destroyed. we were very sick or we came here 2 months ago. we have nothing here. we can find food. i didn't even drink tea for 3 days, only get little lentils for some peace love without you and says in the last week of december, food assistance and goals are only weeks. 8 percent of people named. now the risk of finding in the palestinian territory is increasing by the day. jo, stafford, which is 0, is ready, demonstrates is demanding new elections have held us, fits in protest outside the can asset. the group called on prime minister benjamin netanyahu step down and was supposed to be removed by police as you know,
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whose government has grown increasingly unpopular handling of its handling of the wool on dawson. still ahead here on out of sarah expected victory, find the best as prime minister as secure as a full time in an election. wait content by the off position the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the
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so as we've seen reporting us present terabyte and says he continues to have complete confidence in his defense x ray lloyd austin ulton remains inhospitable off to suffering complications following based surgery. he has been criticized for taking days to inform the white house about his operation. let's bring it all white house correspondent, kimberly hall kits and kemp. this is a highly unusual situation. the white house had doing its best to contain it. that's. that's right. the national security council spokesperson john kirby saying that the president is still very confident that the secretary can do his job and admires that he had the transparency to take ownership for the lack of transparency . but at the same time, it is odd that for 3 days he was a recovery and a hospital due to complications from his surgery. and it was relatively, i know that about his whereabouts. now, in terms of moving forward, what the latest is, is that there will be a process and
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a procedure to review what happened and why it happened and who exactly wasn't charged when the secretary of defense was in the hospital. that is something that the white house needs to determine in terms of moving forward, but at the same time, in terms of what is happening for lloyd austin right now, he offered his resignation, but the president did not accept it. so how likely is it that the present will replace them? so the situation continue yeah, because that investigation that, that has been mounted could turn up something that may result in leading pressure and political pressure for the president to remove the secretary of defense. but you have to remember, this is an election year, so that makes everything different. and what the national security council spokesperson, john kirby said, is. but you have to remember that lloyd austin has been in this rule for a number of years. he has handled multiple crises,
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you also have to remember that the president is famously loyal when it comes to his cabinet secretaries. so it's unlikely that in election year he's going to want to risk not only putting someone out for approval, but then in turn, having that opportunity for his political opponents to take a stab, but whoever he nominates. kimberly all kept bringing as late as the from the white house. thanks very much. kimberly. or at least 4 people has been killed across ukraine and will thursdays describe as a large scale russian missile attack. i thought vague reports from teeth pulled from the rubble folding yet another day of strikes. carjacked by the russian military, ukrainian authorities say cities across the country you are targeted. is that the reach you the residential building was damaged, forcing gets residents out into the freezing cold. therefore through by says that they, it was going to be an error rate and bump. and so we quickly,
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quickly are onto the bump shelter late of they've got the phone call and found out what happened to the building by the way of white and shelter at 7 am, easily over at home. nothing good would come out of it. rescue it because delivered age and told residents they would cover the blown x windows and key residents rushed to shelters. but there were no reports of any results hitting targets in the capital. this has become a regular occurrence of an air raid sirens assigned it. last month keepers head to getting more people across the capital. increasingly were you, one woman is killed and children while i'm on the ruined it. authorities vis a shopping center and residential buildings were head. ukraine says 59 cruise and ballistic themselves. so this draws a 5 by russian force as it contains 26 are intercepted more than half managed to get through it. ukraine has not said whether any of his miniature sites were hit or if it's stuff at any minute true losses. since december 29th, there's been an increase of area. the tech's car died by both sides and there's no sign that there would be electric and strikes any time soon. i started bake i 0
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piece. when we, while rush us as, as move 300 people away from the boulder city of belk, a road because of ukrainian showing, as the biggest event to ation from a major russian cities since the conflict began. my name is ashley apartment. associate casino has won a 5th time impala. i am at low voter turnout and an opposition boy called the opposition at cooper protest saying the election was a shot. tons of chandra is in deka and tells us more about what has seen as 5th monday means for the country. there's a lot of debate in the mainstream and social media on the january 7th election, particularly on the percentage of turn out in the election. and the same thing is in the bus, out in the capital cost. we spoke to some of the people here, and this is our reaction. i didn't go and vote because it wasn't an inclusive election and the opposition parties weren't there. so there was no point in a boat, as it was already decided for 2nd quarter to everyone knows that this election was not fair and legitimate. we thank the people for boy cushing,
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this one. so i do the election and with the help of the people, we will continue our movement unrestored, democracy to the country. i might have starstruck has enough face, has major challenge. and they're familiar with government, particularly in the economic sector. she has to deal with high inflation during foot prices and a very low foreign exchange reserves. then the question of international legitimacy, so far the chinese and the india and then boy condra to later the prime minister. but what literally saying is all the european union, the united states, react to this election, whether it will give the legitimacy that the government might be looking for. john richard raised, i'll just say the doctor. well, the 1700 were hanging refugees. i've lived on the shores of entre in indonesia since the middle of november. that's the largest influx since 2015. well,
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so as you said is increasingly difficult to accommodate them because of growing hostility from local residents. jessica washington reports from vandal che, i just called hawk and bundle a cheese dog and dusty, but it provides at least some semblance of a home for this group of $137.00 or hang over few cheese. we are hopeless, a country land and home were taken from us. then we came here to seek peace. as we have experienced nothing but pain on our lives. for years we're going to have fled persecution and mass killings by me and most security forces for nearby fund goodish. but overcrowding, intense cuts to funding and increase in violence. this is pumped a 1000 stiffly again in recent years, traveling by boat to southeast asia. for a month though, says she was tortured in me and my husband was murdered by an armed gang in bundle dish,
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which he doesn't feel safe here either. december university students stormed the car pug, demanding the deportation of the refugees, and forcing the group made up mostly of women and children out with a shelter and onto the truck. but the, when they attacked us, i was scared that they might kill my children. we are ready victims of torture on to that. we're going to have traveled by boat to achieve for years and had long been tolerated and often even welcomed by the local community. but some social media posts accuse the refugees of spreading disease. adults saying they have come to take over to you. some residents have expressed anger at the rank of the types of resources which they see as this. that's despite the fact that the money for the food medicine and other essentials doesn't come from the invitation government, or even the local government here in j or the you and refugee agency is responsible for their and these costs and says,
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according to the online campaign of misinformation this information and hate is responsible for the growing hostility. i mean, when the ultimate goal for this hatred doesn't just happen, we suspect there are people framing the mist information defines on social media. it doesn't happen by itself. local authorities acknowledge the spread of hatred towards the ringa, but say they don't know who is behind it. when would invite you to the government's being trying to provide temporary shelter, but in many places that were thinking of putting them, the local people rejected them. so asking for them to be taken out of that che data be, did you that is called park is fall from an ideal place to live and remark doses. she spends all her time worrying about where they may have to go next. she says her life has been in ruins since the day she was born until only dream is for her
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children to be safe and happy. jessica washington, the i'll to 0, brenda j indonesia. a real kit transporting the 1st us luna alonza and 5 decades is experiencing technical problems that makes his way to the mood. 543. we have ignition. accompany involved in the mission says that across carrying the land who is having trouble pointing at solar panels from the sun, the on crude apparent written mission is designed to make the 1st us finding on the moon since the last apollo mission in 1972. if it is successful, it'll be the fast lunar landing carried out to my private company. amy lynn thompson is a contributor. what space to come? she says the mission could help scientists on future ones. to malls, i'm beyond. there are several payloads on board including 5 from nasa. so the hope is that more entities like universities and scientists can be able to do science on the moon through programs like this. this is highly valuable for
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a number of reasons. a, like i said, nasa has a couple of payloads on board and so this is going to inform nasa as trip back to the moon. they have experiments that are going to give data about the planetary body as well as commercial companies. and it's just going to further more space flights. there's been quite a few missions that tried to land on the moon last year, including one from japan. there is one a couple of years ago from israel that also did not successfully land on the moon. so even though this has been done before, for different countries have achieved it, it is still quite the task. so the launch that happened in the early morning hours is just the very 1st step. this uh spacecraft is going to land on the 23rd and that'll be the real, the real challenge. there's a lot of things um, basically different types of materials that you can find on the moon. these types
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of missions will help figure that part out. so the moon is sort of like a test bed for deep space missions and every lots of countries have their sites on mars. they have their sites that on deep space. so the moon because it's very close to her, is a perfect place to test out the technologies that they will need to go to other places. and the moon is also known to have sources of water ice, which could be used for various things like fuel and other necessary materials needed for deep space travel. police in columbia and equitable have broken off a drug ring that's been exposing 5 tons of cocaine a month to the us and europe to come being brought the suspect to the thing in charge of the criminal organization were captured on sunday. the business was generating more than $2000000000.00 a year and profit and often i'm a has dominated the golden globe awards in law signs. these taken 5 prizes, including the best drama. the film about the making of the atomic bomb also took
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best axa in a drama 2nd, in murphy crispin, and was named the best right. so for the film as much more on a website overlays as that on his ro strikes on his beloved on the very high desktop and golfing. in the last 24 hours of 0. don't com. that's it for me nor a car back in the one the, the
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the, yeah, it's aria or the width of the telephone and go down a mexico's board of cities, the stock and to drug trafficking and phase on one side, the wells largest consumer of narcotics on the other lives being sacrificed to meet the demand and the results and under pressure forensic investigate as the team piece together. evidence as they grapple with the relentless cycle of homicide blows on our side. a witness documentary on the houses there. i have the right to boycott,
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anyone i want to and the state has no business getting involved in that was just opening my annual contract from the state of arizona. and i was rather shocked to see this 3 part series explodes, the implications of us and people who called lowest for freedom of speech and 1st amendment. brian got chosen and blessed us because we protect israel. i'm going to continue to do on a state level. all that i can't support that one on which is era. the senior has will come on the is killed in this rainy strike in something less than on raising concerns of a why don't we general complex the them are, kyle: this is out. is there


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